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August 30, 2017
Unlock the potential of Cooroy’s RV Stopover
THE number of visitors utilising Cooroy’s RV Park in Mary River Road has been steadily increasing since it became operations almost two years ago, but is still running at a loss. Although Council remains committed to the park they say in order to reach break-even the park would have to increase its turnover by around 237% or an additional 3803 visitor nights per year. Currently the park is managed by the contractor of the Boreen Point caravan park at a cost of $18,500 per year plus 50 percent of the take. Council is currently seeking Expressions of Interest from community groups willing to manage the park to reduce this overhead, but according to well-travelled grey nomads Ray Kelly and Doug
Claydon, getting new managers at a lower cost is not all that’s required to get the best from what they believe is the most under-utilised asset in our community. They say the thing holding our RV Park back is the lack of facilities available to visitors. With the blessing of the Cooroy Chamber of Commerce Mr Kelly, who many will know from his long stint as a councillor for Cooroy, and long time local and business owner Mr Claydon, have liaised with the both the car club and pony club and have established a friendly working relationship with both groups who utilise the grounds and facilities. Continued on Page 3