Information Unlimited Magazine – Special ENERGY & INFRASTRUCTURE

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S P EC I A L I S S U E 2020



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Everything you ever wanted to know about the zenon Service Grid Now it’s easier than ever to use the Internet of Things in industry

The zenon Service Grid is the perfect addition to the Software Platform, particularly for distributed applications. Here, we’ll consider the particular benefits of this software expansion. Why is it ideal for equipment distributed across a country or around the globe? How does it establish the connection between a company’s OT and IT networks? How is it installed and what license models are available? The answers to all these questions and more can be found here. Is the zenon Service Grid intended to replace zenon Runtime, zenon Logic, and the zenon Analyzer? No. The zenon Service Grid expands the platform in the direction of the Internet of Things (IoT). It is not a standalone product. Rather, it is an IoT upgrade for the zenon Software Platform that enables completely new applications. The zenon Service Grid was designed in line with current best practices and state-of-the-art approaches to software development. It uses architecture concepts such as microservices, bringing together several individual software components to form a large, scalable application. The distribution of the components allows you to make efficient use of the existing hardware resources. What are the key benefits compared to other IoT solutions? The zenon Service Grid allows you to monitor data from distributed locations in an integrated solution. In conjunction with the Service Grid, the zenon Software

Platform makes it possible to transfer data continuously from the fieldbus level to the cloud within a single system. The central development environment makes engineering easier and reduces the amount of work required overall. Thanks to the backward compatibility, existing projects can also be easily integrated into the overall system. How does the Service Grid help to protect the OT network? The zenon Service Grid works exclusively with unidirectional connections. All nodes use outgoing connections to communicate with the Service Hub – this includes zenon Runtime. Communication is encrypted via Transport Layer Security (TLS) and the participants’ identities are verified by means of digital certificates.


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What kind of applications is the Service Grid best suited to? The main purpose of the zenon Service Grid is to provide a simple connection between geographically distributed zenon installations – in the case of international production sites, for example, or in the field of power generation. The collected production data can be visualized in a central location, such as a control center, with the aid of zenon Runtime or the HTML Web Engine. The Service Grid can also be used as a security gateway between OT and IT networks to transfer data from the field level to third-party systems in the IT landscape. For more information on this subject, please refer to the previous article, which contains further concrete examples. Is the Service Grid intended to replace the zenon network? No, the zenon Service Grid and the zenon network can and should exist in parallel and each should be used appropriately, as the situation demands. When does it make sense to continue using the zenon network? The zenon network is used in the context of OT within one plant to synchronize runtimes with each other. The zenon Service Grid, on the other hand, is generally used in conjunction with WAN connections over large distances to process selected data from zenon Runtime or zenon Analyzer in a cloud application or a local data center. Which systems can be integrated for the purposes of exchanging data? The zenon Service Grid is primarily used to exchange data between the software components of the zenon Software Platform: i.e. between zenon Runtime, zenon Analyzer, zenon Logic, and the HTML Web Engine. To guarantee the security of the data and the data exchange process, external systems cannot be integrated with the Service Grid’s internal communication layer. Third-party systems can obtain data for further processing via the Service Grid API’s REST interface. What kind of data can be exchanged via the Service Grid? The Service Grid supports various types of data. Process data such as variables, alarms, and events can be exchanged in large volumes. As well as distributing real-time values, the system can also access historical archived values. Furthermore, you can set whether each individual data point should be available as read-only, available for read and write access, or not available at all in the Service Grid. Alarms can be confirmed and linked with comments as well as causes. The Service Grid also has an interface


with zenon Analyzer, which can be used to generate and retrieve reports. zenon Analyzer also allows you to use all existing SQL-stored procedures to carry out data analysis. Engineering data can be synchronized between zenon Editor and zenon Analyzer, ensuring that zenon Analyzer metadata is always up to date. Is the zenon Service Grid scalable? A stable, high-performance system essential, particularly in the case of large distributed systems with numerous plants. For years, zenon Runtime has served as a stable foundation for data acquisition and analysis, as well as process control in such environments. The zenon Service Grid responds dynamically to high load peaks. A higherlevel management system records the utilization of individual services and can implement scaling measures. Through a generic approach with container-based applications, you can scale each service independently within the zenon Service Grid. You have free choice when it comes to the container platform and the management system. However, COPA-DATA recommends using Docker and Kubernetes. Instructions for operation on the basis of these platforms can be found in the help documents. Why is the REST interface provided in the zenon Service Grid? REST interfaces are widely used and are a popular way of exchanging data between software systems via HTTPS. Further benefits include the fact that they are not dependent on any particular programming languages or platforms, they are optimized for large data volumes, and they enable the connection of mobile applications. REST interfaces are not standardized and are always configured for the specific application in question. They support various data exchange formats, including JSON, XML, and any type of text format. What does the Service Grid do in the event of a network failure? zenon allows you to evacuate historical data from zenon Runtime into zenon Service Grid. If the network connection fails, the entries are buffered until communication is reestablished. Following successful synchronization, the local memory is enabled again, thus preventing data loss. How are user authorizations implemented? The authentication and authorization mechanism is based on a two-stage concept. In the first stage, the user is authenticated by means of the Identity Service, thereby answering the question “Who am I?”. The Policy Service is then used to decide what rights the user has, thus answering

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the question “What am I allowed to do?”. This system makes it possible to implement complex access rights. Do staff need specialized IT knowledge to install and operate the zenon Service Grid? Your IT staff will need some in-depth knowledge; for example, to tailor the required parameters of the individual services to the installation platform. This is carried out directly via configuration files during installation. If you want to benefit from advanced functionalities, such as dynamic scaling and failsafe performance, you will need to use technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes. Specialized knowledge and experience are required in this case, as the IT staff will be responsible for operating and maintaining the installation in the long term, including taking care of troubleshooting and software updates. Does the Service Grid only run in a particular cloud environment? The zenon Service Grid is platform-independent and cloudindependent. You can choose any cloud provider or opt for operation within a private data center. Why are new technologies such as Docker used? It is particularly advantageous to use new technologies when running web applications in the cloud environment. Application requirements such as scalability, platform independence, and easy installation can be achieved more easily and efficiently with these technologies. Where are the installation packages and how do I install the zenon Service Grid? The process varies depending on the type of installation. A Windows setup program is available for classic installation, which should be carried out on the server hardware and server operating system. For installation in a cloud environment or a local data center, Docker images are available in the COPA-DATA registry. These images should be installed on an existing Kubernetes cluster. How are the Service Grid’s individual components updated? In the case of classic installation, the individual components are updated with the ISO installation package. If the Service Grid is operated with Kubernetes, you can easily update the components by using the latest Docker images. In both cases, only the components’ binary files are updated. The configuration of the Service Grid installation remains the same. This means that you can continue using the system immediately after the update.


Do I need an SLA for the Service Grid? You will need a valid service level agreement (SLA) to purchase and operate the zenon Service Grid. This will give you access to the latest security updates and functional enhancements at all times. Improvements are implemented in the zenon Service Grid on an ongoing basis and are provided via the COPA-DATA registry. What license models are available? You can purchase the zenon Service Grid as a monthly subscription with billing on an annual basis. The Service Hub, Data Storage, Identity Service, and Egress Connector components are included. The Ingress Connector can also be licensed, if necessary. In this case, the price is dictated by the number of variables in the existing zenon Runtime. The connection between the Web Engine and the Service Grid can be configured either as a read-only connection or a read-and-write connection, whereby licensing is based on the number of users. Any further components connected via the API Gateway can have either a read-only or a readand-write connection. Furthermore, a connection from zenon Analyzer to the zenon Service Grid can be licensed to output reports via the Web Engine or the API Gateway. How does the release cycle for the Service Grid compare to zenon Supervisor and zenon Analyzer? We have been systematically developing and refining the zenon Software Platform over the last few years. With the next version – zenon 10 – zenon Software Platform components will be released simultaneously for the first time, including the zenon Service Grid. An annual release cycle is regarded as appropriate in the OT world, but is not fast enough for cloud scenarios. COPA-DATA will, therefore, offer the zenon Service Grid in two different versions. The version with long-term support will be released annually with the other zenon Software Platform components. To enable timely updates and enhancements, there will also be three further releases: one at the end of each quarter. You are free to choose the option that best suits your needs.

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Thüga Energienetze migrates to new distribution management system

The network operator Thüga Energienetze GmbH has converted its distribution management system from SICAM® 230 to zenon from COPA-DATA. The scalable, easily expandable platform is future-proof and ideally suits the business model of the company, which also offers services related to its distribution management system to its customers. Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 35, November 2019 © Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

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Powe r t ra n s fe r s t at ion for t he c it y of Si n ge n a nd s u r r ou nd i n g d i s t r ic t s.

Thüga Energienetze GmbH, headquartered in Schifferstadt, Germany, operates electricity, water, heat, and natural gas grids in southern Germany as a partner to municipalities, municipal utilities, private households, and industry and trade. The company supplies more than 120 municipalities in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, and RhinelandPalatinate with natural gas and electricity in a reliable and environmentally friendly manner. Special challenges include contemporary trends such as digitalization, renewables, and electromobility, as well as the large-scale expansion of infrastructure. In addition, Thüga Energienetze offers complete services from a single source for municipalities, commerce, the energy industry, and private customers – including certified fault management across the 24-hour distribution management system; network monitoring; network and operational management; the hosting of control system platforms; and installation, commissioning, and maintenance of communications and distribution management technology. U P G R A D E TO A F U T U R E - P RO O F SO LU TI O N With the SICAM® 230 process control system Thüga Energienetze GmbH used formerly, the company was no longer able to offer its customers a future-proof solution. No energy industry-specific enhancements had been developed for the product in recent years. “SICAM 230 product support will be phased out over the next few years. We didn't want this to impact our customers,” says Heiko Bölli, head of Network Services for Secondary Technology at Thüga Energienetze, describing the problem. The company therefore decided to switch to zenon Energy Edition from COPA-DATA, the core system of SICAM® 230. The integrated software platform is characterized by its high flexibility. Thanks to its multi-hierarchical project structure, modular design, and numerous interfaces to various products, it can be expanded quickly, and functions can easily be removed or added as required. This

is an essential requirement, since Thüga Energienetze not only uses the distribution management system for its own operations, but it also offers it as a solution to customers – for example, in the form of network monitoring services. “With the highly scalable zenon software platform, we can parameterize and do not have to program anything. It fits in much better with our business model than any other product available on the market,” summarizes Bölli. D E A LI N G D I R E C TLY WITH TH E SO F T WA R E M A N U FAC T U R E R Thüga Energienetze GmbH virtualized its entire server landscape several years ago in order to simplify the backup and recovery processes of individual process control servers. This offers another benefit as zenon version updates can be performed easily and without risk. Bölli states: “The server on which our control system runs is located at the end customer's site; we only map the redundancies. This means that if the connection to the distribution management system fails, the customer can still take care of everything related to the grid themselves.” zenon is not only innovative, but also sustainable and future-proof: “As a consequence of our switching to work directly with the software manufacturer, our customers don't have to worry that SICAM® will be discontinued at some point,” explains Bölli. FA S T A N D E F F I CI E NT M I G R ATI O N Since both systems are based on the same product, the changeover went smoothly and quickly. After the first stage of the migration, one workstation was equipped with zenon, while the other continued to run the old system. Before long, Thüga Energienetze switched entirely to zenon. In total, the migration took just five months. “The total of around 40,000 variables could be migrated almost one to one. A complete data point test was not necessary; the temporary parallel operation was sufficient for system comparison – and provided enormous time and cost savings,” says Bölli.

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VIRTUALIZED Singen electric power

Rheinland - Pfalz

Singen Gas

Workstation 1 NLS


Allgäu Oberschwaben

Greven 2



Siegen TS



Emergency workstation

Workstation 2 NLS

Greven 1

zenon Editor

ze non Sy s te m O ve r v ie w – C hoos e e it he r complete v i r t u a l i z at ion or t he opt ion of s et t i n g up a m a s te r s e r ve r at t he c u s tome r s ite w it h a s t a ndby s e r ve r at T hü ga E ne r g ie net ze GmbH.

CO M P R E H E N S IV E S U P P O R T TH RO U G H CO PA- DATA An orientation phase was also unnecessary. “We have known zenon since 1999 – that is, as long as we've used SICAM® 230. The source code for both systems comes from COPA-DATA; only the add-ons were developed for SICAM® 230,” explains Bölli. Some of these features – such as topology or screen alarming – had to be reconfigured during migration. “That was the only challenge. But since COPA-DATA has always supported us with fast solutions, the migration went absolutely smoothly. Our contacts at COPA-DATA were available around the clock.” Thüga Energienetze is already in talks with potential migration customers. Regular consultations are essential, emphasizes Bölli. “The energy market is subject to constant change. The requirements are always changing, and this means the software must be adaptable too. With COPADATA, we have a professional and reliable partner by our side.”

H I G H LI G HT S : –

M ulti- hie ra rchic al proje c t struc ture

Flexibly expa n da ble solution with n um e rous inte r fa ces

N o progra mming re quire d a n d high sc ala bilit y

S ustaina ble , f uture - proof solution

Fast, easy ba ckups a n d up dates

Dire c t suppor t conta c t with m a n ufa c ture r

Fast, smooth migration of some 4 0,0 0 0 va ria bles

N o data point test re quire d

Compre h e nsive suppor t through CO PADATA

CO NTAC T: An d rea s Zerlet t S ales E xcelle n ce En e rgy & I nf rastruc ture/S ma r t Cit y CO PA- DATA G e rma ny An dreas . Ze rlet t@ copa data .d e *SIC A M® i s a regi s tered t rademark of Siemen s AG and it s af f iliated c omp anie s.

industr ies & solu tions

SUBSTATION HMI Why local control systems need to stay

Elger stands in front of the giant 400 kV substation, spanning several hectares, and considers the problem he has on his hands. The employees in the load distribution plant have told him that they have almost no idea of how the substation is performing. A circulating telegram is overloading the automation and control components and virtually knocking out the communication network. They can see graphics and measurement values, but the system is updating so slowly that they are unable to trust what is in front of them. Elger has been sent out to the substation for a closer look, and intends to report back by phone. Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 34, June 2019 Š Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

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It’s the year 2030, and a practice that was once commonplace in less significant substations is now the norm in the 400 kV variants too. Local control systems have been made a thing of the past. Considered surplus to requirements and an unnecessary cost, they were phased out some years ago. Elger is an employee of the transmission system operator with authorization to perform switching actions using the substation’s enormous 400 kV switch equipment. For the moment, however, there is no need for him to do that – all he is charged with is gaining an overview of the situation and reporting back on things in a call with the control center. There are two options for him to access the situation. He could put on his safety gear, make his way over to the outdoor facility, and note down the switching state of each disconnector and circuit breaker there. Or he could choose the more convenient option of staying in his office attire and paying a visit to the room where the field control devices are installed. There, he will be able to see the switch settings and measurement values on the LC displays, giving him a picture of how things are running. The LEDs on the panels can also tell him – even from a few meters away – if there are any faults affecting the field. As the LEDs generally remain dark or lit green, anything red or flashing is an instant indication that something has gone wrong and needs attention. Elger heads over to this room, takes a seat, and casts his eye over the equipment. It’s a process that could take hours – or even days if the problem involving the circulating message cannot be resolved. Elger misses the days when an HMI was installed in every substation. With an HMI on hand, all he would have had to do was sit back in his chair and never once worry about looking at the monitor. In the event of an alarm, the computer would have sent out an audible alert to Elger, who could then have turned his attention instantly to the flashing red object and identified exactly what was happening with just a few clicks of the mouse. All he would then have had to do was reach for the phone and let his colleagues in the control center know what was going on. But now, there are no more HMIs. The only option that Elger has is to try and fend off sleep during his 12-hour shift, keep monitoring the displays, and wait for the next person to come and replace him at the end of it all. Elger is an employee who thinks carefully about everything he does and tries to predict things before they happen. Because of this, he makes regular notes about the measurement values he reads from the panels, attempting to identify trends so that he can give dispatchers early notice of anything to which they need to attend. He keeps a close eye on frequency, voltage, and currents, meticulously writing down every value and the time at which it occurs.


But all this work recording values together with their timestamps and producing trend graphics would be a breeze for any HMI. It could pull together key measurement values to create a trend that could then be used for predictive analysis. Instead, Elger has to rely on his own records and values to create a picture of events in his own mind. It is at exactly this inconvenient moment that Elger’s phone chooses to ring. The dispatchers, he is told, need to amend something in the network so that the loads can be distributed in a slightly different way. He is given precise instructions on what he needs to do and notes them all down in his switching manual before reading them back to the colleague to whom he is speaking. They’re all correct, so all that is left to do now is make sure that they’re carried out properly too. Elger has to make sure that he is at the right device and then actuate the switches in the correct order. Every one of these actions fills him with unease, as he does not have an adequate overview of the situation or the experience to operate the switches with enough selfassuredness. He wishes fervently that he had a neat singleline diagram with valid switch position displays and colorcoding to indicate whether an area is being supplied with high voltage. However, there is nothing for it but to stand in front of the small LC displays, check that he is in the right place, and turn the key switches. This sets the device to a local state preventing anyone except Elger from performing switching actions. All remote commands are blocked, including those from the central load distribution plant. He selects the correct switch on the LC display and sets the command for closing one of the high-voltage switches. A dull popping sound can be heard when the circuit breaker, driven by strong coil springs, changes its state from off to on. Elger then repeats these steps on all the other switches in his manual, logging the exact time of each switching action. Once everything is complete, he calls the dispatcher and reports back on the work he has done, including the times he has noted down. If an HMI had been there for Elger to use, he would have been able to work more quickly and with a lot more certainty. He would have been able to perform the switching actions he had noted down directly on the screen with everything in view. Each switching action would also have been logged with precision down to the second in an automatically generated digital operations log book – so Elger would simply have needed to read off the times when reporting them back to the load distribution plant. There would even have been a luxury feature that is the stuff of Elger’s dreams: the ability to record the individual switching actions in a simulation mode, just like a macro recorder. He could then have played the recording back – still working in this simulation mode – to check that everything was correct, switch back to real-time mode,

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Figure 1: A l l i n for m at ion i s col le c te d i n a s ubs t at ion H M I for a p e r fe c t ove r v ie w.

and start the sequence of commands he had tested. And the whole thing would run exactly as it had in the test. Just imagine that ... Elger spends the remaining hours of his shift with his measurement value recordings, keeping watch over the LEDs. At the end of his shift, he heads over to the meters and notes down the values representing the energy that has been directed through the transformer station over the last 12 hours – a few megawatt hours. Normally, an automatic measurement value archive linked to a reporting tool would have recorded this information. But without an HMI, all this has gone too. There are so many benefits that using a powerful HMI can bring: reliability, a good overview, early detection abilities, and convenience. By contrast, dispensing with an HMI creates inconvenience, uncertainty during switching actions, and Sisyphean tasks – and it can ultimately put the power supply in jeopardy. Thank goodness for people like Elger. Only someone with his capacity for imagination could retain an abstract model of the substation in his mind, allowing him to maintain an overview of the equipment state and identify trends.

Fortunately, we live in the year 2019 – still a time in which 400 kV substations are equipped with HMIs that do all this work so we don’t have to. While a situation like the one that Elger faced would still require a person to go on site in order to check the state of affairs, an HMI would allow that person to approach the situation in a calm frame of mind, confident in the knowledge that every action will be the right one.

jürgen r esch, industry m a nager energy & infr a struc t ur e

industr ies & solu tions



SYSTEMS FOR ENERGY STOR AGE Energy storage systems and their application in modern electricity grids

Today’s electricity grids cannot function without energy storage systems. They are used for a wide range of purposes: as control instruments, as buffers for generation and load peaks, and as long-term storage systems. In these applications, battery storage is playing an increasingly important role. The technology is still in its infancy, however, and undergoing constant development. In this article, we look at the ways in which energy storage systems are used today and what role batteries will play in the future.

Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 33, November 2018 Š Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH


industr ies & solu tions

We are all familiar with storage systems for electrical energy – like the rechargeable and single-use batteries that we find in our household appliances, cars, tools, and machines. They have been used in a myriad of both personal and industrial applications for over 100 years now. But in electricity grids with fluctuating infeed and consumption levels, storage systems need to deal with exceptionally large volumes of energy. This is certainly true of conventional energy generation from fossil fuels, but where it really becomes important is in grids supplied by renewable sources of energy. N U M E RO U S A P P LI C ATI O N S Generally speaking, an energy storage system in an electricity grid must be able to both draw and supply energy. If the storage system is disconnected from the grid, it must be able to operate as an isolated unit. One way in which users can benefit from the application of a storage system is in the optimization of consumption in a self-contained environment. Alternatively, storage systems can be used to serve the market in a multi-regional grid – by supplying balancing energy, for instance. A third example is voltage stabilization within a grid. IT A LL D E P E N DS O N P OWE R D E N S IT Y For nearly 100 years, energy has been temporarily stored on a large scale in pumped-storage power plants. Excess or very low-cost energy in the form of electricity is used to pump water from a lower-altitude lake to a higher one. This moves around massive volumes of energy. The pumpedstorage power plant Limberg II in Kaprun, Austria, is one example of this. If the total contents of its lower lake (81.2 million m3) were to be pumped completely into its higher lake, approximately 81,000 MWh would be available. This could then be retrieved with an output power of 480 MW. Of course, this is only a theoretical figure because the lakes are never completely emptied. If we compare the Limberg II system to the world’s largest battery storage system in Mira Loma, California, it becomes clear that the pumped-storage system is not the most space-efficient way of storing energy. The Mira Loma battery-based project consists of 396 power packs, each of which can store 80 MWh and output 20 MW of power. They are situated on an area of just 6,000 m2, whereas the two lakes used by the Limberg II pumped-storage system cover an area of 3.1 km2 – around 500 times larger. As a result, the power density of the batteries would be 21 times higher.

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E LE C TR I CIT Y M U S T B E P ROVI D E D WH E N CO N S U M E D Today’s integrated grids operate an AC grid with a frequency of 50 Hz (in Europe, large parts of Asia, and Australia) or 60 Hz (North America and parts of South America). If generation and consumption are the same, the frequency remains stable at this level. If generation is higher than consumption, the frequency will rise. If generation is lower than consumption, the frequency will drop. This is also the reason why frequency-synchronized clocks in Europe were running slow by several minutes at the start of this year: consumption exceeded generation, causing the frequency to fall and the clocks to tick more slowly. BA L A N CI N G E N E RGY FO R G R I D FREQUENCY Transmission system operators (TSOs) are the entities responsible for keeping the frequency within a certain tolerance range. To do this, they use primary and secondary balancing energy to counteract frequency variation. Primary balancing energy systems are fitted directly to the turbines of power plants, where they measure the frequency and immediately increase or decrease turbine output if the frequency deviates from 50 Hz. Secondary balancing energy works in a similar way but is performed at a control center rather than at the turbine. In this case, the control signal is sent from the control center to many power plants and turbine controllers with different weightings in order to keep the frequency stable. Additionally, in gas or hydroelectric power plants, tertiary balancing energy is used. This is done by starting up or shutting down the turbines in a matter of minutes. The three balancing types are operated in parallel and are used to ensure frequency stability by matching power generation precisely to current consumption. WH AT D O E S TH I S H AV E TO D O WITH BAT TE RY S TO R AG E ? A lot! Battery storage systems can be used to supply primary balancing energy – and deliver interesting economic benefits as well. On average, a TSO pays around 100 euros per year for 10 kW of battery power that can be used for primary balancing, regardless of whether the output is needed or not. As an example of this applied to a current project, 10 MW of installed second-life batteries from electric cars could yield 100,000 euros per year.


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Figure 1: E ne r g y s tora ge a nd s upply for f r e que nc y cont r ol.

E N E RGY S TO R AG E FO R S M A R T G R I DS A smart grid is a grid which uses control and communication in a specific way to avoid the need for costly expansions of the existing cable or line infrastructure. However, if the control of distributed power generators does not produce the desired figures or if, for example, voltage tolerances are exceeded, or transformers are overloaded, an energy storage system may be of use. It stores excess energy and can thus prevent the need to shut down a distributed power generator (or, at least, delay such an eventuality). This type of energy storage can be used for optimizing self-supply, storing energy peaks, ensuring a household can run offgrid, and providing back-up voltage in a sensitive supply area. BAT TE RY S TO R AG E SYS TE M S FO R TH E I N D E P E N D E NT S TA R T- U P O F P OWE R P L A NT S If a power plant is able to run what is known as a black start, this means that it can start itself up independently and supply energy in the event of a blackout. To achieve

this, reliable energy storage systems need to be in place in order to run the auxiliary power units for start-up – so that a compressed air supply or oil lubrication is available, for example. The energy in this case comes from conventional lead batteries, which supply the auxiliary power units with direct current. In contrast, power plants that cannot run black starts need energy from the grid in order to restore the plant to operation. BAT TE R I E S A S S TA B I LI Z E R S FO R R E N E WA B LE S Energy from the sun and wind naturally fluctuates widely, potentially creating a huge balancing problem for the electricity grid. For example, if the wind suddenly drops or a cloud blots out the sun, the amount of power generated will change. Conversely, a boost in the infeed caused by the wind picking up may cause the line frequency to increase. If this happens too quickly, the primary balancing system is often unable to compensate for it and the secondary balancing is too slow.

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For this reason, the immediate rise or drop of power output experienced in wind or solar installations is dampened by batteries. If the wind picks up or solar radiation increases, energy generation rises rapidly and this excess energy is used to charge a battery. This reduces the steep rise in output, giving the primary and secondary balancing systems enough time and capacity to compensate for any further rise. On the other hand, if the wind or solar radiation drop abruptly, the battery compensates for the fall in output by feeding power into the grid. These battery storage systems can be in effect for a matter of minutes to several hours. LO N G -TE R M S TO R AG E : S E A SO N A L S H I F T Alongside the short-term storage of power-generation peaks, demand is growing for systems which can conserve energy for longer periods of time. One term that is currently trending in this context is “seasonal shift,” which refers to the storage of energy over several months. “Power-to-gas” or “power-to-liquid” technology is used for this. It converts electrical energy into hydrogen and subsequently into gas. For example, gas is generated in the summer with energy from solar installations and used in the winter for heating or for power generation using gas turbines. These systems are less efficient than batteries, but over such long time periods batteries would have naturally discharged. Lithium-ion batteries, for example, lose up to 30% of their stored capacity every month as they lose charge. BAT TE RY S TO R AG E : TH E SO LU TI O N O F TH E F U T U R E Batteries are highly versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications. Particularly given our changing approach to energy sources, batteries have an indispensable role to play because the large-scale output fluctuations that renewable energies are subject to can be balanced using batteries. However, the technology is not (yet) fully matured or cost-effective, and this prevents it from being rolled out universally. State financial assistance and investment married with proactive regulation are required to help make the transition, as has happened in South Korea. In recent years, some five billion dollars have been invested by the Korean government in projects relating to battery-based energy storage systems. As a result, these systems are now being incorporated into the planning of every new-build project and retrofitted in public building development projects throughout the country.

jürgen r esch, industry m a nager energy & infr a struc t ur e

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E N E RGY S TO R AG E SYS TE M S AT A G L A N C E A few examples of energy storage systems used today:

Thermal energy storage systems –

H ot wate r ta n ks

Distric t h eat storage syste ms

Stea m a ccumulators

Fire bricks

Chemical energy storage systems –

B at te ries

Re cha rg ea ble bat te ries

Hydrog e n storag e syste ms

Mechanical storage systems –

Pump e d -storage powe r pla nt s

Compresse d air rese r voirs

Fly wh e els

S pring a ccumulators

Electrical storage systems –

C a pa citors

Other energy-storage systems such as wind-gas, solar-gas, or thermochemical systems are currently in development, testing, or pilot stages, but are not yet in largescale use.


industr ies & solu tions




zenon Controls the Energy Storage System at Jeju Sangmyeong Wind Power Plant

The Korean island of Jeju is no stranger to leading-edge energy technology after being selected, in 2009, as the location of a Smart Grid test-bed that would underpin the Korean government’s ambitious Smart Grid infrastructure plans. When Korea Midland Power Co. Ltd (KOMIPO) created a new wind power plant and energy storage facility on the island, it looked to COPA-DATA partner NEOPIS for an equally revolutionary solution based on the energy automation software zenon. Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 33, November 2018 Š Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

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51 6 5

Figure 1: T he Powe r Ma n a ge me nt Sy s te m ove r v ie w s c r e e n d i s play s r ea l-t i me s t at u s a nd t r e nd i n for m at ion of d i f fe r e nt dev ice s , e.g. c h a r g i n g a nd d i s c h a r g i n g of t he bat te r ie s.

KOMIPO is a subsidiary of the Korea Electric Power Corp. and is one of five public power suppliers in Korea. It operates thermal and renewable energy power plants across Korea and, in 2015, began work on a new 21MW wind power plant consisting of seven wind turbines on the Korean island of Jeju. Project architects for the new Jeju Sangmyeong wind farm were aware that, as with any renewables project, fluctuations in supply – that don’t necessarily match fluctuations in demand – can cause problems in the planning and delivery of a reliable electricity supply. In order to tackle this problem head-on, the new wind power plant was designed to include an Energy Storage System (ESS) equipped with a high-performance lithium-ion cell technology Battery Management System (BMS) developed by LG Chem specifically to support the stabilization of power supply in renewables operations. The scope of the project, therefore, included the need for a secure and reliable Electrical Equipment Control and Monitoring System (ECMS) and a Power Management System (PMS) which would be able to visualize and control the electrical equipment and also connect to the Energy Storage System. It was vital that the new software system would be flexible enough to fulfill the requirements of all included subsystems – and deliver highly reliable redundancy between the ECMS & PMS primary server and the ECMS & PMS secondary server to underwrite the security of supply. KOMIPO undertook a rigorous tender process to identify a solution that would meet the utilities’ needs. Jun Seon Lee, the Project Manager at KOMIPO with responsibility for the Jeju Sangmyeong wind power plant project, explains:

“We were convinced by the bid submitted by the NEOPIS team because of their expertise in our sector. NEOPIS is the leader in the field of renewables control and management here in Korea. We felt confident the NEOPIS team would be able to deliver a high-quality solution and implementation.” PA R TN E R I N G U P FO R U N I Q U E R E N E WA B LE P ROJ E C T S As well as offering system integration for substations, traditional power plants, and renewable energy plants, NEOPIS produces its own range of hardware designed for use in the energy sector, including power protection panels, protection relays, etc., and has been a member of the COPADATA Partner Community since 2014. Hyeon Hui Choe, Manager at NEOPIS, explains why his team selected COPA-DATA’s zenon automation software for use in the Jeju Sangmyeong wind power plant: “We know zenon has a proven track record in the energy industry and supports crucial communication protocols such as IEC 61850, IEC 60870, and IEC 61400-25. zenon is also a highly flexible solution that would enable us to meet the stringent requirements for both elements of this control and management solution and deliver the redundancy needed.” The seven wind turbines are controlled using the ECMS based on zenon and using the IEC 61850 protocol – a typical substation automation application that provides secure and effective local control. COS T- E F F E C TIV E E N E RGY S TO R AG E CO NTRO L The Power Management System (PMS), the software that controls the ESS, was also implemented by NEOPIS using


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Figure 2: T h i s s i n g le l i ne d ia g ra m g ive s a compr e he n s ive ove r v ie w of t he h ig h (15 4 kV ) a nd low ( 22.9kV ) volt a ge g r id net work a nd s w itc h gea r s , i nc lud i n g det a i le d t ra n s for me r i n for m at ion.

zenon. zenon displays and provides control over how much energy is stored in the batteries and how much is transferred directly to the grid. Rules can be set in the system to define when energy is stored. This includes, for example, relative cost; during the night energy is cheaper because of limited demand and so, to optimize profitability, energy is sold back when it can achieve the best price. zenon offers the flexibility to automate these processes in the PMS or the operator can adapt them to meet current circumstances manually.


Figure 3: Si n g le l i ne d ia g ra m s s uc h a s t h i s low volt a ge s w itc h gea r s c r e e n d i s play v it a l i n for m at ion i n a c lea r a nd v i s u a l w ay.

The IEC 61131-3 programming interface zenon Logic has been an integral component of zenon for many years and provides automation engineers with considerable benefits. zenon and zenon Logic access a shared database, and shared variables and data types can be created, amended, or deleted by either system. NEOPIS has programmed unique functions within zenon Logic to address the specific requirements of this renewables project – which have much potential for energy suppliers such as KOMIPO. Hyeon Hui Choe at NEOPIS explains: “zenon Logic

“zenon is now our first choice for projects of this kind.” HYEON HUI CHOE, MANAGER AT NEOPIS

Project Manager Jun Seon Lee states: “zenon has proven to be a highly intuitive system for the control and operation of the plant. It has enabled us to automate the processes around energy storage in such a way that we can optimize revenue generation. We are really pleased with the performance and operation of the system. In zenon, we have a single solution for control and monitoring of both the wind farm and the energy storage operations with built-in redundancy that would allow operation even in the event of a system blackout occurring.” A N I NTE G R ATE D SO LU TI O N Another key advantage of zenon, which convinced NEOPIS it was the best solution for the job, is its integrated zenon Logic, which serves as a Soft PLC.

provides extremely reliable control while being a far more cost-effective solution than any other viable alternative. What’s most exciting for us is that zenon can fulfill many roles on one physical device: soft PLC, HMI, database server, and data analysis – all backed up by flexible and rapidly configurable out-of-the-box redundancy options. This makes zenon now our first choice for projects of this kind.”

industr ies & solu tions

57 18

ECMS & PMS Data Flow Diagram ECMS & PMS Primary Server

ECMS & PMS Secondary Server

ESS Data Storage


zenon driver

zenon driver

Modbus Master

IEC 61850 Client

zenon Historian SQL Server Interface

zenon driver

zenon driver

Modbus Master

IEC 61850 Client


Microsoft SQL Server 2012 database

Historian SQL Server Interface


ethernet switch

Modbus Slave

Modbus Slave

IEC 61850 Server



Meters and protection relays

LG Electronics

LG Chem


IEC 61850 data flow

Modbus TCP/IP (Primary Server)

SQL database data flow

Modbus TCP/IP (Secondary Server)

ECMS = Electrical Equipment Control and Monitoring System PMS = Power Management System ESS = Energy Storage System PCS = Power Conditioning System BMS = Battery Management System

Figure 4: Net work d ia g ra m of E C M S & PM S , i nc lud i n g s y s te m comp one nt s , d at a f low, a nd r e du nd a nc y.



I EC 6 1 8 5 0 - complia nt Ele c tric al Equipme nt Control a n d M onitoring Syste m (EC M S)

Flexible Powe r M a nag e me nt Syste m (P M S) for control a n d monitoring of e n e rgy storag e

You ng S u K im Te ch nic al S ales G e n e ral M a nag e r CO PA- DATA Korea youngsu . kim @ copa data .com

Ra pidly conf igura ble b uilt-in re dun da n cy

I ntegrate d I EC 6 1 13 1 -3 - conforming S of t P LC (ze n on Logic)

U niqu e combination of S of t P LC , SC A DA , H M I , data base se r ve r, a n d data a nalysis in a single syste m


industr ies & solu tions


zenon – the Distribution Network Maestro What does zenon have to do with distribution networks? What is a DMS? And is it possible to turn an HMI/SCADA system into a fully-fledged DMS? This article will answer all these questions and more.

A Distribution Management System (DMS) is required in order to manage an electrical network. In general terms, an electrical network can function completely unmanaged – as can be seen by the electrical installation within a house. However, a home network represents a very small network; virtually insignificant in the scope of a whole region. If a home network goes down, it has no effect on other households. Plus, home networks are rarely rebuilt or expanded.

N E T WO R K M A N AG E M E NT SYS TE M R EQ U I R E D FO R CO M P LE X D I S TR I B U TI O N N E T WO R K S When you scale up an electrical network to cover a city, a district, or even a whole region, this is known as a distribution network. Inevitably, this scaling results in new challenges: a fault in a section of the network could affect several households, while a total failure can affect hundreds of thousands of people. In contrast with a home Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 32, October 2017 © Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

industr ies & solu tions

network, a distribution network is “alive”. It is constantly being extended and adapted as houses are added and new businesses open up. With increased energy demand come new supply lines. In such conditions, a network simply cannot go unmanaged as this would lead to permanent blackout. This is why a network management system is required, i.e. a system with a constant overview that displays what position the high-voltage switches are in and which switching operations are required in order to integrate new lines and cables or to carry out maintenance. The network management system must prevent the interruption of energy supply or limit an interruption to as few customers as possible. Previously, it was enough to put up a network map on a pinboard and track the switch positions with different colored pins, carefully noting all switching operations in a logbook. Communication with service technicians took place via phone or radio, while specialists conducted network calculations manually. Today, the person responsible for the network management system (operator) needs technical support due to the sheer volume of data that accumulates in a network control center. This system is called a Distribution Management System, or DMS. Broadly classified, a DMS does two jobs. First, it maps the measured values and positions of high-voltage switches and records their operation. This part is usually referred to as SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). The second part involves calculating the network with regard to load flows, short circuit calculations, setting of suppression coils, step switches for transformers, etc. Both parts are necessary in order to keep the network operational. After all, the network can be influenced by a number of factors. These can include planned switching operations that are necessary to extend the network or carry out maintenance work, but much trickier are factors like variable loads, power generation, and faults. In order to be able to respond quickly to these influences and keep the network running smoothly, the operator is provided with various pieces of information. For one, they receive real-time information from the switchgear in the form of messages, alarms, and status notifications. They also use non-real-time data to gain other information, such as the location of a problem or how many customers are affected. This information can come, for example, from a geographical information system (GIS) or a business system such as SAP. WH AT A D M S M U S T B E A B LE TO D O Now let’s have a look at the DMS from a technical perspective. The first questions we should ask ourselves are where is all this data coming from and how can a DMS replace a pinboard with a network map on it? The first part of the question is easy to answer: the data is provided through interfaces. A DMS requires interfaces with all areas it is connected with. Information that was previously communicated via telephone now arrives automatically via the telecontrol technology in the DMS. Unfortunately, this is not the case for every switch required for a network management system. Depending on the configuration of the remote network or the operational necessity, there may still be switches which are not remotely controlled. In order to properly map these switches in the DMS, you need a function that matches that of the manual tracking on the pinboard. In zenon, this function is called “manual correction”. The advantage of manual correction in the DMS compared to the pinboard is that the DMS simultaneously calculates the status of the network and provides the operator with additional information. The operator can find out if a line is electrified, switched off, earthed, or used for multiple supplies. At the same time, the DMS

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A Distribution M a nage m e nt Syste m (D M S) is re quire d to ma nag e a n ele c tric al n et work .

Previo usly, it was e n ough to p ut up a n et work ma p on a pin boa rd a n d tra ck th e switch positions with dif fe re nt colore d pins .

A D M S re quires inte r fa ces to all a reas it is con n e c te d to – a n d to g e ogra phic al information syste ms (G I S) a n d b usin ess syste ms .

Th e loa d flow c alculation is use d to monitor a n et work a n d to flag up critic al situations .

Th e state estimator provides inform ation a bo ut n et work segme nt s that a re n ot measure d a n d c a n only b e estimate d .

CO PA- DATA contin ues to a dd D M S f un c tions to ze n on .

industr ies & solu tions



Simulation & Replay



Single line Diagram


Fault Location


Reporting SQL

zenon core


State Estimator

Load Flow

User Management


Process Recorder Command processing

Command Sequencer Drivers

can work out before switching whether an intervention will cause consumers to be without power or whether it will cause other network sections to be overloaded. As such, the system assists the operator and prevents them from making mistakes. In addition to the interfaces for detecting network status and the remote control of equipment such as switches, transformers, protective devices, etc., the DMS also needs interfaces to other systems for geo-information, customer data, and storage of data collected for further use by other systems. Thus, the DMS serves as an intersection or gateway for a variety of different information types. And the DMS is not exempt from trends, either: data required by multiple systems can be stored in the cloud. When using a DMS, it’s important to always have visibility of the status of the network. The calculations

Figure 1: A nu mb e r of ze non mo du le s wh ic h c a n b e appl ie d to cont r ol a nd mon itor a d i s t r ibut ion net work s y s te m for s m a l le r to m id-s i ze d mu n ic ipa l ut i l it ie s.

necessary for this are carried out by a load flow module. The module takes into account the topology of the network and its feeds and loads and uses this information to calculate the voltages and distribution of power and currents. These calculations can be used to derive functions that are necessary to monitor the network or to indicate the possible overloading of equipment during switching operations. In addition, the load flow calculation can be used in simulation mode. During monitoring, “N-1 calculations� are performed in order to address the question of what would happen if a resource fails. Would this push another resource to its limits, cause it to fail, or even trigger a chain reaction? With the results of the N-1 calculation, counter-measures can be taken before the worst case ever occurs.

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Figure 2: A me d iu m-volt a ge g r id d i s playe d i n a zoom able worldv ie w of fe r s t he ne ce s s a r y ove r v ie w.

S M A R T R E SO U RC E S H E LP K E E P TH E G R I D S TA B LE The load flow calculation assumes that the network features many consistent measured values. This status is not, however, strictly necessary for the state estimator. The state estimator calculates the current state of loads and feeds. It checks measured values, detects incorrect measured values and estimates missing measured values (hence the name “estimator�). This is based on the current measured values, from the process control system. Using this data, the state estimator for the network model can fi nd a solution to the complex voltages that best matches the existing measured values. The goal of state estimation is to provide a consistent and complete set of measured values, which serves as the basis for further load-flow calculations or short-circuit calculations. In addition, the calculated measured values are checked against predefi ned limit values. The calculated values are usually visualized with their own identifier. Operators or system supervisors will be informed of any large deviations from existing measured values. The load-flow calculation and state-estimator functions are among the most important network management functions and are intrinsic parts of a DMS. That is why COPA-DATA is working to implement these functions. Not

only to expand its business in the direction of distribution networks, but also to consolidate its position in the field of substation automation, because here, too, there is an increased demand for algorithms for complex electricity and voltage calculations.

jĂźrgen r esch, industry m a nager energy & infr a struc t ur e


industr ies & solu tions




Building a Grid for the Future

Local COPA-DATA distributor PETROLEC has been instrumental in helping EVN Hanoi, the board within Vietnam’s national electricity operator that serves the Hanoi region, to implement a new control system based on zenon automation software for more than 30 of its 110kV substations.

Developing an effective and sustainable national energy supply is a fundamental objective – and foundation – of Vietnamese national socio-economic development policy. The need for a secure, reliable power grid that can support and attract inward investment and meet growing commercial and domestic demand requires a proactive national approach to energy management. In conjunction with the national electricity company EVN, the Vietnamese government has a 15-year investment plan in place to develop and secure a reliable and Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 32, October 2017 © Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

sustainable grid for electricity generation, transmission, and distribution throughout the entire country. Effective control and monitoring systems are a key element in ensuring a reliable and sustainable supply. In Vietnam, adding substations to the grid network had historically been undertaken in a series of large turnkey projects. However, this gave the national operator very little control over the maintenance and development of its systems.

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Figure 1: ze non d i s play s t he e nt i r e I E C 618 5 0 -ba s e d net work a r c h ite c t u r e, i nc lud i n g s ea m le s s r e du nd a nc y, c lea rly a nd v i s u a l ly.

24 41

Figure 2: E ve r y t h i n g u nde r cont r ol: Si n g le l i ne d ia g ra m s convey v it a l i n for m at ion ab out t he t h r e e d i f fe r e nt volt a ge leve l s – 110 kV, 35kV, a nd 22 kV – w it h i n t he s ub s t at ion.

The operating company felt it was a hostage to fortune as to when repairs or maintenance work were necessary, and it believed that regaining control over its substation operations was essential to reduce both cost and inconvenience in the short term and to ensure the safe and cost-effective growth and sustainability of the grid over the long term. WI N BAC K CO NTRO L In 2014, EVN Hanoi began a project to upgrade the control and monitoring systems at 23 of its 110kV substations. It was keen to find a new solution with local support that its in-house engineers could maintain easily; this would mean a move away from all of the incumbent suppliers. To reduce the risk such a move would represent, EVN Hanoi decided that the selected system would initially need to be commissioned at one substation only for a period of testing. Mr. Dao Hoang Quang, Director of the Hanoi Region Load Dispatch Center (HLDC), describes the process: “We looked at a number of different solutions and tested more than one. We were very attracted to the solution presented to us by PETROLEC that was based on zenon because it appeared to meet all of our performance, maintenance, and communication requirements and because we were impressed by the support PETROLEC was offering.”

Because the EVN Hanoi team were new to zenon, the local COPA-DATA distributor provided a great deal of support in the initial stages, including helping with the design of the first project for the electricity company. This was then installed in parallel to the existing system at one of EVN Hanoi’s 110kV substations. Mr. Dao Hoang Quang explains: “We tested the zenonbased solution for three months and were very satisfied with its performance. This test project gave us confidence in both the energy automation software and the commitment and support we could receive from the PETROLEC team. Most importantly, we were confident that our local engineering team would be able to maintain the system and roll out zenon in further projects.” OV E R S I G HT O F A D IV E R S E E COSYS TE M Following the successful test project, the initial scope was for zenon to be installed as the HMI/SCADA solution across 23 of EVN Hanoi’s 110kV substations. This spanned a diverse ecosystem of heterogeneous hardware components, and hardware and software from many different suppliers. Mr. Dao Hoang Quang: “The engineering team was hugely impressed by the connectivity the COPA-DATA solution allowed for. zenon easily solved the problems arising from the need to communicate with the products of many manufacturers, including some very specific hardware,

“In zenon, we have found a system that gives us the comprehensive overview of operations we need. It has allowed us to take back control of our own infrastructure and reduce the cost of ownership both in the short and long term.” DAO HOANG QUANG DIRECTOR OF THE HANOI REGION LOAD DISPATCH CENTER (HLDC), EVN HANOI


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Figure 3: O p e rator s c a n d r i l l dow n to v ie w det a i le d i n for m at ion ab out s ub s t at ion comp one nt s: he r e, t he “ hea lt h s t at u s” of one of t he t ra n s for me r s i s d i s playe d.

such as smart meters, and the communications standards peculiar to our industry.” zenon natively supports more than 300 communication drivers and protocols – ensuring unparalleled flexibility in terms of the hardware and software with which it can communicate. In addition, zenon supports the energy industry IEC 60870 and IEC 61850 communication protocols – enabling secure, compliant, and reliable communication from IED through to the dispatch center. E M P OWE R I N G LO C A L CO NTRO L A N D D E LIV E R I N G LO C A L S U P P O R T Although the initial project design was created with support from the PETROLEC team, the EVN Hanoi engineers now have complete ownership of the application and this has had significant advantages in terms of the maintenance of the systems, as Mr. Dao Hoang Quang explains: “We are now able to undertake any engineering tasks ourselves which has ensured much faster issue resolution. We are now no longer reliant on third parties based overseas, as we can handle many issues internally. This has a clear advantage in terms of the speed and cost of support.” “What’s more, if we encounter any problems, we simply call PETROLEC support. Our engineering team is backed up by the comprehensive zenon help texts which were customized for our project in Vietnamese. In PETROLEC we have one great local partner.” A S E CU R E I N V E S TM E NT zenon has now been successfully rolled out to more than 30 substations within EVN Hanoi’s regional power grid – going beyond the specifications of the original project, thanks to these early successes. As well as providing control and supervision locally, zenon is installed at the Hanoi Regional Load Dispatch Center where it provides an overview of the operation and maintenance of the system.

Mr. Dao Hoang Quang states: “In zenon, we have found a system that gives us the comprehensive overview of operations we need. It has allowed us to take back control of our own infrastructure and reduce the cost of ownership both in the short and long term. We are delighted to have found, in PETROLEC and COPA-DATA, partners who are able to support our plans for developing a sustainable power grid. It is enabling us to improve current performance and will form the basis of our long-term development and expansion of the electricity grid.”

H I G H LI G HT S : –

I ntuitive op e n syste m that allows for own e rship by th e e n d use r ’s loc al e ngin e e ring tea m

Suppor tive loc al distributor with ex te nsive in dustr y kn owle dg e

Flexible , op e n con n e c tivit y with dive rse ha rdwa re a cross multiple loc ations

S uppor t for I EC 6 0 870 a n d I EC 6 1 8 5 0 communic ation sta n da rds

S ea mless re dun da n cy

Low- cost mainte na n ce on -site

O ngoing suppor t f rom loc al pa r tn e r

CO NTAC T: G ia ng N g uyen B in h Dire c tor P E TRO LEC gia ngn b @ p etrole c .vn


21 6 5



Bellinzona Secures Power Supply For nearly 150 years, the public utility AMB has supplied Bellinzona, the capital of Ticino, with its power and communication. It was time to update the technology and to adapt it to current requirements and standards. This complex project was jointly taken on by the experts COSTRONIC SA and the zenon software from COPA-DATA.

Azienda Municipalizzate Bellinzona (AMB), has secured the power supply for Bellinzona and neighboring municipalities since 1869. AMB now supplies approximately 15,000 households with an average of 280 GWh of electricity per year, including quick telecommunication via fiber-optic cable and clean water. The power is distributed over a 50 kV/16 kV network. Around 20% of the required energy is generated from hydro-electric power and photovoltaics. Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 31, May 2017 Š Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

When it was a matter of switching the aged and locallydistributed operation of the 50 kV/16 kV power supply to a central control system, AMB commissioned COSTRONIC SA with the implementation. Experience with successful cooperation had already been gained through a power station project.




Figure 1: I n t he cont r ol r oom , t he e mploye e s a lw ay s h ave a n ove r v ie w of t he complete e ne r g y g r id a nd c a n zoom i nto t he det a i l s at a ny t i me.

S TE P BY S TE P TO A S E CU R E P OWE R S U P P LY AMB did not just want to replace aging technology, it primarily wanted to build a safe system with high availability. A central requirement in doing so was that the legal specification of keeping a complete archive for ten years would be met. In addition, it had to be ensured that the maintenance staff, on call 24 hours a day in the control center, get their information in real time. A perfect overview of all information and quick access to current and saved data was considered standard anyway. The system integrator COSTRONIC SA designed the project with multiple layers and deployed it in a targeted manner in several steps. A simple subproject was implemented as a basis. This was then expanded to a multi-project administration which acted as a multi-client. Then, there was the step of vertical redundancy as a multistandby server and, lastly, the connection to the higherlevel load distribution plant. Afterwards, 80 transformers (16 kV) and distribution boxes (400 V) were integrated in line with IEC 61850. For Claude Nidegger, Sales Manager at COSTRONIC SA, the decision to use zenon as a visualization system was obvious: “zenon is perfectly scalable and could therefore be adapted ideally to the growing requirements. It is primarily the simple reuse of screens and symbols, as well as the support for many energy protocols, that simplified project configuration for us. The subsequent visualization of 80 transformers and distributor boxes was implemented without problems using the indicated screen switch.”


Figure 2: W he n d i s t r ibut i n g f r om 5 0 kV to 16 kV, t he s t at u s of eac h l i ne i s show n e xac t ly u s i n g A L C .

P OWE R S U P P LY I N B E LLI N ZO N A S E CU R E D In the final expansion, several servers and clients now use zenon to control the seven Schneider Modicon M340 using Open Modbus TCP/IP, as well as the 120 Schneider protection relays using IEC 61850. They are connected using the direct drivers already supplied with zenon. In Runtime, the complete network is shown as a zenon Worldview and colored using Automatic Line Coloring. The operators have an overview of the complete network at all times and can zoom into the details at the same time if necessary. Each of the servers has an SQL connection. Furthermore, because the complete system was designed with vertical and horizontal redundancy, data loss is prevented in the event of an error and the legal obligation to keep records is fully ensured. AMB was very satisfied with the careful implementation. Pasqualino Pansardi, Power Generation Manager at AMB: “The configuration of the project met our demands and requirements in full. During the course of the project, we learned to value the benefits of open interfaces and simple scaling.” Bellinzona can continue to rely on its power supply. The control and visualization now comply with all legal regulations and company requirements. A B O U T COS TRO N I C SA COSTRONIC SA was founded in 1986 and has established itself as an expert in the energy field. The Swiss integrator's teams have already implemented over 2,500 automation


Figure 3: P r oce s s e s a nd s t at u s of t he t u rbi ne s c a n b e r e cor de d at a g la nce. I f r e qu i r e d , e mploye e s c a n h ave det a i l s show n w it hout pr oble m s.

projects: For hydro-electric power plants and transfer and distribution of high, medium and low-voltage power supplies, as well as for road and infrastructure projects. COSTRONIC has been a member of the COPA-DATA Partner Community since June 2012. Further information: www. A B O U T SATO M E C AG SATOMEC AG is a commercial company with dealers for automation systems. The zenon distributor, based in Cham, provides its customers in Switzerland and Liechtenstein with highly-qualified support, consulting, instruction and training. Control systems, visualization, HMI, IPC and network technology are some of the areas of expertise of the Swiss company with 15 employees. SATOMEC AG was founded in 1976 and has been privately owned by the Studhalter family since 2005. Further information:

217 8

Figure 4: A l l l i ne s a nd s t at ion s a r e show n i n a ze non Worldv ie w. T he s e c t ion c a n b e zoome d a nd move d a s de s i r e d.


7x S chn eide r M odicon M3 4 0 via M odbus

4x 3 0 S ch n eid e r prote c tion relays via I EC 61850

I ntegrate d I EC 6 0 870 a n d I EC 6 1 8 5 0 dire c t drive rs , as well as O p e n M o db us with time sta mp

S e r ve r a n d multi-sta n dby se r ve r un d e r Win dows S e r ve r 201 2 a n d Win dows 8 .1

M ultiple - monitor solution with pa rallel switching of seve ral scre e ns

SQ L conn e c tion

Worldview for ove r view a n d d etaile d display of th e complete n et work

Clea r coloring of th e powe r lin es a n d th eir status

CO NTAC T: E lg er G led hill ze n on S ales M a nag e r, Switze rla n d/ Lie chte nstein , S atom e c AG info @ satom e c .ch


industr ies & solu tions



On the Way to Zero Downtime with zenon and Microsoft Azure

Managing remote power generation sites has its own particular challenges, not least in terms of the efficient monitoring of operations. Slovenian renewables producer Gorenjske Elektrarne has resolved these challenges using a novel and technologically advanced IoT solution, which combines COPA-DATA’s software zenon with Microsoft’s Azure cloud services.


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Gorenjske Elektrarne is a subsidiary of Elektro Gorenjska, one of Slovenia’s leading energy utility companies. It specializes in the development of power from renewable sources, including solar and hydroelectric power. Given the nature of its power sources, many of the company’s power generation sites are located in remote and difficult terrain. This can present challenges in terms of the monitoring and control of remote locations.

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helped us improve the power stations’ output and reduce associated operational costs.” The team at Gorenjske Elektrane implemented the zenon monitoring and control solution internally. Aleš Ažman says: “The results of the team’s work can be clearly demonstrated in the effects of the refurbishment – production improvements could be seen immediately after we put the project into operation at the end of 2007.”

„zenon is a simple tool to deploy and extremely stable in operation. Trust and conviction in the solution are two of the many reasons we chose to standardize on zenon.“ JURIJ ČADEŽ, GORENJSKE ELEKTRARNE, PROJECT MANAGER

Gorenjske Elektrarne’s use of COPA-DATA’s SCADA software began in 2006 when a refurbishment project at Gorenjske Elektrarne’s Soteska hydroelectric power station utilized zenon for the plant’s local control and monitoring systems. The Gorenjske Elektrarne team were pleased with the improved system overview and reliability zenon delivered. Jurij Čadež, Project Manager at Gorenjske Elektrarne, says: “zenon is a simple tool to deploy and extremely stable in operation. Trust and conviction in the solution are two of the many reasons we chose to standardize on zenon.” I M P ROV E D VI S I B I LIT Y H A S H E LP E D TO O P TI M I Z E O U TP U T The next refurbishment project was at the Sorica 125 kW Small Hydroelectric Power Plant (SHPP) in 2007. zenon was implemented as a local SCADA system to control operations, record key plant parameters, enable the visualization of the complete SHPP, alert engineers to alarm states and suboptimal operation, and enable further operational analysis and optimization. The plant control system refurbishment with zenon resulted in an operational cost reduction of 30% and a 15% production increase through the elimination of downtime and sub-optimal operation. Aleš Ažman, the Director at Gorenjske Elektrarne, says: “We have had a very good experience with the COPA-DATA solution. For us, it was important to optimize production costs and gain an overview of all operational parameters. zenon has helped us to achieve this and, in doing so, has Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 31, May 2017 © Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

C E NTR A LI Z E D CO NTRO L D E LIV E R S COS T SAVI N G S The Sorica project spawned an initiative to improve the centralized and decentralized monitoring of all HPP operations, which ran from 2010 to 2013. Then in 2014 and 2015, an additional 23 photovoltaic power plants were connected to the central SCADA. zenon was implemented across the board to enable operational parameters, alarm management and live camera feeds to be displayed at the HPP control center in Kranj. Using zenon’s web server and web client, this information can also be viewed at any distant decentralized location with an internet connection. zenon Webserver Pro allows the operators in the field to connect remotely to the central zenon SCADA to monitor and control the power plants from any location. This has enabled the main operational cost reduction. The insight that zenon delivers has enabled the team at the headquarters in Kranj to diagnose events on the power plants and prepare strategies before dispatching a team of field engineers to the location – saving valuable time and money. Aleš Ažman outlines further benefits: “We have seen a substantial improvement with our data following the zenon integration. All our maintenance engineering has been streamlined, operational costs have been reduced and are still reducing.” Jurij Čadež confirms: “zenon’s 100% reliability has been great for us. The optimization project led to a reduction in downtime and sub-optimal operation. zenon has enabled


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ze non's i nteg rate d r ep or t i n g d i s play s b ot h r ea l-t i me a nd h i s tor ic a l key pr oce s s pa ra mete r s for ea s y a n a ly s i s.

ze non i nte g rate s l ive c a me ra fe e d s of key loc at ion s for ea s y ob s e r vat ion a nd a n a ly s i s. He r e, a n au g me nte d ove r v ie w of t he S ote sk a hyd r oe le c t r ic p owe r pla nt a nd fou r det a i l v ie w s of t he s a me pla nt a r e show n.

us to remotely investigate and diagnose the problems before they can have a negative influence on production. Because of the risks associated with high water levels and flood water it is important to be able to control operations remotely and zenon has proved very useful for this too.” CO M M U N I C ATI O N C H A LLE N G E S R EQ U I R E C R E ATIV E SO LU TI O N S Over recent years, Gorenjske Elektrarne has successfully developed its power generation capabilities and it now owns and operates 15 hydropower plants, 23 photovoltaic plants and three combined cycle plants across Slovenia. zenon has been implemented across all utilities in the company’s HPP operations to read the process data and metrics from the PLCs and to deliver essential power plant control and protection. The next step will be to integrate smaller plants and combined cycle plants. Given the geographical constraints of Gorenjske Elektrarne’s business, the company has had to deploy a mix of communications solutions to meet its requirements for a centralized overview of its operations. It would be cost-prohibitive for Gorenjske Elektrarne to build its own communication network over such a wide geographic area, so the company has had to rely on IP-VPN over leased lines and, in some very remote locations, satellite connectivity. Satellite communications in particular are

unreliable, and zenon has had a key role to play in network monitoring and the security of communication equipment. These challenges have forced the company to think creatively about how to achieve a reliable and flexible overview of its operations from any location. This led Gorenjske Elektrarne to explore the possibilities of using zenon in combination with Microsoft’s Cloud platform Azure, including the Azure IoT Suite. Microsoft Azure offers a highly scalable platform to deliver corporate applications simply and cost-effectively from the cloud. zenon is fully integrated with Microsoft’s Azure cloud services. It provides a scalable platform which has been designed to help organizations to benefit from the scalability, agility and cost-effectiveness of the cloud without the need to rewrite applications. Users can deliver corporate applications “as is” on any device without rewriting them, eliminating the need for major up-front expenditure and reducing the time it takes to get cloud solutions into production. C LO U D D E LIV E R S I N S I G HT S FA S T Gorenjske Elektrarne now uses zenon in combination with Microsoft Azure for fast and easy access to its control center. Now, the information from Gorenjske Elektrarne’s control center can be visualized without delay on mobile clients.

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Azure Remote Service

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zenon Runtime real-time Client

Azure DynDNS

Azure Virtual Network







on premise

zenon Project Architecture

Control Center



Virtual Private Network

zenon SHPP 1



15 Small Hydro Power Plants




23 Photovoltaic Power Plants




3 Combined Cycle Power Plants

G or e njske E le k t ra r ne now op e rate s 15 hyd r op owe r pla nt s , 23 photovolt a ic pla nt s a nd t h r e e combi ne d-c yc le pla nt s ac r os s Slove n ia. ze non h a s b e e n i mple me nte d to r ead d at a f r om t he PL C s a nd to de l ive r e s s e nt ia l p owe r pla nt cont r ol a nd pr ote c t ion. ze non i s now f u l ly i nteg rate d w it h M ic r osof t ’s A z u r e c loud s e r v ice s.

Employees simply install remote clients on their internet-connected PCs, tablets or phones and are then able to securely access the zenon application. With little upfront investment and no specialized hardware, Gorenjske Elektrarne can ensure every member of the team who needs it has an operational overview. This overview consists of a real-time dashboard of the company’s entire infrastructure across 36 distributed power generation sites. Engineers and supervisors can access the information they need using their Android smartphones. The zenon application, running on Azure, delivers the right information they need in real time. This allows the team to react as quickly as possible and to take the best decisions based on reliable and high quality data.

Jurij Čadež says: “The application is extremely fast and responsive. I am very happy with the outcome of our latest zenon project using Microsoft Azure as a platform. It is very useful for our company.” Users can view alarms, events, trends and reports as and when they need to with minimum fuss. Azure automatically flexes with demand – so that occasional bursts of activity in response to an incident or alarm condition are fully supported with no loss of performance. Jurij Čadež continues: “One of the reasons we chose to standardize on COPA-DATA’s software is the excellent technical knowledge of the COPA-DATA team. This knowhow underpins everything they do and we have complete


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T he ze non appl ic at ion , r u n n i n g on A z u r e, de l ive r s t he r ig ht i n for m at ion t hey ne e d i n r ea l t i me. E mploye e s s i mply i n s t a l l r e mote c l ie nt s on t he i r i nte r net-con ne c te d P C s , t ablet s or phone s a nd a r e t he n able to h ave s e c u r e acce s s v ia M ic r osof t ’s A z u r e Re mote S e r v ice s.

faith in their solutions and their development path. We know that the COPA-DATA team will leverage the most promising new technologies early and, what’s more, they don’t do this for the sake of it, only where it delivers real tangible benefits for customers. This is what ensures that zenon solutions are reliable, efficient and easy to use.”


Loc al monitoring a n d control with relia ble data

C e ntralize d control ce nte r with real -time integration of process data , live vid e o a n d n et work m onitoring information

I ntegration with M icrosof t A zure for fast, simple a ccess to compa ny-wid e information

Re mote use r a ccess on th e ze n on a pplic ation on An droid sm a r tph on es

Simple , ra pid a ccess to ala rms , eve nt s , tre n ds a n d re por t s wh e reve r a n d wh e n eve r it is n e e d e d .

CO NTAC T: J a kob M iazg a S ales M a nag e r CO PA- DATA C e ntral E aste rn Europ e / M iddle E ast ja kob. miazga @ copa data .com

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Save costs and avoid errors with the Command Sequencer in the zenon Energy Edition

AUTOMATE COMMAND SEQU E NCES The zenon energy world has been waiting for this module! The zenon Command Sequencer was conceived for local control in substations and network control centers. Flexibly-created command sequences, tested in a protected environment, contribute to reducing the operator’s workload.

Independent of the communication components applied, the Command Sequencer can be used to compile command inputs in a graphic editor, in the form of a stacked program. After checking and testing, the module then carries out this sequence of switching actions automatically. This is particularly useful for repetitions of the same command sequences or for very long or complicated sets of switching operations. What may appear unusual for integrators is that they need not program the command sequence in a device specifically envisaged for this (such as a bay controller, front-end processor, RTU or PLC); they configure it in the HMI/SCADA server directly. The reason for putting the command sequences in their own devices is usually because they can rely on their availability. With the zenon Command Sequencer, this is no longer necessary. zenon redundancy mechanisms increase availability to virtually 100 percent. Also, precautions were taken to stop a command sequence if there are problems during execution. The module thus constantly checks the interlocking conditions. Even if interlocking conditions change during the running of a command sequence, the module stops execution of the sequence. A major advantage of the zenon version in comparison to the device version: users can create the command sequence in simulation mode and, best of all, test it in detail. But what about the issue of process simulation in zenon? Does the person configuring the project have to consider how to develop the simulation code? No, the zenon Energy Edition offers a tool and algorithms that guarantee the interaction of command variables and response variables even in simulation mode, removing the need for engineers to program any simulation code themselves. They can create and adapt command sequences at any time. This offers considerably more flexibility than a rigidly-programmed PLC solution and is particularly relevant for a distribution network where topology evolves.

Here, dispatchers can amend the command sequences themselves, in a protected environment – at any time. As soon as the command sequence has been tested in detail, it can be approved. The user management guarantees that only one person in charge can grant approval. TH E B E N E F IT S O F TH E Z E N O N CO M M A N D S EQ U E N C E R : – Automate recurring switching actions – Configure complex command sequences ergonomically and start them at the click of a mouse – No PLC programming required for command sequences – Create and test command sequences in simulation mode – Teaching: record the command sequence during operation in the single-line diagram – Save time and costs, avoid errors jürgen r esch, industry m a nager energy & infr a struc t ur e

Vid eo: Config u re, test a n d execu te com m a n d seq uen ces ea sily wit h t h e zenon Com m a n d Seq uen cer S c a n & Play!

ht tp: // kay wa . me/a 4 F YG Erschienen in

information unlimited das magazin von copa-data Nr. 29, April 2016 © Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

Vid eo: zenon – a u tom ate you r m a n u fac t u ring a n d infra st ruc t u re eq uip m ent wit h in credible ea se! S c a n & Play!

w w w.copa data .com/ ze n on -S of t wa re - Plat fo rm

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