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September 27, 2017
Six years of Pink October for Cooroy
In the pink: Councillors Brian Stockwell, Joe Jurisevic and Jess Glasgow COOROY’S annual Pink October event will be held again on 19 October - marking six years of the community stepping out in their best pink outfits to have fun and raise funds and awareness for breast cancer treatment. Organiser Carol Christensen said she is proud to have been involved in the event over the years, which raises awareness and funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. “The Pink Precinct Fun Trail is a fun way to encourage the community to get out and active and meet local businesses and residents while supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation,” she said. “The work of NBCF is fully-funded by the Australian public, so all funds raised by our local community are important to help reduce this cancer – the most common cancer affecting women. “Many people in our community - both men and women - have been affected by breast cancer and this annual event is a way to recognise and celebrate their journey and support them and their families.” Carol said all ages and fitness levels were welcome with the only requirements being a sense of fun, a pink outfit and an early start (6:30am for a 7am start). The Fun Trail kicks off at 7am from the Cooroy Butter Factory Arts
Centre, finishing at the same location for prizes and speeches at 8am. Dogs are welcome and will also be awarded prizes for best dressed. Entry to the Fun Trail is a gold coin donation - the cost of a “Pink Passport” - with great prizes awarded for the best outfit and first across the line. The prizes include Fitbits for the male and female winner, donated by Cooroy Future Group and Fiona Winter Realty, and a longboard scooter for the under 18’s. All entrants need a Pink Passport - either purchase on the day from 6.30am, or in advance from participating local businesses or Cooroy Library - to collect your stamps from the marked locations on the trail. First over the line with all stamps wins a prize. The Pink Precinct Fun Trail began in 2011 in response to a call from the Cooroy community to support this worthy cause. The initial event was organised by the Cooroy Library staff, the Friends of Mill Place, and community members. In 2014 a partnership was formed between Noosa Council and the Lower Mill Board (now the Cooroy Future Group) to deliver this event along with the annual Cooroy Fusion Festival. The event owes its ongoing success to the massive contribution from local volunteers and local business owners who take part each year.