Cooroy Rag February 13 2019

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PH: 5485 2200 February 13, 2019


Traffic lights in Cooroy?

MP’s Marty Hunt, Sandy Bolton and Mayor Tony Wellington gathered community input about our problem intersections at the Town Meeting held last week Over 200 residents turned out at Cooroy Memorial Hall to hear local MPs Marty Hunt and Sandy Bolton listen to concerns and answer questions on the state-controlled busy town intersections following a comprehensive introduction by Mayor Wellington. Heartfelt and informed questions from the floor were well fielded by the speakers. A conceptual plan from Transport Main Roads (TMR) for traffic lights to be installed at Myall/ Elm and Diamond/Elm intersections was presented, with assurances relayed from TMR that from their comprehensive study that this would be the most effective way to deal with traffic flow through these intersections for the next 20 years. It was stated that both sets of lights would work together to ease congestion and be conducive to traffic flow. TMR declined to attend the meeting, and the conceptual plans were quite light on details particularly in regard to other streets that could be affected by the implementation of the lights, including Miva and Kauri Streets, parking on Diamond Street and access to the corner service station. It was stated that these details would be sorted out and a much more comprehensive plan would be presented by TMR if Cooroy residents decided they were in favour of having the lights in place. While TMR have indicated previously it could take up to 4 years for a budgeted proposal to be acted on by the state Government, Member for Nicklin, Marty Hunt, said his job is to listen to the community and if the Cooroy community wants to go with lights he will fight hard to get that happening as quickly as possible and could possibly have it included in this year’s budget. TMR has stated that a single lane roundabout is not an option, they have identified dual lane roundabouts

would be required to accommodate forecast traffic growth and to accommodate B-Double trucks. This would have significantly higher construction costs, and land would need to be resumed, making it extremely unlikely this would ever be implemented or would be a much longer-term option. The ballot paper which was presented to the meeting from CARA, had each intersection listed separately with the choices to circle being, Lights, Roundabout, No Change. Of the 115 people who filled out the ballot form, 46 wanted lights at the Myall/Elm intersections and 60 preferring a roundabout. There were 10 votes for no change. At the Diamond/Elm intersection, 45 wanted lights, while 60 voted for a roundabout and 11 voted for no change. Though there was also talk and suggestions at the meeting of another road crossing being added over the railway lines, and waiting for a Cooroy Bypass, Marty Hunt has said these options were ‘mega years away.’ A trial period of lights using a temporary traffic light system was also ruled out, as temporary lights work completely different to permanent lights, and cannot work in conjunction with each other when used at both intersections. Submissions to TMR close on February 18, 2019 , so if you couldn’t attend the meeting and would like to have an input go to and have your say or call Marty Hunt’s office 5406 4100. TMR will then collate the responses they have received and then report back to the Cooroy Community.

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