Lax Kw'alaams Facebook Manual

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User Manual


Table of Contents Commonly Used Facebook Terms


Logging In


The Lax Kw’alaams Band Page






Page Information


Page Roles




Build the Page’s Audience




Schedule a Post


Add Location Details


Boost Post


Photo / Video


Add Synced Photos


Create Photo Album


Offer, Event +










Manage Challenging Posts


Comment Flagging System



Commonly Used Facebook Terms The following terms are adapted from App: Facebook apps are created by third-­‐parties and add more features and functionality to your Facebook experience. Block: If you don’t want someone to view your Facebook profile, add you as a Friend, or send you messages through Facebook, you can block them. Event: Use the Events feature to organize events, gather RSVPs, and even respond to events that you’re invited to. Friend: Your Facebook Friends are the people you connect with (or “Friend”) and share content and updates with on Facebook. You can send Friend requests to other Facebook members. You also receive Friend requests from other members which you can accept, decline, or ignore. Group: Facebook Groups can be created by any Facebook member and provide a space where smaller groups of people can come together to discuss specific topics. Groups can be public or private. Like: You can click the Like link on any Facebook update to show that you like the content. When you Like something, the action appears as an update on your Facebook Wall (see “Wall” below). You can also Like any piece of content that you find across the Internet whenever it’s accompanied by the Facebook Like button (see “social plugins”). Messages: Your Facebook Messages are similar to private email messages. They appear in your Facebook Inbox and can include text messages, chats, emails, and mobile messages from your Facebook Friends. News Feed: Your Facebook News Feed is the continually appended feed of status updates that appears on your Facebook Profile home page. It shows the most recent activities from your Facebook Friends and Facebook Pages that you follow. Notifications: You can set up your Facebook Profile so you receive email, mobile, or onsite updates when certain activities happen on Facebook. For example, you can be notified when an update is made to a Group you belong to or when someone accepts your Friend request. Page: A Facebook Page is a space on Facebook for brands, businesses, organizations, and entertainers. Profile: Facebook refers to your Profile as your complete picture and story on Facebook. It includes your Profile picture, biography, personal information, and more. Your Profile can be public or private. It’s your personal piece of “real estate” on Facebook.


Social Plugins: Facebook social plugins allow website owners to provide visitors with a social Facebook experience without visitors having to leave the websites themselves. For example, the Facebook Like button allows people to Like content through their Facebook Profiles without leaving the website pages they’re on. Subscribe: Using the Subscribe feature, you can keep track of posts and updates from other Facebook members, even if you’re not Friends with them. Tags: You can tag another Facebook member in photos and posts that you publish on Facebook. Timeline: Your Facebook Timeline shows all of your Facebook updates and activities in reverse chronological order. Wall: Your Facebook Wall is where you can publish updates and where your Friends can post updates directly to you.



Logging In To manage the project’s Facebook Page, go to and login. Once signed in, select the Lax Kw’alaams Facebook Page from the left hand menu under ‘Pages’ Or search “Lax Kw’alaams Band” in the top search box of Facebook

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The Lax Kw’alaams Band Page Once you are on the Page, you will have access to administration tools, notifications, messages and ‘Insights’ ADD NUMBERS


1. The ‘THIS WEEK’ bar on the right side of the page provides a snapshot of your recent posts and activity. You can see how many people have seen your most recent posts, and can see recent activity by fans of the Page as well (comments, likes, etc.). 2. Below this bar there is a ‘Promote Page’ button. By clicking here you can pay to have an invitation to “Like” the page sent to a wider audience. 3. The menu bar along the top of the Page provides easy and quick access to several key features detailed in the following pages. 4. The Likes section is for creating paid promotion for the Page, but you can also click See Likes to see everyone that has Liked the page.


5. Pages to Watch is a new section that allows you to add up to five pages to monitor. This would be useful if each of the communities had a Page and the team wanted to track each of the community pages’ progress. 6. The Invite Friends section is a quick and easy way to send your friends invitations to join the page. This is useful if you have a lot of community members as Facebook friends and want to be sure they join the Page to receive all the information and updates.


Activity The ‘Activity’ tab shows you a snapshot of all of the private messages people have sent and received from the Page. Be sure to check this section frequently to ensure questions and comments are being responded to in an appropriate time frame.

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Settings The Settings tab is where adjustments can be made to how certain aspects of Facebook are handled, including post visibility, profanity filters, notifications and other restrictions, as well as page information and roles. These were set up at the start of the project to best suit the needs of Lax Kw’alaams. They should only be adjusted if you are sure that something needs to be changed.


Page Information The Page Info tab is the place to edit information about the project. This is an important section to keep updated as search engines regularly update their search results for these pages, making them easier to find in search results if the search’s keywords match the information in this page.

Page Roles The Page Roles tab is where other Facebook users can be made administrators for the Page Its important to note that a person can be made an administrator and their own personal profile will not be visible to the public There are various kinds of administration roles. Learn more about them here: https://



Insights Insights is Facebook’s measurement tool. Here you can use several metrics to quantify the success of communication. There are several tabs available under this section that provide statistics about the Facebook Page. It is not necessary for you to understand or use this data, but it is available if you are interested in learning more.



Build the Page’s Audience A key way of reaching out to new members is to increase the number of ‘Likes’ to your Page. To gain more ‘Likes’ you can use the Build Audience tab to promote or share the page, and invite people to ‘Like’ it through Facebook or email. Facebook has detailed information about the cost of running ad campaigns and promoting posts here: If you choose Invite Email Contacts, a pop up window will appear that will take you through the process of searching your email contacts for people to invite to the page. If you choose Invite Friends, a pop up window will appear allowing you to search your existing Facebook friends for people to invite. You will be able to see which people already Like the page as well. When you choose Share Page, a pop up window will appear and you will have a few options to choose from. You can share on your personal Facebook page, to a friend’s Facebook page, to a Facebook group, to another Facebook Page, or you can private message a person. You can add some text to your message so people know why they should join. Before you click Share Page, you can change the privacy options of the Share post by clicking the dropdown beside the word Friends in the bottom of the window. From there you can set if the post can be seen by everyone on Facebook, just your friends, only you, or create custom settings.


Content Posting When posting to the Facebook Page, there are three options for your timeline update: 1. Status -­‐ for posting general updates 2. Photo/Video -­‐ for posting photos and videos 3. Offer, Event -­‐ for posting events and milestones

Status If the content you are posting is an update with no photos, you can post a Status update. This update will contain only text, but can also include a link to another website.

Within the Facebook Status Update box, there are three settings that can be used to add more detail to your post.



Schedule a Post To schedule a post, click on the small grey clock icon in the bottom left corner of the status update box (1).

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Once you’ve clicked the clock icon, it will turn blue and options to schedule the post will appear, allowing you to set the future date and time you would like to have the post published. Clicking on the calendar field (2) will pull up a calendar that you can use to navigate to the date you would like to schedule the post for. You can use the arrows to scroll through the months, and then click on the date of your choice. The scheduling feature only allows for a post to go ‘live’ in the future.


Clicking on the time field (3) will pull up the time options. Once you begin to type the time you would like your post to be scheduled for, options will appear in the drop down for you to choose from. You can also continue to type the time without selecting an option from the list.

Once you have modified the date and time of your future post, you can click Schedule (4). A pop up will appear, indicating your future post has been scheduled. From this box, you can schedule another post, view the activity log to review all scheduled posts, or close the box.


Under the Schedule Post option, you also are able to also backdate a post. To backdate a post means to add a date to your update that is previous to the current day. For example if there was an event over the weekend that you were wanting to post pictures of on Monday, you could have the update and photos posted as Saturday, but the new post would still show up in Fans’ news feeds as if it was dated Monday.

Once you select backdate post from the Schedule Post dropdown, you will have the option of choosing the year of the post, then the month, date, and time down to the minute. You also have the option of hiding the post from the newsfeed. If something happened in the past but you didn’t want it showing up as news, then you could check that box before clicking Post.


Add Location Details To add location details to your update, click on the small map marker icon at the bottom of the status update box, to the left of the clock icon (1).


Once you have clicked on the icon, a pop up will appear allowing you to select your exact location. You can select the name of a city or town, or can list a specific place. This can be useful for community meetings or other events you want to provide people with the address for.


Once you have selected your location or manually added the details in if Facebook didn’t previously have the location listed in their database, it will appear in your status update. From here you can post your update, or delete the location if you need to make changes to the information.

Boost Post Boost Post is an option to reach more people with posts in the news feed. Promoting a post will increase the likelihood that people will see the message in their news feed, and possibly travel to the Page. The first step is to create a budget for a new or existing post so more people who like the Page and their friends see the message. You can also select the audience for the post. It can go to all your Page fans, or just a segment. For example if you are doing a youth event and want to be sure it reaches all fans under 18 years old, you could target those people. Learn more about Promoted Posts here:­‐posts


Photo / Video If the content you are posting is an update with photos or videos, select Photo/Video in the update box. Once you have clicked on the tab, three more options will be available: 1. Upload Photos/Videos -­‐ for uploading photos from your computer 2. Add Synced Photos -­‐ for sharing photos from a synced cell phone 3. Create Photo Album -­‐ for adding multiple photos as an album

Upload Photos/Videos Once you have clicked on the Upload Photos/Videos, the status box will appear as below. The options to schedule or backdate a post are still available, as well as adding location details or boosting a post to be seen by more people.

You can select the photo or video file from your computer to upload by clicking on the ‘Choose File’ button. Either before you chose your media files, or after, you will be able to add text as well. You will see once you’ve selected Photo / Video rather than Status, the text in the box will change from “What have you been up to?” to “Say something about this...” allowing you to


provide details for the images or video you are about to share. Once all of the details have been captured, you can click Post.


Add Synced Photos The option to add synced photos is for adding photos from a smart phone that is connected to your personal Facebook account. If you do not have a phone connected to your account or do not have photo syncing turned on, you will not have any synced photos to add. Learn more about how Facebook photo syncing works here: Once you select Add Synced Photos, Facebook will access the photos located in your Synced from Phone folder in your photos, to allow you to select the photos you’d like to add.


Create Photo Album The option to create a photo album is for adding multiple photos. Creating photo albums is useful for when you have a large number of photos from one event or several events. For example, if there are many photos from one community meeting in Prince Rupert, an album can be created for that, or if only a few photos were taken at community meetings in Vancouver and other urban locations, an Urban Community Meetings album can be created to group all of those photos together. Once you select Create Photo Album, a pop-­‐up box will appear that will allow you to select the photos from your computer that you would like to include in the album. After you have clicked Open, Facebook’s Album Editor will pop up. 1



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Within Facebook’s photo album editor, there are fields to name the album and add details and additional information about the photos (1). There are also fields to add the location the photos were taken, to add a date to the photos, and to organize the photos by date (2). For each photo, there are options to add details about the photo; including tagging people, or adding a specific date and time, or location to the individual photo (3). You can also choose to add more photos (from a different file location on your computer, for example), as well as check the option for uploading the images in high quality (4). There is a progress bar at the bottom of the


page that will tell you how much time it will take to upload the photos, or you can cancel the upload all together (5). Once you have made all your changes, you can click Post Photos.


Offer, Event + If the content you are posting is an event or important milestone, select the Offer, Event + tab in the update box. Once you have clicked on the tab, three more options will be available: 1. Offer -­‐ for creating deals or incentives (typically used by businesses) 2. Event -­‐ for notifying people of an event they can attend 3. Milestone -­‐ for marking important dates

Offer An offer is an incentive a business can provide to their clients or customers. An offer might be ’25% off your purchase today’ or ‘book now and receive a second booking for half off.’ For the purposes of NSTQ, offers are not something that the online communications team needs to be concerned about.



Event You can create an event to notify community members of events or functions they are invited to attend. When you click Event, a pop-­‐up box will appear asking for details of your event, including its name, additional details, a location, where to purchase tickets (if applicable), the date and time, as well as audience targeting.

Audience targeting means defining who you would like to attend the event. It could be youth, Elders, men or women, or people living in Vancouver. Once you click Add Targeting in the main event, the drop down menu will allow you to define options for targeting your audience.


Once an event is created, Facebook will create a page for the event that is useful for tracking attendance, as well as sharing information specific to the event. This is helpful because it avoids cluttering up the main Facebook Page with information related to the event. People can ask questions or share information related to the event as well.

1. All of the details you specify in the Create New Event box will be available in the top section of the event page 2. You can add a photo banner to the event by clicking on the Add Event Photo button 3. People will be able to RSVP to the event by clicking Join or Maybe. If you click on the button to the right of Maybe, a dropdown will appear allowing you to edit the event or the host of the event, as well as send guests a message or create a repeating event. You can also share the event, promote it (paid), or cancel it. 4. The event wall allows you to post, add photos or videos, or ask a question (create a poll). These are all valuable tools for encouraging interactivity and engaging community members. 5. Similar to the main Facebook Page wall, people can also Like status updates or add a comment.


About Promote This Event -­‐ Similar to Boost Post, promoting an event allows you to add images and additional information to an event, which will then be advertised to an audience you specify with the budget you decide. The ads will show up in the right column of Facebook. You will be charged every time the ad is displayed in that column. More on how to advertise on Facebook can be found here:


Milestone Milestones can be created for any significant date that does not require attendance. For example, you can use this option to document milestones within the treaty process, such as; entering into the treaty process, reaching Stage 4, receiving a land and cash offer, or even historical chief’s birthdays or other important anniversaries. To create a Milestone, click on Milestone from within the Offer, Event + tab of the status update. Your milestone will need a title, and date. You can add the location, additional information, as well as photos. Photos can be within your existing Facebook photos or uploaded from your computer. You have the option of hiding the milestone from Facebook user news feeds if you would prefer to not have it publicly broadcast. Once all the details have been added, click Save to have the milestone recorded on your Facebook Page.


Editing Once content has been posted to the Facebook Page there are a few options for editing, depending on the nature of the content.


By hovering over the top right corner of the posting you would like to edit, you will see a downward arrow appear. Click on it to access the dropdown menu to access the following editing options.

‣ Pin to Top -­‐ Once a post is Pinned, a gold bookmark will appear in the top right section of the

post and it will stay at the top of your Facebook Page until you go to this menu again to Unpin from Top. This is useful for important notices and other information you do not want to be mixed in with your other posts and content as they get added. Please note only one post can be pinned to the top of the page at a time. ‣ Change Date is used to edit the date of the post. This is a useful feature if you need to shuffle around updates and content on your Facebook Page. By changing the date of a status, you can move it above or below other posts. ‣ Edit allows you to change the contents of the post. If you notice a spelling error or incorrect information you can update the post using the edit function. If the contents need to be drastically changed however, it may be more effective to delete the post and create a new one. ‣ Highlight a story allows you to feature it on your Facebook Page by expanding the post to be widescreen, similar to a Milestone. Highlighting a story is a way of visually notifying the viewer that the story is important. Highlighted stories will always appear in your timeline, whereas regular posts can be hidden when a user scrolls back in time to see what content has been posted on the Facebook Page. ‣ Reposition Photo is an option only available for photos. When you post a photo but the automatic crop Facebook applies for it to fit within the status update box is not good, you can choose this option and manually adjust the crop. You can either Save the new crop or revert back to default.


‣ Hide from Page is an option that allows you to hide a story from community members

without having to delete the information. ‣ Delete is used to remove information that is inaccurate or inappropriate. ‣ Embed Post is for adding the story to a website. This option will not likely ever need to be used for Lax Kw’alaams purposes. ‣ Report/Mark as Spam is used when someone violates the Zero Tolerance Policy (See the Lax Kw’alaams -­‐ Website & Social Media Policy & Procedures). When a comment is in violation of the policy, you can select this option from the dropdown to see the following:

If you have marked the post as spam accidentally, you can undo your action. If the person is a repeat offender, you have the option to ban the person from posting publicly. Please be sure you fully understand the policy regarding these situations and follow the steps outlined for courses of action.

Manage Challenging Posts While the majority of comments made by the subscribers will be appropriate, the online communications team will not tolerate offensive (including foul language) or abusive comments. Known as the ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’, this means that when an offensive or abusive comment is made by a subscriber on the website or a user of the Facebook page it must be removed immediately. The chart on the following pages is for flagging comments from community members, as well as the appropriate response and the maximum acceptable time within which a response should be posted by a team member. Any physical threats to cause harm to the organization(s) or its staff members, or community members will be taken seriously and must be reported to the RCMP immediately. A snapshot of the comment will be provided to the RCMP, with any relevant user information attached.


Comment Flagging System Type of Post





‣ Neutral

‣ Positive

‣ Dissatisfied

‣ Personal attack

comment ‣ Incidental organization mentions ‣ Commentary about another nation or community involved in the Treaty process

Examples/ ‣ Our Elders have Fictional so much Comments wisdom to share if we take the time to listen ‣ I attended a conference and overheard someone saying they didn’t realize our nation was so big ‣ I read somewhere that the Namgis are ready to vote on their AIP soon too

comment about comment toward the organization ‣ Directed organization staff negative comment about ‣ Threats ‣ Question the ‣ Claims of harm organization caused by our staff ‣ Comment directed at a person or organization It is great to see ‣ Why is this ‣ John Doe is a our leaders process taking *!?%!* and working hard so long? NSTC should together to fire him ‣ NSTC isn’t provide a better keeping me ‣ John Doe is future for all informed of the going to get NStQ community process and what’s coming members what is going to him on ‣ Jane Doe was rude to me when I phoned the office to ask a question










Yes. Thank the person for their comment publicly and provide facts to correct any misinformation they may have shared

Yes. Warn the commenter publicly and state the Zero Tolerance Policy on abusive or offensive posts

Notify managers so they can decide the appropriate person to follow up with the commenter privately

Notify managers so they can decide the appropriate person to follow up with the commenter privately


Determine if the comment fits within the topic areas identified in the Online Communication tool guidelines

Be clear that it is not necessarily what is being said – rather how it is being said. The goal is not to censor comments, but to ensure users are being respectful, even when they may be making challenge statements

Block further comments as spam or remove them Document the First warning in Highrise Response Time


Within 24 Hours

Within 12 Hours



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