
Page 1



a ',.






1081 1082 1083 1084

1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095

10G6 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103

1104 1105

110G 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114


lUG 1117 1118 1119 1120

11!31 1122 1123

1124: 1125 H2G 1127

1128 1129 1130


1132 1133 1134 1135

1136 1137 1138

1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 114.5

1146 1147

1148 1149

1150 1151


1153 11541155 1156 1157

1158 1159





No, lu

Hatepayers' Names.

Hate Book.





Langham, Charles Langhurn" Geol'ge Langhorn, George Langshaw, George Langshaw, J ames Langtrefl, John I~ane, Edward O. La1le, James H. Lane, Thomas Larkin; Michael Latchford, John Latchford, Richard Latham, William Lattimore, 'l'homas B, Laughton, Samuel Laurence, James Laver,Y, John Law, Ru lolph .. , Lawrence, Fraucis Lawrie, James Lawrie, Dltvid J.Jawson, David Lawsoll, Edward Lawson, Jamos ' Ln,wson, John La.wson, Matthew Lay ton, Ge[)rge E. Leach, Benjamin Lear, Francis H. Leary, Edwin C, ' Leech, Cmmelly Leech, John Leitch, Allan Lightfoot, Joseph Lenuox, John Lennox, John Leonal'd, Cornelins Leplastriel', Louis H. Leverett, Geol'ge Levy, Morri8 Leyy, Samuel Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Robert E. Lewis, Robert Liddy, James Hdstone, William Lime, Alexander Lilly, J (1seph Limond, John Lindoss, .Tohn Lindsay, Alexander LindsflY, Lindsay, John Linnett, William Lirone,John J~iss{)n, Edward Living tone, Goo. Oha9. Livi€l, David, Uoyd, John Lloyd, William Logan, Thomas r~lJllg, John Lord, John Lorimer, Charles Love, Thomas Low, Robert l~ow, William I,l)waen, Jamef! Lnwden, John Lowrie, .John Loyal, Robert Lucas, 'rhomns Lucas, William Ludwick, Henry Lynch, Deuis Lyons, Martin Macdonald, WilHam Mack, John Mack, John M!1,ckin, Owen

Where Propertr Situated.

30 Little Park st Clal'elldon place 83 Ooventry st 'l7 Tranois st 16 Coventry st 775 41 Three Chab road 1649 70 Cobden st '1875 17 Park st west 283 24 Lit.tle York st 2216 4-9 Park st west 305 28 York st 1714 122 Little Raglan st 851 4 Yal'l'a st 216 9 Devon!:lhire place 812 20 Ol:trendon place 2101 22 Dorcas st west 2':;9 1 off Clarendon st 11G2 Park st ea::;t . st 1299 "'R ( N apwl' 294 30 York st HR1 D3 Bridport st 1259 D1 Nal i~r st 928 4: Moray Ht 2267 105 Bank st WElst 1136 8 Wyuyard st 1860 14 Victoria place 1478 87 Bridport st 14 19 Devom.;hi re cottages 1505· 97 MClmy st 1940 18 Coventry place 2310 115 Park st west 2020 38 DOl'cas st west 1998 28 Coventry st west 263 48 Clarel1don st 581 22 Little Park st 388 2 AHi'ed place 1109 off Palmer street 208 York st 129.5 88 Nltpier st 1443 1 Ragln'll place 1G04 119Napier st, 2295 77 N olson road 2257 57 Nelson road 546 132 Clarcndoll st 2188 88 Ba.llk at west 2124 2 Bank st west 1i27 13i Bl'idport st 500 8 Covelltry st 685 34 llaglan st 1207 48 Park st east 545 134 Clarendon st 1941 Coventry place 11563 '\!omy }lIMe I 1331 23 Cobdcn st 915 85 Ooventry st 967 17 Palk at 2252 45 N oIsol1 road 1340 57 Oobden st 98 off Olnrendon st 835 17 Yarra st 1390 91 Raglan at ~221 i IG6 Fel'rers st 13:13 27 Oobden st 587 108 Clal'elldon st 16611 127 Haglan st' . 1234 I .5 Clareudol1 place i ,.. Y al'mpaee 1 'RC3 h 11 2357 Y::rra bank 365 25 Coventry at 230/ YUl'fa bank :H4 5 Coventry court 235 ' 47 York street 2312 111 Park st west 2157 Emerald st 1605 121 Napiel'st 2040 Coventry st. west 2179 1 74 Bank at west 1222 49 Little l)ark st 1341 41 Oobdoll at 818 8 Clarendon place 577 807 !H4 4GV 47"




I Itnte'l'

No. in

, Hatcpayers' Names.


Mackay, James

1588 1587 1590 2131

1162 l\f.aclmy, Nicholas 1163 Mackay, Peter 1164 :M:aclc1al1, ,Daniel 1165 Madden, ,Peter HaG :MadJocks, Joseph lHi7 Maganh, Patdck 1168 ~Iahelley, Jmnes IHH) Muller, William. 1170 Mailel', D. ,1171 Mailor, D. 1172 Major, .Tohn 1173 Malco1m, Henry 1174 Malolley, Peter 1175 Mane, Stephen 1176 Mangan, Patrick 1177 nlanll, Stlmuel F. 1178 Mannet, Henry 1179 Mallsoll, Alexander J. 1180 ManRon, Beniamin 1181 Manscrgh, William 1182 :Manuel, Freeman 1183 ';)farkwell, David 1184 Markwell, William 1185 .Maroney, John 11SS Mal'sliall, Adam 1187 Marshall, George 1188 Mat'shall, J [l.mes 1189 .Ma.rshall, William 1190 Marsl'iman, Cbas. J. 1191 Martin, David 1192 Martin, Frederick 1193 Martin, George 1194 Martin, Henry 1195 Martin, J ames 119G Martin, John 1197 Martin, Michael 1198 )fm·tin, Patrick 11l){) :Martin, Peter John 1200 Martin. Samuel 120I Martin', William 1202 Maser, Ohristhtn l203 )fason, Aboo 1204 Mason, .John 120[) Massey, Michael 1206 Massoll, David 1207 ~£aflson, William 1208 Matthews, Edward 1200 :M athcws, William 1210 ~[athewson, Alexander 1211 Maurey, James 1212 ~bxwell, John , 1213 May, Edwin ·1214 lIfedler, W. 1215 Meehan, William 1216 :Meek, Alfred 1217 Meek, Alfred 1:.118 Mehegan, Robert 121u Meldl'um, James ]2~O J[elvil1e, Juhn 1221 M end~a, George 1222 Mer Shing 1223 Merfield William 1224 }\f erriman, \Villiam 1225 Merton, .John S. . 12:~6 Minchin, James 1227 ~1iddlebrl)ok, M:ttthew 1 ~\:Hddleton, \Villiam. 122f) Miles, JitllleS 1230 jlrfiley, Pntrlck 1231 MilIar,Oharles 1232 MilIar, J ames 1233 Millar, John 1234 Millard, J. C. 1235 Miller, Alexander 1236 'Miller, William 12~7 M~Iler, ll?itert J. ] 2.)0 lIhllet. RlChard 12391 Millage, Fredel'ick 1240 Milne, Alexa.nder

Where Property 18 SltUlltcd.


-, 88 Little Park st HO Littie Park at

84 Little Park st 71 Bank st west 688 20, Raglan st, 888 Ci3 Clarendon st 2]27 83 Bank stwest 2171 5 off Bank st west 1612 Eastern road' 757' CecilRt , 1912 Salldt'idge road 120G 46· Park st east 1794 5 off eecil st 50 13 Gardner st 2114 8 Queen at 2209 95 Park at west 2259 Ne1tJon road 937 off Moray st 2331 Ya1'ra bank 2:109 117 Pm·k stwest 1389 _75 Rltglan st 9aS 58 Moray st 2397 Ya.rra bank 2395 Yt1.rra bank llU 10 Palmer st 2403 Ladies' baths 1534 Moray st 619 20 Park st east 2315 S'k:Molltague st 1674 187 Eastern road BG7 1 Ohurch ilt 1275 53 Littl~, Pl\rk st 1129 Wynyard t't 1130 Wynyard st 467 7 .Francis st 700 Cecil p~ace south 2321 8 Little Bank st 1812 13 Hill st 1078 116 Moray st 1121 ~~ Bmlk st e~st 1535 Moray st 1334 29 Cohden st 2215 151 Park st west 1471 229 Clarendonst 199 45 OecH st . 1726 135 Bridport st I 1417 7 Momy st 11705 123 Little Raglan st 792 York st I 510 93 OeciI st 134 22 .Market st 951 80 Coventry st 324 21 York st 183 31 Oecil st 231 '4 Agnes place 1248 Park place 1196 '70 Park st east lOll) 64 DOl'cas st east 8:)4 70 York st 532 10 John at 375 39 Coventry st 1828 17 Oobden st 622 8 Park st east 327 ,20 York place 2142 2 Emerald st 1857 7 Victol'ia place H3S 137 Olarendon st 400 off Alfred place 2020 7 Coote st 2128 SI Bank st west 883 II off Yar1'a placo 1454 \ 4 Raglan place 882 18 Yarm plactl 1796 Wesleyal1 parsonage II82 82 Park st east 1491 224 Moray st 1933 15 Coventry plac& 1441 68 Ragla.n si; 764- 203 Oecil st 14.35 Raglan st "







' Hlltepnycrs 'N ,nIl).es.

I NoU;,te'In 1

WhQI'(' Properly ~Itlllltrd.



ntltepa)'er~' NllllH:R.





Where 1'1'0IWl'ly is 1;III.Iut(·(1.

-----+------------;..1--+----------- ___"___________________ .______________., 12H l'\fiUs, Da.viel 1:H2 ;\liJIs, Geol'ge }2+3 Mills, J Ilmes 1:3-14: ilIills, J ames 1:3 ,[,5 Mills, Rbt. Short'bridge l:3+u Mills, Robert S.

2150 10 Enwl'llld !:It

1321 .l\lcC<U'f.llY, Cornclius fl7ii 10 YOl'k Ht 132j l\lcCOl'llliek, WiIliam ~~20LI Pnrk s't west 123G !) Chtt'Cndon place 1323 11cDonald, Al()x[l.llllel' .}·U 14,(; CJal'lludoll st 1:398 !) 7 Raglan at 1324 Mcl)ollahl, Alcx1tndet' 8:3;3 11 Yal'l'lL Ht 662 1G8 Clarell(ton st 13:Ui I ~\lel)ollald, DOlH1ld 171)S DorcHS st west 1400 Haglan fit 1326 ::'IIeDonald, Edward GiO Clareudon st 1:247 ,Mi1I~, Robert J6:35 71 Ovhdel1 st 1327 Mc])ollald, William l[)\) 12 Victuria cottages 1248 Mills; Sf,muel 12:J.,'i 7 01arendoll place, 1328 i\lcDemLOt, Patl'ick :JfJ-l ofF Cenil st J ~4!,1 :Mills, Willlmu 1312 4(; N apier st 13,20 NcLarty, Daniel If)22 67 York st west ] '2GO Millahall, .Miehael 2218 43 l)al'k st west 1330 McC'leane, Edw(~rd IG2D 205 Moray st 1;351 Minahall, Denis 211!i) 41 Park st west 13:31 McClelIau).J ohn 81 i~ ofl:" i\Iarl,et st .l2!",z MillChiu, J ames 1644 80 Cobden st 1332 McCluskie I 5:34 .Tolm st 1253 ~Iillchin, John 2354 Yart'a bank 13::13 McOlure, Alldrew 7;3;) Bl'iclport st . ] 254 Minford, l'hOl1la8 G95 22 Raglan st l33..1, MIlCol'l1lack, Hobert 1318 187 Clal'endoll st ];355 Minty, WiHiam 1197 6,8 Park st east 13;15 .McCormack 2220 45 P[~LJ,er st ] 2;j(j Mimms, James 771 45 Three Chain l 1QW 133() McCriucile, John 287, Hi Little York st 12fj7 Mitchcll, J'a,mes 460 .(j Union st 133i McCrasson, Hemy 23:J2 Yarm ballk .1258 MitcheH, John 889 ,65 Olilrendon st 1338 MeEwll.ll, .Tames 1451) \l.{.aglan place 1250 Moltin8, James A. 1135 '7 Wynyard st 1453 RaglAll place 133fl i\1cEwau, Pet.er ] :260 l\1ollllJmu, Thomas 2092 Ferrers st 1340 McFadzean, Archibald 1441 Hau-:nn "t 12 (j 1 ~lonCl'eiff, Ohl'istopher 179 8 Stewart st 13H Il'lc.F,tdane. Snodgl'uss 1;363 Col:){leu st 12G2 :Monday, Daniel .322 1i York st 1342 ' HcGee, Helll',Y 8H8 Qlul'eudon ,st 1;3(j:3 MOl'ail, 'l'homas John G1U ~6 Park st east 1343 1 :ilfcGee, ::'IIa.lwlm 1005 6i Bunk ~t east 1204 Morga.n, Rob. Rowlanti 73 Y()rk st west 13H l\'Ic Genn i''', John 9 9 DevOll8hlr.e ,cottag~s J 265 Morphett, J el'emiah 415 24 Oharles st 13.J.5 McGowlln, P"tl'ick 270 5 Lii;tle York ,st BuG Morris, David 1442 GG Rnglan ,st 1346 l\lcGmth, James 627 1123 Cecil.st 1267 Morris, Ja.mes 1(;00 123 Napier,st 1:347 l\leGrllth, .John :238.5 Yltl'l'a bank 1268 Morris, 2326 Litt.1R Bank st 134:8 l\ioCregol", Al~XltlldeI' V72 22 Palk st 1269 Morrish, Frederick U4!) McGNlgor, .John 082 ~7 Haglall st 1621 ,118 Napiel' st )270 M01'l'ison, Alexander 1350 MeGl'egor, Peter ] 953 [i NimulO st 774 :39 Three Chain ,road 1271 lIiorton, George la)) 1 McGl'egol', Hobert 1430 4 Moray place 1702 6 off York st welit Hi2 ,MOlton,l'homas 1 :352 l\IcGuire, J ames 1025 York st west 19})5 3'7 Coventry st west ] 273 Moodie, James 1353 l\IeGuinne;;s, Jame" Victoria cottages '23;55 Yana bank 1274 i\IoOl'e, Anthony Ufl4 McHllgh, C. J. 2871 62 :Jlontague st 2341 Yr.rra bank ] 275 Moore, Francis 1355 :ilIcHugh, .;Tohu 222:3 1132 Ferret's st 2061 14 Patterson place J:j7G Moore, George 1356 MeTIngll, :Mntthew i 1949 York st west 1'50:3 74 Little Park st 12i7 )ioore, Henry' 1357 McHurley, 205 ID Yvrk st 1480 !)l Bl'iilport st 1278 Mool'e, Jmnes 13.'j8 ,McHutchinson,Duncan 22()5 10\) ,Bank,st west 52 17 Gal'duel' st 1270 Hom'e, Samuel 'l85 20 Hotham st 1359 )JcHutchinson, Thof). '1 401. 105 Raglan st ] 280 ~[oore, 'l'homas li5GO .McIliUe(3, Dune/m: " ; 1226 HW Clarendon st 2324 ':' Little Bank st ] 281 Moore, Williillll 1361 Mdulles."John ",968 P~\lk st • 569 Chmch st 1:382 Moore, Wlillilmt 1:362 McInlles, Duncl1.ll ,2:)+6 Yan~'t bank 1098 46 Bank st east. 128;) 'Moss, Edwin 1363 McIvor, Edwat·d, 'i IJH 18 Palk streot 686 32 Raglan st 1 :284, Moss, M:oton VHi4 l\IcIvol', ]~dw~xd T. 1H!) 124Clarenclon st 1'058 Bank st east ]285 :Mott, Joseph 13G5 McIvo1',Willium, smlior, 458 10 Union st 459 8 Uuion st 12tHi Mouat, Robert I3M) McIlltYl'e, Abraham 85.') 132 York st 188li5 Park at west H8i 1\touat, Thomas A. 1367 :\lcJackie, Charles 1918 1.7.5 York st west 3371 0 York st east ] 288 Moxnane, Thomas 13GS l\1cKay, William 1J39 72 Haglan st 808 28 Clarendon st 1289 ,Mowbry, William 1 ;3GO l\IcKeall,.J ames 1220 :it> Little PiLl'k st 1317 Clarendon st J~[jO Mowbray, William 1370 .McKean, Hobel't 1221 147 Little Pm'k &t 2010 64 Coventry st west ] 29 t Muir, J ames 1371 McKean, William 1I9!J 62 Park st east ()75 32 'Raglan Rt 1 ~ II :l lIf ni 1', William . 1:172 McKclbv, Juhu ! 2113 Queeli st 15 i}) 77 Little Hark st 129:~ Muil'head, GeOl'ge 1:H:3 l\1cl\dl);, John 1186 74 Park st east })80 4: P:tlk st 12ll.\, ~fulcahey, Thomas l:3H McKellzie, Alexalllle.r 8:~8 23 Yana st 114-1 ,'!'i3 Pal·k st eaRt 12!);j I\Iullen, Samuel 137;1 1IeKenzie, DUllcan 851 3 Yal'!'a. place '2:100 18 Nelson place HUG M1Iller, 137G l\JeKel!:-:iB, .John 1 83015 Yarrl1. st 1007 12G ;\iol'ay st ] !t07 Mulligan,Thomas 1.377 l\IcKcllzie, ,Jfohn 491 2 Burleigh st 296 1'2 Myrtle st ] 298 I'Ilunro, J. 1378 ~l cI\.cllzie, Hocldck 40G 1 82 Cl~l'ellcloll st ' 5294: John st 1299 Murdock, Andrew 13'iD :McKeuzie, John 1;111 22 \~ft_~lal'ket st " 866 13 Yarl'tt place 1300 Murdock, Andrew 1380 l\lcLm'en, ,Tohn 1701 :3 off }: ork t>t v .. c,u; I.5:?7 98 Moray st 1301 Murdock, William 1;$81 l"IleLm'en, Willialll 14f)G 64 Ragbn st 846 §. () Yarm st 1302 Murray, Archiba.lcl 1382 j\IcLal'ty, Alexander 2021 11 Cl1~t(· st 14528 Raglan place "1 L 1 I J '~_0, (} "B,olllc st ","!c·t 1303 Munuy, James 138 11' c [tug,l itll, alllCS _ r: u " 3 53 1 iJ Gnrdller st ]:304 I\£ul'I'ny, William 1384 McLaughlan,.T ohn 18807 Pill'k st west 77D 49 Three dlaiil road 1305 Murphys E. J. 1385 ~1 cLean, DOllald 1 D:37 G1 York fit west '(302 Clarendon place ] ,"0')' 1tfUl'phy, Geo, H. ), lI' 1380 McLnekie, J ohu 198:2 :3 Eville st lOH: 03 13ank st east 1307 MUl'phy, John 1387 )k\laholl, Hicbrd 1 G01 III Napier st 212[~ 11 ~al\k st west 1308 Murphy, Michael 1388j' MeJlil};u', John '1o:l-W i 70 Raglan st '31b 9 lork place 1309 Mustard, Archibald 1 :389 ~lcNabb, DUllca,1l (HO; ~apiel' fit '1.145 off Park st east 1:310 McAllester, Geo. l:3!JO ::)[cNaught, Alexander 20fJ9 PattCl'Sml'S place 2245 an MOHtaguc st 1311 .\IcAra, Poter 13!)l ~[cNaugi(~OIl, Duncan 20G 21 Yod:: st cast 821 2 Clal'endon place 1312 McAl'thur Alcxander 1:192 McNcil, Hllgh 11~::~2G Bank st west 2322 , 10 Little Bank st ]:313 I MeAuley John 1393 ~reNeil, John . oK.) :W Haglau st Fl34 ! 1:5 Ym'ra fit ] 31·1 Mc Bean 'John 1304 )kPlter::;oll, DUllcnn 8~() HI Yarm .':it 1737200 Eastern road 1:~ 15 McCoffl'~Y Thomas 1 :W,) McQueell, J Ohll H. 2200 1 HI Bank st west 38 Prospect place ] 31 f) , M.cCall, William 1396)Ic(iueen, Peter 1001 • DO Dorca8 st 2 York st, 1317,1 McCallum, DaviJ 13D7 Mc8kimmillg, Rohert 2:J47 Yal'l'1t Bank 2334 Yarra bank 1318 Mc()allum, Dougal 1398 :'lIe Sweeney, Morgan 195 37 Cccil st 3658 Coventiy court 13H) :!IIcCallum, Edwl1.l'd R. 1399 !lfcSweency, Pllter 766 l'7 'l'hree chain roa.1l 74 i 27 Market st 132U McCarthy, :Michael 1400 ·~kVicar, Daniel lG;22 111 Napier s,t 1929 -16 Pa1k st 4 Orown fit

] 852







Ratepayers' Names.


_L~~ook, 1,

1401 14-02 14,03 1404 ] 4:05 1-106 ]4.07 1408

1409 1410 1411 1412 1413

lH4 1415 1416 H17 H1~

1419 1420 1421 1422 14:23

1424 14-25 1426

1427 1428

1429 1430

1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 }437 ]4S8 1439

]4.4-0 1441

1H2 144:3 1444

]445 144() 1447 1448

1449 1450 14{)1 14-52 1453

1454 1455 1456 }4.')7

1458 14[;9

1460 1461 l·iG::l

1463 1464

1465 1466 l4,67

1468 '1M;9 1470 147i

1472 1473

1474 1475 1476 1477 1478

}479 1480

MeW\lde, James Napier, John Nasoll, Joeeph N atlian, Solomon D, i Ncgus, Thomas N eil, William Nelson, H. G. Nevill, John N ewall, William N ewbel'l'Y, Crarles Newberry, Wm, Henry Newhouse, John Nicol, Alexander Nicol, James Nicholson, John Nightingale, John Nimmo, Juhn Nisbett '" Niven, ,Dunclm Nixon, J~.mes Nixon, John Noble, Thomas Noon, Henry, N OOlla11, Michael North, Henry North, Thomas N orthook, GiJes Nott, James Nugent, John ,Nutt, John 'r. Olleron, Geol'ge Odlin, Hellry Ogadin, .J ames Ogilvy, John Ogleby, WilIiam. Old field, HudsOll Oliver, James Ol'me, James Overan, Jnhll Owens, Hobert Oxlcy, J ames 0' Brien, J ames O'COllllOI', Andl'ew O'Ffelan, H eury O'Gm'man, .lohn O'Hea, Jl\mes O'l\Ieara, J Ohll O'Neil, Davi(l O'Niel, John O'R.egan, Thomas O'Regan, Timothy 0' Rourlre, Patrick Pace, G. T, Page, James Paine, John Palk, Robel't Pnlmel', Henry Palmer, J ames Palmer, John Thomas Pa.lmel'1. William Palt, John Pape, George Pardy, William Parker, Joseph Parkiu, John Parlow, Oharles PaHcoe, Peter Pash, GeOl'ge Pass more, James Patching, Henry Pater, Jolm Patersoll, Bruce Pater8on, DUllcall Patterson,' Bruce Patterson, Donald Patterson, Ge~)\'ge Pattersoll, John Patterson, J oh!1 Pattersoll, Thomas Patterson, Wm, H.

1684 367 761


1769 480 ,1654 1449 140(}




10:3 1837 2361 580 1581 2292 1282 76a

2091 919 732 2155 2015 701 1468 ;-313 992 91U 976 1l!.l2 2160 1560 576 148 963 703 921 1:372 1754 1784 559 1092 648 \76;~


1591 2374:3005 707 1494

82 831 717 364 184 22~9


1910 1185

319 1180 2002 822


496 37 351 1270 1966

988 972 2379 ~B7

1751 1819 2105

2107 849 7U8

Where Property Is Sltuuted.



Ar r.!'HE lU.EC'fIONS

Uutllpayers' Names,


120 Raglall st

1481 Pl1tterson.,

No In Hato Book.

---. 2046

6 Coventry court 1182 Pattol'son, Robert 2049 148;~ Paulin, GeOl'ge 197 CacH 3t 80(} 138 Clal'elldon at 14M Paulin, Geol'ge 386 21 York st west 1486 Payne, Georgc 78 11 Hotham et 1486 PaYlle, John 1274 Moray fit 1487 Payne, ,{', B, 2029 1488 Peacock, J ames 57 I.ittle Raglan st 10:36 off Mol'lty st 1489 Peacock, William 1349 82 Coventry st 1490 Peal'sa,· Samuel 1210 54 Napier at 1491 Pearson, J oIm , 1520 1492 Pearson, Peter 28 Cla.rendon st 123 1493 Pie-kering, Edgar Chas. 1337 30 Bank st west Yarra bank 1494: Peddie, Peter 77 24: Little Pnrk st 1495 PeJ'eire, I,ouis 2090 14!J6 P eddna, Willi~m 81 Little Park at 739 1497 Pel'l'Y, GeOl'ge 69 Nelson road 342 174 i\I(;ray st 1498 Peters on, Henry 1265 201 eecH st 1499 Peto, William 783 lOOt) Petl'ie, Archibald Dorcas st west 2382 1501 Petrie, Archibald 95 Coventry Ht 1396 1502 183 Cecil st south Petty, J oseph 1757 1503 Pezet, Peter T 22 Emerald st 1504 Pell, J, Alfred 18 Coventry st west 1878 '. 1402 1rr05 Philip, Andre\v 2 CeciI place south 150() Philips, David Little Hag'lall st 1460 1507 Philips, John 3 Coventry conrt 489 1508 Philipson, J olm 81 Vorcas st 1615 1509 Pilh€$\U, Thomas 87 Coventry st east 1426 1510 Pin, Jean Baptist 12 Palk st 593 1511 ' Piquiuflt, Henry 24 Park place 167 1512 Pitman, J oseph 15 Emerald st 1833 1513 Pitter, William 167 Moray st 2241 1514 Platt, John oft'Little Park st 1853 1515 Pleace, Robert 3 Victoria cottages 2016 1516 Heace j William !.l Palk st 2262 1517 Plock, Ad RID 88 Ynrk at 623 151R Pollard, Thomas 101 Coventry st 572 6 Cobden st 1519 Ponaford, Charles 18244 Cl'omwell place 15~O 1'oole, Edwin 1938 ~H)7 1 Northumberland st 1521 PoppleweU, Benjamin 4G IJal'k 5t 1522 Potter, Willhuu 1041 'j oft' Bauk st 1523 l'orteus, Richard 1217 :215;3 1524 Potts, William ::l5 ~ I.pier st 1525 Pow, Francis 5 off YOI'k st west 11525 ·1350 15::16 Power, John 22 Bank st ea.'!t 1527 Power, William 82 Li ttle Park st 1466 Yarr:1. bll,nk H>::ltl Pratt, Henry 416 15 00ven tl'y st west '. 15il!) Prestoll, Gilbert 410 1530 Price, Thomas 18 Three Chaiu road 15:31 Price, Wi'linlll 2339 Coventl'Y :;t east oft' M. 3,l'ket st 153~ Prince, Willimn 676 7 Yana st 2060 1533 Prior, Daniel }tj34 Prior, J olm 2185 90 Little Raglan st CecH 8t 15:3.5 Prour.,t, J ulius 439 1536 Pryde, William 875 17 Coventry st 33 CecH st 1537 Pm'cell, Alfred 704 114 Bank st west 1538 Pnrcel, William 1073 1539 Quinton, Georgtl Sandridge road una 1540 Raine, John M. 565 76 Park st east 11 York place 1541 Raderuacher, Louis 101 86 Park 8t east 154-2 Radfurd, Edward 1981 612 23 Coventry st west 1543 Rae, William 1544 Rae, John 82 York st 525 1545 RainRi'ord, John 12 Stewart st 227 6 Hotham st 1546 llamage, John 1894 Grant st 15<17 Ramsay, Cuthbert 1793 1548 Hamsoy, William I oft' Cecil at 1436 1549 Rayfield, J olm 465 60 Little Park st 1550 Raymond, Henry 1691 York st west 1551 Haymellt, J ames 1645 7 St. Luke st Palk st 390 1552 Raynor, 'r. R. 1553 Hayment, J ames Yarl'lt bank 663 1554 fi4l 73 Dare-as st Raysou, Haruld 1555 Reabmll, Hobert 7 Cromwell place 254 1656 Read, James 1303 14 Hill st 30 Dorcas at west 1557 Heat'don, Denis 2187 35~ 1558 Heal'don, Patrick 5 Queen at 1751 8 Yarl'a st 15.59 Hedlalld, J alUes 1808 -1 Uecil place south 1560, Redmond, John



Where Propert,y Is Sit.UILtcd,


Patt61'son terraco 42 Coventry at west 66 YOl'k st \)2 Clarendon st 31 Market st Little Park st Coote st 3 off Dorcas street 59 Cubden st 157 Clal'endon st 16 Moray pJace 1 Kerry place . 35 Cobden st I off Market street off Dorcas at west BI'idport at oft' York at 184 Moray st 114 York st Yarm bank Raglan st Cromwell place 2 Bank st 11 Park st west 18 Mora.y st 213 CIll,rendon st Budeigh st . 136 Ea.'1tern road 86 Little Raglan st 8 N apier place 6 Market ::It .2 Green st 38 Montague st :2 Crowll. st. 4 Queen st 115 Bank at west (j Park st east 27 Little Park st 1 Green st 2~ Coveutl'y place 65 Coventry st 01 Bank 5t east 39 Little Park st Emerald st 102 Dol'cas st east 61 Cub den st 38 Lit.tle Raglan st 22 Charles st M· Charles St, () Fowler's buildings Yarrabank 30 Raglan st 16 Pattersoll place 9 off Bank st west Union st 31 Yarm. place 9 CecH place south 3 ofi' Moray st 15 Hill st 36 Park st 32 Clarendon st Eville st 6 Church st 23 Dorcas st 41 York.at 98 Cecil at 3 off Cedl at j'8 Raglan at 22 Coventry st 227 Raglan at 78 Cohden st 6 Alfred place Clarendon st 142 Clarendon at 8 off Cbrendoll st 70 Napiel'st 82 Bank st west 5 Coventry st east Cromwell place

5 Hill at

I r

When' l'roper! y i~ Situnll,d,

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\y11\:r<, i'ropl'l'ty is Hlttmtcfl.

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l·,~)'('.l ~;:.~mOlltl, 'Tl~::l:r-.-.-~~-~-Ste~::~rt s t - - - - - ~~41'- It~CkCr, -\~~n, ]~~--l-i~~-


43 1(j "1:") ,.:1\( 1 1(1ock, Nohle I "" '''' .Yann 1Jail It I (Ju2 ' Hcedy,.Johll I:J!:\4 .G3· Rltg1an st ""0].) HiG:) Heedy, IDHG 2a Coveutryst 1643 Huddock,Noblc Nilillll(, "t l;j G± UeedYi 1 H41 Cohden st 1644: nt~gland,.T Ohll 2340 Yat'l'n. bank F)G:'l Heeve, Willium .Tohn 22 26 Gl:unt st IG45 Rll~sell, Alexandc)' 595 4: Napiel' place J ;;66 Hecvc,Wi\1jnril 1251 7f) Napier st 10Hi 1 Ulls~ell, Charles 2243 34 ~Iontague st 1').eeves, J. onatIl"ll 1008 offSancll'id.~~e road 1647 Ilnssoll, G'eorge p, 714 Ha!!hll st , .. ~ ~ l,~>G7 1!)t1SHeeves;Jonathan , 1923 1 off York st west 1648 Russell, James 292 12 Little Y.)rk st 1::;09 Hcgan, 'l'llOmas 754 Bridport st ]049 Husscll, Jamcs l[)Oa Moray st . . 15:J4 10 MOl'lty place 1G50 Hnssell; .Ta111es 911 77 CO'/elltry at 1570 !legan, Mic.1mel . , 1843 7 Crown st 1651 Rnsse.ll, hmes 8-10 1 27 Yarra st 1 u""",1 ]f:Lel,'d , ~..A_Ugufl J572 Heid,David 470 19 Fmncis st 1652 RU:-lsell, .Tames Ure 1891 104 Cecil at 1~)73 Reid, Gimrge 1264 186 Moray st 1653 Hl1:-lsell, John 680 2:5 Haglan st ~ < R' dJ' . 19f)J) Eville st 1654 llussell,' Robert 908 67 Coventry 1 i;~; H:~d: J,~~~s 536 .3 John st 1655 Russell, .Toseph 1573 Moray st 1570 Heid; JohrL . 18B6 5 Park st west 1G.5(j Ryan) Jall!es 2:328 78 Montrrgue st ·15",·7 R.\Cl, 'd P. e,er t· . .. 2141 122 Feners st 1657 R,yan, John 1492 ·11.6 COventl'y st l5iS Heid, Willianl 85 39 :Market st 1058 Ryan, Roger 1755 2 Oromwell place H7D R.eid, William 2179, Bankst west Hi/m Ryall, Thomas 2163 7 Emerald flt 89 47 l\fttrket st 1 GGO Sainsbury, J aUles 1364 28 Ccibden st J 80 R ·d· J 'b ],;~l R:~d' 0 11 1846 CroWll st 1G61 Salesbur'y, .Tohn 147 1'Victoria ccttnges 1582 Rciley, John 1055 ' G ofi' Bank st west . 1062 Salter, Benjarnil1 54~u1 15 Dorcas st 1.~.• 83 R'[ J I 21G8 60 Bank st we::;t 1663 Salter, Frederick , u 24: Union st , ' 01 ey, .. 0 III 1(>64 S 1 J 49.1 12 Ch 1· t 1(;84 Rennick, Wm, Henry 1082 58 Dorcas st u ~ a ter, ames ar es s lfiS5 Hennie, hmes 854 70 York st 1065 Sarn, Tuck , 1326 9 Cobdenst J 58G Rentnll, 'rhomas 1252 N apier st Hj66 ~h1mpson, Wm, George Devonshirecottages ] :)~j Helltoll,Hobe'.'t 453 Union st 1GG7 Samuel; John, 104~~.CJ 8 . Moray place 8 Union st 707 6 Cecill)lace south 16G8 Samuels, John cJ ] 588 I>l estit11 " James ' 1388 "'3 R 1 15/i,\) Rich,Edwin 9GfJ 13 Pdk st. luGD Sanders, John I' ag an st 1fiDOHiClmrrIsoll, GeorgO 153 13 Vietol'itt cottages 1(j7D SaIlllihnds, William 21~~~ oft' Em~ralcl it I 1 R 1 d· W'l·l'~ 879 Yal'J'1t l)lace IG71 Sandilands, B. Nimmo ~iJlJ SO Cecil st' , ,!50 ic lar flon; 1 lam S 1804 18 B k t ' t 1;'}92 TIicllards, Dttvid . 1823 24 Bank st west 1fi72 ,,-'anford, Robt, S, W, an· s ' wes' (573 S t D 893 73 Clarer'ldoll lit 1 U 1:)!):iHiclurlond; J lirttes 444 23 nion st ergean, , 13· 2.'3 11')\14 R'd 11 J "j . " 1900 Sanclridge road 1674 Satchell, James 3 Cohdem st 1 ,1':) (,),,-.) R··~·l(l(}.ll'·W·~}'l':·· 12[)7 S7Nalliel'st 1675 Satcbell,Jame:; 16::'2124Raglanst .:.1(CO ,. 1 lam: ,... 1el'S ·'Torlrst ft'St L I t 1676 ~aUIlf ~ ~ • UOD 0 ' , n ~e s 1. :)!)(j R.iddle, Sauluel I) 1 1:iD7 Rider, .Al'thllrJ 1004 84 Dorcas st east Hi77 Saunders, Benjamin 5;'·15 Dorcas st 2~OO MOll t ague s t 1 G-, 8 Sgv~ 2194 sa l\Iontl'wue st _ ,. "t':>ere , Wl'lll' "In w. ~ 1.'-)!,.',cC>i"IRigby, GeOl'ge . 1I)!)!) Rile',.,', Edwa,j'd 702 5 Cecil place south 167!) S<1ville, Frederick ID97 2D Coventry st west 144 18 Market st 16J<20u 'Sawyer, UT'lli· I 1 GODi Risden, 'rhomns 19,1:8 2 Coventry pace IV 1 am 49!) l(iOl Rillby,Jcsse' 11809 7 Fill st 1681 Schofield, GeOl'go 10 Coventry st \' Jfl02Risk, .John '.;: I G29 1:37 CeciI st IG82 8chofield) John 796 lClarencion pIa 0 J 2020 2+ Coote::lt GS ' :) •SCI10fi eId , UT'11' 1168i~ 1 st west If,03Ritchie, Ch!irle;; 2181 78 Dan.;: VY 1, mIll I (iO+ Roach, Thomas. 1881) 7 off Park st west '" Scott, J arncs 517 , 7 Darcas st . st 1{'Uf"; S tt J c, 13821 81 Riglan '"t loO:). ,Roach,· Thomas 437 9 U mon UoO 'co', amed ~ 1202 54 Pai'l\: ::it east tt J I S IG86 ] {)Of) Robb, Wa1t.er ' 72:3 3 Litt1e n.llg1an st . co, 0 III 4 "1 r1 cl t 1687 Scott JOhl1 2007 11 Coventry st 'weflt I,. GOi Robel'tfl, Hn,!.!.h 5'1: ~ uiL1' lIer i') ) I , . v J J 16"8 U tt 'rl 1) b rt 1838 198 Eastern road Ifl08 Robel'ts, Jaines 2388 YmT(1, )al1 \. ti oeo " lOmas, .00 e 3· "','J QC']'"Itn'~ I st wei') t 1 I)f'!SCIv ,Se'cltt, Pet u 35 Covent.ry st 1Gm) Hohertson,.T mnes 1 fmn~ t)O . er ] 010 . liobertsoll, .Jamrs 95G 3 St Luke st Hi!)O Scott, Willimll 1D848'~ Covelltry place ~"l c· tt \V'll' v 59Clarendon sf, 1QiJ l(ill I R, ,ol)e-l'tsoD, .Tohu' . £):2 53 MiLl' 1wt st I::> co , 1 Hun 10"2 Q tt D '1 ;21uO 20 DOl'cas st west 1(j12 \ Rohi 11 pon,·· Donalcl ,~,t4 Ullion Ht \J' ~:JCO, l1Vl( (' ) 1) If'[;3 13 11 Tl 2:107 D9 Park fit west 1111:3 \ Rohins·C).Jl,' Dpv.idA, I71Iarket fit )l) • e y, wmaf; " 1 O(J· 4 C' 1 S' ;2327 1 Little Bank st 1(\ U Hohhlsim, n' . 151 () DOl'cas st ' , " I:J() nW,Il, ' amson lGFi Rohiiu;on; Donald 151'1: 32 .JiorH,y place IG95 SCIlior, Juseph 1~~~ 77 Raglan st llilG JlobilIS,.O',1,1)"\111'e1 1711 1:~5 Little Haglan st 1696 8ll1lckleton, .John 10L~ 23 Cflventry st ()- "1 11 1 p. t v t; :Market st 1 G 1(j17 Rohinsoll, ·E.dwlLl'cl ] 902 42 lIowe crescent ,i lac, ne \:, e Cl' 1 '"',"', \.) "Q S'! 1 J I 10 ;;u l(]18 RohillSOll, Georgc \V, 1582 83 Little Park st HLllH mn, f'\ lJ1 610 14 ~orthLUJ1berlal1d'st 1 Ill. n RobhwOIJ, Jl)Jlll 1] 9 ,,) off Mnrket :it 1 GD\) Sharp, Colenmn 21 Litt.le Park st " 1 ~l')l) S'l J 1 104 2G OlarendOh st 1 (j.)~.)O 1~()l)l'll"'on,· JOl11l ~068 :i1 JliIollta.(!. ne st I . larpe, 0 III ,., "J I~01 SI J 1 2286 8 Nelson road 1()::31 H{lhilIAOll, Robert 1428 1 82 Little Hag an f't I >. !ltI'P, 0 1Il 7:'.9 Cccil st 1(j22 HnhinsOIi, \Villiam 12:32 1 2 Clarendon place 1702 8ha1'p, 'l'ho1l1as 121:...)1. 1(lZ3 Hohin~on,.William 1110 112 Palmer st. 17()3 Shaullock, WillittlU ~28 ~~(J~~~~~l~t"t lG24, Rohiuson ,John 1277 57 Little Park st 1704 Shannon, Edwanl "h " 98975D t 1705 Slmw,John ~n5 20Yorkst ] ()~.) Robison, '.r.' arcas s 1 5 ('i-r.< ' Uti.' l' "1 oray· .pace 1 ' c'l 11 le1' 170( I (i2(i Hobwll,Jolm 4G7 12 Uuion at J IJ lea, J1. eXil,IlC 1GQ7 Rnch:wrL'1Villia,m 50G 85 CociJ st 1707 I Shca, .1olill ' 11 Ut: 37 Park place ] (" ')Q R I W H '):317 ,. 80 :MOll. tag. ue st 1 i08 i Shon.han, .John li'l\) 17 Cecil place north ):"v .0(\ t;, m: elll'j' I -1"',011 I Slwltllan, Patl'ick 185 3.1 Cecil st .. 1G29 Rod· e~Ll'clr~ Jose·..rJ11 I 237G YarrH bauk iJ. , .,,UilIt',a.·m 1 7 10 b ··'1WC{Iy, Pt' I 174 7 Stcwal't st 1G0.'O Ro]and,· <11) 10 Pmspect place it rle;: 17·11 .,\ 'I' 1 1 I[WIJ -18 Cobclon st , IG:n Ramney, James 2017 2 Qneen s t . b leean, " le we ) ] )94 -. D" k t E t 171') c'llell'II'cl l'~"ol'fle :2057 11 Pnttersoll l)lace ( 1 ;:,2 Roolre, ,{'lll:)mas ( . O':l:':tll' ,s as >C, , ". v b • 1 1') SOl TIC t'", I ()()'3 ](ii) Cbl'endoH st 16,'13 'D.oollev "'~l'cllael 130 4 Kerry l)lace 7;" • lerron" 0 III ur 1.. l\ 1714. S Ill G 0 'l_'){)'S ",0 Little Park st ] C'34 R "J', .tu ~312 1 ClwClltl'Y court lOp lel'l.L, "em'cc t h ' ORe, • ame:'> 1- (.'1 I cl J 1 'n -t7 5 gmorald fit 1, (i:~5 Hosendale, Anthony 15:17 127 J[nray st 17 u ,.,.wp ler, 0 in l I d J·Ol111 A . :?305 125 Park st west 1 71 L~U S 1r;:w Hoss l~benezer 116 1 off :\lar1.;:et st I lep ler' , , • 1 17 SI I 1 R' 1 d G,j,!'i lID NnlJierst. '1 (j:) 7 Ross 564 Park st 7 • lOp lCl'{ , le wr p 204.5 34 Coventry st west, 1718 S1.e l.llll'd, Thomas U13 44 Napier st ,lh.'SS Ross,' Robert t .. 1719 ") C!ll) BI'cl I 801 Clarend, on l')lace ' EI} 1 ]():) 9 Ross, Robert 486.. Cl ot lam s eJ P 1 C'] , . 1:> b ! 603 11 Little Park st . 1 20 17 1040 Ray, Charles 128( I' 168 Moray st i •., Wl'wm, :teu en _. \







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