Cooroy Rag March 2 2011

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COOROY RAG The Heart of the Hinterland

42 maple st, cooroy

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5442 6699

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Next month, local Pomona resident and police constable Wayne Metcalfe will be participating in a 250km footrace across the Sahara Desert. The Marathon des Sables has often been touted as the touhest footrace on Earth. Wayne will be raising funds for the John McLean Foundation (JMF). Wayne is pictured here on one of his training runs up Pomona Mountain. (See story on page 34)


Ph 5447 7666 Fax 5447 7525

March 2, 2011

Race across the Sahara

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Not My Fave! MY week at the gym: MONDAY: Started my day at 6:00 am, tough to get out of bed, but found it was well worth it when I arrived at the health club to find Christo waiting for me. He is something of a Greek god, with blond hair, dancing eyes, and a dazzling white smile. Woo Hoo!! Christo gave me a tour and showed me the machines. Christo was encouraging as I did my sit-ups, although my gut was already aching from holding it in the whole time he was around. This is going to be a fantastic week. TUESDAY: I drank a whole pot of coffee, but I finally made it out the door. Christo made me lie on my back and push a heavy iron bar into the air then he put weights on it! My legs were a little wobbly on the treadmill, but I made the full mile. His rewarding smile made it all worthwhile. I feel great! WEDNESDAY: The only way I can brush my teeth is by laying the toothbrush on the counter and moving my mouth back and forth over it. I believe I have a hernia in both pectorals. Driving was OK as long as I didn’t try to steer or stop. Christo was impatient with me, insisting that my screams bothered other club members. His voice is a little too perky for that early in the morning and when he scolds, he gets this nasally whine that is very annoying. My chest hurt when I got on the treatmill, so Christo put me on the stair monster. Why would anyone invent a machine to simulate an activity rendered obsolete by elevators? Christo told me it would help me get in shape and enjoy life. He said some other rubbish too. THURSDAY: The Nazi was waiting for me with his vampire-like teeth exposed as his thin, cruel lips were pulled back in a full snarl. I couldn’t help being a half an hour late - it took me that long to tie my shoes. He took me to work out with dumbbells then put me on the rowing machine - which I sank. FRIDAY: I hate Christo more than any human being has ever hated any other human being in the history of the world. Stupid, skinny, anemic, anorexic, little aerobic instructor. If there was a part of my body I could move without unbearable pain, I would beat him with it. Christo wanted me to work on my triceps. I don’t have any triceps! And if you don’t want dents in the floor, don’t hand me the damn barbells or anything that weighs more than a Mars Bar. SATURDAY: Satan left a message on my answering machine in his grating, shrilly voice wondering why I did not show up today. Just hearing his voice made me want to smash the machine with my planner; however, I lacked the strength to even use the TV remote and ended up catching eleven straight hours of the Weather Channel. SUNDAY: I’m having the Church van pick me up for services today so I can go and thank God that this week is over. I still say if God had wanted me to bend over, he would have sprinkled the floor with diamonds!

Next edition: March 23 Booking deadline: March 10 Copy deadline: March 14

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Our library – up there with the latest When I was young a library’s only function, was to lend you books, (If you kept one out too long, you got some nasty looks), They were usually run by middle-aged ladies, or perhaps a retired gent, Armed with a date stamp, and a book, to record when books were lent. But the world is different now, there’s been a digital revolution, A wave of technical advances, with new developments in profusion. Libraries now must be with it, globally state of the art, And books, while still the main function, don’t play a solo part. The younger generations expect libraries to be culturally up-to-date, With information available at an almost nano second rate. They talk of Facebook, eBook, the web, the net, (What happened to my boyhood pride and joy, my crystal wireless set??) They SMS and tweet each other, in a language all their own, And take photos, or watch TV, on their mobile very smart phone. They sit in front of their laptops, a rapt expression on their face, One wonders if they are with us, or out in cyberspace!! The library now is a place of learning, of new ideas, and action, A place for both the young and old, a pleasurable attraction. Want to use the internet, or trace your family tree? Just part of the many services, which you can use for free. You can learn to use computers, with friendly staff to guide you, It’s like have a personal teacher, sitting there beside you. We oldies can still get the books we love, some music, or a DVD, And the littlies have their own play room, which mum can oversee. All my life I’ve learned everything, through the written word, And now I must admit, to being a technical nerd. If I can handle e-mails, I think that’s really cool, Although any eight year old, mastered that by pre-school. But please don’t look down on us oldies, for our lack of technical know how, We did develop most of the things that you are enjoying now. But I do not regret it, and I commend the younger generation, For their use of the many sources, in their search for information.

news Sunshine Coast Community Plan IN partnership with the community, Council have been developing the first Sunshine Coast Community Plan. The plan, which is a requirement under the new Local Government Act, will capture the community’s vision and aspirations for the future of the region and will guide all other planning processes for council. Attached is a revised draft based on those comments which has now been released . Council welcome and encourage you to join the online discussion around our first Community Plan - this is your last opportunity to let council know your thoughts on the way the Coast moves towards 2030! Have your say – http://haveyoursay.sunshine You can now jump onto council’s website before 31 March and join the online discussion on this very important document that will guide all of council’s planning. To facilitate people’s comments council are using for the first time an online Have Your Say Sunshine Coast website (see attached link). One of the great advantages of using this new technology is that it allows everyone to view all other comments and possibly even modify their views. Feel free to spread the word – tell your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues to get involved and comment on the Sunshine Coast’s first Community Plan.

What have we here?

Our town has a wonderful library, it is modern, and every handsome indeed With a friendly helpful staff, to assist with every need, But it is also a community centre, a friendly meeting place, Where you can exchange a bit of gossip, or see a familiar face. How fortunate we are, we folk here in Cooroy, So, make use of library, and above all, enjoy!! Jim Dunstan


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Back to Cooroy Day PREPARATIONS are well underway for ‘Back to Cooroy Day’ on Sunday, 3rd April between 10am and 3pm in the Cooroy Memorial Hall. It is a wonderful opportunity for local residents to meet and share memories with those who travel to Cooroy from afar. Families catch up with long lost cousins, school friends unite and others just share the bond that brings past and present residents together. The Cooroy-Noosa Family and Local History Group will provide their popular display. If you have photographs of people, places and events from around the district and willing to

share, please contact Bev on 5442 5570 to arrange copying. Orders are now being taken for the book, ‘Echos of the Past, Families of Cooroy and District’ which records the oral histories of many local families. A seminar by Detective Senior Constable Rod Shelton, ‘Identity Fraud and Scams’ will be hosted by the group on Saturday, 19th March from 9.30am to 11am. The talk will be based on internet fraud and how to prevent becoming a victim. Venue will be U3A House, 64 Poinciana Avenue, Tewantin. All welcome. Cost $10.00. Bookings essential phone 5442 5570.

QUEST COLLEGE will be conducting 12 week course in May 2011 for :

Certificate III in Aged care (CHC30208) ** COOROY CAMPUS **

Onsite pool servicing & pool equipment repairs. Servicing from as little as $44 plus chemicals Phone Now and let the Team at Swimwise look after your pool 6 Emerald St, Cooroy 5442 5222 Page 2 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

Under the Productivity Places Program : Free training for the unemployed. If you are • 15 years and over • Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident • Unemployed - You may be eligible for FREE training. You do not need to be registered with Centrelink or an Employment Service Provider. If you would like to enrol in this course you will need to attend an Information sessions as follows :Date: Tuesday 15th of March at 9.30am Venue: 98 Musa Vale Road, COOROY At the Information session interested students are asked to lodge an expression of interest by submitting a two page CV, complete a questionnaire, literacy and numeracy assessment. We will select students from these applications. Spaces on these Information Sessions are limited. Please phone QUEST COLLEGE to book your seat on 5443 6345. BRING TO THE INFORMATION SESSION : TWO PAGE CV, PEN, PAPER & CALCULATOR

WINNER of last issue’s “What Have We Here” was Mezza of Cooran who correctly guessed that last issue’s ‘What have we here’ was the the air vent on top of the toilet block in Maple Street. To win “What have we here”, you must tell us what and where abouts this is located? Send your entry to: What Have We Here?, Cooroy Rag, PO Box 898, Cooroy 4563 or email to be in the running for a $25 dinner voucher at the Cooroy RSL Club. Entries will be drawn on March 18th.


PEN NOW ODAYS SATUR Large variety of exotic & native trees, Shrubs & groundcover OPEN Monday - Friday 7.30am-4.00pm

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COOROY RAG LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I AM writing in response to the article regarding student dress code at NDSHS in your current issue of the Cooroy Rag. When I was in High School, 20 years ago, I had a ‘radical’ haircut. It was a way of expressing my individuality. The Principal at my school pulled me up in front of all my peers and requested that my hair be ‘normal’ for school the following day. I asked him to define ‘normal’. He replied that ‘normal’ is how the majority of people wear their hair. I went to a state school and was well and truly annoyed by his remarks so sprayed my hair pink for school the next day! Obviously that went down like a led balloon and he attempted to suspend me from school, at that time this was not in line with anti discrimination policy so the suspension did not occur. I was lucky, a year advisor put his job on the line to defend me and remind the Principal of the discrimination act. The teen years are a time when people should be encouraged to explore their individuality, not suppress it. It is our individually that makes us unique as people and also assists in maintaining self esteem. I respect that the school wants to maintain a positive image, however, allowing students to contribute some flair to their uniform will not sully the school’s reputation. Obtaining excellent results from students is what a school is there for, not to dictate to them how they should look. I spent many years in the military and when I read the article and student responses it sounded very much like a military regime or dictatorship, not an institution that accepts and encourages diversity. Name supplied

THIS letter is addressed to a few different categories of people: all the ignorant drivers (of road rules); all the arrogant drivers (you’re the only one with somewhere you have to be); and the plain stupid drivers (the impression you give) – who drive through the zebra crossing near the RSL in Cooroy. I have cause to use this crossing numerous times during the week and it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant, arrogant and plain bloody stupid some drivers can be. I have witnessed people standing at the crossing, simply being ignored by drivers who just pretend they don’t see them or are too busy on their phone to stop. When they do stop, it always seems like such an inconvenience and they will take off again, once you have crossed over the width of their vehicle, moving off through the crossing while you are still on it. It may come as a shock to some drivers, but it is an offence to move your vehicle at all until all pedestrians have reached the safety of the footpath on either side. With the majority of the crossings in Cooroy ‘pedestrians give way’ the RSL crossing is a signed and painted zebra crossing, ‘drivers give way’. Please parents and teachers warn your children to stop and make sure the approaching vehicles (in both directions) see them and come to a complete stop before they cross. It is only a matter of time before a child is injured at this crossing (or worse). Young children use this crossing every afternoon after school and have no idea of the danger they are in, with a lot of drivers choosing to ignore them on the crossing edge. Here’s one of the really sad observations I have made at this crossing, the majority of drivers, who ignore people waiting to cross, are women. Too busy, too self-absorbed or just too bloody lazy. Just imagine it is your child, grandchild etc., using this crossing daily, wouldn’t you want someone to stop for them. (I am both – a mother and grandmother). If you don’t come under any of the categories at the start, then you will have taken no offence to the contents of this letter and I thank you for stopping to let me cross. D. Bell, Cooroy

I LOVED your story in this month’s paper in regards to NDSHS school uniform. Wow, how it has changed since I went there. I personally think they are going way over the top with their rules and regulations in regards to uniforms. I used to wear make-up to school every day in year 11 and 12 and no one seemed to have a problem with it. I didn’t stand out and it certainly didn’t have any affect on my education. I wore it purely to give myself that little bit of self confidence that I think we all struggle with in our teenage years. I do believe that some jewellery can be a health and safety issue, but seriously, come on! The students are not going to give respect until they are shown some in return. Name supplied IT seems that the more affluent a society becomes the more rules we set ourselves. In my day education wasn’t even compulsory. Only the lucky few even got to go to school. Most of us had to go out to work or help on our parents farms. The ones who did go to school wore what they could afford. Few even had a pair of shoes. I went to school for about 4 years. I don’t even remember what I wore, but I do remember what I learnt and I’d match myself against most of the kids these days, especially when it comes to adding up and subtracting. They’d be lost without their calculators, computers and cash registers. It seems ludicrous that there’s so much focus being placed on what these kids are wearing when there’s much more pressing issues in the world. Name supplied

I WAS most interested in the views of the students in your last paper regarding the uniform policy at Noosa District State High School. My children attend the school and we too have had issues with certain aspects of the uniform code. Friendship bands (crocheted bracelets) have been cut off their wrists by the teachers, and both have had to spend lunch hours in the ‘consequence’ room because of the colour of their socks, how ridiculous! I would suggest that you get your eyes off their socks for a minute, so everyone can concentrate on what they’re there for … to get an education.

A BIG brickbat to the staff at the Cooroy Rag. Shame on you for attempting to create division between the community and the district’s high school. The uniform code has been in place for years, without confusion or complaint. Anyone with concerns would be calling the school before the newspaper, wouldn’t you think? Seems a little like stirring the pot. Perhaps your kids started high school this year. Not surprising that the principal hasn’t responded to such a lot of rubbish.

Name supplied

No name supplied

Post your Letters to the Editor to: PO Box 898, Cooroy 4563 or email

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Labor pushes Cooroy to Curra miles away THE Federal Labor Government has again refused to nominate a start date for the construction of Section A of the Cooroy to Curra upgrade of the Bruce Highway, Federal Member for Wide Bay and Shadow Transport Minister Warren Truss said today. In answering a specific written Question on Notice in the House of Representatives last week, Federal Transport Minister Anthony

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Albanese refused to commit to a start date for the project. The Section A project connects the end of the four lane highway at Cooroy to Section B, which is currently under construction. “The Minister ’s persistent refusal to nominate a start date tends to confirm local concerns that the Government may defer construction of Section A until 2015 or later. “If it does so, it will push out construction of the remaining Sections C and D for a decade or more, and in that time, we should be working on upgrading Curra to Maryborough,” Mr Truss said. “The Federal Labor Government provided stimulus package funding to Section B to help its State Labor mates build the road around the Traveston Crossing dam. Accordingly, a longer and more expensive route for Section B between Sankeys Road to Traveston Road, is being constructed to skirt around the now non-existent dam,” Mr

Truss said. “The Cooroy to Curra section of the Bruce Highway has been declared as one of the deadliest highways in Queensland by the RACQ, with more than 50 fatalities and 300 people admitted to hospital since 2000. The Government knows that Highway has reached its capacity and it should honour the Coa-

lition’s commitment to complete the Cooroy to Curra upgrade by 2020. “Multi-million dollar painted median strips, flashing signs and lower speed limits will do little to improve the productive capacity of this section of the national highway.” Mr Truss said the upgrade of the highway not only impacts on motorists but also local

residents, farmers and businesses. “Since the Government has made an allocation of $200 million for planning and land acquisitions, it must immediately announce a timetable and work plan so that local residents and the community can be informed when they are likely to see some action on the balance of the highway upgrade.”

Clean up Australia Day IN 2010 more than 588,000 volunteers across Australia helped to celebrate 20 years of Clean Up Australia by donning gloves and filling up Clean Up Australia Day rubbish bags with an estimated 15,560 tonnes of rubbish at 7,073 registered Sites across Australia. Here in Noosa, nearly 300 volunteers brought in over 6 tonnes of rubbish in just 3 hours! Clean Up Australia Day 2011 takes place on Sunday March 6th and you can join thousands of Australians get stuck in and Clean Up their local environment by collecting and removing rubbish on Clean Up Australia Day. Getting involved is easy. Simply Slap on a Hat, Slip on some Sunscreen, Wear gloves and shoes & bring a water bottle to any one of the 23 sites around the Noosa region and register

between 7:30 and 8 am on Sunday March 6th. Clean Up Australia Day registration sites in the hinterland region as follows: Cooroy at car park opposite the Butter Factory, Pomona at Memorial Hall, Boreen Point at Apollonian Hotel, Eumundi at Napier Rd opposite the toilets. Once you have registered, you will be issued with a yellow bag for recyclables and a white bag for general waste and asked to look for rubbish to fill them with. All volunteers will go into the draw for Accommodation and Meal prizes donated by The Sheraton Noosa, who always support Clean Up Australia Day in Noosa. Lunch will be provided for all volunteers from the Lions Club van at Noosaville Lions Park.

Cooroy VIEW Club AGM February:Pictured: Member Kath Davenport is presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for her work over the past years and some flowers from her friends. Clytie Glass (former President) was also presented with a certificate by Zone Councillor Judy Fischle and a New Committee was formed for 2011. New Member Trisha Adcock was presented with her Member badge and has taken on the position of Assistant Treasurer already.

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Mon-Fri 8am-5.30pm Saturday 8am-12pm Page 4 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011


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Coor oy Cooroy

news Bike Week in Cooroy Library

COOROY RAG BOUQUETS & B R I C K B AT S BOUQUETS and congratulations to Stu Leitch, who reached the impressive age of 90 last Saturday. Family and friends enjoyed a knees-up at the RSL to celebrate the occasion.

BOUQUET to Cathy Breed for her birthday last week.

Email your bouquet and brickbats to

A Capella Choir WOULD you like to sing some “Popular” music in a singing group/choir? Good Vibrations A Cappella Choir is seeking more singers, particularly tenors and basses. We sing a variety of music, but specialise in 60’s and 70’s pop songs. Come along and try it. First week free! Choir meets in the Anglican Church Hall, Miva Street, Cooroy, Monday evenings. 7:00pm Phone Andrew 5474 1498 Email

Kin Kin Community Market KIN KIN Community Markets will be held on Sunday 13th March at the Kin Kin School of Arts Hall from 10am – 2pm. Come to Kin Kin to see what locally made products and produce are available from our hinterland town. Great live entertainment. Small charge per stall holder to cover hall hire costs Contact Michelle on 5485 4228.

COOROY Library wants you to get on your bicycle or scooter for Bike Week starting on Saturday 12 March. Bike Week caters for people with a range of cycling interests. If you have been meaning to pull your dusty bike out of the garage, or need a little inspiration when it comes to bike maintenance, or want to meet other people interested in group bike rides, then the workshops at Cooroy Library will be just right for you. Bike techniques and advice workshop – Saturday 12 March from 1 to 2pm The cycling revolution begins on Saturday 12 March with two workshops designed to bring you and your bike closer together. Bike technicians will be on hand to provide advice regarding riding safely, road rules, braking techniques, how gears work and to answer the allimportant question of why cyclists wear so much lycra. Cognition bikes in Tewantin will also provide information on great places to ride on the Coast and how a good seat will make your ride more comfortable. Bike maintenance workshop – Saturday 12 March from 2.30 to 4.30pm Bike maintenance will be the focus of the second workshop. In this session, practical maintenance tips will be revealed to ensure your next ride is a safe one. Learn how to take the wheel off and put it back on again, fix a flat tyre, clean your bike, lube your chain, check your brakes and adjust seat height. Scooter riders’ workshop – Tuesday 15

March from 3.30 to 5pm Scooter riders will have a dedicated workshop with Cognition technicians. Bring your scooter along for maintenance advice that will keep your scooter rolling smoothly. Workshop for the ladies – Saturday 19 March from 9 to 10.30am For the ladies, there will be a cycling workshop followed by a mountain bike ride that will finish at midday. This women’sonly workshop is designed to encourage more women into cycling and provides a forum for all those questions related to bike comfort, maintenance and safety. Enjoy a light morning tea before heading off on a short mountain bike ride on part of Trail 8. BMX demo with Vaughn Royer – Saturday 19 March from 2 to 4pm. Any BMX bike riders who want to learn new tricks? Bring your BMX to the demo on Saturday 19 March and meet Vaughn Royer, Cognition’s sponsored BMX rider. Have fun tearing up the skate park in Cooroy with Vaughn from 2pm to 4pm. There will also be a display of cycling photographs and stories in the Community Lounge, so make sure you take time to sit back and enjoy all that the Cooroy Library has to offer during Bike Week 2011, 12 to 20 March. All workshops are free and bookings and information can be made online at http:// or phone Cooroy Library on 5454 9000. TravelSmart is the major sponsor for Bike Week in Cooroy and Cognition bikes in Tewantin is the

Chiropractic Robert C. Hilditch D.C.

main presenter. As part of Bike Week celebrations, Cooroy Library will have mountain bikes and helmets for hire. These bikes are great to explore some of the off-road trails that start in Cooroy or for short rides around town. Contact Cooroy Library for more information about hiring a bike.

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Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 5

Lilly Pilly

news Take charge of your finances


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AS a general rule, it’s almost always better to use any spare cash you’ve got to pay down debt. This rule is even truer when it’s a mortgage for your own home or a credit card or personal loan. This type of debt isn’t tax-deductible and what this means is that any other investment (savings account, managed funds, share market etc) has to do substantially better than the interest rate on your mortgage to be a better deal. Say your interest rate on your mortgage is 7% and your effective tax rate is 25%, then you’d need to get in excess of 9.3% on the investment for that to be a better option than paying the cash into your mortgage. There may be investments where you’re sure about getting 9.3% or better but is there any

risk? There is no risk in paying down debt. Credit card interest rates typically go from 12.5% upwards, so credit card debt can be a little on the expensive side. Are you using your credit card sensibly? Too many of us don’t and in fact leave large balances unpaid on our cards. If you’ve got a debt that’s crept away from you, one option is to look at balance-transfer credit cards. A balance-transfer card allows you to take the balance from one card, move it to a new card, and possibly get a low rate on that balance for a period of time. It’s a good way to start afresh, but you need to have a plan to get the debt under control, and not just run up a new debt on the new card. You still need to pay the debt off, and if you don’t, there will


BOUNTY WEEK EX BRISBANE 5th - 12th June 2011 come a point where you’re facing a much higher interest rate. To talk more about budgeting or any other banking matter, please call into the branch or call me on 5447 7131. You can also email me at fiona.hutchings@bendigo Fiona Hutchings is the manager of the Cooroy Community Bank Branch of Bendigo Bank, located at 36A Maple Street.

Package includes return flights incl. taxes, • 7 Nights Accommodation at South Pacific Resort • Touring with Pinetree Tours. • Dinners are included as per itinerary. • Full Buffet Breakfast & Dinners as per itinerary • Morning or Afternoon Teas on Touring Days

PRICE PER PERSON BASED ON TWIN SHARE IS $2,499.00P/P Price subject to availability at time of booking. Terms and conditions apply

Cooroy-Eumundi Garden Club

Open: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm - Sat: 9am-1pm

24 Maple St, Cooroy - 5447 7185

THE next meeting of the Cooroy-Eumundi Garden Club will be held on Monday 14 March at the Rotunda, Noosa Botanical Gardens, Lake Macdonald commencing at 9.30 am.The speaker will be Carmel Browne who will give a talk on begonias. Following the meeting there will be a short working-bee at the Club’s garden. New members are always welcome. For further information please contact the Secretary, John Fenton on 5470 2683 or mobile 0410 485 285.

4, 2 Emerald Street Cooroy QLD 4563 Tel: 5447 7088 Fax: 5447 6911

Directors Peter Billinghurst and Wayne Martin

In our community it starts with

Accounting, Taxation & Planning for Businesses, Investors & Self Funded Retirees

At Cooroy Community Bank® Branch we’re committed to our community. So each year we return a portion of our profits to fund and sponsor groups and projects. And simply by doing your banking with us you’ve made a big difference at a local level. Here are some of the initiatives you’ve helped support:

A helping hand for youth Our donation to Cooroy Community Kindergarten has gone towards a new recycling system, helping future generations of kindy children to discover and learn how their simple steps can help our environment.

Sport and recreation Established in 1938, we proudly support the Cooroy Tennis Club as they provide players of all levels an opportunity to enjoy tennis in fun-loving and healthy environment.

Christmas in Cooroy During Christmas in Cooroy each December, we continue to proudly sponsor the Bendigo Community Bank® Street Parade. After another big crowd turned out in

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force in 2010, we look forward to working closely with the Cooroy Community in preparation for an even bigger celebration in 2011.

For more information call into Cooroy Community Bank® Branch and talk to Fiona Hutchings and her team at 36A Maple Street, Cooroy or phone 5447 7131. Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178. AFSL 237879. (S33197) (02/11)

At the Bendigo it starts with U.

Page 6 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

Cooroy Community Bank® Branch

Our experienced team have been in the local area and working together for many years. We are proud of the long lasting relationships we develop with our clients

22 Cedar Street, Cooroy PHONE: 5442 6228


Wellington’s Way With Member for Nicklin Peter Wellington POWERLINK follow-up: I have again asked the Federal Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Mr Tony Burke to authorise someone from his department to inspect Powerlink’s proposed powerline corridor as well as the local action group’s (PAGE) alternate corridor. I contacted his office in November last year and have yet to receive a response to this initial request. Obi Obi Road update: I have received a number of calls from Kenilworth district residents who are concerned about rumours that the down-hill gravel section of the Obi Obi road is to be closed. I have been assured by Main Roads that there is no plan to close this road. Main Roads will continue to engage the Sunshine Coast Regional Council maintenance crews to maintain this road. Main Roads has also advised that they are planning on having one lane of the Obi Obi Road at the landslip site open to traffic in six weeks time. First Sittings of Parliament: Parliament resumed for 2011 on February 15. Anyone with any State Government issues that they would like me to take up with the State Government should contact me to discuss their issues so I can take them up with the relevant Minister or department. Call for Telstra Tower: I support the call for a mobile phone tower for the Cambroon area to service residents in Cambroon and surrounds where there is no mobile phone signal available. Several residents from this district have contacted my office regarding this issue. If anyone would like to add their name to a list of supporters for this proposal, please let me know and I will pass your interest on to the relevant Federal Government department. Meet me in Cooroy: I will be holding my next Cooroy meeting in the Cooroy RSL boardroom on Thursday, March 3, from 10am. Anyone who would like to meet with me can organise an appointment by contacting my Nambour office on 54416933.

news Introducing the Noosa Stone Sculpture Bequest BUDDING sculpture artists now have the opportunity to enter the new Noosa Stone Sculpture Bequest program, with applications open until 31 March 2011. Following the generous $200,000 donation from a private donor, the Noosa Stone Sculpture Bequest program was established to enable the creation of a Stone Sculpture Walk within the Noosa Botanic Gardens (located at Lake Macdonald, Cooroy) over the coming years. The Noosa Stone Sculpture Bequest will be awarded biennially and will enable the winning sculptor the opportunity to travel and work for two months, with access to master tuition at the renowned Studio Corsanini in Carrara, Italy. Following the Carrara residency the artist will receive assistance to complete a stone piece to be added to the sculpture walk within the gardens. Community Policy and Programs Portfolio Councillor Jenny McKay said the new bequest program will ultimately provide both a venue of excellence for Australian artists working in stone and an enhanced visitor experience at the gardens. “The beautiful Noosa Botanic Gardens stand to benefit from the generosity of this private donor, with a love of the arts and gardens, and a desire to see one of Noosa’s hidden treasures more widely known and enjoyed,” she said. “In time, the bequest will create a stone sculpture walk-through the gardens, establishing it as a national destination for the Sunshine Coast, demonstrating excellence for artists working in stone.”

The judging panel will include the donor; a person with recognised stone sculpture expertise; and a representative of Creative Communities, Sunshine Coast Council. The Stone Sculpture Walk will present artworks that express the theme ‘Emotions of a Lifetime’. It is expected that a range of contemporary and classical stone sculpture techniques will be used to explore the diversity in human emotions from birth to death, those that are shared and those that are private. Manager Creative Communities, Pauline Gordon said the Noosa Stone Sculpture Bequest is designed to provide a direct ‘Carrara connection’ for Australian stone sculptors. “For stone sculptors the world over, the spectacular marble quarries and renowned studios of Carrara are at the heart of their art, as they have been for artists through the centuries from Michelangelo to Henry Moore,” she said. “The bequest will add significantly to national recognition and interest for the arts on the Sunshine Coast, supporting and stimulating aspiring stone sculptors, and complementing other art opportunities across the region.” The gift of the first sculpture to be installed at Noosa Botanic Gardens has been awarded directly by the donor to MJ Anderson, who has a long affiliation with Carrara. More details regarding the official unveiling in March 2011 will be announced soon. Applications are now open to enter the Bequest and close on 31 March 2011. A $25 entry fee applies. To apply online or for more details visit .

Youth mentors urgently needed LOCAL people interested in offering mentoring support to young people in the Noosa and hinterland area are being sought to participate in the highly successful youth mentoring program run by United Synergies in local Sunshine Coast schools. The mentoring program aims to provide structured and trusting relationships bringing together a young person with a caring individual who can offer guidance, support and encouragement. The program has been running on the Coast for eight years and last year matched more than 80 young people with local community mentors. Historically it has offered mentoring support only to high school stu-

dents. However this year mentoring support will also be offered to year 7 students in local primary schools. Mentoring is a simple concept with a committed adult providing time and a willing ear. Mentors who volunteer with United Synergies range in age from 19 to 89 and come from all walks of life. They require no specific profile or set of skills, but rather are people from diverse backgrounds with a range of expertise. Mentors are people who give their time freely to help the young people of the Sunshine Coast. United Synergies’ mentoring program coordinator Nikki Watkins said a mentoring relationship had an enormous

Don’t Push & Burn - Mulch it! • Land Clearing • Fire Breaks • Re-growth • Lantana infestations • Stump Grinding • Trees • Fence Lines • House Sites • Driveways – (new or repair) • Earthworks 4 in 1 • Mowing – 21Hp Zero Turn (light to med slopes)

DG Posi-Track Mulching 100Hp

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Darrel: 0412 020 789 - 5447 9799

8 Reserve Street, Pomona

5485 1788 Traveston Mortgagee Sale with Potential

• Large 4 bdrm Queenslander style home on 5 acres in need of some loving • Country style kitchen, high ceilings, spacious living area • Inground saltwater pool • Large dam, bore • 2 bay carport + 2 bay shed & workshop area • Neighbouring 8 acres also up for Auction • Open homes every Saturday until Auction 10 – 10:45am

628 Traveston Road Auction on Site - Saturday 12th March 11am Adam Watts 0410 512 364

Traveston Mortgagee Exercising Right to Sell!

• 8 acre vacant allotment in the heart of Traveston

impact on a young person. “The advice and support of people in the community who have met and survived the challenges that life may bring is invaluable to young people who are at risk of losing their way,” she said. If you are aged 18 or over, have two hours a week spare time to spend with a young person and want to give back to your community then the Connect 2 Mentoring Program may be for you. Mentors are currently urgently sought in the Coolum, Nambour, Cooroy, Tewantin and Kuluin areas. All necessary training and other professional development is provided by United Synergies.Contact Nikki Watkins on (07) 5442 4277.

Free* Hearing Check Up If you think your hearing has worsened, you are probably right. You may be one of 3.28 million Australians currently affected by hearing loss. 5HVHDUFK VKRZV EHQHÀW ZLWK early hearing assistance. The longer you live without sounds, the harder it is for your brain to get used to comprehending these sounds again.

Noosa Hinterland

• Land is all useable • Plenty of building sites taking in scenic rural outlook • Property is gently undulating with beautiful meandering creek & deep water holes. • Fenced on 3 sides & just needs small amount of fencing to be animal friendly • Neighbouring 5 acres with house also up for Auction

624 Traveston Road Auction on Site - Saturday 12th March 11am Adam Watts 0410 512 364


If you’re over 50 or hard of hearing, book in now for your free* hearing check up. See ZKHWKHU \RX FRXOG EHQHÀW from hearing assistance.

5443 6633

Eden Private Health Care Centre, 50 Maple Street, Cooroy *Conditions apply. Limited time only.

Maroochydore | Cooroy | Noosa | Gympie | Caloundra | Nambour Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 7

Going Away? Send your cat to play at

Celebrating 50 years


This year, the Cooroy Rag celebrates its 50th birthday and in recognition of this milestone we though it appropriate to feature some snippets of the past. We’ll be setting aside space in each edition for the rest of the year so if you have any old Cooroy Rags stashed away we’d love to have a look at them. Please call in to the office or phone us on 5442 6699.



Private apartments • Toys • Play • Cuddles Eve & Don Ledson

Traveston PH: (07) 5485 2936 • 0423 102 657

The Cooroy Butter Factory was making news in June 4, 1969

A change of hands for the Newsagency November 5, 1969

The days when you had to have a licence to watch TV January 28, 1970

It takes a Village to Raise a Child Recently families and staff came together at Karinya Montessori Children’s House, to have a get to know you night, we found that this was a great community building time, parents got to meet other parents and develop networks which are supportive to their family. Play – dates and car pooling where organised and families feel part of a group of parents that are dedicated to their child’s very important foundation years of learning. Children’s comments- “ I liked coming back to school and playing with my friends in the dark!” Parent’s comments- “ I really enjoyed the night as I got to meet other parents, and listen to the teacher which is so dedicated to my child’s development.” Staff comments- “ I feel really appreciated, I know that there is a real partnership to support the children.” If you wish to join this supportive family environment, limited positions are available for children 3-6 years so give Kerri a call for an obligation fee tour of the centre- 54 72 05 05

Regulation school wear in May 1970 - maid hats, stockings and panti hose


WIN The Ultimate Cooroy SHOPPING SPREE & Shop till you drop Submit entries at Cooroy Saddlery

“A Nuturing and Educational Environment of Excellence”

Drawn at their Second Birthday Sale 5th March 1st Prize - $1,000 worth of Shopping Vouchers from participating local retailers 2nd Prize - $300 in Vouchers 3rd Prize - $200 in Vouchers BONUS: WIN an extra $100 in cash if you are present and holding a Cooroy Saddlery Warehouse sales docket dated 5/3/11 and your entry is drawn out as 1st Prize

11 Kauri Street, Cooroy - 5472 0505

Page 8 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

17 Jarrah St, Cooroy Ph: 5447 6136 DRAWN MIDDAY MARCH 5, 2011

SPV Accounting

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Leadlight Classes

• 2 x ½ Day Beginners Classes • Introductive Special $99 • All Materials & Tools provided • Normal Price $149 • Classes held at Cooroy Butter Factory

Police Sergeant and Champion Axeman April 1969 March 1969 - Cooroy was in the midst of a building boom and Black Mountain got a new TV Tower

Material supplied by Edna Smith


Phone Kelly 0433 566 850 or email

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Doctor of your choice (male & female), Same day appointment. Call us now to find what is in progress.

Cooroy Family Practice Cnr Elm & Pearl St, Cooroy - 5472 0064 OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 8.30am-4.30pm Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 9

news A touch of country and denim hits Cooroy Lifeline for their annual massive denim sale


COOROY Lifeline hosts their Massive Denim Sale with huge success each year. This year, the Sale which raises vital funds for Lifeline’s services, will be held on the 24th, 25th and 26th March in the C.W.A. Hall in Maple Street. Denim and country lovers from all over the Coast and as far as Brisbane make the trek up to Cooroy for the Hall of Denim Heaven which contains an absolute plethora of denim must-haves for every season. With denim being one of the only constants on the fashion scene, dedicated Cooroy Denim sale shoppers will have to get in early to fight the fashionable crowds this year. On Thursday 24th and Friday 25th March, the hall will be open from 8:30 am through until 4:30pm and on Saturday 26th, from 8:00am until 1:00pm for the Clearance Sale. Denim enthusiasts can expect quality new and recycled denim and country clothing for every shape, size, age, gender and taste. There will even be cute yet durable denim duds for the kids. In the Hall of Denim Heaven, top designer and name brand jeans like R.M. Williams, Levi’s, Roxy, Lee, Thomas Coon, to name just a few, will be on sale at no more that $15 a pair. Customers will be able to wade through a superb choice of jeans, jackets, skirts, shirts, leather boots, bags and belts, Akubra hats and Aussie Books. All funds raised from the event will be injected into the services which Lifeline offer in the way of support for the community. These services and support structures are offered free to anyone in the community who is hurting and in need of counselling services. For more information on the sale and where to go to get excellent quality denim and country clothing while donating to charity, contact Deb at Lifeline Cooroy on 5442 6464 or drop into Lifeline Cooroy and ask the helpful team the details.


10 Fantail Cresent Cooroy


5447 7461

Calf Sales at Eumundi Saleyards Mondays at 1pm Cattle Sales Fortnightly at Eumundi Saleyards Tuesdays at 1pm

FOR TOP AUCTION PRICES consign your cattle to

EUMUNDI SALEYARDS Market Advice & Inspection

Mike Wheeler 5496 1203 or mobile 0417 320 590 Clint Murtagh 0428 711 102

Cooroy Aglow COOROY Aglow will hold a morning tea on Friday, March 18, commencing at 9.30am a the Anglican Hall, Cnr of Tewantin Rd and Mia St, Cooroy. Admission $6. All welcome. For further information phone Narelle 5447 6482 or Pat 5447 6167.

Cooroy CWA COOROY CWA are hold a fashion parade on Saturday, April 2, 2011 at the CWA Hall at 1.30pm. Fashions by ‘Fashion Is” (Barb Kendall). Cost $10pp. A delicious afternoon tea will be served. Tickets phone Wendy 5447 6140.

3 year warranty


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BONUS Hitch Kit & Trailer Offer ends 31st March or until stocks last

Page 10 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011





news Trouble with your TV reception?


IF you have sold the kids off for chemical experiments, mortgaged the speedboat or compromised on your choice of chocolate and beer in order to have a decent TV service, and still met with disappointment, then you will be pleased to know that a brand new free to air satellite TV service is available to you. The service is called Viewer Access Satellite Television and has been developed by the Australian Government in conjunction with Southern Cross Seven, Imparja Nine and the Ten network to service television black spots where no digital land service is planned or available. VAST transmits ABC1, ABC2, ABC3, ABC News24, SBS ONE, SBS TWO, SBS HD, Southern Cross Central Seven , 7TWO, 7mate, Imparja, GO!, Gem, Ten, One HD, One, Eleven and Regional News from different areas in all of the states. As a minimum, VAST offers the same number of television channels that are available in capital cities but there is really over 40 useful channels to choose from if you count the ABC and SBS time shifted repetitions from different states. If you miss a show on the Queensland network you can watch it later by switching to the West Australian network. Anyone can purchase a VAST system and immediately receive all of the ABC and SBS channels, however decryption of the commercial channels is only available to those viewers living in a gazetted black spot or viewers who have registered as travellers. If you live in a non-gazetted fringe area and are unable to receive conventional TV because of poor signal strength you will not be eligible for decryption of the commercial channels until six months prior to analogue


switch off in your district under current legislation. It is envisaged that a field strength survey of the terrestrial channels will be required to prove your eligibility. The VAST decoder has HDMI and RGB outputs, 5.1 Channel Sound and the backward compatible Composite Video/Stereo on standard AV outlets. VAST is a completely free service after initial installation. Call PinkTronix on 0429 834809 for a quote to install the new Viewer Access Satellite Television or visit our website at for an entertaining and jargon free description of VAST, and other services on offer. PinkTronix is a fresh face in terrestrial and satellite television installation. With formal (ADF), electronics training and over 20 years in the electronics service industry PinkTronix offers a new level of competence and professionalism to customers in the Sunshine Coast, Cooloola and Wide Bay Districts. PinkTronix also offers a scoping service for internet installations where doubt exists as to the suitability of a satellite or wireless service. If you have a marginal but useful signal for your mobile phone or wireless internet PinkTronix can install an antenna that will give you rock solid reception providing your device has an external antenna connector. If you require a TV antenna installation, a VAST satellite service or a remote area internet service which works all of the time, don’t hesitate to contact PinkTronix.

Check this Out!!

Have you Seen a Garage World Shed? • Friendly customer service with expert advice and quality workmanship • A world class design featuring the famous ‘Morinda Bracketry System’, meaning a non welded frame with rust and corrosion free joints. • Heavy anchor brackets caste into the concrete • All Australian products sourced from Bluescope guarantees a premium product

Come & see what you’re missing out on! OPEN: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm Sat 9.00am-12pm

Cnr Pine Street & Bruce Hwy, Gympie

5482 8990 Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 11



Time to plan Schoolies 2011 in Fiji


SCHOOLIES Safaris FIJI - 26 November 2011: With the schoolies Fiji experience you will Travel right around Fiji’s main island and stay in some of Fiji’s best budget beachside and rainforest resorts. Visit Fiji’s beautiful beaches, amazing rainforests and enjoy fascinating cultural experiences with the happy locals. Not to mention sandboarding the famous Sigatoka sand dunes and bilibili rafting in the Fijian wilderness! It’s the perfect blend of sun, sea, culture and adventure. Safari Highlights include: Village visit with traditional sevu sevu welcome ceremony ; Bilibili rafting with the locals; The No. 1 Fiji experience – sandboarding the Sigatoka sand dunes; Visiting a remote school or orphanage; Traditional lovo feast; River tubing and longboat ride; Rainforest trek; Swimming at pristine secluded waterfalls; Stay in Fiji’s best budget beachside and rainforest resorts. Seats are strictly limited because we keep the group/s to approx 20 each. Book your Safari with 3 or more friends and receive 5% discount! Safaris are escorted from Australia by handpicked youth leaders who are best described as fun loving and outgoing adventurists, with a touch of craziness as well! Plus our ‘no drugs or alcohol’ policy ensures there’s nothing getting in the way of a good time! For the schoolies experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. For more information phone Cooroy Travel on 5447 7088.

K C I U Q E B You wear it well!



8 Lower Mill Road, Cooroy

• Timber Slabs for sale • Handmade wooden artifacts for sale • Carving & Turning • Classes for Members • Memberships Now Available • Club rooms open Thursday & Saturday mornings • Donations of Timber gratefully accepted • Sawdust & Shavings available Contact Jim Pounds 5470 2415 for Purchases & Donations of Timber Page 12 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

SINCE taking over Cooroy Travel three years ago Sandra Sutton has seen the business continue with a steady growth providing travel to the residents of Cooroy and surrounding areas. They are now pleased to welcome new team member Melissa Shepherd. Melissa has wealth of knowledge and experience. She has been involved in the travel industry for 12 years having owned her own agency on the Sunshine Coast for 5 years. She is an experienced cruiser and has also travelled extensively to such places as America, Canada and the South Pacific. Mell hopes to meet you soon to help you plan your dream holiday.

New wooden seating at Cooroy library

50% OFF! 12C MAPLE ST, COOROY PHONE 07 5442 6116

L-R: Adriana Donlen, Melissa Shepherd, Sandra Sutton

COOROY’S state-ofthe-art library is proudly displaying a new addition to its grand entry – a handmade wooden seat donated by the

Cooroora Woodworkers. A long time member of the Cooroora Woodworkers, Dave Putland was chief designer and

builder of the piece that now catches your eye when entering the building. Cooroy Community Precinct Manager Tracey King said the feature chair has really brought a new warmth and friendliness to the entry. “We are getting so many comments from people about how beautiful the chair is and how it gives the entry an entirely new feel,” she said. Mr Putland created three models for library staff to review and then select the design that would best suit the needs of library users. The seat needed to complement the existing building, provide comfortable seating and reflect the natural beauty

of the woods used. Mr Putland said the seat was designed specifically to blend with the existing wooden slat structures that line the front exterior wall of the library. “The seat is made from materials sourced locally, with even the brackets coming from a local supplier,” he said. “We selected tallow wood and blackbutt timber from a mill at North Arm for the project.” Development has been underway for many months and Mr Putland has spent hundreds of hours crafting the piece. He even built small timber features in the shape of books to cover external brackets that secures the seat to the wall. “It’s this attention to detail that makes the

seat such a special addition to our wonderful library,” Ms King said. The seat was completed with the assistance of a number of Cooroora Woodworkers who worked for many days sanding and varnishing, giving the seat its stylish finish. The library and woodworking group are part of the many groups that operate on Mill Place precinct. Ms King said this seat is just one example of the numerous ways the library operates in collaboration with the many partners at the precinct. “We encourage the Cooroy community to come and visit the library and take part in the many activities that Mill Place partners provide,” she said.

Noosa living in every way but one. STAGE 3 BLOCKS NOW SELLING FROM JUST $215,000*

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Surrounded by bushland and spectacular views, Greenwood Grove places you within easy reach of Cooroy’s shopping, kindergartens, private and public schools, sporting fields and golf courses. Plus, Greenwood Grove is minutes from pristine beaches, boutique shopping, cafes, and world-class restaurants. Discover your new way of living at Greenwood Grove. Hurry now to secure your home in the popular Stage 3 release.

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*Price correct at time of printing.

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Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 13

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news NDSHS student praised for efforts in PICSE program


THE supervisors of the University of the Sunshine Coast’s PICSE program couldn’t speak more highly of Noosa High student, Nick Kauter, at the completion of a 2-week industry placement at Underwater World over the school break. “We have fantastic feedback about him!” exclaimed Mrs. Vanessa Quinliven, head of Science at Noosa High. The Primary Industry Centre of Science Education (PICSE), an initiative of USC, offers industry placement to senior science students through an application and interview process. “They want students who have a genuine interest in science and might be looking at a career or further education in science,” explained Nick, who did his placement at Underwater World. The placement was in 2 parts; there was a week at USC where students heard from guest lecturers from the primary industry sector, and a week at one of the designated aquaculture or agriculture businesses. “Aquaculture is about preparing marine animals for human consumption but obviously this isn’t the case at Underwater World”, said Nick with a wry smile. Instead he gained knowledge in many aspects of animal husbandry assisting with animal care, feeding animals and cleaning tanks and rocks. He also gained some experience in front of house activities such as presenting to marine park visitors. Nick also participated in a reporting-back session where he was awarded a $300 cheque and a certificate of completion. The program aims to raise awareness of careers in the areas of primary industries and sustainability. Students looked at the integral relationship between science and primary industries and how primary producers are more and more looking to science to improve productivity. Altogether, 23 young would-be scientists from as far away as Tasmania participated in the program, some through an exchange arrangement. Students completed the final part of their placement on the 9th February at USC when each of the students presented a 3-minute speech to their peers and guests from the industry.

Nick Kauter presenting at Underwater World

Funding & Grants IF you’ve got an idea for a sustainable transport project, you could be eligible for a Sunshine Coast Council TravelSmart Grant. From 16 February, council is offering grants of up to $2000 for anyone wanting to implement a sustainable transport initiative that’s of benefit to the community. Whether you want to install facilities that encourage people to walk, cycle or ride a scooter, provide go cards to

encourage public transport use, organise a bus for a community event or set up a sustainable transport business like bike recycling, you’re in with a chance Applications must be made online at by 6 April and you can also contact a TravelSmart Grants Officer on (07) 5475 7272 if you need any more information or assistance.

what’s on at Mill place at the Butter Factory Arts Centre

BUILDING RESTORATION WORKS The Butter Factory Arts Centre and Pottery is now closed for foundation and restoration works and will reopen in late April. During this time Arts Centre staff will be located at the Cooroy Library and can be contacted on 5472 0222.

WORKSHOP PROGRAMS On reopening, the Butter Factory Arts Centre will introduce an exciting new workshop program offering a diverse range of activities for all ages and interests. Most workshops cost $220 for an eight week term plus materials with basic tools and equipment provided.Daytime and evening workshop sessions will be offered Tuesdays to Saturdays from Tuesday 3 May. For bookings and more information please contact Butter Factory Arts Centre staff on 54720222 or visit

The Butter Factory Arts Centre is an arts initiative of Creative Communities - growing our creative region Page 14 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

at the Cooroy Library March Wednesdays 9:30am – 10am Storytelling Come along to storytelling, aimed at 5 year olds and under, with a fun craft activity afterwards. A great way to meet other parents! FREE, No bookings required. Tuesday 1st March 10am – 11am Backpacking to Freedom “Backpacking to Freedom: Solo at Sixty” is the amazing story of Maggie Counihan, who at age 60 went solo travelling with her backpack when the challenges of family and domestic life had run their course. FREE, Bookings Essential.

12th - 20th March Bike Week Celebrations! BIKE TECHNIQUES AND ADVICE WORKSHOP – SATURDAY 12 MARCH FROM 1 TO 2PM Bike technicians will be on hand to provide advice regarding riding safely, road rules, braking techniques, how gears work etc. Cognition bikes in Tewantin will also provide information on great places to ride on the Coast and how a good seat will make your ride more comfortable. FREE Bookings Essential BIKE MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP – SATURDAY 12 MARCH FROM 2.30 TO 4.30PM Learn how to take the wheel off and put it back on again, fix a flat tyre, clean your bike, lube your chain, check your brakes and adjust seat height. FREE Bookings essential. SCOOTER RIDERS’ WORKSHOP – TUESDAY 15 MARCH FROM 3.30 TO 5PM Scooter riders will have a dedicated workshop with Cognition technicians. Bring your scooter along for maintenance advice that will keep your scooter rolling smoothly. FREE Bookings essential WORKSHOP FOR THE LADIES – SATURDAY 19 MARCH FROM 9 TO MIDDAY This women’s-only workshop is designed to encourage more women into cycling and provides a forum for all those questions related to bike comfort, maintenance and safety. Enjoy a light morning tea before heading off on a short mountain bike ride on part of Trail 8. FREE Bookings essential BMX DEMO WITH VAUGHN ROYER – SATURDAY 19 MARCH FROM 2 TO 4PM. Any BMX bike riders who want to learn new tricks? Bring your BMX to the demo on Saturday 19 March and meet Vaughn Royer, Cognition’s sponsored BMX rider. Have fun tearing up the skate park in Cooroy with Vaughn from 2pm to 4pm. FREE No bookings required. Mountain bikes and helmets for hire. Come and hire a bike to explore some of the off -road trails that start in Cooroy or for short rides around town. Contact Cooroy Library for more information about hiring a bike. Tuesday 21th 7pm Moonwalk with the Millers Walking Group Moon Walking is a FREE Sunshine Coast Council “Health & Wellbeing” program for all residents and visitors to the Sunshine Coast. Meet the Millers walking group at the Library at 7pm. No bookings required . Gold coin donation for supper afterwards.

dining & entertainment


It’s not all ‘Smokin Mirrors’ More than just a coffee loyalty card, you earn points for every It’s e dollar you spend as R

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2A Emerald Street, Cooroy 5472 0065

THERE are many party rock cover bands on the coast but ‘Smokin Mirrors’have an edge to their format. Known for their live sound, (no smoke and mirrors here,) versatility and professionalism, they’ll get you on the dance floor and partying. With three vocalists in the band there are no limits to the repoitoire, and with the added sound of mandolin on some songs, the quality is second to none for a four piece band. Following up from last years debut show at ‘Christmas in Cooroy’,and recent shows at Gympie RSL and The Imperial Hotel,

Eumundi, the band is looking forward to their next show on the 4th of March at The Cooroy Hotel. With new songs, loyal fans and many gigs booked around the coast for 2011 the band is looking forward to a very busy year. Dave (RM) Williams, Johnny K, Da Mignon and MOBY, are all experienced and passionate musicians who love to perform songs from the early sixties right through to hits of today. So if you’re looking for a great Friday night out, catch Smokin Mirrors at The Cooroy Hotel, on Friday the 4th March @8.30 till 11.30pm.

Maison de Provence

Patisserie Chocolate

Indoor/Outdoor Dining Open Mon-Sat from 8am 9/13 Garnet St, Cooroy - 5472 0077 Tinbeerwah Art Group (TAG) Members Avril Hare, Lynn M.Shaw, Jan Cooke, Sandi Trim, Elizabeth Anderson


at the RSL Hall





some wonderful paintings guests enjoyed a talk by French chocolatier Eric Pernoud of Maison de Provence on the art of chocolate making followed by a sampling of his delicious handmade chocolates. Proceeds from the evening were donated to Eden Rehabilitation Centre.



TINBEERWAH Art Group,Cooroy RSL Bowls Club and Maison de Provence Cooroy hosted the opening of TAG’s first art exhibition for 2011 “Love is in the Air” on Friday 11th February.Appropriately just before Valentine’s Day the evening’s theme was Art, Love & Chocolates. In addition to

Children must be collected by an adult Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 15


Nikki, Scott and Dave

FRESH SEAFOOD & TastyMonday Takeaway Menu - Closed

Tuesday-Thursday: 9.30am-7.00pm Friday: 9.30am-7.30pm Saturday: 10.30am-7.30pm Sunday: 10.30am-7.00pm

Friday & Saturday Nights Try Our Thai Seafood Red Curry 5/12 Maple Street Cooroy

PH: 5447 7022

Page 16 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

COOROY bids farewell to Dave Newbury, manager of the Cooroy Hotel. Dave has been with the company for seven years and managed the Cooroy Hotel for the past three during which time he has has overseen many changes to this iconic establishment. At a farewell get-together, Hotel owner Scott Armstrong wished Dave all the very best as he heads down to NSW to start his own business venture. Congratulations to Nikki McDonald, long time employee, who has been promoted to manager. We wish both Dave and Nikki every success.

Belli old-time dance BELLI Hall Flood Relief Dance for Australia Day raised a total of $1800 to support Queensland flood victims. A special thank you to the Sunshine Swing Band for donating their time and to the Belli Picnic Shop for your kind donations. Our next Belli OldTime Dance will be held on Saturday, 5 March, starting at 7.30 pm. Belli Hall is located in beautiful Belli Park at 1170 Kenilworth Road. For dance or hall information ring Margaret on 5447 0175.

dining & entertainment Ayla releases ‘Imagination’ NOT many songwriters attribute a pet butcherbird and Julie Andrews as two of their formative musical influences, but 15 year old Ayla is a little different. Growing up in a solarpowered farmhouse high on a ridge in a secluded valley on the Sunshine Coast hinterland without a TV, things were fairly quiet, with Grommet the butcherbird a frequent visitor and accomplished singer, followed by repeated playing of ‘The Sound of Music’ DVD, the only one her parents had, once a television was bought aged 5. Ayla was not exposed to a lot of established musical influences until after she had already developed her own sound, when she began to listen to such artists as Norah Jones, Casey Chambers, Feist, Sara Storer and Colby Caillat. There is a great maturity in Ayla’s writing which seems to come easily to her. She describes her songs as a gift, and it seems that they just appear one day, as if from nowhere. Her natural gift for song writing saw Ayla begin to compose little songs as

a small child, singing often to her family, and she had begun to write and record informally by the age of 8. There was some initial direction taken from singing lessons with Leah Barclay at Cooroy, a progressive young Conservatorium of Music student who allowed Ayla full license to explore her own unique style, and acted more as a coach than a strict taskmistress. Levels in musicianship, guitar and keyboard were achieved, at which point Leah enrolled Ayla in the Noosa Shire Creative Careers Music Camp in 2008 for an intensive week of musical mentoring and jamming with other local youngsters. At the completion of the final concert for the week, Ayla sang her song ‘Blue Angel’ without any backing, her pure tones bringing tears from all the ladies in the audience, and goosebumps all round. She was awarded a session in the recording studio with Robin YoungSmith for this performance, recording ‘Blue Angel’, ‘Don’t Cry’ and ‘Back to the Country’ for an EP, at the age of 12.

During 2010 Ayla has been recording ‘Imagination’, a 5-song EP of self-penned countryfolk pop, with producer Duncan Wood, in his underground studio at Touchwood Productions near Caboolture. Many of the themes relate to adolescent issues, but they seem to be the considered reflections from an older and wiser person rather than a young teenager, thus appealing to a much wider audience. The future looks busy for Ayla, with radio station interviews, live performances, a supporting act for EP release for Lemyae Metchkor, at The J in Noosa Junction on 5th March at 7.30pm. Tickets are available by phoning 5447 0337.

dining & entertainment Love was in the air in Cooroy on Valentine’s Day


Tony and Cynthia Atkinson and Jade and James Callianiotis at Maison de Provence

Brenda, Kerry and Robyn at Maison de Provence

Gisela and Tom Ranacher at Jamaica Blue


Doug and Joyce Andreassen at the RSL


Keep our heroes afloat

VARIETY SHOW Saturday 5th March 12.30pm

March 12th

March 26th (Proceeds to Rotary)

N! E E R G HE T N O ge GET very a


re o f s e Gam vel e l y r e and ev FREE r o f t i y r t

after dark in MARCH



Beverley and Nigel Starkey at the RSL

• 4th - Steve Graham • 11th - Fabian • 18th - Rock N On • 25th - Tanya Stevens Scroungers - Fridays 5pm @ Bowls - All Welcome




DINNER MEAL DEAL pool comp nomination 6.30pm


Mon-Fri 12-2 $2 cappuccinos Monday-Friday 10-12 & 3-5

$12.50 peta’s wine $10 a bottle



bingo 9am $1000 Jackpot chook run & members draw 6.00pm

monster raffles 6.00pm everyone welcome



carvery lunch goose club & dinner from $9.90 12.00pm under 12’s eat free FREE poker from 7.00pm members draw & raffles

COOROY RSL & BOWLS RSL Maple Street 54476131 Bowls Opal Street 54476051 WEB Email –


Information for Members, Guests & bona-fide visitors - Courtsey Bus Thursday - Sunday Nights

Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 17



Cooroy Blue Light Disco THE Cooroy Blue Light disco is off to a brilliant start for 2011 with the first one of the year attracting over 100 children. The Blue Light Disco is a safe place for Under 18s to meet up with friends, enjoy the latest music and win some great prizes. It’s fully supervised by Police and volunteers and no child is allowed to leave the hall until a parent arrives to collect them. The next disco will be held on Saturday, March 12 at the Cooroy RSL Hall from 6.30 to 9pm.

home stay

cuddles all day play time exercise great food great company safe homely fun this is NOT a kennel . . .!!

Please call Faith - 5447 7769

Want a Well Behaved Dog?

We make it Easy!

Written Lifetime Guarantee

1800 067 710

QUEENSLANDS FAMOUS CHARCUTERIE & Smokehouse Open: Wednesday to Friday 10.30am-5.30pm Saturday 7.30am-2.30pm Page 18 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

Authentic Handcrafted Continental Wood-Fired Sausages, Hams & Bacons plus Our Extensive Range of GLUTEN FREE & PRESERVATIVE FREE Fresh Sausages

Lot 1 Nandroya Road, Cooroy “just past the Golf Course” Phone: 5472 0331



• Chainsaws from $199 • Trimmers from $129 • Blowers from $199

Post Hole Borer $389 incl. Auger

Electric Chipper $379 Lisa Pree (Lakeridge Health & Beauty) celebrated her 50th birthday by jumping out of an aeroplane!!!


•Trestles • Planks • Trailer Hire • Gardening & Lawn Appliances and many more items available



Happy birthday to Adam and Kimberly Brittain who both celebrated milestone birthdays last month. Adam turned 21 on Feb 17th and Kimberly was 18 on Feb 23rd. Love and smiles from your family and friends.

Congratulations to Kaila Marriott and Derek Rose on their recent engagement

AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURAL • Brass Fittings • Brake Pipes • Bearings • Seals • Oils • Belts • Workshop Supplies • Mower Belts

Distributors for

Professional Personalised Local Service Shop 2 / 1 Jarrah Street COOROY

Phone Terry & Tezza ‘The Indispensables’ 5442 6890 Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 19

Classifieds Church Notices


Cooroy Community Baptist Church

Col, Del, Graham, Clare & Families would like to thank relatives & friends for their kind thoughts, cards, flowers & support for Sugar.

God’s LLove ove is Amazing! Memorial Hall Maple Street Cooroy

For Sale

Special thankyou to doctors at Maple St Surgery, Noosa Hospital, Eden Health Care, Holy Spirit Hospital, Tim & staff at Drysdale Funerals fo all their help. .

For Sale

Beautiful Blue Cattle Pups 2 Female 1 Male 6 weeks old Ready to go to good homes $250 each

Ever ybody Welcome Everybody Pastor: Bill VanZutphen Enquiries: 5485 0265 - 5447 9355

Phone: 0407 112 871

Pomona - Rectory St - Sunday 7.30am Cooroy - Tewantin Road - Sunday 9.30am Kin Kin - Main St - 5.30pm (except 4th Sunday) Boreen Point - Roberts House - 4th Sunday 5.30pm For more info call the Revd Julie Woolner on 5485 1218

Uniting Church in Australia Cooroy/Pomona

SUNDAY SERVICES 8.00am - Cooroy - 51 Maple St 9.30am - Pomona - 27 Factory St

1990 E Mercedes

• Good condition • 18” chrome wheels • Tinted electric windows • Twin dumpers • Great sound system • Road worthy cert.

BARGAIN @ $7,400 PH: 0421 448 199

ARC WELDER Lincoln in Working Condition • 15 amps • 23 volts • Single phase • Low/med/high settings • Welding cables • Earth & rod clamp • Welding mask wire brush • 3.5km welding rods

$135 ONO PH: 54425447

PH: 5447 6152

Whats On

The Church of United Spiritualism of Australia

Cooroy Pomona Legacy Laurel Club GET TOGETHER COOROY RSL CLUB EVERY 4TH MONDAY 11am Come and have a chat Stay for lunch if you wish Legatee in Attendance Ph. Julie 54720845

Australia’s only proclaimed spiritual denomination Services every Wednesday evening 7pm QCWA Hall, Maple St Cooroy Modern music, meditation / healing, guest speakers, clairvoyance Tea / coffee afterwards

All Welcome Rev Kathy McVann 0414 972632

PLAYGROUP Federal Playgroup Federal Hall, Bruce Hwy Thursdays 9.30am – 11.30am Ph Lisa 0439732444

Position Vacant Professional couple seeking fit & thorough cleaner for cute Queensland cottage in Pinbarren, who takes pride in her/his work. Kitchen / Lounge / Dining Area / Bathroom / Sep. Toilet / Laundry area / Deck with poss. ½ hr dedicated to light weeding of flower bed per week. Approx. 3 hours per week all up. (Bedrooms / Office excluded). Prefer Fridays or Thursdays. Experience with references preferred. If interested please contact at or call 0412 583662

Church Notices

St John Lutheran Church Lambert-Hyne Drive, Imbil 1st & 3rd Sunday HC, 10.30am 4th Sunday, 9am Enquiries Pastor Frank Rasenberger 5482 1435 Page 20 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

NDHS - uniforms, Size 12 white blouse, size 14 skirt, size 12 polo shirt, size 14 jumper - $120 for the lot. Phone 5474 5469.

Garage Sale 5th March 7am

Worship Service 10am Sundays

Anglican Parish of Cooroora Sunday Services

GAS - ELECTRIC Consul 220, 2 door fridge $800. Phone 5474 9672.

211 Oceanview Rd Cooroy Quality Furniture Lounge/Dining Setting Rugs Odds & Ends

Accommodation / Home Stay Mature couple looking for a home to rent or care for in the Cooroy area for 12 months or longer. Unfortunately past the wild party stage so the home would be well cared for as well as the garden. Excellent references.

Please contact Phil 0428 547 499

Free use of Land I’m motivated by the frightening stories about the demise of bees, both native and exotic & am offering a safe (no cost) home/location for someone who has bee hives. I’ve got a big, property at Black Mt, with lots of mature trees as well as pasture.

PH: 0417 207 170

To Rent 2 HALLS for Rent Cooroy Uniting Church - Ph: 5447 6071. Pomona Uniting Church Ph: 5447 7278. Very reasonable rates.

What’s On Cooroy Business Womens Breakfast Held 2nd Wednesday every month @ Maison de Provence, Wattle St Complex Bookings Essential Phone Maragret

5447 6145

COOROY RAG Community Newspaper

ABN 13 863 064 712, PO Box 898, Cooroy, 4563

Phone 5442 6699 Fax 5442 5821 Published every 3 weeks by Cooroy Community Newspaper Inc trading as Cooroy Rag 7000 copies distributed Opinions expressed by contributors to Cooroy Rag are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher and publication of advertisements implies no endorsement by the publisher

Next edition: March 23, 2011 Deadline March 10

pomona Famous filmmaker shoots local band


POMONA BOWLS CLUB Come along to Pomona enjoy a game of bowls & make some new friends



Friday Nights 7.00pm

7.30pm Membership Draw - You must be present to WIN

Register from 1pm Great Cash Prizes

Courtesy Bus available Friday Night

Crack-a-Jack Restaurant Chris Lofven

Action scene

an interview. The boys were rapt when he offered to do a shoot for their new song ‘Bus Driver’. A local bus was needed and Craig Finzel’s eccentric ‘Ol’ School Bus’ was perfect. As a whole The Curves have copious amounts of variety within their chosen genre, their sound spectrum spans from mid sixties folk rock, Beatlesque pop and Floydish psychedelia, to good old fashioned Rock & Roll. More than just another modern interpretation of a vintage sound; as far as they’re concerned the 60’s never ended. It’s alive and well and continually developing in their original yet authentic sound. You can see the clip on You Tube “The CurvesBus Driver”, check out the band on Facebook or come and see them live at the Noosa Yacht and Rowing Club - last Friday of every month.

IF you were in Pomona recently on a Sunday afternoon you might have seem some strange goings on (other than the knitting). Pomona was invaded by a film crew headed by legendary Australian film maker – Chris Lofven. Chris shot Daddy Cool’s ‘Eagle Rock’ clip along with many other famous clips from top Australian and NZ bands in the 70’s, plus working on Australian movies. The list of bands and artists he made clips for is impressive: Skyhooks, Little River Band, The Angels, Split Enz, Australian crawl, John Paul Young & Renee Geyer to name a few. Now living in Noosa, Chris was introduced to the Pomona band - The Curves (Sam Liddell, James Simon & Nash Johnston) through Jacqui Burns at Noosa Community Radio where he has his own show. He was instantly impressed with the band’s fun 60’s style original songs and got them on air for

ALL MEALS $20 & UNDER Children under 12 - $6 includes mains & Ice cream with topping


2nd - 9.30am Ladies Bowls & meeting 4th - 4.00pm Friday Mixed Twilight Bowls 5th - 12.30pm S/Challenge Pomona-v-Caboolture Links 6th - 9.00am Mens Pairs Championships 9th - 9.30am Ladies Bowls 11th - 4.00pm Friday Mixed Twilight Bowls


25th Feb Muso’s Night PHONE: 5485 1202 - SCHOOL STREET

Pomona New SSe e a so n son e ar Wil illl i am P Pe arss


Specials Available


2/3/11 to 6/3/11* Pa u l s Mil Milkk (UHT) 1Lt Roy oyaal G Gaa la Apples




Nes t l e D r u ms ce mstt i c k IIce Cre ams 2 4s 24s

19.99b ox 9.99bo


Pe t e r s IIce ce Cre am 5l 5ltt


$ F res h A esh Att l an antt i c Sa lmo n lmon

5.99t u b


Nes escc a fe C Caa f e Menu 10Pk

29 .99kg




Re g u l ar Be ef Mi n ce Min

Ec o no my nom Rump Steak

3 Reserve Street, Pomona 5485 1297


$ * Specials available until sold out

Mi n B g Min Buu y 2k 2kg

OPEN 7am-7.30pm 7 DAYS Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 21


fruit & vegie





Grand Opera at the Cooran Hall HAUSMUSIK Inc. is excited to present another fabulous “Night at the Opera” on Saturday 19th of March at 6:30pm. The charming Cooran Hall with its marvellous acoustic will be the venue for a classical concert of exceptional excellence. German opera singer Hans-Georg Wimmer has invited four rising stars of the Australian Opera World with promising careers ahead. Milica Ilic and Claire Candy, sopranos, Georgia Hawes, mezzo-soprano, and Kang Wang, tenor, will join Hans-Georg on stage for an evening of opera highlights, accompanied by pianist John

OPEN Mon-Fri 7am-5.30pm Sat 7am-12.30pm 4 memorial ave pomona ph: 5485 1922


Rover Scott Bonner 18” Cut

Rover Power Master Briggs and Stratton Engine

Rover Regal i5500 Engine $ .00

Easy Start With catcher Rover Mulch/Catch i5500 Engine

18” cut Snorkel Air Filter With Catcher

18”Cut Alloy Base Snorkel Air Filter With Catcher

Rover Regal Briggs and Stratton Engine $ .00

Rover Pro Cut Briggs and Stratton Engine

18” Cut Snorkel Air Filter With Catcher

Mulch or Catch 20” Alloy base







18”Cut Alloy Base Snorkel Air Filter With Catcher





Liberty Pomona LOCAL SERVICE

PHONE: 5485 1106

Woods on the Grand Piano. The famous love duet and arias from La Boheme by Puccini will be amongst the thrilling favourites, which will delight not only opera lovers but anyone who loves the excitement of life performance. The evening’s special guest is Joseph Ward OBE, for many years a celebrated tenor at Covent Garden, who often performed with Dame Joan Sutherland, now a famous singing teacher based in Brisbane. Joseph will lead the audience through the evening’s program with his charm and expertise. The Cooran Hall Committee will once again kindly provide supper after the concert. As there will be only one concert, it is advisable to book a ticket early via internet or phone 07 5442 7462.

Hans-Georg Wimmer

New monthly service for families HAVE you been wondering how to share God with your children? The Anglican Parish of Cooroora are hoping to help with a new monthly service designed for families. The service will be held on the first Saturday of each month at Good Shepherd, Cnr Memorial Ave & Rectory St, Pomona from 5.00pm. The service will be informal with activities for the children, prayers, music and a relaxed holy communion. The service will be about 45-60 minutes and will be followed by a simple meal (a sausage sizzle, hot pot casseroles, or similar). The Revd Julie Woolner said, “Everyone

is welcome to attend – not just families! I know it is hard for parents and grandparents to share their faith with their children and so I hope this helps them by offering a place and some resources to do that. “We know that it is not always possible for families to gather at church on a Sunday morning. We hope on Saturday afternoons families can come and share some time and a meal. We want to use this to build on the connections we already have with our local parents and children.” More details are available by contacting the Parish Office on 5485 1218 or emailing


International Women’s Day morning tea Hire most equipment all day Saturday and get Sunday for FREE!

THE Pomona & District Community House is celebrating the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day with a morning tea on Tuesday 8th March from 10am to 12 noon at the Pomona Bowls Club, School Street, Pomona. The event will acknowledge the achievements of local women. Guest speakers Olympic coach Jackie Byrnes, Rev. Julie Woolner and local identify Jan Wise will be addressing the theme of ‘Women as Agents of Change’ talking about what ob-

Come in and see Tim for all your Hire needs!

• Trailers • Gardening Equipment • Trestles • Ladders • Jack Hammers • Generators • Concrete Saws • Drills • Pressure Cleaner & so much more! New Horse Float and New Car Trailer Coming Soon!

stacles they have had to overcome to bring about change in their lives and what changes they themselves have to make to get where they are now. The event also celebrates the ‘unsung heroes’ in our community, the ordinary women we all know who make an extraordinary difference in the lives of those around them. Cost is $10 per head with entertainment by the Pomona Choir. All proceeds go to local women’s charity. Bookings essential, RSVP 5485 2427.

Coelliac information morning tea

11 Factory Street Pomona Monday-Friday 7am-4.30pm Saturday 7am-12.00pm

DO you think you might be gluten intolerant? Do you, or someone you know, suffer from Coeliac Disease? Cooking demonstrations with local dietitian Kate Moroney will help you learn about alternative ingredients and products to support your diet. Hear the experiences of others who live with Coeliac Disease. Share your knowledge and ideas. Date: Tuesday 22nd March; Time: 10.00am – 12.00noon; Venue: Pomona Bowls Club; Cost: $10.00 per head. Bookings essential, RSVP 5485 2427.

Multi Award Winning Sausage Kings Regional Champions 2010

3 X GOLD MEDALS • Traditional Aust Beef • Aust Lamb & Rosemary • Gourmet Open Class - Beef, Cheese & Tomato 1 X SILVER MEDAL • Poultry - Turkey & Apple 2 X BRONZE MEDALS • Gourmet Open Class - Pork & Ginger • Poultry - Chicken Castello

3 x GOLD! 1 X SILVER! 2 X BRONZE! Page 22 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

Hot & Cold Cooked BBQ FREE RANGE Chickens Available Now!

Eat the Best & Cleanest Meat in the Hinterland Memorial Avenue, Pomona

Come in & “Meat” us

5485 1256

• Chemical Free • Antibiotic Free • Stress Free • Hormone Growth Promdant Free • Environmentally Friendly




Back to Pomona Day


BACK to Pomona Day will be held on Sunday, March 6, from 10am in Stan Topper Park,

Pomona. It hardly seems like two years ago since quite a number of us gathered in Stan Topper

Cooran Players present Eighty-five Percent EIGHTY-FIVE Percent is an hilarious, but definitely adults only, light hearted farce performed by the Cooran Players. Enjoy a fantastic fun night out at the Cooran Memorial Hall on Friday and Saturday March 25th and 26th at 7.30pm. Tickets are on sale at the Cooran General Store and Pomona Community House. Cost is $20 which includes dinner and performance. All proceeds will be donated to the Queensland Disaster Relief.

St Patrick’s Day lunch COME and enjoy a lovely St Patrick’s Day meal on Thursday March 17 at the Pomona Bowls Club from 11.30am to 1.30pm, and meet new and old friends. Dress up in your best Irish greens and win a prize for best dressed. Enjoy the fun with raffles, lucky door prizes and quizzes. Move to the music and melodies by vocalist Col Noble. Cost $12 per head. Special diet and local transport available on request (transport $2). Bookings essential, RSVP 5485 2427.

Cooroora Screens & Blinds Established 1996 EE FR TES O QU

Park to share lunch and catch up with friends of long standing. Rather than limiting the day to any special year or years, this year we would like to extend the invitation to all who have had any connections with the township of Pomona or Pomona State School in Reserve Street.

Whether you were a resident of the town, a student, a teacher, or attended Rural School one day a week, or on the P&C, we would love to see you on Sunday, March 6, 2011. We usually finish the day around 2 to 3 o’clock, so anywhere in between would be great. Please bring your own

lunch and a chair or picnic blanket to sit on. If you know of anyone who would like to join us, please spread the word or get them to ring Sandy Johnson 5442 6105 or Heather Christie 5485 1387 and we will add their name and address or email address to our register and post out a letter. By Sandy Johnson

‘Show us your shed’ photo competition YOU show us yours and we’ll show you ours! The Pomona & District Community House is inviting you to celebrate the opening of our new shed by entering the ‘Show us your shed’ photo competition. Take a photo of your shed that tells us what you love about it and send it in with a caption of no more than 25 words to be in to win. Winner has their photo framed and there are also prizes from Bunnings Warehouse. What you need to do:

1. Take a photo of your shed that tells us what you love about it. 2. Send the photo with caption to: (Photos should be no bigger than 1024 x 768 pixels and winners will need to provide a high quality original for printing.) 3 Competition closes 4.00pm Friday April 8th 2011 4. Winner to be announced at shed opening on Friday 13th May 2011. For more information please ring 5485 2427.

SMASH REPAIRS • Repairers for ALL Insurance Co.’s • Respray & Rust Repairs • Welding Jobs


✓ Contractors & Handyman Supplies ✓ Building Materials ✓ Gardening Needs ✓ Rural Supplies ✓ LP Gas Supplies ✓ Key Cutting ✓ Paint & Plumbing Supplies

Professional Service & Advice Mon-Fri Sat-Sun

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Trading Hours 7.00am - 5.00pm 7.30am - 2.30pm

Marine Grade 316 Stainless Steel • Security Screens & Doors

BUY DIRECT Come in & see our Display Showroom at our local factory

23 Factory St, Pomona - 5485 1287


PH: 07-5485 1044

5485 1351

10 Reserve St Pomona Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 23

Noosa Hinterland Denture Services New dentures Repairs Relines Personalised Natural look All Health Funds & Veteran Affairs Phone Tony for appointment

Shop 7 Railway Square Diamond Street, Cooroy

Ph: 5442 5753

Dip. Mass., Cert. Reflex., Cert. Mind/Body Analysis

18yrs Professional exp. specialising in:



What is Zen Buddhism? ZEN Buddhism is a philosophy, a religion, a spiritual path and a practice of Buddhism. Zen was developed by the Chinese and taken to Japan about 1200ad. Zen came to the west after the Second World War. The early Zen groups formed in Australia in the 1970’s. Anyone can practice Zen as it requires no conversion process and many Christians meditate to improve their health and peace of mind. Zen is easy to learn and it is suitable for older Australians as no one is required to sit on the floor in the lotus position. People find that they are ready to practice Zen after a short introduction and with the help of the teacher they can make remarkable progress. They are shown how to sit comfortably during the introductory phase. Some benefits of Zen meditation are quickly experienced as you begin meditation. No matter why you meditate you begin to notice that you feel more peace and calm in your life. Many people report that they feel it is easier to go to sleep and to relax. Some people report they find more meaning in their

life. Some people report that they have better relationships with their family. Other students stay on and find their own personal spiritual path leading to awakening. You can find out about the benefits of Zen from the Forest Way Zen who have a Zendo on the Sunshine Coast at Doonan. The Forest Way Zen has been active since 1989 on the coast and has the access to teaching skills of a fully authorised Zen teacher. The Forest Way Zen is holding an introductory day on Saturday 12 th March 2011 at Doonan. This four hour workshop will give you enough information to begin Zen meditation. The teacher will be available for ongoing instruction on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Doonan. The workshop begins at 9am and will finish at 1pm. There is no charge. A donation will help the Forest Way Zen continue spreading the Dharma. The Forest Way Zen is a not for profit organization. Phone 54711332 for a place on the day. There are some written materials given out on the day. There are limited places available.

• Reflexology 1hr session - (see editorial Page 24)

• Therapeutic/Relaxation Body massage for women - 1hr-90mins

Enquiries 0410 122 422 welcome Clinic: Evans Rd, Cooroy 10am-2pm Mon-Fri - By appointment only Home visiting service - Sat 1.30-5.30pm






0438 861 107

7 BOWT E C H u The Bowen Techniq

7 Garnet St, Cooroy

THE residents and Staff of Noosacare are very grateful for the donation of a beautiful stainless steel BBQ. This donation is a joint undertaking between the Tewantin-Noosa RSL and Citizens’ Memorial Club Inc and Tewantin-Noosa RSL Sub Branch. Their generosity is very much appreciated and will be thoroughly enjoyed by both residents and staff. Here receiving the BBQ is Megan D’Elton - CEO of Noosacare Inc, flanked to the left by Phil Stephenson - CEO Tewantin-Noosa RSL and to the right Dean Harlow - Director and Convenor of Community Support of the Tewantin-Noosa RSL and Treasurer of the Tewantin-Noosa RSL Sub Branch.

Reflexology Practitioner now at Cooroy CLINICALLY trained and qualified, Anna Pauwels, has been specialising in Reflexology and tutoring Natural Health Practitioners over the past 18 years. She is often asked by the general public “What is Reflexology?” “It’s sometimes not a simple answer as its form/ method can vary greatly from each practitioner and across various countries world wide. Its benefits are too numerous to list in a short reply. “The feet are a mirror image of the body. The common thread with Reflexology is that there are pressure points on the feet which are stimulated/massaged. The feet have 7200 nerve endings, all linked to various areas in the body and ar ethe ‘doorways to direct access’ in assisting the body’s natural healing process – helping the body to heal itself. It’s a non-intrusive, highly effective and enjoyable Natural Therapy.” In form, Anna offers what looks to be the same applying various Reflexology and soothing Massage techniques to her client’s feet, although her approach is unconventional and non clinical. “I focus thse days on the energetics within and stillness of Mind – the place of all true healing,” says Anna. Anna has her eyes closed for the whole one hour session. “I see with my hands instead,” she says. This allows her clients to reach a deeply relaxed and peaceful state very quickly – blissful for those who find it hard to turn off their thoughts. “My sessions allow each client effortlessly to reconnect to a ‘place’ of stillness and tmelessness within. It’s here where Mind can begin to remember authentic Self, a state of no stress, no anxiety or the weight of the world. Then this can filter down to cellular memory where healing takes place in the body. “Most conditions including disease, pain, eczema, low energy, depression, insomnia, headaches and migrains etc, are stress related, a ‘moment in time’ where the Mind has forgotten its Self. We all get shown the results of our thinking and where our Mind is at,” says Anna. Anna’s Reflexology sessions can provide a one off ‘time out’ blissful experience or on a regular basis for supporting healing or general maintenance ‘tone ups’. For enquiries phone Anna on 0410 122 422. Her clinic is situated in Evans Road, Cooroy – by appointment only, between 1am and 2pm Monday to Friday. She also offers a home service on Saturdays from 1.30 to 5.30pm.

Shave for a cure THE Leukaemia Foundation’s major annual fundraiser, World’s Greatest Shave is on 10 – 12 March. It’s also not too late for those keen to help to sign up themselves or their workplace to shave by visiting


Maria Zauner Teash Douglas Rose Govender


5442 6833 CALL NOW

Gentle Car Caree • Medicare Teen Dental • Accepting EPC Medicare Dental Plans • Appointments Available

5442 6722 Cooroy Doctors Surgery, 8 Emerald St, Cooroy Page 24 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

9 Garnet St.



New look for Guardian Pharmacy

Let’s Read Program at Cooroy Primary School

Delicious Spa Pedicure

I’M sure most people have noticed the Cooroy Guardian Pharmacy’s fresh new look, but if you haven’t pop in next time you’re up the street and check it out. There’s more room to move, a larger range of stock, and still the same great service and expert advice we’re all used to.

Free Hand & Nail Treatment

Lakeridge Health & Beauty LIMITED TIME

Lisa & Mel

5442 6239 33 Miva St, Cooroy

DO YOU WANT COOROY State School is very proud to be a part of the Let’s Read program. Let’s Read is an initiative of the Centre for Community Child Health, it is being disseminated across Australia in partnership with The Smith Family. Let’s Read is designed to encourage parents to have fun reading with their young children, to help develop a love of books and the ability to name letters and play with the sounds of words. These are the building blocks that will help children learn to read and write when they get to school. These resources are age specific and have simple parent information leaflets to guide parents in sharing books with their children

in an age appropriate, effective and enjoyable way. There are sheets for each age group these being: from 4 months, from 12 months, from 18 months, and from 3½ years. A DVD demonstrating strategies to develop early literacy skills including age appropriate books being read aloud for the child. The DVD is especially suitable for parents/carers who are illiterate or have a low literacy level. Suggested book lists to support parents in selecting and reading books with their children. All students in prep at Cooroy State school will receive 4 bags each. The Smith Family is a children’s charity that believes that education is the key to changing lives.

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Barefoot bowlers and snag lovers help Queensland’s flood victims

Or book 3 for $50 Free Spray Test for sensitivity

Home Based Studio Lake Macdonald Dve, Cooroy Phone Cassie 5447 7964 - 0423 844 772

PILATES @ NOOSA COMES TO COOROY 1 hour classes are held each Wednesday at 10.15am at Dance Form Studio 13 Kauri Street, Cooroy $12 per class Robyn McPherson 27 years experience in the fitness industry All Welcome Beginners to Advanced

Robyn McPherson has 10 years experience in teaching how to strengthen muscles to assist with posture, flexibilty to move more freely & toning for overall fitness.

Please call Robyn on 5455 5506 or 0403 019 359 or email for class schedule at Tewantin RSL, Noosaville or Coolum on Accredited instructor with Pilates Institute of Australasia



A COOROY community fundraiser has seen locals kick off their shoes and throw a snag on the barbie in true Aussie style to raise funds for their fellow Queenslanders in the town of Theodore who were affected by recent natural disasters. The Cooroy RSL, Ritek Building Solutions and the Cooroy Rotary Club hosted a family friendly, fun-filled afternoon of bare foot bowls and Sausage Sizzle with raffles of locally donated prizes. Ritek Building Solutions sausage sizzle was a great success, raising $1,156 bringing the total day’s fundraising efforts to nearly $2,000. From left: Richard Anderson and his wife Deborah Many locals who attended the sauAnderson are presented their Lionel Richie prize tickets sage sizzle gave not just their gold coins by Ruth Anderson (not related)! but also made larger donations; with some people paying as much as $100 for a humble snag. CEO Gayne Emblin said “It was wonderful to see from drought and now two lots of flooding this so many people do what they could for such a sig- year. All funds raised will now be donated to the nificant cause. “Theodore” was severely affected Theodore Rotary Club to assist those most in need.” Local Ritek staff member Deb Anderson and her by the recent flood disaster. The floods wiped out the town’s crops and now the region’s farmers and husband Richard placed the highest bid in the Silent Sausage Auction, raising $752. Deb and Richtheir families face financial hardship.” “There are so many generous people out there in ard won a trip to Sydney to see Lionel Richie in the Cooroy community. While most of our commu- concert in Sydney, with flights, accommodation and nity were affected by the floods in some way, this car hire provided. Ritek would like to acknowledge the generosity of hasn’t stopped them from giving what they could to those who have seen the full force of this historic our sponsors for the Lionel Ritchie tickets, donated by The Frontier Touring Company and for the natural disaster,” he said. Sandy Bolton from the Cooroy RSL said, “The flights, accommodation and car hire kindly donated Rotary Club of Cooroy has decided to support the by the Show Group. For more information about Ritek call 1300 929 782 people of Theodore as a long term project due to the devastation that this community has suffered firstly or visit our website

NOTICE classes - gym - sauna spa massage - health & aroma

Does your mood need to improve? ARE there times you’re feeling terrible and envy seemingly happy people around you? “Well you can relax (almost) you’re not Robinson Crusoe ... you have company on Overwhelm Island and there is a life boat. It’s your unconscious mind!” says Peter Thompson of Unconscious Connections. “When it feels like fate’s got you in its sights and about to pull the trigger it’s because your conscious mind is controlling your life. It’s a bit of a soldier charging out of the trenches, heading into battle, confronting the enemy. That’s what past experience has trained it to do ... but often that doesn’t produce the best outcome. All of your behaviour is dictated by internal processing strategies. By using techniques associated with Neuro Linguistic Programming you can alter these strategies and move

easily and quickly from your present state to your desired state. NLP is currently considered one of the most powerful tools you can use to expand personal development at a rate unrealisable in most other forms of therapy. “These techniques open doors to your unconscious mind by ‘completely’ involving you on visual, auditory and kinesthetic levels. Kinesthetics are physical feelings. “NLP operates by a process called synesthesia. Stimulating one mental pathway leads to automatic, involuntary stimulation in the other mental pathways and consolidates the necessary changes.” In an obligation free meeting with Peter at Unconscious Connections and “working together to find solutions” your distress will become just part of your history. Ph 0408 790 969 or 5472 0080.


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Did you know scoliosis in kids does not always present with symptoms, however it may be related to other health problems as your child grows into adulthood including: spinal misalignment, headaches & neck concerns, hip problems & pelvic imbalance to name a few. These concerns may lead to degeneration, arthritis and pain. Have your child’s spine professionally checked! Discover how this method of health care will work for your child. Our approach deals with spinal correction, nutritional support and exercise programs. Best of all our method does not include any drugs or medication, it’s natural, low force & very safe.

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health Patients back on road to recovery with rehabilitation car


12 students James Clarke and Rory Yetman. “The project fitted perfectly with our grade 12 technology studies which exposes the students to real, worth-while community needs,” said SBSHS Industrial Technology Teacher Hayden Scott While James and Rory put in the tedious arm-work, completion of the project wouldn’t be possible without the generous donation from Daddow’s Honda in Cooroy, who not only donated the car shell but the towing to get it back to the gym. The car is now operational at the Cooroy-based Centre and aids approximately 10-12 patients a week.

PATIENTS being treated at Eden Rehabilitation Centre Cooroy, for joint replacement surgery and other conditions affecting balance and mobility such as stroke and amputations are getting back into the driver’s seat with the construction of an in-house modified, rehabilitation car. The car, complete with height adjustment simulation, allows patients to undertake car transfer training in the safety and comfort of the rehabilitation hospital’s gymnasium and is the only one of its kind on the Sunshine Coast. “We had been practicing in company vehicles in the Hospital car park,” said Eden’s Rehabilitation Physiotherapist Louise Brewster. “But that takes two staff members out of the gym, which is obviously not efficient in terms of time or staffing,” she said. “Now we can practice in the safety of the gym with a car at the height that the patient will need to access post discharge.”

Rehabilitation Assistant Jamie Warner says while the vehicle is designed to assist patients with recovery and aid them to get back into the community, it had to be specifically modified to suit the rural area. “Because of where we’re situated geographically, a lot of our patients drive bigger cars but we didn’t have anything that could simulate the height of a 4WD,” he explains. “That’s when the penny dropped and we realised we had to make it height adjustable. Brisbane’s Linak, a company specialising in electric linear actuator systems generously answered Jamie’s calls, by donating a custom-made lifting system. “By creating that aspect, patients can now actually practice in the exact situation they would find themselves in everyday when they make their way to their own vehicle,” Warner said. Also benefiting from the project were Sunshine Beach State High School (SBSHS) year

Phillip McManus Acupuncture Remedial Massage

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Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 29

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Dual residence must be sold

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Page 30 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

FAMILY illness is taking its toll and the property must be sold. Located minutes west of Cooroy and set perfectly on 5.5 gentle acres offering all the facilities, privacy and enjoyment of your own private resort! Combining the potential for dual living, the property offers large spring fed dam, fully fenced paddocks and the newly constructed second residence or granny flat. The main residence is well constructed featuring wide open living plan, 3 separate living areas and 3 large bedrooms plus office. The 9 foot ceilings give a further sense of spaciousness and the extra wide verandahs wrapping around the home and pool offers flow through ventilation regardless of the weather. Auction on site 09/04/11, 11am, Contat Jim Ennis at Hinternoosa Real Estate on 0402 587 298.

THIS imposing, uniquely designed and quality built two storey Queenslander style residence is set on 1.5 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens framed by its very own piece of rainforest. Positioned in the very attractive and sought after Noosa Hinterland with easy access to the friendly township of Pomona, the home offers approximately 317m2 of living space. The vast floor plan is ideal for a large family with the flexibility for several dual living accommodation options, be it the extended family, home business or potential income. Designed to please and charm, the quality home comprises: 5 Double bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms - ensuite includes separate bath, Spacious formal lounge and dining areas, Large entertaining verandah accessed through

several French doors, Day/ rumpus room with bar area, American style kitchen, High ceilings, quality hardwood flooring and feature hardwood staircase, Study, 3 Undercover car accommodation, Reverse cycle air conditioning, Double-hung sash windows providing generous air flow, Electric gate entrance, Strategic soundproofing to the media room & dividing walls, 3 Phone lines (inc ADSL), Additional storage and workshop area. The flexible layout focuses on elegant living and relaxed alfresco entertaining, while its close proximity to all that the Sunshine Coast and hinterland has to offer makes this the right choice for lifestyle balance. Phone Michael Robinson at Raine & Horne Noosa Hinterland on 5485 1788.



Helping Queenslanders for 30 years

with Sergeant Mal Scott COOROY Police are again investigating several early morning burglary offences where an offender has forced his way through doors and windows of premises situated in the Cooroy CBD and Industrial areas. The offender is targeting cash only so please do not keep cash on your premises and leave cash tins and registers open to avoid damage and to clearly display that there is no cash kept on the premises. From images captured on CCTV surveillance it is apparent that the male is the same male who targeted Cooroy several months ago. Remember that he will keep coming back to Cooroy if he keeps finding money on premises so if all businesses consistently keep no cash then he will leave us alone and go elsewhere where the rewards are greater. The male is described as being in his early 50’s with a receding hairline and long at the back. He is of average height and build and wears dark clothing and a hooded jacket and gloves. The above male was disturbed by a milk delivery man at 3.30am whilst he attempted to break into a shop in Diamond street, Cooroy and was chased from the scene. Unfortunately police were not called and the matter went unreported until the shop keeper reported it the next day. The offender is believed to reside in the southern end of the coast and is travelling throughout the coast committing crimes in a very unpredictable manner. Police are conducting covert patrols during the early hours of the morning in the hope of apprehending this offender so please report any suspicious behaviour so police can attend and attempt to apprehend him. Police have also noted an increase in the detection of drink drivers in and around Cooroy. Police would rather deter would be drink drivers by making very visible proactive patrols of licensed premises as we feel that prevention is far better than the cure. An incident occurred in the Cooroy CBD last week were a drunk male was observed walking towards his car with keys in hand. The patrol car passed him by and he immediately did an about face and walked away from his car. Police spoke with the male and advised him not to drive and to use the courtesy buses that both the RSL and Cooroy Hotel

supply to its patrons. Obviously the male did not heed this advice as a short time later the patrol car returned to find that the car had been driven off by the drunken male. I suppose in the drunken male’s mind, that was a win to him as he was able to bounce from gutter to gutter and make his way home without killing himself or anyone else. As luck would have it, or should I say bad luck, the very next night the same male was observed walking towards his vehicle in the same drunken state. This time he was spoken to at length and directed not to drive his car and to catch the courtesy bus home. The attending police also took up a position to observe the vehicle so he could not drive without being apprehended. Unfortunately, police were called away from the scene by an urgent job and again upon their return the car had been driven off. Five minutes later police received information that a single vehicle rollover traffic accident had occurred in the Cooroy hinterland and upon arrival the same male was found upside-down in his badly damaged vehicle. Luckily, he only had minor injuries and no other persons had been injured or killed. A breath test indicated that he was over five times the legal limit and needless to say he is now facing serious driving charges in the Noosa Heads Magistrates Court. With idiots like this on the road it’s little wonder that our road toll is on the increase. Drivers thinking about running the gauntlet should think before they drive and realise that it’s not just about beating the coppers but more about surviving the drive and protecting the broader community against the dangers that drinking and driving can bring. RBT and police patrols are being stepped up to discourage drink drivers so be warned that if you intend to drink and drive then be prepared to be caught and lose your drivers license. I’d also like to take this opportunity of thanking Mr Dave Newbury, Manager of the Cooroy Hotel for his community involvement and commitment over the past three years. Whenever an issue arose that needed addressing Dave was always very approachable and proactive in resolving the various issues involved in the effective management of a large licensed premises such as the Cooroy Hotel.

by Carol Watkins, Group Leader, Cooroy S.E.S. WE were spared the damage and effects of Cyclone Yasi, but sent some of our members north to help out with the clean up in its wake. The cyclone season is not yet over, so remember all the usual tips about keeping things tidy and tied down around your property. We’ve been to a number of accidents over the last three weeks, three within four hours one night. It seems most of these were caused by excessive speed, so obviously we all need to slow down and stay within the limit. We had a successful intake of new members with 18 people turning up for induction, so hopefully we can keep them motivated to last the distance through their training period. Here’s a little whimsy, courtesy of the Murgon newspaper – poet unknown! For information on the local SES please call for Cooroy, Carol Watkins, 0427 349218; Pomona, Steve Muir, 0428 571213; Tewantin, Murray Caddie, 0410 512535; and for Boreen Point, Ron Williams, 0488 795102.


Cooroy’s in the Biosphere! THE chairperson of Noosa Biosphere, Michael Donovan spoke at the February Chamber of Commerce meeting. All who attended felt they left more knowledgeable and informed about what a Biosphere is; the structure of Noosa Biosphere; current projects; and business opportunities it presents. The presentation can be viewed online from the News section on Cooroy Chamber of Commerce also welcomed new secretary, Catherine Little who is replacing Kay Strong who has moved to north Queensland. The Cooroy Chamber is working on several new projects including a Hinterland Experience Brochure covering Eumundi, Cooroy and Pomona and a networking night scheduled for June. Anyone interested in participating in either of these activities can contact the chamber on The March meeting will be on 8 March at 6pm at the Cooroy Hotel. Meals are available (optional) for $12.50. Guests are welcome to attend by contacting Catherine on The meetings are a great way to get to know what is going on in the town and to socialise with local business owners and community group representatives.


The Red Cross REGATTA All proceeds to the Australia Red Cross

Saturday March 19th, 2011 11am - 2.30pm Noosa Yacht & Rowing Club • Fishing Clinics at either 11am, 12pm or 1pm • Sunshine Coast Youth Theatre will be performing • Sausage Sizzle • Boat Race for the kids - buy a model boat on the day for $5 and try your luck on the water. Great prizes to be won • Red Cross Cup - Vagabond Sailing dinghy races. Sponsors needed - $50 per boat. NB Sponsors able to be “in the boatâ€?

Phone 5474 3796

Eumundi Park Recreation and Showgrounds Association Inc (Eumundi Sportsground)

Annual General Meeting Date: Monday 14th March 2011 Time : 5.30pm Place: Sportsground, Black Stump Road Eumundi All Office Bearers Positions will be declared vacant at this meeting. Any interested persons in an Office Bearers Position or becoming a member must apply in writing 14 days prior to the above date and post to:- The President, Eumundi Park Recreation and Showgrounds Association Inc PO 180 Eumundi Qld‌‌.4562

All Welcome.

Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 31



Cooroy Community Bank helps kick off new season

CUFC President Steve Standish, Bendigo Bank Cooroy Branch Manager, Fiona Hutchings and CUFC Secretary Melissa Radke “Every club loves hav- sponsorship of the team MANAGER of Cooroy the cheque will help the Community Bank whole club, it will also ing premiership teams in and the Cooroora United branch of Bendigo renew the Community their ranks, but these la- club for 2011 is wonderBank, Fiona Hutchings Bank’s sponsorship of dies in particular did a ful to have in place,” Mr. was delighted to hand Cooroora United’s la- really fantastic job in Standish said. “We’ve really come to over a $2,500 sponsor- dies’ team, who went all their first season last ship cheque this week to the way in 2010 and won year. To come away with appreciate our sponsorCooroora United Foot- the premiership in their the title was a great re- ship from the Commuball Club President, first season. This sea- sult and they’re all keen nity Bank because it alSteve Standish. son, they will take on all to build on that this sea- lows us to plan for son. Bendigo Bank’s projects that will allow Steve said that while comer’s in Division 2.

Page 32 - Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011

our club to prosper and continue to offer such great facilities for all lovers of the ‘World Game’ to enjoy,” he added. Cooroy Community Bank branch manager, Fiona Hutchings said the Cooroora Untied sponsorship continues to be a great fit for both parties. “I think everyone knows of the wonderful club here at Cooroora United. I really enjoyed watching some home games last season and I’m looking forward to cheering them on again in the cooler months ahead. We hope the $2,500 sponsorship helps the club score some more goals in 2011.” Fiona said. Training for the 2011 season has begun, but it’s not too late to join a team at Cooroora United. Those interested are asked to contact Melissa Radke on 0409 499 460 or email Melissa at The club is also keen to show off its brand new website, which can be found at

Cooroy-Eumundi Cricket Club THE Cooroy-Eumundi Cricket Club will hold their end of season celebration and presentation day on March 6 at the cricket ground in Cooroy. There will be a Twenty20 match, kids vs adults at 10am followed by lunch and team’s presentations beginning at 2pm.

Warne Out! There’s a famous cricketer named Shane, Who’s been in the headlines again. He’s a real Casanova, Loves bowling a maiden over, And spins a good yarn, that is plain. His latest conquest was a star of the screen, A good looker from what we have seen, She must have been smitten, She flew here from Britain, Where Shane eagerly waited in his limousine. To get a girlfriend he’s never at a loss, He seems to keep winning the toss, He’s renowned for leg breaks, And he must have what it takes, To persuade girls, as they say, to come across. Sports stars frequently have these affairs, For some girls, they answer their prayers. They happen quite fast, And usually don’t last, All I can say, frankly, is ‘who cares?’ Jim Dunstan



Wombat fever begins

Cooroy Tennis Club JOIN us for mixed social tennis on Sunday 6 March at 5pm. Free sausage sizzle from 5.30pm. Balls provided. $2 for members and $5 for non members. The Club encourages anyone interested in playing tennis to come along to social tennis held every Thursday 8am and the first Sunday of each month at 5pm. Casual court hire is also available almost any time. For further information contact our committee members, Fraser 5485 1942, Dorelle 5447 6674, Carol 5447 6018, Rhonda 0400 415 370, or Helene 5447 6945. Rob Schmitt, our professional coach, is available to help you to develop your game or to arrange lessons. Phone Rob on 0431 386 333 or 5449 8417.

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The Summer Soccer winning Green team IT was an awesome start to the Johnny Warren Cup for the Cooroora United Football Premier Men (Wombats) with a thrilling 4-2 win over Kawana Premier Men on the weekend. With quite a few new faces to the line up it was a test of teammanship and wanting to impress the Coach for the season ahead. In a short period of time Scott “Bomber” Rocker announced to the Association “he’s back” with a thrilling hat-trick – the final goal being a nerve racking penalty kick. This is great news for the Wombats as the new season fast approaches with Round 1 on Saturday 12th March. Our town, our team. In the Kinetic Cup 7-a-side summer soccer finals, Controversy, ribbing, gutsy comeback, it was all there. With the ribbing starting in the weeks leading up to the final it was always going to be an exciting game and when the teams took to the field the

controversy and excitement began. With the Red team nailing a couple of quick goals the wind was in their sails, but not to be denied the benchmark team of the summer season Green clawed back to ultimately win with a 9 – 5 victory. After the game Green team were awarded the cup and in true CUFC sporting tradition were acknowledged as the worthy recipients followed by bbq and a few celebratory refreshments. Proudly sponsored by Kinetic Builders the summer soccer season was declared a roaring success with Green already announcing their intention of defending the title next summer. Thank you to all who participated and especially Kinetic Builders as Matt says “with Kinetic you’ve got it made – commercial, office and shopfitting, specialist builders – find Kinetic and all our other sponsors at

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A race across the Sahara Continued from page 1

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ON the 1st of April 2011, local Pomona resident Wayne Metcalfe will be commencing what has been often touted as the toughest footrace on Earth, the Marathon des Sables or Marathon of the Sands. The race is a multi-stage ultra-marathon of 250 KM run/hike across the searing heat of the Sahara Desert over the course of 7 days. During the race, all competitors must carry a backpack containing all the supplies they require for the full 7 days including food (freeze-dried rations), sleeping bag, emergency medical kit (anti snake bite kit etc), flares and whatever else each individual considers they need to survive (or make life bearable) in addition to the mandatory requirements. The combination of searing heat (up to 50c some years), sand storms, rationed water supplies and self sufficiency and the ubiquitous sand makes this an extraordinarily difficult challenge. Wayne is a Senior Constable of Police attached to Pomona Police Station where he has been stationed for the last 7 months since transferring from Brisbane. “Competitors come from all over the world with only a small amount of Australians competing,” said Wayne. “Although thousands of individuals have successfully completed this challenge over the history of the event (now approaching its 26th edition) it is certainly not something to be taken lightly with the deaths of two competitors in the past and the chance of being lost in the desert omnipresent, especially during the night when attempting to navigate (one competitor was once lost for 10 days). Having said that,

the logistics of the organisation are huge with massive operational support throughout the event on both the ground and the air and it is considered a safe event as long as you remain hydrated throughout. I have no intention of adding to those previous stats in any form.” Competitors are not advised of the race route until they are in the desert when they are given a ‘roadbook’ with all the daily routes, maps and compass bearings to follow. Each night competitors sleep on the ground under open sided Berber style tents in the ‘bivouac ‘ which is erected by the local Berbers hired by the Race Organisation. The campsite is somewhat reminiscent of Spartacus with competitors sleeping nine persons to a tent and grouped by Country. Surprisingly, temperatures during the night plunge close to freezing after competitors have been baked in a literal oven all day long. No showers or change of clothing and freeze dried rations carried on your back make for very austere and challenging conditions however all the same competitors yearn for the sight of the camp after spending long hours crossing massive dry lake beds (wadi’s), endless kilometres of huge sand dunes (ergs some of the largest in the World) and some pretty serious mountain climbs (jebels) on a daily basis. Wayne will also be keeping his eye out for scorpions with several competitors in the past being stung resulting in their withdrawal from the race. “The Sunshine Coast is a fantastic location to train with the Noosa Trail network at my doorstep and although not the desert environ, has many hills and has still proven to be a valuable training environment,” said

Wayne. “Many of my fellow co-workers also assist by doing regular long distance hikes with me to help prepare for this event. As part of my preparation for this event I recently did a three day hike with a colleague from the Noosa North Shore at Tewantin up Teewah Beach and back across to Rainbow Beach Township with a full pack and carrying all my water supplies. One outcome of that was severe sunburn on both feet as I elected to walk barefoot over 30KM after suffering blistering on one foot. Valuable lesson learnt and certainly not something I wish to repeat in the Sahara where the temperature is far more extreme. “I will also be taking the opportunity to raise funds for the John McLean Foundation (JMF) who supply much needed equipment to young Australians in wheelchairs and after discussions with the JMF we intend to use any monies raised to benefit the child of a current serving Police Officer(s). Any donations to this fantastic cause would be greatly appreciated and donations can be made by going to http:// wayne_metcalfe where there is a number of ways of making a donation. All donations over $2 are tax deductible and a receipt will be forwarded by return email when the donations are received. The site also shows a documentary video of the race.” Anyone interested in Wayne’s progress through the desert can also follow the race daily on the official website of the Marathon des sables. Emails of support can also be sent to competitors during the race from the site which are then given to competitors each night in camp.

Cooroy Rotary helps school in Africa THE Cooroy Rotary Club provided funding for the concreting of the floor of Inchurra Nursery School at Amboseli National Park in Africa. Tim Comino from Cooroy Rotary went and visited the school where the children are now enjoying a much

cleaner environment which can only be beneficial to their education. Now that the floor has been constructed, other individuals have come on board and they are now in the process of building latrines.

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Children in the classroom before the concrete floor was constructed

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Gold and Silver for Impact at State Titles IMPACT Boxing Academy’s Jess “Da Bomb” Retallack fought the fight of her career last month to win gold at the Queensland boxing association State Titles. The fight was a must win for Jess to continue her goal for Olympic selection. The win has secured Jess a spot in the Queensland team to compete for the National titles in Melbourne on March 4-6th. All the states of Australia have held their own state titles and will be sending their state title winners to Melbourne to compete at the three day knock out tournament to decide who really is the Australian Champion. The winners of the Australian titles are guaranteed a spot on the Australian team for Olympic selection. Jess fought her heart out. From the opening bell she took the fight to Sabrina Ostawari, forcing her back onto the ropes and unloading with some superb combinations. Jess looked to be dominating the fight for the first three rounds when in the fourth round

New kids on the block Slamin Sam Cameron Hands and Jess “Da Bomb” Retallack Ostawari came out with all guns blazing. Ostawari landed some clean crisp left hands, but to Jess’s credit she never took a backward step and dug deep until the final bell sounded. Jess was awarded the victory by a questionable one point. Sabrina was always going to be the one that

we needed to beat. She has had around 50 fights and has competed all over the world. She has been the Australian title holder with the association for the last three years. “Well guess what? there’s a new girl on the block now! For Jess to beat her in only her 15th fight is a huge feather

in her cap and puts her in good stead for the national titles,” trainer Mark Evans said. Also competing at the titles was Impact’s little tough man “Slamin Sam Cameron Hands”. Sam won silver in the 34kg division. In only his 4 th fight Sam was drawn through to the finals to fight the current

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title holder Tyler Cotter. At just 11yrs old Cotter was having his 14th fight and defending his title for a second time. None of that bothered Slamin Sam as he climb through the ropes. From the opening bell Sam had Cotter on the back foot letting him know he meant business. “Cotter moved well and stayed away from his big hitting opponent relying on his counter punching skills to get him through the fight. Cotter was awarded the victory by 3 points. “Sam fought really well against an opponent that we just found out that nobody in his division wants to fight. Cotter had the experience, but I think Sam can beat him next time we meet,” Evans said. “A big thank you to all that came to support us on the weekend. Your support means the world to us! “There is no greater feeling than to win, and to win in front of your family and friends makes it the greatest feeling of all. Thank you.” Mark Evans.


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Cooroy Rag, March 2, 2011 - Page 35




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