COOROY RAG August 2021 edition

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I August 2021

Well, well, well...liquid gold in Cooroy

By AL E X PU R C E L L THE lid has been lifted on a decades old Cooroy mystery with ‘ ’liquid gold’’ discovered under a sewerage cap in the heart of town. F or years, long-time local and owner of Cooroy Hire Service, Max Arbuthnot, has been telling anyone who’d listen that the mouldy concrete tank in Apex Park with ‘ ’SANSEW’’ stamped on the heavy metal lid is not waste, rather the ‘ ’best tasting water ever’’. “ Well, one day a few years ago, a guy was in the park testing the water and I told him about the well and he said after he d finished that he’d lift the lid,’’ Max told the C ooroy R ag. “ F or 40 years everyone has thought it was sewage but he lifted that lid and it was liquid gold. I drank a bottle of it and it was the best tasting water I’ve ever had.” Max said he was told the well was capped with a sewerage tank storage lid because there were no water lids available at that time. But now the C ooroy R ag has established a century-old link, which confirms

the concrete tank is in fact a well, which supplied water to the old Butter F actory. The Butter F actory well was first sunk in by the Wide Bay Co Butter F actory and used during its years of operation from to . Alan Kenzler moved to Cooroy in and worked at the Cooroy Butter F actory from to . e told the C ooroy R ag it is indeed the well from which they used to pump water to the factory to wash the butter. “ There was only one well in my time and that was the one in Apex Park,’’ he said. ‘ ’We had two-inch galvanised piping that ran under the road to the Butter F actory in order to pump the water up to the holding tanks at the side of the factory. “ We used the water from the well to wash the butter and make ice in summer for the people of Cooroy. The water was very good quality, quite soft. F or our use, we had to chlorinate it.” Cooroy-raised man, Rob Je ffs, remembers the day that the well was capped, sealing a chapter of Cooroy’s dairy production past with it. “ It was probably a year af-

A trio with a well of local knowledge: Alan Kenzler, Max Arbuthnot and Rob Je ffs. Photo: Travis Macfarlane.

ter the Butter F actory closed and I remember council had a crane in to put on the lid,” he told the C ooroy R ag. A spokesperson for Noosa Council said they are “ convinced” the tank is part of local sewerage infrastructure and could not shed any light on its historical connection to the town. A search of UnityWater’s mapping shows the infrastructure is neither connected to the sewerage or reticulated mains and a spokesperson confirmed it is “ not on their infrastructure map” nor associated with UnityWater’s sampling tap

at Apex Park. UnityWater said they were unable to investigate any further, because their crews were “ currently limiting any interactions with the public due to Q ueensland Health’s C - advice . A sample water test by a local company for the R ag confirmed the pex Park water is clear with a good pH and no traces of chlorine. But the ultimate ‘ ’test’’ was left to Alan, Max and Rob as they lifted the lid on a piece of local history. “ Yes, that’s the well, alright,” Alan said, looking in.

“ Originally, a water diviner picked the spot and they sunk the well down but they abandoned it for a while because it wasn’t making enough water. n ,a r Munroe sank a bore down in the base of that well to get a better stream and they got beautiful water.” Holding up a glass of crystal clear water, Alan said: “ Look at this beautiful water.” “ No sewage in that,” Max said. Cooroy is renowned for its subterranean water with a spring at the foot of Cooroy Mountain that supplies wa-

ter for thousands of bottles each year as the sought-after Cooroy Mountain Spring Water. That water has been described as so pure that it needs almost no processing before it is bottled at the source. Natural springs are formed when an aquifer - an underground layer of permeable rock or loose materials such as gravel - transmits water to the surface. * Tell us what you think. What should be done with the old Butter F actory well? Email the Rag editorial@

Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page




? Can you guess where this is in Cooroy? LET us know by emailing editorial@ and we will reveal the location in the next edition of the paper.

Cooroy’s second hotel – 1909-1910 B y L inda S iv y er MR Soren Christian Jo cumsen built the Hall which was known in 1909 as the Cooroy Hall and then in late 1909 commenced building the Victory Hotel. According to the G ym pie T imes and M ary R iver M ining G aze tte 23 December 1909, in speaking about houses being built in

Cooroy at that time the following is found. “ The verandah of Mr R S Boulton’s residence is seen, then Mr F enwick’s residence and Mr S C Jo cumsen’s large, commodious hall. Alongside the hall, Mr Jo cumsen is building a fine roomed house for which he is applying for a license, thus showing his confidence in

Word on the...air

C ooroy R ag editor, Alex Purcell

RAG CONTACTS OFFICE Phone: 5442 6699

IF you were listening to ABC Radio Sunshine Coast last Wednesday you would have heard your editor, Alex Purcell, talking about your community newspaper. Mornings announcer, Sheridan Stewart, has been talking to local publications on the Sunshine Coast and reached out to talk to Alex about the C ooroy R ag. As many of you know, the C ooroy R ag is the only newspaper

EDITOR Alex Purcell

in Australia that gives all of its profits after costs back to the community. In fact, the R ag bucks many trends, much to Sheridan’s surprise. We are purely a print product. We don’t have an online news website and we have a free classifieds page. Now that is old skool” . Yet, every month, 10,000 papers are delivered far and wide across Noosa interland to be read by


Cooroy” . Mr Jo cumsen completed building his fine roomed house and it became the Victory Hotel for which he obtained a licence in 1910. Within six months of the completion of the Victory Hotel, the Jo cumsens added another floor to the otel and this fine double-storey hotel.

more than 30,000 people. Sheridan asked if being hyperlocal means we’re constantly looking for news. Not at all n a community with such a long and rich history, and one that is ever evolving and changing, we often have too much news which is a good thing . And with the community’s constant involvement and given your all-local and professional team of J udy, J odi, Geoff and Alex who are so passionate about your paper and dedicated to producing something bigger and better every month, we never switch

PRODUCTION Geoff Crockett

B O U Q U E T S to the coffee shops that give locals a discount on their daily cup of ava B O U Q U E T to a beautiful act of kindness. A lovely Tradie came into Wimmers and noticed an old lady was counting her cash for her groceries. He requested $20 cash and he gave the cashier the $20 and said ‘ can you put that to the ladie’s shopping bill . What a legend B O U Q U E T to our school teachers for their dedication to their students and their learning during the recent lockdown. B R IC K B AT S to the 80 kph speed limit on Cooroy Noosa oad it should be 100 kph. off, constantly striving to create a paper that we know informs, surprises and connects our wonderful community. But it’s all thanks to the local businesses that advertise in ‘ your’ newspaper that the C ooroy R ag has money to give back to the community twice a year in the form of community grants see additional story . Tune in to ABC Radio Sunshine Coast on Wednesday August 18 at 9.30am to hear Alex chatting with Sheridan again about the successful community grant applicants.


“ We genuinely give a SHED!”

Wimmers Lane, Cooroy Page

2 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

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Woolworths confirms plans for Cooroy F OLLOWING the news in last month’s edition of the C ooroy R ag, that Woolworths has bought land in Cooroy, the supermarket giant has confirmed their plans for the . ha site. A Woolworths spokesperson told the C ooroy R ag that their vision is to create a shopping and community destination on the undeveloped site opposite Cooroy Golf Club. “ As our customers increasingly look for convenient shopping locations closer to where they live and work, we’ve had the opportunity to ac uire a site at yall Street, Cooroy. “ Our vision is to create a high quality shopping and community destination that complements the village feel of Cooroy while enhancing convenience for local residents.” While Woolworths is in the early stages of planning for the site, it is understood the proposal will include a full line supermarket with drive through and pick up facilities, specialty retail, car parking and further other

uses, depending on needs informed by community consultation and planning codes. “ We welcome community interest in our plans and will shortly be commencing a comprehensive engagement process with both community and stakeholders to inform our future plans for this site.” Consultation with the Cooroy community is exp ected to begin this month with Woolworths planning to meet with local residents and community groups, hold pop up information stands and create a dedicated project website and access to the project team via phone and email channels. “ We look forward to speaking to as many local residents as possible.” Woolworths bought the site in ay and under the Noosa Plan 2020, the land is currently zoned part


Have your say: W H AT do yo u th ink ab o u t W o o lw o rth s b u ying land in C o o ro y and th eir plans f o r a sh o pping co m plex o n th e M yall S treet site? Turning a semi rural residential area into a bustling commercial centre is a shame. Other proposals for the site have been flatly rejected by council as well as the proposed golf course residential development opposite. R ob ert C h arles A ndrew s Jo bs for teenagers and night packers. Less commuting on Cooroy Noosa Road. D erina M cL au gh lin It will be great for the community bring jobs ...for me IGA has always been the place to go to...can not fault IGA or local fruit shops or stalls S h aren W idderick - B ell

Community F acilities for Residential Care F acility and part Environmental Management and Conservation. F or Woolworths to build their proposed shopping complex on this land, a development application would need to be lodged with Council for a material change of use. Noosa Council confirmed to the C ooroy R ag such an

application would be publicly advertised for comment from the community and the applicant would need to demonstrate the site’s suitability for a supermarket over aged care. Woolworths said their proposal would create “ hundreds of ongoing and construction employment opportunities in Cooroy, and the broader Sunshine Coast region” .

Where’s the need? It’s only mins to Woolies at Noosa Civic. drive hour to go to that one. C h arlie S u nsh ine G irv an When you think about it, there are three Woolies supermarkets about 20 mins drive away. It might be good to have one here, too, but only if the intersections get roundabouts. R od R itch ie I think it’s an outrageous

idea. Cooroy is a town with heart and soul and companies like Woolies destroy that. Besides the fact that it’s not necessary and that Cooroy has all the supermarket’s it could possibly need.. My question is WHY - why does Cooroy need it ow does it benefit the community? What impact will it have on exi sting small family owned wholesome businesses? S h u mb i A rk a R eal L ov e What are you all worried about, it’s only another place to shop. You’ll make your own choices as to where you shop. E rrol S mith I hope it doesn’t happen. So many are out to change what they all came here for! Ju st travel and leave cooroy as it should be left ! Janet D aly I agree with it, the community is growing so it’s a logical next step. In saying that though Cooroy nowadays is very congested and it will only get worse there needs to be significant capital works done to ease the congestion around town. B lack M ou ntain C ontracting

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Work done on Six Mile Creek Bridge

W O R K h as b een co ndu cted o n th M ile C reek B ridge at Pinb arren b u no t related to th e b ridge replacem w h ich is sch edu led to b egin in 2 0

e S ix t it w as ent, 2 2 .

installing steel distributors to strengthen the bridge, installing a new asphalt surface and line marking. “ We apologise for the delays and thank the community for its patience while these essential works have been delivered.” To improve safety and reliability, the Six Mile Creek timber bridge will be replaced with a wider twolane concrete structure in 2022. TMR said a design layout for the new Six Mile Creek Bridge will be provided to the community for comment later this year. “ Design is exp ected to be completed late this year. Construction time frames will be determined once the design is complete.”

After reports from locals about long delays at the bridge on Pomona-Kin Kin Road, the C ooroy R ag contacted the Transport and ain oads T . A TMR spokesperson said the work was routine maintenance work and was not related to the Six Mile Creek Bridge replacement project, which is currently in design phase. “ The maintenance work will ensure the bridge remains in a safe and trafficable condition, while design progresses for the new two-lane structure. “ The work will provide a smoother, safer drive for all motorists and include removing the exi sting deck, isolated repairs to the hardwood deck planks,

Plaques vandalised in Apex Park A CONCERNED resident sent the Cooroy Rag this photo of vandalism at Apex Park. The avid dog walker told C ooroy R ag he was walking between the Cooroy skatepark and the enclosed play area when he noticed that the plaques had been damaged. “ Perhaps our wonder-

ful surveillance camera system can identify the culprits? ” C ooroy R ag contacted Cooroy Police who are looking at footage from Cooroy’s CCTV network. Police thanked the concerned resident and the C ooroy R ag for forwarding this to them.

The time is right to get ready for disasters C O O R O O R A



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WITH the weather soon to warm up, it’s a reminder that ugust is the official start of the upcoming bushfire and storm season. Noosa Council is working closely with hinterland communities to raise awareness of the need to be prepared. In partnership with Pomona Community House, Council is offering residents in hinterland communities, information sessions to assist with disaster preparedness and building resilience as the bushfire and storm season approaches. The sessions will provide opportunities for hinterland residents to talk personally to emergency services personnel. The first of these, the Bushfire nformation Night, is being held on Tuesday eptember from pm at Cooran Hall. Topics covered will include how to prepare a property for a bushfire, making an evacuation plan and plant and animal

responses to fire. There will also be practical advice available from Q ueensland F ire and Emergency Services, the Biodiversity Consortium and Noosa Council. Attendees are requested to register for this information night by contacting Pomona Community ouse on . Mayor Clare Stewart said that disaster preparedness is a community effort that requires everyone to do their part. “ We can all help protect our communities, by taking responsibility for being prepared and supporting our neighbours to do the same. Inaction puts homes, neighbours and our emergency services workers at risk. But if we all have a plan in place, it helps when natural disasters strike,” she shared. Additional Disaster and Hazard Preparedness Information Days will be held on: September and at the Noosa how omona howgrounds

from am to pm eptember at omona from am to pm eptember at The Lawson Shed, Pomona from am to am and ctober at idgewood all from am to pm. All events are family-friendly and free whilst subject to C and ealth event guidelines as activities are funded by Cat C Bushfire ecovery esilience funding. F or more information on all activities call Pomona Commu-

nity ouse on . Noosa Council’s Resilience fficer, Cheryl attison, said community workshops were well attended last year as communities embraced the opportunity to engage with the emergency services volunteers and staff. “ Our community spirit is strong at the best of times, but it shines brightest with ext reme weather events, as we help each other out.”

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4 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021


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Baby Zara diagnosed with rare cancer A LOCAL family had their lives turned upside down after their newborn daughter was diagnosed with life-threatening cancer. Cooroy hairdresser Ja de Simmons and her husband Matthew have been living in the Ronald McDonald House in Brisbane since une after their baby Z ara was rushed to Mater ospital ust hours after her birth. Matt told the C ooroy R ag one minute they were admiring the “ moles” on Z ara’s face, the next doctors were rushing in and doing tests. “ The moment when Ja de held ara for the first time, we noticed she had a couple of spots on her face. We said ‘ that’s cute, she has freckles’. A nurse was listening and she said babies aren’t born with freckles or moles and even birthmarks can take a week to show. “ Suddenly, our paediatrician at SCU was there and she organised a week of tests in one day. We weren’t given a diagnosis then but she was liaising with the Head of Oncology at Q ueensland Children’s hospital who said we needed to come down immediately. Within hours of ara s

birth, we were in Brisbane. After they did biopsies on the marks on her face, we were told she has Congenital Acute Myeloid Leukaemia.” Matt said it is a rare form of leukaemia that is not common in babies. “ Leukaemia is a blood cancer. In Z ara’s case, the Leukaemia was pushed to her skin. This is often found in older people and is very rare in babies. “ It is only in her bone marrow at the moment and hasn’t transferred to her blood yet, so Z ara hasn’t started any treatment. She might need chemo and bone marrow transplant but we don’t know yet and because she’s so little. Every week that we wait she gets bigger and stronger and her chance of surviving treatment increases.” Matt said the doctors are doing weekly tests to monitor the disease in her body. “ They just did a test last week and got a percentage of leukaemia in her body. Now they can see if there is a drop or an increase and then make decisions.” In the meantime, Ja de, Matt and Z ara have to stay in Brisbane and wait, while their three-year-old daughter, Charlotte lives in their Burnside home with her grandparents. “ After a week in Mater Hospital, Z ara was transferred to the children’s hospital where Ja de lived by her bedside for two weeks. Then on uly she got discharged as an outpatient and even though she’s stable, they don’t want us to go more than half an hour

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away in case something happens. “ We have our older daughter at home with her grandparents who are trying to keep some normalcy for her. It was her birthday a couple of weeks ago and we had a day pass from the hospital to go and see her but then the lockdown happened. “ When something like this happens, it is like losing control over your normal life. Life doesn’t feel the same.” A fundraiser was held last week at the Cooroy RSL and a GoF undMe has been set up to help the young family. “ I’m so lucky because my boss at unshine itre is really supportive. They’ve said take as long as you need and are working out how to support me. “ My biggest fear was how are we going to keep our house, our jobs? We still have bills to pay and the support from my boss and all the people who have donated means so much and we are so thankful.” Matt and Ja de could be in Brisbane for a minimum of six months while Z ara undergoes her treatment and the funds will be spent on everyday costs to help and support them while they focus on Z ara’s recovery. Matt said the Ronald McDonald House has been incredibly helpful. “ Before this exp erience, we had no idea just how amazing all of these charity organisations are. We have met so many families, who like us, would have been really stuck if it wasn’t for all the help they offer.”

If you would like to donate to the GoF undMe you can do so here: https f ara-grace


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Mary River Festival a fun day out for families OVER one thousand people flooded through the gates into the Mary River F estival last month for a day jampacked for all the family. There was music, dancing, drama, art, weaving, juggling, river education, environmental discussions and displays. Children dressed up with face painting, hair braiding and masks, paraded through the festival and learnt new skills on various circus apparatus. Two informative talks at the Speakers’ Tent were about the revision of the Mary Basin Water Plan,

which outlines the way water is managed in the Mary Catchment and the Borumba Pumped Hydroelectric F easibility Study. Event coordinator Glenda

Pickersgill told the C ooroy R ag feedback from those who attended, showed the decision this year to move the date forward to Ju ly was a very welcome change.

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Leslie Saunders reaches the summit ing of The ountain J rge Hernaez Navarro o Photo: Simon Green



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6 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

IT was all about the runners at the 42nd annual King of the Mountain F estival last month. Lions Club member, Heather Manders, told the C ooroy R ag it was a great day with around 2000 people in Stan Topper Park, Pomona, to watch the main race. “ The day was amazing. We had great weather and a large crowd for the Bendigo Bank King of the Mountain Challenge.” This year, male and female competitors took on the m high ount Cooroora with new competitor, Spanish athlete, Jo rge

Hernaez Navarro, running the . km course in ust minutes and seconds to take out the title of king. The young man came to Noosa two years ago, initially for six months, to learn English, but now plans to stay a further two years and perhaps defend his title in 2022. Pomona State School teacher, Leslie Saunders, was the first female over the line in a time of . t was the third time she has won the race. arlier in the day, runners took part in the short course from the Cooroy Pomona Lions Den in the

Prince and Princess Race. n an exciting close finish, there was only one second between first and second Oliver Pratt from Beau Mullins. Oliver came home in . The Princess champion runner for was Charlotte Reed, cruising over the finish line in a time of ahead of ily mall at . t was the first time the Prince and Princess Race has been held on the same day as the King of the Mountain Challenge and it added “ even more buzz to the air” . KOM F estival organisers would like to thank the community for their support this year after the event was cancelled in 2020 due to Covid. The KOM team will meet early next year to discuss the 2022 event.


Two big Cooroy festivals cancelled THE Cooroy F usion F estival and the Cooroy Mountain Spring Water F estival have both been cancelled. Cooroy F usion F estival Event Management said that it is with great disappointment that they have decided to cancel the September festival. “ We have been closely monitoring the Q ueensland Covid situation and, after consultation with stakeholders, it was agreed that cancelling was the best decision for the community. “ Our sincere thanks goes to all our sponsors, volunteers, entertainers, commu-

nity groups and stallholders who continued to support the Cooroy F usion F estival in . or years, the Cooroy F usion F estival has brought together business, art, culture, not-for profits and residents to celebrate the best of the Noosa Hinterland. “ We look forward to the time when we can all do this again. Thank you for your support and understanding.” Two years after it was last held, members and friends of the Rotary Club of Cooroy, as well as workers from the Cooroy Mountain Spring Water factory, have

been busy preparing the mountain for August’s Cooroy Mountain Spring Water F estival. However, just weeks out from the event taking place, event organisers decided to cancel the event following the lockdowns in NSW. “ With Covid now in Northern NSW, we don’t know what will happen in the next so sadly we have decided to cancel the festival,” they said. The Cooroy Mountain Spring Water F estival is a once-a-year opportunity to climb Cooroy Mountain and walk through the rainforest.

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Help Lesley find her family

Above: “ Minnie-Ha-Ha” , homestead of pioneer William Jo hn isley at pper inbarren Creek d, inbarren, circa Right: Harry, Mabel, Tup, Stella and Richard RECYCLED PET RUGS | ROUND RUGS | INDOOR/ OUTDOOR RUGS | DOOR MATS | NATURAL FIBRE RUGS

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THE great-granddaughter of a Cooroy businessman is hoping we might be able to help her find information about her family. Lesley Grove has reached out to the C ooroy R ag to see if anyone has information about her great-grandfather, Harry Risley. Lesley said she would appreciate any information that anyone has about the Risely family as she doesn’t know much about her grandmother’s father. “ My mum Cheryl Pearce nee ensen, Bid s married name didn t actually meet her grandfather, Harry, until she was about -years-old. y grandmother sobel Bid didn t have a good relationship with him and unfortunately, my mum and


Stella’s daughter, Loma, are the only living relatives left and don’t have a huge amount of information about the Risleys. “ I’d love to know more.” Lesley said what she does know is that the Risely family settled in Pinbarren in and were members of the dairy farming community. “ William and his family arrived in Q ueensland with other potential settlers to survey the land for farming. This group was later known locally in Kin Kin as the Risley Group.” Harry married Mabel King on November . “ Mabel was a bush nurse and a very good pianist. They had four children - Tup-pence Tup , tella, ichard

ickie who died in a car crash aged on uly and sobel Bid - my grandmother . abel passed away on uly . “ Harry was a butcher in Cooroy and apparently he enjoyed a drink a bit too much and I believe he was not very nice when intoxi cated. “ Their family home was called Richmond, located on Tablelands Rd, Cooran, and Harry’s brother, William, took over the family farm at pper inbarren Creek Rd, Pinbarren. I believe the Maher family ended up with this property.” Do you have any information about the Risley family that you could share with Lesley?

Boreen Point history captured in print


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8 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

A BOOK has been written about the history of Boreen Point. Historian and Boreen Point resident, Sylvia Bannah said she researched ext ensively for the illustrated history of the small town and nearby landmarks in the Cooloola Section of the Great Sandy National Park. “ While the main focus is on the establishment and development of Boreen Point, it is also a regional history covering themes that link it with developments in the Gympie-Noosa district,” Sylvia said. “ It includes accounts of early Aboriginal-European contact and highlights the devastating impact colo-

nisation had on the Kabi Kabi traditional owners. “ It also sheds light on the cohesiveness of the community and the inspira-tion that Boreen Point and the lakeside environment have provided for artists of all kinds, the most notable being renowned Australian poet and short story writer Ju dith Wright who was a regular visitor from to the mids, a period that was critical in shaping her as an environmental and Aboriginal activist. “ F or the many people with a connection to Boreen Point, Lake Cootharaba and the National Park this is a very special publication.” Sylvia, along with the

Apollonian Social Club, guest speaker Dr Elaine Brown and special guest Bob Abbot, is holding a book launch for B oreen Point…n ot j ust any small town: A history 1 8 7 1 - 2 0 2 1 on ugust from 4pm at the Apollonian Hotel, Laguna Street, Boreen Point. Enquiries about purchasing copies of the book can be sent to boreenbooks@


Above: Dudley and Annette with current owner, Brad Right: F ront page of T he G ym pie T imes in 1998

Old meets new at

Cooran General Store TWENTY-F IVE years ago, Dudley and Annette Cone bought the Cooran General Store and the shop you see now is a legacy of their hard work. This is because almost one year after they bought the store in 1996, it burned to the ground, forcing them to rebuild. Dudley told the C ooroy R ag they came to the Noosa Hinterland on a quest to find a couple of acres to retire on. “ We looked from Port Macquarie to Pomona and ended up buying two acres at Pinbarren to build a house on, but we never did.” This was because in the meantime, the Cooran General Store came up for sale. “ We weren’t planning to buy it but I’d left my TAF E job in Warwick and we thought it might keep us busy.” And indeed, it did. F our days shy of their one-year anniversary, the weatherboard shopfront on King Street in Cooran, burned to the ground. “ It was a Saturday night and the speedway races were on at Mothar Mountain. Our neighbours on Edward Street were mad car racing enthusiasts and at 11.30pm a car came tearing up our driveway blasting the horn. I thought it was some louts but it was our neighbours yelling ‘ Your shop is on fire Dudley said by the time

he got there, 50m down the road, the place was beyond saving. The fire started in the little weatherboard shop next door. It used to be the old Butcher’s Shop but was a video shop at the time. It was only 15 inches from our store. You couldn’t walk between the two buildings so I used to leave the louvres on that side open. “ Well, when the place caught fire, the flames went in those windows and straight across the shop. t was that fierce if it had taken the firies another three minutes it would have exp loded and could have taken out the hall and all the houses above it.” F or the next two months, Dudley and Annette juggled running the post office and mail runs out of the Rec Club while rebuilding their store and livelihood. We had the post office and two mail contracts and the mail had to go through so we had to look for an alternative. We asked the Rec Club if we could pay them to use downstairs as the post office and they said yes. “ Our insurance company wanted to go out and buy everything but they didn’t care how much they paid so I bought everything myself and fitted it into the amount we were covered. “ Thankfully insurance covered our staff’s wages so our three staff were fully paid while we were closed

down. “ And two months later we reopened.” Dudley said everyone in the community went out of their way to help and support them. “ The locals were exce llent; they all came back straight away.” F our years later after working seven days, Dudley said they were dragging their feet and decided it was time to move on. “ At one stage I worked every day for 14 months. I was worn out so we sold the shop in 2001 and then 12 months later our house in Edward Street and moved to Pomona where we lived for another 14 years.” Dudley and Annette moved to Grantham in 2017 but are often up this way to visit their daughter, Deb and her family. But recently, old met new when Dudley and Annette dropped into their old store and met current owner, Brad. “ We were up for a bowls competition on KOM weekend and met Brad. He is just fantastic, couldn’t wish for a nicer bloke. He is a perfect fellow for the shop, full of personality and smart. “ We sat outside the store and he brought us a cup of coffee on the house and sat down to chat. He just wanted to know all these things about the time when we had it.”


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Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page



A guide to a more peaceful path F OR Cooroy local Jo e Veraa, coaching and mentoring is the reason he established Peaceful Pathways in 2012. However, eight years of running a non-profit organisation for a group of six councils in the Wide Bay Burnett region meant Jo e had limited time to put into his business. But now, following a recent job redundancy, Jo e is reinvigorating his Peaceful Pathways, something he told the C ooroy R ag he is very exci ted about. “ It is such satisfying work. You are helping people to resolve conflicts, set new goals for their lives and supporting them in life’s many challenges. “ Everyone exp eriences challenges in their lives, whether it be related to changes in close relationships, the loss of a job, striving to get more out of life, or facing the changes brought on by retirement from working life. “ Having someone to help you focus on setting new

Peaceful Pathways’ Jo e Veraa.

goals, develop new pathways or improved habits, can make all the difference.” Jo e has exp erienced a great deal of change over more than 45 years of working life and said changing direction in jobs brings plenty of challenges. “ But the hardest thing of all was the break-up of my first marriage.” A father of three and grandfather of nine, he said

that navigating the emotions, financial and other issues associated with a relationship breakup certainly takes its toll. “ It is a time when many people need support.” Now, happily married again for eight years, Jo e and his wife Heidi run several businesses in the Noosa area. Heidi is an Ayurvedic practitioner and together they run Life in Balance Ayurveda and Yoga in Kauri Street, Cooroy. They also run the Sundara Ayurvedic Retreat at Black Mountain. Jo e has revamped his website, at and works from the Kauri Street premises of Life in Balance and is always happy to discuss options with anyone who may need support. “ There is no reason to feel alone, there is always support available from many quarters. Men, in particular, often find it difficult to ask for support, but in the end, we all need support of one kind or another,” Jo e said.




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10 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

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Car lovers turned out in force to celebrate the official grand opening of Cooroy Car arts.

Cars Galore at Grand Opening IF you got down to Cooroy Car arts for their official grand opening at the end of Ju ly, you would have been met with a “ miniature car show” . Owners, Adam and Mouette, told the C ooroy R ag they had 40 plus cars turn up, of all makes and models. “ It was fantastic. We were able to fill the car park, giving people a miniature car show to wander around and enjoy.” Adam said around 200 people attended the event, which ran until late lunch. “ It was an awesome turnout. We didn’t really know what to exp ect, to be honest, but it couldn’t have gone any better.” After purchasing the longstanding Cooroy business a

year ago, Adam and Mouette have been busily working away, rebranding the shop and working towards creating a one-stop shop for auto parts and accessories in the hinterland. “ Alongside general service items such as batteries, oil, filters and belts etc. we have an ever-evolving and exp anding range, including some exci ting products such as car stereos, CB radios, dash cams, battery chargers, performance and chrome dress-up parts, car mats, and car covers. We are also continuously growing our range of motorcycle service parts and accessories. And if we don’t have it, we can try and get it in. “ We plan to be able to offer enough that people in the hinterland don’t need to

venture too far for what they need.” Adam, a self-proclaimed car enthusiast, has many years of car and automotive exp erience, so buying Cooroy Car Parts was a natural step. “ I was looking to get out of my background in construction, and when the opportunity arose to buy this shop, we thought it would be a good fit. “ We are enjoying it and have had a great reception from the community. We can’t believe how wonderful the community is around here. We have a lot of returning and new customers.” Drop down and see Adam and Mouette at Cooroy Car Parts, 10 Maple Street, Cooroy.



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COVID cash flow relief measures announced NOOSA Council has introduced a raft of immediate cash flow relief measures to ease the impact of the ongoing COVID uncertainty for ratepayers and businesses. The rates discount period has been ext ended to September 17 with ratepayers also having the option of deferring rate payments until the end of the year through an agreed payment arrangement. Mayor Clare Stewart said the targeted measures would provide much needed relief to residents and local businesses. “ We are facing a rapidly changing environment and it’s important we respond quickly with appropriate measures to ease the burden. This is the first stage of a tailored relief package and further measures would be put in place if required.” Council is also deferring the payment of outstanding Health Licence renewals and F ootpath Dining permits until December 31, 2021. Cr Stewart said the ongoing pandemic and lockdowns continued to have an impact on our community and

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12 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

COVID relief is on the way for ratepayers with deferred rates payments and payment plans offered by Council.

business sector. “ These initial measures will allow ratepayers to pay their rates based on an amount that suits their individual circumstances without incurring any penalty interest. “ We encouraged landlords

in particular to consider staging their rate payments until December 31 and pass on the cash flow relief to their business tenants where possible. “ Councillors are determined to provide as much support

as we can without impacting service levels to our community,” Cr Stewart said. To access information on a rate deferral payment plan, contact Council’s Customer Service centre or visit Council’s website.

Businesses join in Oktoberfest party COOROY’S German Bakehouse and Saw & Mill Restaurant will come together on aturday ctober for the first inaugural Cooroy Oktoberfest. German Bakehouse’s Ja cinta Ward told the C ooroy R ag that the aim of the annual event is to involve the community as much as possible. Ja cinta said everything at the free family-friendly community event at Saw & Mill in Opal Street will be Oktoberfest themed: the food, the beer,

W H AT : German Bakehouse & Saw & Mill’s 1st Oktoberfest W H E N : Saturday 2 October 2021 from 11am to 9pm W H E R E : Saw & Mill, 5 Opal Street Cooroy the music, the outfits, competitions, games and the decorations. “ There will be German food and beer, gingerbread hearts, Oktoberfest music, traditional outfits, ktoberfest sweets, a hotdog eating competition, kids competitions ( Pretzel toss, relay races, Games on

the Green) , giant games, lawn bowls, a fashion parade and the best dressed hosted by Lifeline, and more. “ So far we have the local brewery, Heads of Noosa, and Noosa Golf Club willing to be a part of the day, by donating prizes for our competitions. “ There will be a couple of

businesses with a table set up to advertise their business or charity on the day, and we welcome other local businesses in Cooroy and the wider Noosa area to come on board.” Classic car clubs have been invited to attend and other charities are welcome to come on board and participate in the day’s activities. “ There is so much more to our day and lots of things happening along the way,” Ja cinta said.


Rebecca Steele

Craig Steele

Jo Buffin

Simone Bifuko

• S PO R T S PH Y S IO T H E R APY • W O M E N ’ S H E AL T H • M AN IPU L AT IO N • S PIN AL PAIN • AR T H R IT IS • DR Y N E E DL IN G • PIL AT E S Pomona and District Chamber of Commerce President, Phil Moran, Member for Noosa, Sandy Bolton MP, and Tourism Noosa Board Chair, Richard Stephens.

Chamber launches information kiosk A NEW tourism exp erience has been installed in Pomona. The electronic tourism information kiosk, outside Pomona IGA, has information about attractions in the area allowing tourists to swipe through or use Q R codes to upload the data to their phones. An initiative of the Pomona and District Chamber of Commerce, the kiosk was funded by a $20,000 grant from Tourism Noosa’s Noosa Villages Tourism F und. Pomona and District Chamber of Commerce President, Phil Moran, was joined by Tourism Noosa Board Chair, Richard Stephens, and Member for Noosa, andy Bolton , recently to officially unveil the kiosk. Mr Moran said the kiosk is the latest initiative in the Chamber’s campaign to promote the many attractions of the Noosa Northern Hinterland villages and

surrounding natural areas. “ The tourism exp erience that we offer is different, authentic and focused around the comfort of friendly towns, quality produce, wine, food and beverages as people walk, hike or bike ride around the natural environment. “ People have been seeking out our hinterland during the pandemic and now we have the means for visitors to view and instantaneously download helpful information about our region and the businesses that operate here,” Mr Moran said. Tourism Noosa CEO, Melanie Anderson, said that they are delighted with the electronic kiosk. “ This initiative also reinforces one of Noosa’s strengths, which is to be naturally different.”

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Kay celebrates 10 years POMONA’S Little Pantry owner, Kay Kelloway, is celebrating 10 years of business in September. Kay told the C ooroy R ag a small celebration will be held at the shop on Pomona’s main street on Thursday 9 September. “ We will have live music by the VIBE, and Matt Golinski will be doing cooking demos alongside Ja son from Cooloola Berries and Scott from Tagigan Road

Produce. “ The event is an opportunity for people to meet local farmers but also to acknowledge we’ve made 10 years. So come down and say hi.” In the 10 years since Kay and Je ff purchased Pomona’s F ruit & Vegie Market, they have had a name change to Pomona’s Little antry, to reflect this little shop being more than just fruit and vegetables. “ We have introduced a

range of groceries, organic products and health and beauty items with a huge focus on fresh local produce and supporting local producers” “ Why not pop in and check out our range of local fresh produce, our locally produced coffees, nuts, jams, chutneys and more.” As Kay likes to say, the shop might be little on the outside but it’s big on the inside.

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Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page



NCC kindy kids take tour of Cooroy RECENTLY, Noosa Christian College’s youngest students embarked on a tour of Cooroy. After having the dental nurse, firefighters, police and ambulance officers visit the school, NCC kindergarten students went into the community to see what other services there were and where they are located. NCC kindergarten teacher, Celeste Wareham, said that on the trip around town

they saw a church, optometrist, den ospital, doctors surgeries, dentists, cafes, real estate agents, shops, Cooroy ibrary, police station, skate park and The Butter actory rts Centre. rs Wareham picked up some delicious cupcakes from Buttercups in Cooroy for their picnic before they stopped at the ost ffice to mail their letters. ne of our parent helpers, ophie, had to collect

Kindness endorsed THE Kindness Club have some exciting news to share Wendy applied for an endorsement with KIND® nacks, and her application was successful KIND® sent out an endorsement certificate, a kindness pledge, and of their delicious dark chocolate, nut and sea salt bars.


14 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

The only requirement is that 99 bars are to be given away as acts of kindness The Kindness Club children are now planning the best way to distribute the delicious N bars lockdown covid restrictions dependent along with planning some other great new pro ects that we will share

mail from her post office box. he had to pick up a parcel that was too large for her post box so she picked up the parcel through the special window in the wall for parcels. Along the way to the Botanic ardens for their picnic, the group saw horses and cows gra ing in the paddocks. The Botanic ardens were uiet and pictures ue and our Kindy friends and parent helpers made the most of the environment, by en oying our picnic lunches and cupcakes together. We had an enjoyable day out and about in our town.

with you soon! t delights and inspires The Kindness Club to hear about random acts of kindness in the community. lease contact Wendy at thekindnessclub if you have a kindness story to share with the children. ittle hearts can make a big difference





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Licence for Pomona pool

themselves now and into the future!

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Pomona State School swimming pool | F aceb ook

THE licence for Pomona’s public pool on the grounds of Pomona State School is up for grabs. Submissions are open for a suitably ualified person( s) /organisation to apply to operate the Pomona State School swimming pool. According to The Department of Education, the hiring arrangement will cover the provision of community recreational swimming and community programs outside of school operating hours. Pomona State School Principal Alyson Covey told the C ooroy R ag they are

hoping that someone takes on the lease for the pool and opens to the community for lap swimming, fitness classes and learn to swim lessons. “ F riends of Pomona Pool are doing a great job in changing the narrative of the Pomona State School swimming pool. “ Their group is willing to lend support to the successful person to establish the pool in the community once again.” The pool action group was formed last March and Rachel Bridger from F riends of Pomona Pool told the C ooroy R ag their aim is to

support any commercial operator. “ The absolute intention of the group is to work with the operator to assist them in achieving their goals for the pool and give as much security of tenure as possible by helping maxi mise community use of the pool. “ We don’t know exa ctly what that might look like but the general idea is to shape a plan with the operator.” The pool will be available from 18 September 2021. F or more information contact bsm@ pomonass.

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Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page


columns Clare Stewart Noosa Mayor

Council increases funding for community groups IT ’ S all ab o u t f u nding th is m o nth and it’ s alw ays great new s w h en C o u ncil appro v es increased f u nding f o r co m m u nity gro u ps. Through our first round of Community rants for , Council has approved more than , . in funding for our community groups, events and pro ects. n this round, we have provided more than , . for community events, ust over , . to answer community groups new e uipment needs, , . for infrastructure needs and ust under , . for various other pro ects. ports clubs are among the biggest recipients this round and include the Cooroora nited ootball Club with , . to upgrade its lighting. The next round of Community ro ect rants opens up for applications on ugust . lease see https noosa. community grants councilgrants peaking of more funding, five of our incredibly talented local artists have shared in , . worth of funding in the latest grant round for Noosa egional rts evelopment und . is a partnership between the ld overnment and Noosa Council to support local arts and culture in regional ld and it is terrific to see that this funding is going to support our local artists and their creative pro ects. s well as supporting community and sporting groups and local artists,


16 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

Noosa Council has approved more than , . to support a host of local initiatives in the latest round of nvironmental ro ects and lliance rants. ome of these include Noosa ntegrated Catchment ssociation s N C work to improve the long-term survival of Noosa iver s threatened migratory shorebirds and a interland Bush inks program in which volunteers are engaging the community to help restore local habitat on public and private land. Not only are we giving out money, but we are very fortunate and thankful to have received million from the outh ast ueensland Community timulus ackage toward brand new infrastructure, as well as maintenance and upgrades to existing community assets. ighlights where these monies will be spent include funding to freshen up Noosa useum at omona, the in in Community Centre and other Council owned buildings plus more than half a million dollars to build a number of missing links in our pathway network, as identified in our Walking and Cycling trategy which was approved ust last month. ncreased grant funding is always greatly appreciated as it lessens the burden for our residents having to bear the costs through increased rate payments. s always, the above grants, funding and expenditures concentrate on where our community needs it most - grassroots spending at its best. ntil next month, stay safe, C lare

columns Is it time for a ‘reset’ in our thinking? W T so much confusion, angst, fear and even anger within our communities over the latest lockdowns, is it time for a reset in our thinking irst, let me thank so many who follow C - directives during this time, as know how hard it has been. The official Wiki definition of a social contract is an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, for example by sacrificing some individual freedom for state protection. t has always been obvious from the years have lived amongst you that Cooroy alongside Noosa electorate communities, in the ma ority, subscribe wholeheartedly to this in so many ways and this is ust one of the many reasons why we love our home, and who we live with cross the country, as well globally and locally, families, friends and communities are becoming divided over a range of C -related matters. asks, vaccinations, human rights and civil liberties are ust some issues that come into our inboxes, as well into your homes via media. t is during this time that it is important to remember our social contract, as well trust in self and others.


Sandy Bolton State MP for Noosa

When you think back to some of the sacrifices made by individuals throughout history, for the good of many, it puts into perspective what is being asked of us. nd that is, to work together to provide protection and reassurance, including to our elderly and vulnerable, many who fought for the rights and freedoms that we en oy and hold so dear. This does not mean we all need to have the same beliefs or views. There is nothing love better than en uiring minds and respectful debate n the hundreds of emails, links and clips sent in there has also been some excellent fodder for further thought and action. This includes emphasising and focusing on the human body and mind, and our responsibility to keep them in the best shape as part of developing strong immune systems. n uiring minds should be encouraged, as it is essential in making informed decisions for self and family. t engenders self-responsibility, furthers knowledge gathering and creates fabulous dinner table discussions Not encouraging is the volume of information misconstrued to suit arguments, people s personal choices being challenged inappropriately, labels applied such

as vaxxer anti-vaxxer or viewpoints put forward disrespectfully, including online bullying to contest directives or perceptions. This only diminishes credibility and trust in each other. t a Country Women s ssociation CW , as part of a discussion on our mental wellbeing, we were encouraged to look at our cup as half full , increase physical exercise, have gratitude, meditate and make use of breathing exercises, some of which you will find on noosa . These are all aiming to ensure our mental fitness is in peak condition, so we are better able to deal with the present, as well the future. much needed reset for many of us. s we negotiate our way through some of these difficulties, let s focus on supporting our fellow residents, which includes not glaring or staring at those who are maskless or with masks. ut tolerance, empathy and compassion on top of our to do list. Blessings to all and don t forget to test-run some of those exercises that will be doing ntil next month, andy

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Coorantics with Mia Hacker W , we all like to say we re feeling good, but are we really good to go We were ready to go for an coustic Night but C came back again... The hall lays uiet along with the carpark, no one to be seen. lone Tawny frogmouth hibernates nearby, then sad news of the passing of abi abi lder r Tony alton, a great loss for so many people. The essentials in the Cooran community store have kept us all at ease. t s ok

we can help you out. ome early evening takeaways from the interland Brewing Co. and interland estaurant along with hom s itchen treet Thai food on unday at The a y ox cafe that s got bagels and coffee to see you through the whole weekend. The playground is off limits but the payphone is now free. ust stay home, have a rest in the hammock and listen to the birds. The sound of town is so uiet this week. The crisp blue skies and warming winter

unshine have helped get us through the days of lockdown in Cooran. chooling at home for the families around, well mixed emotions are floating up and down the streets but what a great way to stay in touch with what our little darlings are learning all about. rom slave trade routes to weighing ingredients for cakes, scavenger hunts, singing songs and helping with chores around the house. et s get ready to go next week...lots of work to get back in flow with.

COOROY SERVICE CENTRE YOUR 1 STOP Auto Shop 9 Diamond Street, Cooroy I 5447 6125 info@ I Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page


columns Llew O’Brien Federal Member for Wide Bay

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Phone Tom & Debbie 5442 5088



PHONE 5447 6033



18 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

c ooroy aw @ b i g p on d . n et. au

Projects to generate new jobs WT C restrictions still impacting the ustralian economy infrastructure pro ects are more important than ever to generate new obs and pro ects that will help build on our economic recovery. n the Budget, the ustralian overnment announced a billion extension of the ocal oads and Community nfrastructure rogram C rogram, which provides funding for local councils to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure pro ects supporting local obs to help communities bounce back from the pandemic. m pleased that the Coalition overnment has

committed , to the Tewantin Noosa Bowls Club s refurbishment, including installing decorative screens, replacing carpet and new pendant lighting. This investment will help provide a vibrant modern facility for the community and visitors to our region. nd while C has stolen the headlines, we also acknowledge that many communities including Noosa are still feeling the effects of bushfires, and encourage local organisations to apply for a grant of between , and million through the Black ummer Bushfire ecovery B B program. Whether you have a

cultural recovery pro ect in mind, a plan to revitalise tourism and industry, or a proposal to improve health and well-being in the community, know there will be many great ideas out there see grant guidelines at blacksummer-grants. inally, thank you to everyone who wished me well following my motorbike accident at akeside nternational aceway recently. am on the mend, and grateful for your support. t s a timely reminder that accidents can happen to anyone, and it s so important to take care if you re on the track, behind the wheel, or on the street as a pedestrian.


Something about Mary

Inspiring Art in the Mary Valley By C eleste Frances S cott T mbil how all exuded vibrant colour and fetching conversation at the recent th anniversary exhibition of ary alley live. The theme of this year s highly anticipated event was The Celebration of lora, auna and eople of the ary alley . ary alley rtslink nc was formed in ebruary with the mission to inspire the arts in the ary alley through leadership and collaboration. The vision, to promote the growth of the arts as a viable industry within the ary alley by providing a framework to build individual pro ects whilst networking with other artists, regional organisations, and community. ver three days, plinths

painted by local artists took centre stage, displayed along with the freshly hung art of the th anniversary exhibition which consisted of pieces of artwork, all outstanding. verall, there were pieces of artwork submitted for this year s competition of which pieces were sold. upported entirely by local business and sponsors, the ary alley rt estival attributes the success to like-minded people supporting culture, tourism, and opportunity within the region. Without the dedication, passion, and the exceptional talent of the artisans of this community, events such as this would not be possible. mongst the ary alley rt estival winners were O pen C atego ry - Bendigo Bank pen ward - Wayne mith, The pward Trek

T h ree Dim ensio nal - mbil riendly rocer ward aul eakin, frica L andscape - on effery ward - nn Briggs, Western ista N o v ice T eavy echanical ward - Tania mall, ish of i uorice llsorts S till L if e - mbil ailway otel ward - ac ui Close, Beautiful itcher H u m an F o rm / Po rtraitu re arina Taylor ward - Brent arvey, obile and Comfort Blankets outh ection - mbil Country Bakery ward - st ana ollings, nder ressure The consensus of this year s committee was one of extreme happiness announcing the festival was without a doubt the most successful with visitors through the doors to support this ever-popular community event.

Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page


TRAIL PLAN ON TRACK Peaceful, diverse and challenging is how long-term resident and highly regarded professional chef Matt Golinski describes the Noosa Hinterland. “I love the diversity of the landscape and the friendliness in the small towns. They’ve managed to retain that special country town community feeling despite the growth in recent years.” Recently, Matt has brought his interest and passion for the Hinterland to council’s Trail 5 Project and taken part in stakeholder meetings discussing further development of this trail which links Pomona to Cooran via the Tuchekoi National Park. “It’s been great to be part of this discussion with the community about how to make these trails more usable and therefore better utilised by everyone,” Matt said. Upgrades being considered for Trail 5 include improvements to the existing trail network, development of critical loops, revised directional signage and installation of a new trail hub to provide a better user experience and improve bushfire resilience. “I am really looking forward to these improvements enticing more people to our patch of paradise!” Matt Golinski enjoying a run in the Noosa Hinterland


Latest council grants round delivers financial support for 18 community groups, events and projects. Council has approved more than 620 community grant applications since 2015, distributing more than $3.8 million to a wide range of notfor-profit organisations. The first round of Community Project Grants for 2021/22 provides more than $160,000 in support of 18 events, building projects and equipment upgrades, including Cooroora United Football Club’s new stadium lighting. Page

20 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

“This funding will enable us to continue playing competitive games at night and maintain a positive light reading that exceeds the standards set by our local and state governing body,” said Club spokesperson Andrew Grennan. Other recipients include Cooroy Tennis Club to install a book-a-court system, Pomona & District Community House to improve its community meeting room acoustics, and

Noosa Trailblazers Mountain Bike Club trail works to provide access to emergency vehicles. “By applying grant funds towards maintenance and improvement of the Wooroi mountain bike trail network, the Club is able to return the benefits these grants make possible directly back to the all trail users from the community,” spokesman Rick Tate said.

Council’s Community Development Manager Alison Hamblin encouraged Noosa’s 300-plus community organisations to contact council for advice on a wide range of council and external grants. The next Community Project Grant round opens for applications August 25. Visit council’s website at grants/council-grants for more info.

EMBRACING CIRCULAR ECONOMY He added that it makes sense to keep products and materials as long as we can. “Not only does it benefit our local economy, but also helps build a stronger community. I base my business around the idea of a circular economy.” A new website is set to play a pivotal role in helping Noosa businesses to also divert waste product from landfill. The digital platform ASPIRE acts as a marketplace for business. It works on circular economy principles, connecting producers of waste with those who can reuse, repair, remake and recycle the products. Keith Hamlyn, owner of Loop Oils, and Waste Education and Sustainability Officer, Emma Menzies

Noosa local Keith Hamlyn makes his business work for our environment. Keith owns Loop Oils, and with each step of his business process he teams up with local businesses to make a difference. “I sell my oils in recyclable steel containers and, after use, they go to recycling,” he said. “I then purchase second-hand

lockable tins which I use to collect the used oil in. “It’s stored in 1000 litre plastic containers from a local brewery and then sold for stock feed and biodiesel manufacture. “I then give the plastic containers to the Mary River Catchment Committee which they use as cane toad traps,” Keith shared.

Noosa Council’s Waste Education and Sustainability Officer, Emma Menzies, said council had invested in a license to help local business to improve its recycling efforts. “Businesses can trade, exchange or sell unwanted waste with the ASPIRE program, reducing waste disposal costs and the amount of waste sent to landfill. “Any business with less than 100 staff can register for free via council’s website,” she said.

NEW PLAYGROUND TAKING SHAPE Construction of the Hinterland nature-based, allabilities playground in Cooroy is well underway! Onsite, the replicated creek water play area with timber bridge crossings and pathways connecting active play areas is well into construction whilst major play equipment is being manufactured offsite. According to Project Manager, Paul Brennan, construction is also starting on new car parks, pathways and a new raised pedestrian crossing to support the new facility. “We are about to start construction of 34 new car spaces on Maple Street and the

Lower Hill Heritage area plus 22 ‘overflow’ parks near the Cooroy Tennis Club,” he said. “In addition, two new disabled car parks will be created adjacent to the playground in Marara Street and a new raised pedestrian crossing at Maple Street, between Apex Park and the Library.” During construction of the raised pedestrian crossing, a section of Maple Street between Cooroy Library and Mary River Bridge will be closed and diversions in place for approximately three weeks from 6 September. These works should be completed by October.

The project is a joint initiative of Noosa Council and the Queensland Government.

IN BRIEF Show time! The 2021 Noosa Country Show will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 10 and 11. Friday September 10 is a public holiday for Noosa Shire.

Strategy adopted More off-road paths and bike ways, more separated bike riding paths and better connections between paths and shops are the top three actions in the Noosa Cycling and Walking Strategy and Implementation Plan adopted by council. The Plan is designed to get more people riding a bike and walking by making it so convenient and safe that it is the preferred mode of transport for our residents and visitors. Check out the full plan on council’s website.

Making a Difference Our partnership with Snap Send Solve is now 3 years strong recording over 9,630 reports! Snap Send Solve is an app that allows users to report local issues in 30 seconds or less. Most reported issues include overgrown vegetation, dumped rubbish and abandoned vehicles. Download the app for FREE today!

TIME TO ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES Locals are being urged to get the COVID-19 vaccination at the Sunny Street clinic in Tewantin. Located at 10 Pelican Street, next to Australia Post. You can call 5313 7778 to have a chat and make an appointment. The clinic provides the AstraZeneca and the Pfizer vaccine. Not only does the jab protect you and your family, but every test and jab by the clinic helps support Sunny Street. Sunny Street is a volunteer outreach clinic for people experiencing homelessness and have barriers accessing health care across Queensland. Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page


people 1.





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22 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

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1 . Gabby from Cooroy and Stevie from Cooran at Cooroy Harvest F resh. 2 . Bob Abbot and Matt Purcell aka Matt & The Mayor at the Mary Valley F estival prior to taking the main stage and wowing the crowd with their blues. 3 . Congratulations Stacey Breed of Cooroy and Jo shua Peake of Emerald Hill, NSW on your recent engagement! Love family and friends. 4 . Visitors from Barwon Heads, Victoria and Brisbane at The German Bakehouse Cafe. 5 . Congratulations Aidan and Carla! Aidan Shipp married Carla Belbeck on 28 Ju ly at Hamilton Island, in a small intimate setting. Aidan is the youngest son of Ian and Patricia Shipp and Carla the only daughter of Michelle and Mark Belbeck. 6 . Warren from Wythes having lunch at The German Bakehouse Cafe. 7 . Peta O’Neill shopping at Cooroy Harvest F resh. 8 . Carol Christensen and Paul Bone outside Galah Home in Cooroy.



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Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page


what’s on Social ballroom dancing at Pomona For expert sewing turn to The Sewing Project on the Sunshine Coast. Our shop in Noosaville is where you’ll find the best advice for all your sewing needs. Open Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm • Curtains • Soft Furnishings • Upholstery


• Clothing Alterations • Haberdashery • Upholstery fabric sold by the metre

Phone: 0433 572 220 Email:

EVERY Tuesday evening from 7 pm to 9.30 pm Pat and Norm Young organise a social evening at the Pomona Memorial School of Arts Hall - the cost is $ 4. It is a very enjoyable evening as Pat and Norm provide New Vogue as well as Old Time Dancing. Come and be a spectator, and see if you will enjoy it. Everyone is welcome. Phone 0407 456 939 for more information, or come and visit.

New exhibitions at the Pomona Railway Station Gallery

Address: 1/10 Rene St, Noosaville, 4566, QLD

IN the Carriage Room, April Greer, presents her ex hibition N A T U R E’ S B EA U T I ES, A W HI M SI C A L R EF U G E. Her style joyously blends realism from the natural world with vibrant abstract-ism, alluring tex tures and gentle, subtle symbolism. N A T U R E’ S B EA U T I ES, A W HI M SI C A L R EF U G E ex hibition is in the Carriage Room 7 August to 2 September 2021. In the Banana Shed, Tia Carrigan will present her ex hibition C O L O U R Y O U R W O R L D . Tia’s work is contemporary, with an emphasis on abstract patterns, painted with an embodiment of movement and freedom. C O L O U R Y O U R W O R L D ex hibition is in the Banana Shed 31 J uly to 25 August 2021. There is always something new at the Pomona Railway Station Gallery at 10 Stations Street, Pomona. Open every day and supporting local artists for over 20 years.

New Kenilworth Markets - Saturdays EX CITING times in Kenilworth! The all new, all weather Kenilworth Market is now officially opened and the place to be every Saturday morning. new not-for-profit organisation, Kenilworth Markets Association Inc. has been set up to host the new market in the beautiful Kenilworth Town Park, every Saturday morning 8am





to 1.30pm. Opposite the Kenilworth Cheese F actory and just up the road from the home of the big donut Kenilworth Bakery. Regular stallholders products so far include crystals and gemstones, jewellery, t-shirts, Covid masks, stickers, doggie accessories, sleep aids, reusable lunchbox es, authentic chai tea, womens vintage fashions and accessories, flowers, natural skincare ( using Australian Pumpkin Seed Oil) . More stallholders please apply by messaging our F acebook Page “ Kenilworth Markets” .

Estampa - Without Borders at Cooroy Memorial Hall PARISIAN laneways, South American sensuality and the unbridled joy of continental jazz. Whether evoking musically saturated memories of past adventures or inspiring post COVID additions to bucket list destinations, ESTAMPA is a four piece tour de force of time traveling musical elegance, post-folk cultural indulgences and irrepressibly unpretentious film noir sophistication. Incredible musicians. Brilliant performers. Gorgeous music. ESTAMPA features Rebecca Karlen on violin and voice, Paul Henderson on guitar, J ohn Reeves on accordion and Samuel Vincent on double bass. Rooted in the traditions of F rench jazz and Brazilian Bossa Novas, ESTAMPA provides a unique musical ex perience that will leave you feeling like you’ve entered a 1930’s Parisian jazz club or the streets of Sã o Paulo. ESTAMPA’s Cooroy performance celebrates the 2021 release of their latest recording Without Borders. Cooroy Memorial Hall plays host to the first of an annual series of world class concerts. Help keep the arts alive in your community by supporting these amazing musicians. All tickets are fully refundable in the event of cancellation of the event due to COVID restrictions. ESTAMPA’s tour is a Red Chair COMPASS Project. The first of seven unshine


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Phone 07 5485 1891 or email enquiries@ w w w . eu ph o riagro u p. net. au Page

24 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

Coast micro tours produced by Red Chair with the support of the federal government’s RISE funding. Sunday 15 August at 3pm at Cooroy Memorial Hall, 23 Maple St, Cooroy. Tickets: BYO supper and refreshments.


10 years IN BUSINESS

FlamenConbrio performs in Eumundi F LAMENCONBRIO is a fusion of haunting harmonies, pulsing rhythms and dances from Southern Spain combined with hot Latin American rhythms and passionate songs. F lamenConbrio art form can be described as a “ conversation” between dancer and/or singer and musicians. The performance focuses on raw emotions that are specific to the genres. F lamenco and Latin music and songs are known for their emotional contex t, chords and lyrics which can be dark and dramatic as much as they can be happy and festive. Sunshine Coast music lovers can enjoy this ex perience on Saturday 4 September at the wonderful award winner Eumundi School of Arts. F lamenConbrio are known for their sell out performances, patrons are encouraged to book online ASAP. Patrons are assured that in the case of the concert being cancelled a F ULL refund will be granted. Please dont be discouraged continue reading and book your tickets. Tickets are available ONLY online for $35 by going to the following link:

what’s on Art that expands, challenges and inspires THIS August the Cooroy Butter F actory Arts Centre has three solo exh ibitions on display that will transform the building into three vastly different gallery exp eriences, each one as unique as the other. The Creamery exh ibition, ‘ F lora Collective’ by contemporary painter Carley Bourne, the Butterbox exh ibition ‘ Trial No.8’ by emerging abstract artist Odessa Mahony-deVries and the F oyer exh ibition ‘ Legends Of Objects Of

Desire ( O.O.D) ’ by sculpture and assemblage artist Manuel Bugallo. Highly sort after for her unique style, Carley‘ s artwork is heavily inspired by the natural world. Her exh ibition ‘ F lora Collective’ represents plant life present in a particular region or time. The exh ibition ‘ Trial No.8’ will feature huge abstract artworks, draped from the ceiling, along with videos and images revealing the artists ( public and private) process of ‘ making’.

New date for Mayor ball THE recent snap lockdown had ‘ Mingle with the Mayor’ Ball organisers scrambling to minimise the fallout from the Government’s decision. The event scheduled for 6pm on 31 Ju ly was cancelled just hours before it was due to begin. Organising committee spokesperson Jo sanne F alla said the announcement threw them into a spin. “ We had to consider that there were 150 meals partially prepared. We knew if we didn’t act immediately the food would be wasted.” The meals were donated to local charity Urban

Angels Community Kitchen so they could cook meals to feed vulnerable people across the Sunshine Coast while the flowers were sold to Hasting Street workers and passers-by. “ All in all, it wasn’t a disastrous result. We fed the needy and recouped some of our outlays. We ust need to sell more raffle tickets now to make up for it,” said Ms F alla. The Ball has been rescheduled to Saturday 28 August, giving the public more time to show their support by buying raffle tickets and bidding on auction items. “ Noosa businesses have

While Manuel’s art practice includes collecting discarded spare parts and forsaken scraps of history and transforming into a new life. The three solo ex hibitions are at Cooroy Butter F actory Arts Centre, 11A Maple Street, Cooroy until 29 August.

been enormously generous with over $150,000 worth of raffle pri es and auction items donated. They’ve done their bit - now it’s up to the rest of us to dig deep and show our gratitude to help make the event a success,” Ms F alla said. The majority of the funds raised from the Ball will be donated to SunnyKids Cooroy F amily Support Centre to ex pand our support services for local families, including children, who are often severely impacted by family violence disruption. Bidding online is open to anyone, anywhere. Register here: https://app.

Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page



A b ove: A ustralia: a highest team point score. L eft: B enny Pike with G lyn is N unn. R ight: Papua N ew G uinea: b est dressed country team.

Mini Olympics - just for fun IT m ay no t b e as f ar aw ay as T o k yo b u t th e gam es did h appen in o u r v ery o w n to w n o f C o o ro y. The Social Club of Palm Lake Resort, Cooroy Noosa, hosted its Mini Olympics for fun recently. There were sixt een teams of four, representing different countries across eight sports. Three teams from Australia competed with lots of other countries including Holland, Greece, England, Canada, USA, Switzerland, F rance, Scotland, Ja pan, Sweden, Papua New Guinea and New Z ealand. The Opening Ceremony was an ex citing event with all the team countries marching

through the Pavilion waving their flags and banners. The spectators and country supporters applauded as their team passed by. Then there was silence while they listened to and sang the host country’s National Anthem. The Pavilion was decorated with Olympic Rings in the foyer and lots of memorabilia from past Olympic Games. The events were modified and ran for 15 minutes with 10 minutes changeover so everyone could participate. ach event had officials overseeing the teams and adding the scores. Teams competed in carpet bowls, table tennis, pool, darts, bucket ball, tenpin bowling, lawn bowls and an egg and spoon

race. The games focused on teamwork, friendships and having lots of fun. Special guests were introduced by the games MC, Benny Pike, a former Olympian himself, and it was inspiring listening to sporting stories. Palm Lake Resort is fortunate to have many sporting champions live there, including the parents of Glynis Nunn who is the first ustralian lympic old medal winner in the inaugural heptathlon. Glynis was joined by former resident “ Cooroy’s Super F ish” Clinton Stanley, a world champion swimmer with 79 Down Syndrome world records. Other sporting champions who live at the resort are: Gary

Winram, 400m and 1500m finalist at the elbourne Olympics; Alan Ward, former fast bowler and five-time England test cricketer; Colin O’Neil, who played rugby league for New Z ealand; and Terry Hayes, former state rugby union and league player. Gold, silver and bronze medals were given out by the special guests to the winning teams from the eight sports. The prize for the Best Dressed Team, Papua New Guinea, was presented by Glynis and the highest team score was awarded to Australia A. This was followed by an Olympic cake and barbeque party. A day of celebration for everyone and certainly a “ Champion Day” for all involved!

Vietnam Veteran’s Day 2021 THE Commemoration Service for veterans who participated in the war in Vietnam will be held at the Cenotaph on Diamond Street in Cooroy on 18 August at 11am. This is a time for veterans and the community to unite and pay tribute to those who lost their lives, were physically injured and those who suffered, and still suffer from mental health issues, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxi ety. All those who fought in that war came home damaged in some way. Some of that damage occurred when they returned home, because of the unpopularity of the conflict and the demonstrations that faced them. Page

26 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

It is also necessary to consider the wives, girlfriends and families of Vietnam veterans because they inherited the task of attempting to repair the resulting damage exp erienced by their loved ones when they returned home. They are the unsung heroes of the Vietnam War. When community members attend commemoration services it makes veterans feel that the duty they performed when fighting for their country, is accepted by the community in which they live. This is especially the case for Vietnam Veterans and they look forward to the support of the community.


Community groups collaborate


10 year anniversary ME ET AN D GR EE T from




notices IN the early part of 2021, Sunshine Coast Riding for the Disabled ( SCRDA) was approached by The Shack Community Group in Nambour for a collaboration project involving Skilling Q ueenslanders for Work and construction of items for SCRDA’s use. The Shack’s trainees were completing the Cert 1 in construction and were looking for projects. The Shack team leader, Dale, considered various

playground items for a future sensory garden playground. Recently the team produced an oversized Connect 4 game, a bamboo xyl ophone and even a F lintstone Car complete with Yabado number plate! Sunshine Coast Riding for the Disabled looks forward to working on more projects in the near future, in collaboration with The Shack Community Group.

W o u ld yo u lik e to sing?

Come and join us, we are a community choir singing beautiful, joyful songs from around the world in a relaxe d and fun atmosphere. We meet Tuesdays at 4pm till 5.30pm in Pomona at our new venue, the CWA hall in Eumundi. All levels of ability accepted and no auditions. For more information call Joan on 0419517869.

d producers supporting local farmers an ORGANIC, VEGAN AND


Cooking demos by Matt Golinski

Jason from

Music by Vibe


rmers Come meet local fa


F ab u lo u s 6 0 s Plu s

COOROY Scouts would like to thank and congratulate Kristy Worrall for her 10 years of service. Scouts is the world’s largest non-formal educator and through Scouts, with people like Kristy, scores of young people get to learn leadership skills, self-resilience, love for the environment and humanity as a whole, as well as getting the opportunity to gain some exci ting adventure skills. Kristy has been the Cub Leader at Cooroy for 10 years and a driving force

in the program developed and implemented by Cooroy Scouts. Kristy has made an impact in many young people’s lives. Through Kristy, scores of cubs have participated in navigational exe rcises, canoeing, abseiling, sailing, hiking and camp cooking. Everyone lucky enough to have been involved at Cubs in Cooroy has been touched by Kristy’s humanity and love of life and the environment. Thank you Kristy, and well done for 10 years service.



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C o o ro y H o o k ers

COOROY Hookers are a group of girls that get together every week to crochet, knit and chat. We meet every Thursday at 9am in the CWA Hall. $6 including coffee and cake. No exp erience necessary. Come for a chat and to learn how to crochet and knit. For more info contact Virginia on 0427 221 931.








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Scouts thank Cooroy Club Leader

WE are a fun, friendly, seniors social group, we welcome couples and singles to join us for morning coffee every Monday from 10am at the Wine Bar, Tewantin Marina and Thursdays from 10am at the Boathouse on the Noosa River. We also have a monthly program of dinners, lunches, walks, picnics and other activities. Please contact Joan on 0419517869 for more details.

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shop @ the store with a door

Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page



New mental health facility at Eden E DE N Priv ate H o spital h as o pened th e do o rs to a new pu rpo se- b u ilt m ental alt unit ma ing it t fi st a ilit n t uns in ast t m ntal alt an abilitati n t atm nt un n The new 24-bed unit at the Cooroy-based hospital, which is operated by the Specialty Services business of the national private hospital group Healthe Care, comes as the need for mental health services for residents across the Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay regions, and nation-wide, continues to rise. The new mental health unit will treat a range of disorders, with specialised support for depression, and anx iety disorders, including PTSD for veterans and first-responders. The hospital will also launch a new community-based eating disorder program, along with services like cognitive behavioural therapy ( CBT) , dialectical behaviour therapy ( DBT) and transcranial magnetic stimulation ( TMS) . These new services, including adolescent and perinatal care and eating


disorder day programs, are part of new or exp anded initiatives outlined in the 2021 F ederal Budget, which committed $2.3 billion towards mental health and suicide prevention over the next four years. Alongside the mental health services, Eden Private, the longest-serving private hospital on the Sunshine Coast, has ext ensive allied health and rehabilitation programs, including neurological, cardiology, persistent pain management, medical and palliative care services. Eden Private Hospital Chief xecutive fficer, o Munday, said the new beds created a much-needed pathway between rehabilitation and mental health services, with the two often going hand-in-hand. “ The new ward allows patients from the Sunshine Coast and surrounding areas like Gympie, Her-

28 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

vey Bay and Bundaberg, to access an integrated service for the mind and body, ensuring rehabilitation and mental health patients receive holistic care,” she said. “ These services are often complementary, with many rehabilitation patients requiring mental health support, and vice versa. Eden Private will now be the only one of its kind in the Sunshine Coast and Wide Bay regions to offer both under one roof, meaning patients do not have to stop and start treatment if they require both rehabilitation and mental health support. “ We already have a highly skilled allied health team, who is able to facilitate treatment and exe rcise programs for our mental health patients and, likewise, psychology and mental health services will be offered to rehabilitation patients as required.

Staff relaxing in the shared spaces at the new mental health unit at Eden Private Hospital.

“ Right now, demand for mental health support ex ceeds service supply in Australia and there are lengthy delays for those wanting to access services as a result. “ Our mental health beds and programs now ensure residents who live on the Sunshine Coast and in its surrounding regions will be able to access treatment faster and closer to home.” Clinical Psychologist, Nicola Mitchell, said there were significant benefits in offering integrated mental health and rehabilitation services within one hospital. This unshine Coast-first has come at an important time during the COVID-19 pandemic, with locals

continuing to face financial difficulties and separation from loved ones,” she said. “ Patients now have access to passionate staff who consider both the mind and body, without judgment, and a growing number of specialised programs to support treatment and recovery from a range of mental health disorders. “ A key addition to our service is the recently-introduced state-of-the-art robotic rehabilitation program for rehabilitation patients. Eden has ext ended the use of this robotics equipment, known as Tyrotherapy, for patients who are exp eriencing cognitive issues through depression and anxi ety.

“ Brain exe rcise through Tyrotherapy is an adjunct to traditional therapy programs at Eden Private, for the treatment of depression, anxi ety disorders and PTSD and includes rTMS transcranial magnetic stimulation.” The new mental health unit is the second stage of the master-plan redevelopment of Eden Private, which is being undertaken by the builder, Urban Set. Construction of the final stage is exp ected to be completed by the end of 2021, and will include additional mental health beds and state-ofthe-art rehabilitation and medical refurbishment of exi sting hospital wards and gyms.

The Rag Review WELCOME to our latest version of The Rag Review. This month, due to lockdown, we have resorted to a takeaway review. F ollowing an exce llent social media campaign, we found the lockdown takeaway menu on F acebook for Saw & Mill. Normally this is a beautifully appointed restaurant located at the Cooroy Sports Hub. Delete any image you have in your heads of a bowls club. This place has had a beautiful makeover and now feels more like a rural lodge. While the dé cor has a serene feel, the real star is out the back in the kitchen. The Chef and his team at Saw & Mill are very accomplished and take the local dining scene to a whole new level. Limited to a reduced menu for lockdown takeaway, I rallied the troops who were all home from university and

school and ordered a wide selection. The first dish we selected was the beef cheeks, which were accompanied by a kumara mash and broccolini, topped off with a red wine jus. Lucky for the F ork family, no knife was needed! The food melted in your mouth and retained every bit of quality that you would exp ect if they were served in-house. Also selected was the rib fillet steak, which came with a gorgeous salad of greens, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, cranberries, black sesame seeds and delicious fried shallots. The steak and salad had a great jus, but the star of the show was the best chips we have ever had! The steak was cooked to perfection and again retained all its quality during the short drive home. The grilled salmon was similarly beautiful and came

food By T h e R u sty F o rk

with the same salad, and those chips! Another star was the calamari, again accompanied by the beautiful salad and world champion chips. The calamari was beautifully crumbed with a great zing from the pepper in the mix. Will be ordering this again next time. The magnificent chips are also available in a family pack for $10, but the serves are generous so don’t be tempted to order the ext ra. During lockdown, the F ork family have been supporting various businesses around the Hinterland to keep them trading. Several of them have been quite disappointing in both quality, serving size, and price. Not Saw & Mill! The meals we selected were the most beautiful, generous, well presented and value for money of any we have tried. Will definitely be back

(o u to f 1 0 ):

g ortin Supp cal lo

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Working for Noosa Communities


F ood ..........................8.5 Service .........................8 Atmosphere ................10 ( we are biased because it was in our kitchen in our pyjamas! )

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Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page



Snake breeding season and what it means

By S nak e C atch er N o o sa, L u k e H u ntley


nake Catcher Noosa, uke

untly acebook age

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30 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

IT’S coming into spring and snake breeding season is here, so what exa ctly does this mean? … Roughly between September and November is the breeding season where the boy snakes travel great distances to find the girl snakes. They often merge at the same time and then fight over the female for the right to mate with her.

looks like there’s a pulsing. These two behaviours are very different and once you know the difference, it’s very hard not to know which is which. When you see boys having a fight, the girl is very often very nearby. I get a lot of calls for noises of banging and thumping in the roof leading into breeding season. This is most often boys

These boys entwine around each other and try to knock the other boy’s head down. They twist and thrash at each other, so it can look very rough and the complete opposite to mating. ating vs fighting When you see snakes entwined around each other they could be mating or fighting. F ighting is fast and often looks pretty violent as you might exp ect. Snakes’ mating is very slow and gentle. The male and female snake entwine around each other and gently roll around and it

smashing around fighting over a girl who is in your roof. Some snakes will form mating balls, where lots of boys are trying to mate with the one female. Tree snakes and Keelbacks are an ex ample of this. But for most species, it s the fight for the right to mate. So the snakes are coming out again and I’ll be very, very, busy soon so keep an eye out. I’m 24/7 if you need me on 0499920290.

Straight from the horse’s mouth...

HAY there! Unlike our human friends, did you know that us horses can’t Burp, vomit, or breathe through our mouths? That’s right! That is because our digestive system is only one-way. Unlike cattle who can regurgitate their food to break down the fibre, our system does not have to work that hard to digest our food. Therefore, it is important that our diet is well balanced and kept healthy with good pasture, feed, and vitamins so we don’t end up with stomach issues such as ulcers and colic. Your local feed barns are always helpful to guide you in the right direction if you’re not sure where to start. Something that is also interesting is that us horses can live up to and over 30 years of age. So, if your plan is to have us as part of

your family it is generally not a short-term contract. With the technology and knowledge of horse nutrition, care and dietary medicine increasing, it is now so much easier to maintain a healthier lifetime for us. It is much the same as it is for you humans. Some breeds age better than others. Keep in mind when we do get to that retirement age, we still need that ext ra bit of care. Keep an eye on our teeth as they wear down from years of chewing and they may also fall out, therefore we can’t just live on pasture alone. Some of my pals are still competing at 30 years old and over. Amazing isn’t it! If you’re lucky and look after us well, we could be your friend for a very long time. Until next time, ride and stay safe.

C L AS S IF IE DS AN N IV E R S AR Y V io let J u ne & C h arlie C o b b celebrated 67th wedding anniversary on 26th Ju ne. Congratulations!


Y o ga C h i- G u ng Wed Nights Class for Women, 6.30 to 7.30 @ Human Movement Therapies Cooran, $15 casual or $120 for 10-week course, Booking Essential text Kath 0448 663 303.



H o u sesitters exp erienced. References available. Available mid-Ju ly. Contact Michael 0490 083 268

M rs S u zi e H art, a long time resident of Lake MacDonald/Cooroy passed away peacefully at Dove Cottage on Tuesday 27th Ju ly. Suzie, originally from Sydney, was an active member of the community, she was a member of the Q ueensland Country Women’s Association and held the position of vice president. Suzie will be greatly missed by all who knew her.

H o u sesitters Pet, animal and garden friendly. Available from November, great references. We have our own accommodation. Contact Ja net & Robert 0491 606 675 Priv ate h o u se cleaning Over 5 years ex perience using natural and non toxi c products. $30 per hour. Phone Amy on 0484 319 839.


V o lu nteers N eeded at new Smart Pups Charity Shop Pomona. Preferably available for shifts between the hours of 9.30am to 4.30pm. Contact Sheri on 0438 045 558.

B IR T H S C o ngratu latio ns to Pomona’s Ja ck Nicholson & partner Brooke Harris on the safe arrival of their baby girl Holiday Ja mes on 28th Ju ly.


C ath y B reed and G reg B reed of Cooroy are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Stacey to Jo shua Peake of Emerald Hill, NSW.



Allo y rim s E x cellent co nditio n. Suit Chrysler/F ord 5 x 114.3. 5 stud pattern. 70mm from centre of stud to centre of next stud. Width 180mm. Overall 205mm. $150 for 4. Contact 0447 168 882 V ariety o f H andm ade w o o den to ys. Located in Cooroy contact Charlie 5442 5616.

H appy b irth day to M att Pu rcell who celebrated his birthday on 27th Ju ly. C h arlie C o b b celebrated his 90th Birthday on 1st August. Happy birthday!

C L AS S E S N o o sa B ridge C lu b B eginner L esso ns. Noosa Bridge Club is running an 8 week beginners course from 13th September. Cost is $80, play in each class as you learn. To register, or for more information please call Ju lie Scott 5447 1341 or visit our website C h o ir Come and enjoy and fun and free choir session with the Pomona Community Choir Tuesdays 4-6pm in the Lion’s Club Hall, 2 Mountain St, Pomona. All welcome, no auditions.

F ender gu itar 12 string brand new, still in hard case. Acoustic/electric $700. Also selling: M ig w elder. New $500. Phone 0428 444 377 V icto rian f o u r leaf ex tensio n dining tab le Solid black wood. Circa 1880. 314cm x 125cm. Located Cooroy. $5000 ono. V icto rian b o w f ro nted ch est o f draw ers. Pearl inlaid handles. 120cm wide x 124cm high. $550. Located Cooroy. S et o f 8 W illiam 4 th spade b ack dining ch airs. Open to offers. Located Cooroy. Phone David 0404 937 365 M iniatu re pigs. Born 11.05.21. Neutered males and entire females. F riendly and very easy to train. Great pets for small acreage. Contact Claire. Kandanga 0406 264 784

Intro du ctio n to F am ily H isto ry R esearch . A beginner’s workshop in genealogy, a chance to uncover your family history. At the Heritage Centre 17 Emerald St Cooroy. Two dates are offered: 9th August at 9.30am. The second date is 19th at 1pm. Public is welcome. Bookings & Info please phone 3129 0356

S lide pro j ecto r with screen and magazine. $100. Contact Charlie 5442 5616

F am ily S earch W o rk sh o p. Learn to use this free online service. At the Heritage Centre 17 Emerald St Cooroy. Two dates are offered; 2nd August 9.30am or 7th August 12.30pm. Public is welcome. Phone 07 3129 0356

S addle New Australian all purpose brown saddle 16 inch. Great kids saddle. Other old shop stock items available. 2 x C o ttage C raf t girths $50 each 2 x B ro w n S tirru p L eath ers. New. $30 the pair. Phone Z oey 0412 260 290 Carters Ridge.

M indf u l M editatio n C o u rse, H ypno b irth ing, M editatio n Pre-booking required. Call Z oe on to find out next available dates. R itu al S o nics Aquarius F ull Moon Yoga & Sound Ceremony Aug 22. Bookings essential. Contact Ja de on 0450 582 586 or on F B.

u lassifi s t us n b st S eptem b er b y em ailing adv ertising@ co o ro yrag. co m . au t t mmunit t an s t u l al s ns

pro u dly spo nso red b y

H o rse gear: 2 x saddles Hubertus $70, Wintec $220. 1 x jodphurs size 14 $25, Brown riding boots $25, Helmet medium $25, Western bridle $25. Call 0408 850 214.

W aterf o rd C h rystal S h ips Decanter $100 2 S eater S ettee. Solid Beech frame. Cream leather H900.w1420.D8OO W ah l Percu ssio n M assager, unused $20 ng i umi ifi $l00 D.N Nelson 5385 0836 topdob@

M artlett S pindle M o u lder & cu tters. Best offers. $2000. Contact for further information and photos. Victor 0416 117 338

Equipped, Clean Work Environment. Please send your resume to info@

1 0 inch cro sscu t co m po u nd radial arm saw. Brand is Rockwell. Best offers $650. Contact for further information and photos. Victor 0416 117 338

H o spitality all ro u nder C o o ro y H o tel. Must have RSA. RSG an advantage. Perm/part time approx. 20-25 hours across a 7 day roster. Send resume to dutymanager@ cooroyhotel.

2 0 1 2 T o yo ta C o aster 22 Seater bus for sale. The price is $42,550 neg. 220762 km so just broken in with amazing Toyota motor. Turbo Diesel 5 speed manual. Mechanically in exce llent condition and has been inspected every 6 months and serviced regularly. Beautiful cold aircon, bull bar, tow bar and inside immaculate. F irst to see will buy for commercial use or lovely for camper conversion. Please call Kym 0428 677 425 F ish f o r f arm dam s Silver Perch $95 per 100. Phone Sunland F ish Hatchery. Gwen 0427 626 552 O f f ro ad cam per trailer. Albany ‘ X plorer’ camper with ‘ Eliminator’ coil and gas shocker independent suspension, ‘ Tregg’ hitch, heavy duty chassis, body fabricated from galvanized steel. 9kg gas bottle and ‘ Lido’ 2-burner stove, 60 litre water tank. 10R X 15 tyres and 15 X 6-stud rims ( suit Land-Cruiser) , spare wheel, ext ra tyre and stub axl e included. Lift–up strut top bed and tent section for easy loading. All cupboards and drawers lockable and weather-sealed. Q uick and easy to erect, free-standing tentage with built-in floor. lso with ip on annexe section. Registered to May 2022. $5,500 neg. Phone 5292 5217 or 0403 021 944. Palso nic T V - LCD 32 inch in perfect condition with no problems. $60. Contact G o lf C lu b s - Mixe d bag of Woods and Irons comes with bag and trolley $100 o.n.o. Contact Bruce @ Cooroy 0409 766 410. M ini H arley, motorised, ext ended forks, sissy bar, fat wheels, chrome and grey, raised handlebars, lights $500 Cooroibah B o at trailer, good condition, LED lights, spare wheel, winch, suit 1/2 cabin. $2500 S cro ll saw , still in box, brand new $300. O n th e w all electric w ater h eater, stainless steel continuous flow . O pen f ace h elm ets $50 each newish. R ay m o to rcycle b ik e j ack et $300 exce llent condition. Cooroibah - Phone 0428 444 377

M AR R IAG E S Aidan S h ipp married Carla Belbeck on the 28th Ju ly at Hamilton Island, in a small intimate setting. Congratulations!


S enio r H airdresser F ull Time or Casual immediate start Call Ann on 0408 791 923 F u ll tim e panel b eater po sitio n av ailab le. ust have Trade ualifications. Well

H o t W ater Gasfitting Plumbing



a i us P siti ns a ailabl at fit l N o o sa. Competitive Salary Package, Hotel Discounts for both Australia and Overseas, great work Environment. F orward Resume to; ha R eso rt H o u sek eepers req u ired. 5-star resorts in Hastings Street. Immediate start. Exp erience essential. Work available 7 days per week. nterested lease call eter 726 696 T ru ck Driv er. We are looking for an enthusiastic truck driver to join our team. We have a Casual position for someone to jump on board to pick up & deliver materials. They will also remove materials from our job site also. When not driving trucks you would be helping us on-site with Landscape projects. Please apply if you think you’d be a great fit for this position. Contact ee- rna on 1300 303 977 or email resume to leearna@

W AN T E D L ead ligh t artist for window replacement. 0427 146 986. C attle grid Second hand cattle grid wanted for gateway. Phone Vicki 0427 146 986 Po ck et W atch Gold or Silver. Phone Davie 0404 937 365 U nderco v er secu re carav an sto rage in or near Cooroy. 9m length overall plus storage for a F ord Ranger from 1st October 2021 to 1st May 2022. Contact Alan 0472 512 855 W anted f o r rent lo ng term sm all h o u se o r u nit. F or older couple with good references. Phone Barbara 5446 2201.




0 4 2 2 0 7 7 3 9 4



N annies do yo u lo v e w o rk ing w ith ch ildren? Do you have childcare ualifications or are a mother o you love working with children o you have a blue card o you have first aid certificate f you’ve answered yes to all of the above, we want to hear from you. Nannies of Noosa & South East Q LD specialise in casual care on the Sunshine Coast for local and visiting families. Please email resume to: roxa nne@



C h ildcare edu cato rs w anted Local trusted family day care scheme requires new educators start asap! This is a work from home opportunity with the full support of our exp erienced and supportive team. You are required to hold or be studying toward Diploma or cert 3 or be willing to enrol. All training provided. Contact 5485 1891.



P R O F E S S I O N A L Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page











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32 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021








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Opinions expressed by contributors to Cooroy Rag are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher and publication of advertisements implies no endorsement by the publisher


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Monthly Market Wrap Up with S irah R o b b Director and Principal of Wythes Real Estate

Breathtaking rural property with beautiful character home POSITIONED on a tranquil country lane just 15 minutes from Eumundi and Cooroy town centres, these 29 captivating acres of hinterland paradise will take your breath away. Enveloped within the peaceful, picturesque grounds, the as-new Hamptons-inspired home is packed with features that maxi mise elegance and lifestyle. These include ducted air-conditioning, 2.7m high ceilings, iron bark timber floors, and stylish louvre windows for cross ventilation. The entry porch leads directly into the spacious open plan living zone, which is designed for comfortable family living and entertaining. Chefs will appreciate the F armers Modern Provincial kitchen, which boasts premium-quality inclusions like Caesar stone benchtops, walkin pantry, Smeg appliances, a seven-burner gas cooktop and two ovens. This area flows seamlessly


34 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

Address: - Bonney ane, Belli ark Au ctio n: On site, F riday, August 5, 2pm Details: Bed . Bath


Inspect: By ppointment Agent: ian cott Agency: Wythes onto a massive elevated and covered alfresco entertaining deck, which enjoys a sweeping outlook across the crystal-clear dam and lush paddocks to the hinterland hills. The master bedroom suite includes a generous walk-in robe, gorgeous ensuite with twin vanities and a freestanding bathtub for soaking away your cares, plus direct access onto the verandah. Three other

bedrooms have built-in robes, and a powder room, in addition to the main bathroom. F amilies will love the games room, which features a bar and is roomy enough for a billiard table. A creek forms the Western boundary of the property, while paddocks with electric fences make the property ideal for keeping horses or cattle. F or those with big toys or wanting to operate a home-based business, there’s a massive 20 x m five-bay shed with . metre clearance, three-phase power, and a workshop with a car hoist. This captivating property presents a rare opportunity for a discerning buyer to acquire stunning acreage with breathtaking views, rural living and business options, and a gorgeous character home - all only minutes easy drive to Noosa Heads. If this sounds like you, don’t delay arranging your inspection.

T has happened over the last month that relates to our local real estate market. The exci tement was electric when it was announced that Brisbane will host the lympic ames. Core ogic figures show that ydney values umped by in the lead up to the 2000 Sydney Olympics, almost twice the growth of other capital cities. The Noosa Hinterland may see a similar trend but the greatest benefit is likely to be the spending on infrastructure that will be re uired in the lead up to . One of the most highly regarded property analysts in the country presented his insights last month. Core ogic s Tim awless suggests that economic and demographic fundamentals remain strong, implying further growth ahead. It was no surprise to us that the top regions with the highest annual capital gain for houses in are ympie Cooloola . median value of , , Noosa interland median value of , and Noosa .

median value of , , . F or those thinking about selling, now is the time to talk to an agent. Conditions look favourable at least for the next months, with the pace of capital gains likely to progressively taper in this period. n the months to une the increase in asking rents was in our region. Rental application numbers this month are still very strong for our Noosa Hinterland properties, which have ranged from to per week. We’ve accommodated lockdowns in the last month too. This requires us to convert inspections and auctions to an online forum and doesn’t hinder outcomes. It’s been business as usual, with our volume of sales holding steady. We are starting to see beautiful spring like days here in the Hinterland. No wonder our region is at the top of everyone’s list to move to. When you’re locked down somewhere like this it certainly makes you realise we have a lot to be grateful for.

Your own private resort N for the perfect mix in resort style living with peace, privacy and an incredibly low maintenance home? This immaculate single level brick home is surrounded by sprawling lawns and established tropical gardens with a parkland backdrop. It makes you feel as though you have left the world behind, yet is positioned in town with all of Cooroy township’s convenience within a two-minute drive. The home sits perfectly on a large s m of land which adjoins a council reserve. There are 4 spacious bedrooms, all with built-in wardrobes and the main bedroom features a WIR and ensuite. The home has a very versatile floor plan with two separate living areas and seamless indoor outdoor entertaining, with one of the indoor living areas flowing out to a massive covered entertainment area which overlooks the resort style pool and features a northerly aspect.

Address: ensington

rive, Cooroy

Price: Offers considered Details: Bed Bath


Inspect: By ppointment Agent: Alisa Wythes Agency: Wythes The land is fully fenced with ample room for children to play or the family pet. The property has town water and sewage - yet you can enjoy sustainable living features with solar power, tank water and established raised vegetable gardens. Simply move in and enjoy an incredible lifestyle.

Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page



Live the Noosa hinterland dream - privacy and views WHEN you enter this property via the picturesque driveway, past the spring fed dam, you have entered another world full of native beauty to discover and enjoy - a place offering privacy, somewhere to rest and rejuvenate, to return to the fundamental basics of stillness and happiness found within. The home is stunning, for its design simplicity, sophisticated and yet understated qualities. Set on 1.1 ha ( or 2.7 acres) , constructed from mud brick and shadow board, the home sits at the top of the block with visiting birds attracted by established native trees. There are at least 5,000 things I have found to love, and top of the list is the breathtaking North-facing views of Mt Cooroora that are enjoyed from the veranda, the kitchen, the dining room, the living room and the master bedroom. Cathedral height ceilings, modern sleek kitchen filled with Bosch appliances and rchitectural Birch finishes throughout - the simplicity and quality of the design and building materials frames the panoramic views perfectly. The bathroom embodies a clever minimalist style, yet is luxurious with floor to ceiling tiles. You will feel like you’re relaxi ng in a high-end excl usive health or beauty spa! The open plan living, and dining areas lead onto a lined and covered veranda with hardwood decking encompassing enough space to create separate outdoor lounge and entertaining areas. They are north-facing to take advantage of the winter sun. The 2 bay colourbond shed with additional attached carport is sympathetic to

Curious to know what your property’s worth? W hen it comes to managing your property portf olio, nothing is more powerf ul than experience.

T ake a new lease on lif e and upgrade your investment! W HAT ARE Y O U W AI T I N G F O R?

G ina F omiatti

Business Development Manager P roperty Management 0490 246 033

Address: 31 Northmount Rd, F ederal Au ctio n: Online on August 27 at 10.30am Details:




Inspect: By ppointment Agents: Phil Hargrave - 0417 750 507 Phil.hargrave@ Sam Hargrave - 0425 777 721 Sam.hargrave@ Agency: Ray White Pomona Hinterland the design and style of the home - ideal for storage or conversion into an artist studio or home office. Located just minutes from the village shops and schools of Pomona, and 15 minutes from Cooroy and half an hour to the world-famous Noosa Beach, en oy the vibrant atmosphere knowing you will return to your own private sanctuary.

Welcome to paradise Noosa Hinterland style 4 P alm T ree C ourt, Pomona • P restigious, private + • 6 66


2 of level sable land landscaped gardens children s playgro nd f amily room

a lted ceilings air conditioning ceiling fans + wood re heater

• L ock up &

under cover parking f or 5 vehicles, garage 11m x 9m

• U nder cover entertainment areas, 10 person spa and outdoor shower Page

36 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021


Phil Hargrave 0417 750 507 Sam Hargrave 0425 777 121

peacef ul living a true f amily sanctuary

• Multiple living areas including: T heatre room + •



Auction Friday 20th August, 10:30am View By Appointment

Live Online Auction


Acreage property living in popular Stratford Park Estate WHETHER you need ext ra space for a growing or ext ended family, or you simply love to entertain, this immaculately presented home on a very private and peaceful 6,663m2/ 1.64-acre block is sure to impress even the fussiest of buyers. Located in the prestigious and sought-after Stratford Park Estate, in the Noosa Hinterland, this contemporary-style home is set back from the road in a private cul-desac and surrounded by quality homes and neighbours. Inside this home, the size of the rooms, height of the ceilings, naturally light-filled rooms and the tropical garden views out of every window are just stunning. There’s: multiple living areas; a tiled family room, combined with an open plan kitchen/dining room, which opens out onto the outdoor entertainment areas; plus a separate enormously spacious lounge/ theatre room with acoustic bats, ceiling fan, air conditioning and slow combustion wood heater. Surrounded by well established, easy care gardens, your outdoor entertaining space includes a wide veranda directly off the house, plus an undercover entertainment area and a 10 person spa and outdoor shower. All 4 bedrooms feature ceiling fans and built-in robes. There are two master suites, the first having a sliding door to a private deck area, a walk-in robe and ensuite bathroom. The grand master suite has a split system air-conditioner, ceiling fan walk-in robe and ultra-stylish ensuite bathroom. Parking and storage will never be a problem here, with the lock-up garage measur-

Absolute Mary River frontage ABSOLUTE Mary River frontage with access to your very own beach as well as pumping rights to water the gardens plus four dams. This 7.8 hectare property offers total privacy and limitless potential from hobby farm to wedding venue, and yet is close to all amenities, which makes this the buying opportunity of a lifetime. The home is architecturally designed with 4 bedrooms plus a study, 3 bathrooms, and multiple living areas. On each of the 5 levels there are exp ansive rural views. “ The workshop” is a massive six bay shed, four bays having roller doors and two being open bays with ext ra height for caravans, boats and floats. There are two car hoists rated at 10,000lbs ( 4.5 tonne approx. t is fitted with workbenches, phase power, a security system and a bar to complete the ‘ man cave’. F or the equestrian, there is an arena and round yard and the stable block offers 5 stables, 3 with direct access to day yards plus a feed room, tack room, Vet Crush and undercover farrier work area, shower, toilet, and undercover parking for the tractor and

Address: 181 Kiaka Road, Lagoon Pocket Au ctio n: Online on August 27 at 10.30am Details: 4 Bed 3 Bath 13 Car Inspect: By Appointment Agent: Ryan Lucca - 0427 999 457 Ryan.lucca@ Agency: Ray White Pomona Hinterland horse float. n additional building offers dual living possibilities as it has 3 phase power, a bathroom, kitchen and separate rooms, ready for a makeover. All of this and it’s located 15 minutes south of everything Gympie has to offer, 25 minutes to Cooroy and only 45 minutes to the world-famous Noosa beach. There are so many features and benefits of living here, that your inspection is a must to appreciate the full rural package.

Address: 4 Palm Tree Court, Pomona Au ctio n: Online on August 20 at 10.30am Details: 4 Bed 3 Bath 5 Car Inspect: By Appointment Agents: Phil Hargrave - 0417 750 507 Phil.hargrave@ Sam Hargrave - 0425 777 721 Sam.hargrave@ Agency: Ray White Pomona Hinterland ing 11m long x 9m wide, with 2 x 2.7m high doors and is fitted with a work bench, overhead lighting and two 15amp power points, as well as the convenience of a toilet. Being located just minutes from the village shops and schools of Pomona, and 15 minutes from Noosa River and half an hour to the world-famous Noosa Beach, makes this a highly desirable place to call home.

Absolute River Frontage 181 Kiaka Rd, Lagoon Pocket





• Modern and spacious split-level home on 7.83 ha (19.3 acres) with expansive rural views • Multiple outdoor entertaining areas including deck, balcony, heated pool with swim up bar and spa • 6 bay powered Workshop with 4 roller doors + 2 bays with height for caravan and float • For the equestrian grass arena, round yard and 5 stables (3 with day yards) and paddocks • Direct access to the Mary River

Ryan Lucca 0427 999 457 Sam Hargrave 0425 777 121 Auction Friday 27th August, 10:30am View By Appointment

Live Online Auction Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page



Easy care garden sanctuary and modern home ENVELOPED among native bush and lovely landscaped grounds at the end of a quiet lane, this property’s buyers could be forgiven for thinking they’ve escaped to a faraway garden paradise. Yet this private and useable 1.5 acres – complete with a spacious, modern family home – is just 15 minutes from the heart of Noosa Heads. The inviting home exu des a relaxi ng ambience and has recently been updated with hybrid flooring and fresh paint in neutral contemporary colours. It is ideal for entertaining, thanks to its open plan design and multiple airconditioned living spaces, including a large chef’s kitchen with new appliances and granite-look benchtops. Multiple glass windows frame the garden outlook and open onto a large timber deck. This includes a covered alfresco dining and entertaining area, where you can enjoy the company of family and friends, fresh air, and the relaxi ng outlook across your property to the tall trees surrounding it. Parents will relish the stylish master suite, which includes a walk-in robe, ensuite with

Address: 39 Arbour Place, Doonan twin vanities and deep corner bath, and direct access onto the deck. The bedrooms all have new carpets and blinds, while the guest/fourth bedroom has an entry into the main bathroom. If you love to garden or have been dreaming of a more sustainable lifestyle, you’ll appreciate the shade house, fruit trees, generous garden shed, and ample room for growing vegetables or running chooks. The easy-care gardens also boast secluded nooks for relaxi ng with a book and a cuppa. Plus, there’s a two-bay shed and approxi mately 55,000 litres of rainwater storage.

This green oasis is situated in soughtafter Doonan, and just a 10-minute drive to the schools, cafes and iconic markets of Eumundi. If beaches, national park walks or highend shopping and dining are more your style, Noosa main beach and Hastings Street are only 15 minutes from your doorstep. Level and low maintenance, this property affords new owners a small acreage lifestyle with a welcoming contemporary home, with proxi mity to everything Noosa is known for. Be quick if you’d like to arrange an inspection.

Au ctio n: On-site, 3rd September, at Noon Details: 4 Bed 2 Bath 2 Car Inspect: August 19, 1pm-1.45pm; August 21, 10am-10.45am; August 26, 1pm-1.45pm. Agents: Kess Prior - 0404 344 399 Graham Smith - 0408 874 888 Agency: Hinternoosa Real Estate

Noosa hinterland: 65.7 acres with rolling hillside views THIS desirable location, only 11 kilometres west of Eumundi is a great option for buyers looking to start their own semi-rural escape. This property offers inspiring views in most directions and feels like it is cradled between Point Glorious and Mt Eerwah. The property has a creek and was previously used for grazing cattle. Exce llent house site options both near the road and further back with a local power line running across the property. Approxi mately 20 acres of the undulating land has been cleared and improvements include an old 10m x 6m machinery shed with concrete floor and existing partial boundary fencing. The beauty of this is a combination of absolute peace and quiet, and the lush natural surrounding views. This is quality land with rich soils and a long road frontage onto Browns Creek Rd. Page

38 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

Address: 702 Browns Creek Road, Eerwah Vale Price: $1,250,000 L and: 26.59 hectares Agent: Paul Bielby - 0437 346 256 paul@ Agency: Hinternoosa Real Estate Distance wise it is: • 11 km To Eumundi CBD • 18 km To Cooroy CBD • 24 km to Noosaville • 32 km to Maroochydore Airport Call now to discuss your creative ideas and see what can be achieved here.


Opportunity beckons for a lifestyle change in Pomona POMONA is fast becoming the Noosa Hinterland hotspot for both lifestyle and investment opportunity with the only mistake you can make being not to buy in the Village while you can. This solid Mediterranean-style home sits on a 979sqm corner block at Summit Road, walking distance from the centre of Pomona Village. It has dual accommodation as an option, or other opportunities for investors or extended families alike. With five bedrooms in total the house is currently set up in two spaces. Space 1: Combined Kitchen/Dining, a large lounge space for relaxing and entertaining, and a large patio with views of Mt Cooroora – grouped with three generously sized bedrooms and a wellappointed bathroom, with bath, shower and a separate toilet. There are hardwood floors here, and at the moment, this side of the house is currently rented out. Space 2: Adjacent area with two bedrooms and a separate entrance, combined kitchenette/lounge and dining area, and its own bathroom. The perfect space for the grandparents, an office, therapy rooms or maybe even a teenager retreat. With a fenced, private yard and a two-bay carport the opportunities here are endless for every kind of need. The laundry is found under the house along with a large storage area. The circular driveway provides access for both parking in front of the home or in the double carport and there is rear yard access down both sides of the home. The property is a five minute walk from the centre of the village, with services such as the doctors, IGA and the Gin Distillery,

Address: Summit Road, Pomona Price: Offers over $670,000 Details: 5 Bed 2 Bath 2 Car Inspect: By Appointment

Pomona Kitchen, Pomona Pub, Pomona Hardware and a selection of boutiques just a few steps away. This highly sought-after corner block is

currently rented for over $32,000 per annum and is ideal for investors, a family home, or perhaps a retirement choice with a dual accommodation option.

Agents: Brian - 0423 475 914 Carlene - 0402 733 906 Agency: Countryside Noosa Realty

Be quick to purchase a rare vacant block in Cooroy COUNTRYSIDE Realty Noosa is proud to present the market 16 brand new blocks on Blue Wren Place. Within walking distance to the vibrant township of Cooroy - this is a rare find and a golden opportunity. The cleared blocks are the perfect canvas to build your dream home. This boutique development surrounded by new builds and park reserve feels like town living with an acreage vibe. The blocks range from 686m2 to 1165m2 and will appeal to a wide range of buyers with unlimited possibilities to create your dream home, shed, gardens and pool With fixed line NBN, and all mains utilities ready to go. Take a stroll into town, a mere 500m from your new home and you are in the charming village with cafe’s, restaurants, shops, schools and breweries. If you want the sand between your toes Noosa Beaches are located just a short 20

Address: Blue Wren Place, Cooroy Price: On application Details: Land- 686sqm to 1165sqm Agents: Kimberlea Thwaites - 0409 920 861 Eliot Krause - 0409 920 861 Agency: Countryside Realty Noosa minute drive. Blocks of land in the Noosa Hinterland are so very rare to come by. This is your opportunity to secure a piece of paradise in the booming Cooroy market and create your dream lifestyle. Cooroy Rag, August 2021 - Page









3 kg



From the Deli



8 kg


From the Deli

$ $


.00 kg


6 kg

















CADBURY CHOCOLATE BLOCK 160-190gm Selected Varieties













Selected Varieties 400gm




3 Emerald St, Cooroy 4563 Ph: (07) 5447 6061

3-5 Reserve St, Pomona 4568 Ph: (07) 5485 1297

Mon-Sat 7.00am-8.00pm | Sunday 9.00am-6.00pm

7.00am-8.00pm Every Day



Specials available from Wednesday 18/08/2021 until Tuesday 24/08/2021 unless sold out. No rainchecks will be given. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. Limit rights reserved. Normal Retail Limits Apply. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Page

40 - Cooroy Rag, August 2021

5 kg

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