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_ •• _ _ _ _ 0-1 _ _

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MUNICIP AL DISTRICT OF EMERALD HILL. Where Properly if! ~itUllted.


1 Abrahams, Joseph 268 46 York street 2 Abson, Matthew 61) 3 Market street 3 Ada.m, John 1956 18 NLumo street 4 Adams, George 417 20 Charles street {) Adams, J oseph 1009 3 off DorCl1S st. west 6 Adams, William 2063 10 PattersU~l place 7 Adams Hl62 York street welit 8 Adamso n, Thomas HiS)6 239 Raglan street 9 Addison, Mark 687 28 Raglan street 10 Alllsworth, John 1G33 67 Cobdell street 11 Aitken, Alexander 191 7 . 89 York street west 12 Aitken, Peter 1266 182 Moray street 13 Aitken 664 \ Clarendoll street 14 Aldred, Charles 651 33 Napier street 15 Alexander, Alexander 434 I 5 Union street 16 Allen, Andrew 186::l 10 Victoria place 102G Dorcas place 17 AlIen, Ebenczer 18 Allen, Thomas 491 Budeigh street 19 A11an, Thomas 2399 Cricket ground 20 Allerdice, Dn,vid 2022 15 Coote street 21 Allerdice, John 1007 78 DOl'cas street east 22 Allel'clice, R,ichard ISo 1 Cecil place llorth 23 Alle:;ter, Willia.m James 372 Coventry ::;trcet ~4 Almond J a11les 7:26 \ 4: Little llaglan street 25 Along, John 13t:6 5 off Hagbn street ~6 Al:;ton, H. 1780 16 NOl'thullIlwrlalld fit 27 A 1Iang 1758 Cl'Oll1well phtCtl ::ltl Auc1el'son, George 1 Hi 4: 1 G2 Moray IOtrcct 29 AndersOlI, George 1411 Hnglall :::trcct 30 Anderson, .hl1le,; ~)O() ~ 1\1 yl'tle street :n AlIdel'son, .Tamcs 1 ()4~ 33 Ball};: street east 32 Allllel'soll, .John 18fi5 4: Yictoria place 33 Anderson, J olin 1602 113 N:tpiel' :;treet 3,± AlHlerso n , J()hn :3 1·36 Cuote street :3:1 Allllcl'';Oll, Rht. Stirling \ 170 Ceeil street north :\() Andersoll, S:1111llel :1;):) off Ceeil street n Cl'I\tlU I 1440 7 Ragbn place 3'7 A d cl l1f rews, J oseph \ 1874 19 Park :;trect west 'j8 A 1 -iJ nll rew:;, GeOl'ge \ 4:2:3 8 Charles :;tleet ;~o \ cl 40 Andrews, Genrge :23;")() Yarm Bauk 41 Andrew, Huoert, 904 [)7 & flfl Covent.ry st. 42 Ansted, John 11~8 1 127 & 12D Clarndn. st 43 Al'l1o!il; Alldl'ew 105 24 Clarendon street 44: Archer, Clml'lcs E.. 2:~7 : 51 Y(il'k :;treet. '15 Archei', John .i-15 1 :25 union Htreet 4G Archcl', :Ma.tthew '2043 olf Covclltl'y Bt. we::;t 47 Archer, rl'homltS 1R2n 12 Hill IOtrcr.t 4S Archilmlcl, Homv 8D8 fl1 Clal'elldoll street. ,\ " " ~,\f)hfield, },ewis 2U46 : :)(j PattenlOll terrace 4n 50 Atkim;Oll, John (H2 1:) Napiel' Btl'eet 51 Atl~iw)()n, Robel't 0:3 f>5 l\hl'ket street 5:3 Atkillson, William 3 :1j Gral\t sit'cet 5:~ Austin, George Hl03 iI()we CI'l'SCCllt 54: AuBtin, John rr. 1 G:,W 1:20 N npier street <)~ 707 (tit' Clarclldoll street ~~ A m;tin, 'Villi,tm D(i Avc::;,Jol:n :U:L~ 17NclHIllll'oad 57 Avery, l~dward HtJ5 40 Little B.agl:m et 58· A XOll, H enry 3 '\),'),) ~ Myrtle ctrel~t ~ 5~) \ A Yum)O' 4, U :2G Charles street UU , Babl'Une~ R. c14 :3 Prospect place




11!J BellI,;, GeOl'ge \', 1:20 \ Behbol'l'oW, Wm, John

21~~.H4()· ~

is '.

... ,




'-.. .. ,.- .. ...

Ulltepnycrs' Nnmes.

121 122 123 124








Benjamin, David Benjamin, David Benj amin, Isaiah Benjltmin, Moses 125 Benjhmin, Solomon 126 Benwill, 127 Bonson, John 128 Benton, J o11n 129 Bendon, Henry 130 Benyon, J ames 131 Rennett. Charl!.'!'! 132 Beslee John 133 Berry, Goorge 134 B.erril~ Nicholas 135, Berchenough, George 136 Bentley, Henry 137 Bentley, Henry 138 Bigwood, Henry ~~. 139 Binney, T. Nixon 140 Birrell, J ames 141 Birnie, J ames 142 BisllOp, J ames 143 Bisslancl, .Tames 144 Blail', Wm. N. 145 Blair, W. A, 146 Black, David 147 Black, Edward 148 Black, GeOl'go 14:9 Black, R.obel't 150 Blnck, R. 151 Blackwood, Alex. , 152 BJackmore, J oIm :153 BlacJder, J ames 154 Bleasley, R. 155 Blue, Thomas S. 156 Blunt, Olement 157 Bolt, Francis ' 158 Bolton, Patrick 159 Bolton, Thomas. !GO ,Bond, Gco. I(H Boor, W. B. 162 Booth, I-Ienry 163 Booth, Wm. 164 Booth, Stephen 165 Bothwell, WiIliam 166 BotreI'ill, David 167 Bottel'ill, Geo. C. 1G8 Bottel'ill, Geo. l69 Borthwick, Alex. 170 Borthwick, Geo. 171 Rourkc, .10hll 172 Bonrke, M ichael 173 Bourke, Thomas. 1741 Boucher, G. 175 BOllville,.T ames 176 Bower, .Tohn 177 Bowen, William 178 Boylc, John 17!) Boyd, <John 180 Boykett, Chas. 181 Bradshaw, Thomal'l 182 Bradley, John R. 18:'$ , Brassllell, Wm. 1841 Brady, Wm. 185 Brady, Thos. 18G Brantbwaite, Cha~. 187 I HI'Iluthwaite, J. G. A. 188 Brassy,l)atl'ick 11::\9 Bray, John IBO Bray, Thomas HJl Bray, Wm. I () Bracken, J omes 193 Bridger, Henry 194 Briggs, Gcorge 195 Brims, Alexander 196 Brown, Alex. 197 Browne, Alex. 198 Browll, Charles 1!)9 Brown, J)uncan 200 Bi'own, James






No. \11

' Where Prct>ertyi~ idltuated.

Hate Hook.

551 120 Clarendoll street 402 off Alfred place 1228 179 Olarendon street 2 Grant street 1868 Bank street west 1550 Moray street 2380 Yarrn Bank 271 40 off York at 880 Yarra place 19q2 York street west 2276,-Montaguo street 218 Devonshire place 2384 Yarra Bank 2288 112 Bank street west 1701 115 Little R,aglan st. 419 16 Charles street 550 122 Clarendon street 1177 9:3 Park street east ' 771 33 Three Ch11.in road 352 69 Cecil street G20 18 Pa!'k street east 6,1-3 N apier street 1(398 Little Raglan street 1391 Uftglan street 1 !)!) 9 Coventry f'ltreet west 1262 190 Moray stl'eet 1312 4G N apier street 2250 56 Dorcas street west 2291 1] 8 Bank street west 1713 4 RagInn street 291 4 Little York street 1961 8 Nimmo street 1485 242 Moray street 2393 Y Itl'r,~ Bank 164 12 Market street 2390 Yarra Bank 1053 4: off Bank street east 606 13 Little Park street I374 197 & 199 Clarndn. st 15~9 111 Moray st 2272 GO Montague st 662 168 Clarel1don st. 868 17 Yarra Place 2036 4- Coote street 1977 12 Eville st 1039 52 off Dorcas st 1040 6 off DOl'cas at 558 44 Ooventry Ilt 2097 10 Dorcas st west 902 53 Coventry st west Grant st 2081 5 off Dorcas st west 1493 114 Coventry st cast 1106 13 Palm er st 1039 !)~ Dorcas st 1070 oil' Mol'!l,y st 222D 14() li'f)l'l'ers st 2U:J 6 off Clarendon at 2133 G7 Bank st west 809 20 Clureudon Place 2113 10 Queen ::;t Hi89 It 0 Haglan st 2048 40 Patterson Terrace ]278 61 Little Park st 1846 1H Crown st l!HG 6 Coventry Place H17 COV(l11try st 128 8 Kerry Place 3!J2 10 Alfred Place 1268 188 :Moray st 14!J.5 I 10 Coventry st. east 1403 220 & 222 Moray st 791 York st 13lfJ 191 Clarendon st 740 27 Bt'idport st 1249 1 & 3 off Park place 2027 27 Coote st lOfiH & 53 Bank at east '239 57 to 59 Yor:\r st west 2465 Yarra Bank


No, in RU,to










pon 'rI-m D1STRlC'r



Where pr0f,,,,rty !~ SItu" cd.


Ratepa)'el'l!' Nlnries;

No. In Rate' Book.

W!lere Property la Sltuated.




Brown, James D.

14'40 Cla'tendon at 1663 121 Raglan at

202 Brown, John 203 Brown,. John

1301 1273 1249 368 180



1752 799 1717 505 2177 1799 101)7 295

lGn 1932 022 2001 654 940

104 1802 20G5 2237 1859 1102 1978

1256 926 2349

488 2294 1674 1359 1668 2389 1260 811 733 5;J0 233 2358 1916 1766

llH 389 990

809 942 1980 034 1273 'i83 1801

2;362 899

1765 537 1386 1038 668 1121


63 1814 1624

2093 1014 786

608 1393 631 6321 2080 B90

23 1203

74 Napier at

Little Park at off Park pJace 6 Coventry court 6 Stewart st Church st 5 Cromwell place 3 Clarelldon pluce 114 Little Raglan st 83 CecH at 70 Ba.nk at ~8t 4 Bank at west 47 Dorcas at 13 Myrtle st 137 Ragl<tn at Little York at 14 Coventry place 105 Coventry st enst, 25 Ooventry at west 114 Clarendon st 54: Moray tit 2 CMi! place north 14 Bank at west 6 Patterson place 35 Nelson road 1I Victoria place 1 Palmer st 10 Eville st 85 Napier at 06 Moray st Yarra Bank 5 Budeigh st 75 Nelson road Eastern road 42 Cobden st Raglan st Yal'ra Bank 93 Napier at 22 CIarendon place 5 Bridport st 6 John st 8 Agnes place Yarra Bank 91 York st west 8 off York st west 140 Moray st 4 Alfred place 77 DOl'cas at Clarendon place 92 Moray at 6 EviHe st 13H CeciI Rt Little Park st 17 Rotham st 3 Hill st Yarra Bank Clal'endon st 1 off York at west 33 Dorcas st off Haglan st 5 off Dorcas at Cla.rendon st Bunk at east 14 Bank at east 21 Cecii at 17 Hill st Napier at Ferrers at Dorcas at east 108 York st 17 Little Park st 83 Raglan at 133 Cecil st 35 Ceeli at Dorca.'l st west 22 Raglan et 24 Grant _st 52 Parka at east

1976 14 EviUe at v91 1 Napiel' at 1546 76 Moray place 20\3 25 YOl'k street 871 21 Yarra place 1638 77 Cobden st 286 Chard, J Oh11 2162 11 Emerald st 2~7 Chant, Wm. 927 2 Moray place 288 Cheese, Geo. 885 Clarendon at ~89 Chessell, Oharles 1112 (j Palmar st ~90 Chosney, Alex. 1703 119 Littl., Ragla.n st 291 Christie, Geo. ,1370 Cobden at 292 Ohing a 'Chun.g 413 28 Charles st 293 Chung Chip 1499 Moray st ,294 Church. R.' 1071 5 off :Moray st 295 Chimells, Edward J. 999 9tJ, Dorcas st east 296 Child, Wm. 1420 91 Little Raglan st 297 Chimde, Edw.tru 733 I) Bridport st 2H8 Chivers, .Tohn Cuff 1951 90 York st west 299 Clapham, Samuel 876 30 Yl1.rra place 300 Clancey, Alfred 301 Clancey, James 2284\9 Nelson road 2281 1 Nelson road 302 Clancey, John 873 Yarra place :l03 Clancey, Micbael 816 12 Clar('ndon place 304 Olark, J ames 2197 7 off Montague st 305 Clarke, Alexander 1016 Dorcas st aOG Clarke, Andrew 2197 7 off'Montagne st 307 Clnrk(\ J oIm 522 17 Dorcns st 308 Clarke, John 236 49 York st 309 Clarke, John 310 Olarke, John 2373 Yarra Bank 311 Clal'ke, Thomas 2255 51 Nelson road ;)12 Clarke, Thomas 270 42 York st :313 Olarke, Thomas 407 78 Clarendon st 314 Clal'ke, W. J. T. 472 Francis st 315 Clasen, Nicholas 054 76 Coventry st 528 31 Dorcas st 316 Clavey, W. R.. 317 Clayt.on, .T ohn 881 20 Yarra place 318 Clegg, TllOmas 1269 68 Little Park st 319 Cleland, Wm, 331 10 York place 320 Olements, Robert 494 10 Hotham st 321 Olendinnen, Joseph J. 2226 156 Feri'ers st 322 Olifford, J ames 1017 DoI'cas st east 323 Clifford, Timothy 1224 51 LittlePlIJ'k st 324- Cochrnne, Andrew 396 3 Alfred place 325 Cock, Charles 1967 York st west ;j2G Oockburn, N ef:lhitt 771 Three Chain road 327 Cockburn, Wm. 772 Three Chain road :328 Cochrane, Wm. 1167 Moray street 329 Coffin, Thomas 1973 9 Evi1le st il30 Coffey, Daniel 2169 62 Bank st west 3;n Cogden, Wm. 986 71 Dorcas st 332 Coghill, Geo. 'i80 51 Three Chain road :333 (Johu, Andrew 11.') 34 Marbt st 334 Oole, John 1200 GO PlLl'k st east 335 Oollett, Henry 141 () Laurie place 33G Colclotlgh, John 1225 167 Clarendon st 337 Oolclougb, Richard 212 1 G5 Clarendon st 338 Colman, Francis 1437 76 Raglan st 339 Coleman, Henry 1919 73 York at west 340 Coleman, Louis 1657 221 Moray st 341 Coleman, Benjamin 952 Ooventry st 342 ColquhouJI, R~bert 2360 Yarra bank 343 CoIiin, J olm 1882 3 off Park st west 34:4 Collin, Louis 2064 8 Patterson place :34-5 Collins, Jamcs 1120 16 Bank st east :14G CQUins, .T ohn 2-U 68 Clarendon st 347 Collins, William 1357 46 Oohden at ;348 ' Colter, WiHiam 181:)3 100 CecH at :349 Coombs, Ja.mes 1066 94 Moray place 350 CombeD! Thomas 2304 129 Park st west 351 Conole, Thomas 864 9 Yarra place .352 Con nor, J ames 41 8 Prospect placo 353 Conole, Darby 12() 7 Kerry place 354 COllllOl', Thomas 1781 I '1 Northumberland 8t 355 Con don, 'l'homas 2111 13 Queen at 356 Canieson, .fohn 17R6 15 York st west 357 COllingham, Wm. 601 7 Little l:Jark At 358 ConIey, Charles 1771 2 Northumberland at .159 Connell, Richard 700 1 Cecil place south 360 Connell " Daniel 1816 \ 2:3 Hill at

281 Chalmers, Geo. ~J82 Ch~pmaD, Francis 283 Cha;pman, Thomas ~84 . Chupmltn, Wm. 285 Chapman, Wm. D.

No. In H~t(J



204 Brown, John 205 Brow!l, T. E. 206 El'own, Walter 207 Brown, Wm. 208 Bl'Ownless, Antb.,ony C. 209 Browning, Wn•. 210 Brock, Robcrt 211 Brook"James 212 Brooks, Robert 213 Brotherton, Henry 214 I Bmce, Cl~arles 2 15 Bruce, MlChael 216 Bruce., Win. 217 Bruce, John Mc'Crea 218 Brusma,n, Timothy 219 Buchanu, John 220 Blwbanan, Cunningham 221 Bl\chanan, Thos. 222 Bu.ckhurst, W. P. 223 Buckett, Stephen 224 Bu,l'I1s, J oseph 225 Burnett, Alex. 22G Burnett, 't'homas 227 Burney, li'rederick G. 228 Bu.rnand, J o1m 22!) Butterworth, N athaniel 230 Bungay; Chctrles 23L Burroughs, Thos. D. 232 Burke, John 233 Burkcl J ohl1 234 Burke, Thomas 235 BUl'tt, J obn G. 236 ButterwOi'th, Geo. 237 Byjson, John 238 Byrne, Edmund 239 Byrne,Ja,mes 240 Byrne, William 241 Cafer, Peter 24-2 Oain, Patrick 243 Cairns, J Ohll 244 Callahan, Denis 245 Callahan, ~furdock 246 CaJlagban, Charles 247 Callaghan, Edward 248 Callaghan) Thomas 249 Caldwell, J ames 250 Cameroll, J olm 251 1 Callard, Philip 2521 Callard, Phillip 2531 Calman, Benjmnin 2:')4 Carneron, Alex. 255 Carneron, H ugh 256 Cameron, J. 257 Campion, Geo. 2fi8 Cumpston, Geo. 259 Cumpston, Geo. L. 260 Campbell) James 201 I CampbeU, Thoma.'1 262 Campbell, Thomas 2G3 Catnpbel1, Wm. 264- Camplin. Wm. 265 Canterfl)rd, Geo. 2GG Cantcrford, V\T m. 207 Capl'on, Achilles 2G8 Carter, Geo. 2G9 Carter, Septimus J. 270 Oarter, Wm. 271 Carr, A. 272 Carless, Henry 275 Carlion, Wm. 274 Carne, Philip 275 I Carney, Patrick 276 Cassiday, J oseph 277 (Jassiday, Matthew 278 Castle, .1ohn 279 Cato, John 280 Cavanagh, Thoma.s



381 Conwa.y, Michael 362 COOPt, John 363 Coope, Thomas 364 CouPOI Wm. 365 Coopm', Edward W. 36G CooI)Cr} Geo. 367 Ooo?er, Geo. 3681 Cooke, Archibalcl. 369 Gooke, Wm. 370 Cop pIestone, J ohl1l,. 3iJ Coppini;!, Thomn.s ". 372 COl'bin, Edward 373 Cornish, John 374 Cornish. J. W. 3,75 Corry, T. J. 376 Coser, Philip 377 , Oosham, Thomas 378 Cotterill, W. 379 Courtnay, John 380 Council, Richi1>rd 381 Coucil, WiIliam 382 Cons land, Archibald 383 Cowan, Robert 384 Oowmes, J ames 385 Cowper, J ames 386 Cowper, Oharles 387 Cowpel'thwaite, -Wm. 388 ()O:Ji:, John 389 Cox, John 390 Cox, John 39t Coxon, Wm ..Johu 392 Craig, RGbert 393 Craig, Skene 394 Cmmmond, Wm. 395 Cl'abtree, John 396 Crawshaw, Henry 397 Crellen, William 39~ Crighton, J ames 399 Crossland, J el'emiah 400 Crosby, John 401 Orowther, J oseph 402 Crotty, Daniel 403 Crowley, Edward 404 Orowther, Belljamin 405 Crockfol'd, John E. 406 Oroucher, 'Vll).. 407 Cummins, Jamcs 4-08 Cunningham, John 409 Curry, J oseph 410 Curtain, D:wid 4ll Curtis, Wm. 412 Curtis, Oharles 413 CurtiR, 0(;0. 414 Curtis, W~n. 415 Currcn, Thomas 4Hi Currie, Wm. 417 Cusack, Dttniel 418 Cuthbel't, .J ames 4HJ Daish, William 420 Dakin, 'l'homas 421 DaltoIl, John 4')0 Dale, Robert "" 423 Dale, Wm. 424 Dalg1ish, Alexa,ncler 425 Dalglish, Alexander 426 Dalrymple, Wm. 427 Dn,nd, James 428 Daniels, Charles 429 Daniel, J Ohl1 430 Daniels, Walter 431 Da.nks, J o}m 432 Danks, Samuel 433 Dal'by, Edwarcl 434 DarliJlg, Wm. 435 Darling, Hugh 43G Darlingtol), John 4i"i7 Daving, Martin 438 Davis, George 439 Davis, .1 ames 440 Davis, -John ,


Where Property l~ Situated.

5616 G~rdner

at 360 ' 19 Coventry at ~~O() 3 Queen at 966 15 P:,lk st 1360 40 Cobdell at 2031 ~O Coote st 310 4 Coventry court 2368 Yana Bank 2377 Yarra Bank 735 9 Bridport st 336 14 York st 80 2 & 3 off Market st 388\2 Alfred place 225 10 Rainsfol'd place U38 1 Raglan st 1743 27 .,Sandl'idge raad 2183 3 off Bank st 1075 1 U l1ioll plaee 589 14 Little Park st 626 119 Cecil st 2253 47 N 01S011 road 1205 off Park st !last 1919 71 York st west 393 9 Aifred pll).c!, 1318 Clal'endon nt 210 27 York st 994 102 :Moray st 2~22 104 Ferret's st 11 13 Devonsbire cottag' 573 29 Little Park st 659 171: Clareildoll st ~9!)3 43 Coventry at wes~ 2210 Park st west 1972 7 Eville st 243 70 Clarendon st 1321 193 Clarendon st 1867 42 Bank st west 694 24 Raglan st 1172 144 -Moray st 170 Cecil st 1830 l~ Green st 2024 21 Coote st l831 8 & 10 Green st 1066 132 Moray st 1489 Moray st 1990 53 Coventry st 1186 Park st east 1775 1 Northumberland s 804 15 Clarendon place 1018 G6 Dorcas st east 19!)1 51 Coventry st west 1870 31 Park st west 443 21 Union st 1551 I ·17 Moray st 829 3 Ynl'ra st 211 29 York st 600 5 Little P!lrk st 2342 Yarra b;tnk G28 125 CecH flt 11:17 ;} 2 i Park st west 2138 132 I? err Cl'S st G09 J 9 Lit.tle PtLrk st G31 9 MOfl.Y place In34: 17 Coventry place I iOl7 York st west 1577 73 Little Park st 1,2lJ8 G Emerald st 1!)Di3 Coventry st we.')t 405 8 Hotham st 14!.l8 81 Moray st 2054: fj P",ttel'son plac.e 2055 7 Patterson place 1350 61 Cobdon st 1176 H4 Park st en.st 773 ;) 7 Threo chain t'oa,d 414- Charles at 278 15 Little York st 1171 i Momy at \ noD \ :n N apier st 613 ' 4 Church st



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