Architectural Portfolio

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PORT F OL IO select ed w or ks 202 2 Anna Coppola

abou t me Anna


Born in Salerno, Anna is a licensed Architect, graduated at the University of Naples Federico II, with a master thesis in architectural restoration.

Strongly fashinated by the different cultures and passionate about photography, design and cinema, Anna had the chance to study at the University of Alicante thanks to the Eramus program: the international enviroment led her to develop interest on light and temporary construction, main focus of her studies.

Another significat experience was the thesis research at ENSA in Lyon, where she deepened her interest for the antique architecture and restoration.

After her graduation in 2021, she moved in Rome where she had the chance to work as an Architect and discover her passion for scene design and scenography.

The role as Assistant set designer in her last work experience, is the step forward in her career to finally combine her dynamic attitude with the passion for architecture, temporary constructions and enviroments.


Renovation project for a private apartment WORKS

memory and matter

The restoration of Fort de Loyasse


Prof. Valentina Russo

Arch. Federica Marulo

Prof. Pasquale Miano

New centralities and horizons

Civic center in Monte di Procida


Prof.ssa Lilia Pagano

RE-living a ruin

The restoration Romitorio San RESTORATION LAB

Prof. Valentina Russo

03 02 contents

LAB Russo

Ancón building extension


Escuela politécnica

Superior de Alicante

Prof. Dani Sirvent

City museum and turist information point



Winning project

Church of Sacra Famiglia

Convent de la Tourette



Prof. Mario Ferrara

of Giacomo Russo restoration of San Giacomo
05 06 04

The restoration of Fort de Loyasse



45°45’57.8”N 4°48’35.3”E

The project is the result of a period of study in Lyon, thanks to the international agreement of the Department of Architecture of the University of Naples “Federico II” and ENSA of Lyon. It intendes contributes to the knowledge of the defensive

19th century, in which the case study of the Fort de Loyasse is inserted.

The artifact was part of a variegated military apparatus, which following the military decommissioning and the changed socio-economic needs of the metropolis, is now the only node of the system in a state of abandonment. The historical-cultural importance and the identity values of which thesems of conservation and enhancement that goes beyond the concept of ‘single’ artifact in favor of aships, material and immaterial, with the territory in which they are located.

The proposal elaborated below is part of research and experimentation, aimed at building a possible design scenario, able to conjugate the need of memory with the creation of a new identity.

Historical evolution and organization

Fort de Loyasse was built between 1836 and 1840 on the hill of Fourvière.

Its uniqueness certainly derive from the lack of a type plan at the time of conception of the entire system, probably due to the transitional phase that the military architecture of the 19th century went through. However, an important role is played by the way the Fortress adapts to the particular orography of the site, which refers to the Vauban’s principles. Following a careful historical-archival investigation, it is possible to recognize the main physical and spatial

The entire defensive system presents a vertical distribution of volumes between the two overlapping platforms. The lowest, at 270 m, access height, forms the ancient attack front to the west, while the gorge front, to the east, faces the city.

5 | accommodation

6 | custodian accommodation

7 | powder magazine


1 | Bastion n.1

2 | Bastion n.2

3 | Bastion n.3

4 | Bastion n.4

1836 | axonometry 1836 | functional distribution | exploded axonometry 2020 | axonometry
15 5 5 8 8 67 7 2 3 4 N
2020 | prospect est
2020 | prospect sud


1 | access ramp

3 | company depot

4 | powder magazine

5 | atelier

The bastion n.4 housed the warehouses of arms and the ateliers of the Armieri.

It tied to the curtain of the ‘‘front of the gorge’’ thanks to the volume that housed the housing of the troops, demolished following the works of the 60s.

It is linked, to the north - west to the shooting gallery that allows, thanks to the stairs, to climb the difference in altitude of about 20 m, reaching the highest platform. The access to this great stone bow, remains a half walled hole on the south hidden by the vegetation today.

2020 | functional distribution | exploded axonometry
1 2 4 5 3 N 2020 | longitudinal section 2020 | trasversal section 01 5 10 01 5 10

Restoration project

The restoration project of a building of historical and artistic interest aimes to the conservation of the property. Its functional adaptation, therefore, represents an important strategic step that ensures the management and maintenance of the building, allowing its inclusion within the contemporary functions of the territory in which it is located. system of data emerging from territorial surveys. Without forgetting that for a long time the Fortress has been a place of welcome as well as memory, it is intended to highlight the recognition of two poles, one tourist - receptive and the other cultural. These two subsystems dialogue through the series of walkways and ascents that characterize the park and the point of union becomes the new access from the east curtain.

1 | RE-CONNECTION of the artifact to the urban fabric

2 | FRUIBILITY of the architectural system




3 | VALORIZATION of the natural dominant

4 | contemporary RECONTRUCTION of the curtain

| art gallery n.2
| art gallery n.1
atelier 1 2 3 4 5 6
longitudinal section
| functional distribution N
prospect est
Legend: Touristic pole
1 restaurant
2 conference room
3 hotel

The touristic pole | Bastion n.1

To the south, the bastion n.1, becomes a restaurant and together with the old ammunition depot that will housetion right where once there were the lodgings. The additions within the pre-existence derive from the need for functional adaptation and for the overcoming of architectural barriers.

longitudinal section 01510

The touristic pole | east curtain

The ancient east curtain, to which the troops’ quarters were annexed, then demolished, becomes the object of an interesting project in which the dialogue between old and new is resolved in the relationship between the container|cortina|- content|hotel|. The addition is evident with the volume of the reception up to an altitude of 270 m, from which the rooms on the This contemporary intervention is recognizable for the steel and corten, and the linearity of the new.

trasversal section 01510

The cultural pole | Bastion n.4

The reuse of the bastion n.4 that implements a process of transformation of the building from a ‘place of suffering’ to a space for sharing and cultural and social growth.

The transformation of military spaces into exhibition spaces is a widespread practice on the international scene: art becomes a vehicle of expression and communication but also a narrative path of memory. -

ming of architectural barriers through ramps and lighting systems along the shooting gallery.

The access from the lowest platform level allows to reach the reception and to take advantage of the workshop areas that become places of experimentation of art, while the gallery hosts works related to the historical evolution of the city.

N longitudinal section 01510 20

Civic center in Monte di Procida


MONTE DI PROCIDA, NAPOLI 40°47’22.0”N 14°03’32.9”E

The project of a new civic center for Monte di Procida is part of a landscape of great importance: the Belvedere del pratone opens on the Gulf of Naples with a view to the Campania Islands. The tabula rasa, the elementary forms, the promenade and the maintenance of the driveway are highlights of the project as well as part of a new architectural system that intends, despite its intervention, to preserve the naturalistic vocation of the area.

The project takes into account the geological complexity of Campi Flegrei, characterized by a series of hypogean paths that connect the sea to the ridge.

The recognition of 3 layers, the hypogeous, maritime and coastal one becomes the starting point, if not physically, the project intends to strengthen the connection with the sea thanks to the views and the practicability. Again, the characterizing elements of the site, such as the contour lines, are the geometric element that is synthesized in the traces of the three buildings that, through ascents, can be covered in full continuity with the walk.

view from the beach towards the site coastal route of Monte di Procida view of the gulf of Naples view from the Pratone viewpoint



3 | CONNECTION of park


functional distribution N 20 prospect sud
8 5 5 3 4 4 1 2 7 6

Foundation node:

1 | Land

2 | Draining layer

3 | Watertight sealing layer

4 | IGLOO Aired Washbasin

5 | reinforced concrete

6 | Thermo-insulating panel

7 | Concrete screed

8 | Layed base

9 | Indoor Tile

10 | Polyurethane foam

11 | Adjustable wooden movable shielding

12 | Airspace

Roof node:

13 | Outdoor paving

14 | Support tie rod for false ceiling

15 | plasterboard panel

16 | Sound absorbing panel

17 | Main beam IPE 300

18 | Double glazed window

19 | Track for Brise-soleil

20 | HEA 300 Pillar

21 | Thermal insulation panel

22 | Concrete cladding panels

24 | Corrugated sheet metal

25 | Slope screed in concrete

27 |

28 | Filtering cloth 1 mm


30 |


32 | Steel Parapet

01510 20 longitudinal section 16 17 18 20 19 21 24 25262728 29 32 30 108 5 7 9 11 1312 6 12 4 3 Legenda Nodo di fondazione: 1.Terreno 2.Strato drenante con granulometria crescente 3.Strato di tenuta all'acqua 4.Vespaio areato in materiale plastico tipo IGLOO 5.Strato portante in c.a. 100mm 6.Pannello termo isolante 40mm 7.Massetto in cls alleggerito 100mm 8.Strato di allettamento 10mm 9.Piastrella da interni 10.Poliuretano espanso 11.Schermatura mobile regolabile in legno 12.Intercapedine Nodo di copertura: 13.Paviemntazione esterna 14.Tirante di sostegno per controsoffittatura 15.Pannello in cartongesso 15mm 16.Pannello fono assorbente 40mm 17.Trave principale IPE 300 18.Infisso con vetro camera 19.Binario per Brise-soleil 20.Pilastro HEA 300 21.Pannello termo isolante 50mm 22.Pannelli di rivestimento in cls 23.Profilati a 'C' 4mm 24.Lamiera grecata 25.Massetto di pendenza in cls 26.Membrana impermeabilizzante sintetica anti radice 2mm 27.Strato di accumulo e drenaggio 10mm 28.Telo filtrante 1 mm 29.Substrato per inverdimenti estensivi 10mm 30.Trave secondaria IPE 200 31.Scossalina 32.Parapetto in acciaio 14 15 17 23 22 31 16 17 18 2019 21 24 25262728 29 32 30 10 8 5 7 9 11 13 12 6 12 4 3 Legenda Nodo di fondazione: 1.Terreno 2.Strato drenante con granulometria crescente 3.Strato di tenuta all'acqua 4.Vespaio areato in materiale plastico tipo IGLOO 5.Strato portante in c.a. 100mm 6.Pannello termo isolante 40mm 7.Massetto in cls alleggerito 100mm 8.Strato di allettamento 10mm 9.Piastrella da interni 10.Poliuretano espanso 11.Schermatura mobile regolabile in legno 12.Intercapedine Nodo di copertura: 13.Paviemntazione esterna 14.Tirante di sostegno per controsoffittatura 15.Pannello in cartongesso 15mm 16.Pannello fono assorbente 40mm 17.Trave principale IPE 300 18.Infisso con vetro camera 19.Binario per Brise-soleil 20.Pilastro HEA 300 21.Pannello termo isolante 50mm 22.Pannelli di rivestimento in cls 23.Profilati a 'C' 4mm 24.Lamiera grecata 25.Massetto di pendenza in cls 26.Membrana impermeabilizzante sintetica anti radice 2mm 27.Strato di accumulo e drenaggio 10mm 28.Telo filtrante 1 mm 29.Substrato per inverdimenti estensivi 10mm 30.Trave secondaria IPE 200 31.Scossalina 32.Parapetto in acciaio 1415 17 2322 31
membrane anti root
Accumulation and drainage layer
| Substrate for extensive greening
beam IPE 200
| Flashing

The restoration of Romitorio San Giacomo





Located on Monte Castello, between the ruins of the medieval castle and the town, in an area of high landscape value, the Chapel San Simone, then Romitorio, represents a historical and artistic heritage now abandoned.

The project starting from two cornerstones, history and landscape, was born from the desire to highlight its current state through a contemporary strategy of commercial and cultural revitalization.

The fundamental characteristics of this intervention must ensure the recognizability, reversibility, compatibility and the criterion of minimum intervention, in total respect of the material and its stratigraphic authenticity, so that future generations entire historical and material development.

Historical evolution and organization

2018 | state of abandonment
XVIII sec. | Construction of Romitorio San Giacomo XII sec. | Chapel of San Simone XV sec. | Construction of a new chapel south
01 10 5
prospect sud
longitudinal section AA’ longitudinal section BB’

Restoration project

Following the survey phases, the main causes of the phenomena of disruption and degradation found on the factory were analyzed, taking into account the geological, geomorphological and environmental conditions in order to propose an appropriate investigation project and intervention techniques.

The new uses will be compatible with the conservation of the hermitage, with reference to the territorial elements with which it relates: nature and landscape. The new installation should not represent an element of visual disturbance, therefore it is necessary to think of resistant, light and reversible materials, such as glass and corten steel.

longitudinal section AA’


1 | kitchen

2 | cellar

3 | shop

4 | service area

5 | exhibition hall

6 | info point

7 | toiellet

8 | coffee bar

9 | restaurant

longitudinal section BB’

01 5 B A B’ A’
2 3 4 4 9 5 86 7 1 2020 | functional distribution N


1 | pre-existing walls

2 | curb in wood

3 | anchorage truss

4 | glulam trusses timber

5 | secondary frame

6 | wooden plank

7 | insulation board

8 | wooden plank

10 | inner tube

11 | tiles

12 | laths

13 | cornice in wooden tiles

ROMITORIO | construction details | roof


1 | secondary frame, wood

2 | wood strips

4 | wooden beams

5 | tie for beam

6 | strip wood

7 | tie

8 | square plate with reinforcement

9 | pre-existing walls

14 | gutter canal INFO-POINT


1 | double glazing

6 | wooden block

7 | wood panel

8 | tubular in galvanized steel

9 | wood panel

10 | corrugated sheet

11 | sandwich panel

12 | polyurethane foam

13 | IPE80


A + A + A
A + C
surface area 6.75mq TOILETTE
surface area 18mq
A + C
surface area 18mq

Ancón building extension






The project aims to extend the Ancon building through prefabricated modules assembled in-situ on the roof plans.

Located in Buenos Aires, the pre-existing building is characterized by a unique glass and bamboo facade that makes it an exhibition volume allowing a urban landscape.

The central theme is light prefabrication, based on modular frames; building three-dimensional cells through the use of aggregative composition systems as generators of architectural forms.


The interesting relationship between interior and exterior also characterizes the new housing modules designed according to four different types, each of which takes into account the minimum dimensions allowed by current legislation to promote maximum comfort.

The typologies :

vivienda 1| comer-dormir

vivienda 2| trabajo-estar

vivienda 3| trabajo-dormir

vivienda 4| common area

BUILDING ANCON | plan of roofs south-west prospect LIVING MODULES | 1th plan LIVING MODULES | 2th plan 01 5 N

Assembly phases Legend:

1 | barandilla de acero

2 | tarima de madera

3 | rastrelado de madera

4 | sustrado de arena

6 | drenante HDPE

7 | anti-raices geotexile

8 | impermeabilizante

9 | tablero de pino

10 | tubolar de acero

11 | chapa gregada

12 | tarima de madera

13 | panel de madera

14 | viga de acero

15 | tubolar de acero

16 | fachada de zinc

17 | placa de yeso

18 | canal de acero

19 | panel sandwich

| In-situ assembly structure
| In-situ assembly modules LIVING MODULES | construction layers | exploded axonometry
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 13 11 14 18 19 16 15

Living module ‘‘VIVIENDA A’’

LIVING MODULES VIVIENDA ‘A’ | 1th plan VIVIENDA ‘A’ | 2th plan VIVIENDA ‘A’ | longitudinal construction section
0 1 5

City museum and turist information point




45°26’26.3”N 12°19’07.1”E

The case study chosen for the development of thelations between city-art and tourism, in which architecture plays a fundamental role, in particular in the complex socioeconomic dynamics of the city of Venice.

The project proposed for the redevelopment of area 01, adjacent to the Santa Lucia Station, involves an analysis and reinterpretation of the morphological and compositional characteristics of the urban fabric that come together in the project for a museum in the city.

An exhibition space that resumes the rhythmic scanning of the bays of the pre-existing structures that become container volumes.

The area is divided into 3 sections:

Section A. History of the city and the lagoon

Section B. Urban Center

Section C. Exhibitions, events, excursions, underway cultural activities

Venice and reinterpretation Project


1 | REABILIZATION bookshop garden coffeesh


3 | PROMENADE closed

4 | PROMENADE open




01510 N
longitudinal section

Architecture photography



Church of Sacra Famiglia



SALERNO 40°41’42.8”N 14°46’39.8”E

Convent de la Tourette

Le Corbusier


45°49’08.2”N 4°37’20.7”E

Updated 1 2 | 2022

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