Cooroy Rag August 17 - 2011

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COOROY RAG The Heart of the Hinterland

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Australian Design Award in Cooroy’s Backyard

LOCAL surfboard shaper, Tom Wegener, has picked up a prestigious Australian International Design Award for a surfboard that was designed in his Cooroy factory and developed on the famous point waves of Noosa Heads. The Seaglass Project Tuna, a finless Alaiastyle surfboard released by Global Surf Industries (GSI), received the Design Award™ for design excellence in the Sports and Leisure category, beating finalists from New Zealand, Denmark and Australia. After a record number of entries, the 2011 Presentation Ceremony took place on Friday, 22nd of July in Melbourne. Tom, and wife Margie, weren’t able to make it so the award was received by a GSI representative on their behalf and couriered overnight to their Cooroy home. It wasn’t until they actually held the award that the reality sunk in.

“It is a beautiful award piece. Something very special to have and as spectacular as you would expect from a design award”, says Margie laughing. “However the real significance is in the recognition of Tom’s design from a panel of leading design experts, outside of the surfing industry. Tom has always taken his design principals and theories of water movement very seriously so this is a real validation of his ideas and applications”. Hawaiians have been riding “alaias” – traditional wooden finless surf-craft – for centuries. Tom first shocked the surfing community in 2005 with claims that the ancients, with their thin, finless wooden boards, were far more advanced than we ever thought possible.

continued page 2

16A Maple St PO Box 560 COOROY 4563

Ph 5447 7666 Fax 5447 7525

August 17, 2011

Not my fave

DUE to some sneaky timepiece manoeuvres made to keep the home running like … dare I say it … clockwork, I’ve tricked myself into a timewarp. My alarm clock was set about 10 minutes fast, just to give us all a chance to run on schedule, which was working well(ish), but now it’s all gone to hell, due to the dodgy kettle. The first couple of times it tripped out the power, I made excuses for it … someone had wet the adapter, too many appliances must have been on, even the hair straightener (always a lurking evil in our appliance world) was blamed because I really like that kettle, and it doesn’t trip it out every time. But my reluctance to acknowledge the culprit has led to a daily math quiz, the most harrowing one starting at daybreak … when I am least ready for it. I know when my alarm clock goes off at 7.30 it’s now not really 7.20 anymore. Depending on how many cups of coffee was made the night before, how long it took to get to the fuse box and if anyone reset the clock allowing for my 10 minute trickiness or not, it could be anything really. So I prowl from room to room, checking other clocks, which sounds simple, but when one of the kids actually has a clock collection set on times of the world, it isn’t easy. So around I go working on Athens time … adding, subtracting, factoring in the Greenwich Meantime, until I’ve got a rough idea of what the time could be and reset my clock accordingly. Then, like a simpleton, I flick the kettle on for a quick cuppa! But that’s okay, because once we all pile in the car and I see the dashboard clock says 6.15 I know we’re right because ever since the battery went flat I know it’s 1 3/4 hrs slow, so we’re good to go! So there you have it … clocks, kettles and cars … Mornings … not my fave!

Next edition: September 7 Booking deadline: August 25 Copy deadline: August 29

THE DAD’S BAG IS BACK Father’s Day September 4th

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Old age – a milestone, not a millstone Scientists say the aged are happier, I’d say we are most content, Although your treasured Get-up-and-go, has now Got-up-andwent! Old age is in store for everyone, when all is said and done, But it’s preferable to the alternative, and there’s time for a bit of fun. Recently at the local supermarket, I suffered some embarrassment, And complained to the youthful manager, about sexual harassment, He got somewhat worried, and really quite upset, Until I explained it wasn’t the harassment I got, but what I didn’t get! I asked for some Viagra, at the township chemist shop, When the pharmacist saw my age, his jaw began to drop, I said “Oh don’t be worried, I’m not going to take them, I put them on my tomato plants, then I don’t have to stake them!” You regret the many temptations, you resisted so long ago, Now you are really grateful, when a girl says “No”, Social reality is that your back, goes out more than you do, And when you want to cross the road, old ladies offer to help you!! Whether you’re going up or down the stairs, you’re never really sure, When a pretty girl goes past, your pacemaker opens the garage door, You get out of bed in the morning, what doesn’t ache won’t work, And if you get near a running tap, your bladder goes berserk. Old age is always reminding you, to be careful to act your age, And on the Book of Life, Father Time will turn the page. But I don’t mind this getting old, I have no real regrets, I’ve had a full and productive life, and always paid my debts. I have a wonderful family, my marriage was truly great, I’m blessed with the dearest of friends, and many a wartime mate, Best of all I cherish the memories of love and happy laughter, And I’m forever grateful, I knew the joys of being happy ever after.

Jim Dunstan

Where’s the rolled up Rag? Purchase a 500ml Winterwise for $29.95 & pay only $10 for Aussie Gold Algae Brush 6 Emerald St, Cooroy 5442 5222

For those who would like to enter the ‘Where’s the Rolled Up Rag’ Competition, here’s what it’s about: In each edition of the Cooroy Rag we are placing the above photo (smaller version) in one of the advertisements for you to try and find. We’ll be making it as difficult as possible (a bit like ‘Where’s Wally). All you have to do is email us at

editorial@cooroyrag. or post your entry to: ‘Where’s the rolled up rag competition’, PO Box 898, Cooroy, 4563, and let us know which ad you found it in, your name and contact details. The first correct entry drawn will win a $25 dinner voucher at the Cooroy RSL Club. Entries will be drawn on September 1st.

Last issue’s winner was Eileen Breece who found the ‘rolled up Rag’ in the Cooroy Auto Wreckers ad on page 34.

Wegener wins Australian Design Award continued from page 1 THE “Tuna” is an extension of ancient surfing, designed with the perfect blend of flex, rail and bottom contours, and combined with modern materials to increase flotation. With the assistance of GSI, the largest surfboard manufacturing and distribution company, Tom was able to develop the Tuna surfboard and produce a surfboard that gives the rider the freedom of the alaia, but with more ease and accessibility. In 2009 the leading US Surfer Magazine named Tom Wegener Board Shaper of the Year for his development of the Alaia but unable to stop there Tom was convinced that he could bring faster, better, safer finless boards to the surfing public. “The alaia works off a different set of principles than our modern surfboards, and The Seaglass Project is about taking the ancient’s knowledge and applying it to modern materials,” says Tom. “I want people to have fun with their surfing. Only a very small percentage of surfers and surfing are competitive. The rest of us just want to enjoy our surfing, stay fit and stoked and have fun with our friends and family. The type of boards I am working on with GSI can be used by every member of the family”. The Design Award™ and trademark is a highly respected symbol that gives consumers added buying confidence. The AIDA are one of the longest standing and most prestigious design awards in the world, representing excellence in form, function, quality, safety, sustainability and innovation – the cornerstones of great design. “I am very proud that this little board came out of Cooroy! In my very humble factory I made 27 prototypes to get to the master copy. Two masters were sent to the GSI factory. Then there was a period of fine tuning those prototypes before we settled on the final board. It has been a long, expensive process from 2008 until now, but GSI manufactures in Thailand and distributes to over 50 countries. It is a pleasure to be working with an international company that sets very high standards and is extremely competitive” says Tom. Tom and Margie plan to stay in Cooroy in the near future, riding out the downturn of the overseas markets that were once their bread and butter. “The strong Australian dollar and the explosion of international freight costs have taken a toll on our export business. But we remain very positive. We have diversified since 2009. We now have a Tom Wegener by Noosa Longboards label as well as the Tuna and another GSI surfboard coming out soon. The next board will be on sale for under $300 so we recognise the changing market conditions and continue to reinvent ourselves”. Tom is well known for his positive energy and enthusiasm. “I love Cooroy. We spend all our money here and we really only leave to surf. If Cooroy had surf I would be in Heaven. We have to stay positive in business. Australia is doing a lot better than anywhere else in the world. I come from California and I know how tough my family and buddies are doing up there. We have a lot to be happy about around here”. Both Tom and Margie recognise the astounding community we live in. “I don’t think it is such a surprise that an award of this calibre comes out of Cooroy. I think it’s awesome, but it’s not a surprise. We know lots of fabulous artisans, entrepreneurs and local businesses that all offer exceptional products or services. We have a lot to be proud of in this community.” And with that, they are back to work, in a very humble factory/office, on a very humble block of land in our little slice of paradise.


Cooroy - 5442 6890 Page 2 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011

news Garnet Street residents protest Inner Cooroy Bypass


MORE than 100 Cooroy residents who will be directly affected by the new Inner Cooroy Bypass have signed a petition objecting to the route and presented it to Council. The route, which will see heavy traffic from the Jarrah Street Industrial Estate extension re-directed down Garnet Street, will ease the traffic congestion in Maple Street but Garnet Street residents say the ill-conceived plan is a band-aid solution and a recipe for disaster. “This ICB route cannot deliver an effective long term transport solution for the industrial estate,” says Oak Street resident Mr Bob Walker. “Cooroy residents know the physical limitations of Cooroy’s roads in and out of town. “There is congestion now at busy periods; imagine the impact of an estimated additional 900 heavy truck movements per day. Garnet Street narrows considerably during the day when parking spaces are full, and if this scheme comes to fruition, there is going to be absolute gridlock,” he said. In 2008, Noosa Shire Council signed off on the Inner Cooroy Bypass. A briefing paper placed on the Sunshine Coast Regional Council’s website on July 28 states: ‘In January 2008, Noosa Shire Council voted to support the development of the Jarrah Street extension – since that time, the proposal has gone through public con-

drivers and also from an amenity perspective eg traffic noise and congestion in the main street,” said Chamber President Seb Vecchio. “Residents and the business community have consistently raised this as an issue over the years and the Chamber has consistently followed up with Council and State Government to get a resolution. The bypass and the Mary River Highway access are two solutions that will greatly help these issues. “There has been extensive consultation and discussion about possible solutions and the Cooroy bypass for many years. In addition to updates at Chamber meetings, there have been public meetings, updates at Dinner with the Mayor, articles in the local papers and on the Cooroy website, discussions with the sporting groups and businesses and a community traffic committee was even formed which also supported the bypass solution. “The current situation is unsustainable particularly as Cooroy continues to grow. The trucks currently pass the main shopping precinct, the major playground for Cooroy, a kindergarten, the library and the sporting fields – all locations where there is a lot of foot traffic across the main street and mostly places that children frequent. The Cooroy Community Traffic group identified this project and the Mary River Rd access to the highway as part of an overall strategy to alleviate some of Cooroy’s traffic issues,” said Mr Seb Vecchio.

sultation forums including the Chamber of Commerce’. “Not one person who signed the petition knew anything about council’s plan until Councillor Lew Brennan’s last minute public statement,” said Mr Walker. “Not once in this article did Cr Brennan state the intended route to the industrial estate. “What about the feasibility of the ICB itself? Firstly, it cuts straight across council’s own long term planning for Cooroy which designates this area of Cooroy for future residential growth. “The Greenwood Grove subdivision is only at Stage 3 of its 8 stages while there are other significant areas of land zoned for detached housing nearby. Garnet Street is also seen as the logical extension for the expansion of Cooroy’s commercial and retail sector. Heavy trucks down Garnet Street obviously compromise both these planning objectives. “This ICB route cannot deliver an effective long term transport solution for the industrial estate. Cooroy residents know the physical limitations of Cooroy’s roads in and out of town,” said Mr Walker. The Cooroy Chamber empathises with the affected residents but supports the bypass as a solution that will greatly benefit the broader community. “Having large trucks going through the centre of Cooroy has been an issue for a long time for the safety of pedestrians and

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Tenders out for $15.6M Cooroy Sewerage upgrade UNITYWATER has requested tender submissions from previously qualified Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) participants for the construction of an improved, more environmentally-friendly sewage treatment plant at Cooroy. Unitywater Project Manager, Infrastructure Delivery, David Goodall said the existing Cooroy Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) had been in service for 40 years and the upgrade would ensure continued compliance with environmental licence requirements and cater for the needs of growing community, until at least 2026. “This project is a $15.6 million investment from Unitywater to manage the increasing volume of wastewater being generated in the Cooroy and Pomona catchment,” Mr Goodall said. The new world-class treatment facility

will be constructed beside the existing facility and will significantly reduce the community’s impact on the environment. “We will be using the latest in odour control technology, including covered tanks where necessary, to minimise odours from the plant. Operational noise levels will also be strictly controlled, so they don’t impact on the surrounding community,” Mr Goodall said. As part of the Cooroy STP upgrade, a small area of non-remnant vegetation adjacent to the existing plant has been cleared and fenced. “This work was approved by Sunshine Coast Regional Council, and a wildlife expert was on site during the clearing to ensure that no native animals were harmed,” Mr Goodall said. “We have also stockpiled the woodchips from the cleared vegetation and these will

be reused on site, to ensure that nothing goes to waste,” he said. Unitywater has worked with Sunshine Coast Regional Council and locals to ensure that community groups using land adjacent to the existing STP were not disadvantaged by the upgrade. Following these negotiations, the Camphor Laurel Timber Initiative and the Cooroora Wood Workers Club have been relocated to a larger site nearby, where they can continue their activities. Mr Goodall said construction of the upgrade was expected to commence in November 2011, with the new plant planned to be operational by October 2012. For more information on the Cooroy STP upgrade visit or call Unitywater on 1300 0 UNITY (1300 086 489).

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Bold move for Bowls Club IT’S been a rocky road for the Cooroy Bowls Club for many years. In 2005, struggling financially, the club was in danger of falling into receivership, before in July of that year the Cooroy RSL Club took on the huge debt with plans to merge the two clubs at the one location - in Opal Street. The RSL Club also purchased land adjacent to the bowls in preparation for a carpark before the plan was thwarted when Council rejected the proposal. Since then the club has been struggling to keep the bowls club viable, so members are enthusiastic about the current revamp which hopefully will go some way towards getting the venue back in the black. The major overhaul of the building, which will boast a new Italian restaurant and function room, also includes a ‘Bowler’s Den’ which will house the bowling memorabilia including trophies, pennant flags and shields.

Watch Dad Smile

Unfortunately the fact that the bowling memorabilia will no longer be openly displayed has left some stalwart bowlers feeling a little disgruntled. “One of the first things the RSL did after taking over the bowls club was to house all our pennant flags in the change rooms which weren’t open to the public,” said one member. “In my opinion, the so-called Bowler’s Den’ is just another step towards the Bowls Club’s demise. We are what we are, a bowls club. We’re a sporting club with lots of members of all ages and the way the RSL is treating us we will be gone forever within the next few years,” he states. According to RSL Bowls Club Manager, Karen Marriott, this concern could be no further from the truth. “The simple fact of the matter is that the bowls club is losing money. If something isn’t done to turn it around then yes, the

possibility of us having to sell it altogether is a real one,” said Karen. “But that certainly isn’t what we want. The building is large and with the renovations and the new Italian restaurant it will be perfect for all sorts of functions, including weddings. “Leaving bowling memorabilia all over the walls would have been inappropriate and detrimental in our bid to promote it as a place to host private functions. And as it stood the shields were up so high that no one could read them anyway. Having a Bowling Den means that visiting bowlers and those who are interested will now have easy viewing access.” Karen stated that after meeting with the Bowls Interest Group last week to discuss the upgrade of the club everyone was enthusiastic about the plans and were looking forward to a much more positive outlook for the Bowls Club.

Sunshine Coast Tertiary Prize winners All Gents Watches

WINNERS of Sunshine Coast Councils inaugural Sunshine Coast Tertiary Prize were announced at the Butter Factory Arts Centre in Cooroy on Thursday 11 August. Peta Moore from Eumundi was the winner of the 2D prize and said she was thrilled and honoured with the win. “My painting, Beating of my heart, was inspired by my love of the outback and long time association with the land. Studying at TAFE has helped me gather the skills to put my feelings about the bush onto canvas,” Peta said. The 2D and 3D prizes were judged by Director of Artworkers Alliance, Kevin

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Wilson who said that Peta’s painting was a very strong abstract work that showcases a great sense of colour, tone, texture and line. Sculptor Peter Kennedy won the 3D prize with his figurative ceramic piece Essentially Earth. The unfinished feel and expressionist nature of the piece encourages questioning and interpretation by the viewer. The Sunshine Coast Tertiary Prize is a showcase of the region’s young and emerging artists who will each receive $3000 in prize money. Division 12 Councillor Lew Brennan said that the aim of the prize is to encourage and promote the region’s young and emerging artists, to foster creativity and to raise awareness of the

Peta Moore Beating of my Heart

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creative educational opportunities on the coast. “We are delighted to have received over 70 entries to our first ever Sunshine Coast Tertiary Prize,” Cr Brennan said. “The standard of work is very high and bodes well for the future of the Coast’s creative sector.” Tertiary prize judge Kevin Wilson, will facilitate an interactive seminar, So you want to be an artist and still be able to eat? on Monday 29 August 10am to 3pm. Presented by Sunshine Coast Council’s Smart Arts program, cost is $40 or $30 concession and bookings are essential. For further information phone the Butter Factory Arts Centre on 5454 9050. Sunshine Coast Tertiary Prize entries will be exhibited at the Butter Factory Arts Centre in Cooroy until 11 September.

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COOROY RAG BOUQUETS & B R I C K B AT S BOUQUETS to all of the behind-the-scene organisers, members of the Pomona Lions Club and helpers at Pomona King of The Mountain. Your efforts made another fantastic community day for us all - thank you!

news King of the Mountain organisers already excited about 2012

BRICKBATS to the drivers of those heavy commercial vehicles which enter and leave Cooroy Mountain Road via the roadway in front of Kabara. Parking in this area is heavily utilised by staff caring for the residents and visitors. There is absolutely nowhere for a driver to go when faced with one of these approaching juggernauts. How long before someone’s safety is compromised? There are other routes – please use them! BRICKBATS to those drivers who abused SES volunteers who were manning road diversions at King of the Mountain, Pomona. SES members reported a number of incidents where drivers, many of them churchgoers, were extremely abusive when they arrived at diversion points. One even exited the car to verbally harass an SES volunteer. Another drove off in a dangerous manner putting the volunteer at risk. Licence plates were given to police who hopefully have made contact to inform these drivers that SES volunteers work under their direction. BOUQUET to a man who lit up my life. This sparky left my wires dangling 10 years agobut woulnt you know when the lights went out I gave him a shout (besides a few other words). Though a decade had passed he fixed those wires fast. You know who you are! BOUQUET to Helen Copus ... bringing international attention to Cooroy by having a feature on her store Bella Star published in an American magazine..check it out online g/2011/07/ store-feature-bella- star-western-outfitters/ #comments BRICKBATS to the Cooroy Tip for charging $7 for one rubbish bag. The price increase is ridiculous and will make people dump their rubbish in the street. BRICKBAT to drivers who can’t reverse park. There’s been a few brickbats about drivers not waiting until the car in front of them reverse parks in Maple Street, but when you wait and wait and wait for an incompetent driver to park it’s extremely frustrating. Please put in some practice (not at peak hour). Email your bouquet and brickbats to

THE Pomona King of the Mountain Festival and Race committee is over the moon after another successful running of the iconic event on July 24. About the only thing to top that was learning the event is financially secure for another year. This wee, Bendigo Bank announced that through its Cooroy Community Bank branch and its parent company, Sunshine Coast Community Financial Services Ltd another $5,000 would be committed to staging the mountain challenge race in 2012. King of the Mountain committee executives were on hand to accept a $5,000 cheque for the staging of this year ’s race and were delighted to receive the news that they can expect a cheque for the same amount as they ready for the 33 rd staging of the festival and race next year. A delighted Cooroy Community Bank branch manager, Fiona Hutchings said Bendigo Bank will sponsor the Mountain Challenge for the third straight year in 2012.

“As locals we recognise how important an event this is for Pomona and we ’re thrilled to advise the hard working executive know we ’re on board again. It ’s precisely what we ’re about and this is the reason a Community Bank works so well locally, its community ’s profit going back into the community through sponsorships such as this one,” Ms. Hutchings said. “And the only way we are able to do this is through people banking with us. King of the Mountain is going to be even bigger in 2012. We just have to give those amazing volunteers, particularly the Pomona Lions a bit of time off before they plan it all over again!,” Ms. Hutchings added. King of the Mountain chairperson Terie Wakeham said the backing from the community bank was “absolutely the right fit ” for the historic race. “All members of the King of the Mountain committee are very excited about having Bendigo Bank on board

next year. As a committee, we ’re proud to say the race itself is self funding, but the festival surrounding the race is getting bigger each year and to have a Community Bank supporting something so important to this community is just terrific!” she said. “It remains one of the best opportunities for the community to get together in the Noosa Hinterland and who would have thought a simple bet in a pub in 1958 would see us all here in 2011 planning an event that will proudly celebrate its 33rd running next year?” she added. Ms. Wakeham went on to say that the Junior Relays are attracting more entrants every year from schools across the region and that is what excites the committee the most. “It ’s just great to see so many kids getting involved with the festival. It makes the whole day more exciting and it certainly brings more locals to our event to support the children,” Ms.Wakeham concluded.

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MelcoLanhams Cooroy would like to wish our Customers a Happy Christmas and a Safe New Year! Thank you for all your support in 2009. Regards, Tim Lanham & the Team

Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 5



MelcoLanhams Cooroy would like to wish our Customers a Happy Christmas and a Safe New Year! Thank you for all your support in 2009. Regards, Tim Lanham & the Team


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COOROY RAG CooroyEumundi Garden Club THE next meeting of the Club will be held on Monday 12 September. This will be at the home of Tony and Margaret Porritt, 81 Whispering Gum Avenue, (off Jocelyn Drive), Eumundi commencing at 9.30 am. Tony will give a talk on ‘Gardening in Cyprus’. New members are always welcome. For further information please contact the Secretary, John Fenton on 5470 2683 or mobile 0410 485 285.

Cooroy Aglow AGLOW International Australia – Cooroy will be holding a morning tea meeting on Friday, August 19 at 9.30am at the Anglican Hall, Cnr of Tewantin Rd and Miva St, Cooroy. Admission $6. All welcome. For further information phone Narelle 5447 6482 or Pat 5447 6167.

Cash Flow Fiona Hutchings, Branch Manager, Bendigo Community Bank, Cooroy ALL businesses need money for the day-to-day running of the business and this is called working capital. Other types of capital are debt capital - borrowed funds to be repaid to a bank and equity capital - the money you put into your business. To avoid a cash flow hiccup you have to know what is happening with your operating expenses, overheads, stock levels, debt collections and profits. By doing a cash flow projection you can make sure that each month there will be sufficient funds to keep you and your bank happy. Failure to do this is a common cause of business collapse. The starting point is to predict your sales and expenses. This is much harder for a new business as there is no history to look at for guidance. Experts suggest you do a few cash and profit projections ranging from blue sky scenarios to worst case projections, where everything goes wrong. Then do a number of sensible average projections. As these are guesses, odds are you will be wrong. But if you monitor the projections - month by month or better still, week by week - you can make some running repairs. Remember, this exercise is crystal ball stuff but people who do it regularly do actually become good at knowing their business, including their customers and debtors. The starting point should be the brighter side of the whole show; that is, a sales revenue projection. If you have drawn up a marketing plan to sell your products or services, then you already have it. The next step is to knock up a list of estimated expenses. Ask yourself what you estimate the following to be: · Kick-off costs for fit-outs, purchase of the business, legal costs, and so on. · Expenses, including both permanent or fixed expenses, such as rent, and changeable or variable expenses, such as advertising and transports costs. · Monthly loan repayments. · Outlay on stock or raw materials.

These latter costs will go up and down with the success and failure of the business and have to be carefully monitored. Estimates in percentage terms can be worked out to help your projections as sales increase or decrease. If you want to stay in business you need money coming through the door. It’s as basic as that. So take some time to become an expert at cash flow. Your bank manager will love you for it! To discuss your finances or current banking relationship, please contact me on 5447 7131 or on email at

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Our experienced team have been in the local area and working together for many years. We are proud of the long lasting relationships we develop with our clients

22 Cedar Street, Cooroy PHONE: 5442 6228 Page 6 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011



Wellington’s Way With Member for Nicklin Peter Wellington NEW Toastmasters group formed at Cooroy: It was great to join with an enthusiastic crowd at the Cooroy Library recently where we heard from Toastmasters representatives about how a Cooroy group could be formed, and how joining Toastmasters can assist members in building confidence in public speaking and a whole range of personal development areas. The room was packed with interested residents, so it was great to hear the result of the meeting was that a Cooroy Toastmasters group is being formed. Congratulations to the newlyelected foundation president Tex Pipke. Anyone wanting more information can contact my office and I can put you in contact with members of the new group. Neighbourhood Disputes Bill: I expect the Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Bill, introduced in 2010 in Parliament, to be completed in this week’s sittings. I believe this new legislation will make it easier for neighbours to resolve whose responsibility it is for overhanging trees on common boundaries and on-going disputes about shared fences. Since this Bill was first introduced, I have received many calls from people interested in information about the proposed changes to the laws. Once the law is finalised I will have copies available in my office. Community Memorial Grants: Community organisations who have restoration work to be carried out on memorials or related historic icons or records should look into their eligibility to apply for a Community Memorial Grant. The funding opportunity has recently been announced, with a closing date of August 26. Contact my Nambour office for further information. New Committee system: I’ve been elected as a member of one of the government’s new all-party committees - the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee. The main purpose of the committee is to monitor and review the performance of the functions of the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC); to report to Parliament of matters relevant to the CMC and to participate in selection of Commissioners of the CMC. This committee is the only committee that is not made up of a majority of Government members. The Chairman is the Member for Gaven, Alex Douglas, a member of the Opposition. Meet me in Cooroy: I will be holding my next Cooroy meeting in the Cooroy RSL boardroom on Thursday, September 1. Anyone who would like to meet with me can organise an appointment by contacting my Nambour office on 5441 6933.


ROOM MUSH POST COM AG $2 B Large variety of exotic & native trees, Shrubs & groundcover OPEN Monday - Saturday 7.30am-4.00pm

196 Lake MacDonald Drive, Cooroy PH: 5447 6722

Mayor Bob Abbot’s final Cooroy Dinner with the Mayor THE Cooroy Chamber of Commerce annual “Dinner with the Mayor” event is being held on Tuesday 13th September 2011 at the Cooroy Hotel. For many years now, Mayor Bob Abbot has provided an update to Chamber members and visitors on the state of play in the region. The event has become a highlight of the Cooroy Chamber’s calendar with tickets to the event selling out over the last few years. And with Mayor Abbot recently announcing he would not be running for re-election next year, you can be a part of history by attending his last Cooroy Dinner with the Mayor. “Dinner with the Mayor” commences at 5.45pm for a 6.00pm start and is held in a private dining room. During the evening Mayor Abbot addresses the attendees. At only $30 for members of the Cooroy Chamber and $35 for non-members this is an event not to miss! Everyone is welcome to attend but prior bookings are essential. Tickets include a two course meal and lucky door prize ticket. “Dinner with the Mayor” is always very popular so make sure you book

5485 1788 Pomona

early to secure your spot. Bookings and payments can be made in person with Tania Stewart at Cooroy Central Guardian Pharmacy in Maple Street, Cooroy; phone 5447 6028, by emailing or book securely online at But be quick as there are only limited spaces available!

Mary River by a previous agreement. Another $450m ALP stuff up, brought about by bad planning and mismanagement. It need not have been built for another 10 years and probably from another place is LNP Policy was adopted. A search of Parliament’s Hansard reveals that the Member for Nicklin had very little to say in opposition to this line even though almost all of the line runs through his electorate. Opposition has been left to the LNP members in adjacent electorates. The ALP, supported in the first instance by Wellington, went off on a spending spree which has got this State to a point that we will soon be paying $540,000 per hour, per day, every day in interest alone. For those who are not aware of it, Peter Wellington started the rot by supporting the ALP. John Connolly, the LNP candidate and Campbell Newman are concerned that in another hung Parliament, leopards do not change their spots. John Andrews, ChairmanCooroy Branch, Liberal National Party

Who Else Wants Their Hearing Back? Free Check REMEMBER how you once enjoyed conversations? Even in noise. People were clear. And the TV was turned down. But now you’re asking “beg your pardon?” Or giving wrong answers. Nodding “yes” when you should have said “no”. Pretending to hear when noise is interfering. Grandkids too soft. TV too loud. Energy levels down. Life’s turned upside down. When your vision fails, you get it checked. So when your hearing fails, you need to get it checked too. Without delay. Acoustic Hearing Clinics tests hearing. They supply common and

8 Reserve Street, Pomona

Spectacular Mountain Views

Letter to the editor PETER Wellington, the Member for Nicklin, recently called the most popular leader in the State (Campbell Newman) ‘arrogant’. Now he has the hide to write to him seeking assurances that the Mary Valley and its tributaries would be ‘safe’ from the monsters in Brisbane when the Liberal National Party is elected. He is quoting Campbell Newman out of context, about Federal Government intervention. He should have been aware that the ALP had recently removed the Valley from State Government regulations. This whole saga of the dam would not have occurred had the ALP not been put into power by Peter Wellington some 12 years ago. ALP Premiers and their advisors had such tunnel vision about a Mary Valley dam and water grid, it was fortunate that good sense prevailed from another place. Peter Wellington asked residents to contact him about issues with the ‘Pipeline to nowhere’. This line is capable of transporting 10 times the amount available from the

Noosa Hinterland

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new designer hearing aids. Designer hearing aids are 3 years ahead, with choices to suit most budgets. Everyone is invited to attend. This includes the general public, DVA card holders and pensioners. Eligible pensioners and DVA card holders receive free hearing aids. Rediscover your social life. Book your free hearing check. Without delay. Call now.

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Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 7

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news Get your entries in for the Noosa Country Show


THE Noosa Country is just around the corner. You should be getting your entries ready now. Please remember to check to schedule for entry form submission dates they are different across all the sections. Our website is fully updated with lots of helpful info from headline acts to daily performance times of local musicians and entertainment. A must see on Friday 9th September is Phil Butterworth he will be performing at 4.25pm. Legendary show band “The Zips� will be entertaining us from 6pm till 7pm followed by the K.C Fireworks display. Sammy Ray Jones a local talent is another must see, you can catch him on stage at 10.40am Saturday 10th September. Photography has got some very interesting new topics this year. EarthSmart image, Water culture, Contemporary Forest image, Abstract and Maniulated image. These sections all have junior classes or divisions depending on the section. Photography section; Fruit and Vegetable section; Horticulture (Plants and flowers) section; Miss Show Girl classes; Noosa Rural Ambassador; Cookery Section; Creative Art and Craft Section; Woodcraft section; Art section (there are 2 classes for children - see mounting rules); Junior Art section; Beef Cattle section (This has special Junior Judges and Junior Handler classes); Dairy Cattle (Juniors can take part in the general competition with leading animals); Dogs section; Ute Muster section (for Adults and

Part of the fun of the fair

High school students with a license, young kids can help parents polish). Ticket Prices 2011: Child / Concession: $10.00; Adult Single: $15.00; One Day “FAMILY� Pass:(up to 2 adults & 3 kids) $45.00; Two Day “FAMILY� Pass:(up to 2 adults & 3 kids) at gate $55.00; Two Day “FAMILY� Pass:(up to 2 adults & 3 kids) PrePurchasedAvailable after 1st August, sold from some leading businesses in Pomona $50.00. For info check out the full website with band and other entertainment details. www.noosashowsociety. For questions on sections please contact the stewards, contact info can be found on the website under respective schedules. So many options for kids to compete in, so get busy with your entries.

I HAVE been asked to write a few lines on being a Volunteer at the Noosa Country Show. So here goes: Over the years I have been a volunteer first of all in the cookery section under the wing of Dianne Steiler and then in the Craft section under the wing of the late Helen Farrer and the last two years with Evelyn Buchanan. All of these ladies were and are, a joy to work with. During the lead up to the Show we were kept busy (with lots of laughter) leading up to the Judging. I remember one time whilst the judging was in place, some of us were in the kitchen brewing up morning tea when “stuff� kept filtering down from the ceiling. On investigation we found 2 very irate possums who were not at all pleased to have their sleep disturbed - the ceiling has now been boxed in! Another time, again during judging, I was helping to put all the jars of relish out for the judge. You had to display the jars, lids off in readiness. Well, as I took off a particular lid a cloud of vapour escaped followed by the contents bubbling up! The judge and I quickly decided this was not a good thing to happen so raced into the kitchen and placed it in the sink - it had fermented!! There were (and still are) many occasions where if you had been walking by, you would have wondered what all the laughter was about - it was just the volunteers working. So, if you enjoy coming to the Show, think about becoming a volunteer, it’s a lot of hard work, but also a great deal of fun and you make new friends along the way. Norma Harbour - Pomona

Call Bruce on 0408 713 261



8 Lower Mill Road, Cooroy

• Timber Slabs for sale • Handmade wooden artifacts for sale • Carving & Turning • Classes for Members • Memberships Now Available • Club rooms open Thursday & Saturday mornings • Donations of Timber gratefully accepted • Sawdust & Shavings available Contact Jim Pounds 5470 2415 for Purchases & Donations of Timber


Page 8 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011

Remembering the old school days A COLLECTION of short stories titled Remembering the Old School Days will be launched at the Cooroy Library on Thursday 25 August as part of the Seniors Week celebrations. Local author Betty Birskys, who was short-listed for the Premier’s Emerging Artists’ Awards, aged 79 will launch the book. An initiative of the Sunshine Hinterland Writers Centre, the project has been supported by the Cooroy Library and the Qld government’s Department of Community Services. The project organiser, Bernice Childs, said that while the six writers included in the collection are now all living in the local region, their early school days began very differently. They started their education in schools reaching from Ireland to far north Queensland. They attended public and

private schools; went to different churches; travelled on foot, horseback, bicycle, trains and in the back of a truck. “What they have in common is a continuing interest in the world and a desire to keep learning, embracing the vast changes in society, in education and technology “Bernice said. “The stories cover the school years from 1919 to 1960. A relatively short time in history; and yet they demonstrate the rapid changes in education systems and in social and family lifestyles in Australia over the last century.� While many of today’s students, and many of their teachers, might have difficulty imagining what schools were like in the early part of the 20th century, it would have been impossible for these story tellers to forecast what things would have

been like in the early part of the 21st century. Some excerpts from the stories “Crossing the road alone didn’t hold much risk - there were no cars on the roads – just horse and cart transport.� “This school had no artificial lighting of any kind.� “All the girls did a subject called domestic science but really, it could have been called how to be a good housewife.� “We were not allowed to leave the school grounds without gloves and wide brimmed straw hats.� “Dad said it was undignified for young ladies to be riding a bike.� “One of the boys and I were caught giggling when we saw the teacher’s bloomers showing beneath her skirt. She gave me a slap across the face for that giggle.�

Free financial planning advice WITH family finances tighter than ever Sunshine Coast libraries are offering free financial planning and advice sessions. Sunshine Coast Council, Manager Library and Gallery Services Ross Duncan, said that the sessions will be presented by Greg Barrie from Centrelink. “The libraries are hosting this event with Centrelink in order to provide people with information to help them manage their money,� Mr Duncan said. “It’s a tough time for a lot of people out there and it is timely for libraries to help connect people with information about financial planning.

“Financial advice helps people make decisions about their money in relation to their financial situation and their objectives. “Greg Barrie will explain the financial planning process and how people can choose a financial planner. “There will also be information about investment risks, fees and charges and what must be included in a financial plan.� The event will be held at the Cooroy Library on Thursday, September 15 at 10am and will fill quickly. Bookings are essential on www.library.sunshine or contact the library on 5454 9000.

Memorial Hall restoration THE Cooroy RSL & Citizens Memorial Bowls Clubs have been very busy organising for the future restoration of the Memorial Hall which is long overdue for works. These works will include improved facilities for the community to utilise, and also bring economic benefit to Cooroy. The Memorial Hall is a favoured venue for the many organisations and individuals that utilise it for a variety of purposes such as events and classes. It will be very exciting to ultimately have a facility that can proudly host not only the existing activities but many more functions such as weddings which currently the Hall is unable to accommodate due to its deteriorating condition. Funding submissions will be com-

pleted by the end of the year, and we ask the Cooroy community to submit any ideas and suggestions about the types of facilities they would like to see included that will benefit the town as a whole. Some of the current suggestions include, commercial kitchen for utilization by home based businesses to use and a “virtual market� which will enable local buyers to easily access local product via an online system. The community is sure to have many more fantastic suggestions, so please send your thoughts as well as letters of support for inclusion in the funding submission to Sandy Bolton on or post to the Club at 25 Maple Street, Cooroy by no later than August 24.

SPV Accounting

news Cooroy library has got it all


THE Mill Place Retail Store in the Cooroy Library now displays and sells art and craft made on the precinct. Sunshine Coast Council’s Manager of Library and Gallery Services, Ross Duncan, said that it was a great way of supporting local artisans on the precinct who create fantastic pieces. “Mill Place Retail Store is a welcoming space for visitors, adding to their overall experience of the wonderful Cooroy library,� Mr Duncan said. “The precinct is really growing and developing as the community hub that the residents of Cooroy wanted it to become. “We will be selling creatively crafted ceramic and woodwork pieces made by local community members from the Cooroora Woodworkers, Camphor Laurel Timber Initiative Inc. and the ceramics workshop. “There is a huge range of quality, creative items designed and produced at Mill Place and our hope is that the Retail Store will assist artists and woodworkers to promote and sell their creations. The concept was developed by the Friends of Mill Place who recognised that the library could provide additional services to benefit the community in several ways. Chair of the Friends of Mill Place Steering Committee, John Dangar, said that the group were looking for innovative ways of bringing more people into the library whilst showcasing the creative activities that occur on the precinct. “Friends of Mill Place provide numerous volunteer hours for the management and running of Mill Place Retail Store,� Mr Dangar said. If you would like to be involved in volunteering at the retail store contact Susan at the Cooroy library on 5454 9000.

Cooroy Probus Club members enjoying Christmas in July celebrations at Tranquil Park. For more information on the Cooroy Probus Club phone 5442 6671.

Providing Total Business Care Principal: Seb Vecchio

services include ✓ Tax Preparation ✓ Accounting Services ✓ Bookeeping ✓ Business Planning ✓ BAS Preparation ✓ General Business Advice CONTACT

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16A Maple Street, Cooroy Ph: 5447 7666 •

Contact us now to discuss how we can help you!

11 Gibson Rd, Noosaville - Next to Video Ezy 5447 1140 Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 9

news Social Media: Business Class


Scrub busters for difficult blocks BEGINNERS TO ADVANCED THEORY & PRACTICAL

10 Fantail Cresent Cooroy


5447 7461

Calf Sales at Eumundi Saleyards Mondays at 1pm Cattle Sales Fortnightly at Eumundi Saleyards Tuesdays at 1pm

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Mike Wheeler 5496 1203 or mobile 0417 320 590 Clint Murtagh 0428 711 102

PETER and Barb Blashki, with children Jack and Mia, moved from Melbourne to Belli Park in December into a long, wet summer. Moving to the hinterland they watched as the grass just grew and grew on their 25 degree slope. “The standard ride-on mower we had just wouldn’t cut it!” Peter explained. “And once it stopped raining the grass was just too wet, too long and too steep. A slasher was tried but it just sank into the wet ground”. So Peter searched the internet trying to find a solution and found a 4WD, 22HP “ride-on Brushcutter” that would safely do the job. “I was amazed at how this machine could also cut lantana, it’s the same size as a ride on mower but packs an incredible punch” Peter stated. So “Scrub Busters” was born and now Peter is offering a service to cut steep and difficult to mow areas around the local area. Please call Peter on 0418993199 for a free quote. Links:

How Well-Positioned Is Your Business? One of the important aspects of marketing with social media is having 21st Century perspective. The CMO of Ford, James Farley said: “You can’t just say it. You have to get people to say it to each other.” Ford gets it – the days of one-way advertising via Yellow Pages, television and letter-box drops are numbered. Only 14% of people trust ads. So whom do they trust? Each other. Peer recommendations sell. So what if you could turn your clients into raving fans – literally? With the average Facebook person having 130 friends, the potential for word-ofmouth advertising at the click of the Like button and a Comment is a huge. It is called viral marketing. Now, what if the response is negative and you either don’t want to know or if you do, you decide to do nothing about it. Once upon a time, a disparaging letter to a company about their poor service incident was tossed to

the bin, but now it cannot be ignored – especially when at least 130 other people know about it. Rather than being afraid of negativity, use it to your advantage – the world is watching how you respond. And what should be your response? Whatever will have them raving about you. As Eric Qualman – Socialnomics puts it: “We don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media; the question is how well we do it.” Social media is not just from your home computer now. Mobile phones, in particular smart phones (that have internet capability), will outsell home computers by next year. People can access Facebook, Google Places, YouTube and other review sites any time and almost anywhere. So here’s the question: are you positioned well for not only managing your world-of-mouth via social media but also to cope with the growing world of mobile marketing? Jeanette 0418 824 079.

Head to M.A.D. Camp SEPTEMBER 18-23, 2011: Applications are open for Queensland Arts Council’s inaugural Music, Art, Drama and Dance spring residency for secondary school students. M.A.D. Camp will take place during the September school holidays at Ipswich Girls Grammar School. This is an opportunity for creative young people from across Queensland to live and work together while developing their talents and dreams. M.A.D. camp is a week-long program of

workshops and training with arts practitioners and also includes excursions to Brisbane’s theatres and galleries. Participants will also have an opportunity to meet, listen to, ask questions and learn from a wide range of post secondary arts training and educational institutions, as well as arts professionals. Places are available for 60 students from right across Queensland in year 10, 11 and 12. All students will participate in music, art, drama and dance

throughout the week taking inspiration for their work from Go MA’s exhibition Poetry Of Dreams that will culminate in a final presentation of their work at the end of camp for participants and guests. Attendance fee $595 (includes accommodation, meals, workshops and all excursions). Application forms can be downloaded from the Queensland Arts Council website: Direct link:

Noosa Christian College 20 Cooroy-Belli Creek Road, COOROY

Meet the Principal & Tours 9.30am 11.30am

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Wednesday 24th August

CALL NOW For an obligation Free Prospectus

5447 7808 Page 10 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011



4 Diamond Street, Cooroy

The Shop on the other side of Town

Cooroy SS celebrates Bastille Day and Cadel’s Tour de France success

The tuck shop team convened by Debbie Grabham, with students Chakera Thompson and Jamison Kehl (front) and Gwenyth Hill and Lila Tucker (right)


FRENCH teachers around the nation no doubt turn their students’ attention towards the Tour de France every July, and what better way to take a televised tour around this most popular of tourist destinations! This year, maybe because of Cadel Evans’s win, the Bastille Day celebrations on Wednesday 27th (delayed because of the school holidays) at Cooroy State School, were bigger and better than ever with some 300 students and staff dressing up in a French themed costume for the day. Students took part in a mass fashion parade at morning tea, with prizes of tuck-shop French treats awarded to the ‘best dressed’. Earlier in the day, 7U performed the Histoires en Action play Arbre Ungali, a traditional tale about drought in Africa, at the upper school parade. The slow-but-sure actions of the land turtle, played by Charlotte James, break the drought thanks to the magic powers of Arbre Ungali (the Ungali Tree).

Fath Cardser’s Day Scrat chie G& Gifts, & mo ift Packs re

Phone 5447 6018 OPEN TI LL 5P M S AT TILL 5PM SA

Staff members Debbie Niland, Desley Smith and Monsieur Rugins with ‘best dressed’ students (L to R) Sarara Scivyer, Mackenzie Goodchild, Floyd Wilcox, Alexander Clark, Tilly Giblett, Nicola TuxfordPaterson, Nouvoe Barlow, Sunday Wegener, Jazz Glen and (kneeling) Demi Crawford-Rickards.

Cooroy School celebrates NAIDOC COOROY School recently celebrated NAIDOC Week with workshops presented by Dale Chapman, a family barbeque and a colouring competition depicting indigenous artwork. The Indigenous student and families of the School enjoyed a barbeque at the local park. The drinks were kindly donated by Wimmers and Cooroy Mountain Spring Water, a celebration cake was enjoyed by all who attended. Dale Chapman presented a range of Bush Tucker Workshops giving classes’ direct access to genuine and authentic Aboriginal foods. The workshops were very hands on and the tastings were delicious. The Dilly Bag is the result of a dream that

Dale Chapman a well established professional Chef started many years ago. Dale is actively and personally involved in promoting Australian Bush Tucker to the world. Her passion is to allow both indigenous and nonindigenous to feel comfortable in learning from and about each other. The Dilly bag offers the best of Aboriginal - from culture to food - and an environment where it’s safe to be curious about Aboriginal culture, and how we can benefit from sharing. The school would like to acknowledge the generosity of the North Coast Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health, The indigenous Health Program (Oral Health) and the Muggleton Family for their continued support.

NOTICE Classes - Gym - Sauna - Spa - Massage - Health & Aroma

BODY STRETCH & STRENGTH CLASSES Starts 1st September - Bookings Essential

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WARNING: Participation in our programs will be seriously beneficial to your health Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 11


COOROY RAG Cancel credit cards prior to death! Is this a joke? I received this on an email this week and thought I’d print it because it’s so easy to see it happening. I’m sure we’ve all had a similar frustrating experience with a customer service agent: A lady died this past January, and the bank billed her for February and March for their annual service charges on her credit card, and then added late fees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance had been $0.00, now is somewhere around $60.00. A family member placed a call to the Bank: Family Member: ‘I am calling to tell you that she died in January.’ BANK: ‘The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.’ Family Member: ‘Maybe, you should turn it over to collections.’ BANK: ‘Since it is two months past due, it already has been..’ Family Member: So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?’ BANK: ‘Either report her account to the frauds division or report her to the credit bureau, maybe both!’ Family Member: ‘Do you think God will be mad at her?’ BANK: ‘Excuse me?’ Family Member: ‘Did you just get what I was telling you . . . The part about her Being dead?’ BANK: ‘Sir, you’ll have to speak to my supervisor.’ Supervisor gets on the phone: Family Member: ‘I’m calling to tell you, she died in January.’ BANK: ‘The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.’ Family Member: ‘You mean you want to collect from her estate?’ BANK: (Stammer) ‘Are you her lawyer?’ Family Member: ‘No, I’m her great nephew’ (Lawyer info given) BANK: ‘Could you fax us a certificate of death?’ Family Member: ‘Sure.’ (fax number is given) After they get the fax: BANK: ‘Our system just isn’t set up for death. I don’t know what more I Can do to help.’ Family Member: ‘Well, if you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her. I don’t think she will care.’ BANK : ‘Well, the late fees and charges do still apply.’ Family Member: ‘Would you like her new billing address?’ BANK: ‘That might help.’ Family Member: ‘ Rookwood Memorial Cemetery, 1249 Centenary Rd, Sydney Plot Number 1049.’ BANK: ‘Sir, that’s a cemetery!’ Family Member: ‘Well, what do you do with dead people on your planet?’ . . .

Happy 11th birthday to Paton Aird-Cardiss for September 9th

Local Law Review – Have your say Council is reviewing its local laws to achieve one functional, easy to understand and enforceable suite of local laws for the region. These laws affect you, so we want your input. • Administration • Aerodromes • Animal Management • Bathing Reserves

• Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities, Infrastructure and Roads • Parking.

• Community Health and Environmental Management Council welcomes submissions on the proposed local laws between 15 August 2011 and 11 September 2011. Visit council’s website to view the proposed local laws, fact sheets, public interest test plans and to make your on-line submission. You can also view this information and collect a submission form at council’s customer contact centres and libraries. Information sessions will be held around the region. Visit council’s website for details. Sunshine Coast Regional Council Locked Bag 72 Sunshine Coast Mail Centre Qld 4560 T 07 5475 7272 F 07 5475 7277 E Page 12 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011

Congratulations to Pat and Emma Powter (nee Kenzler) on the birth of their second daughter Bella Lee, born 5th June 2011. Bella is the second grandchild of Gary and Julie Kenzler. Left: Les and Edna (nee Tomkinson) Roy celebrated the wonderful achievement of their 60th Wedding Anniversary at the Victory Hotel in Cooroy on the 14th May. Attending this celebration were their 3 daughters, 4 of their 5 grandchildren and 3 of their 6 great grandchildren as well as other family members and Edna’s bridesmaid. Les and Edna were married on the 19th May 1951 at the Pomona Methodist Church and started their married life on a banana and dairy farm at Cootharaba. In 1959 they made a move to Mount Isa with their 2 daughters to begin a new life. The family now had 3 daughters and lived happily here for 25 years. At retirement in 1983 Les and Edna sold up and began their adventures touring around Australia with their caravan. In 1993 they bought a house in Noosaville but have continued their travelling taking shorter trips as well as enjoying bus trips. These days they are kept busy gardening and growing orchids.

Rotary & Friends 50/50 Social Dance All your old favourites

Saturday, August 20 - Cooroy RSL Hall 7.30pm - Admission $8 Music + McAndrew & Christine ‘Class Dance’ Raffles, lucky door, Monte Carlo, lucky spot, supper Please bring a small plate to share - BYO drinks Tea and coffee provided - All Welcome Rotary Club of Noosa Contact: Graham Williams 5449 1288 Proceeds to benefit: Katie Rose Cottage - Cooroy Family Support Centre

Check out our website

COOROY RAG Community Newspaper COOROY RAG The Heart of

The Cooroy Rag is now online. You can now read your favourite newspaper simply by going to The website is extremely user friendly and as well as being able to view our current issue, we’ve uploaded all papers published this year. Also, as we’re a major sponsor of the Cooroy Blue Light disco, we will be uploading photos taken at the discos so get your kids to check it out.

realty e noosa 5447 6666 42 maple st,


• Email editorial@

• Phone

5442 6699

• Fax 5442 5821

Cooroy • PO Box 898,

the Hinterland

Ph 5447 7666 7525 Fax 5447 u admin@b www.bonelawye

St 16A Maple PO Box 560 4563 COOROY

April 13, 2011


Not My Fave!

past Blast from the


noosarealty 5447 6666

42 maple st,

a few around having when night I WAS sitting friends last drinks with made the mistake of my daughter if we knew what asking us Theorem was. Pythagoras suggestions: Some of our made with crème de “A cocktail the end menthe”. who predicted “A prophet


of the world”. horse”. love with a “A flying who fell in “An Indian 42 maple st, cooroy white settler”. we weren’t very back to Apparen tly she retreated helpful and whence she came. But • Email Phone from 5442 6699 cave party. • Fax 5442 5821 the • up our little take for it did liven would it How long some world to recover if civilisation occurred and we were survived ? catastrophe ones who Pythagoras the only study up on would we we Should What exactly Theorem? to use it for? we be studying So what should Even though we would we help us survive? a wheel was, one, and knew what able to build actually be we attach it to if we a what would draw a picture of could. I could but the details of dirt, would be car in the the bonnet what’s under So I guess I should to a little sketchy. mechanic s? Not start studying making. electricity made out mention I think that’s maybe Sometimes coal, sometime s of water, the books. Time to hit to make a nuclear ... know how Does anyone it … Panadol? you have and So there Pegasus Pythagor as, at Pocahon tas leader conference First world fave! my not 1962: my place … , Ray


noosarealty 5447 6666

The Heart of the Hinterland

team Bonnell Rugby LeagueLamont , Lester Bell. Boxell, Keith sen, THE U16 Cooroy Potter, Laurie Turner, Bill Back: Barry Wayne Pitt, Clinton Neil Dwyer, Gary Christen Christensen, Dove, Dennis Arthy, Front: Laurie Pud (Barry) Arthy. Merv Swares, Harry Roach Photo Courtesy

from Monday

May 4 Next edition: : April 21 Booking deadline : April 25 Copy deadline

ase with every purchApril Pictured above: Cr Lew Brennan with some of the dedicated and

18th April until One Egg Per

Thursday 21st


enthusiastic Cooroy Library staff and volunteers

The Heart of the

• PO Box 898,

Cooroy 4563

Right: Cr Lew Brennan and Manager of Libraries Ross Duncan cutting the cake

Receive a $10 Pharmacy Voucher with selected Westpac Products

y of Greece. TheseTobruk and the Battle of between Allied significa nt battles Mediterranean and German forces in the thousands of region involved tens of the determinAustralian troops, where significantly ation of Allied forces halted German into the region. On 10 th April advances Tobruk’ commem the ‘Rats of orated the anniversa ry 70th of the beginning Siege. of the The Anzac spirit was born 96 on 25 April years ago 1915, our brave soldiers far from home, when landed at Gallipoli. IT’S funny strangest that how day the alone, On approxim things become so popular … like Australian ately 2000 s as it’skilled ‘planking’. much were now or wounded the As fight for because freedom,ofdemocracy in banned peace. everywhere It is said that and over zealous planking to day Australia on this truly plankers earned the your death, nation. if you choose right to be called a The to heroism location it seems be quite a men of the Cove at Anzac earned Australia safe activity. it’s just honour.Pretty sure respect and lying across random objects on As we commemo your stomach. rated Anzac remember Day, we My planking is ed done expertly on with gratitude andand the service sacrifice my bed, after aofparticularly those first Anzacs. remembe long also business lunch, on the We red the hundreds officethousand floor. It’sstheofperfect sport of Australia personnel for the lazy player. Now when n defence who have served in askedconflicts what I did weekend, andon asthe peace keepers wars and I no time. longer have to say I just laid since that around, “oh just a spot of As Ia say strong, planking”. is expected democratic nation, much of Australia I certainly a lot of planking and its armed forces in did trouble around the world when I received spots my $1000 – and in the spirit electricity bill last week. I’veofnow servicemen Anzac our and women turned into my father prowling continue to make our country proud. through the house ranting We “that’s think especially on this sixAfghanista lights I’veday just of turned off, the those serving in nlike in constant place is lit up Christmas tree danger lives. …obviously there are some of their We owe Ianhave adjectives left out there, enormous debt to if expletives of gratitude Australian and these could generate s and their special power we’d beday ableand to sell itAnzac back Day is our opportunit honour to the grid. banned themI’ve y to andalso ensure service heaters this winter. There will that be their is never forgotten.

Please ask for full terms & conditions

Transaction, Savings, Investment, Consumer Lending, Insurance Cooroy Central Pharmacy, 26 Maple Street Cooroy Ph: 5447 6028

Ph 5447 7666 Fax 5447 7525 admin@bonelawye www.bonelawyers.c

Harold Roach, Field Ambulance NX8448, 2/11 , M.D.S., written after the 1 st Battle of Alamein, Middle East WW2

Next edition: May 25 Booking deadline: Copy deadline: May 12 May 16

Next edition: June 15 Booking deadline: June 2 Copy deadline: June 6

Guardian Pharmacy Voucher

16A Maple St PO Box 560 COOROY 4563

May 4, 2011 Shaded by Desert sand dunes, Lulled by the Quickly we murmur of waves, went ‘back to nature’, Forgetting Syria and old Tobruk caves,

This poem Harold’s wife was sent home to comfort fund in a letter written on toilet paper, the only paper as this he had to write was on…

Photo: Malcolm Hewitt

Receive a $10 Pharmacy Voucher with selected Cooroy Instore Promotion Westpac Prod Transaction, ucts Weekly Draw $100 Savings, Investment, Consume

See more photos on page 18


The roar of the Brought war guns at Tel Eisa, We soon had and reality near, a big job before No time for us, reflection or fear, Then came the war-wound Shell-torn wounds ed weary, covered in Sick of the flies, war The reflection and the desert, of Hell in their eyes, There, on the For many the dunes of the desert, All they had, war had it’s end, they had given, Their life – Freedom’s cause fend. to deSome the grim Back from the reaper defeated, Saved by the shadow they came, Once again skill of the surgeon, they’ve a number name, and Back they can That is fed by go to the furnace, man’s malice Given lease and hate, to Mayhap death a life full of sorrow, was a kindlier fate. Some paid a An arm, or price that was higher, a leg, or a hand. Back on the trail they were That ends in dear Aussie started, land. We are leaving We are going old ‘Figtree Alley’ up further they Does it mean that the blood say, wasted? wasn’t Does it mean we are nearer the Day. Let us hope that leave behind, the crosses that we Let us hope that the blood tears of our and the kind, Will be remembere d when we our own sunny reach land, They serve to remind us – War isn’t grand!

of Kapyong the Korean War. in is one of the The Battle of Kapyong most significan fought t

battles by Australian s in the Korean This April Not ofmy fave War. was also the 70th anniversar the Siege

a lot of layering and, no doubt, a lot of screaming as the coldblooded member of the family (me) tries to stick my icy feet up everyone’s jumpers. So there you have it Locations, lazing and lights Tripping over a planker in the dark not my fave!

THE Cooroy Fusion Festival held on Saturday, May 21st, brought the com6028 Ph: 5447 munity together in celebration of the Cooroy Library’s 1st birthday. HunCooroy Streetsomething Maple dreds of people turned out to enjoy the event offered for y, 26which Pharmac everyone with demonstrations, music, rides, workshops, markets and disCooroy Central plays. It is hoped that due to its success Cooroy Fusion will become an annual event.

Conditions apply

5442 6699 • Fax 5442 5821

ANZAC Day Annivers ary 2011 marks the 96 th of the landing Australian of

the and at Gallipoli in New Zealand Army Corps 1915.


17g Easter Egg


We shall rememb er them!

Ph 5447 7666 Fax 5447 7525

This year, th May 25, 2011anniversary 24 April was the 60th of the Battle

• PO Box 898, Cooroy 4563

Cooroy Library celebrates 1st birthday

community. started! in the Cooroypast players. season has of our 2011 Footy always had a big following e the names we’d love you Football has locals will recognis our 50th birthday, I’m sure many Rag celebrating articles. With the Cooroy and news old photos to drop in


• Email editorial@ • Phone

16A Maple St PO Box 560 COOROY 4563

Conditions apply

Cooroy Insto re Promotion Weekly Draw $100 Guardian Phar macy Voucher Please ask for

r Lending, Insuranc e

Cooroy Central Pharmacy

full terms & conditio ns

, 26 Maple Street Cooroy Ph: 5447 6028

news Cooroy Quilt & Craft Show – ‘Quilts for all Seasons’


fabric squares, which were then made into scrappy quilts. Many of these will also be on display. It is amazing to see the diversity of quilts that can be made from scraps and shows the talents and creativeness of our members. There will be merchant stalls with lots of goodies, a members sales table and a craft trash and treasure making for a happy shopping experience. Entry is $3.00 with morning and afternoon teas available. The show will be open from 10.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 September. Grab some friends and come along for a great day in Cooroy. Phone Betty on 5447 4905 for further information.

Raffle quilt PATCHES of Cooroy is a craft group that enjoys fun, friendship and helping a good cause. The Group is holding their biennial Quilt and Craft Show on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th September, in the RSL Memorial Hall, Maple Street, Cooroy. The show will be an inspiration for the quilt enthusiast and art quilters alike as well as having a beautiful display of embroidery, knitting, bags, bob-

bin lace, beading, wall hangings and general craft items and a unique doll display. Angel Flight is the chosen charity for their gorgeous raffle quilt proceeds. A viewers choice ‘fabric challenge’ will be on show. Members were asked to make an item incorporating two pieces of supplied fabric. Some of the members exchanged 68 x 8 ½â€?

Cooroy Toastmasters COOROY Toastmasters meet the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at the Cooroy Library 6 pm for a 6:30 Start. Guests are welcome. Contact Seb Vecchio 54426884 if you would like further information.


\ ‡ Target potential prospects and have them return and refer ‡ Virally market your business with YouTube & Video! ‡ Sell products/services and take Payment :,7+,1 )DFHERRNh ‡AND so much more! Sun 28th Aug 9am y 4:30 pm Cooroy Library $97 Bring laptop, digital camera and lunch! HURRY! hands-on workshop - 20 spaces only! Call Jeanette today to avoid disappointment:


Prepare for Summer . . . Book Now for Learn-to-Swim • Bubs - 6 months-18 months • TODS - 18 months to approx 3 years • Learn-to-Swim - 3 years to champs • Junior Squads • Competitive Squads • Adult Fitness Squads

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Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 13

home stay



Kindy celebrates national tree day

Cooroy/Pomona Lions Club donates laptop

cuddles all day play time exercise great food great company safe homely fun this is NOT a kennel . . .!!

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The Kindy gardeners with their new lemon tree COOROY Kindy celebrated National Tree Day this month with a group discussion about the importance of trees. The children all thought of lots of reasons. Trees are great for shade and they make oxygen so we can breathe. They are fun to climb and if we do that we get strong muscles. You can make tree houses in them and the tall ones make great lookout towers. Trees can have little flowers for the bees that make honey for us and they provide food for lots of animals like koalas and people too. There are all kinds of fruit trees. Trees can be homes for lots of animals and birds. The final reason was my personal favourite and came from

Jackson - ‘Trees warm the heart’. After morning tea several members of the kindy gardening club helped kindy teachers, Angie and Diana plant the tree Angie had chosen for us – a beautiful lemon tree. It was hard work digging the hole because the ground was rock hard. Luckily, one of the children came up with a great idea to wet it. We used the water from our rainwater tank and it worked! It was messy work but at last the hole was dug and we popped the tree in it and smoothed the dirt all around. We found some rocks in the garden to put around the tree and then the kindy gardeners proudly posed for a picture with our new lemon tree.

Diane Baker, President, Dylan and his teacher Brigid McKechnie WHEN Kin Kin school boy, Dylan McSweeney needed a Lap Top Computer to help him with his schoolwork, the Cooroy-Pomona Lions Club came to the rescue!! Dylan, who is in Year 1, has Cystic Fibrosis and misses a lot of schooling because of his condition. Kin Kin School has the capacity to provide online teaching through a programme called Ellaminate, for which all staff have been trained, allowing Dylan to attend real time class through a computer video link.

what’s on at Mill place at the Butter Factory Arts Centre Now showing . . . SUNSHINE COAST TERTIARY PRIZE 2011 12 August to 17 September 2011 Selected entries to the Sunshine Coast Tertiary Prize, offering a $3000 award in both 2D and 3D categories. Entries are open to all Sunshine Coast tertiary students

So you want to be an artist – and still be able to eat?

at the Cooroy Library August/September Do you know someone who finds it difficult through disability to get to the library? Cooroy Library has a home delivery service. Call 5454 9000 and ask to speak to Jen Caddie A free seminar on the health and environmental benefits of Monday Healthy Living, leading a compassionate, vegan lifestyle.Bookings August 15 Healthy Planet essential, contact David on 10-11am Tuesday August 16 10-11am

“Elementary my dear Whatsername” Science talk by Geoff Roach

Have you ever wondered where the names of chemical elements came from? Come along and discover the interesting and obscure origins of some of these. Suitable for High School students and adults .Free, Bookings essential 5454 9000

Seniors week events Thursday 25th August


Surfing the net for Seniors Free Computer lesson for Seniors. Find out how to navigate your way around the World Wide Web in our Global connect room. Slow paced , aimed at the beginner. Free , Bookings Essential 5454 9000


Monday 29 August, 10:00am – 3:00pm An interactive seminar facilitated by Artworkers Alliance director Kevin Wilson and presented by the Sunshine Coast Council’s Smart Arts program and the Butter Factory Arts Centre. $40.00 or $30.00 concession Bookings essential


Bowls and Books. Cooroy Bowls Club hosts a friendly round of Lawn Bowls at Cooroy Library. Come and try your hand in our sunken courtyard and share morning tea with the friendly crew . Free , Bookings essential 5454 9000

Sunday August 28 9am-4pm

Cooroy Facebook workshop

For Small business owners!! Social media workshop. Jeanette will be revealing simple secrets to have your business in front of more prospects without a large marketing budget. Bring laptop, digital camera and lunchBook directly with Jeanette on 0418 824 079 . Cost $97

Wednesday 31 August 2.30-4pm

“Sailing in my Sarong”Author talk and High tea at Maison de Provence

Escape to Cooroy for an afternoon of fine food and an inspirational tale .$20 includes a selection of fine french petit fours and beverage of your choice. Linda Frylink Anderson will entertain you with her tales of sailing the seven seas. Follow Linda’s dream and escape with her for the afternoon in the beautiful setting of Cooroy’s Maison de Provence. Bookings essential 5454 9000

Tuesday 6 September 10-11.30am

Eco Art -Painting and drawing workshop

Sunshine Coast Council’s Environmental Operations will be raising awareness of the threat weeds pose to our natural environment through eco art. These sessions will begin with a short film presentation followed by an eco art workshop where participants will be painting and drawing weeds. Please bring a water bottle and snack if required.Free, Bookings essential 5454 9000


9 August – 17 September 11October – 19 November

A diverse range of activities for all ages and interests including children’s art classes , physical theatre and life drawing sessions as well as day and evening courses in drawing, weaving, sculpture, pottery, printmaking and mandala art. For bookings and enquiries please contact Butter Factory Arts Centre staff on 5454 9050

The Butter Factory Arts Centre is an initiative of the Sunshine Coast Council

Page 14 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011

Remembering the old school days project- a writing and story- telling project conducted by the Sunshine Hinterland Writers Centre. Participants ranging in age from 95 to 65 have shared their memories from their school days. We will be launching the collection of stories and presenting some readings Free, No bookings required


COOROY RAG police beat with Sergeant Mal Scott MY apologies for no police report last month but I was away on leave where I took a break from duty and went on a travelling camping trip to the tip of Cape York and back. I passed through many large and small communities and I must say that it’s mighty fine to be back in Cooroy. A fair bit has been happening around town so please read on for an update. The trend of criminals travelling to Cooroy to commit burglary and other offences has continued with the late night burglary of a local Women’s Clothing Boutique shop and a large amount of damage caused and property stolen by the offenders. A comprehensive police investigation by local and Forensic officers with the interviewing of witnesses and the location of forensic evidence at the scene has lead to the arrest and charging a 30 year old Maryborough man with this offence. It’s pleasing to note that even though this offence occurred in the early hours of the morning police were still able to locate a witness who saw what is believed to have been the offender lurking in the shadows. The arrest of this offender was also made possible by the Complainant having full details of the stolen property including brand types and serial and model numbers. Police were able to trace some of the stolen property to a pawn shop due to an accurate property description provided by the owner so please take the time to record full descriptions of your property in the unfortunate event that it is lost or stolen. Serial and Model numbers are very important. The particular MO used by this and many offenders is to scope out the contents of a shop during business hours and then return after dark to steal the most valu-

able and most easily disposed of items. Shop owners should be vigilant for people inside there shops acting suspiciously and where possible note down as many particulars as possible regarding the description of the persons and the registration number of a vehicle that they may enter. Police are also investigating two burglary offences in the vicinity of Wattle street and Overlander Ave, Cooroy where premises were unlawfully entered and cash and property stolen. Several children have been interviewed by police and dealt with in regards at least one of these offences and investigations are continuing. In another incident a wallet was stolen from the Cooroy Library with police local knowledge quickly rounding up and arresting a 27 year old male and arresting him for this offence. It’s pleasing to note that many businesses around town are getting serious with their security and installing CCTV systems and generally upgrading their security. Shop owners and home owners need to be aware that the majority of offences in Cooroy at present are opportunist style crimes where offenders loiter around town and if they see an easy opportunity such as an unlocked car or door they take the opportunity and commit the offence. Please continue to lock your cars and doors to discourage this type of offence and report all suspicious activity to police. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again that by taking an active approach to the town and your own security greatly deters criminals from committing offences in Cooroy so keep up the good work and report matters to Cooroy Police on 54425030 or crime Stoppers on 1800333000. In a developing story, a gang of up to 10 local youths are in the process

of being interviewed by the Gympie CIB Detectives for stealing large quantities of diesel fuel and car and truck accessories including spotlights, CB radios, and aerials. It will be alleged that the stolen diesel and other items have been stolen from trucks and truck depots and 4x4 wheel drives and then used by the offenders in their own 4x4 diesel vehicles It is believed that a stolen tradesmen’s trailer full of expensive tools may also be in the Cooroy or Pomona area. The majority of the offences have occurred in the Gympie area and hinterland between Cooroy and Gympie. Any information in regards this trailer or the whereabouts of the tools would be greatly appreciated as a tradesman is now out of a job due to his tools being stolen. Someone reading this could have been offered cheap tools for sale over the past months or may have knowledge of the youths in possession of large quantities of tools so please pass this information onto police and help get this Tradie back in business to support his family. Other items that may be linked to the above matter include chainsaws and like equipment. Can I also ask the residents of Lake McDonald and Forest Acres to report any hooning or suspicious activity coming out of the forestry area of Ringtail Creek road. It appears that car thieves are stealing cars from the Noosa/Tewantin area and trashing them through the Ringtail State Forest and then setting fire to them. A recent incident saw a suspected stolen car used to ram and destroy several wheelie bins positioned for rubbish collection on Forest Acres Drive before disappearing back into the forestry area. A small minority of juveniles continue to

act badly around town with hot spots being Apex Park down the bottom end of town and also the library. At the risk being accused of always being negative when it comes to addressing this issue the Cooroy Blue Light Disco is looking at a reward system for kids acting as good Cooroy citizens. The exact details of this idea are still in the process of being formulated but the general idea will be that members of the community will be able to nominate children around town for an act of kindness, honesty, integrity, good behaviour and citizenship. At the end of the program 10 kids will be selected to spend the day at Movie World or Dream World all expenses paid for by the Blue Light Disco.

Specialist Ride-on Brushcutter Grass too long for the Mower? Slope too Steep for the Slasher? Lantana taking over?

Peter 0418 993 199

Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 15

Classifieds Church Notices

Work Wanted

Cooroy Community Baptist Church

Commercial Cleaning

God’s LLove ove is Amazing! Memorial Hall Maple Street Cooroy Worship Service 10am Sundays

Ever ybody Welcome Everybody Pastor: Bill VanZutphen Enquiries: 5485 0265 - 5447 9355

Anglican Parish of Cooroora Sunday Services Pomona - Rectory St - Sunday 7.30am Cooroy - Tewantin Road - Sunday 9.30am Kin Kin - Main St - 10.00am (1st Sunday of the Month) For more info call the Revd Julie Woolner on 5485 1218

20 years experience Phone Peter - FREE QUOTES 5446 2306 - 0419 613 763

Public Notice Cooran Health Centre It is with much regret and sadness that Dr Adam Butler and his wife Tracey Mutze would like to announce the closure of the Cooran Health Centre on the 11th August 2011. Due to recent events we are now no longer able to medically staff the practice sufficiently to meet the needs of our patients. We have both worked hard over the last month trying to replace practice staff and attempting to recruit a new doctor but have been unsuccessful. The time for small country practices may be coming to an end as it has always been a struggle to recruit and retain general practitioners. Tracey and I would like to thank all the people who have watched the centre grow from very humble beginnings and supported us on the way. We have always appreciated the community support behind the health centre and especially enjoyed how it had become a centre for people to catch up while waiting( often for hours !), or exchange books in our waiting room. Patient’s are advised that a copy of their electronic notes have been provided to Cooroora Health Centre in Pomona where they can retrieve them if required. I would also like to thank our new reception staff Lisa, Liesa, Tanya and Shirley who stepped in, in difficult circumstances, and have done such a brilliant job keeping the Centre running. Finally I would also like to thank Ruth Berlin our nurse who tirelessly works away in that little treatment room making sure all our patients, children and babies are well cared for. Tracey and Adam

Position Vacant

Uniting Church in Australia Cooroy/Pomona

SUNDAY SERVICES 8.00am - Cooroy - 51 Maple St 9.30am - Pomona - 27 Factory St

PH: 5447 6152

Rev Kathy McVann 0414 972632

In return, we offer a competitive salary and rewarding working conditions. While the position is full time office hours, we are happy to discuss some flexibility. Please send applications to: Billinghurst Martin Pty Ltd, PO Box 815, Cooroy Qld 4563 or email Enquires phone 07 5442 6228.

Position Vacant

Senior Sales Assistant Required for busy retail outlet. A broad product range is aimed at the Rural, Farming & Gardening community. Experience in the above industries would be beneficial. Customer service is of utmost importance. Salary dependent on qualifications & experience. Applications close Friday 2nd September Apply in writing to

Store Manager PO Box 692, Cooroy 4563

What’s On

What’s On

Federal Playgroup

Enjoy playing Scrabble?

Meets every Thursday 9.30am-11.30am

Federal Memorial Hall, Bruce Highway, Federal

Phone Lisa 0439 732 444

Church Notices Tinbeerwah SPIRITUALIST CHURCH


St John Lutheran Church Lambert-Hyne Drive, Imbil 1st & 3rd Sunday HC, 10.30am 4th Sunday, 9am Enquiries Pastor Frank Rasenberger 5482 1435 Page 16 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011

Professional couple seeking long home stay or rental in Cooroy area from October onwards. Excellent references available. Will care for garden. Phone 0428 847 499

COOROY RAG Community Newspaper

All Welcome

The successful applicant will have attention to detail, strong written and oral communication skills and be proficient in using Microsoft Word and Excel. Previous experience in an accounting office and use of Handisoft would be highly regarded.

Rental Wanted


Australia’s only proclaimed spiritual denomination Services every Wednesday evening 7pm QCWA Hall, Maple St Cooroy Modern music, meditation / healing, guest speakers, clairvoyance Tea / coffee afterwards

Billinghurst Martin Chartered Accountants require an enthusiastic person to join our motivated and professional team of 9.

Saturday 20th August 8am Onwards Household & Baby furniture, Bric-a-Brac, Household goods, much more. 31 Mountain St (Down long driveway) Pomona

The Church of United Spiritualism of Australia


Garage Sale

Come & Join in the Fun The Scrabble Group meets every Friday morning at Possums Books & Coffee 10am in the courtyard

COOROY RAG Community Newspaper

ABN 13 863 064 712, PO Box 898, Cooroy, 4563 Phone 5442 6699 Fax 5442 5821 Published every 3 weeks by Cooroy Community Newspaper Inc trading as Cooroy Rag 7000 copies distributed Opinions expressed by contributors to Cooroy Rag are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher and publication of advertisements implies no endorsement by the publisher

Frock up for the FORMAL THE school formal is probably one of the most major and much anticipated events of your final year of high school. Parents have lamented that the preparations are much akin to planning a wedding, especially for the girls so with Noosa District’s formal set for November 17th, now is the time to start planning. Ensure that you’re organised way ahead of time and have budgeted for all of the expenses.

Start looking for your dress or suit

Decide on how you are going to arrive IF you want to arrive in style you can’t go past a Limo. If this is what you’re planning, book it now to avoid disappointment. But if you’re on a tight budget this is one expense that can be eliminated. I’ve been at the school taking photos at the past few graduation ceremonies at Noosa District SHS and with the traffic congestion the impact of arriving in a fancy car could possibly be lost.

Hyacinths Bouquet spec ia in flo lising weri orch ng ids

• • • • • • • •

Formal dress styles on the Sunshine Coast are all about colour! Dress lengths are generally floor length and silhouettes are figure hugging with embellishing through the waist and bust. Coast girls like to use tropical colours that flatter their skin tone. Whether it is a rich red, warm tangerine or a lovely lilac, our girls know how to rock a bold colour. Just make sure if you’re going to make a bold statement with your choice of colour, leave the rest simple. A simply shaped dress with just a touch of glitzy jewels, or a dreamy draped dress with simple hair and makeup is more than enough to make a statement with a bright dress. Make sure of your underwear. You don’t want to have to be adjusting things all night. Girls, make sure your bra fits properly and doesn’t show underneath your gown.


with mention of this ad


floral bouquets & arrangements gifts & baskets baby hampers ecoya soaps & candles potted plants gourmet hampers a SPECIALITY glassware & ceramics . . . 30% Off NOW IN-STORE ... Bonsai

If you’re attending an after party, don’t forget to choose that outfit as well.

Go to the Formal with a little help from . . .

let’s talk hair


Guys are you hiring or buying your suit. You can opt for traditional black or stand out with a bright colour. Whether it be a dinner suit or a tux, choose one that fits your personality and if you’re part of a ‘couple’ then it’s always nice to match your tie with her dress.

Professional Make-up Artistry


Fr esh & For mal Fresh ormal FABULOUS! • Wrist Corsages • Button Hole Flowers • Ladies Corsages open 9am-5pm monday - friday 9am-12 midday saturday Shop 1-21 Maple Street, Cooroy Phone: 5447 6447

Shop 1A, Garnet Place, Garnet Street,

Ph: 5447 6844

Cooroy Central Pharmacy 26 Maple Street Cooroy Ph: 5447 6028 Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 17

Frock up for the FORMAL Shoes Every girl loves shoes. Take your dress with you when shopping for the perfect pair to make sure they complement each other. And make sure you feel confident walking in them. You won’t feel confident tottering around unsteadily on six inch heels and you don’t want blisters or twisted ankles ruining your evening.

Professional Make-up Artist & Beauty Therapist

SPECIALS Hair & Make-up $130 Manicure & Pedicure $75 Appointments are already being taken

P ick a PPackage ackage for your Formal Hair - $80 Make-up - $50 Tan - $25 Eye Lash Tinting & Eye Brow Waxing - $20

• nails • facials • hair • beauty

Natasha Jones

Absolute hair & body

Mobile Treatments Available 36B MapleJones St, Cooroy to Bendigo Bank) Natasha - Beauty(Next Therapist

0437 226 5447 7677 - 005 0437 226 005 Hair - Beauty - Bridal

Salon & Mobile Service

Hair Are you proficient enough with the straightener or curler to create your own hairstyle? If not then make sure you book your hairdresser. There will be much demand on the day so book soon. Updos are a preferred option for most girls. Find a photo of a style you like and take it to your hairdresser to make sure they are proficient with formal styles. Sometimes it’s even a good idea to have a practise run before the day. Guys, don’t get your hair cut the day of the formal, you don’t want that ‘just cut’ look. Three weeks before the day is a good time to neaten yourselves up.

Make-up This is another step you guys don’t have to bother with. Girls, you’ve got beautiful young skin, don’t cover it up completely with a mask of make-up. If you’re not confident about what you’re doing then get a professional to make sure you glow. Book in now. If you’re not familiar with the make-up artist’s work then speak to her about a practise run. You don’t want any nasty surprises – eg. allergic reactions or colours that don’t work with your outfit.

Waxing How you feel under your clothes has a big impact on your selfconfidence. You always feel your best after a bit of depilitary action. Whether it be legs, eyebrows, underarms etc. Get this done a few days beforehand so any redness has disappeared. Use a beautician you’re familiar with. If you want a golden glow then book in for your spray tan. Your beautician will let you know the best time to get this done. Don’t do it on the day, you don’t want to get any marks on your dress. Guys – shave on the day. That’s about it for you, or maybe a little tidy up of that monobrow wouldn’t go astray.

Everything you need . . . FOR THE COMPLETE FORMAL LOOK! • SHOES • BAGS

• All Hair Services • Hair Extensions • Teeth Whitening • Waxing • Nails, Beauty


The Works on the Marina 2 Parklyn Court, Tewantin

5449 8845 Page 18 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011

Frock up for the FORMAL


Nails Getting your nails done professionally, whether it be acrylic tips, gel nails or just a manicure, this is a lovely way to relax and feel pampered on the day. And don’t forget your feet. You don’t want cracked heels and skanky toenails letting you down. Book now.

Flowers and accessories A beautiful corsage finishes off your outfit perfectly. Your florist will advise you on the pefect blooms and guys, a flower on your lapel is always gorgeous. Jewellery can make or break an outfit. Be selective. Whether you’re going for a classy look or something more funky just remember there’s a fine line between complementing your outfit and overpowering it.

Have backup Make sure you have extra lippy, your batteries charged in your camera and some heel cushions. Get your clutch packed with everything you need and you won’t need to freak out about any details. Don’t be a Drama Queen. Remember that this is everyone’s special night. While this is a big moment in your own life, this night marks every student’s 12 years of formal education coming to an end. Your parents will also be feeling emotional so don’t be a brat and reign in the tantrums. Have fun! Relax , this is a celebration after all. Have fun with your friends, let your parents get mushy, hang out with your teachers. You don’t have to be too serious on a night like tonight so have fun with it!

Guys & Girls PH: 5447 7711

Formal Fashion & Accessories

The Flower Room

Jessica Holmes



FREE Bling Anklet for the first 10 Orders



5485 2211

Spray Tanning Waxing Manicure Pedicure Facials COMPLETE FORMAL PACKAGES AVAILABLE

PH: 0487 436 256 Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 19



Pomona IGA supports AFC

All in a day’s walk

Pomona/Cooroy AFC wishes to t h a n k I G A Pomona for supporting our juniors in season 2011. They have kindly sponsored our team photos along with signage fees. These funds are allocated to improving our facilities for a safe, active and h e a l t h y environment to the benefit of our entire junior playing group as well as our community.

POMONA/Cooroy AFC wishes to thank IGA Pomona for supporting our juniors in season 2011. They have kindly sponsored our team photos along with signage fees. These funds are allocated to improving our facilities for a safe, active and healthy environment to the benefit of our entire junior playing group as well as our community.

Romeo (Pomona IGA) with some of the juniors from Pomona/Cooroy AFL Club. SEVENTY year old Pomona resident, Derek Stevenson, this week reached a milestone of 500 climbs up Mount Cooroora - known for “King of the Mountain”. Derek started climbing the mountain 10 years ago when he and his family moved to Pomona and still climbs twice a week to “keep fit, enjoy the sun rise and keep up with the ‘demands’ of his wife Glenis”. Both Derek and Glenis are enthusiastic dancers - ballroom, new vogue, square - all resulting in two

very fit young septarians. Asked if he would enter the “King of the Mountain” race Derek said he wasn’t interested in competing - just the challenge of reaching the top. An ex-seamen and ships engineer, Derek spent many years as a volunteer for the Marine Rescue - Noosa River before stepping aside for the youngsters when he turned 70. He is now an active member of Probus Cooroy. Not bad for a ‘Senior’ - an inspiration to us all.


$3.99 ea

Page 20 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011

Product of Aust

Primo ssh h or ortt c u t ba bacc on

Product of Aust

$9.99 kg

F i rew oo d ewoo ood 20kg bags


Save $2 per bag

3 Reserve Street, Pomona 5485 1297 *Available until sold out

$1.8 9 kkg g $1.89

$1.99 kg

asst 450g/600g

$9.99 ea

Save $2 per bag

Na v e l or an g es oran ang

Roy oyaa l Gal a aappl ppl es pples

Nan nas ann dessert pies

Hot ffam am il amil ilyy BBQ chickens

Kindling 5kg bags

Cost $10.00 – includes breakfast and games. Bookings MUST be made through the Pomona Community House on 5485 2427. Thursday August 25th ‘Spring is in the Air’ Fun & Friendship Lunch at the Pomona Bowls Club, School Street Pomona. 11.30am – 1.30pm. Cost $13.00. Raffles, music, entertainment. Wear your most exuberant spring colours and win ‘best dressed’ prize. Bookings MUST be made through the Pomona Community House on 54852427.

Specials from August 17-August 21*


$8.99 kg

Saturday 20th August ‘Belong & Be Active’ Expo, Lawson Shed (next to the Community House in Pomona) 10.00am – 2.00pm. Come and see the range of local social, hobby, activity groups in our area. Talks and demonstrations. No cost for entry, tea, coffee and cake available. This is also an opportunity to come and view the brand new Lawson Shed (photo attached). Sunday 21st August ‘Barefoot Bowls and Breakfast’ at the Pomona Bowls Club, School Street Pomona. Breakfast at 8.30am - games until 11.00am.



Legs of lamb

Celebrating Seniors Week

Chicken br eas t fil bre filll e t s

$8.99 kg

Kan g ar oo ang aroo meat now available!

OPEN 7am-7.30pm 7 DAYS


Musical nostalgia at the Majestic

YOU surely “Cain’t Say No” to the chance of a great night of musical nostalgia when Pomona’s Majestic Theatre presents Oklahoma! at a dinner and film night on Saturday, August 20. With unforgettable songs like Oh

What a Beautiful Mornin’ and People Will Say We’re In Love, the musical was the first written by composer Richard Rodgers and librettist Oscar Hammerstein II. The 1955 Academy Award-winning film stars Gordon Macrae, Gloria Grahame Gene Nelson and Shirley Jones and is guaranteed to give everyone a beautiful feeling. The 1921-vintage Majestic Theatre is owned and operated by the community organisation Pomona Progress Art Tourism Inc and still presents silent films with pipe organ accompaniment as well as “talkies” and live performances. Doors open for the dinner and film night at 6pm with the film starting at 7.30. Dinner is $20 (bookings required) and film $15/ $%12. Check the website wwww.the for program details. Bookings and further info on 5485 2330.

pomona Bell’s tree THE story of Bell’s Tree at Kin Kin is well known to many long term residents of the area, but for those who don’t know the story Bell’s tree was a huge Kauri Pine on the land belonging to the Hon. Mr Bell – the Minister for Lands in 1912. His land on the corner of Sister Tree Creek Road and Wahpunga Lane was being cleared of kauri pines for the timber industry but he asked that one be left standing and declared the 5 perches the tree was on a reserve. Unfortunately when the first big storm came through the area the tree was blown over. In 1989 the Cooroora Historical Society planted a new kauri pine on the site, placed a sign to mark the area and held picnic there, attended by about 60 people, to mark the occasion. Volunteers from the museum have now cleared the site and have rejuvenated the signs. We would like to say a big thank-you to the Works Dept. of the Sunshine Coast Council who kindly took away all the braches and lantana from the site. This story is to be continued as there is still work to be done at the site which we hope to have finished very soon, but if you are driving out Kin Kin way please take a look. There are also many amazing photographs of the original tree in the Noosa Museum at Pomona. Or if anybody was at the picnic held at the planting of the tree we would love to hear from you. Email at Noosa Museum.



Geelong Sales 4 Shelf Unit $


‘Escape’ Pomona Art Exhibition EXHIBITING in August at the Old Railway Station Gallery in Pomona is Alan Falls a member of the Hinterland Art Group. This will be Alan’s second solo Art Exhibition and having sold 12 works at his first exhibition he is at it again. The exhibition will be open until 8h September. Alan’s initial training was in photography but “Escape” showcases his move from the ‘reality’ of photography to the freedom of mixed media and photo collage. The gallery is owned and operated by Pomona Progress Art Tourism Inc. a non-profit community organization, staffed solely by volunteers, and is a means by which local “up and coming” and more experienced artists can have their work exhibited. The galleries hours are 10 – 4, Mon to Fri and 10 – 2, Saturday. Alan will be in attendance on Fridays. Go along and enjoy meeting the artist, seeing the lovely gallery and viewing the colourful artwork.


Trades Pro Tool Set $ Cooler Pack $

49.99 2 Burner Hooded BBQ with side burner $


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5485 1351 10 Reserve St Pomona Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 21


Fashion with a French flair A successful fashion parade by Fabienne from La Mode De Fabienne of Pomona was held at Mason de Provence in Cooroy to celebrate Bastille Day. Food, fashion and fun was enjoyed by the large crowd who attended.

NEW traffic arrangements along the main street of Kin Kin will make for a safer journey to and from school for locals. Construction of two new roundabouts along Main Street, between Perserverence Road and Palmer Street, starts in early August. Division 12 Councillor Lew Brennan said the finished works will improve visibility and safety in front of the school, and slow traffic speeds. “The roundabouts won’t prevent large vehicles entering or exiting Palmer Street, so will still be accessible by the mobile library and school buses. “Work will also involve the reconstruction of the car park in front of the school and a linking pathway. “I remain committed to working toward the funding and delivery of these important infrastructure projects and will continue to ensure effective management of available funding in the interests of our community,” Cr Brennan said. “It’s a terrific outcome for Kin Kin that has been on the wish list for many years, and I am really pleased council is now starting work on this project to improve the safety of the community.” During construction, property access may be affected for short durations. Council officers will contact residents, where relevant, to discuss timing for access or parking if work is likely to block entrances. Construction, due to start in early August, will take five weeks (weather permitting).

Pomona Hotel

Pomona Lunch 7 Days 12-2 Dinnner Mon-Sat 6.30pm-8.30pm NEW Winter Menu Nightly Roast $13 Full Menu Available

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pomona Safer travel around Kin Kin school

NATIONAL Tree Day was a fantastic way for the children of Pomona Early Childhood Centre to learn environmental awareness and connect with their local community. Last Tuesday 27 children and 12 parents and educators from the Centre participated in National Tree day with an excursion to Cooroora Park to plant native tress with the assistance of the Pomona Landcare team. The Landcare team provided water-watch activities to teach the children the importance of caring for our waterways before demonstrating how to plant trees to regenerate the park. The children were then given the opportunity to plant fifty native species and thoroughly enjoyed getting their hands dirty. The centre provides educational programs for children from birth to five years by caring, qualified Early Childhood Educators, endorsing the Early Years Learning Framework. Additionally the centre provides an approved Kindergarten program delivered by qualified Teachers. For further details please contact 54852755.

Multi Award Winning Sausage Kings • Pork & Fennel • Italian • Bratwurst • Chicken Satay • Boerewors • Traditional Beef • Pork • Beef & Guinness • Lamb & Rosemary • Beef, Cheese & Tomatoe • Chicken & Chives • Turkey & Apple • Chorizo • Chicken Castello • Preservative Free Beef Sausages

3 x GOLD! 1 X SILVER! 2 X BRONZE! Page 22 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011

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health Noosa Hinterland Denture Services Comfrey the quintessential plant every home needs New dentures


MANY, many uses have this incredible plant which was introduced into Australia by Foster Savage in 1957. Wonderfully documented in Isabell Shipards’ ‘How can I use herbs in my daily life?’ book and also in Andrew Huges ‘Comfrey is a food’ book. Juice comfrey leaves with carrots, celery and other vegetables or greens. Make a comfrey smoothie; using leaves blended with pineapple juice, orange or mango. In summer, blend comfrey leaves, zucchini, avocado and carrot juice, to make a refreshing, cold soup. Comfrey used as a vegetable soup daily, has helped to relax and promote sleep for people with nervous conditions. Leaves dried and crumbled, or ground to a green flour, can be added to bread, gravy, soups, and rissoles. Dried leaves are used as a tea, sometimes used with an equal amount of China tea and sugar and milk. Combining comfrey with mint and honey, to sweeten, makes a refreshing tea combination. Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E. Minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese, Sodium, Boron, Lead, Sulphur, Molybdenum, Zinc, Germanium. Actions: Vulnerary, astringent, expectorant, emollient, demulcent, antiseptic, pectoral, nutritive, tonic, alterative, styptic, homeostatic, antioxidant, iodine, selenium. Comfrey fritters can make an economical, nutritious and quick meal. Make a batter, with egg, milk and flour, and add finely chopped comfrey leaves (omit the thick stem as it takes longer to cook). Season with salt and pepper and, if desired,

onions, garlic or other herbs, to flavour. Place tablespoonfull amounts in an oiled fry pan and brown both sides. Serve fritters hot or cold for packed lunches, etc. Whole leaves can be dipped in batter and fried. A woman from Brisbane called at the farm, and shared that, when they were very poor she fed her family on ‘comfrey fish’, the leaves dipped in batter and fried. It was very delicious, she said, and added that, during their time of poverty, they were always healthy! When dipping leaves in batter, if the batter seems to coat the leaves too thickly, dip the leaves in cold water before dipping in the batter. In his informative book, on the wonderful attributes of comfrey, Andrew Hughes says, “Comfrey is a food”. Hughes points out how medicines may have an immediate effect, the results of which may be felt almost instantly, however the effect does not last. Comfrey, on the other hand, does not act this way. Comfrey is a food, and as such, must be metabolized, like all other foods. Hughes continually stresses this point, explaining that to get the benefits of comfrey, it must be taken regularly and consistently. The effect of comfrey is longer lasting because it is built into the very cells of the body. It should be used, regularly, as a food, because it penetrates to every part of the body and brain, improving both the structure and function of each part. Comfrey contains the same structural material of which the human body is built, the proteins and minerals, plus the catalysts that enable the metabolism to operate more

efficiently – vitamins, enzymes, etc. Secondly, its two unique elements, vitamin B12 and allantoin act directly on the blood stream - B12 to create red corpuscles and allantoin to regulate cell formation and increase white corpuscles. Once the blood is affected by ingesting this food, the whole body benefits, even to the tiniest hair, the most remote cell, the tips of the nails, the cells of the brain, the marrow of the bones. According to Hughes, every part of the body functions better as a result of regular consumption of comfrey, and the body as a whole, is more resistant to the attacks of disease and ageing.

Repairs Relines Personalised Natural look All Health Funds & Veteran Affairs Phone Tony for appointment

Shop 7 Railway Square Diamond Street, Cooroy

Ph: 5442 5753

Say thanks a bunch this Daffodil Day DID you know one in two Queenslanders will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85? Sadly, these confronting odds mean most of us will be touched by or know someone who has been touched by cancer. This Daffodil Day, say thanks a bunch to those in your family and community who support the 21,000 Queenslanders diagnosed with cancer each year by buying a bunch of fresh daffodils or merchandise on August 26. Simply by purchasing a bunch of fresh daffodils on Daffodil Day or by ordering a merchandise box for your office or workplace, at no cost, to sell to customers, you can help brighten the life of someone touched by cancer. All money raised from Daffodil Day supports Cancer Council Queensland’s vital work in cancer research, education programs and patient support services.To volunteer for Daffodil Day in your community or to order your own daffodils and merchandise to sell in your office or workplace, please call 1300 65 65 85 or visit

“Are your kids complaining of sore backs? If so, we can help! You will receive • Detailed examination, including postural assessment • Thorough, hands-on, individualised treatment • Professional advice on avoiding long term back problems • Written home exercises to optimise your outcome

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13 Kauri Street, Cooroy - 5447 6488 Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 23

news Tips for choosing and using the Cooroora Family Health open for business right school bag / backpack


HAVE you ever lugged your child’s schoolbag out of the back of the car and nearly done your own back in? Our kids are carrying some serious loads around these days just getting to and from school. Student backpacks frequently don’t fit well and are often overloaded with books, lunches, sports bottles and more. Carrying this type of load can lead to muscle fatigue and poor spinal posture, resulting in back pain, neck pain, shoulder problems and a host of other complaints. This is concerning when the recommnedations for young people is only 10% of their bodyweight and when loads get up to 15% bodyweight they are unsustainable resulting in postural compensation as a result of overloading and fatigue, and at 20% cause breathing restriction. Recent research into childhood spinal issues gives us parents concern for what stresses that schoolbags actually place on their young and developing spines. Parents, educators and researchers have expressed concern about the long term impacts of children carrying excessive loads in their backpacks on a daily basis. Although many researchers have investigated appropriate weight limits for children’s backpacks, the design and setup / positioning has only recently been properly determined for backpacks / schoolbags. An Australian bag manufacturer has been leading the research over the past 10 years and has produced some excellent bags that meet and exceed current research. Spartan have long produced the PhysioPak and are now supplying a host of schools directly. They have also provided some guidelines for parents concerned with correct fitting of bags for children; · When purchasing a pack look for one that carries an endorsement by a back care professional organisation such as the Australian Physiotherapy Association. · Packs with padded straps worn on both shoulders are the best way to centre the load carried. You can help your child by placing items so there is equal weight on either side of the pack. Always tighten the straps, as loose straps cause the pack to move around as you move. This may cause muscles to work harder than usual. By cinching the straps to fit your frame, you secure the pack. · A fastened waist strap can help anchor the load and keep the load at waist

height. Low load placement in the backpack produced fewer changes in posture compared to high and mid backpack positioning. Balancing the weight should be easier this way. Studies show that loads of 18 lbs or more may create a temporary side-toside curve in the spine. · Pack weight should be less than 10% body weight - which is probably a lot less than what many young people are carrying now. Eg. a young person weighing 45 kg should not carry more than 4.5 kg in their backpack. · Heavy items such as large textbooks and laptop computers should be packed closest to the body to reduce stress on the spine and its supporting muscles. When you carry anything out away from your body, it takes more effort, and places stress on your joints and muscles. · A pack should be made of firm material that prevents sag and keeps the load close to the spine. · It is important that your pack is the right size for your body. Don’t buy a big pack to “grow” into - adjust your load, not your body. When you sit down with a backpack on, it should not extend higher than your shoulders. · Packs should be lifted correctly from the ground to prevent lifting injuries. To lift the pack correctly, face the pack, bend at the knees and use both hands to lift the pack, pushing up with your legs. Apply one shoulder strap and then the other. At Hinteractive Physio when we assess young / immature spinal complaints we are always interested in the causative and contributing factors as much as the symptoms. We often have to manage loads and activities encountered by the child during the treatment phase of spinal complaints. We have always recommended the Spartan PhysioPak as the best option for young children carrying loads, as it is thoroughly researched and its design is backed by evidence. If your child has spinal complaints it may be worth looking at the loads that they are shouldering off to school. Physiotherapists are well experienced in examining spinal conditions, but more importantly the causes of spinal complaint in young people such as posture, muscle imbalances and loads carried. We are always happy to assess childrens backpaks when we assess spinal pain. Craig Steele owns Hinteractive Physio at 48 Elm Street in Cooroy and can be contacted on 5442 5556.

Michaela, Ann, Ruth, Sharon and Julie A NEW medical centre has opened in Pomona. “Cooroora Family Health”, situated at Shop 5/3 Station Street, Pomona, is opposite the Old Station Art Gallery. The partners in this new venture are Dr Ann Buchan and Dr Sharon Chant, who many may know have previously worked together at Cooran Medical Centre. Dr Buchan says, “Over the last few years the practice at Cooran has grown into a successful venture, we now feel we need larger premises. We have been seeing many patients from further afield, and simply need more space and staff to provide the care to our patients.” Some familiar faces are coming with them. Dr Kathy Isbel will be joining Ann and Sharon in September. Nurse Ruth, and Michaela and Julie on reception will be there to welcome you to the new clinic. In addition they will add Nurse Jane Smart to the team. Jane has worked with Ann in Tewantin. Ann, Sharon, and their friendly team will be providing the same high standard of care, aimed at the local communities in particular, but with extended hours and extended services, and two wonderful, experienced nurses managing a large treatment room,

and Allied Health Providers soon to be available. Dr Buchan has worked for nearly ten years in Queensland, living at Federal and then Cooran. Prior to this she was a GP in Victoria, working in a Breast Clinic and a Women’s Health Clinic, as well as many years in Family General Practice. Ann brings twenty three years of general practice experience, and is committed to being part of the Greater Hinterland Community. Dr Chant studied medicine after many years of practice in the field of complementary medicine, particularly homeopathy, and has been living in the hinterland of the Sunshine Coast since 1989. Sharon has a wide ranging appreciation of various types of therapies, offering a wholistic combination that will give a new set of choices to patients. Together with their supportive staff they hope to offer their patients a new approach to wellness, integrating their experiences into a community based service that suits the needs of this wonderful area. Both Sharon and Ann look forward to welcoming old friends and new at Cooroora Family Health. Appointment bookings can be made by ringing 54851321.

Tewantin Sewing Group THE Tewantin Neighbourhood Group of the Australian Sewing Guild meeting is to be held on Saturday 27th August at the Uniting Church Hall, cnr Poinciana & Werin Sts, Tewantin Qld. Tewantin, Qld 4565 commencing at 9am until 3 pm. This month Rhonda will demonstrate the various Floriani Stabilisers, these stabilisers have a wide application for uses in embroidery, sewing, craft activities and quilting. Her session starts at 10.45am until 12.45. Pat will teach how to make a needle holder for storing machine needle. No more rummaging through lots of packages – you will be able to see the sizes and actually find them!

New members and visitors always welcome, for more information please ring Barbara on (07) 5474 2454 or Pat (07) 5447 6778 (there is a small charge for visitors). Please bring your sewing machine and lunch (morning tea provided) we meet in a friendly environment and explore both basic dressmaking and decorative sewing techniques. Members will assist beginners who would like to learn to sew or anyone who would like to upgrade their skill and improve their sewing techniques. More details about the Australian Sewing Guild are available on the Guild’s website at


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5442 6833 CALL NOW





Cooroy Doctors Surgery, 8 Emerald St, Cooroy Page 24 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011

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Getting moving with body stretch & strength classes

Bodycare teacher, Kate Noakes ARE you looking to get back into exercise and need to take a more gentle approach? Kahuna Therapist &

Bodycare teacher Kate Noakes is holding a 10 week Body Stretch & Strength class at our local custom built

fitness facility, The Workout Shed in Lawnville Road Cooroy. Kate’s BodyStretch Class includes stretching, relaxation and strength and agility building exercises tailored to the needs of whoever is in the class. We work with posture, core strength, flexibility and use music, adding a little bit of groove to keep it fun. You set your own goals and are not pushed beyond or behind what is working for you. Anybody can come to the class. All you need is the desire to be able to move more comfortably. What do you need?? A towel and some water (and wear something stretchy). Call the Workout Shed for enquiries on 5442 6338. Classes commence September 1st & places are limited.

Cooroy Family Support Centre AGM ALL members, friends, volunteers and public are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Cooroy Family Support Centre on Wednesday 14th September 2011 at 10:30am at the Cooroy Library. This is the perfect opportunity to find out more about the free counselling and support services we provide to the community. Become a part of the CFSC organisation! Sign up to become an active participant, volunteer, or member. A Membership entitles you to a range of benefits including invitations to social events, monthly newsletters, fundraisers etc. It also entitles you the right to vote at our Annual General Meeting. Enjoy refreshments courtesy of CFSC at conclusion of meeting. The Cooroy Family Support Centre is funded by Department Of Communities; we are a non-profit organisation where our Members, Friends, and Volunteers help raise awareness on behalf of the centre by assisting, organising, and participating at our events throughout the year.

SHELLAC SYSTEM Now available at

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Lisa & Mel 5442 6239

33 Miva St, Cooroy

Bloomhill Race Day CELEBRATE spring at Corbould Park Racecourse on Sunday, 25 September at the Bloomhill Race Day. The 9th annual Race Day will be held at Corbould Park Racecourse in Caloundra and will be filled with fashion, fun, a full race schedule and lots of prizes. Tickets are expected to sell out so be sure to buy yours now to be a part of this major fundraising event for Bloomhill Cancer Help. If you would like to book tickets, donate auction or raffle items, or be a businesssponsor for this worthy cause call Gail at the Bloomhill Cancer Help Centre on 54455794.

• Medicare Teen Dental • Accepting EPC Medicare Dental Plans • Appointments Available

9 Garnet St.

by Carol Watkins, Deputy Local Controller, Sunshine Coast North S.E.S. ous driving that puts our people at risk. People need to understand that the SES is not the organiser of this event. We are volunteers there to support the community. Some of us start before daybreak, giving up our Sunday with families. We also operate under the instructions of the police, and people are reported for abusive and dangerous behaviour. I recently attended a seminar on Queensland Disaster Management Arrangements. It was very timely given that we are fast approaching storm season, and the day before saw the release of the first report on the enquiry into the Disasters of 2011. Queensland, including our region, has the largest number of natural disasters in Australia and we all need to be aware and prepared. One of the recommendations coming out of the report is that people need to be self sufficient for 72 hours at times of an event. This means preparing their prop-

Caree Gentle Car

5442 6722

Helping Queenslanders for 30 years WE’VE had a bit of a change in positions in the local SES. I have been Group Leader of the Cooroy SES for just over four years, and have now been appointed to the position of Deputy Local Controller for the Sunshine Coast North Region. We are currently looking for a new Group Leader for Cooroy from within our Cooroy membership. Hopefully by the next Cooroy Rag issue, we will have an announcement on this. Once again this year we had pretty awful behaviour by some people at King of the Mountain. This is the biggest day of the year for Pomona and people surely are aware in advance that some roads will be closed with detours in place to enable them to get to their destination. However every time, some motorists arrive at the road diversions which are manned by SES volunteers, express surprise and frustration, and abuse our members. Not only do we have to endure abuse but also at times danger-

14 Day Glorious, High-Gloss Shine that’s truly addictive

erties at all times with a few simple precautions. Keep properties tidy at all times with yards clear of items that can be picked up in high winds. It is essential gutters are checked and kept clean to prevent water building up and flooding into your house. Have a pack ready containing torch with extra batteries, a battery operated radio, fresh water, and some non perishable food. Make sure your house numbers are visible, particularly at night, so we can find you if you need help. And of course, the phone number to contact the S.E.S. in an emergency is 132 500. But be aware that at the time of a storm event, we handle calls as they come in and help might not be immediately available. For any further information on joining the S.E.S. contact our Group Leaders: for Cooroy, 0427 349218; Pomona, Steve Muir, 0428 571213; Tewantin, Murray Caddie, 0410 512535; and for Boreen Point, Ron Williams 0488 795102.

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Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 25

dining & entertainment Lux Radio Theatre weekend Art Group wine show charity fundraiser


THE great Australian stars of radio’s golden days, will live again in this year’s Lux Radio Theatre weekend (7.30pm Friday, Saturday, 2nd, 3rd,and 2pm Sunday 4th September) at The Indee at Eumundi. Special permission to screen archival performances of Jack Davey, Bob Dyer, Willie Fennell, Ada and Elsie, Roy Rene ‘Mo’ and many more, has been given by Cinesound-Movietone. This will form the first half of the show. The second half will be a recreation of the Sunday night, Lux Radio Theatre, which was heard across Australia each week until the advent of television. It was staged before a live audience in the 2GBMacquarie Radio Auditorium and The Indee Theatre at Eumundi will take on that mantle. Actors in evening wear will perform The Third Man, from an original Lux Radio Theatre script. Sound effects will be done live, onstage. 1940s-50s repro microphones will be used and to add to the authenticity, there’ll be a repro mantle radio on each table in the auditorium. To add even more nostalgia the Indee coffee shop will feature $1 pies all weekend. There’s also a licensed bar. Director, John Burls, worked on air at Sydney’s 2GB during the early to mid 50s and knew many of the acting stars and exactly how the radio plays were staged. Tickets for Friday and Saturday night $20, concessions $18, Sunday $18. To reserve 5472 8200 or at the door.

Page 26 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011

Eddie Ellis as Holly Martins in The Third Man (played in the film by Joseph Cotton)

Bob Stuart as Harry Lime in The Third Man (Orson Wells in the movie)

THE Tinbeerwah Art Group has a selection of their work on display in the Cooroy Library this month and their current exhibition “All Creatures Great & Small” is at Cooroy RSL Bowls Club until 25th August. Then it’s the big one! Artists are busy preparing for the opening of their major exhibition for 2011. This will be an Art and Wine charity fundraiser opening night at the Cooroy RSL Bowls Club on Friday 26th August. This talented group of 40 local artists have been working hard all year to mount a series of small exhibitions in conjunction with Cooroy RSL using the opening nights, raffles and a percentage from sale of their work to raise money for local charities and community groups. The Tinbeerwah Art Group (T.A.G.) is one of the longest running art groups on the Coast. It was founded 18 years ago by retired Art Teacher Gwen Blair. Tinbeerwah Art Group is well known for its mix of contemporary and traditional styles in oils, watercolours, acrylics, pastels and mixed media. On Friday August 26th T.A.G.’s major exhibition for the year will open at the Cooroy RSL Bowls Club with an ART & WINE SHOW - charity fundraiser. All proceeds will go to the Bloomhill Target 300 campaign a Sunshine Coast based charity that provides support and assistance to those affected by cancer and their families. Well known international wine connoisseur Martin Field will present wines for tasting and a selection of superb nibbles some of which have been generously donated by Venison King and Maison de Provence. Come along to enjoy a wonderful night of art, wine, and gourmet treats. Buy a raffle ticket too and you could win a beautiful painting or bottle of wine. Friday 26th August 6pm Cooroy RSL Bowls Club, Opal St Cooroy. Tickets $10p.p. from the Cooroy RSL club Ph 5447 6131 Proceeds to Bloomhill Target 300

dining & entertainment


High standard classical concert

THE Pacific Chamber Players, based on the Sunshine Coast, will present Le Tour de Europe at the Cooran Memorial Hall on Sunday 28 August at 2.30pm. This will be the first time the classical music chamber ensemble has performed in Cooran. The players are all professional and experienced musicians from the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane, with viola player Andrew Paszkowski a regular Gympie visitor with his work as a Nuclear Medicine physician. Dr Paszkowski has played violin and viola since childhood. He was a member of the Australian Youth Orchestra and continues to play regularly with the Pacific Chamber Players and Pacific Chamber Orchestra. Oboist Ronald Webb was formerly principal oboe of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and has been active with musical groups on the Sunshine Coast for more than 15 years. Flautist from Brisbane, Deborah Cox will be the guest player. Deborah is the principal flautist with the Queensland Pops Orchestra. Other group members include prominent music

teachers, Anne Bowyer (cello), JulieAnne O’Reilly (violin & leader of the Queensland Pops Orchestra) and Janet Brewer (piano), all of whom are in demand for performances on the Coast and Brisbane. Le Tour de Europe will cover a selection of pieces including: the Clarinet Quartet Op2 No 1 in E Flat, by Swedish-Finnish clarinettist and composer, Crusell; The Divertimento for Flute, Oboe and Clarinet by English organist, Arnold; and Caprice on Russian Airs and Dances Op 79 for Woodwind and Piano by the French late Romantic organist, conductor and pianist Saint-Saens. Schumann’s Piano Quartet in E Flat Op 47 will complete the programme. This concert promises to be a delightful afternoon of high standard entertainment. Afternoon tea will be served. Bookings are recommended for this concert only and can be made by phoning 07 5446 8128. Tickets: $20 adults; $15 for groups of 8 persons; $5 students 15 years of age and under. A proportion of ticket sales is always donated to Cancer research.

Kenilworth Celebrates! BRETT A. Jones’ star continues to rise in the art world. Best known for his amazingly detailed freehand graphite drawings, he is now one of the resident artists writing regular drawing articles for “Artists Back to Basics” magazine, which has worldwide distribution. He is described as the publisher as “the most suitable artist in Australia to be writing this drawing column”. His services as a freehand drawing tutor are also in great demand with the few workshops he finds time to offer in Maryborough being quickly booked out. His mostly self-taught skills and techniques in the field of freehand drawing have helped a lot of people over the years to improve their own arts practice across the board with everyone from novices to established artists benefiting from his insights into how to draw freehand. He has been involved with the “Kenilworth Celebrates” art festival workshops for the last few years which bring by their own admission “the finest tutors from each medium available in Australia” together for the weeklong festival in September. Some of the tutors travel from as far as Sydney and Melbourne for this very highly regarded art festival which also includes the Kenilworth Art Show, the $15 000 Kenilworth Art Prize, and a host of other activities and events. Brett A. Jones’ method of freehand drawing is explained in a way everyone can understand with very practical demonstrations and a high degree of personal guidance. All basic equipment and materials needed for the 4-day course is supplied and Brett’s easy going manner and obvious passion for the subject always ensures an entertaining and rewarding experience. The Kenilworth workshops are the only other place he is available to teach his unique style of drawing apart from the workshops conducted in Maryborough so anyone interested in further details or bookings can ring Brett at (07)41287682 or workshop co-ordinator Rodney bloomer at (07)54 723088 or 0409 171003. The artsfestival is on 24/25 September and the workshops start on Monday 26 September and finish Friday 30 Sept. from 8.30 - 4.30.



PH: 5447 7022

Plus Drinks for you & your friends! Dine on any weeknight to receive your entry



$2 CINOS C U P P A C 3-5 10-2 &

5/12 Maple Street Cooroy

WIN Dinner or Luncheon

(Proceeds to Junior Pirates)


Friday & Saturday Nights Try Our Thai Seafood Red Curry

19th August - Fabian 26th August - Col Meredith 9th September - Raspberry Fields


5 .50 LUNCH

Tuesday-Thursday: 9.30am-7.00pm Friday: 9.30am-7.30pm Saturday: 10.30am-7.30pm Sunday: 10.30am-7.00pm




& TastyMonday Takeaway Menu - Closed

after dark in

wcase Gift Sho ived has arr ints Po Double aily m p 4-6 D





SEPTEMBER 10TH (Proceeds to RSPCA)


bingo 9am $1000 Jackpot chook run 9am $1000 & members Jackpot draw pool comp nomination 6.30pm 6.00pm peta’s wine $10 a bottle

DINNER M DEAL $ EAL 12.50 Tues & Wed


friday monster raffles 6.00pm everyone welcome


carvery lunch goose club & dinner from $10.90 12.00pm under 12’s eat free FREE poker from 7.00pm members draw & raffles

COOROY RSL & BOWLS RSL Maple Street 54476131 Bowls Opal Street 54476051 WEB Email –


Information for Members, Guests & bona-fide visitors - Courtsey Bus Thursday - Sunday Nights

Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 27

real estate


Immediate sale required

Contact Steve 0447 290 159 or your preferred agent



THIS two acre property would make an ideal weekender for city folk looking to escape to the country. The gentle land is lush and fertile, ideal for fruit and veggies and living the self-sustainable lifestyle. Two large, fenced paddocks could be used to keep chooks, dogs or a pony and there is plenty of room for a pool, large shed, or whatever the heart desires! The rustic two bedroom house offers the perfect opportunity to


Motivated sellers need this sold NOW!

Contact Dave

0429 811 572 or

ACREAGE & FARM Management

• 4WD Slashing • Broad Acre Weed Control • Pasture Improvement - Seeding - Aeratoring • Fertilising

25 Years Experience

BILL FRANCIS 0432 295 154

make a more permanent escape and live in while you build. Power, phone and rain water supply are already connected to the existing dwelling, offering an affordable conversion for your new dream home. Kin Kin township is just a short 5 minute drive and Noosa’s beaches and restaurants are within 40 minutes Price reduced from $295,000 to $249,000. Please Jim Ennis of on 0402 587 298 or 5447 7000.

IS this the most affordable acreage in the Noosa Hinterland? 5 elevated acres with good water from the dam and spring, a high set home with three bedrooms plus two-way bath upstairs and a further ensuited granny flat downstairs. For the handy man or home business there is extra space in the three bay powered shed and the added benefit of NO POWER BILLS! EVER! The owners have installed a 3.24Kw PV solar system and this more than covers their annual usage. The power company pays them the balance! The drive to Noosa Marina is under half an hour via Cooroy for all your shopping and services and access to the Bruce Highway for trips further afield is easy. $389,000 Please contact David Lafferty of on 0410 445 918 or 5447 7000

AUSTRALIAN MADE SHEDS & CARPORTS Domestic • Rural • Industrial

Tailor made to your dimensions

• Metroll & Aussie Outdoor Home Improvements • Patios & Carports • Colorbond Steel Fencing • Aquaplate Rainwater Tanks

• Obligation Free Quotes & On-site Advice • Width-length-height & Roof Pitch available • Made from Quality Bluescope Steel • Highly Competitive

PH: 5447 7688 Mobile: 0407 943 404

Your Local Sunshine Coast Dealer P.O. Box 888 Cooroy QLD 4563 Page 28 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011



475 000 ONO


PHONE JOHN 0414 433 826

COOROORA UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB INC ABN 72 990 382 488 Cooroy Sporting Complex, Mary River Road, Cooroy PO Box 84 COOROY QLD 4563

SPONSORS NIGHT Cooroora United Football Club would like to invite - you - our valued sponsor to our club to thank you for your continued support of this Club in 2011. When: Cooroora United Football Club, Mary River Rd, Cooroy. When: Saturday 20th August 2011 Time: 5pm Drinks and food will be provided Our last competitive Game for the Senior Men will commence at 6pm and we’d love you to stay and watch and cheer the boys on!

Please RSVP to Alinda Bryant on or 0401 57 52 51

real estate Beautiful setting close to town


SPACIOUS LIVING, PRESTIGE LOCATION Substantial 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 storey rendered home on almost 10 beautiful, fully fenced acres in Noosa’s Golden Triangle. Wide verandahs wrap around the home with uninterrupted views of Mount Tinbeerwah overlooking a tropical inground swimming pool. Lime trees growing in abundance and lots of water, this is lifestyle at its best. ID:2753

$1,399,000 Warren Berry 0407 730 987


CHECK out this well groomed 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, lowset rendered home, with double lockup garage, inground pool, 6 x 9 colour bond shed, carport, all set on a level 5549 m2 block of land. The property has a seasonal creek, town water & sewer. On the outskirts of Cooroy town, set in Noosa Hinterland, on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. The home features formal and informal living areas, with air conditioning, that flow out to the undercover entertainment areas. There is a large family kitchen with a pantry and dishwasher. The master bedroom has a walk-in-robe, ensuite, air conditioning and access to the court yard. 2 other good sized bedrooms with built-ins close to the main bathroom and great sized laundry. Internal excess to the

double garage which has room for a boat or caravan. Outside you will find an undercover entertainment area with a bbq area, sit back and enjoy the view and watch the children play in the sparkling inground pool. 6 x 9 colour bond shed, carport, green house to grow your own fruit and veggies, a chook pen for your own free range eggs, 2 x 5000 gallon water tanks, seasonal creek and town water, what a great package. All so close to schools, shops, sports ground and everything else that Cooroy has to offer. Take a 10 min. drive to Noosaville or hop on a train for a trip to Brisbane only 1 ½ hours away. For your own private viewing, call Warren at E-Noosa Realty on 0407 730 987 or email Price: $599,000.

Rainforest setting & affordable

Lowset brick and colourbond home with double lock-up garage and pool on an elevated acre of land with hinterland views and just 5kms from Cooroy. Formal and informal living areas and dining areas, front and back verandahs, low maintenance yards, resort style inground pool with solar heating, landscaped gardens and concrete driveway. You will be impressed! ID:2920

$582,000 Brad McDonald 0438 194 628 Warren Berry 0407 730 987

STYLE & CLASS Beautifully designed, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, plus study rendered lowset home. Elevated 643m2 block of land with views and breezes. 3 living areas with high ceilings, modern kitchen and media room. Outdoor deck with gazebo, landscaped gardens. Double lock-up garage with extra high clearance. Concrete driveway & 2 x 2500l tanks ID:2925

$520,000 Warren Berry 0407 730 987

COUNTRY LIVING ON THE OUTSKIRTS Solid brick family home on 2 acres 3 bedrooms plus large study/media room. Private landscaped pool and entertaining area. 4 car accommodation or 2 bay lock-up shed. 5mins to shops and schools ID:2900

$472,000 Brad McDonald 0438 194 628 Warren Berry 0407 730 987


SET back from the road for a tranquil setting is this 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom timber home. Placed on a lovely 2.5 acres of land back onto State Forest with a 4 bay shed. Only 7 minutes away from Cooroy Township in the Noosa Hinterland, set on the Sunshine Coast Queensland. The home offers an open plan living area with a fire place for those cozy winter nights. Renovated kitchen with a dishwasher. Large sunroom/rumpus room, which is the length of the house, plus a verandah, great for entertaining family and friends. Three bedrooms with built-ins, all with new floor coverings and close to the bathroom and laundry. Outside you will find the 4 bay

colour bond shed which has room for 5 cars, chook pen, dog house and run, veggie garden and fruit trees. The acreage is good for small crops, live of the land or just enjoy the space with plenty of room for the children to play. Backing onto State Forest and seasonal creeks, set back on a no through road, tucked away for peace and quiet so you can enjoy the beautiful bird life. Take a stroll to Lake McDonald for some pristine fishing or just a 7 minute drive to Cooroy Township. For all details please call Warren Berry at E-Noosa Realty on 0407 730987 or email Price: $428,000.

3 bedroom home offering the privacy of a country retreat yet is only minutes to the township of Eumundi. Also features a one bedroom studio type dwelling with all amenities adjacent to the main house. Placed on 2 acres of land with privacy assured. Ideal investment with returns in excess of approx $400 p/w rent. ID:2915

$425,000 Brad McDonald 0438 194 628

5447 6666 42 Maple Street, Cooroy QLD 4563 Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 29

Trades & Services AIR CONDITIONING

5440 5431 0419 555 366

• Free Design & Quote • Split & Ducted System Installs • Breakdown & Service Specialists • 18 Years’ Experience • All Work Guaranteed • All Rubbish Removed





Cooroy Handyman Service

RUSSELL MOWLES Cabinet Cabinet & Joinery Maker Installation


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Phone Andrew

Servicing Noosa Hinterland • Carpentry • Concreting • Tiling • Termite Repairs • Plastering • Cubbyhouses • Patch & Paint Walls • Roofing & Guttering • Patios & Decks • Fencing & Retaining Walls • Mobile Welding • Doors & Locks QBSA Licensed • 20 years experience • No job too small • We love Referrals

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15B Factory Street, POMONA

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Elona Bosboom






Septic Tanks, Grease Traps, Oil Arrestors, Liquid Waste

PH: 5447 6477

0418 713 244



LIME PLUS Fertilisers / Gypsum / Chook Manure

Service & Experience David 5442 5100 0429 992 330 Page 30 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011


Mobile: 0416 241 261

Locally Owned & Operated - 30 years Experience

PH: 5447 7594 - MOB: 0415 158 648

• Landscape Design & Construction • Retaining Walls • Drainage Solutions • Original Ideas & Professional Service • Structural Landscaper’s Licence 893465

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ROB: 0407 318 285 JEFF: 0401 385 320

Alan J Beatty



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• New Homes • Renovations • Repairs/Maintenance • Alterations/Extensions • Decks/Verandahs

Ph: 5447 6544 A/H: 5442 5078

• New Homes • Extensions • Renovations • Bathrooms • Pensioner Discounts

Richard Oxborough



10 Maple St Cooroy

Cooroy Eumundi Electrical Services

Ceiling fans/Safety Switches

Rod Stevens


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• Paling • Pool • Glass • Retaining Walls • Colorbond • Dog Fence • Tennis Court Specialist

Maintenance – Virus Removal Printers - Parts - Upgrades – Networks – Installations

98 Maple Street, Cooroy Qld 4563 Ph (07) 5329 0059 • Mobile 0438 196 113 email :

All aspects of landscaping & gardening with a CREATIVE, ORGANIC approach

16 Years Experience

Sean Morrow

Phone Rodger 0421 769 721 - 5473 5227

0411 312 284 - 5485 0525

BSA No: 1110445

QBSA Lic no. 1119365



QBSA No 1125039




Noosa Cooroy Road, Cooroy 5442 5044

Trades & Services PAINTING




Acer Tree Services

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Certified Arb, since 1992.

Phone Owen Meekins dip ARB/HORT,LLB

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7A7A Diamond St, Diamond Street Noosa Cooroy Rd PO Box 930 Cooroy QLD 4563 COOROY Email

5447 7992 07 54720960 | 07 54720961 0458 992 Mobile 777 0419738090


Mob: 0409 278 659 Carrying out all aspects of Tree Surgery & Arboriculture:

Cnr Johnson Court & Jarrah Street Cooroy Q 4563 Fax: 5442 5982

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Perry Gould 0408 871 002 BSA 1092904


Stan Kidd



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Treatment Plant Services

5447 6322

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Brett Gowen 0422 868 911, 5441 5997

Helping trees live with people Cooroy Rag, Auguat 17, 2011 - Page 31



Cooroy Golf Club – better than ever Specialising in Domestic, Commercial, Industrial, New work & Repairs

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• 8 Tonne Crane • 10m3 Tipper (with Drop Sides) • Loading Ramps (10 Tonne) • Flat Top 6.5 Metre Long • Hydraulic Log Grab (Hydraulic Rotation)

Phone Bill

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WEED CONTROL SPECIALISTS • All weeds controlled • Groundsel • Lantana • Giant Rats Tail Grass • Singapore Daisy • Bindi-eye & Clover • Servicing All Areas Council Notices, Sports Fields, Nurserys, Fence-Lines, Gardens, Environmentally Sensative Areas

DEAN or LANA 0414 884 252 Licenced & Insuranced Page 32 - Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011

COOROY golf club has overcome all the damage caused by the floods and is looking better than ever now. With vast improvements to the course in drainage and concrete cart paths as well as a spruce up of the club house itself, it is looking a million dollars. Through the efforts of some members, associates, vets, staff and committee, the club is now powering along and experiencing a surge in social players. You can come along and join the Social ladies on Tuesdays and Competition ladies on Thursdays, whilst Veterans get together on a Wednesday and for those who want a hit and giggle with maybe an ale or two, the Sunday social club hits off at 6.30am. A recent survey has put Cooroy as one of the “best value for money

courses on the coast ”. No wonder, with charges of only $20 for 9 holes and $30 for 18 holes, these have to be some of the cheapest prices around and your getting a fitness workout while you’re out there. The club house has also seen an increase in

numbers, with visitors and members alike enjoying a quiet refreshing cold ale or a hot cappuccino or chocolate from our newly installed alfresco coffee machine. Membership is available now at a very competitive price and our manager Wayne is

available to organise a deal for you today. The club is available to look after any size function day that a business may want to organize for clients or maybe a staff Christmas break up. We also do hiring of the clubhouse with catering at very reasonable rates for

Birthday ’s or Corporate functions. Also, we are offering free coaching to any ladies on Tuesday mornings - contact Wayne at the Golf Club for more information. For any information you may require, contact Wayne or one of our staff on 5447 6258.

98 players taking the course for Women’s Open Day THE Women’s Open Day at Cooroy Golf Club on Monday, 8 August 2011 was a great success with 98 players taking to the course in absolutely perfect weather. The greens staff had the course looking well and this was appreciated by the players, especially the ones who were successful. The day was a success because so many of our members (men as well as women) took ownership of the event and helped in a variety of ways. We really must thank Cooroy Central Guardian Pharmacy and Adina Watches for the wonderful trophies presented to the nett winners in each division. Tanya Stewart presented watches to the following winners: Division 1 Karen Hehir (Tin Can Bay) with 66 on a countback; Division 2 – Cheryl Cowley (Mt Coolum) with a fantastic 60; Division 3 – Wendy

Morse (Cooroy) with 61 on a countback. The other trophy winners were: Nett Runners-up: Margaret Lucas (Cry) 66, Reyna Sharwood (TN) 70 (c/b) and Maureen Connor (Nam) (61). Gross Winners: Lyn Wong (TCB) (80), Vicki Garrood (MC) (67 c/b) and Kay Evans (TN) 97 (c/b) Gross Runners-up: Gia Stolz (Cal) (84), Thelma Byrnes (Nam) (96) and Jan Galvin (Cry) 97 (c/b). The Veterans’ trophies were donated by Irene Lally: and won by Cheryl Cowley (MC) (60) and Wendy Morse (Cry) (61 c/b). Pin shots and approaches went to: Judith Keill (Cal), Maree Christensen (MC), Wendy Morse (Cry) and Lyn Wallace (Nam). The team event was won by Cheryl Cowley (MC), Ros Jamieson (B), Jan Galvin (Cry) and Charmaine McCormick (TN).

Tania Stewart presenting watch to Karen Hehir

Noosa Christian College 3rd at interschool athletics carnival ON Wednesday, August 11, 29 students from Noosa Christian College travelled to Brisbane ANZ stadium for the annual interschool Athletics Carnival. Seven other schools represented on the day from Brisbane, Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Lismore, and Murwillumba. At the end of the day all the points were tallied and the overall winners announced. For the first time Noosa Christian College came 3rd overall for the day. Results: 9yo: Lachlan Possobon – 100m 2nd, 400m 3rd; Jasper Bryant – 200m 2nd; Michael Cutcliffe – 200m 3rd, 400m 1st;

Sophie Kerr – 400m 1st, high jump 1st; Natasha Murray – 400m 2nd; Emma Garrick – shot put 3rd. 10yo: Brayden Rielly – 800m 3rd; Lachlan Riley – javelin 3rd; Georgia Lee – 800m 1st, high jump 2nd; Ariel Kinchington – 100m 1st, 200m 1st, 800m 2nd, long jump 2nd; Hannah Sharry – long jump 3rd. 11 yo: Joshua Irvine – discus 3rd, javelin 3rd; Dylan Gerard – shot put 3rd; Shauna Kelly – 100m 2nd, 200m 1st, 800m 1st, high jump 3rd, long jump 1st; Aliesha Gray – 800m 2nd. 12 yo: Sam Thompson, long jump 3rd, javelin 3rd; David Robertson, 100m, 3rd.

NCC representatives at the interschool athletics carnival All the students had a great time and the teachers were very proud of their sportsmanship and participation.



Noosa Junior Pirates Rugby League U7 blue played an outstanding game against Kawana. Their ball skills and team work were sensational and all players had a brilliant game! We travelled to Coolum and faced a team that were a bit under par. Our boys turned up ready to play and didn’t disappoint, great team effort, all the tackles and trys were shared around. Awards went to Zac, Kye and Brendan. U8 gold played a great attacking game on the weekend. The new halves pairing of Levi and Kade gelled together well off the back of some clean work from Cody in dummy half. Chance continues his barnstorming runs, Sam was rock solid in defence and Ryan showed his usual flare; well done boys. Noosa U9 blues played a fair game against Coolum. We defended well for half the game and scored a couple of good trys. Great games to Will Kuip, Michael Cutcliffe,

Sam Crosby, Kyle Sweeny and man of match Callun. U10 gold played a solid game against Kawana. With only ten players the boys dug deep and really frustrated the opposition. Some really good defence from everybody; especially Noah who was man of match! Well played boys. U11 blue had a good win, 24 to 12, over Bribie. The boys spread the ball well creating scoring opportunities. Bopple, Joel, Mason and Aaron all

taking advantage of some good lead up, scoring crucial trys and solid defence kept them scoreless in the second half. Man of the match was a tough decision going to Aaron with his 2 trys. Great effort boys. U11 gold played Beerwah this week. The boys played well this week with a final score of 38 to 10 win to keep their finals run on track. Man of the match went to Jake Armitage. The U12 blue team took on the third placed Beechmere at home in an

absolute nail biter. With strong defence the order of the day, Liam Cook, Caenaan Parlane and Lachlan Dand McNab certainly let the opposition know they had been tackled.On the edges Jonathon Lowth and Josh Richardson were again menacing, running off some quality passes from the halves Blake and Ethan. Unfortunately Beechmere snuck home with a try two minutes from fulltime and ran out 148 winners. U12 gold are playing like a very tired team with no confidence. With a positive attitude and some hard work, hopefully we will turn things around because the effort on the weekend wasn’t up to the boys standard; losing 24 to 10 against Nambour. Best for pirates was Bryn, Odin, Sami and Jacko. U14 played Nambour at Nambour in Friday night footy, after a week that can be best summed up as

Junior Hot Shots Tournament COOROY coach Rob Schmitt and Eumundi coach Zac Davidson combined to run a very successful Junior Hot Shots Tennis Tournament for 8 year old and under players at Cooroy Tennis Club Sunday 24th July. Attached photo shows Jake from Eumundi preparing to hit the ball under the watchful eye of coach Rob. Special low compression balls are used at the Hot Shot tournaments to introduce young players to tennis. Join us for mixed social tennis on Sunday 4 September at 3pm. Free sausage sizzle from 4pm. Balls provided and cost is $2 for members and $5 for non mem-

bers. The Club encourages anyone interested in playing tennis to come along to social tennis held every Thursday 8am and the first Sunday of each month at 5pm. Casual court hire is also available almost any time. For further information contact our committee members, Fraser 5485 1942, Dorelle 5447 6674, Carol 5447 6018, Rhonda 0400 415 370, or Helene 5447 6945. Rob Schmitt, our professional coach, is available for coaching lessons. Rob has introduced Wednesday Ladies tennis at 9am. Cost is $5, includes coaching and a doubles competition. Phone Rob on 0431 386 333 or 5449 8417.

interesting. With a few of the boys unable to play due to sickness, we were left with a bare 13 players. Our boys went back to basic mistake free rugby league and were only trailing by two points at half time. After a small but inspiring speech from one of our players the boys started the second half well playing a fast wide running game skipping to a two point lead after ten minutes. They fought like lions scoring a try to regain the lead then defended their line for fifteen minutes and won the game; it was inspiring to watch and is a credit to all of them. Well done boys! The Noosa Pirates would like to thank their s p o n s o r s w w w. l a n d scape and Rob and Carolyn Tindall for contributing to the mini-mid carnival played last weekend. 1200 kids aged U7 to U10 from all over the Sunshine Coast competed in the annual event.

Send your Sports stories & photos to

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Cooroy Rag, August 17, 2011 - Page 33

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sport Another title holder added to its stable of Champions

COOROY RAG IMPACT Boxing Academy has added another title holder to its stable of champions. Connor “The Crucifier” Jones won the 60kg division at the Wide Bay Titles at Bundaberg. Jones has won two titles in his last two fights. He currently holds the 60kg SE Queensland title and is now the new 60kg Wide Bay Title holder. Jones’ opponent was the nuggety Tim Taua from Hervey Bay. From the opening bell Jones knew he was in for a tough night at the office as Taua come out throwing bombs with both hands. Jones realized he needed to be smart and box well to avoid an early night. Taua was relentless in his attack, eventually catching Jones with a solid left hook to end the round. Jones came out in the second round pressing forward in his usual aggressive manner and had Taua on the back foot and in trouble. Taua was starting to show signs of fatigue as Jones finished the round with some powerful combinations to the body of Taua. Third and final round saw Jones continue to dictate the pace of the fight as he picked Taua of at will, eventually being crowned the winner by way of a unanimous decision. “Connor fought a

ended. Round two saw both boys have their moments as they stood toe to toe in centre ring and threw everything they had at each other. At the beginning of the third and final round both boys came out of their corners and met in centre ring to touch gloves. A sign of respect and good sportsmanship between two young men was inspiring to see and was acknowledged with applause by all in attendance. With the crowd on their feet cheering the boys home, the two little warriors went to war. Sam applied his usual pressure and backed with some brilliant footwork had Adams’s on the back

Connor good hard fight against a very tough opponent. His constant pressure was the key to tonight’s win, he just kept wearing Taua down until the last bell. He has been training so hard this year and to win two titles in his last two fights is proof that the hard work has paid off for him,” Coach Mark Evans said. “Slamin Sam” Cameron Hands put in another stellar performance on Saturday night at the Fortitude Valley Boxing Stadium. In front of a packed house Sam

Jones climbed into the ring to take on Josh ”The Axe” Adams in the curtain raiser for the Pro Fight night. In what was definitely the biggest night in the young guns career, he took it all in his stride and put in a performance a seasoned fighter would have been proud of. Sam started the round with a right hand that found its mark immediately. To Adams’ credit he weathered Sam’s early big punches and managed to get some of his own combinations out as the round

foot and on the receiving end of “Salmin Sam” at his best. Adams’ fought back in vein but Sam was the more accurate puncher of the two and was eventually awarded the win by way of a points decision. “I am so proud of Sam. To get up there in front of a crowd this size at the age of twelve and put in a performance like that is nothing short of awesome. He always puts in 100% no matter where he fights or who he fights. The kid has a heart bigger than the chest he carries it in and I have no doubt he will aspire to every goal that he has in boxing,” Coach Mark Evans said.

Mark Evans, “Slamin” Sam and Andrew Gosden

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OUR go forward President, Steve Standish wants to challenge all our local businesses to match our clubs’ ambition of turning Cooroora United into a powerhouse of Sunshine Coast Football. With a very strong committee and some great up and coming coaches the club has already been transformed from being an average club into one of the best respected in the competition. Our committee and members want to build a strong club and start to breed success into our youth. We want to produce champion sports people and make a statement that we are a great club for developing great young sports people. Our club is in a position at the moment where there is some uncertainty as to which direction we are going to go. For us to continue as a premier league club our local business will have to match our own ambitions. We don’t want to be a one year wonder because it would be pretty meaningless if we were to do that. We must progress and build on

our success. It now becomes something for our local businesses to get involved with. Our vision is to make the club bigger and better and attract attention to our youth from the big decision makers. Our club has made major progress this year with improvements across the whole club and major improvements to our playing fields and facilities. We have invested in coach improvement, new goal posts, improved our administration and boosted our membership. We now need to capitalise this progress and get some success for our club next season. We really need a major sponsor for next season to come on board now. Please contact our administration crew through our web site for details. Finally the premier league in England starts this week and you can catch all the action on SBS. Go Kin Kenny and Liverpool.

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Cooroy Dolphins swimming season starts soon

Gymnast of the Month

Cooroy-Eumundi Cricket Club

Junior Sign-on at the Corooy Car Club, Mary River Road, Cooroy

Wednesday, August 17th and Wednesday August 24th from 3.30pm First game of the season - October 1

Outgoing president Krissi Van, Daniel Hewson and Lucia Van Leacey holding the cheque from the Rag Name: Mia Ferkranus Age: 6 Class: Squad 3 Coach: Ashleigh How long have you been doing gymnastics? 1.5 years What do you like about gymnastics? Everything! For more information phone the Cooroy Gymnastics Club on 54425800 or visit our website

THE Cooroy Dolphins Swimming Club members can’t wait to get back into the pool. The pool at NDSHS is looking slick after work done over the winter months. The AGM will be held at the pool on Sunday, August 21. Brunch begins at 10am with AGM at 11am. Brunch is on us and all members are

welcome. If you are not a member and would like to start swimming either in the learn to swim, squad training or adult training, the sign on day is Saturday, September 3 from 10am to 3pm at the pool. Numbers are limited so get in quick. Please bring children’s birth certificates which need to be sighted by Registrar for

Swimming Qld membership. The swimming season starts on Monday, September 5. For more information phone Lance McFayden 0412 980 786. The Cooroy Dolphins could not exist without its wonderful sponsors. The Cooroy Rag has kindly donated another $500 to assist with our learn to swim programme.


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