Cooroy Rag September 7 2011

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COOROY RAG The Heart of the Hinterland

42 maple st, cooroy

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Demons victorious after 35 years

Tthe Pomona Demons defeated Pine Rivers to win the premership Div 3 grand final. Pictured with the Demons is founding club member, Betty Davis AFTER more than 35 years, The Pomona Demons Seniors celebrated their first ever flag. It was long overdue. The Demons are a true grass roots footy team with all the boys living locally (no out of state or even out of Sunshine Coast players). The Pomona Demons started the year with some good numbers on the training track and a number of recruits both new and old faces returning to the club to assist in the Demons quest for its first senior premiership. The Demons started off the year in great fashion winning their first 6 games in a row. Round 7 saw them host PR in the top of table clash. “The match ended in a draw but it was from this game that our belief grew and we knew we could match it with every team in the comp,” said Senior Coach Sam Krushka.

“After a few weeks off the Demons regathered to attack the second half of the season. It was in this period we were able to include some quality players such as Nick Lunn, Joel Kennedy, Joel Krushka and Leigh Kenrick into the line up to strengthen our team. In addition to the new faces we were able to blood some more talent into the squad from the Under 16s including Jesse Lawrence, Alex Mahony, Billy Mahony (At 14, the youngest senior player in the club’s history) Beau Stolberg and Brad Forbes. This inclusion of youth gave the club a look at the senior team in the years ahead,” said Kruska.

continued page 2

16A Maple St PO Box 560 COOROY 4563

Ph 5447 7666 Fax 5447 7525

September 7, 2011

Not my fave

NO one could accuse me of being a fashionista, certainly not this winter anyway, where my penchant for wearing teenage boys’ hoodies did not go unnoticed. I have never been accused of being a fashion slave. Of course I dabbled with it over the years and I’d have to say I dabbled a little too hard in the 80s. My golden satin knickerbockers cinched tightly at the waist to highlight the magnitude of the grid iron shoulder pads of my matching top was testament to that, but mostly I’ve pretty much stuck to the basics. The 1980’s were nobody’s friend, but I always thought the 1880’s could have been my best friend. The corsets, the full skirts, the bustles, who wouldn’t look good in that ... and then my daughter decided to have her 18 th birthday party as a burlesque fancy dress and I found out exactly who wouldn’t look good in that. I had my suspicions there could be problems ahead when I read that to able to wear a corset your bust measurement had to be larger than your waist measurement. But I tried one on anyway. Let’s just say after my sister finished pulling like a maniac on the laces at the back of my corset, I started to fear this reenactment from Gone With the Wind wasn’t going to end favourably for Miss Scarlet. My fear was realised when she spun me around to have a look and then started trying to unsuccessfully poke my excess waist measurement up underneath the lacings … all the while screaming “I don’t know nothing ’bout birthin’ no babies”. Perhaps that’s what the bustle and full skirts were for. So there you have it … burlesque, bustiers and bulges Wearing a hoodie to the birthday party … not my fave!

Next edition: September 28 Booking deadline: September 15 Copy deadline: September 19

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Guns and violence – does any body care?

Continued from page 1

What is this obsession these days, of people owning guns, These gangster-like activities, of firearm hit-and-runs? Every day in the news, there’s a story headline grabbing, A senseless murder, or attempt, a shooting or a stabbing.

Please support Cooroy's Own Monday Monday to to Friday Friday -- 7am 7am to to 4.45pm 4.45pm Saturday Saturday -- 7.30am 7.30am to to 2pm 2pm Sunday Sunday -- 88 am am to to 2pm 2pm

It’s hard to understand, and certainly to justify, Why one man has to decide, another man has to die, Our country once was pretty free, of these threats to human life, But it seems we now accept, this use of the gun and the knife. Television and the films, and certainly the computer game, Are obviously in the picture, and the ones the experts blame. Children watch these stories, featuring mayhem and graphic violence, And we accept the programmes, in quite unheeding silence.


It’s reported that anyone, can easily buy a gun, Some buyers even treat it all, as quite a bit of fun, But it’s a long way from amusing, when it comes to actual killing, Seeing blood in volume, you’d hardly call that thrilling!


The media of course will revel, and labour without end, And interview whoever they can, be it police, a neighbour, a friend, There’ll be cameramen and reporters, broadcasting on-the-spot, Bloodstains on anything, are a most desirable shot.

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It’s cause for despair what’s happening to our lives, Filled with these pictures, of murders, the guns, and the knives. Especially when you see the uproar, about killing cattle, While those who want control of guns, are fighting a losing battle. Someone’s killing whales, the country’s up in arms, But the murders and violence, they sound no alarms. The video games may be horrifying with people dismembered and shot, But we are told, the kids like them, so the attitude is “so what??” Jim Dunstan

Where’s the rolled up Rag?


$890 INSTALLED 6 Emerald St, Cooroy 5442 5222

Page 2 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011

news Demons win grand final

to: ‘Where’s the rolled up rag competition’, PO Box 898, Cooroy, 4563, and let us know which ad you found it For those who would like in and the page number to enter the ‘Where’s the along with your name, Rolled Up Rag’ address and phone number Competition, here’s what so we cantact you. it’s about: In each edition The first correct entry of the Cooroy Rag we are drawn will win a $25 dinner placing the above photo voucher at the Cooroy RSL (smaller version) in one of Club. Entries will be drawn the advertisements for on September 22nd. you to try and find. We’ll be making it as difficult as possible (a bit like ‘Where’s Wally). Last issue’s winner was Ruth All you have to do is email Warry who found the ‘rolled us at up Rag’ in the Bi-Rite ad on e d i t o r i a l @ c o o r o y r a g . page 9. or post your entry

“OUR first loss of the year in the final roster game was a blessing in disguise as all thoughts of going through the season were forgotten which enabled us to focus on the job at hand. The 2nd semi final saw us travel to Pine Rivers again with a similar result. The difference really came in our attitude for this game and for a lot of young players playing in their first senior final it was a good experience. “The advantage of finishing second saw us get a 2nd chance and play Maroochy at Noosa for Sam Krushka a spot in the GF. The Demons Pomona Demons Senior were dominant all day led by the Coach veteran demon legend Alex McKinnon who turned back the clock to kick 8 magnificent goals, our unstoppable on ball division led by the Magin brothers and a backline gaining in confidence. The Demons were into their first GF since 2007. “Grand Final week saw a lot of nerves and excitement with training and team meeting on a high standard. By selection time there were 25 players included in the final squad with only 22 being able to take the field on GF day, there were 3 unlucky players to miss out. This was a tough time for the club, but as in all great football teams the club is always bigger than the individual. “Grand Final day saw a huge crowd come to support the Dees in their fight for the flag. An undisciplined first 3 quarters saw us trail by 25 points. As a group we really believed we were still a chance to win the game. We came out firing and kicked 6 goals to 2 in the final quarter to secure a thrilling draw. We played like “brothers” and when Peter Larkin snatched a goal off the ground with a second to go, the Demon crowd erupted! We were coming back for a Replay. “GF Replay saw a couple of enforced changes to the Demons line up. This gave an opportunity to two of our young players Dean Rawlins and Jarrad Flinn to step up. For Dean, in particular it was a great reward for the way he handled himself after the disappointment of missing out the week before. For Dean to come out in the replay and kick 4 goals at crucial times was simply an unbelievable story. “The first half was eerily similar to 1st GF but we went into the main break only 12 points down. The feeling in the rooms was again different to the week before with us really believing the game was ours. We came out firing and kicked 4.6 to 1.1 for the quarter to go in 11 points up. A 5 goal last quarter saw the Demons victorious by 25 points to claim the first premiership the clubs almost 40 year history,” said Kruska. “I would like to thank the Club’s Supporters, Sponsors, Volunteers for their efforts contribution to this history making year. “I would also like to thank the committee of Bill, Megan, Jess, Wayne, Scott, Julie, Trav and Paul for their support this year. The amount of hours that this group of people put in this year will never be forgotten. “Also the Match Day Team of Bill, Scott, Phil, Kenny, the Captains Blake & Larko and Chris Taylor for lending his massage skills to the cause. “The most important thanks must go to the 42 players that played for the club this year. It was a special group of players both young and old that made our success possible. The personnel may change slightly next year but I know the hunger for a contest and fighting attitude will remain. Lastly I would to dedicate this premiership to Bill Magin for all he has done for the Pomona Football Club. 30 years of service has finally been rewarded with a Premiership. He is an inspiration to many of us at the club and will continue to be for many years to come. Let’s make it back to back flags in 2012!”


A-maze-ing! currently attending to this project. There are still many other ideas designed by the students that are still on the table awaiting approval for funding. PhD candidate and Lower Mill Board member Ruth Greenaway is investigating the student’s involvement in urban planning at the Lower Mill site and said “The Lower Mill Board and the Cooroy community demonstrate best practice in community engagement by involving young people in urban planning; a practice that is rarely seen Ruth Greenaway received a publication award around the world”. for her contribution to the article “Serious Publication Award: Playground: Awards keep coming in for projects associated ANOTHER of the ideas proposed by with the Lower Mill site. Cooroy’s students from NDSHS for the Lower Lower Mill site continues to be a hub for innovation in architecture and in Mill site is underway. The digital revolution fuels the need education. Australian Research Counfor an immediate response to most of cil linkage grant researcher Ruth societies current situations but we are Greenaway was congratulated during reminded that sometimes we need to Queensland University of Technology wait for the appropriate processes and Faculty of Education publication week procedures to be played out. This usu- for her work with students from Noosa ally means we need to wait for money District State High School. Ruth received a publication award for her conto become available. At the latest Lower Mill Board meet- tribution to the article “Serious Playing the members voted to secure fi- ground: using second life to engage nancial assistance to have a log maze high school students in urban planbuilt at Mill Place. A student attend- ning” that describes how students ing NDSHS who was involved in the used the “Second Life” computer plat“Heritage Journey” experience in 2009 form to rebuild the Lower Mill site in a designed the maze. The idea for the virtual environment. A second published article “Radiant maze came from the stories told by the former workers of the sawmill. The maze with possibility: involving young peotells the story of the axeman going out ple in creating a vision for the future into the local bushland, searching for of their community” tells the story of the types of trees to be cut down and how the students interviewed former identifying the prized species. The mill workers Ron Bath, Ron Sutton and prized species will be found at the cen- Owen Woodford to capture the past uses of the Lower Mill site. The stotre of the maze. Other ideas generated by NDSHS ries were used to help the students students that have been already trans- design ideas of what they would like formed the Lower Mill site include the the Lower Mill site to look like in the “Pepper’s Ghost” and the sound- future. The students and teachers at Noosa scape found in the kilns and boiler house. The students idea of a holo- District State High School look forward gram The idea for a community garden to creating more opportunities to enalso came from the students and the hance the work the students have beCooroy Community Gardens group is gun in their local community.

news Espresso opens at Cooroy Library COOROY Library celebrated the opening of the new Library Espresso Coffee Cart for business on Monday 15 August, 2011. This long-awaited and newest edition to the Cooroy Library tempts customers to linger over their espresso whilst reading the newspaper or meeting with friends. Melinda Campbell, the coffee cart Manager states that, “the cart offers a range of delicious sweet and savoury goods. Come and relax and enjoy an environment where parents, children and individuals have a place to feed their soul and experience what fantastic facilities they have access to within the library”. Library Espresso is open between 9am – 4pm Monday to Friday and 9am –midday Saturday. Catering is also available if you have a function or group meeting at the library.

Family portrait fundraiser COOROY Community Kindergarten are holding a $15 Family Portrait Fundraiser on Sunday October 23rd. You will receive a giant 10”x13” framed portrait for your donation - a great family gift idea. These funds (plus bonuses) shall go back to our school and at the same time, if you choose, you will have the chance to purchase additional portraits at exceptionally good prices. For further information phone Cooroy Community Kindy fundraising co-ordinator Michelle Byers on 5442 6812 or 0400 775 768.

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Page 4 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011


All the fun of the fair

news Noosa Show Ball 2011

Noosa Country Show ENTERTAINMENT at the Noosa Country Show this year is very extensive. Newcomer Sammy Ray Jones will be performing on Saturday 10th at 10.40am. He has a voice that will sooth your mind and makes you really listen to his original words he and his family have written. He is an amazing new talent that is not too missed. There will local dancers with varying dance style from line dancing and Irish dancing to the action pack adrenaline Dance Children at 3.15pm Saturday. Kin Kin State Primary School Rock band will also be performing on Friday afternoon from 2pm. A full time schedule of event programming can be found on the website . The combined schedule has hit the streets running you can pick up your own copy for FREE from Council chambers in Tewantin, Pomona. Tewantin and Noosa Heads Tourist Information centres and various local shops in Pomona, Cooroy, Tewantin and Noosa.

Kenilworth Show and Rodeo THE Kenilworth Show and Rodeo will be held this year on Saturday, September 17. The ever popular Piglet Races will be back again with the first race at 11am with 5 races all up. An animal nursery and side shows also for the kiddies. A round of the QCAS ‘Ute Muster’ series with a Street Ute Class, B and S Ute, Chiks Ute, 4x4 Ute, Work Ute and Ferel Ute. Local utes can compete with those from out of the region, 9am assembly, 12.30 t 1pm judging. In the Rodeo arena a full ‘All Round’ National Rodeo Assoc event with Bull and Bronc rides, Steer Wrestling, Breakaway Roping, Barrel races. Rodeo start time 9.30am and going through all day. The Wood Chop has 10 class events with an 18 inch Handicap Sawing Event, hopefully attracting the female gender to the sport of Wood Chop. Show Jump commences at 8am with 5 classes, Junior 14 yrs and under 75cm AM5; Unoffocial 75cm One Round Ideal Time; Unofficial 90cm AM2; Equestrian Queensland registered Horse and Rider Official 1.05 AM3 and Official 1.20m AM5. See the professionals in action! Show Horse events commence at 8.30am with breed classes, hacks, Galloways and pony events, 3 rings operating. Pavilion Exhibits with Cookery, Flora, Photography, Textile Arts, Photography and a Junior Section. 11am sees a Fashion Parade. Barbecue and food stalls, ice cream and stalls selling equestrian, western gear and much more. Secretary Lolie 5446 0222; President Bill 5446 0338.

Eumundi Show A show for horse lovers! September 24th, 8am start.

Miss Junior Noosa Show Girls Entrants 2011 Photo courtesy Mia Hacker THERE were some very impressive confident women and girls who entered the Miss Noosa Show Girl and Noosa Rural Ambassador competition on the weekend. The daytime stage interviews were conducted and for the senior girls the extra individual interview went very well. This process really helps high future skills that they will need to rely on when going for job interviews, a useful skill for everyone. The next component for the entrants is The Noosa show Ball. This means beautiful dresses some stunning hair designs and a chance to meet community members from different walks of life. These young woman and girls are the future of our community. It is great to such community still alive and well in the youth of today. The public are

welcomed to attend the ball to see what great promise we have in the community for our future. Ball Tickets are $49 each or a table of 10 is $450. So gather some friends, get dressed up and have a great night. Buffet catering this year is by Black Ant Catering – Jodie Williams. There is a Licensed bar available. The entrants will also be selling raffle tickets on the night for a John Deere ride-on mower donated by Hi-way 1. The major raffle is drawn at the Noosa Country Show on Saturday 10 th after the Rodeo. For info and tickets phone Perene on Ph: 54852331 or email Tickets are also available for purchase from Pomona Post Office, Pomona News & Casket, La Mode De Fabienne.

Cooroy Library Pink Precinct Fun Trail COOROY Library is organising a Pink Precinct Fun Trail on the 13th October from 7am - 8am, to raise awareness and funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. The library is calling for expressions of interest from any local businesses to be involved by providing a donation directly to the NBCF or a prize for the trail winners. The Fun Trail will involve entrants paying a gold coin donation to enter and dressed in pink they embark on a trail around Cooroy. They have a “Pink Passport� and get stamped at various locations/business around the Trail then go in a prize draw. If you are located between the Cooroy Library and Maison de Pro-

vence ( the vicinity of the Trail ) you can also opt to be open during the trail and be listed as an optional bonus stop. All businesses who are involved will be included in the promotional/ marketing material as a sponsor to the event. If you would like specific information on how the trail will run, please see attached document (link*) or feel free to contact Liz Bleechmore at the Cooroy Library on 5454 9000. Please forward all expressions of interest by Friday September 2 detailing your donation / sponsorship and whether you would like to be included on the Trail to

COOROY RAG BOUQUETS & B R I C K B AT S BOUQUETS to Dave and Glenn from Mower and ATV Solutions for generously loaning their equipment and man power to help prepare our grounds for the Cooroy Scouts Car Boot Sale Fundraisers!!

news Mary Valley scarecrow season about to “open ”


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BOUQUETS to all fathers. Hope you had a lovely Father’s Day!

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5447 6763

Email your bouquet and brickbats to

Environmental Superheroes

At the conference Lachlan Clark represented Cooroy State School on stage wearing a beautiful superhero cape that depicted the school’s name, a possum and the environmental topic. FOURTEEN students from Cooroy State School participated in an internationally-recognised environmental education event held on the Sunshine Coast on 11-12 August. The 2011 Australia Post Queensland Kids Teaching Kids Conference had the students sharing their ideas on how they can be environmental superheroes. Students, under the guidance of Narelle Nightingale and Annie Bailey researched an environmental topic and developed a fun, interactive, educational 40 minute workshop which they presented at the conference. Their workshop; “Weeds to Wonderland”; covered the re-establishing of the ecosystem at the Lower Mill Site in Cooroy.

THE annual Mary Valley Scarecrow Festival is about to “open”, making it legal to go “scarecrow spotting” in the SouthEast Queensland region. But organiser Carol Miller is in desperate need of “living crows” to help the stuffed ones make their comeback in the valley. Scarecrow season kicks off on September 24 and it is time to get the registration forms out to the local residents to encourage entries. Once the crows go up from September 24, visitors and locals alike can engage in the scarecrow season favourite activity of “scarecrow spotting”. There is nothing better than downloading the directional map of scarecrow hang-outs, packing a picnic lunch

and the kids, and going for a drive from Lagoon Pocket near Gympie all the way south through the valley to Conondale and Crystal Waters. Or you can do the trip the other way round, if it suits you! If you want to put up a crow yourself, entry is free and there are three categories – children aged five to 15 years, artistic and traditional – but scarecrows cannot be judged unless they are registered and given a catalogue number. The Mary Valley Scarecrow Festival runs from September 24 to October 30. Check out the w e b s i t e and contact Mrs Miller on 5446 0100 if you can help out. She said the job requires a small amount of

time and a little organisation. “But mostly it is a lot of fun!” she said.

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Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 5

Lilly Pilly

news Building boost for the Great Australian Dream


Fiona Hutchings, Branch Manager, Bendigo Community Bank, Cooroy

‘s Linen

Open: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm - Sat: 9am-1pm

A GREAT new government initiative has recently commenced in Queensland. You may have seen some of the advertisements on television and in the newspapers. If you are thinking about building a house or even about to buy a newly built house, it may well be worth getting yourself organised and starting your project sooner rather than later. As of August 1, 2011 you may be eligible for a $10,000 grant from the Queensland Government. At this stage the offer is open until January 31, 2012. The official name of the grant is the Queensland Building Boost Grant. It is administered through the Office of State Revenue, however if you are talking to your bank regarding finance for the house in question they should be able to assist you with your application, and in most cases organise payment of the funds. Offer is open applicants who do one of the following:

1. Buy a newly built home. 2. Build (engage a builder) a new home. 3. Build a home as an owner builder (with appropriate licences etc). 4. Purchase new home ‘off the plan’. There is a price limit of $600,000. Being the total cost/value of property (inclusive of land) is not to exceed $600,000. August 1, 2011 through to January 31, 2012 is important. Any contract signed such as a Building Contract, Property purchase contract, ‘Off the Plan’ Purchase contract all need to be between these two dates. For owner builders you must commence construction (lying of house foundations) during this time. The 10,000 payment is generally made at time of purchase settlement. In the case of a construction it is made at the time of your first progress payment. Your bank will generally make these arrangements for you. In the case of an Owner Builder or ‘Off the Plan’, your application is lodged and funded di-

rectly with Office of State Revenue and payment should be made directly to your bank account. One of the additional benefits of this grant is that it is not just available to Owner Occupiers. An Investment Property builder is eligible also. For first time home owners this grant would also be in addition to any First Home Owner Grant that they may receive. The Queensland Building Boost Grant could

represent an ideal opportunity for you obtain some additional funds to assist you with your new home. Talk to your local branch manager about it. Alternatively talk to the Office of State Revenue directly. If you would like to know more about how your local bank can help you with and more information, please contact me on 5447 7131 or on email at fiona.hutchings@bendigo

Fiona Hutchings is the manager of the Cooroy Community Bank Branch of Bendigo Bank, located at 36A Maple Street.

Didjetronica Dished-Up at Noosa High

Slide Didjeribone player and self-professed noise-maker, Tjupurru, an international success, visited Noosa High to help close the cultural gap and illuminate students with his unique communication style. Tjupurru mixes cultures, technologies and sounds from over thousands of years to make sound he calls, 21st century Didjetronica.

24 Maple St, Cooroy - 5447 7185

Directors Peter Billinghurst and Wayne Martin

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22 Cedar Street, Cooroy PHONE: 5442 6228 Page 6 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011

news From the Councillor’s Desk


Wellington’s Way With Member for Nicklin Peter Wellington VALLEY dam site maps in question: In Parliament I have again called for the State Government to remove the previous proposed dam sites in the Mary Valley at Kenilworth and at Traveston Crossing from current government documents. I have also written to the ‘alternative Premier’ and leader of the Liberal National Party to ask, if his party forms government, would he give a commitment not to build the dam at Traveston Crossing, and to remove all restricted sites in the Mary Valley from the government regulations. Ever since the Federal Government stopped the proposed Traveston Crossing Dam, we continue to get mixed messages about the future of the Mary Valley. Recently there has been talk in the community about changes to legislation to remove any reference to the Traveston Crossing Dam. However, a quick check of state government maps has indicated that the proposed Mary Valley dam sites at Kenilworth and Traveston Crossing are still identified as ‘restricted areas’. I believe this uncertainty needs to be cleared up not only for the people living in the Valley but for those people considering purchasing property in the Mary Valley region. Neighbourhood Disputes Bill: The Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Bill was finalised at the last sittings and the legislation will come into effect in the next couple of months. I believe this new legislation will make it easier for neighbours to resolve who is responsible for trees and fences on common boundaries, and will help neighbours clarify disputes over related issues. I have had many calls from residents interested in this legislation and will have copies available in my office as soon as possible. Meet me in Cooroy: I will be holding my next Cooroy meeting in the Cooroy RSL boardroom on Thursday, October 6. Anyone who would like to meet with me can organise an appointment by contacting my Nambour office on 5441 6933.

Inner Cooroy Link Road Work started this month on construction of this project which will include a new roundabout at the intersection of Mary River Road and Jarrah Street in conjunction with a new link road to the south to connect to Garnet Street. Concerns have been raised by a number of residents and petitions have been formally lodged with council. As a result of these enquiries, I have requested a report be prepared and presented to council on the history of the project, including technical details of the construction and consultation that has taken place. I understand that some residents have real concerns about the project itself and last Saturday I visited many of the affected residents along Garnet Street and spoke with them individually about their concerns. Late this week I will send a letter and Fact Sheet to Cooroy residents, as well as to local media, including the Cooroy Rag, explaining the project and its history in more detail. The project, once completed, will both cater for a growing industrial and residential area, while also helping ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians in Cooroy’s busy CBD by diverting commercial vehicles. Council will continue to negotiate an access to the Bruce Highway from Mary River Road, as planned. With all of the studies and planning that has been undertaken over many years now, I am confident that this project will provide a positive outcome and a great benefit for the whole of Cooroy. The project should be completed by February 2012 (weather permitting).

Local producers on show Last month I, along with thousands of others, attended the Regional Flavours Food and Wine Show at Brisbane’s South Bank. It was great to see so many businesses from the Sunshine Coast showcasing their fantastic products. Here are the businesses showcasing their amazing products from Division 12: Galeru - Native Rainforest Fruits Cakes, Biscuits, Yoghurt, Fruit Preserves & Juices (Cooroy); iLife Foods - Sources fruit and vegetables - dries and creates superfoods (Tewantin); Kin Kin Tea - Herbal Teas and Organic Fruit (Kin Kin); Noosa Lime Co - Lime Cordials (Tewantin); Super Natural Organics - Giant Garlic (Cootharaba); Tomarata Sensual - Conserves and Condiments (Pomona) These producers are all members of Seasons of the Sun – a council led initiative which supports growers and producers who are the face of the Coast’s blossoming quality fresh food and beverage industry. This program is a part of our Economic Development Strategy. Vandals delay Tewantin Foreshore opening: Sadly, completion of the Tewantin Foreshore splash park and new toilet blocks beside the Noosa Marina has been delayed for opening due to a spate of vandalism on the construction site. Vandalism at the site has caused the destruction and necessary replacement of one of the splash park fixtures and internal toilet cubicle partitions. We will do our best to ensure this new facility is completed prior to the upcoming September school holidays.

Noosa Hinterland 8 Reserve Street, Pomona

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• Contemporary home set on 4917m2 • 3 large bedrooms plus study & ensuite • Open plan living areas with high ceilings • Flowing timber decks • Great elevated almost level property • Plus 9x7.5 metre colorbond shed $495,000 Michael Robinson 0431 865 616

Pomona Act Now

Letter to the editor REFERENCE Chairman Cooroy Branch LNP John Andrews’ claim that the Government had recently removed the Valley from State Government Regulations (Letter Editor 17/8/2011). Mr Andrews fails to share with readers, the fact that the Traveston Dam site and the Kenilworth Dam site are both still listed on State Government restricted area maps, as dam sites. On August 4, I again requested that the Government remove both sites from the restricted area maps. I undertook a search of these maps before raising this matter during the last sitting of State Parliament. My reasoning is that if there are no plans for dams in the Mary Valley, there is no

justification for these sites to still be listed on the current maps. I encourage readers to check out the facts for themselves. In relation to other comments raised, I do not intend to enter a mud slinging match with Mr Andrews but the facts are: In the 1998 election the Labor Party with 44 members was one short of a majority. There were 23 Nationals, nine Liberals, 11 One Nation and two Independents Liz Cunningham and myself. There was no prospect of a mixture of One Nation, Liberals and Nationals forming government and for the sake of stability I decided to support Labor. I told Peter


ROOM MUSH POST COM AG $2 B Large variety of exotic & native trees, Shrubs & groundcover OPEN Monday - Saturday 7.30am-4.00pm

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Beattie I would only support his Government on matters of supply (payment for public servants such as nurses, police etc) and motions of confidence. And, when the confidence motion was voted on in Parliament Labor received support from Liz Cunningham as well as me. Six months later the One Nation Member for Mulgrave resigned and the Government was able to govern in its own right. At the 2001 election Labor won with a landslide and has won every election since without any help from me. I can assure you I have always voted Independent. I refer interested readers to my web page

• 3 bedroom home set on 1548m2 • Inground saltwater swimming pool • Reverse cycle air-conditioning • Close to school, town & shops • Landscaped tropical feel gardens $339,000 Melanie Fink 0488 107 205


Free Hearing Check If you think your hearing has worsened, you are probably right. You may be one of 3.28 million Australians currently affected by hearing loss. 5HVHDUFK VKRZV EHQH¿W ZLWK early hearing assistance. The longer you live without sounds, the harder it is to comprehend them again.

If you’re over 50 or hard of hearing, book in now for your free hearing check. See ZKHWKHU \RX FRXOG EHQH¿W from hearing assistance.

5443 6633

Eden Private Health Care Centre, 50 Maple Street, Cooroy *Conditions apply. Limited time only.

Maroochydore | Cooroy | Noosa | Gympie | Caloundra | Nambour Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 7


COOROY RAG Letters to the editor

Professional Hair Salon

Book Now for the Formal 17th November

for your Special Formal Package Hair & Make Up Only $130 Internationally Trained Napolean Make up Artist Qualified Professional Staff to help you with all your Hair & Make up needs 20 Maple Street

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I WONDER if Cooroy townspeople have considered the additional truck problem facing them if the Kin Kin quarry is allowed to go ahead. If quarry trucks choose to bypass Pomona to take the southern route to markets, a conservative estimate of 40 trucks a day will enter Cooroy over the railway bridge, and return - that’s 80 truck movements a day - stopping at the two Give Way signs in each direction, effectively blocking access to the main business district and greatly increasing the congestion problems already faced at peak times. While Kin Kin and its quarry problems may not seem relevant to Cooroy, how will Lew Brennan’s bypass solve the added congestion of the Kin Kin quarry trucks in your town? Lorraine Bates, Kin Kin

I HAVE just become aware of the Cooroy Inner Bypass Road and Council’s appalling decision to send heavy vehicles down Garnet Street from the Corooy Industrial Estate. Garnet Street is a quiet, minor road in a residential area with a 40km/hr speed limit. I have two children and am very concerned that trucks on Garnet Street will put their safety at risk. Just imagine one large truck running amok in the midst of the many school kids and seniors who daily cross Garnet Street. Equally alarming is the awful consequences that the many trucks and their noise will have on our little neighbourhood and our lifestyle. The character of Garnet Street and its surrounds will be destroyed and pedestrians and motorists alike will face a busy commercial road that is noisy, diesel fume affected, dangerous and unfriendly. This is not a “not in my backyard” issue. It is about a very bad Council decision. In trying to remove trucks from Maple Street, in itself a worthy aim, Council is diverting trucks through a residential area – the reverse should be happening – and severely disadvantaging local residents and their neighbourhood in the process. Trucks and families just don’t mix. This bypass road solution needs a big rethink, no resident should be left disadvantaged. Shae Schillert, Cooroy

Letters to the editor should be emailed to: or posted to, Editor, Cooroy Rag, PO Box 898, Cooroy. They should include your name (even if it noted this is not for publication) and contact details.


WATTLE STREET COMPLEX (Next door to Maison de Provence) 13th September @ 11.30am at the Cooroy Golf Club Book your spot by 9th September - Phone: 5447 7088 Our Scenic Rep will also be at Cooroy Cruise & Travel the afternoon of 13th September. Make an appointment to see her to ask all your questions about Canada

Page 8 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011

Under our New Name Cooroy

CRUISE & TRAVEL PH: 5447 7088

SPV Accounting

news Invitation to buskers for ‘Kenilworth Celebrates’


WHAT about somewhere different to entertain the public? At the same time you can enjoy the variety of artistic offerings at “Kenilworth Celebrates�, an annual festival in the beautiful Upper Mary Valley beginning on Saturday 24 September. Buskers are invited to join other entertainers such as “Charlie Chaplin,� the “Carnival� trio and Nathanial from “Rhythm Culture� who plays African drums. You will be part of a feast of art events including the Kenilworth Art Prize competition, a general art exhibition and competition, a Fence Mural competition, an Art and Craft Market and much more.

Cooroy Aglow AGLOW Internal Australia – Cooroy, will be holding a morning tea meeting on Friday, September 16 at 9.30am at the Anglican Hall, cnr of Tewantin Rd and Miva St, Cooroy. Admission $6. All welcome. For further information phone Narelle 5447 6482 or Pat 5447 6167.

Cooroy-Eumundi Garden Club THE next meeting of the Club will be held on Monday 12 September. This will be at the home of Tony and Margaret Porritt, 81 Whispering Gum Avenue, (off Jocelyn Drive), Eumundi commencing at 9.30 am. Tony will give a talk on ‘Water Gardens’. New members are always welcome. For further information please contact the Secretary, John Fenton on 5470 2683 or mobile 0410 485 285.

The main street of Kenilworth with its iconic hotel, trendy eateries, boutiques and galleries, provides several ideal spaces for busking. The art and craft market will be set up between the cheese factory and the popular park/ playground on the corner of Elizabeth and Charles Street. Buskers need to register with the entertainment co-ordinator in order to be eligible for the cash prizes worth up to $50. These will be awarded on both Saturday 24 September and Sunday 25 September.. Please call 54723223 and leave your details or email For more details of the festival see

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Dinner with the Mayor THE Cooroy Chamber of Commerce cordially invites you to be part of history by attending Mayor Bob Abbot’s last Cooroy “Dinner With the Mayor�. Mayor Abbot will provide an update on the state of play for council. When: Tuesday 13th September 2011 Where: Cooroy Hotel Time: 5.45 for a 6pm start Cost: $30.00 Cooroy Chamber Member - $35.00 non members. (This includes a 2 course meal & lucky door prize ticket) RSVP and prior payment of your ticket is essential. RSVP by Friday 9th September. Bookings can be made at the Cooroy Central Guardian Chemist, email or book securely online at

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16A Maple Street, Cooroy Ph: 5447 7666 SPRAY UNITS

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Contact us now to discuss how we can help you! Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 9


COOROY RAG Father and son join Rotary on the same night


10 Fantail Cresent Cooroy


5447 7461 CHRIS and Daniel Cumming were recently inducted into Rotary club of Cooroy, seen with Chris and Daniel on the evening are.President Cath Lindon ,Julie Cumming,Ray and Jill Judd. Rotary meets each Monday evening at 6.30 pm at the CWA hall, anyone interested in knowing more about Rotary and attending a meeting contact Eddie Rykenberg on 54476322.

Calf Sales at Eumundi Saleyards Mondays at 1pm Cattle Sales Fortnightly at Eumundi Saleyards Tuesdays at 1pm

Visiting GrandMaster

FOR TOP AUCTION PRICES consign your cattle to

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Mike Wheeler 5496 1203 or mobile 0417 320 590 Clint Murtagh 0428 711 102


MR. Adrian Burton will be visiting Imbil on Saturday 10 September 2011 to attend the Installation Ceremony at Telford Lodge No 291at the Masonic Centre on the corner of Diggins Rd and William St. As the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland Mr Burton holds the highest position in Freemasonry in Queensland. He will be accompanied by a Team of Grand Officers to mark the Installation of the new Lodge Master, Mr John Shearer, who has been elected to oversee the well-being of the Lodge for the next 12 months. Mr Burton commented he is looking forward to the occasion and to meeting Lodge members.


September 24th Starts 8am Sharp

Secretary: 0419 788 416 Treasurer: 5442 8887

Email: Email:

“Green Horses, Green Rider Show” Black Stump Rd, Eumundi Admission: Adults $5.00 13yrs - 16 yrs $2.00 12 yrs and under FREE NO NOMINATION FEE NO PRIZE MONEY Let’s be Sunsmart - Remember to bring your hat & Sunscreen Page 10 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011

Spring Orchid Show THE Noosa District Orchid and Foliage Society will hold their annual Spring Orchid Show this month. It promises to be a spectacular showcase of the finest species and hybrids of orchids and foliage plants from the region and beyond. The show is an Open Exhibition to all members of societies affiliated with OC. Benching is on Thursday, September from 3pm with the judging commencing at 7pm. For more information on the Schedule of Classes and Conditions please go to website http:/ / or contact our President Lesley Beare on 5449 9629. The show is open to the public on Friday, September 16, 8.30am to 5pm and Saturday, September 17, 8.30am to 2.30pm. Presentation of the trophies will be on Saturday September 17 at 2.30pm. Beautiful plants and necessities will be on sale from several commercial nurseries as well as advice on orchid and foliage culture. Our membes will also be most willing to shar etheir knowledge and experience in this fantastic hobby. Morning and afternoon tea will be available. Admission $3.

Sacred Harmony Singing In Tewantin “SPIRITSONG” Sacred Harmony Singing Group are having an open evening, and you are invited! Come along and hear “Spiritsong” sing a few classical songs. Music you would hear in a cathedral. Join in the fun and learn a couple of songs. Free entry. Tea and coffee free too! Where: Uniting Church Hall, Werin Street, Tewantin. When: Wednesday evening September 14th 7:00pm Andrew 5474 1498

news LEARN TO FLY Take a Trial Float workshops in preparation for Instruction Flight this Christmas in Cooroy week at Gympie and


WE have several float workshops available this year which have been funded by Festivals Australia and the Regional Arts Development Fund but we need your help as we need people to participate! If you are thinking of having a float or walking group in this year’s Christmas in Cooroy parade these will not only help you design your entry but also provide you with some materials to do it! We have two projects: Project 1 - Puppet People: We need to build four large puppets that will be operated/worn by people and incorporated into the Bendigo Bank Street Parade. We need at least seven more people for this program. The program will involve: Workshop with Bernie Ehmer (renowned puppeteer) in Brisbane – we provide transport, Bernie will explain the different types of puppets and techniques and materials to build them. Tentatively booked for 10 September subject to required numbers. Developing your puppet concept with Tamara Kirby (local community artist), Develop what your puppet will look like, how to make it, what you’ll need, etc, Late September. Build your puppet, either by yourself or with a group, we’ll help with materials etc, October / November. Performance Workshop with local street performers, Luc & Nikki Gheyson, The person or people who are operating your puppet to learn and practice working your puppet and interacting with the crowd etc, Late November. Christmas in Cooroy Street Parade, Perform in the street parade, 3 December. This project is thanks to Festivals Australia funding. Project 2 – Float Workshops: We need to create five reusable parade floats that will be used in the Bendigo Bank Street Parade and then reused to

FROM decorate town for the month of December. For example, these may be made to go on the back of a trailer, on a ute or even on a golf buggy or quad bike. It will help your float be a masterpiece! Two day masterclass with Tamara Kirby (local community artist, Learn about parade floats, base structures, materials, equipment, construction methods and incorporating people into your floats, Late SepFor just $4,000 you can Make a booking today: tember. obtain your Pilot’s Licence. Workshops to build your float (either individually Phone Peter 0407 624 937 Think of the thrill of taking your or with your group or organisation), Tamara will visit 5441 4622 (Work) 5448 7147 (AH) friends or family for a local flight your float making location and assist the building process. We will help you source some materials but you may need to provide / source some yourself also Through to end of November. Christmas in Cooroy Street Parade, Participate in the street parade, 3 December. This project is thanks to the Regional Arts Development Fund, a Sunshine Coast Council and Queensland Government Partnership to support local arts and culture. Both of these projects will be a lot of fun, make Christmas in Cooroy even better than normal and give you skills for future years and other projects of a similar nature! And it is all for free! Prepare for Summer . . . Book Now for Learn-to-Swim Please get involved to make these projects a success – whether you are • Bubs - 6 months-18 months • TODS - 18 months to approx 3 years • Learn-to-Swim an individual, a group or a business - 3 years to champs • Junior Squads • Competitive Squads • Adult Fitness Squads you can be involved! Feel free to pass this on to anyone you think may be interested and please let me know if you are interested! Memorial Drive (south end of town) The theme for this year’s parade is “Heroes & Villains”. Phone Danielle Taylor 0403 023 802.

the sky’s the limit!

75 Suncoast Cooloola Flying




Call pool for all bookings - 5442 7186

Search for new biosphere chairperson NOOSA Biosphere Ltd is seeking two new volunteer community board members to replace outgoing board members, including the inaugural chairman Mr Michael Donovan. Mr Donovan has been chair of Noosa Biosphere Ltd, the community driven organisation supported by Sunshine Coast Regional Council, for the past 3 years since its commencement and he said it was time for a change. “We have over 60 community members volunteering within the Noosa Biosphere, arranged in community sector boards on topics as diverse as education, culture, society, environment and economic development,” said Mr Donovan. “This carries on the model from the former Noosa Council’s community sector boards. The partnership approach between local government, community members and other interested groups continues to further the

UNESCO Man and the Biosphere objectives of conservation, sustainable development and education. “It has been a privilege to work alongside these volunteers and immensely satisfying as we have achieved some fabulous outcomes for our community,” said Mr Donovan. “But it is time for me to move on to other things and let the next generation of community volunteers step up.”With two vacancies on the Noosa Biosphere Ltd Governance Board the organisation is looking for community leaders who have a passion for the region and a willingness to foster collaboration.” Some experience in company directorship either in a public or private field is desirable and for further information including application forms go to

NOTICE Classes - Gym - Sauna - Spa - Massage - Health & Aroma

SUMMER IS COMING . . . SET YOUR GOALS NOW! Drop in & see how we can help you!

78 Lawnville Rd, Black Mountain - PH: 5442 6338 •

WARNING: Participation in our programs will be seriously beneficial to your health Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 11



Competitive trail ride at Lake Macdonald

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SOME horse events in S E Qld have been cancelled due to concern about Hendra virus but the Sunshine Coast Area Trail and Endurance riders ( S C AT E R ) held their latest competition at L a k e MacDonald on 6 and 7 August 2011, taking strict precautions to ensure all horses and riders were kept as safe as possible. All horses had their temperatures taken before even being unloaded at the venue and luckily no horse had a raised temperature of over 38.5 centigrade which would have meant an immediate trip home. As CTR’s involve vetting in, which means taking every horse’s temperature, heart rate, respiration and checking overall condition such as gut sounds, checking for lameness etc – both before and after the competition, S.C.A.T.E.R. obtained PPE (personal protection kits) so the people conducting the TPR (Temperature, pulse and respiration) were adequately protected even if they did look a bit like Donald Duck. 38 riders participated from all over the Sunshine Coast with some stalwarts coming from Dayboro and Brisbane. The 20 kilometres ride was quite a challenge due to some innovative judge points ranging from the horse playing football, standing under a tent in trees and going backwards bending to name

a few. The level of horsemanship in S.C.A.T.E.R. is continually being upgraded with judge points challenging the abilities of both horse and rider. It may look really easy until you have a go. It was a beautiful weekend with the base on private property and the ride through forestry with shady tracks and over creeks. Not a lot of time for riders to enjoy the countryside due to having to get a wriggle along to get back to base within the time allowed but everyone enjoyed the ride and we’re looking forward to the next CTR event in October at Valdora, providing of course, we don’t have too much rain. Even now the forests are deceptively wet and soggy. As always a big thank you to everyone involved in this fun competition as although it may seem a relatively simple competition, many volunteers are required to make sure it all runs smoothly and efficiently. We can’t let Hendra virus stop us competing, so we have to be vigilant and responsible so that we have a win win situation or competition – pardon the pun!

what’s on at Mill place at the Butter Factory Arts Centre Now showing . . . SUNSHINE COAST TERTIARY PRIZE 2011

at the Cooroy Library September Start Looking out your Pink clothes for October. Cooroy will be turning Pink for the National Breast Cancer Foundation with the Pink Precint Fun Trail and a Pink Readathon Saturday 10th 12-4pm

Creative Mandala Workshop

A mandala is a symbolic diagram, an ancient art form used in many cultures as an aid to reach our inner selves. Creating a mandala helps with de-stressing, balancing, calming, focusing, anxiety and depression, helping deal with a major illness and stimulating creativity and problem solving. Anyone can create a mandala – you do not need any art experience. $60 all materials included. Book directly. Contact Jan 5473 5988 www.mandala

Tuesday 13th 7pm

Heart Foundation Moonwalk

Heart Foundation walking is Australia’s largest network of free community based walking groups coordinated locally bythe Sunshine Coast Council. Healthy supper available afterwards with gold coin donation.Phone Cooroy Library on 5494 9000 for more details.

Wednesday 14th 10-11am

Everyone’s got a bottom

Learning about self protection includes talking about feelings, bodies and privacy, assertiveness, understanding relationships, identifying the rules about touch and knowing what to do if the rules are broken. Session includes A reading of the award winning children’s book Everyone’s got a bottom. A brief presentation to build confidence of parents and carers to help keep kids safe.Free, Bookings essential 5454 9000

Wednesday 14th 2-3.30pm

“ She walks beside his shoes” Project presentation by Florence Teillet

Florence Teillet’s father was a young French resistance fighter sent to concentration camps in Germany in World War 2. At the end of the war, he escaped and walked for two months back towards France. In 2005, Florence retraced his journey of escape 60 years to the day.A unique and moving story of a father and daughter, Florence will take us through the development of this performance project. Free, Bookings Essential 5454 9000

Wednesday 21st 11am-1pm

Pokemon club For aged 7-15

Kids come along and play DS pokemon games and swap Pokemon cards. Free, no bookings requiredContact Jackson for further information on 5442 7374

Wednesday 21st 2-3.30pmpm

1st Job survival guide For aged 14-18

Resume writing tips and tricks. Free, Bookings essential 5454 9000

Thursday 22nd 10-11.30am

“Dog Logic “ Author talk

“Dog Logic - A pooch’s guide to dogs behaving badly” combines the creative genius of Aussie Cattle Dog Sox with Robyn Osborne’s own observations to create an intriguing and personal journey. The book covers issues from barking, beds and biting, to worrisome walks and everything in between.Free, Bookings essential 5454 9000

12 August to 17 September 2011 Selected entries to the Sunshine Coast Tertiary Prize, including the winners of the $3000 2D award and the $3000 3D award.

Coming soon . . . Four painters and a potter 23 September to 29 October 201 Katy Alder, Janice Mullins, Tracey Mutze-Butler, Michelle Potter, Lisa Raith An exhibition of recent works by a group of Sunshine Coast female artists who share a passion for artistic expression. The collection of 2D and 3D works is an exploration of figurative and natural forms.

Official opening: 6pm 30 September Guest speaker: Rowley Drysdale, artist and educator

WORKSHOP PROGRAM Term 4 11October – 19 November The Butter Factory Arts Centre workshop program offers a diverse range of activities including children’s art classes, physical theatre and life drawing sessions as well as day and evening courses in drawing, weaving, sculpture, pottery, printmaking and mandala art. Bookings now open for Term 4 - please contact Butter Factory Arts Centre staff on 5454 9050

The Butter Factory Arts Centre is an initiative of the Sunshine Coast Council

Page 12 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011


COOROY RAG police beat


fruit & vegie


Every Wednesday

with Sergeant Mal Scott I’M pleased to report that the skateboard which was stolen from the Cooroy State School two months ago has been located and returned to its rightful owner minus the wheels and tracks. Police are still working on the return of the wheels. The board was found after the very good junior detective skills of one of our fine young Cooroy citizens who spotted the board and advised police. A 14 year old boy is currently being dealt with in regards this and other matters. In a good news story, those of you who regularly read my articles will remember the theft of a wallet from a local business owner by a young local lad. Police ended up tracking down the offending lad and dealing with him accordingly. In a sensational twist the local lad was brought together by police to meet the business owner and owner of the wallet to help the lad understand the effect of his behaviour on the victim and the Cooroy community as a whole. The business owner showing the true spirit of Cooroy offered the lad a second chance and actually offered him a job in his shop. I’m pleased to report that apparently the employee/employer relationship is going great guns with the shop owner full of nothing but high praise for his new hard working employee. Who knows, there may even be an apprenticeship in the offering down the track so I’ll keep you informed of the outcome. A small spike in the unlawful entering of motor vehicles has been noted in and around the Cooroy CBD. On most occasions the vehicle in question has been left unlocked with valuable property inside and visible to the outside. Police have several

suspects for these offences so until they can be apprehended please lock your car and do not leave valuable property inside and in clear view. The incidence of Domestic Violence seems to be steadily rising with the heavy financial burden being placed on the family unit which in some cases leads to an emotional explosion that can sometimes led to tragic consequences. As I’ve previous mentioned, the real victims of these arguments are not just the spouses themselves but the kids who witness them. If you are one of the many relationships which are feelings the emotional strain of these stress filled times please take positive steps to address the problem rather than wait for the inevitable blow up and police intervention. Some useful contact numbers are: Mensline: 1800600636, Womensline: 1800811811, Relationships Australia: 1300364277, Lifeline: 131114 and Alcoholics Helpline: 0732559162. People seeking assistance in this regard can also attend there local police station for advice and brochures to assist them where appropriate.

huge thank you goes to the four Cooroy Businesses and there owners. From the 150 odd kids of Cooroy who attend our monthly discos, Thank you. In another attempt to reinforce positive behaviour, the Cooroy Blue Light will be sponsoring a kids good behaviour rewards scheme where local businesses and organisations such as the Cooroy Library can nominate kids for good behaviour around town with the added incentive being an all expenses trip to Dreamworld for kids who are doing the right thing.

SENIORS DISCOUNT We Support Local Growers OPEN Mon-Fri 7am-5.30pm Sat 7am-12.30pm 4 memorial ave pomona ph: 5485 1922

The Cooroy Blue Light Disco is well into its fourth year now and we have organised to present several Queensland Police Service engraved plaques to our four main sponsors. Our four main sponsors include the Cooroy RSL, The Cooroy Lukes IGA, the Cooroy Hotel and Greg Dinsey of Cooroy Mountain Spring Water and Wimmers softdrinks. To say that these businesses have been of tremendous support to our small disco would be a understatement so a

Local schools showcase at Biosphere community day SCHOOL children in the Noosa biosphere region will bring out their creative flair in a region wide first at the upcoming Noosa Biosphere Day community celebrations. Twenty schools across the region, from as far and wide as Federal to Coolum and Sunshine Beach to Eumundi, will be on display at the event scheduled for the 18th of September at the Noosa Woods. The initiative will give the community an opportunity to learn more about local education within the Noosa biosphere reserve, as each school will be creating information boards to be showcased at the event. Stephanie Haslam from the Noosa Biosphere Education Research and Development Board is helping drive the initiative and said that it is the first time all the schools will be coming together on a biosphere activity. “Education is one of the three main purposes of a UNESCO Man and the Bio-

sphere reserve and we are working in partnership with the school principals and their staff to help our youth better understand the Noosa biosphere reserve,” said Mrs Haslam. The displays will be showcased in a dedicated area on the day of the event with prizes to be awarded based on originality and creative flair. “In addition to the schools display, there will be entertainment, workshops, cultural events and festivities for people of all ages as well as many of our local community groups attending with information booths,” said Mrs Haslam. Noosa Biosphere Day will be held on Sunday 18th September in Noosa Woods from 10am – 3pm and sustainable transport options to alleviate parking congestion will be implemented. Check the Noosa Biosphere website on for more information.

* Conditions apply



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11 Gibson Rd, Noosaville - Next to Video Ezy 5447 1140 Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 13

home stay



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Joanie Boyce and Tania Stewart recently enjoyed a holiday in North Queensland. Pictured: Tania at the northernest tip of Australia and Joanie sitting with all of her friends on Thursday Island. Note the Cooroy Rag hats!

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WOODWORKERS CLUB 8 Lower Mill Road, Cooroy

• Timber Slabs for sale • Handmade wooden artifacts for sale • Carving & Turning • Classes for Members • Memberships Now Available • Club rooms open Thursday & Saturday mornings • Donations of Timber gratefully accepted • Sawdust & Shavings available Contact Jim Pounds 5470 2415 for Purchases & Donations of Timber Page 14 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011

Donation of unwanted items for children in Sri Lanka

Impact does it again . . .

• Lawns & Acreage - Any Size • Brushcutting & Chainsaw Work • 4 & 2WD Ride-ons & Push Mowing • Storm & Garden Cleanup / Tip Runs • Qualified Mower Mechanic / Local Owner Operator • Fully Insured

Happy 13th Birthday to Lily Taylor for the 29th August

Ben Cameron Hands, Connor Jones IMPACT Boxing’s rising star Benny “The Bulldog” Cameron Hands continued on his winning way last weekend when the boys from Impact travelled down to Caboolture to compete. Benny made it three from three and kept his perfect record intact. “The Bulldog” had to step up from the 30kg division to the 32kg division to get a fight. Ben’s opponent was Jayden McKewan from the Scorpions Boxing Club in Brisbane. The taller and heavier McKewan entered the ring with an air of confidence as he gave Benny the famous fighters glare. The pint sized Bulldog gave McKewan a smile, looked back to his corner, gave them a wink

and waited for the bell. As soon as “The Bulldog” heard the bell he was off after his opponent. Benny landed a crisp left, right & with his superb footwork he managed to change his angle before attacking again. McKewan soon became frustrated with the evasiveness off his smaller opponent. Benny continued to counter punch his lanky opponent, making him miss and making him pay. Benny was awarded a unanimous points decision. “Ben fought an awesome figh. He gave away height and reach and boxed extremely smart. He was evasive and aggressive. He just keeps improving all the time. At the ripe old age of 11 and only 30kgs he is already proving hard to get fights for. That’s

why we nicknamed him “The Bulldog”, cause nobody in his division wants to fight him,” Coach Mark Evans said. Also fighting on the card was Connor “The Crucifier” Jones. Jones opponent was Blake Tate from the Rebels Boxing Club in Brisbane. Jones also had to step up on the night & fight a more experienced boxer in Tate. From the opening bell Jones had Tate on the back foot as he applied his usual pressure backed with some powerful combinations. Both boys put on a crowd pleasing display off boxing for the whole duration of the fight. Both boxers had their moments as the fight see sawed one way then the other. At the final bell it was left to the judges and Tate was awarded a close points victory. “Connor can hold his head high. He has suffered his first loss to an extremely talented boxer and was able to hold his own in there without too many problems. He has again proven that he can dig deep and mix it with the best. I am very proud off both our boys, they are always prepared to give 100% and have proved over and over again that they always come to fight! A big thank you to all our supporters for making the trip down as well. Your support means the world to us!! Thank you!!”

COOROY resident, Erin Yarwood, will be venturing to Sri Lanka in November, to volunteer with Volunteer Sri Lanka. Erin will be helping out at an orphanage and local schools, working with children who were affected by the devestating 2004 Tsunami. The project is in desperate need of the following items: *used laptops with chargers *used digital cameras with chargers *used mobile phones with chargers *any schoolistic items ie: pens, books etc If you have any of the above items available and would like to donate to help a good cause, please email Erin or 0423 905 744

Balkan Gypsy Dance COME and Dance to the wild gypsy rhythms of The Transbalkan Express with amazing Macedonian Dance teacher from Sydney - Yorgo Kaporis at the Pomona Memorial Hall on Saturday 10th September 7.30pm. Cost $20 & $15 (conc). TransBalkan Express are a 14-piece Gypsy and Balkan brass band that generates a sound big enough to lift the roof off the most heavily engineered building. They play folk and gypsy music from Eastern Europe, enmeshing the audience in complicated circle dances that the feet eventually understand even if the head doesn’t! Come prepared to dance, laugh and join hands with your community in pure celebration and fun! “These fat tunes will wear your dancing shoes thin and stretch your smile wide!” Led by the irrepressible Yorgo Kaporis and the Transbalkan Express dancers, this promises to be a night of fantastic community entertainment. Bring your all your family & friends!

Cooroy-Eumundi Junior Cricket COOROY - Eumundi Junior Cricket club welcome ages from 7 - 17 yrs. Every Wedneday from 3.30 at the Sports Complex is training & also additional sign-ons . The first game is 1st Saturday 1st October 2011. Any inquiries please call Jess 0418 975 939.



Cooroy Scouts out and about ANOTHER exciting adventure in which the Cooroy Scouts have attended was the SSS Competition Camp in Brisbane over the July school holidays. 2 Patrols travelled down to Brissy and set up camp with over 1000 other scouts from all over QLD for four days. There were plenty of activites on offer including pioneering, cooking, canoeing, woodworking, water activities, lots of skill enhancing, and tons of fun. Abseiling was among the highlights for many. With the next big event having been The Nighthawk this past weekend, the scouts have had plenty to do. This was an overnight hike on the darling downs, on a very cold night, where patrols competed against each other through a series of events which they were then scored on, making it quite challenging for our scouts! The Venturer scouts didn’t attend Nighthawk this year and instead organised their own overnight camp and fundraising activity at the scout grounds to coincide with our Group’s once per term car boot sale. The Ven-

Some of our Cooroy Venturer Scouts at the summit of Mt Cooroy

Nighthawk patrol turers climbed Mt their raffle tickets. This Cooroy on the Saturday money will now be used and then ran a meat tray to help fund their next raffle at the car boot sale expedition. The lucky on the Sunday. A big winners of the raffle thank you to all the peo- were Anne of Lake ple who supported our Macdonald, Gary of venturers by buying Tewantin and Lornie of

Black Mt. Congratulations. A big thank you to the kind person who donated the beautiful elk horn for the venturers to raffle. Our Scout Cubs have also been involved in many great activities, including a recent hike to Mt. Tinbeerwah lookout, an activity where they made fake wounds, which coincides with their work on the first aid badge, some cooking, and lots of other games. They are also very excited about the rockclimbing to be held on Thursday afternoon,

Let’s not forget a special mention of our two boys, Ryan Johnstone and Cooper Williams, who have just participated in a ceremony to move them up from our cubs group into the scouts section. This was done with a bit of fun added by the boys being pushed to the end of their cub days in our billy carts! A big congratulations to them both. The term 3 Car Boot Sale was held recently. This was a great success, with the rain holding back until it was almost at an end. We would like to place a special thanks to all those who helped us out, and everyone else who game along as every little bit helps! A special thank you goes to the local business “Cake Pops” who made a generous donation to the scouts. This specialty cake business does beautiful work and is highly recommended. If you like to know more about Cooroy Scout Group, please contact our Group Leader Elaine Williams on 0438 851 474. Visit our website: w w w. c o o r o y. s c o u t s

Belli old time dance

Local wins ‘Reader Recipe’

BELLI Hall’s next Old-Time Dance will be held on Saturday, 10 September starting at 7.30 pm. Bring the family and celebrate spring with some old-time dancing. Beginners welcome. Our regular live band, Sunshine Swing, will entertain us for a great night of good old fashioned fun. Entry fee of $12 per adult, $5 students includes a hearty supper and door prizes. Children are free. Belli Hall is located in beautiful Belli Park at 1170 Kenilworth Road. For information ring Margaret on 5447 0175 or visit our website at

That’s Life! magazine recently released the fifth issue of Reader Recipes We Love – a collection of 125 fantastic recipes submitted by That’s Life! readers from around the country. Cooroy resident Lesley Christian has had her tried-and-true recipe ‘Penne with Smoked Salmon’ published in this issue of Reader Recipes We Love – with home chefs around the nation now trying out Lesley’s signature dish in their kitchens! Lesley says “the dish came about as a result of a dinner put together from what was in the fridge. Tinned tuna can be used in place of salmon depending on taste.” A copy of Lesley’s recipe as published in That’s Life’s Reader Recipes We Love is below. Penne with Smoked Salad - Serves 4 – Time 20 min - 500g packet dried penne pasta - 250g smoked salmon, roughly chopped - 3 cups baby spinach leaves - 2 x 150g tubs red capsicum chunky dip - 2 garlic gloves, crushed 1. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil and cook pasta to packet directions. Drain, return to saucepan. 2. Meanwhile, place salmon, baby spinach leaves, dip, garlic and 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil into a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Mix well to combine. 3. Add to the saucepan with the drained pasta and stir for 2 min or until the spinach starts to wilt. Cover with a lid and cook for a further 2-3 min. Garnish with parmesan.

Cooran Acoustic Night SATURDAY 10 th September 2011, King Street Cooran, 7pm start. Only three nights left for the 2011 Cooran Acoustic Nights! The upcoming event on the 10th September promises to be another fantastic event full of wonderful performances from many local artists and musicians, budding and experienced. The support for this community event continues to grow as amateurs and professionals warm the stage with wonderful performances each Cooran Acoustic Night. Audiences and performers keep coming back for more at the Cooran acoustic nights where talent abounds in our local community. Please bring your support and enthusiasm and if you want to perform your music, songs, poetry, dance, etc and don’t forget to register on the blackboard on arrival. The Cooran Acoustic Night is the perfect place to strut your stuff! The current committee also wants to put a call out to interested persons who would like to be involved next year or in years to come. Contact Malcolm (5485 1003) to discuss opportunities to “learn the ropes” or be on the committee next year. The AGM early in 2012 will be the chance to nominate for one of the committee roles. Admission is $4.00. Organic cafe with delicious soup, cakes, tea and other goodies available. Come and be a part of the entertainment or just enjoy a great family night out. All proceeds go to Cooran Memorial School of Arts Inc. For further information please contact: Malcolm on 5485 1003 or Jane on 5485 5273 Email: See you there!

Specialising in Domestic, Commercial, Industrial, New work & Repairs

Roofs, Roller Doors & Hi Pressure Cleaning! For a Quality Finish Call Mark

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Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 15



We need your help to stay alive Visit our

QMBA 2011 Award Winning Display Home Lot 39 Songbird Drive Pomona

Open Saturday & Sunday 10.00am to 4.00pm Large Rural Residential Lots

(Only 10 Remaining) • Average size 1200sm • Fully Serviced • Close to Shops • Schools • Railway • Motorway

Average Price $220,000 Take advantage of the Government HOME BOOST $10,000 First Home Buyers $17,000 Developers Discount $10,000

Contact John Moloney

Phone 0418 739 896

HAVE I got your attention? I’m writing this for Pomona & District Meals on Wheels, a community non-profit organization that has been cooking for and delivering meals to mostly elderly people for 22 years. An apt saying is: “What goes around, comes around”, and this is certainly true in that our meal service was on the brink of disbanding 6 years ago when the then president had headed the committee for a decade; she had put in some hard yards and justifiably wanted to move on in her life. You see, we can’t run our business without a committee, so we need some motivated/talented people to come on board to keep this important service operational. Is there anyone out there, possibly now retired and looking for something worthwhile to do (and wanting to keep their brain active), with the necessary skills to take on this business and move on into the next era? The current committee has made some improvements over the

Left to right, are: David Lanfranco, Ruth Stark, Deirdre Tietjen, Karen Scanlan, Irene Gibbs, Vicky Packer, Jane Ford & David Tietjen. years, adding a second Convotherm stove and more up-to-date computers/copiers. Our big fundraiser is the Pomona Antiques & Collectables Fair that runs on the weekend of the King of the Mountain Festival in late July; each fair has contributed a substantial profit, making the time & effort worthwhile. For those who don’t

know, our kitchen is located in the Pomona Memorial Hall on Reserve St, diagonally across from the ANZ bank. We operate 3 days a week: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, cooking 6500 to 7000 meals yearly. Our customers, either aged or with a disability, want to remain in their hinterland homes for as long

as possible – we help them do that. We cook our meals from scratch using fresh meat, vegetables, fruit and dairy products, taking great pride in doing so. We have a team of about 70 volunteers who help in the kitchen, office or do deliveries. If you can help, please give us a call on 5485 1777, 5485 2209 or 5485

0527 and ask for David (there are two of us with that name). Our email is Our Annual General Meeting is being held in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday, September 21 st at 12:30PM if you would like to attend and check us out; yummy refreshments will be served afterwards.

Spring Bus Trip THE Hinterland Art Group has organised a bus trip to the Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art to view three exhibitions: The Surrealist Exhibition at GOMA; An exhibition by the Torres Strait Islands artists - “A Celebration Land Sea and Sky” and Henri Cartier-Bresson Photography Exhibition.

Bus departs Pomona Railway Station Gallery, 10 Station Street, Pomona on Sunday September 25 at 8.30am and will return approximately 5pm. Tickets $30, all welcome. For reservations see Alan at the Railway Gallery on a Friday, leave a message on 0407 119 858 or email

Pomona & District Community House AGM YOU are invited to the AGM of the Pomona & District Community House Inc on Friday, September 30, 2011 at Pomona Communit House, Lawson Shed, 1 Memorial Aven, Pomona. Tim 9.15am for a 9.30am start. Please join us for delicious morning tea. Membership subscriptions are now due, only current financial membes are able to vote at the AGM. Please RSVP for catering purposes. Phone 5485 2427. Email:

La Mode and De Fabienne

Presents Fashion Parade & High Tea • Friday 30th September • 2b/25 Factory Street, Pomona • 11.00am for a 11.30am Start • $30 per head

Ph: 5485 2128 or 5485 0147 Bookings Essential . . space limited to 30 people

Page 16 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011


pomona Help local school kids collect bar codes




SAVINGS Power Pack Work Socks $


POMONA Primary school is collecting barcodes from McCains frozen veges and purely potato range, and milk caps from Pauls milk 2 & 3litre varieties. Barcodes and milk caps can be put into the relevant boxes at Pomona IGA or taken to the school office. McCains barcodes are redeemed for gardening equipment and Pauls milk gives 10 cents per cap, which the school hopes to be

able to purchase cooking equipment for the new hall kitchen, to enable class cooking activities. The school is also registered to collect shopping receipts from Woolworths - to gain educational equipment and Coles sports vouchers - for sporting equipment. For further details contact Jaymie via school 5480 8222, we thank the wider community for your help and support!

Buy Right Digging Tools

9 each


AFTER 3 years running Pomona Fruit and Vegie Market, Glen and Glenys Weiss have sold up and are looking forward to a slower paced lifestyle travelling around Australia. They would like to thank the Pomona locals for all their support and the many friendships they have made. Taking over will be Kay and Jeff Kellaway, Kay has been working at Pomona Fruit and Vegie Market for the past 3 years and both her and her husband are well known around Pomona for their volunteer work through Pomona Lions and King of the Mountain. Both couples (pictured above) are extremely happy with the handover.

COOROORA SCREENS & BLINDS Established 1996 Lic 704038 • Blinds • Rollers • Romans • Venetians • Verticals • Panel Glides • Awnings

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17 Factory St, Pomona 5485 1287

Seasol Power Pack $


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29.99 each

MTD 25cc Petrol Line Trimmer

Professional Service & Advice Mon-Fri Sat-Sun


PH: 07-5485 1044



Trading Hours 7.00am - 5.00pm 7.30am - 2.30pm

5485 1351 10 Reserve St Pomona 10 Reserve St Pomona Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 17

dining & entertainment “LOCALE” Italian Eatery @ the Bowls


FRESH SEAFOOD & TastyMonday Takeaway Menu - Closed

Tuesday-Thursday: 9.30am-7.00pm Friday: 9.30am-7.30pm Saturday: 10.30am-7.30pm Sunday: 10.30am-7.00pm

Friday & Saturday Nights Try Our Thai Seafood Red Curry 5/12 Maple Street Cooroy

PH: 5447 7022

A LITTLE bit of Italy has found it’s way to Opal Street and it has a unique aspect as a meeting place which is reflected in its name “Locale”. Excitement comes from the convergence of the warm welcoming environment, time honed traditional recipes and the “home away from home” element where everyone is encouraged to linger over a Limoncello and become part of the extended “family” in true European tradition. This food is to be shared and enjoyed with the chatter of the day’s undertakings, with loads of laughter and a glass of Chianti or an icy cold Italian beer. Locale is very proud to have on board well known Manly food identity Herb Sandtler and Isabella and Victor of Ma Mensa Hastings Street fame. The traditional influence will be evident in the eclectic menu with recipes and techniques from Isabellas great Nonna, and in Victor’s intimate knowledge and experience from a career


courtesy of a marvelous band of volunteers who have created a wonderful venue for functions both intimate and large. Recycled materials feature with the “famous” or “infamous”(depends which way you look at it) water feature still under construction. Enjoy an Antipasto Platter out in the courtyard with a drink when gathering with friends and watch it’s progress!

Victor and Isabella spanning 50 years with Italian food and restaurants. Herb is as characteristic and colorful as his food, and his hospitality is iconic from his previous cafes Schatzi and Scoozime in Sydney. The menu will be changing in tune with seasonal produce with delights such as Slow Baked Lamb with Lemon Gnocchi, and will keep regular favourites such as Pizza and Nonna’s Cooroy RSL’s Sandy Bolton and wine connoisseur Martin Field hosted Traditional Meatball the Art and Wine Show held on August 26 at the Bowls Venue. The Spaghetti always on night was a great success with excess of 100 people attending. All hand. Squisito! proceeds went to Bloomhill Cancer help. Most of the guests continued The setting for on to dine at the new Locale Italian eatery. this ”honest” food is


SEPTEMBER 9th September - Sheeze Jake 16th - Rock’n’On 23rd - Tanya Stevens 30th - Kezzas Karaoke

WIN Dinner or Luncheon

wc Gift Sho ived r a s ha r ints Po Double aily 4-6pm D

Plus Drinks for you & your friends! Dine on any weeknight to receive your entry



SEPTEMBER 10TH (Proceeds to RSPCA)


5 .50 LUNCH


12-2 .50

$2 CINOS C U P P A C 3-5 10-2 & Page 18 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011

“Locale” is the perfect place for after work drinks before grabbing a takeaway, or to bring family and friends to gather around the table and share traditional fare and good times. Locale Italian Eatery is open NOW and Herb invites you to book in for tomorrow night and let the team know which dish is to become your favourite! Locale Italian Eatery Open Wed to Sat from 5.30pm, with the bar open from 4pm.




bingo 9am $1000 Jackpot chook run 9am $1000 & members Jackpot draw pool comp nomination 6.30pm 6.00pm peta’s wine $10 a bottle

DINNER M DEAL $ EAL 12.50 Tues & Wed


friday monster raffles 6.00pm everyone welcome


carvery lunch goose club & dinner from $10.90 12.00pm under 12’s eat free FREE poker from 7.00pm members draw & raffles

COOROY RSL & BOWLS RSL Maple Street 54476131 Bowls Opal Street 54476051 WEB Email –

Information for Members, Guests & bona-fide visitors - Courtsey Bus Thursday - Sunday Nights


COOROY RAG ‘DHOM’ Chotipimai and Spencer Willmott recently opened Dhoms Kitchen in Cooroy specialising in traditional Central Thai cuisine. The emphasis is on traditional Thai home cooking as well as some street food favourites made with the freshest local ingredients. Their food is very labour intensive as they make all their curry pastes, marinades and sauces from scratch. This involves long hours in the kitchen. They use a mortar and pestle to prepare many of their dishes and do not use a microwave in their kitchen. “We have been overwhelmed by the response from customers since we opened,” says Dhom. “Our customers find the flavours of our dishes quite unique, as though they are back in Thailand”. “Fresh local produce is very important to us. We like to know where our produce comes from,” says Spencer. “It is also important to support our local producers in these

dining & entertainment Traditional Thai favourites

times of economic uncertainty” he adds. Dhoms Kitchen’s menu changes regularly to reflect the seasonality of locally available produce. Dhom and Spencer are no strangers to Cooroy. They previously operated the very successful Pinto Thai restaurant in town. After selling their restaurant they established a catering business in Cooroy where they also manufactured and developed a product range of Asian curry sauces, pastes, marinades, stocks and dressings which, until recently, they sold at the Noosa Farmer’s Market each Sunday.

“We have had a very good response to our frozen product range and have to come in on our day off to keep up with the demand” says Dhom. “The curry sauces and entrees are so easy to prepare. You can have a meal ready in the time it takes to cook your rice. Our hand made spring rolls and curry puffs can be cooked in the oven in 15 to 20 minutes.” Their Asian product range is manufactured on-site and is available for sale from their shop. Through their time at the farmers markets they have established excellent working relationships with local suppliers (most of whom have

become good friends) such as Noosa Spanner Crabs, Bendele Poultry, Cedar Creek Farm, Gympie Farm Cheese, Steve and Trina Waugh’s Vegetables, Noosa Valley Market Gardens and Hermitage to name just a few, who supply them in their new venture. Dhom and Spencer have also conducted Thai cooking classes at Black Pearl Epicure Cooking School in Brisbane over the years and plan to offer Thai classes at Dhoms Kitchen in the coming months. An ongoing interest in Thai food history and techniques involves travel to Thailand twice a year to document traditional cuisine and collect

material to add to their ever-growing culinary library. Their current focus is on the influence of northern Burmese (Shan) and Yunnanese food on Northern Thai cuisine. They also organise culinary tours to Thailand at least once a year. Dhoms Kitchen is located across from the Cooroy Hotel in Garnet St. It is open for lunch Tuesday to Friday from 11.30 am to 2.30pm, and dinner three evenings a week (Thursday to Saturday) from 5.30 pm. They have already received a mention in the just-released 2012 Gourmet Traveller Restaurant Guide for their authentic Thai food.

Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 19

Classifieds Church Notices

Cooroy Community Baptist Church

Jesus the hope of the world CWA Hall Maple Street Cooroy Worship Service 10am Sundays

Ever ybody Welcome Everybody

For Sale

COLD CHISEL TICKETS Brisbane Entertainment Centre November 2nd 2 Tickets - Good seats $110 each Unable to use - just would like to get money back

PH: 0407 203 569 ‘95 Nissan Patrol ST 2.8 Turbo Deisel

Enquiries: 5485 0265 - 5447 9355 • 4” Lift • 33” Pro Comp Mud Tyres (+ 4 road tyres) • Lightforce Spotties • Reverse Spotties • UHF • Boost Guage • Turbo Timer • Boost Tee • After Market Intercooler • Front Locker • Major Service just completed - Diff Oils, Motor etc - New Brakes, Radiator, Water Pump, Hoses, Swivel Hubs, etc. Immaculate Condition Inside & Out • 6 Months Rego

$12,000 ono - 0427 624 507

Anglican Parish of Cooroora Sunday Services Pomona - Rectory St - Sunday 7.30am Cooroy - Tewantin Road - Sunday 9.30am Kin Kin - Main St - 10.00am (1st Sunday of the Month) For more info call the Revd Julie Woolner on 5485 1218

Position Vacant JUNIOR CAFÉ BARISTA Attitude more important than experience. Training provided. Weekday & rotating weekend shifts. You must have already finished school. You must be focussed, committed & have high personal grooming standards. If being a barista excites you then reply to The Manager, P.O. Box 413, Cooroy 4563.

Uniting Church in Australia Cooroy/Pomona 8.00am - Cooroy - 51 Maple St 9.30am - Pomona - 27 Factory St

Casual Night & Day Work available

PH: 5447 6152

Work Wanted

The Church of United Spiritualism of Australia

Commercial Cleaning

Rev Kathy McVann 0414 972632

Apply in-store - PH: 5472 0582

20 years experience Phone Peter - FREE QUOTES 5446 2306 - 0419 613 763

Date Claimers Saturday, October 15: Once again there is a Variety Fund Raising Concert to be held at the Cooroy RSL during day time. Proceeds going to Kabara and Eden, Cooroy and Riding for the Disabled, Yandina. More details next edition and flyers coming out soon. The Cooroy Lower Mill Board is proposing to run a Food Festival with Fusion on May 5, 2012. Interested Food/Produce stall holders contact Lower Mill Board Chairperson,Carol Christensen on 0412 135 686 or email

Mark your calendar for the Cooroy CWA “Christmas Fair” Saturday 12th November 2011 CWA Hall 8am-1pm Lots of Stalls, Entertainment, Sausage Sizzle & Much More - If you would like to book a table at $10 each please phone Wendy 5447 6140

Church Notices Tinbeerwah SPIRITUALIST CHURCH


St John Lutheran Church Lambert-Hyne Drive, Imbil 1st & 3rd Sunday HC, 10.30am 4th Sunday, 9am Enquiries Pastor Frank Rasenberger 5482 1435 Page 20 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011

Cooroy Community Gardens committee is looking for a dynamic secretary who would love to be an active part of this exciting community project. This is an important role and we would appreciate an experienced person to be a part of our team Green fingers not essential. Please call Selina on 0450 740 544

Volunteer Publicity Person Cooroy Community Gardens committee is looking for a person with writing skills who can co-ordinate our media releases, write interesting articles for magazines and keep our community informed of the gardens progress If you have these skills or know someone who does please contact Selina on 0450 740 544

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Temptations Coffee Shop Hospital


All Welcome

Volunteer Secretary Required

Eden Private


Australia’s only proclaimed spiritual denomination Services every Wednesday evening 7pm QCWA Hall, Maple St Cooroy Modern music, meditation / healing, guest speakers, clairvoyance Tea / coffee afterwards

Volunteers Required

5472 6416.

Wanted to Rent Mature Aged lady seeks 1 or 2 bedroom accommodation. Studio, Granny Flat in local area. Please contact 5485 1535

Lost & Found LOST - Ring, Emerald Street, Cooroy. Huge sentimenatl value. Phone 0401 340 687

What’s On Enjoy playing Scrabble? Come & Join in the Fun The Scrabble Group meets every Friday morning at Possums Books & Coffee 10am in the courtyard

COOROY RAG Community Newspaper

ABN 13 863 064 712, PO Box 898, Cooroy, 4563 Phone 5442 6699 Fax 5442 5821 Published every 3 weeks by Cooroy Community Newspaper Incorporated trading as Cooroy Rag 7000 copies distributed Opinions expressed by contributors to Cooroy Rag are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher and publication of advertisements implies no endorsement by the publisher

health & beauty Your eyes, diabetes and digital imaging


DIABETES is Australia’s fastest growing chronic disease, with 275 Australians developing diabetes every day. Cooroy optometrists Heather McLeod and Jenny Currie from optometry@cooroy remind us that eye care providers play an essential role in the ongoing healthcare of people suffering from diabetes. “The eye in many instances may provide an early warning system” Heather says. “It is generally acknowledged that the most common cause of blindness in young and middle aged people throughout the western world is diabetes”. Jenny says optometrists regularly detect signs in patients, which leads them to being diagnosed as diabetic. “It is not uncommon for optometrists to be monitoring as many as five to ten diabetics a week. In a typical diagnosis scenario, people visit their optometrist complaining of a significant reduction in distance vision or even a distortion of vision,” she adds. Diabetes is often characterised by severe dehydration, which can affect the lens of the eye. For the diagnosed diabetic, optometrists play an important health care role by assisting with the vision problems associated with diabetes and provide further information about diabetic vision management. If diabetes is suspected, patients are referred to their medical practitioner. Once diabetes is stabilised a person’s vision normally recovers over a number of weeks. Heather and Jenny recommend regular eye examinations and believe that a diabetic’s eyes should be examined at least yearly and that visit should include digital retinal imaging. Jenny explains that “We have been providing digital retinal imaging, otherwise known as retinal pho-

The photograph illustrates Diabetic Retinopathy in a patient whose diabetes has been poorly controlled for some time tography, for our patients for several years. It enables us to capture and store an image of the retinal, including the blood vessels and the optic nerve which is located at the back of the eye. This technology enables us to detect subtle changes to structures inside the eye and is useful not only for patients with diabetes but also those with macular degeneration, glaucoma and hypertension.” For more information or for an appointment you can contact optometry@cooroy on 5442 5555., located at 62 Maple Street.

Are your kids finding studying a pain? IT’S at this time of the year that our high school kids are studying for their most important school exams. Unfortunately for a lot of kids, the long hours spent hunched over the books results in neck pain, back pain and headaches. Sitting puts a lot of strain on the spine, especially when combined with the flexed postures often seen when using a computer or reading for prolonged periods. Despite the need to study, there are ways to minimise the strain on the spine and prevent the pain and headaches from occurring. Firstly, having a good posture and desk set-up for studying are essential. Make sure that you are sitting with your bottom as far back in the chair as possible and if your lower back is sore, place a small cushion in the curve of your lower back to support it. If your fee cannot touch the ground, get a small stool to place them on. If you have an adjustable chair, ensure that the height of the chair allows you to look at your computer screen without looking up or down too far. When reading textbooks, use a book support or place them on a cushion, bringing them closer to your eyes and

requiring less forward bending of the neck and rounding of the shoulders. Secondly, taking mini breaks every 30-60 minutes allows some relaxation and stretching of the muscles which become tight when studying. Make sure you stand up, walk around and stretch the neck and back muscles. These short breaks will allow you to continue to study for longer with less pain. In addition to mini breaks, ensuring that you get regular exercise is important for numerous factors. Exercise has many positive effects including keeping your muscles strong and flexible, improving your concentration and memory, as well as improving your sleep quality. Despite these positive effects, many people stop exercising when they are studying due to time constraints. As you can see though, a small time sacrifice for exercise will be outweighed by the benefits. If you are suffering with neck or back pain from studying, get some assistance as soon as possible so that you are not sitting through exams in pain. Seek assistance from your local doctor or qualified health professional. Rebecca Steele owns Hinteractive Physio and can be contacted on 5442 5556.

Tone up for Spring with ½ price introductory pilates assessments

Pilates is safe exercising for all ages

Are your kids finding studying a pain? If so we can help You will receive • Detailed examination, including postural assessment • Thorough, hands-on, individualised treatment • Professional advice on avoiding long term back problems • Written home exercises to optimise your outcome

Hinteractive Physio 48 Elm Street, Cooroy

5442 5556

Of course, we also have highly qualified professional physiotherapists, Remedial, Sports and Relaxation Massage Therapy, Acupuncture and our Sensational Vibragym For appointments ph 5442 5666 7 Myall Street, Cooroy 6/18 Farrell Street, Yandina Cnr Nambour Connection Rd & Blackall St, Woombye Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 21

COOROY RAG Maria Zauner Teash Douglas Matt Macloud


5442 6833 CALL NOW

Cooroy Doctors Surgery, 8 Emerald St, Cooroy

KYLIE SCHNEIDER DIP C.P. / DIP C.H. • Massage Therapist • Psychophysical Therapist • Clinical Hypnotherapist • Reconnective Practitioner • Distance Healer

CALL 0408 987 776

health & beauty Noosa Hinterland

All well and good at Eumundi Markets CELEBRATE things good for your body, mind and soul at ‘All Well & Good’ in Eumundi on Saturday 24 September 2011. Held on site at The Original Eumundi Markets, All Well & Good is a special health and wellness oriented market day – a day of education and healthy pampering celebrating healthy foods, products, therapies and lifestyle choices. All Well & Good is a FREE event (no entry fee) – featuring free yoga and tai chi workshops, as well as demonstrations in everything from dance, Zumba, Karate Budokan, ZenThai Shiatsu and chess, to laughter therapy and the power of hugs with The Hug Patrol. There will also be a Market Chef kitchen for cooking demos highlighting food that’s good for your soul. It will be a chance to learn more about the slow food movement, bush foods and organics from some of the most passionate chefs and foodies on the Coast.

Visitors young and old will have the chance to nurture the artist within with a range of craft activities. The day also sees an All Well & Good Trail through the markets so visitors can learn more about healthy foods, therapies and lifestyle choices from the many wellness oriented stalls. Our market and stallholders will welcome all visitors to sample, test, try and buy products and services as you enjoy a day of healthy pampering. Discover products and services including herbal medicines, essential oils, natural skincare, Ayurvedic medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, Chinese medicine, massage, manipulative therapies, tarot readers, palmistry, reiki, clairvoyance, astrology and energy healing. Set against the backdrop of Australia’s premier craft market, there will also be the usual incredible range of handmade and handcrafted giftware, furniture, jewellery, art, fashion and food.

Denture Services

New dentures Repairs Relines Personalised Natural look All Health Funds & Veteran Affairs Phone Tony for appointment

Shop 7 Railway Square Diamond Street, Cooroy

Ph: 5442 5753

BOWEN THERAPY Pain Relief, Relaxation, Sport Injuries

BEAUTY THERAPY Facials, Pedicures, Waxing

Theosophical Society of the Sunshine Coast


WEEKLY Public Lectures at the CWA Hall 123 Poinciana Ave, Tewantin each Friday at 7.00 pm. Programme for September: 9 Sep - 400 Years of The King James Bible - Richard Zwickie: This talk explores the key scriptures that have stood the test of time. 16 Sep - Mary Magdalene’s Dreaming - Steven & Evan Strong: How principles of the Dreaming can be found within all ancient mystical religions including Gnosticism. 23 Sep - Our Electric Connection - Aldo Donadel & Marion Smith: Occult teachings about Cosmic Electricity, now affirmed by frontier science. 30 Sep - What Is Series #4 - What is Reincarnation: An interactive presentation exploring the concept of Reincarnation from cultural, scientific and religious perspectives. Contact Aliza 5470-2656. All welcome.

Massage, Exfoliation, Hotstone Lakeridge Health & Beauty

Lisa & Mel 5442 6239 33 Miva St, Cooroy

Gift Vouchers Available

ABN: 63 253 580 954

Caree Gentle Car

Cooroy Toastmasters


COOROY Toastmasters next meeting is Monday 19 September at the library at 6pm for a 6:30 start. Here you can learn to become a better public speaker, communicator, listener and leader by doing and learning it with other people just like you in a friendly and fun way. Please join in on the fun with us as a guest, you do not have to participate in your first meeting if you don’t feel like it so you can ease your way into it. If you would like more information please feel free to contact Seb Vecchio 5442 6884.


Tibetan Lama to visit Tuchekoi

• Medicare Teen Dental • Accepting EPC Medicare Dental Plans • Appointments Available

5442 6722

DZOGCHEN Rinpoche, one of the highest lamas in the Tibetan tradition, is soon to start his Australian tour. He will share Buddhist wisdom on relationships and love at a public talk at Maroochydore on Thursday, 27th September followed by a 3-day retreat at Tuchekoi from Sept 30 to Oct 2. Dzogchen Rinpoche will share his Buddhist wisdom at a public talk at Millwell Rd Community Centre, 11 Millwell Rd East, Maroochydore on Thursday 29th September at 7.30 pm. His Eminence the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche, whose education was personally supervised by the Dalai Lama, will tell the people of the Sunshine Coast that the very thing people seek, ‘true love’, escapes them because they put their own happiness before others.

9 Garnet St.


Certified with Martin and Pleasance in Schuessler Tissue Salts. Come and have your Bowen Treatment enhanced with a cell salt prorocol just for you BACK PAIN SCIATICA NECK PAIN MIGRAINE



Phone: 0438 861 107 7 Garnet St, Cooroy


“Guidance to enhance, transform & preserve your vision”


Your Family Friendly Practice Expect unique tec hnolog y, the best of car e & rreal eal rresults esults technolog hnology care

• Activator (safe for newborn to elderly) • Manual Techniques (gentle & effective) • Pregnancy & Post Natal Care • Thermal Spinal Scans • DVA • HICAPS (instant health fund return) • CAA Member • Metagenics Vitamins & Minerals • Chiropractic Pillows • Barter Card Welcome

Dr. Adam Roache (Chiropractor)

behavioural optometrists

Heather McLeod & Jennifer Currie

7 Garnet St, Cooroy 5472 0808

62 Maple Street Cooroy 4563 T: 5442 5555 W:

Page 22 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011


Quality Home in quality location

A flawless combination of style, quality and location, this home offers a remarkable opportunity for those seeking executive style acreage living. One of the finest homes in the estate in a peaceful leafy position, this elegant home showcases vast outdoor entertaining areas and grand design - combining light filled living ar-

eas and private outdoor areas. Set on 6454m2 this home displays superbly designed interior living spaces to create an ideal family living environment. • Four double bedrooms all fitted with built in wardrobes • One bedroom guest retreat with own ensuite and entry • Master suite features

double ensuite and walk in wardrobe • Separate soundproof media room • Rumpus room, ideal for private gym • Gourmet kitchen displaying stone benches and quality appliances • Saltwater swimming pool with waterfall and landscaped gardens • Large stacker doors create a seamless entry to expansive outdoor areas • Remote double garage with additional 2 bay colorbond shed to the rear of the property Priced at $639,000, call Michael Robinson from Raine & Horne Noosa Hinterland for further details on 5485 1788 or 0431 865 616 or call in at 8 Reserve Street, Pomona

Great value in Cooran 4 bedroom x 2 bathroom brick home set on 1,012m2 in a quiet street on the edge of town has relaxing outdoor settings with a view to the paddock at the back fence which gives a feeling of space and privacy. Walk straight indoors from the covered double parking to the open plan lounge-dining area. There is also another separate lounge-dining area with a more casual feel on the far side of the kitchen. The main bedroom with ensuite and WIR being separated from the rest of the house by a library area offers privacy and outdoor access with the potential for dual living. Two other large bedrooms have built in robes, while the forth bedroom is light and airy. All bedrooms have carpet flooring and ceiling fans. There are outdoor settings with tables and chairs in leafy garden areas for entertaining, relaxation and comfort. Practical added features such as security mesh, insect screens, and garden sheds make this home well worth an inspection. Be prepared for a surprise as this house is much larger than expected from the front. Just an easy walk to town amenities and only 30 minutes to Noosa Surf Beaches. Priced at $299,000, call Ken Ward from Raine & Horne Noosa Hinterland for further details on 0400 173 193 or at the office on 5485 1788, or call into the office at 8 Reserve Street, Pomona.

real estate 10 acres stones throw to Eumundi

Contact Steve 0447 290 159 IDEALLY situated just a short drive east of Eumundi, these 10 predominantly cleared acres offer a lifestyle choice with the added bonus for further increasing capital growth with real subdivision potential. A fabulous home to accommodate the largest of families, the current owners’ children are now all grown up and have left the nest! Privacy is a bonus from the two storey home set well away from the road. Spread over two levels the air conditioned brick home has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, separate study and 2 kitchens. Living areas are upstairs and down with room to expand further downstairs. Upstairs has timber floors and a gorgeous Victorian Ash timber kitchen that features gas cook top, dishwasher and a built in microwave. Linking to the upstairs lounge is a wide timber deck that enjoys filtered far ranging views that get even better from another possible home site further up on the property. There are plenty of sheds with power and lights, also an American style barn which is currently fitted out to house 4 stables, tack and feed room. The property also features an in ground pool with huge grassed area, 2 dams, several fruit trees including mango, bananas and citrus and is fenced to include 2 paddocks. One of the last properties in the street that will entertain subdivision this property also makes sense for those savvy investors or families wanting to build close together. Auction on-site Friday 16th September at 11am, 45 Seib Rd, Eumundi. Call Jeanette Catalano 0422 923 851 / 5447 700 of for more information. or your preferred agent



Contact Dave

0429 811 572 or

ACREAGE & FARM Management

Charm privacy value - must sell!!

• 4WD Slashing • Broad Acre Weed Control • Pasture Improvement - Seeding - Aeratoring • Fertilising

WHAT a gem….. 2+ acres of peace, privacy, views, established tropical gardens, cottage, shed and dam. The two bedroom cottage nestled amongst established tropical gardens offers verandahs, open plan living, basic kitchen, two good sized bedrooms and central bathroom with the laundry area under the cottage. To the side of the verandah is the above ground pool with some timber decking overlooking the valley – an ideal place to cool down on a summer’s day. The 96 sq.m. colourbond shed is on concrete slab with power connected incorporating lockup garaging and under roof carport with high entry. Meandering around the fully fenced property through beautiful established gardens, an assortment of mature fruiting trees and bush tucker will lead you to the dam on the property. This is a great opportunity to purchase a few acres with peace and privacy, character cottage, big shed, views and established gardens. $359,000 24 Gilliland Rd, Cooroy. Please call Jim Ennis 0402 587 298 / 5447 7000 for more information regarding this property.

25 Years Experience

BILL FRANCIS 0432 295 154



eco ecoast

Grid Connect & Stand Alone Systems


SpringS pecialP ackage* - Hyundai - REC - Aurora - SMA & - LEDs

-2 to 5KW solar system -6 month system check -6 month energy consultation

Talk to us about our interest free Terms*

Nate: 0409 582 826


AUSTRALIAN MADE SHEDS & CARPORTS Domestic • Rural • Industrial

Tailor made to your dimensions

• Metroll & Aussie Outdoor Home Improvements • Patios & Carports • Colorbond Steel Fencing • Aquaplate Rainwater Tanks

• Obligation Free Quotes & On-site Advice • Width-length-height & Roof Pitch available • Made from Quality Bluescope Steel • Highly Competitive

PH: 5447 7688 Mobile: 0407 943 404

Your Local Sunshine Coast Dealer P.O. Box 888 Cooroy QLD 4563

COOROY Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 23

Trades & Services AIR CONDITIONING

5440 5431 0419 555 366

• Free Design & Quote • Split & Ducted System Installs • Breakdown & Service Specialists • 18 Years’ Experience • All Work Guaranteed • All Rubbish Removed





Cooroy Handyman Service

RUSSELL MOWLES Cabinet Cabinet & Joinery Maker Installation


Kitchen, Vanities, Wardrobes etc Second Fix Carpentry Home & Unit Maintenance FREE QUOTES - NO JOB TOO SMALL

Servicing all Local Areas


20 Years Experience

• Driveways • Shed Slabs • Tennis Courts • Exposed Aggregate Specialists

Phone Andrew

Servicing Noosa Hinterland • Carpentry • Concreting • Tiling • Termite Repairs • Plastering • Cubbyhouses • Patch & Paint Walls • Roofing & Guttering • Patios & Decks • Fencing & Retaining Walls • Mobile Welding • Doors & Locks QBSA Licensed • 20 years experience • No job too small • We love Referrals

Tristan Rankine

Fax: 5485 0908 - ABN: 14 344 947 384

5447 0345 0409 212 142 QBSA 605970

0427 764 038







• Auto Airconditioning Service • EFI Diagnostics & Repairs • Breakdown Service • Batteries, Starters, Alternators • Automotive, Industrial & Agricultural

Ph:5485 0708 - 0418 819 945

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Flea Control Competitive Prices Phone Peter & Judy

15B Factory Street, POMONA

0409 463 656

PH: 5485 2524



Stevens Pty Ltd



• Domestic • Commercial • Industrial • Car Interiors • Upholstery • Fabric Protection


5471 0001 - 0409 547 100 QBSA Lic No: 537510 ELECTRICAL

0409 954 228

0419 653 132 Ph 5447 7251 Fax 5447 6134 Lic No. 60015


Elona Bosboom

0403 697 537

QBSA Lic: 1099181 - ABN: 46118609519






PH: 5447 7594 - MOB: 0415 158 648

Septic Tanks, Grease Traps, Oil Arrestors, Liquid Waste

PH: 5447 6477

0418 713 244



LIME PLUS Fertilisers / Gypsum / Chook Manure

Service & Experience David 5442 5100 0429 992 330 Page 24 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011

ROB: 0407 318 285 JEFF: 0401 385 320


Mobile: 0416 241 261

Locally Owned & Operated - 30 years Experience


• New Homes • Extensions • Renovations • Bathrooms • Pensioner Discounts

• Landscape Design & Construction • Retaining Walls • Drainage Solutions • Original Ideas & Professional Service • Structural Landscaper’s Licence 893465

Alan J Beatty



ORGANISED BUILDERS Building with old fashioned values

• New Homes • Renovations • Repairs/Maintenance • Alterations/Extensions • Decks/Verandahs

Ph: 5447 6544 A/H: 5442 5078

bas. 41606

Richard Oxborough



10 Maple St Cooroy

Cooroy Eumundi Electrical Services

Ceiling fans/Safety Switches

Rod Stevens


Licensed Carpenter & Joiner QBSA 744858

CUSTOM BUILT PC’S FOR HOME, OFFICE AND GAMING Maintenance – Virus Removal Printers - Parts - Upgrades – Networks – Installations

98 Maple Street, Cooroy Qld 4563 Ph (07) 5329 0059 • Mobile 0438 196 113 email :

• Paling • Pool • Glass • Retaining Walls • Colorbond • Dog Fence • Tennis Court Specialist


All aspects of landscaping & gardening with a CREATIVE, ORGANIC approach

16 Years Experience

Sean Morrow

Phone Rodger 0421 769 721 - 5473 5227

0411 312 284 - 5485 0525

BSA No: 1110445

QBSA Lic no. 1119365




The Yard Landscape & Garden Centre 791 Eumundi-Noosa Rd, Doonan

5442 5044

Trades & Services PAINTING




Acer Tree Services

- PLUS y Cooro

Certified Arb, since 1992.

Phone Owen Meekins dip ARB/HORT,LLB

Clayton J Francis QBSA LIC NO 531482


Telephone 5447 7383 Mobile 0418 715 114

• Filtration PolyPipe • •Polypipe • Fitting • Fitting • Sales • Sales • Service • Service • Repairs • Repairs

Mob: 0409 278 659

7A7A Diamond St, Diamond Street Noosa Cooroy Rd PO Box 930 Cooroy QLD 4563 COOROY Email

5447 7992 07 54720960 | 07 54720961 0458 992 Mobile 777 0419738090


Carrying out all aspects of Tree Surgery & Arboriculture:

Cnr Johnson Court & Jarrah Street Cooroy Q 4563 Fax: 5442 5982

•Crown Reductions * Thinning * Lifting * Shaping * General Pruning * Felling & Removal * Tree Selection * Consultation & General Advice •







Rykenberg Jewellers

• Bedroom • Garage • Computer Points • Fax • Repairs



Cooroy Plumbing Services RELIABILITY is our TRADEMARK All Plumbing, Drainage & Gas Fitting For a fast, friendly & efficient service

Call 5442 6788

QBSA 0500098

After hours & weekends 0418 711 438 QBSA No: 50098


OWEN 5447 6916 FAX 5447 7645 RUBBISH REMOVAL

SWIFT SKIPS 1 Jarrah St. Cooroy

• 2 mtr, • 4 mtr, • 6 mtr.

For all your



5447 6322 Shop 2, Emerald St, Cooroy 4563


Paul Best Digital TV Tuning Tuning

Cars Machinery Containers Stan Kidd

5485 1613 0419 780 747 TRUCK HIRE

S S C TILT TRAY SunShine Coast & Interstate


Locally owned and operated

• TV Antennas • Tuning in and setting up • Plasma / LCD TVs • VCRs • DVD Recorders • HiFi

Phone: 5442 5844 Mobile: 0417 786 776

Prompt Service PH: 0413 699 572

0414 840 298




Container Sales & Hire OWNER OPERATOR STEF


PLUMBING Sewer Connections Hot Water Systems All Drainage & Maintenance Experienced Local

Ph Johnno

0432 099 746

17 Factory Street Pomona Manufacturers of Stainless Steel Security Screens & Doors


and Antennas


BSA 1166089

5485 1287



SWIFT Contact Chris for all Plumbing Requirements PH: 5485 3928




Perry Gould 0408 871 002 BSA 1092904

Adrian Black 0438 588 289 BSA 1053652


• Spraying • Ripping • Mulching • General Tractor Work • 25 Years Experience 5485 5021 • 0412 624 351


Bonnell Bros. ★ Water Deliveries ★ Sand & Gravel, etc ★ Tip Truck, Grader & Low Loader Hire

OF ANY UNWANTED CARS BRING IT TO US, WE PAY Trade Towing Available Phone Ivan

0418 723 080 or 5442 8111

•Treatment Plant Servicing • Plumbing & Drainage • Backflow Prevention

Locally Owned & Operated


QBSA No:1099903

Treatment Plant Services


Ph: 5447 6229 TREE SURGEON


Tenzing Tree Climbing Services • Felling • Detailing/Trimming • Removals • Crown Reductions• Firewood • Qualified Advice • Full Insurance • Free Quotes • Mulching

Brett Gowen 0422 868 911, 5441 5997

Helping trees live with people Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 25




Sunshine Classic Invitational

Gymnast of the Month

• Rock Walls • Landscaping • Rock Supply & Placement • Bobcat & Excavator • Scrap Metal Recycling

PH: 0458 833 255 CARPENTER - TILER • Leaking shower solutions & retiling • Termite & water damage repairs • Complete home & office maintenance

HIGH PRESSURE “EXTERNAL” WATER CLEANING • Home & Office • Driveways, Walls, Stairways • Fascades, Awnings, Pavements

SWIMMING POOL & FILTER SERVICES • One-off or regular service calls • Trouble-shooting

2 Cooroy Noosa

Call John Muller

0458 210 552

Slashing Steve Pont

SERVICING ALL AREAS • Large & Small acreages • Experienced Owner/Operator • 4WD Tractor/XHD Slasher For your next Slashing job call Slasher Steve

PHONE STEVE: 0408 915 124

TWENTY-four competitors from the Cooroy girls gymnastics team travelled down to Woombye to compete at the Sunshine Classic Invitational last weekend. Over 130 gymnasts took part in the competition for girls competing in levels one to seven. It was the girls’ first competition under new WAG coaches Jessica and Ashleigh Marston. All of the competitors put in a great effort, and for many it was their first chance to compete in Gymnastics. The Cooroy girls vied for individual apparatus awards and all around places against clubs from Wide Bay to Bris-

Name: Dyce Robertson Age: 7 Class: MAG Level 1 Coach: Lyndon How long have you been doing gymnastics? 2-3 years What do you like about gymnastics? Rings

bane. Cooroy Gymnastics Club finished 2nd overall with some fantastic individual results including: Level 1 - Alana Burr 2nd All around 1st Bars, 1st Floor 3rd Vault Delphi Wighton 1st Vault. Level 2 - Sarah Toffoli 1st all around, 3rd Vault, 1st Beam, 3rd Floor Chakera Thompson 2nd Floor Ashliegh MacLennan 2nd Beam. Level 3 - Miranda Robertson 3rd All around, 3rd Vault, 3rd Bars, 2nd Beam. Level 4 - Maddy Taft 2nd All around, 2nd Beam Shae Miller 3rd Beam Portia Kross 3rd Floor. Well done to all the girls who competed.

For more information phone the Cooroy Gymnastics Club on 54425800 or visit our website

Pomona JKA team ready for World Cup THE Pomona JKA Australian Team members proudly wearing their Australian badge ready for the JKA World Cup Tournament being held in Thailand next week After 5 months of hard training and fundraising the Pomona JKA Australian team is heading off to Thailand to compete in the JKA World Cup. This would not have been possible without the hard work of the club members and ever generous Pomona and surrounding community that have put their hands in their pocket time and time again for each fundraising event. We have had sausage sizzles, a Thai dinner, Easter raffles, Crazy Book sale, Trivia Night, donation tins and a never ending $100 board sold over and over again to raise the funds needed to get

businesses to spend money they didn’t have to and we are extremely grateful for this and every person in the community

these kids to the tournament in Thailand. We at the Pomona JKA-ASKA are forever grateful and would like to say special thanks to the following businesses that have got involved and helped us reach our fundraising target: Pomona Produce & Pet Supplies, Hollyhock Cottages, Red Bridge Motor Inn, Pomona Hotel, Pomona Bowls Club,

Cooroy Rag, Bunnings Noosaville, Dan Murphy’s Noosaville, Pomona Community House, Food @ Eumundi, Cocoa Chocolat, Pomona Post Office, Cooroy RSL, Gitshams Prime Foods, Pumps Plus Cooroy, Pomona True Value, Sala Thai Eumundi. We understand in this economic climate how much is means for these


that helped along the way, every 5 cents dropped in our donation tin means the world to us. THANKYOU!

Specialist Ride-on Brushcutter Grass too long for the Mower? Slope too Steep for the Slasher? Lantana taking over?

Peter 0418 993 199

Rob’s Roofing • Metal & Tile Roofing • Insurance Work

• Licensed Builder • New Homes • Units • Renovations • Extensions • Maintenance • Insurance Work

Graham Williams 0418 710 222


PH: 5449 1288 - FAX: 5449 1818

PHONE 5447 6033

BSA Licence No 742441 - Member QMBA Page 26 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011



• Re-roofing

• Repairs

• Fascia & Gutter

• Pensioner Discounts

• Spanline Patios

• 20 Years Experience

• Whirlybirds

• Free Quotes

0407 483 415 BSA Licence No 1180995

sport Zak heads to Malaysia for World tournament


ZAKARIA Kahlid starting doing karate at the age of 5, while still in Grade One. He has been training with Shihan Wayne Macdonald, at Noosaville Dojo for that entire time. Zakaria is a 2nd Dan Blackbelt and started competing about five years ago. During this time he has won many Gold, Silver and Bronze medals in both Kumite and Kata. Zakaria has been selected for the State team for all of these years and most recently competed internationally for Australia in Tahiti last year where he achieved a Gold Medal. This year Zak has competed in the Sydney International Tournament – Gold; Queensland State Tournament – 2xGold; Commonwealth Tournament – 1 Gold and 1 Silver; Nationals – 1 silver. Zak has just been chosen for the junior/cadet World tournament being held in Melaka Malaysia in October. He will be representing Australia and there is only one athlete per division per country chosen, so this is a huge honour. 100 countries will be participating in this event. This is also the highest level of competition that Zakaria can participate in at his age. Zak’s parents are obviously extremely proud of his achievements. Zak is looking for sponsorship so if anyone can assist in this regard please phone Darlene Kahlid on 0411 428 593 as it would be much appreciated.

WANTED Local Business


Be social at Cooroy tennis club JOIN us for mixed social tennis on Sunday 2 Octoberr at 5pm. Free sausage sizzle from 5.30pm. Balls provided and cost is $2 for members and $5 for non members. The Club encourages anyone interested in playing tennis to come along to social tennis held every Thursday 8am and the first Sunday of each month at 5pm. Casual court hire is also available almost any time. For further information contact our committee members, Fraser 5485 1942, Dorelle 5447 6674, Carol 5447 6018, Rhonda 0400 415 370, or Helene 5447 6945. Rob Schmitt, our professional coach, is available for coaching lessons. Rob has introduced Wednesday Ladies tennis at 9am. Cost is $5, includes coaching and a doubles competition. Phone Rob on 0431 386 333 or 5449 8417.

Respected LOCALS servicing the Cooroy Community Cnr Johnson Court & Jarrah St, Cooroy

Any enquiries phone Tom & Debbie 5442 5088

Now everyone gets Gold Fleet discounts across a wide range of cars.

SPRING SPECIALS $599 - 18” Cut Inc. Catcher Model $799 - 21” Cut Inc. Utility Model

Daddows Est. 1965


Check our Website


PH 5447 6133

Toyotathon is back and it’s bigger than ever! For a limited time, we’re giving Gold Fleet discounts to everyone across a wide range of Australia’s favourite cars. These are discounts usually aimed at big business, making this your golden opportunity to drive away in a new Toyota and start enjoying a lifetime of advantages. See your local Toyota Dealer today. MUST END SEPTEMBER 30

EUMUNDI ROAD AUTO PARK NOOSAVILLE 5470 0750 and STATION ROAD, GYMPIE 5480 5555 Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011 - Page 27




Specials Available 07.09.11 - 18.09.11

save up to

save up to

2.51 ea

1.20 ea

2.79 ea

$1.50 per Litre

3.99 ea

D Farmers Classic Chocolate Dairy & Dare Espresso Flavoured Milk 2 Litre

Moccona Coffee Mixes 8 Pack 110-120g M

save up to

save up to

2.16 ea

48¢ ea




71¢ per 100g


save up to

La Gina Tomatoes 400g

save up to

2.30 ea

save up to

2.10 ea


1.90 ea



$7.99 per kg

$2.42 per kg

Kraft Easy Mac Multipack 280g Varieties Kr


Real Cheese Tasty Cheddar 1kg Re

Cooroy 3 Emerald St, Cooroy 4563 Ph: (07) 5447 6061 OPEN 7 DAYS

Luke’s w w w. l u k e s i g a . c o m . a u

$7.48 per kg

5.49 Re Cheese Tasty Shredded Real & Reduced Fat Shredded 500g



Noosa Junction Plaza, Sunshine Beach Rd, Noosa Junction 4567 Ph: (07) 5447 2777 OPEN 7 DAYS

Cnr Ormuz Ave & Bingera Tce, Caloundra 4551 Ph: (07) 5491 4966 OPEN 7 DAYS


$10.98 per kg

Re Cheese Tasty Cheddar Real BBBQ Cubes 500g

Glass House Mountains

Bellvista Market Place

Shop 4, 7 Reed St, Glass House Mtns 4518 Ph: (07) 5496 9100

2 Rawson St, Caloundra West 4551 Ph: (07) 5438 0000



A Locally Owned Family Business Supporting local suppliers & community groups

Specials available until sold out. Limits Apply. Specials Only Available at Supa IGA Cooroy, Caloundra, Noosa and IGA Glass House Mountains & Bellvista. We reserve the right to correct printing errors.

Page 28 - Cooroy Rag, September 7, 2011


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