Information Unlimited Magazine – Special F&B

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S P EC I A L I S S U E 2020



produc t s & serv ices

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Everything you ever wanted to know about the zenon Service Grid Now it’s easier than ever to use the Internet of Things in industry

The zenon Service Grid is the perfect addition to the Software Platform, particularly for distributed applications. Here, we’ll consider the particular benefits of this software expansion. Why is it ideal for equipment distributed across a country or around the globe? How does it establish the connection between a company’s OT and IT networks? How is it installed and what license models are available? The answers to all these questions and more can be found here. Is the zenon Service Grid intended to replace zenon Runtime, zenon Logic, and the zenon Analyzer? No. The zenon Service Grid expands the platform in the direction of the Internet of Things (IoT). It is not a standalone product. Rather, it is an IoT upgrade for the zenon Software Platform that enables completely new applications. The zenon Service Grid was designed in line with current best practices and state-of-the-art approaches to software development. It uses architecture concepts such as microservices, bringing together several individual software components to form a large, scalable application. The distribution of the components allows you to make efficient use of the existing hardware resources. What are the key benefits compared to other IoT solutions? The zenon Service Grid allows you to monitor data from distributed locations in an integrated solution. In conjunction with the Service Grid, the zenon Software

Platform makes it possible to transfer data continuously from the fieldbus level to the cloud within a single system. The central development environment makes engineering easier and reduces the amount of work required overall. Thanks to the backward compatibility, existing projects can also be easily integrated into the overall system. How does the Service Grid help to protect the OT network? The zenon Service Grid works exclusively with unidirectional connections. All nodes use outgoing connections to communicate with the Service Hub – this includes zenon Runtime. Communication is encrypted via Transport Layer Security (TLS) and the participants’ identities are verified by means of digital certificates.


produc t s & serv ices

What kind of applications is the Service Grid best suited to? The main purpose of the zenon Service Grid is to provide a simple connection between geographically distributed zenon installations – in the case of international production sites, for example, or in the field of power generation. The collected production data can be visualized in a central location, such as a control center, with the aid of zenon Runtime or the HTML Web Engine. The Service Grid can also be used as a security gateway between OT and IT networks to transfer data from the field level to third-party systems in the IT landscape. For more information on this subject, please refer to the previous article, which contains further concrete examples. Is the Service Grid intended to replace the zenon network? No, the zenon Service Grid and the zenon network can and should exist in parallel and each should be used appropriately, as the situation demands. When does it make sense to continue using the zenon network? The zenon network is used in the context of OT within one plant to synchronize runtimes with each other. The zenon Service Grid, on the other hand, is generally used in conjunction with WAN connections over large distances to process selected data from zenon Runtime or zenon Analyzer in a cloud application or a local data center. Which systems can be integrated for the purposes of exchanging data? The zenon Service Grid is primarily used to exchange data between the software components of the zenon Software Platform: i.e. between zenon Runtime, zenon Analyzer, zenon Logic, and the HTML Web Engine. To guarantee the security of the data and the data exchange process, external systems cannot be integrated with the Service Grid’s internal communication layer. Third-party systems can obtain data for further processing via the Service Grid API’s REST interface. What kind of data can be exchanged via the Service Grid? The Service Grid supports various types of data. Process data such as variables, alarms, and events can be exchanged in large volumes. As well as distributing real-time values, the system can also access historical archived values. Furthermore, you can set whether each individual data point should be available as read-only, available for read and write access, or not available at all in the Service Grid. Alarms can be confirmed and linked with comments as well as causes. The Service Grid also has an interface


with zenon Analyzer, which can be used to generate and retrieve reports. zenon Analyzer also allows you to use all existing SQL-stored procedures to carry out data analysis. Engineering data can be synchronized between zenon Editor and zenon Analyzer, ensuring that zenon Analyzer metadata is always up to date. Is the zenon Service Grid scalable? A stable, high-performance system essential, particularly in the case of large distributed systems with numerous plants. For years, zenon Runtime has served as a stable foundation for data acquisition and analysis, as well as process control in such environments. The zenon Service Grid responds dynamically to high load peaks. A higherlevel management system records the utilization of individual services and can implement scaling measures. Through a generic approach with container-based applications, you can scale each service independently within the zenon Service Grid. You have free choice when it comes to the container platform and the management system. However, COPA-DATA recommends using Docker and Kubernetes. Instructions for operation on the basis of these platforms can be found in the help documents. Why is the REST interface provided in the zenon Service Grid? REST interfaces are widely used and are a popular way of exchanging data between software systems via HTTPS. Further benefits include the fact that they are not dependent on any particular programming languages or platforms, they are optimized for large data volumes, and they enable the connection of mobile applications. REST interfaces are not standardized and are always configured for the specific application in question. They support various data exchange formats, including JSON, XML, and any type of text format. What does the Service Grid do in the event of a network failure? zenon allows you to evacuate historical data from zenon Runtime into zenon Service Grid. If the network connection fails, the entries are buffered until communication is reestablished. Following successful synchronization, the local memory is enabled again, thus preventing data loss. How are user authorizations implemented? The authentication and authorization mechanism is based on a two-stage concept. In the first stage, the user is authenticated by means of the Identity Service, thereby answering the question “Who am I?”. The Policy Service is then used to decide what rights the user has, thus answering

produc t s & serv ices

the question “What am I allowed to do?”. This system makes it possible to implement complex access rights. Do staff need specialized IT knowledge to install and operate the zenon Service Grid? Your IT staff will need some in-depth knowledge; for example, to tailor the required parameters of the individual services to the installation platform. This is carried out directly via configuration files during installation. If you want to benefit from advanced functionalities, such as dynamic scaling and failsafe performance, you will need to use technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes. Specialized knowledge and experience are required in this case, as the IT staff will be responsible for operating and maintaining the installation in the long term, including taking care of troubleshooting and software updates. Does the Service Grid only run in a particular cloud environment? The zenon Service Grid is platform-independent and cloudindependent. You can choose any cloud provider or opt for operation within a private data center. Why are new technologies such as Docker used? It is particularly advantageous to use new technologies when running web applications in the cloud environment. Application requirements such as scalability, platform independence, and easy installation can be achieved more easily and efficiently with these technologies. Where are the installation packages and how do I install the zenon Service Grid? The process varies depending on the type of installation. A Windows setup program is available for classic installation, which should be carried out on the server hardware and server operating system. For installation in a cloud environment or a local data center, Docker images are available in the COPA-DATA registry. These images should be installed on an existing Kubernetes cluster. How are the Service Grid’s individual components updated? In the case of classic installation, the individual components are updated with the ISO installation package. If the Service Grid is operated with Kubernetes, you can easily update the components by using the latest Docker images. In both cases, only the components’ binary files are updated. The configuration of the Service Grid installation remains the same. This means that you can continue using the system immediately after the update.


Do I need an SLA for the Service Grid? You will need a valid service level agreement (SLA) to purchase and operate the zenon Service Grid. This will give you access to the latest security updates and functional enhancements at all times. Improvements are implemented in the zenon Service Grid on an ongoing basis and are provided via the COPA-DATA registry. What license models are available? You can purchase the zenon Service Grid as a monthly subscription with billing on an annual basis. The Service Hub, Data Storage, Identity Service, and Egress Connector components are included. The Ingress Connector can also be licensed, if necessary. In this case, the price is dictated by the number of variables in the existing zenon Runtime. The connection between the Web Engine and the Service Grid can be configured either as a read-only connection or a read-and-write connection, whereby licensing is based on the number of users. Any further components connected via the API Gateway can have either a read-only or a readand-write connection. Furthermore, a connection from zenon Analyzer to the zenon Service Grid can be licensed to output reports via the Web Engine or the API Gateway. How does the release cycle for the Service Grid compare to zenon Supervisor and zenon Analyzer? We have been systematically developing and refining the zenon Software Platform over the last few years. With the next version – zenon 10 – zenon Software Platform components will be released simultaneously for the first time, including the zenon Service Grid. An annual release cycle is regarded as appropriate in the OT world, but is not fast enough for cloud scenarios. COPA-DATA will, therefore, offer the zenon Service Grid in two different versions. The version with long-term support will be released annually with the other zenon Software Platform components. To enable timely updates and enhancements, there will also be three further releases: one at the end of each quarter. You are free to choose the option that best suits your needs.

industr ies & solu tions



How can we transform HMI challenges into digitalization opportunities?

The Human Machine Interface (HMI) topic is so important for manufacturing teams in a time of digital innovation. Over the last few months, we’ve been talking to people about what they are aiming for and how zenon as an industrial software platform can help. We dedicate this article to all professionals in the food & beverage industry who have shared their opinions with me on the HMI topic during our recent trips to Africa, Asia, South America, and Europe.

Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 35, November 2019 Š Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH


industr ies & solu tions

In a classic solution setup, the machine HMI is an assembly of a hardware panel, an operating system, a runtime application, and a project running within it. They are different components with different lifecycles, but also subject to continuous technological development. Machine suppliers continually invest in improvements to provide much more than simple machine operation. The HMI makes it possible to interact with machine complexity in an easier and more user-friendly way, thereby avoiding operation errors and downtime. The HMI is essential for high machine reliability and efficient production. Recently, we’ve had the chance to hear the opinions of production teams from different manufacturing plants across several continents regarding the topic of HMIs. We share the accumulated thoughts of various team members below. O LD A N D N E W C H A LLE N G E S FO R M AC H I N E H M I Speaking with machine operators and people working in packaging areas always brings interesting insights into manufacturing reality. For years there has been a clear trend toward reducing the number of people operating a given filling line. One operator will be responsible for a group of machines. They need to walk from one machine to another and undertake the necessary tasks without causing time or material losses. Sometimes the operator has to adapt from the look and feel of one HMI to another: how do they navigate through the interface options? How do they execute an action? What are the meanings of particular colors? The key question that arises from this is: how do we create an HMI concept that helps the operator to manage a group of machines even more easily? When it comes to filling area supervision, line managers are keen to manage production flexibility while maintaining optimum quality, efficiency, and consumption. Seeking to process complexity in an easier way, they stand to profit from the growing quantity of production data and associated analytical tools. For line managers, the HMI is the main way operators can be integrated with optimization initiatives across different machines and processes. Fast and precise information from the HMI to other systems and back again is at least as important as the recording of data and events from each machine. The line manager’s key challenge therefore lies in how to increase the integration between different production equipment and people. IT managers in breweries worldwide are focused on ensuring their IT infrastructure is optimally networked and the software kept up-to-date, secure, and running well. The bandwidth of automation and IT networks is

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growing. Increasingly robust hardware is being deployed. This prepares the way for new digitalization initiatives. However, risk is introduced by HMI panels that use aging operating systems that cannot be updated with security patches. This represents a critical component of the entire line yet it must be kept disconnected from the rest of the infrastructure. This situation represents a lost chance to integrate machines within the wider plant architecture. We have to ask: what are the overall upgrade costs for an HMI? How is that offset by the advantages of upgrading? How much easier would it be to manage the operator’s access rights at plant level, instead of machine level? For automation specialists in production, the HMI is one of the many automation components they need to deal with, alongside PLCs, motor drives, measurement devices, and much more. A PLC might allow a specialist to take ownership of it in the post-guarantee phase and even extend its lifetime. However, the HMI is often presented as a “black box,” where very limited improvements to the machine lifetime are possible. The challenge here is how we can enable the automation specialist to more easily keep up to date with technological development across a heterogeneous automation landscape. Today’s digitalization manager already has a clear opinion about OT/IT integration. We’re on an unassailable path towards virtualization. And there is little hardware which is not subject to “bring your own device” considerations. Architectures combine classical systems with hybrid IoT approaches, from the sensors to the Cloud. The HMI is just one important component in the “smart factory” way of thinking. How can we disconnect component bundles, such as the HMI, to make them more easily upgradable? Where should we run the HMI application: on hardware at machine level or at line level? The priority is to enable new machine operation concepts, focused not on the machine but on the user. We want to ensure that the new technologies based on big data and the Cloud can be used to help production teams. With respect to the HMI as an equipment component to be repaired, replaced, or improved, maintenance managers worry about the cost of spare parts. For the individual components of the HMI bundle, continuous development makes the price/performance ratio better and better. But how can maintenance managers ensure they profit from this development? All of these considerations are precious inputs from manufacturing teams that deserve understanding and reflection. The concreteness and the frequency of which we heard these inputs inspired us to propose the following solution.


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A SO LU TI O N WITH M A N Y O P P O R T U N ITI E S Let’s call our solution a “centralized HMI infrastructure.” It is fully based on existing zenon technologies being used in numerous plant-wide applications. These technologies have been validated against a variety of standards important to the sector. Let’s consider their main principles and components – and their benefits. Warning: you’ll need to use some of your zenon knowledge here!


on the need to operate or supervise. The machine projects run as clients of the ones already started on the server and are automatically updated with central changes. We are not creating “black boxes” here. Instead, you enjoy greater freedom to maintain hardware, operating systems, and your zenon projects. The machines benefit from a longer lifecycle. The operators benefit from a higher level of HMI usability. 3. DEEPENING OT/IT INTEGRATION


The central infrastructure consists of a physical or virtualized server – see Figure, showing the operating system and the zenon Runtime software. Within this environment, the zenon HMI project (app) of every machine is inserted as a module. Based on a set of prerequisites and native zenon functionalities, these HMI apps are integrated harmoniously. They directly communicate with the machine PLCs, supported by a performant and reliable communication network. This way, the HMI bundle is transformed into a combination of easy-to-maintain components. zenon is always ready for the newest operating systems and assures compatibility and the conversion of different project versions. In zenon, the hierarchical project integration brings a special bonus to this solution – something that is often ”unexpected” if zenon is new to you. Without extra engineering effort, all the HMI data, events, alarms, and context information are centralized within one “Line Controller” project. Moreover, the straightforward use of Active Directory in zenon enables common user management across all the HMIs, and their use can be harmonized with existing IT security concepts. Plus, if you need even more reliability from the entire centralized HMI infrastructure, zenon’s redundancy is one valuable option at your disposal. 2. DEVELOPING FLEXIBLE MACHINE OPERATION CONCEPTS

How many operators are necessary for the entire line? For what group of machines is each operator responsible? Where should we install the interface so that the operator can safely operate one or more machines? And what are the operator’s needs in terms of the simultaneous information from different machines, e.g. status, alarms, performance? Answering these questions helps us to develop an optimized operational concept with the focus firmly on facilitating and enhancing the operator’s contribution to plant performance. What does this mean for the centralized HMI infrastructure? It’s likely you will use a number of panel PCs. On every one you will run one or more machine/HMI projects, depending

The centralized HMI infrastructure with zenon is, by default, the place to integrate OT and IT. First, there is a direct robust communication with the PLCs. The HMI apps of every machine are made available for users wherever they need it, according to centrally managed user roles. Over configurable mechanisms, zenon supervises the reliability and activity of the entire infrastructure. Second, zenon offers various ways to integrate plant systems and business applications, such as ERP interfaces (e.g. SAP), SQL data archiving, Cloud architectures, and Process Gateways (e.g. OPC UA). For digitalization managers, the centralized HMI infrastructure enables new concepts that benefit line managers and their colleagues – making it easier to continuously improve plant performance. Real-world examples are numerous – from ERP to HMI communication for reduced changeover in the filling lines, through to predictive intelligence running in the Cloud. 4. ENABLING WIDER USE OF LINE PERFORMANCE TOOLS

One important result of integrating all HMI projects centrally is the zenon Line Controller. Here, zenon automatically centralizes data, events, alarms, and context information. The Line Controller is like an HMI/SCADA system for the complete line that delivers real-time supervision and operation. It enables users to improve the speed of machine changeover or to visualize lines in top-down approaches – from aggregated indicators to the smallest details about productivity, quality, or energy consumption. zenon makes it possible to extend these functionalities continuously; add new ideas such as the process recorder, 3D-visualization, or standard operating procedures management. How can users fully profit from such a large amount of available data? zenon enables you to historicize and contextualize data – from HMI projects to SQL. You can use reporting systems such as zenon Analyzer for extensive analysis. Or you may use other systems as a data consumer too. The centralized HMI infrastructure supports mobile solutions or further types of client/server approaches. You maximally profit from data, wherever you need it.

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Line Performance Tools

Stationary and mobile clients

OT/IT Integration On-premise or cloud-based (e.g. ERP, databases)

Line Controller Line supervision, historian, aggregated data, events, alarms, shared components, shared user management, data models, etc.

Machine HMIs Clients on easy-to-maintain hardware




HMI Machine 1

Machine-centric or operator-centric (m ≠ n)

Machine PLCs

ZENON-BASED CENTRAL INFRASTRUCTURE Physical or virtualized server



zenon central project structure

Every machine is delivered with an HMI project

HMI Machine n


A ce nt ra l i ze d H M I i n f ra s t r uc t u r e w it h ze non i s def i ne d by c lea r c h a rac te r i s t ic s: m a i nt a i n abi l it y, e x te n s ibi l it y, i nte r op e rabi l it y, u s abi l it y.

CO N C LU S I O N S We’ve learnt from manufacturing teams worldwide that the classic HMI both faces and creates numerous challenges today. But zenon offers exciting possibilities to build sustainable solutions. A centralized HMI infrastructure with zenon is defined by clear characteristics: maintainability, extensibility, interoperability, usability. This offers a huge number of new possibilities to transform the human machine interface into a real contributor to optimal plant performance. To add your feedback to our market survey or to find out more about zenon, please get in touch. EMILIAN AXINIA I n dustr y M a nag e r Foo d & B eve rag e Emilian Axinia, M.Sc. Computer Engineering, has been part of COPADATA’s team in Salzburg, Austria, since 2007. His focus as Industry Manager is to develop the business in the Food & Beverage industry by addressing the challenges faced by today’s manufacturing companies. Emilian has accumulated over 20 years of experience in engineering and automation projects in the food and beverage industry. e milia na @ copa data .com


industr ies & solu tions



Automation meets tradition at speck producer HANDL TYROL

5,000 metric tons of bacon a year are shipped from the state-of-the-art production facility of HANDL TYROL GmbH in Haiming in the Austrian Tyrol. The overall plant automation solution implemented by COPA-DATA’s Silver Partner ematric gmbh, based on the zenon software platform, enables highly efficient production of traditional delicacies. Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 35, November 2019 © Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH


industr ies & solu tions

T he e nt i r e pla nt , i nc lud i n g a l l m ac h i ne s , s y s te m s , a nd bu i ld i n g te c h nolog y, i s d i s playe d i n ze non.

For thousands of years, humankind has cultivated the art of preserving meat through curing, drying, and smoking. The combination of meat with salt, fire, air, and spices creates the specialty known as Tiroler Speck, an authentic Tyrolean cured ham. It is particularly popular in alpine regions as an energy-rich snack. Speck is made using a mixture of the Nordic smoker and Mediterranean dry cure methods with a little salt and cold smoke, lots of fresh air, and an aging period of several weeks. It is identifiable by an EU Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). The best-known and largest producer of Tiroler Speck PGI is HANDL TYROL. Founded in 1902, the family-owned company employs around 550 people at four locations. It produces annually some 15,000 metric tons of original Tyrolean bacon, ham, raw sausage, and roast meat products which it exports to 25 countries. In addition to the highest quality standards and the great taste of the products, HANDL TYROL owes its success to frequent innovation in production technology and product variants. TR A D ITI O N WITH A T WI S T The process of making Tiroler Speck PGI for retail sale takes several months. After being salted, the meat arrives in the curing room where it remains for three weeks. It is then cold-smoked with beech wood at around 20 degrees. The meat is then air-dried for eight to sixteen weeks. By this point, it has lost about 40 percent of its original mass. After the meat has been shaped and trimmed, it is cut and packaged. To exploit the opportunities of new markets and rising demand, HANDL TYROL decided to set up a new production facility for its core ham and loin bacon products. It would do things the old way with a twist, as per its own definition

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ze non g ive s u s e r s cont r ol of a l l e qu ipme nt – f r om s t a nda lone m ac h i ne s to complete pr o duc t ion s ite s or t he e nt i r e mu lt i-s ite e nte r pr i s e.

of innovation. “The proven, efficient, and partly prescribed production processes will be maintained,” explains Karl Christian Handl, Managing Partner of HANDL TYROL GmbH, discussing the objectives of the project. “At the same time, a high level of automation in line with Industry 4.0 will enable the flexible and energy-efficient production of large quantities, and make it easier to meet high quality standards and reporting obligations.” TR I E D A N D TE S TE D I N E XI S TI N G P L A NT S With the aim of integrating the building technology within the overall automation, HANDL had already equipped its existing locations with a control system before the construction of the new speck production facility. “The inventory showed the wide variety of existing control and automation systems that had to be integrated,” recalls Rainer Haag, Managing Director of COPA-DATA’s Silver Partner ematric gmbh. “Because of its ability to communicate with virtually every imaginable third-party system, we knew we wanted to use zenon.” On the basis of COPA-DATA's proven software platform, a control system for heating, ventilation, cooling, and other building services had been created, which has had a direct impact on production. Over several years, the automation specialists at ematric gradually integrated more existing systems using zenon. This resulted in a comprehensive, multi-site production and building management system. U N I FO R M SYS TE M E N VI RO N M E NT One goal of the planning for the new production plant was to integrate production equipment and building technology in a complete plant automation system. HANDL sought a uniform system environment with a higher-order control


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W it h a h ig h leve l of autom at ion , H A N DL T Y ROL m a ke s Ti r ole r Sp e c k P GI f r om p ork at t he Ha i m i n g pla nt.

center that would control the production processes and ensure a simple and error-free data exchange with the ERP system. Another expectation of the system equipment was to significantly reduce the effort required to compile the extensive necessary documentation. “We have had excellent experiences in existing plants with the zenon software platform and its implementation by ematric,” says Karl Christian Handl. “That's why we decided to follow this path for the new building as well.” Unlike the earlier projects, all the process equipment, production machines, and conveyor systems, including an automated guided vehicle system, were included here.


I n one cont r ol r oom at eac h loc at ion , a l l op e rat i n g s t ate s a r e c lea rly d i s playe d on mu lt iple mon itor s.

building design then followed. A digital twin of the system, based on the computer models, provided an excellent basis for ematric's project work. TR A N S FO R M ATI O N O F TH E AU TO M ATI O N PY R A M I D In addition to proving itself in the existing plants and the capability of direct connection between the ERP and SCADA systems, zenon's redundancy and security were important selection criteria. The software can be operated with redundant servers and has numerous options for operation directly from the client system. “We designed

“The fully integrated data flow across all systems enables us to control the entire plant with minimal effort” KARL CHRISTIAN HANDL, MANAGING PARTNER, HANDL TYROL GMBH

HANDL had planned the system in great detail to ensure the project's objectives were achieved. The machines, systems, and auxiliary units were designed only after computer simulations of the expected goods flows were mapped by an external organization. Dimensioning and

the entire system in such a way that even in the event of a total server failure, each of the individual machines can continue to function effectively,” explains HMI/SCADA specialist Daniel Weiskopf from ematric. “This also allows

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for maintenance and update activities without interruption to manufacturing processes or data.” In order to ensure seamless data consistency with high operational reliability, HANDL and ematric turned the traditional automation pyramid on its head. After consultation with COPA-DATA, they replaced everything between the ERP and MES systems and the machines and units with one platform: zenon. The comprehensive software for the highly automated operation of machines and systems covers the traditional SCADA, HMI, and PLC levels of a process control system. This form of implementation significantly reduces the number of interfaces between different systems. It simplifies the configuration and maintenance of the overall system, and minimizes the number of possible sources of error. B R I N G I N G TR A D ITI O N I NTO TH E F U T U R E The ematric technicians used a large number of the many features offered by zenon. In addition to the SAP interface, they utilized Equipment Modeling and the Extended Trend module, to name just a few. Since there are around 40 PLCs from different manufacturers in the overall system, ematric engineers also used the integrated software modules for VSTA and the soft PLC zenon Logic to optimally integrate all hardware. The implementation occurred in parallel with the construction of the new production facility. In addition to PLC programming and the customization of zenon, it also included setting up a control center at each location. In the control centers, all of the operating states are clearly displayed on multiple monitors. Malfunctions and faults can be detected immediately, and the steps necessary to efficiently troubleshoot an issue can be initiated quickly. Thanks to alerts from zenon Message Control and access via web services, faults can be resolved very quickly and downtime avoided. With a standardized user interface and extensive reporting options which can incorporate historical data, the zenon implementation supports employees with optimized production control. “The fully integrated data flow across all systems enables us to control the entire plant with minimal effort,” confirms Karl Christian Handl. “By integrating all systems in zenon, we can respond quickly to faults and carry out process optimization.” In addition, quality and cost optimizations can be derived from testing, production, and the use of data collected in a variety of reports. After a one-month trial run, the plant went into full operation without the need for any further updates. Since then, Tiroler Speck PGI is being made at HANDL TYROL's Haiming plant using an unbeatable combination of traditional methods and state-of-the-art technology.

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Complete automation with zenon ensures highly efficient operation, enables further growth, and ensures a consistently high-quality end product. As Karl Christian Handl commented at the opening ceremony: “A vision was made a reality – tradition became the future.”

H I G H LI G HT S : –

Site -wide e quipm e nt control a n d m onitoring

I ntuitive op e ration via on e control room p e r loc ation

H igh level of a utomation

H igh e n e rgy ef f icie n cy a n d ove rall syste m ef f icie n cy (O EE )

Simplif ie d qualit y assura n ce a n d ve rif ic ation

Compre h e nsive , a utom ate d re por ting process

CO NTAC T: CO PA- DATA CE E /M E sales .ce e @ copa data .com

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How to make a line manager smile gratefully

It is always inspiring to meet people deeply involved in food and beverage production. For me, talking to filling or packaging line managers is especially exciting. In this role, you know exactly the challenge of always being in control. You directly impact the output of your production site – and, therefore, the commercial success of your brewery or bottling plant. Equipment simply must run smoothly and as planned. Product quality and diversity are fundamental. What can you do to make your life easier?

WH Y D O YO U D E S E RV E A S M A R TE R LI N E M A N AG E M E NT SYS TE M? Although focused on software technologies, this article is dedicated to you, the filling or packaging line manager. Do you already use a line management system to help your daily work? Typically based on an industrial software platform installed on a PC, a line management system communicates directly with the different machines on the line. On your PC screen, you have an overview of the filling process in Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 34, June 2019 © Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

real time, key performance indicators, plus supervision and analysis functions. What is your experience in terms of system flexibility? Perhaps the first implementation was completed well, but now you need continuous support for your enhancements? How easy is it to connect with further equipment or software applications? Or to enlarge the group of users? New experiences of using smart devices in your private life inspire more ideas for improvement. On mobile

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devices you can connect to household equipment, then comfortably interact with it and profit from acquired data. You can continuously benefit from the newest software technologies. At home, we live with such smartness daily. So why not on the production line? Z E N O N ’ S S M A R T C H A R AC TE R I S TI C S It is time to change our expectations of line management systems. Following the evolution of software technologies, the packaging specialist and their automation and IT colleagues are reformulating their ideas. How close are you to digitalization, Industrial IoT and Industry 4.0 initiatives? To bring them even closer, let’s look to zenon’s smart characteristics. Here, you’ll discover a structured approach for transforming your filling line into a smarter operation. There are five main smart characteristics to focus on: –

F U N C T I O N A L I T I E S : from the expected to new,

extended features – – – –

C O N N E C T I V I T Y: interfacing with equipment and sensors for measurement and data collection D I G I TA L I N T E L L I G E N C E : embedded data processing, analysis, and artificial intelligence I N T E G R AT I O N : within the wider plant automation and IT architecture, including the cloud U S E R E X P E R I E N C E : the ergonomics and the availability of the user interface.

These five characteristics translate into the digitalization success factors leveraged by the COPA-DATA Partner Community. They enable valuable and creative implementations of line management systems with zenon. Let’s take a closer look. F U N C TI O N A LITI E S For the line manager, a line management system provides real-time supervision and historical analysis of the filling process. You are empowered to make quick and focused corrective reactions and continuously improve line performance. Process views, dashboards, lists of events and alarms are made available in a top-down approach; from packaging area level to every single machine. Aggregated indicators of performance, quality, resource consumption and maintenance are backed up by detailed values of parameters, set points, measurements and status data. zenon has out-of-the-box components to further extend a line management system. For instance, recipe management at machine level and integration with ERP help to reduce changeover time and secure quality. The zenon Process Recorder enables you to travel back in time to review complex situations in deep detail. This is a prerequisite for better control and less downtime. Moreover, zenon is a

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great enabler for a wide range of preventive and predictive concepts for equipment maintenance. CO N N E C TIVIT Y A smart system within the industrial environment is fundamentally capable of connecting with any relevant data source. A line management system with zenon draws data from the entire line: every machine, different types of PLCs, and sensors. Such high connectivity and data centralization opens up considerable opportunities to combine and correlate information, e.g. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) indicators and energy consumption data. The acquisition and archiving (historian) of increasing volumes of data are key components of an automated information flow. Behind the scenes, zenon ensures the necessary design flexibility for the system integrator. What does this mean for you, as a user? You are simply able to implement your ideas more fully. Your growing taste for profiting from data is even sweeter, because the change is quick and cost-effective. D I G ITA L I NTE LLI G E N C E The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) shows us exciting examples of hybrid architectures. Digital intelligence is placed exactly where it is needed: on premise and in virtualized or cloud systems. What does this mean for you, when using a line management system with zenon? You are empowered with advanced mechanisms for transforming data. Your line management is simultaneously an Extract Transform Load (ETL) tool. Your system integrator is free to treat the data with the technology which fits your needs – using automation or software development languages. The result? Reliable and efficient information flows, maximum profit from production data, and trusted analyses of production performance. I NTE G R ATI O N Your line management system is part of a larger architecture. zenon prevents you from building software islands. Older or newer systems can be securely integrated – be it SCADA, MES, ERP, IIOT, or hybrid and cloud-based solutions. A classic ERP-to-HMI communication concept, for example, can assure continuity in machine operation and material supply, helping operators to improve performance. But you can further enjoy the power of software technology. zenon combines a wide range of technologies. For example, leverage cloud-based data lakes for analytics across your global organization. Or adopt cloud-based machine learning for intelligence-led preventive maintenance actions at machine level.


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Integrate with local and global systems

Implement functionalities that make life easier

Help users’ performance whenever and wherever needed Profit from data processing power Connect to every machine and device

Figure 1: L i ne Ma n a ge me nt w it h ze non for s m a r t b ot t l i n g a nd pac k a g i n g.

U S E R E XP E R I E N C E Typically, a production environment spans different equipment and IT systems. How easy is it for you, as a user, to interact with the complexity behind this infrastructure? How can you visually engage with the data when analyzing line efficiency, energy consumption or supervising quality? zenon provides every system integrator with advanced graphical tools to enhance the user experience. Moreover, usability with zenon means advanced mechanisms to focus on information of particular interest, such as equipment, time frame or production context. This way, data becomes relevant, clear and actionable. Plus, thanks to advanced networking and communication technologies, zenon brings you this valuable information wherever you need it: at your desk, on larger displays installed in the production area, or on your mobile devices. Here, we’ve just touched the tip of the iceberg when it comes to zenon’s smart characteristics. Our zenon software platform is ideally suited to being deployed as a

line management system that will make your life easier in a sustainable way. We invite you and your automation and IT colleagues to explore new ideas which will help you maintain your high performance through zenon. Technology shouldn’t be difficult; but it should be smart. zenon’s smartness makes it easy to enjoy exploring new ideas. It’s technology designed to put a smile on your face.

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Filling in the information for smart decisions

Producing a variety of beverages in glass and PET bottles, cans and cartons, PepsiCo partner SMLC is Lebanon’s biggest beverage bottling company. The implementation of a line management system based on zenon software from COPA-DATA put an end to manual data entry, providing comprehensive information for efficient filling operations.

Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 34, June 2019 Š Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH


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Figure 2: T he ze non i mple me nt at ion by Te k nolog i x e l i m i n ate s m a nu a l e nt r ie s a nd show s t he l i ne’s ac t u a l ef f ic ie nc y at a g la nce.

Figure 1: A ze non-ba s e d l i ne m a n a ge me nt s y s te m pr ov ide s SM L C w it h compr e he n s ive i n for m at ion for ef f ic ie nt f i l l i n g op e rat ion s.

The advent of household refrigerators, department stores and supermarkets in the 1950s changed market rules for drinks manufacturers such as PepsiCo. The makers of Pepsi Cola seized the tremendous worldwide growth opportunities presented by the consumer society. In 1952, they entered a co-operation with the Société Moderne Libanaise pour le Commerce (SMLC) in Beirut, Lebanon, who serves as bottler and distributor of the popular PepsiCo brands of soft drinks, iced tea, sports drinks, juices, energy drinks and water.

recording using paper forms and spreadsheet software. As both production and maintenance staff have other work priorities and regard record-keeping a cumbersome side activity, reports were often inaccurate and sometimes contradictory. In some instances, they even reflected a desired status rather than actual reporting values. Thus, the company started a modernizing initiative aimed at improving both quality and efficiency. This involved organizational changes, investment in state-ofthe-art production lines as well as the construction of new

“The zenon-based line management system gives us full transparency of our production and provides us with the information needed to make smart decisions on a solid foundation.” SHADY KHOURY, DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS AT SMLC

With ten filling lines for glass and stretch blow molded PET bottles, aluminum cans and composite cartons, SMLC is the country’s biggest beverage bottler. The company has won several awards, most recently the Performance with Purpose award from PepsiCo International that recognizes the outstanding efforts made to reduce water and energy consumption.

buildings. As part of this transformation, management decided to invest in software spanning all packaging lines. Its main purpose was to improve the information flow from the shop floor to the top floor to facilitate faster and better-informed management decisions. It was also meant to provide the information required for the company’s clean in place (CIP) process.

A L AC K O F TR A N S PA R E N C Y Although SMLC’s packaging operations had generally always been quite efficient, production data acquisition and management information involved manual data

E A R LY AT TE M P T S WITH H U M B LE R E S U LT S SMLC awarded the contract for a pilot installation covering one bottling line to Teknologix. This team of industrial

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Figure 3: Rep or t s c a n b e c r eate d i n a ve r y shor t t i me, prac t ic a l ly a l l det a i l s c a n b e show n on batc h leve l.

automation specialists based in Beirut enjoyed a favorable reputation from various automation and retrofitting projects they had successfully implemented for SMLC in previous years. Unlike European suppliers, they also did not need to include massive travel expenses for commissioning and after-sales support in their proposal. To reduce the amount of data to transport and process, Teknologix designed a system configuration using a PLC for each line to collect, concentrate and preprocess the information from the line’s individual stations. “Although we knew the concept was right and we spent many days and nights in a herculean attempt to fulfill SMLC’s requirements, we were not able to satisfy the customer,” admits Lucien Kazzi, founder and CEO of Teknologix. “The reason was that we were not using the right software.” Although well-established process visualization systems from major global automation solution suppliers and enriched with numerous add-ons and upgrades, the software products originally chosen failed to support many of the customer’s reporting requirements. “We needed to spend several months programming scripts to display Gantt diagrams based on the information within the system,” says Lucien Kazzi. “Reports were also slow, with a Gantt diagram taking two minutes to build up, they often failed to refresh and frequently crashed.” U S I N G TH E R I G HT SO F T WA R E FO R B E T TE R I N FO R M ATI O N Several attempts were made using different platforms but none was able to satisfy all of the required criteria. In search of a better solution platform, Lucien Kazzi found that a leading supplier of filling technology and packaging machines was relying on zenon software from COPA-DATA as an overall control system solution. “If this is right for them chances are it is what I am looking for,” he thought and decided to make contact with COPA-DATA.

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Figure 4: Ut i l i z i n g t he dy n a m ic r ep or t i n g c apabi l it ie s ze non pr ov ide s , SM L C i mple me nte d mon itor i n g a nd v i s u a l i z at ion for t he c lea n i n place (C I P) pr oce s s.

This proved the right thing to do to rescue the project. zenon can be used out of the box, projects can be created with user-friendly graphical interfaces entirely by configuration without any programming. Lucien Kazzi confirms that using zenon was not only much easier than implementing the other system, but generally much easier than expected. Consequently, Teknologix successfully completed the first line management system for SMLC only weeks after he took his first zenon training. “This was greatly helped by zenon’s highly flexible, dynamic reporting tools making it easy to create for instance quality reports, performance analyses or root cause analyses using pie charts or Pareto diagrams,” Lucien Kazzi says. “Another key to success was the excellent quality and fast response of COPA-DATA’s after-sales support.” A CO M P R E H E N S IV E SO LU TI O N Using zenon, Teknologix implemented a comprehensive data acquisition and line management solution in a very short time. The automation experts used the experience gathered there to create templates, so four more lines followed at a fast rate. The zenon-based system now spans five beverage production lines: one for returnable bottles, two with PET bottles and two with cans. A long list of communication drivers enables zenon to communicate with machines from various manufacturers using different PLCs. Creating standard PLC blocks even allows integration of older equipment. The software’s optimized database structure reduces memory requirements for data storage as well as report loading times. While in the old system, data for one bottling line amounted to 500 GB per month, the zenon-based solution only requires 10 GB for a full year. Similarly, a Gantt view diagram is created in two seconds as opposed to two minutes and it never crashes at all.


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Figure 5: A n a ly z i n g t he f r e que nc y of a la r m s he lp s SM L C t a r get pr oble m s ce n a r ios a nd i mpr ove ove ra l l pla nt ef f ic ie nc y.

The implementation comes with dynamic reporting capabilities. While the previous system architecture had allowed only static time frames to be displayed, in zenon’s Extended Trend module these can easily be merged for comparisons and live trends can be displayed for real-time monitoring. The Gantt diagrams that had taken Teknologix more than two months to program in the software previously used, for instance, took only one hour to configure using zenon’s Extended Trend module. A SO LI D FO U N DATI O N FO R S M A R T D E CI S I O N S The zenon-based solution implemented by Teknologix has overcome the drawbacks of its predecessor and fulfills the requirements of the customer, who is considering future extensions such as predictive analytics. “The new zenonbased line management system has eliminated the need for manual entries and provides us with dynamic management reporting, including quality reports, performance analyses, root cause analyses and time losses categories,” says Shady Khoury, Director of Operations at SMLC. “This gives us full transparency of our production and provides us with the information needed to make smart decisions based on solid foundations such as line accumulation design validations.”

H I G H LI G HT S : –

Use of ze n on as f ille r/pa ckaging lin e m a nage m e nt syste m for S M LC

Ce ntral syste m m onitoring

Elimination of ma n ual data colle c tion

Compre h e nsive m a nage m e nt inform ation

Fast lin e a ccumulation d esign validation

H igh syste m sta bilit y, low me mor y re quire me nt

Fast creation of n ew a n d dyna mic information cha r t s with out progra mming

CO NTAC T: Lucien Kazzi M a naging Dire c tor Te kn ologix lkazzi @ te kn ologix-a utom ation .com


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FOOD AND BEVER AGE TAKES A LEAD When it comes to new technologies, the Food and Beverage industry is often an early adopter. Competitive production plants are focused on high productivity and the flexibility of their processes. Today, plants are increasingly automating their data flows, committed to the full integration of production equipment. Growing volumes of data are acquired, transferred, and processed. It is exciting to see the many great opportunities this trend is bringing to the industry, but it is important to also consider the new security challenges it brings.

D I G ITA LI Z ATI O N M U S T B E S E CU R E In the era of digitalization, automation and IT software platforms are playing a critical role for the reliable and safe production of food and beverages. Together with mechanical and electrical equipment parts, software is the element which controls every single process step. Software ensures that proper recipe parameters are set to achieve the expected quality. It is the interface between operators and machinery, supervising production in real time, analyzing historical data, and integrating with other IT systems. With software playing such an important role, we must consider what could happen without robust cyber security concepts in place. Imagine the simple scenario of an unauthorized person slightly modifying some set points in a brewing process. The result will be more dramatic than merely unexpectedly changing the taste of the beer. A large amount of costly Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 33, November 2018 © Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

ingredients may be lost because the batch has been compromised. Even worse, the safety of the brewhouse operation may be endangered. S U RV E Y: C Y B E R S E CU R IT Y I N B E V E R AG E P RO D U C TI O N COPA-DATA is conscious of the central role zenon plays in numerous industrial applications worldwide. Our assumed responsibility is manifested in the “security by design” concept of zenon. This is backed up by COPA-DATA’s continuous security investment which enables end users, their OEMs, and system integrators to enjoy a high level of cyber security for their applications. As part of this, we undertook a survey of a number of representatives from nearly 230 companies. The participants kindly gave us their point of view on cyber security. Here’s an overview of what they told us.

Cyber Security in Beverage Production With trends and initiatives such as Industry 4.0, Smart Factories, Industry of Things, etc., one topic definitely stands out: Connectivity.

IEC 62443

Encrypted communication

User authentication

Patch management Firewalls

With the increased demand for communication capabilities of machines, it is also important to focus on the topic of Cyber Security. Among other things, Cyber Security presupposes that systems are current and security updates are carried out in order to best protect from attacks.



We wanted to find out if Cyber Security was a topic of interest in beverage production.

Significance of Cyber Security in production

Cyber Security

For 55.7% of those in Beverage Production

questioned, the topic of Cyber Security in production (Beverage manufacturers and had a low priority. as Industry 4.0, fillers, breweries) With trends and initiatives such

228 companies took part

Smart Factories, Industry of Things, etc., one topic definitely stands out: Connectivity.

IEC 62443

very high Priority



Prio. 3


Prio. 2



Prio. 1

Companies of all sizes were represented Firewalls

User authentication


Encrypted communication


Participants were businesses from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Prio. 4

Prio. 5

Prio. 6

No response

Patch management

very low Priority

The larger the company (measured on the output), the higher the topic of Cyber Security in production was prioritized.

windows operating system 20.6% According to our survey,

Windows XP is the most widely used operating


11.8% 8.3%

system in beverage production.

Every 5th company

With the increased demand for communication capabilities of machines, still uses Windows XP. Outdated 2.2% 1.3% systems present a substantial security it is also important to focus on the topic of Cyber Security. Among other risk, as none of the relevant updates

Windows 10

things, Security presupposes that systems are current security are and available. WindowsCyber Windows Windows Previous Windows 8/8.1





updates are carried out in order to best protect from attacks. version unknown)


Cyber Security

Who is responsible for Cyber Security in production?

in Beverage Production

Production team


IT team 19.7% 7.5% Production IT team collaboration With and trends andin initiatives such as Industry 4.0, Production team in collaboration with another team 3.1%

Smart Factories, Industry of Things, etc., one topic definitely

IT team in collaboration with another team 1.8%

stands out: Connectivity.

External consulting companies 8.3% CEOs or owners 5.3% Maintenance and/or electrical engineers 1.8% IEC

1.3% Quality management or data security engineers 62443 Other 1.3% No response 7.0% Encrypted communication

Are there strategies and workflows in the company for system updates? The strategies and workflows for system updates of software systems are quite varied. Firewalls They vary according to internal corporate structures, suppliers, contracts, and age of the machines.

User authentication



YES 46.5% NO 44.7%

Patch management NO RESPONSE 8.8.%

state of the art? How did those questioned estimate their production equipment compared to similar companies? No response


Very outdated


Outdated With the increased demand for communication capabilities of machines,11.4% Average

it is also important to focus on the topic of Cyber Security. Among other38.6%



things, Cyber Security presupposes that systems are current and security

Very advanced

updates are carried out in order to best protect from attacks.



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As a software provider who cares deeply about the security of our solutions, we have drawn out several interesting aspects from these survey results.

P R I O R IT Y: R EQ U I R E S E LE VATI N G When it comes to cyber security, the business risk is considerable, whatever the size of your business. zenon can help all organizations, whether or not you have a clear cyber security strategy, by advancing the cyber security topic in a pragmatic and straight-forward way. For example, zenon enables IT teams when they implement their security concepts and architectures – from data gateways to adequate communication ports. zenon assures encrypted communication in all directions: default for zenon networking and an on-board options for various data transfer protocols. zenon offers a robust user management with differentiated authorization, either at local level or integrated plant-wide within the Active Directory system. Plus, zenon applications are signature-protected against malicious manipulations. These are just a few of the many security shields food and beverage manufacturing plants can benefit from when they use zenon. R E S P O N S I B I LIT Y: A P RO F E S S I O N A L A P P ROAC H The predominant opinion held by those surveyed is that production teams should take prime responsibility for cyber security. Here are people who already have wideranging responsibilities: productivity, consumption,

quality, flexibility, etc. It is true that production teams should define their cyber security demands in so far as they affect the protection of sensitive production data, intellectual property (e.g. product recipes), co-workers’ rights and responsibilities, information availability, and communication performance. However, cyber security cannot be ensured without automation and IT specialists. Moreover, it requires the renewed focus of maintenance specialists, electrical engineers, and operators. These organizational aspects must be supported by effective software technology, such as zenon. As exemplified, zenon brings security by design to any industrial application, be it process control, productivity supervision, energy optimization tools, or plant historian and reporting. U P DATE S : BA L A N CI N G COS T WITH TH E S E CU R IT Y I M P LI C ATI O N S Software updates are often perceived in terms of cost of licenses, maintenance, and even integration work – and, as such, part of the total cost of ownership (TCO). How can zenon help here? Importantly, COPA-DATA’s philosophy of compatibility between versions makes upgrades simple. First, the user can decide when to update the version of the Runtime (running the zenon application), because even older versions will remain compatible with the newest development environment and other zenon applications

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that may be being used elsewhere on the network. Second, all the native components of a zenon application are easy to convert to the newest version – no re-engineering is needed. In this way, zenon users can take advantage of the latest security features with minimum effort. WI N D OWS O P E R ATI N G SYS TE M S : P RO LO N G M AC H I N E LI F E C YC LE S One startling finding from our survey is that one in five companies still use Windows XP – an operating system that was discontinued many years ago, a situation which has increased the likelihood of it having security vulnerabilities. Plants continuing to use it are exposed to high risk from all machines and systems running Windows XP – and those connected to them, whether for data acquisition or remote maintenance purposes. The high degree of connectivity inherent in digitalized manufacturing makes having a clear update plan for installed operating systems absolutely essential. zenon is kept always up-to-date and compatible with the newest Windows operating systems. This helps production teams to prolong the lifecycle of their machine, thus ensuring they are ready to meet the challenges of digitalization. S TATE O F TH E A R T: FO O D A N D B E V E R AG E TA K E S A LE A D Our cyber security survey ends on a positive note – with the estimation by most of the participants that they use state-of-the-art equipment. This harmonizes with the idea that the dynamic Food and Beverage industry is a leader and generally adopts new technologies in their early phase. The challenge now for the industry is to also demonstrate its leadership in the important issue of cyber security by adopting state-of-the-art security technologies. The cyber security topic brings with it challenges, but also opportunities. Growing competencies and continuously improving security strategies are essential. We have seen how zenon helps but, nevertheless, here at COPA-DATA, our journey goes on. We will continue to develop our cyber security agenda through new research, committed product improvements, specific training, and many other initiatives. Since August 2018, COPA-DATA has also been certified according to the IEC 62443 security standard. Stay informed about our news on cyber security and subscribe to our Food & Beverage Newsletter.

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Craft Beer and Industrial Efficiency

Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 33, November 2018 © Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH


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To meet the ever-growing demand for its top quality craft beers, the Birrificio Antoniano S.r.l. Company in Padua selected the Treesse Progetti S.r.l. Company and zenon, COPA-DATA's HMI/SCADA software solution, for its new automated brewery.

TH E A NTO N IA N O B R E WE RY Birrificio Antoniano was founded in Padua in 2013 as an agricultural brewery. It was a conscious choice to become one with the land that gives the unique flavor to the beer that it produces. The brewery was a "dream come true" for a team of former beverage distributors who remade themselves into craft beer brewers. With a strong love for the territory and being totally dedicated to the quality of its raw materials and products, the Birrificio Antoniano team chose to use craft brewing methods. Under the direction of the master brewer, who guides each stage of production, their approach maintains respect for the raw materials and a commitment to wait patiently for the natural product to mature.

batch production capacity and the hand-made process, thanks to the staff's experience Birrificio Antoniano could make several kinds of beer using an especially flexible production process. In this way, the business got its start on the market by brewing beers that satisfied the tastes of a vast number of beer enthusiasts. TH E R EQ U I R E M E NT S With demand growing on the craft beer market, the management at Birrificio Antoniano realized that the time was right to increase their production capacity by automating their plant. Their goal was for their brewery to increase batch sizes from 500 to 2,000 liters. To achieve this, they needed a new production plant with increased

“zenon has met all of the project requirements, especially in terms of the graphics applied to the multi-monitor displays, and for recipe management, where the structure was imported from another system. The trend and reporting functions were also fundamental to this application.” STEFANO GASPARINI, TECHNICAL SALES MANAGER AT TREESSE PROGETTI S.R.L.

TH E I N ITIA L S IT UATI O N Birrificio Antoniano used to make several types of craft beers in 500-liter batches using very basic, almost manual, production and process controls. This was handled mainly by the master brewer and his staff. Despite the 500-liter

capacity and more automation that would, at the same time, keep the same staff employed in the management of the new brands. The essential objectives were to build a plant with machinery able to optimize the yield of their raw materials, ensure consistent production batch after batch,

Published in

information unlimited the copa-data magazine No. 33, November 2018 © Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH


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Figure 1: T he m a s te r br e we r c a n ke ep t rac k of t he e nt i r e pr o duc t ion pr oce s s at a g la nce v ia t he mu lt iple mon itor s d i s play i n g s up e r v i s ion appl ic at ion i n for m at ion i n t he cont r ol r oom .

and still be flexible enough to change the beers' recipes. This meant keeping close control over the temperature and fermentation status of each tank in the brewery. The same system would then closely monitor and supervise not only the production but also the utilities that the entire brewery used, all from one central control station. TH E SO LU TI O N To achieve its objectives, Birrificio Antoniano requested the support of Treesse Progetti S.r.l., which supplies brewing process automation software and systems, based on zenon, COPA-DATA's HMI/SCADA software. In over thirty years of doing business, Treesse Progetti has demonstrated that it is a leader in the field of industrial process automation by offering customized products and services of the highest quality. Over the years the company has specialized in the Food & Beverage industry, especially in beer production. Currently, 70% of all the beer production plants in Italy have installed Treesse software. COPA-DATA is a technological leader in the development of industrial automation software

solutions. With its zenon Product Family, COPA-DATA can cover every automation stage – from the sensor to the cloud. Together, Treesse Progetti and COPA-DATA have succeeded in meeting the needs of Birrificio Antoniano. Their facility has a surface area of 1,850 m2 with a current production capacity of 21,000-22,000 hl/year. It can boil four to five 2,000-liter batches each day, five days a week. Not only has Birrificio Antoniano increased its production, but thanks to the solution provided, it has increased its flexibility because of zenon's powerful recipe management system. The system is platform independent. It can be built on any type of hardware because of zenon's high capacity for integration with existing plant systems. With its intuitive graphical interface, compliance with the appropriate standards, and adaptability to replicate an existing SQL-based recipe management system, excellent results in overall performance have been achieved.

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Figure 2: Bi r r i f ic io A nton ia no w it h Tr e e s s e P r oget t i a nd t he sof t w a r e ze non we nt f r om a pr o duc t ion of 5 0 0 -l ite r batc he s to 2 ,0 0 0 -l ite r batc he s p e r d ay.

M I N I M A L TR AI N I N G TI M E Following the completion of Treesse Progetti's project using zenon, Birrificio Antoniano went from a near-manual production to an entirely automated craft beer brewing process. The increase in production capacity has been achieved at the same time as gaining greater flexibility and ergonomics in the operators' duties. The staff needed very little training to learn how to use the new applications. This was because the intuitively structured graphical interface was created with high levels of usability, so training time could be reduced to nearly zero. M U LTI - M O N ITO R D I S P L AY One of the project goals was to be able to manage the entire plant from one single control station. Using zenon, the master brewer now has a control room from where, on the several monitors, he can supervise the entire production process. He can see the status of the recipes being prepared on one monitor. On another, the alarms page is displayed. On another, the complete overview of the entire production line, from the ingredients blending stage to the fermentation process right up to storage, is displayed. All the while, he can keep track of the temperature indicators and the most important production performance levels.

FA S T FAC T S : –

I n crease d produc tivit y

Ergon omic s

Flexibilit y

I ntuitive gra phic al inte r fa ce

Ze ro training time

M ulti- monitor display

Powe r f ul re cip e ma nag e me nt syste m

H igh usa bilit y

CO NTAC T: D iego Fila S ales Engin e e r, CO PA- DATA Italy diego.f ila @ copa data . it

49 29

Vid eo: zenon – a u tom ate you r m a n u fac t u ring a n d infra st ruc t u re eq uip m ent wit h in credible ea se! S c a n & Play!

w w w.copa data .com/ ze n on -S of t wa re - Plat fo rm

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