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BUIWESS ROLL Fon ~t'HB BOHOUGH OF EMERALD HILJ...I. Voi;t')"s Sm'ImIDe and Christillll Nalllo,


Hen dorson, Hobert

Cur proprietor

7(iO 7(11

B:cndl'icken, \Villiam Hell1le~y, Michael 702 Howton, ,Tohll 70a Hepburn, William ifi4 I-Iel'lwl't, Elizabet.h 765 Hewet., George, jun. 70U Hcwet" George, sen. 707 Hiekey, jfjllen i08 Bich')', .Tames ,'llU Bicr-oy, Petm' 770 Higgins, David 71'1 Higgil\~, ,Tallies 772 Hill, Elizftbcth 7i;) Iii1J, Ellen


/ / ,)

770 777

Labourer 'l'ntveller Ellgineer None DI'essl11alwr Steward Licemedvictualler Labourer Labourer U 11 dertaker

Hill, John Hill, Joseph


I I · I

H;J7 f;'lt'i

WHY 8:~1)

HBI S;:I'J H;];l

Gentleman Gentleman S.nddler NOlle Steward Tailor Cooper Gitsfi ttel'


Labourer Merchant

Steward Merchal.lt Pninter Fireman Shi pWl'ight Salesml1n l\Iel'chant Ropenwkel'· . Gentlewoman Fi,;h monger Bahel' Gentlewoman Laholll'el' Ln bo tll'Or



1311t~her Mnst.~r mariner

Storcman Mason LftlV clerk Boa tlllllll Clerk Tillsmith Bnilder Storcmnn Hailll'llY guard COOP()l' 'I'll i/Ol' Gentlewoman C!C}'k 'roadJel' of'music II'OlllYlOngel' Falley dealer Drn,per


JIllghes, James


Hunt, I





I Hill, John

Hill, Walter 780 I-Ji II, '~'l1tel' 781 Hillas, Richard 7H2 Hillier, Elizabeth 783 Hills, Geol'g'o 784 Hillval'd, Edward 785 Hilt"alJ, Joseph 786 Hilton, William 787 Hitchillgs, Alii'eel 788 ITo, A l\lie 7HO Hobbs, John 7DO Hoclmell, Isaac 701 Hodd(>!', IVI11. Charles 702 Hodge, Hichard 703 Hodgson, William 704 Hodnet, William 705 Hotfm[l.]l, William 790 Hogg', Petol' jD7 Hogan, Catherine 7!18 Holdell, William 700 . Holdaway, James 800 HoI", Ann 801 Holland, Peter 802 Holland, Richard 803 Holland, 'l'homas 804 Holliday, IVilliumH. 8U5 Holmes, .Ll1nes 800 Hopkins, William 807 Hopkillson, Samllel t-08 HOl'llid~e, .John Price t-!Of) I-Iol'llsb')" Willinlll 810 HOrClllielt, li'retlel'ick till HO\\':ll't.b, cTohn 81Q H()wat, Dal'icl 813 Howat., Jilmes 8U Howie, ;Johu SIt) Howiesoll, Archibald 810 1-1o\\'so, "\Vm, J3clTitlgo 817 H 11 I dJil ]'(1, }fn rio SIS 1-1Iltlmc11, .Johu i·n:) H tH!I', Althea I-NO Hllg:lws, Alfred 8~H Hllglles, C:tt.hel'ine 8~:.! H llglw.~, Edward

Honse Lund&- stables Lalld House House House House House

Cn.l'tel' Mariner .BnkOl' Murinel' Lallndress But.cher Butcher Senlllstl'OSS

Iii 11, Fmnci" 'Walter I Hill, J'nmes Sloper-



Electoral' District Itlle! Dh'ision.

Votes to which

Voter is e ntitlcu. . ---.----------.-----------;-!.--------,,~



Description and Sihmt.ion of R(~teal)10 PI'OPOl'ty,


..... No. of '

H Illlt, William Fil'enWll i Hllllt<'I', Dalliel InmnJOnger . 11 tllTCll, llicbal'd COlllPositor HI!~IJ:lild, ,]HlIu Mantle maker HII ~dlilJsoll, Mal'itt None 11 (ltdliii ,OIl, '1'lwlUas Plock merchant Hntton, NeiL Plasterer UlI.'.:/(')', HelltT Edwin j Law elel'1. , Hyltoll, William Maduel' , 11 nil', 'J.'llOHIUS }IcrehalJt

House House House I HOllse House

Honse Honse House HOllse H. onso House Bouse House I Land Honse House House House House House




Land House House House Honse HOllse Honse HOllse Honse House House HOllse Honse House

Honse House HOIl~e Land

Honse HOllso House

Houso House Honse Honse House HOllse Honse

Shop Honse I-Iollse T-louse Honse

House House

Honse House House

Honse House Honse

" " " "

7 Hog-Inll place

House 'House House House House House House HOllse

53 Bnlll{ sh'cet West I Emerald Hill. 13:lllk st.l'ec;t West Dallk street 'Vest " " Yal'fIl. street .," 2 ·I3allk street East " 36 Coventry sti'eet " " 5 Eville street " " 45 York street " " 122 Moray st.reet " 216 l\'Iomy street " " 8 Clm'cndon plnce " " 22 Coven try st.reet IV, " " 82 MOil tague stl'cet " 1.'27 HllgIIi n Htr'eet " " 47 l\IrJl'lry place " " 1,1 Bank stl'eet ,\Vest



81 l\1onr.y stl'eet ClllreilClOll street 30 Y!lI'l'a }Jlnce 60 Market street 75 & 77 Cillrendon st. Clnrendon street 27 Pade stl'eet West 45 Bank street East 3 Francis street 02 Dorcas st.reet 56 Market street 12 Jolin street 111 Little Raglan st. 90 Cecil street . 1 &- ,J John street 38 Par'k street Ellst 6 Devonshire plnce 52 Bnnk street East 01 York street 1 Coote street Grallt "treet 155 MOI'n,Y street Service crescent 81 COyelltry street QQ Bank stl'eet \Vest 04 Clarendon street 30 York street 1 Cecil place North . I) l\Ioray plnce 4 Agile;; place QQ CovolJtry place 110 Morny street v!J DUI'Clis street Clarendon place 1:13 Br'idpol't. stl'eet a!i Pltl'k street East 20 Park place 72 Napier street Moray street IOU Momy stroet .2 Northumberland st \I CIIIII'ch sU'eet 3·1 Dorcas stroC't \Yest 07 !lnglan street 8 York street East ,H Pllrk strt,'et East :J8 Hllg-lnn Btreet (1) Clal'elldolJ stl'oet Clftrendon st.reet Clarendon street 3 \Vynyard stl'eet 12 Ch/ll'les street 10 Chad:;s street ,12 Howe CrescHllt 14 l\IOll tague street 72 Park street East 103 C(!eil street. Off Clart'ndoll st. l\lal'tin stl'eet 77 CoLden streot 11 Clnl'Cl,1doll place 76 SnlHfl'idge road

1 2

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1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



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" ,",

4 Claruw]oll road


" " "



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" " "

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" "



835 836


" " " " "

13 ,

Voter's Surname and. Christian Name.


No, of

Description and, Situation of Rt~tcable Propcl'ty.

Electoral Distrillt autl. Division.

Votes to which Votor is entitled.


" "



1 1

1 1.

1 1 1 Q

1 1 1 1

1 1


1ffia, Solomon



Illidge, Thomas Inman, JQseph



Storeman Butcher Un]mown Builder Labourer Licensed victualler Ironmongel' Unknown Labourer


Ingle, John G. 830 Inman, Louisa 8,10 Ireiand, William ,941 J rvib, George 84-2 irvine, Erasmus 843 Irvine, ,Joseph 84<1, Jack, Andrew 845 Jacli:son, George . H40 Jackson, James 847 Jackson, William B. 848 James, Charles 838

R49 James, John 850 James, 'rhomas 851 Jeffery, Henry John 852 Jefl'l'eys, Joseph 853 . Jennings, Henry 85,1 ,Jennings, Thomas 855 Jf1nkins, David

Messenger Wal'ehouseman Boiler mal,er Storeman Gasfitter Grocer French polisher

Solicitor . Shoemakel'

1 1



Honse House



fHi I JoiJnson, Cbodes 802 I Johnson, ;Ed\vnrd

ImpOl'ter Bellman

House House Honse House

Johnson, James E.

f: (l Ii i{(}1

8US 80U

870 811 872

873 8i4 875 870 877 878

870 880 f:l8I !l82


,Johnson, Johilson, Johnson, J ohnsoIJ, .Johnson,

Joseph John Matilda Julia John Johnson, Louis Johnson, Martin

;Johnson, Peter Johnson, James. Johnstoll,. Richard I Johnston, Gilchrist I Johnston, Robert P. J'olmston, Thomas Jones, David Jones, John Jones, Samuel Jones, rl'h0ll1a8 .Jones, Thomas

Jones, William ,Jones, \Villittm 880 I Jones, William 884 (lS5

88'1 888

Jones, Williain B.

JUtld, T. M. 8S0 Jupp, Predel'ic 800 Kanen, Samuel 801 Keeble, Simeon 8[)2 Keeshan, J oiln·

HOB KflIl, Emma 8[)4


son 807 80H 8U\}

000 9Ul 902 1)03

Kelly, Himl;Y Lucius Kelly, Catherine Kelly, R. B. Kelly, Pat.l'ick Keb~)n, William Kendall, James Kendall, 'l'hom:J.s Kendrick, William

Ker,nedy, :Oonald Kenuouy, John Fl'ew

Warehouseman Manager Clel'i, Clerk Mariner Fancy dealer


Wt1tchman Stat.ion master <l'obacconist Unknown

Honse House House


F.,llgineer. Contractor Clerk Druper

80 4 235

17\1 Clarendon street 58 Dorcas street 86 Coventry street E. 40 off York street 159 Moray street 30 Ooventry street 185 Clarendon street 6 Pull. street 20 'l'hree-clwin road 73 Clarendon street IH Dorcas street 'V. 100 Dorcas st.reet East 55 & 57 Bauk st. W. Salldl'idge road 53 Park street 11 VictOl'ia cottages 15() Fel'J'ers street 158 Olarelldon street MorllY place DOl'cas street East

House House House Honse

Honse Honse HOIlRe Honse House House Lalld

Laud Lalld Store House House


Honse House Honse H<Hlse House

House House House House H<.Iuse Honse House House

Land HOllse House

House ,Limd .L[l.1~d


Kennelly, Daniel


l{('nneth, Thomas


Kent, Adol£>pus 90r Kerr, John .

I..Jaboul'er . Clerk Teacher Sa~lmaker..

House House House House HQuse

Park street Cobden street Palmer stnet l\tlarket street East Little Pllrk street I Palmer street' llalk street & 58 Bank f't, E'lst Montague SU'eet Charles street Victol'ia cottages Montague street Brhlport street Dorcas street East Haglan street Moray street Clarendon street Church street Grant street ·Moray street off DOl'cas street Devonshire cottgs, Napier street Coventry street Emerald stl'eet Yarra stl'eet Cecil street Park street 'Nest Bank street East St, Vincent pI. N. Ferrel'S street Oromwell place Morav street

26 York ·street




55 18 2li 185 11)

Hou:';e House

Car proprietor

Mttriner Stol'oman None Dmftsmall None . Civil service Labollrer

4 1 65

House House


Storeman Fireman



Cartel' Cook Mastel' mariner Shi pwl'igh t Cordwailler Mariner Compositor Garden fll' Builder Master mariner Greengrocer Hotelkeeper

Merchant Clel'l,

14 3;) 131 110 57 112 189 3

HOll'se House





ABO Johnson, Geol'ge

804 Johnson, John S{],') Johnson, John A,




Shi pwright



856 ~renkins, Henry 85i J en/,yn, Thomas H58 Jenkins, John S5(J Johnson, Dixon

1 1

1 1

House House House House HouRe House House House

Land House HOIli;e House House




6 49 16 51 53 8 7





6 Dorcas place 31 Napier street 109 N apim' street 09 COI'ent.ry street Off l\Ioray place 2 off DOI'CILS st. IVesl Napier street 70 Raglan street Dl'llpel'street :J GreCH street 132 ]\foray place 4 Queen street 20 Dorcas street W. 8 Coventl'Y place CO\'entl'y place Coventry place lUI Cecil street 138 Clarendon street 20 Cobden street Cobden street Sandridge road 11 Gl'!l.nt street 22 Market street 33 Little 'Pad, street 1 Ferrel'S stree~ 4 CoYentl'Y street W.













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1 1


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1 1 1

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1 1




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1 2

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908 900



Kerr, Thomas Ropemakcl' Kerr, Thomas House Labourer 910 I(ev, Dnvid House 'l'ailor W;ld, W.i.llill.n1 House B lack3llli th 912 Ki II ingwol'th, Matilda House DI'essmal(el' 913 Ring, Caroline HOtlE>e Laundress 911, !{jng, Charles House Gold smelter 915 King, Henry John House ~I:'eacher of music !n6 King, '1'hos, .Lemon House Car driv8l' 9J.7 IGllll car, George House Machinist 918 Kil'k, ]~lizabeth lIouse l\:fidwile 919 Kirk, George House Printer 920 Kirkpatrick, James House CnrDentel' 921 Kirkpatrick, John House Muster mariner 922 Kit'i, wood, Alexander House Engineer 923 Kirwin, Michael House .Bootmaker 924 Klemming, August House 1'aiIol' 925 Knarstol1, .Robert Houso Master mariner 926 Kuight, George Henry HOllse li'ruit lllerchant 927 Knox, John Honse Ellgineer 928 Laing, James Honse Unknown 929 Lam b, Fred. Charles House Chemist 930 Lamb, John House Labourer U31 Lam b, William House Lebourer 9:12 Lamb, \Villiam House . LllboUl'el' 983 Lail1bert~ Thomas House Salesman 9;),! Lambert, 'William House Stol'eman 935 Lamond, James Burns House Barman 9a6 Lampurd, Henry House Gunsmith 937 ·Lane, HeIny House Co rd Wlli 11 er 938 Langton, E.1izabeth House Dres3maker 939 Langford, Nicholas House Mastel' muriner !),JO House Langham, Charles Saddler 1)41 .LangbolTle, George House Grocer 942 Ln.pthorne, Stephen Honse Mastel' mariner 1143 Larkins, Michael House DairYlllan 944 Larone}" James Houi'e Glazier 945 Lu.scelles, Edwin House Cattle dealer 946 Latchford, John House Fireman 947 Latchford, Richard House Mariner 948 Latham. Sarah House Gon tlewomali 949 Lavery, John House 950 Luwrence, Alfred Hart Labourer House Drflpel' 951 Lawrence, Benjamin HOllse LEtbourm' 952 Lawrence, Fmllcis Geo, House Civil service 953 Lawrence, '1'llOrnas Houso Labom'er 954 Lawson, Edward House BUilder House 955 I~awson, James House Carpenter 956 Lawson, John House '[lui lor 957 Leadhead, ,John HOll se Cook 958 Leahy, William House Labourer 959 Lean, Robert House Cal' dri \"er 960 Leary, .fohn House ShipWl:ight 91H Lee, Emma HOlIse Geutlewoman House 962 I,ee, Wing House Fish dealer 963 Lee, l11, Charles House Cat' proprietor. 91:14 Leecil, John HOllse Bl'icldarer 9uo .Leitch, Allen HOl1s(~ l\feI'Cha~l i. 9u6 Lennox, Duncan House Oi vit service Lal'd 1)(17 Lellny, Edward Honse Joiner 008 Leslie, HobCl't HOlls e Irollmoulder .House !JUO IJe\'erett, Geo, Thomas EnO"l'Uver b HOllse 1)70 House Lewis, James William ShoemaI,er 971 Lewis, John House Clerk 972 l~ewis, ,John .liouse Labourer 073 LeWis, Hobert House Dyer 974 Lewis, 'Nillimn Honso Tailor 975 Leys, Alexuwlol' House Engineer 976 Li(ldlo, Cflthel'illO House ", Cal' proprietor 977 Licitly, Fl'cclerick Rouse Licensed victualler '" 978 Lightfoot, 'l'holllus House Hnirdl'essor U71J r~ighttoot, Thomas House Architect 980 LiIl,?y, Audnnv House 'Tailor 081 LilJColHe, Abraham House Agricultul'al agent 982 Lindop, John HOllse J~l)gineer 983 Lirldsay, John House Bakel' Ilouse '"



(Jhrl,hlan Nam"

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.])J,t,;", ""d




. BURGESS ROLL FOR TI-IE BOROUGH OF EMERALD HILL. . Voter's Surname Itnd Cllristian Name.

---~--.,------;--~ ~ntitled. .


16 Ross street Emerald Hill. 1 22 Palk street 23 N apiel' street 34 Church street 10 Coventry place 62 Oobden street 1 " 1 27 Little Park street " 1 35 Dorcas street East " 1 6a Li ttle Park street 1 lOB York street East 1 22 Park street East " 1 24 Park street East " II 63 Cecil street 1 186 MOI'ny street 1 " 1 ·43 Coventry street '\T., " 1 11 Hill street 1 107 Napier street " ." 1 124 & 126.F'eners st. 1 88 BRuk street West I, 1 137 Moray street " 1 30 Union r:tt'eet " 1 81 Clal'endon sti'eet " ". 1 7 Clarendoll road 1 Clnr'=lldoll street " " 1 Cobden street " 1 7 Dorcas pInce " 1 117 Napier street " " 1 Monq' street " 1 31 Dorctls street West! " 1 78 Balik street West 1 55 Balik street East " 1 70 Oobden st.reet " 1 30 Little Park street " " 1 83 Coven try street " 1 51 Coventry 'stl'e3t W, 1 49 Park street West " " 1 172 l\10l'11Y stl'eet " " 1 80 Montague street " " 1 28 York street, " " 1 122 HagJan stl'f.et ".IJ " 1 5 Cecil place '/ 1 1 OIaI'eIHlo!1 road 1 117 Momy street . " " 1 10 Prospect place " " 1 149 Moray st.reet " " 1 16 Clare~Hlon place ." " 1 4 Moray place 1 66 Moray Htreet " " 105 Bank' street West " 1 8 WYllyarl1 street " 1 12 Prospect place " " JJ 1 If) Coven try street 1 Ii M.Yrtle 81 "eet " " 1 28 Union street " " 1 147 Cecil street " " 1 140 Cecil street " 15 Cobden ~tl'eet ." " 1 157 Little HaglaH st, " 1 40 DOL'cas stl'eet West " " 1 29 Coventry stl'eet 1 Moray street " " 1 Mol'll)' street " " 115 Rnglan street " " 1 119 Napier street' " 1 88 Nnpier street " ,I 1 7 (i Park street East " 8f) 13alllc street East ". " 1 Garton stl'eet .1 2 StewUi-t street " 1 132 Clarendon street 1 50 Clarendon street " " II 1 45 Nelson road U 1 7 Li ttle York street " 1 84 Moray stl'eot 1 68 Olarendon stl'eot " 1 8R Lit.tle Ruglan st. " " 1 48 Pltl'l, street East "I t " 1 58 Afolltllgue street 1 l\foray stl'eet ,. 1 Off Cecil placo N,

I :::: "

. ..

. ..



.. ..






.. .











No, 15 01


_-""'"';"_s _ _ _.........., - - ' - - , - - -


Descl'iption and Situation of Ra.teable




----~----------.-------~-------984 I.indsll.y, Alexander Dl'uper 985 Lindsay, 'I'homas Mariner 986 Linnett, William Bricklayer

HOllse House. House H(luse 987 I Liptop, John Labourer HOllse 088 Lisson, Edward Carter House House gag Little, John Hawker House 990 lrittfe, Ln;rnbert Rattel" House Oal Litton, Wrn .. Licensed victualler House !H)Q Livet'sedge, EdwBni St.oramllU House 903 Livesey, John Sawyel' House 91) 4 1 Livie, David Carpenter House 911il Livie, lVIarg~lret ,DI'essmaker House 996 Livingston, Geo. Chas. Snilmake1' House 007 Lloyd, Cil.thel'iue Gentlewoman House (HIS Lloj'd, 'rhotllus Mlll'iner House ong Lloyd, William COlltl'Uctor HOllGe 1000 Lloyd, William Stolcer Hause 1001 Lo~k, John BIll'naru Mnstf'1' mariner .' House 1002 Lomax, Samuel Butcher House Shop Longcl'oft, James Civil service House Loouey, Mary GelltIewollHlll HOllse Land Law clerk Lord, John House Longh, Edward Cordwainer House ' Love, Thomas .I!'l'ui tcret' Honse Loys, William Clerk House Shipwright. Lowden, Jnmes House Lowden, 'l'homlls Sl10pkeeper House House Lowden, Thomas' Master mo.riner Housp, Lowe, ,Joseph Edgltr Professor of dancing House Lowe, WilJ"iam ShipWl'ight House Lowe, \Villiam rt'hstel' mal'iner House 1015 Lucus, Henry Civil "el'vice House loIn Lueas, Margaret Gent.lewolllltl1 Honse 1017 Lncas, Wi lliam lVIaswl' mariuer I HOllse 1018 Lumsdell, James Coopel' , HOllse 101\! Lycll; Andrew AcconTI tant Lnlld ..... 1020 Lynch, Denis Law clm'k HOllse 102'1: I Lyoll, Thom.lls Cal' ddver House 1022 Lyster, John Fender maker Honse 1023 Macd0l111ell, Cornelius Teacher House 102.:1. Macintosh, John Engineer House 1025 Mackay, Pete.r Cuntl'llctor House 1C12() l\Iacbw, James Labolll'er House 1027 l\faclw.jr, Nicholas COlltract.or . HOllse 1028 Mackay, Peter Fit'emnn House 102U Muck ie, James Hatter House ]oao Madden, Peter Licensed victualler HouE'e 1031 Maddocks, Joseph Cordwainer House 1032 l\Inggs, Geol'ge Warehouseman House loSS l\hhany, .James Labourer Land Mahonev, .Jllllles Groom House .i\hilul', bavid Gentleman Land Major, John Accountaut HOllse l'I1aleolm, Samuel Boot anti shoemaker Homie l\Ialluel, Freeman Plnstei'€l' House l\lacllamam, Matthew Sto()kdealer House l\Ial'lnvelJ> William Shipwright House Mill'oney, John Dail'yrnlln House lOil) Marshall, Adam Ship\vdght House 1043 MarShall, Jttmes Shipwright Houl'e lOU lVIlI1'sden, John Thomas Gentleman HOllse 104.') Martin, Peter J, Brewer Honse ••• 10.i() Mal·tin, PLttl'ick Da!I'YUlun House IO'i7 Mastel'S, John George Ge~ltleml1a HOLlse lrH8 Masters, 'l'homlts Han'dresser Honse 1040 I l\Illstclton, lV[tl\'gnl'et La[J~ldre8s House 10aU Il'Ihu;oll, Willi:un Mann or , , HOijse 1051 i Masson, David Professor of mUSIC House 1052 Matthews, "Civil service Honse 1053 Matthews, Bdwal'd Btoller J House 1054 l'Ihxted, Edwftl'd lVhl'iner House 1055 Maxwell, J'ohn . Oal'pentf.r flouse 1056 Meehall, Ann I. Greengrocer House Mellol', David Laboul'el' House









District and



134 Clarendon street

Votes to which Voter is ent.itlcd.

J Emerald Hill, 1 4 Alfred place . 1 21 & 23 Cobden street " 1 19 Cobden street " Hl Myrtle street " 1 13 Pulk sl,reet " 1 15 Pall!: street " 67 Bank street West " " 1 64 Cobden street " " 1 92 & 04 Moray street " 1 116 Raglan street " " 1 Moray plr..ce " 1 37 Cobden !itl'eet " " 1 20 Church st.reet S, " 1 20 Dorcas street West " " 1 4 Francis street " " 1 Ross street " 1 119 Cecil st1'oet " " 1 I 11 Palmer stl'eet " 1 " . 30 Clal'endon stl'eet 1 61 YOI'k stl'eet East " " 1 " Clarendon street " Bridport street " 1 " 102 Ball k street West " 1 " Bank street West " Feners place " " 1 " ." Q5 Coventl'y street W, 1 " 12ilRaglan st.reet " 1 3 O'Gorman place " 1 " Yal'l'a Bank " 1 23 Cov.entry street " " 1 Off Covell try COl1l't " " 4 Northumberland SI " " 1 18 Coventry street W, " " 1 '; Yarra pine e ,"; 1 185 Cecil street " 1 99 Cecil street " " ·1 35 Nelson road " " 1 111 Park street W. " " 1 " 104 YOl'k street East I Ferrel'S place " 1 " 121 Napier stl'eet " 1 2 off l\Iarket street " 1 13 Momv street " " 1 " 45 Dorc~s street Wesl " 1 " 8 Devonshire place " 1 Off Little Park st . " " I " Off Litt.le Park st. " 1 90 Little Purk street " 1 13B Clnrendon stree~ " " 1 I) Napier street " " 1 " 26 Chur<!h street 1 ."" 24 York street Ea"t " 1 " Dorcas S/,I'ect WeEn " 1 " Dmper street " 1 " 13 Green street " 1 l),I1'k stl'eet El1st " " 1 " 48 Bn.llk st.I'eet Ji;1lE't " 1 " " 151 Clarendon stl'cct 1 " 58 1\101'HV street " 1 " 13 Little Bank street " 1 " 23 Ooote street " 1 10 Palmer st)'eet " " 1 " IQl Moray street " 1 " 20 Park street East " 1 178, 1\1"omy street " " 1 127 Moray street " " 1 " 13 Hill street " 1 233 }\:[oray street " " 1 23 Cecil street " 1 Ofl' Cecil street " " 1 14 Uuion street " " 1 135 Bridport street " " 1 l\Iontague st.reet " " 1 Hl3 Little Haglan st, " 1 It Oft'Dorcas st, W. 1 Sandridge road " " 1 85 Little Park street " " 1 10 NOl'thumbedandst. " .," 1 Garton street "







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