, . " , _.. - .
Voter's Surname and Chl'istian Nanie.
Mendez, George
DeSC1'iption and Situation of Poateablo ' Pl'OPCl'ty. ,
'13URGESS HOLL FOR 'rHE BOROUGH OF EIHRHALD HILI", ..--~~---~.-'--.~-E------------;-~-----------17 __l i_______________-=________.________'____~____--~----~------
Electoral District and D.ivision.
House 2 Napier street . Emerald HilL House 30 Coventry street House 10~9 Merfield, William, 41 Coventry street Gentleman " " House 1060 Mervin, Charles Tailor' JJ " 8 Park street East . 1061 Merritt, William House " u 1 14 Nimmo street Travelier House 1062 MereI', Franz 1 lQR Raglan street Stevedore " " H0use 1063 Miilar, Churles 1 63 York street Carpenter " " House 1064 Millar, Alexander 1 83 Dorcas st.reet West WiIJe& spirit mel'cht, House " " 1005 l\iillnl', Elizabeth ... 61 Cecil street Gentlewoman " " 1066 MilIa.r, James House to. 63 Nelson road Ropcmaker " " 1067 Millar, John II Machinerooms,&c. Yal'l'R Bnnk Milkman 1068 lVIillul', John House 13 York place Dairyman " " House 1069 /l\lillar, Richard 18 Yarra place u " Confectioner 1070 Millikin, John House " II 72 Clarendon street Pensioner House 1071 Mills, Charles 68' Dorcas street Fireman " " 1072 Mills, Henry House Salesman 64 Little Pa.I'k street " " House 1073 Mills, Robert John " ,. gO Raglan street Licensed victualler House 1074. Mills, Rohert S. " II 48 & 5'0 Clarendon st. Accountant House 1075 l\lills, Samuel 75 Raglan street COll tl'actol' " " House 1076 Milne, Alexander Clarendol! place Master mariner " " House 1077 Milne, William 1 ~, " 80 Rnglan street Coppersmith House 1078 Miley, Patrick II U 1 Raglan street Groom HOllse 1079 Minahan, Denis 1 " JJ 5 Balmornl place Dairvman House 1080 Minahan, Michnel 1 Carter 93 Bank street East " " House , ] 081 MinahuQ.Barah 1 " u None' 41 Park street West If}82 Minchin, James House 1 13 Queen street Dairyman " Honse 1083 Mines, William 1 "" ~, 80 Cobden street Cal' driver House 1084. Minford, Thomas 1 Carter 11 York street West " " 1085 Mingal, John House 1 22 Raglan street Bookbinder " " 1086 Minty, James House 1 Buildel' Coventry street E. Land 1087 Minty, William 1 Moray street BUilder House 1 68 Park street East " " 1088 Mitchell, Ann Land JJ ,. 1 Nc'Ue Anderson street l08!} Mitchell, Michael A. House 61 DorGas street Law clerk 1090 Mitchell, James HOllse 1 u " Painter 4 ChUl'oh stl'eet 1091 Monte, Robert JOIlll House 1 Butcher 6 Union street " " House 1 152 Clm'endon street " " 1092 l\1oltine, James ; Land 1 Clarendon street Hammerlllan " " 1093 Monahan, .J'arnes! House " u Unknown Wynynrd street 1094 Monahan, Thos. ' House 1 u ". None 85 Moray street Land 1 Cecil street " " 1095 Montagne, James' Land 1 Cecil street Labourer " " 1096 Montgomery, Wil!ium House Agent 31 York' strc'et " " 1097 Moodie, Joshua House 151 Mqray street Labourer " " 1098 Moore, :Prederick House " II 50 PUll. street East Licensed victualler 1099 1\foore, Gilbert House Mariner Covelt try street " " 1100 Moore, George .... House 204 Moray street Printer " " 1101 Moore, Henry Houae SJ " Mason 99 Napier street House Bridport .street " 1102 1\1001'e, Henry House I) J," Mariner Bl'idpOl't street '1103 Moore, Mary Ann House " h Seamstress Off York sti'eet 1104 Moore, Samuel House 1 It " Fruiterer 4 Hotham street 1105 Moore, William House 1 Printer 103 .RngJan street " " House 1 44 and 46Bnllk stl'eetE. " " Land 1 Three,chain road " " 1106 Morgan, George Land ., " Hatter Napier street 1107 Morgan, John House Carpenter 70 Olarendon stl'eet " " 1108 Mornane, PIlt!'ick House 1 u " Civil service 2 off Dorcas street 1109 1\1ol'nane, 'l'bomas House 1 61 Nelson road Licensed victualler " " 1110 Morris, Alfred House 1 Clerk 96 nl11) k street \\' est " " 1111 Morris, David HOllse 1 " :'t 148 ];'el'l'crs street \Varehouseman House 1 66 Raglan street " " 1112 Morris, Margaret Land 1 Gentlewoman Bdd pOl't street " " 1113 Morrish, Frededck Rouse 60 l\hrket street 1!'rench polisher 1114 Morton, .J ohn House 1 Mariner llS Napier street 1115 Morton, George House 1 22 York street Coach builder " " Il1U Moss, James House 1 " II Minister (J O'Gorman place 1117 1\1oss, Peter House 1 63 N apie!" street 1118 Mountain, vVm. James St.oreman 'House 1 '"" I," 176 Easten! j:ond Unknown Honse 1 " II Sandridge road 1110 Mounter, John 'Laud Ci vil cel'vice SUlItlridge road " " 1120 Mounsey, George House 1 I)rinter " u 49 Dorcas stl'eet W. 1121 l\I uil', James House 1 Clerk 4 Bank stl'eet East " " 1122 MUil', 'Yilliam HOUSEl 1 tI JJ Fireman 32 alld 34 Raglan st. 1123 Muirhead, George House' 1 It U 'I'ailol' 77 Little Plll'k street 1124 Mullins, Peter House 1 l?ireman 4 Palle street 1125 M n Uen j SHmuel House 1 Bookseller 6 Cecil place Nol'th 1126 l\1uh~€a, Dominica House 1 Labourer Howe crescent 1127 MUll 1'0,' ,John , House 1 " II' 6 York place SbiplITight I
MUI'doch, And!'€:\V
,Mm'doch. J!lmes
11aO 1131
Mm'doch, ,1mnes l\ful'doch, William
1132 lUl3
Murphy, Edwal'd P(l; II tel' M1l1'phy, Juhn Pol iee eonstubJe Murphy. GeOl'go H. 0, COI'tiwnilll.:Jl' 1\'1 l1I'l'IiY. Ann ie L::tI\lH11'~)"S MIll'I'ny, Archibald 'll'lllllllOllger
11'35 1!36 1137 1138 1130 114.U
Emcm.ld Hill.
1152 1Ui3
MCCheitlle, EdwlLl'll McCormack, William McCrackell, Hugh 1\1c01'08;;en, Heul'S'
Millel' PIn telayer
Dl'essmal{el' Cnl'pen tel' Engineer Compositor
LilOOlll'et' Slater Elwineel' " taut Aee'Hlll
Engineel' Gont.leman Urn.pel' 13 lll'l' i s tc l"
House House Honse House r Land House House HOllse House House House
ilIcDomtlcl, Alex. John J.\IcDollll!d, Coliu 110(- McDonald, Erlw[ll'd IlUl McDonald, li'. La:lld agent llU~ NIeDonnld, Hemy UlIlmown llli3 McDonald, John :.\ott l'i lJ e t' llUJ McDonald, Maurice Licen:;cd victualler lUi5 lVfcDol1ald, \Villbm La bo Ill'f) I' lln Ii McDonald, _ Unknown 11U7 Mil Dowell, J 0hn Met'c!Jant l108 l\leE \VIm, Petel' Mel'ch[J,nt 1169 Mc !i'I1l'!.lI1tl, Jessie Tellcller 1170 l\IcFlll'iltne, Sllodgrtss Mason 1171 Mcli\trlane, James olel'le 11.2 l\JcGachie, Charles Ccu'penter 1173 1174 11 iii 117U
McGaw, Andrew McGill, William l\IcGoWltIl, James l\IcGolVitn, Plltl'ick
1178 McGmth, John 1179 UcGI'egol', John 1180 McGuiillles~, Catherine 1181 McHugh, John 1182 Me H u tchillf;OIl, Duncull 1!83 1\1c HutchiliSOll, Thos. 1181 :'IIcIllnes, DUIlellll
118fl 1187 llH8
Mer VO!", McKean, James
,rol:a '\vi IIinm
Me KI'aJ!, Rolhll,t 1180 McKean, 'VYillilun 11[)0
1101 IH12 1l{J3 1194 1105
lIfl6 11\17 H!!8
1HJO 1200 1201
House House
House Lcmd
House House
1177 McGowan,WiIliam
McKee, Elizfllwth McKelvey, Elizabeth l\1cKell:t.ie, Al eXllU 81'
Pili utel' CaqJ0lJ t 01.
Fe ITy 111 IUl
Houi:ic [louse . House iFlou,;e
Labourer Tailor :\ one Civil seI'viee
Lithog:nlp:Jic pl'intel'll:loll~C Book ullIaol.' ' Honse Smith House 'I'nilot· House Tins!llith House Stol'omilll Honse Storeman House IIl,;pector of Works House Lalld
Geutlewoman Blackslllith
McKenzie, John l\IeKeuzie, ,Tn, Kennedy McKenzie, Mal'g"',l'ct McKenZie, Hudcl'ick MeKellzie, Houcl'ick 1\1 tlK enzie. Hugh l\fcI{illop, Alln McKinBon, l\Ial'gal'ct l\{cLurl'en, John
House House
Gentleman Ln!Jolll'er
Gell t.lcwoman Ulldel'taliel' 'reacher Civil service N lIl'S" ~hchil1e sewer
House House
HOllse Land
House House Hon~e
Honse House Honse
House HOllse House
St. Vi I1C("1I t place 3'7 Dorcas stl'ect "'est. 10 HaglnH st l'eet Gmnt street Sall d l'i dge rOilu Laurie place 22 Chill'les street Q &:.t YalTa street 80 Clal'elldon stred l\'apiel'stl'cet 245 l\lol'tty street 1011 Chnl'l~h street 54, l\Lll'J..;'t street
30 Cul'cutry street W,I ,
" "
" "
1 1 1
" "
1 1
" "
" "
" " " " " ".,
1 1
1 1
" "
" " ,"'
" "
" "
" "
1 1 1 1
1 1
" " "
" "
1 I, 1
1 1 1 1
" "
" "
" "
" " "
" "
" "
1 I 1
" "
" "
I 1 1 I
," "
" "
1 1 1
Pal'/;; street 'West Snnurirlge l'olld 2 Clarendon place Coveritry street 12 Victoritt cottages u oft' YOl'k street 9 Cecil place 8 R!lglnll plaec 7 Balmol'lll place 32 Cobden street 30 Cobden street 75 York street YoI'!.;: street 17 Yarl"ll street 45 Howe crescent 37 Cecil street 5 Littlo YO\'k street 41 Oecil "treet Off Easteru l'oad 81) Napicl' stroet 9 Hill street 162 Fenel's street 100 Balik stl'eel; West 8:1 Raglan street 1UU Olarendun street 40 Little Pal'li st. K 77 York street ,1{) Lit.t1e Park street 47 Litde Plll'k street 64 P,ll'k st red East
6·1 Market stl'eet '2n5 Cecil stl'eet 228 MOI'ay stl'eet Dntpel' street Pade stl'eet West 10 Victoria cottages 23 Three-chain road Bridport street 8 Cecil place 16 Emerald street 4:) Moray place 22 Bank street
1 1
" "
,11 Devonshire cottgs.
" "
" "
9 off Rmk street Off Pllrk street 10 & 12 Little Bank st, 13 Yarra stl'eet 2' Moray place 4,1 Howe crescent 65 Claron (lOll street 84 Little RaglaB st, 2 York stl'eet East 5 Queen street
House House House
" "
10 YnlTn street , Otr Covell try street. 66 DOl'cas t:itreet 63 Bank street East Off Park place Pal'k st.reet ,"Yest 7 Hill street 31 lHadwt stl'eet
Guntleman Dairyman
52 Pal'k street East 13 Y[U'l'a p lnce
Rouse House Honse House House House House House Honse House House
1158 115\J
98 Dorcas street DOI'ClLS stl'CGt 5i' Oeeil street,
CllI'llel1 tel'
114,5 McCallum, Eliza IH6 l\IcCnll, John lU7 McCall, rrhomns 1148 MeCm'rolJ, Jno. Fl'Ilncis 11-19 McCarthy, ,Tohn 115 () McCarthy, Malachi 1151 l\IcCht~8ney. John '
Votes to which VoteI' is ell titled,
I-louse Honse HOilse House House House House House
Ln bOlll'ei'
1144 l\fcBdde, James
McClure, Richltrd
1 1
District mid Division;
Honse Honse Honse
8tol'ekeepCl' 8to),'emnn
l\Iustnrd, Archibald' lUl MeAl,tlJ UI', Alexander 1142 I MeAul£lv, John niH IMe Bea 1;, J oh 11
Ou I'pell tel'
Jnmes MUl'l"ny, John
McUlul'e, Andrew
Descl'iptitlll n,nd Situo.tion of Ratoable
House Land Honse
Grocel' G I'()(~m' 131\ i lllet·
11ii5 1156
2 Union street
B ni!tlet'
Mul'l'IlY, GeOl'ge
-------------_...... _-- ._----
Voter's Surname and Christian :Name,
" "
1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 I 1 1 1 1
" "
" "
1 1
' --------.....-~ ~_u "~ "'_~~
Voter's SUl'Il!lI1lC [tllll Chl'istil111 Name,
........._ _ _ _ _ _
~_,.."._.~_~ I
lQ1a 1214 1215 1216 1217 H1l8
1219 1220 1221 1222 1228 12fU
H25 1226
Labom'er Saill11aker Tailor Miner , Builder IBuildet' Stol'eman StOl'eman Miner Carpenter Clerk Shipwright Police sergeant Gent.leman Engineer News agent
House House I-louse House Ho.use
House House Hous~
House House House
51 2 64 64 65 66 2
Bridport-street o掳tI' N01'th III bl'lnd st, Dorcas street MOll tagn6 street York street Cobdon stl'~et Eville street l\Iontagne street 2 Luude nlace
Rousa House
House HOl1se House
129 Litt.le R:lg-I an st. 8~ Li ttle PllIk street () Q,neeu Btl'eet 89 I\1ol":y street 16 Bridpol't stl'eet Oft' Market street 15 Cl1ll'GUtioll pillce 25 Murket street East, Ma.d.et stl'~et East
" " " " " "
1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
.. "
17 'rhl'ee-chain road .8 Cecil place North 53 Y.,..k stl'eet CIH!'(mdon street 103 Bl'i(!pOI,t stl'eot 21 York street West DOl'cas street Wetit 13 NHpiel' street 68 Yurk s tl'eet l~llst Ball k street East 25 York streot West 82 C(Well tl'Y ~treet E. 54. Nn p iel' ~ tree t 2 off Park stl'eet W 'Clarendon .stl'eet Nelson road 21 Chl1lCh street ,-oNd~on road DOl'cas street 'V, 2.1 Coventl'Y stl'cet W, Cll1l'eudon stl'cet Eastel'n roau Qn LittJe York street. 3 Ceci I place 150 Cecil stl'eet 4H Cllll'enUOII street 81 Dorcas stl'eet Mora Y street Clll d~e stl'cet 12 1)nlk street all' YUl'l"Il street 10 Dorcas place 32 G I'Hll t street n5 Bllllk street. East 97 Bllllk street East 8 'EmIl. street East 7 oft' Bank stl'eet E, 4 Patterson III ace 20 Coote Btl'eet 14 Victol'ia place 1 off York stl'eet Mol'll Y street Thrc~.chain mad YOI'k street 'Vest off York stl'eet 28 Ball k stl'cet East 53 N elsol1 road o Pal Ii stl'ept
49 Yurk stl'eet
. ."
" "
" " "
1 1
" " " " "
1 1 1
1 1
" "
" "
1 1 1 1 2
" " "
" "
" "
" " " "
,." " "
148 Monty stroet 1]6 BlLlIk' ~tl eet 'Yest 28 Clm'elluon stn~et
1 1
" " "
" "
1 1 1
.. "
1 1 1 1 1
." "
" "
1 1 1
.." ".. .." ".. " .." " .." ".. "
1 1 1
1 1
" "
" "
" "
" "
1 1
" "
" "
1 1
1 1
1 1 1.
N ilJlicl' street Napier stl'eet 15. Pattel'son place 3 Hr.glan stl'l'et 29 Chul'ch ~tl'cet 19 Yarm street
HOll se
--.---.--.. ----------~-.-.-------------.....
BURGESS ROLL FOR THE BOROUGH OF EMERALD HILL, Voter's Surname and Chl'istian Name,
Emerald Hill,
Mol'll)' place
House House. House HOl1se House
N aSOD , Joseph Civil ser"ice Negus, 'l'homas Gcntleman House 12Q9 Neal, Henry French Civil senjee House 1230 Neil, John Commercial traveller House 1231 N ei 1, Patlick House 1282 Neilly, Wm, Robt.. Sam, Mastel' mariner ACCOUll tan t HOllse 1233 .Negus, 'l'homas House 1234 New ber)", Chas, Hyntt Gen tleman House 1235 Newbel'Y, 'Vm, Hemy Cal' propl'ietol' I Shoelllaker Honse 1236 Newmall, Louisa Gcntlewol1ll1.u Honse 12117 Niall, Peter . Licensed victualler HOl]~e 1238 Nicholson, John Surveyor HOllse 1239 Nichol, 'William Ste\Va~'u House 1240 Nimmo, John Sm'\'oyor House 1241 Nixon, James Mason Honse 1242 Nixon, Thomas BoiJel'mnl{el' House 1243 Noble, Thomas Auctioneer Shop 1~44 Noon, Henry !\fasten' mariner HOl1se 1245 Norton, Eliza D!'cssmaker Honse 1246 North, Henl'y Coope)' House 1247 North, 'VillLnll Lieensed victualler House 1248 N otman, Archibald Baker lUg ROlt, James Shop Cn,rpenter House Laud 1250 Nurse, Henr'y Labourer 1~]51 House Nlltt, John Thomas' Engineer 'IQ52 Nybol'g, Charles HIHlSC Marinel' Honse 1253 Oahoot, Gustaff Drayman Honse 125路t Oberon, Geol'!.ie Marille)' H!55 O'Brien, Cflthel'ine House DlliJ'ywomal1 . HOll 125ll O'Brien , Henry se , DI'It\'man 1257 O'HI'ien, Patl'ie-Ie House Ci vi'l s8l'vice 1258 O'COnllOI', A\J(h'ew House Lnbo\ll'el' 1250 O'Connor, Hem'y House Pain ti!l' 1260 O'Colluor, MielJael House Card l'i vel' HWI Olllin, HemT House Cooper 1202 O'Flaherty, i~obel't House ' LllLl)ul'('l' 1!W3 Ogden, Elizabeth House Licensed victualler 1204, Ogdell, JUllles House Shipping Clerk H05 O'Gonnull, John House 11'011 monger House 12116 O'Hea, ;fames Honse Ci viI sen'ice House 1207 Oldham, George 'I'eaehor House HIJS Oldfielu, Hnd~on Stol'eman House 126H Oliphant., William l\Iadncl' 1270 Olirer, Wldtcr House Stewll.l'd House H71 0']\1eal'll, John COil trnetor Honse 1272 Orchard, ,John Sailmakel' House 1273 O'Hegan, ,John LauollI'er 127,1 O'Regan, Thomas Honse Gelltlelllan House 1275 O'Heil1y, Mathew Hugar I'eliner House 1:J76 Orgell, Thomas 11'111'111er Ifouse 1277 O'Roui'ke, Hugh Licellsed victuallel' House House
6 Clarendon street
8~ HRglan street
8 Queen s'trcet 61 Chll'en<lOIl street
'House House Lalld
1227 1228
l\IcLnughlal1, Alex, L. 1203 l\IcLfll1ghlill, Alex. L, Engineer EIIg-inem' 120J l\IcLaughlill, .John l\Jnste~' mariner 1205 McLaau, James Laboul'er 1200 McLean, Jaue Gentlewoman 1207 McLean, Mary Ann Geutlewoman . 1~~08 McLellan, Daniel Master mariner 1209 McLeod, Margaret Ladies' nurse 1210 McLuckie, ,John Shipwright l\fcLymond, James McMuhon, ;James McMillan, Daniel l\fcMillu,ll, George McNab, Duncan McNab, .Tames McNaught, Alexander McNeil, Hugh McNeil, John McPherson, Duncan .McQuade, James Mcqueen, James H, l\!cHitchie, John McSweeney, Peter Mc Vicar, J Oh11 Nathan, Solomon David
_ _... _ _ _ _._".__-
Descdptiolll1ud Situation of .R.ateable Pl'Opel'ty,
-------_ .. _------,.- ---- ---1202
. . -.. .,.--___.
In)nGES;~ nOLL FCY.n Tn ii~ nORoucaI OF
1 1
1 1 1
1 1
.." .." ." "
1 1
.. I
1 1
1278 lOrton, John William Osborne, M, Wilson Outhwai.te, Elb:abeth 12~1 Owens, Tho[l18.s 1282 Owens, Robcl,t 1283 Oxley, James 1284 Page, George . 1285 Page, James 1286 Pa.t.ching, Hem'y 1281' Pille, Henry 1288 Pallent, Joseph 1280 Palmer. James 1290 Pantlin, Catherine 12tll Park, - 1292 Park, Thomas 1203 Pnrkel', Charles 1204 Pai'!(el', Eliza WIIJ Parkel', Fl'ed. R. J'ohn l\!UU Pal'ker, Joseph 12!J7 Parkel', Wm, Andrew 1'~!J8 PUI'SOIlS, Caroline 1~9\' P!ll'tri(lge, Simeon 1800 Pash, George 1301 Passmore, J'ames 1302 Paterson, Adam 1303 Paterson, Geol'ge 1304 Paterson, Thomas Paterson, 'Villiam Patel'son, 'William Paton, William Patterson, Geol'ge P.,itterson, Annie Pattel'SOll, John PaHeJ'son, Robert.
Electoral Disf;rict and Division,
Description and Sitnatioll of Rateable Property,
House House
Tea merchant Waiting woman Mariner Police constable
House House Plumber House Cordwainer House Clerk House Master mariner House 'raitOl' House Mastel' mariner Honse Lithog'I'aphic printer Hous:e Gentlewoman House Bmssf1t.l.er Hou~e PJa~tel'el' HOllse Grocer Honse Tui lores8 House Clerk Honse Caq,entel' House Gr.!Jltlernan Honse GClltlewoman Hou,:;e Minel' Honse Bookbinder House l\Ial'iner House Oil billet maker H',nse Bakel' House Unknown House Shipbuilder House Squatter House Clerk House Cm' proprietor Honse Machillist House Shiphlliluer House Gentleman House Lalld House Honse House House House 1312 Patterson, 'Vm, .u.""H~''-1 Engineer Houso 1313 Patten, John Fireman House 1314 Paulin, George Fruiterer House 1315 Paulin, James Greengrocer Hom,e 1316 Puwlett, Wi Ilium Watch man HOLlse 1317 I)ax ton, 'txI'11' n 1 I anI Ma" te l' m urineI' HOLlse 1318 Peal'ce, AlthJ Mariuer J House 131(1 Peill'ce, Riehm'd \Y m. Tl'ltehel' I HOLlse 13;20 Pearce, ~llll1uel H, PailJter House Land Penrson, John Peacock S i,ol'enlt),n House Peat., Judith Gtll tlewOlllilll Honse Peatt, John i:-ihoernnkel' House Peilllie, Peter Bakel' House Pell, Alfred (:Jerk House Perkins, \Villium Mal'i ner Honse PeITY, JOf:;eph Stot'eman HIJHse Pel'!'\' Plasterer " , Petel' House Pern, Eliza Gentlewoman Honse Petel'son, Henry CH "pell tet' HOllse Petl'ie Hem'), To bnccOIl ist Honse Pel'l'iment, - _ l\Ioultlel' HOllse Pevel', Sarah L'lUllill'ess House Phelan, KYI'l1B Hay & corn merchant lIollse Phillips, William Cle'I'k House Phillips, John Stokel' Hou,;e PhilliJlsoll, John Huuse B II i1rlel' PhillijlpfI, De Joel Civil service H0use Philp,John Ageut Honse House 1340 Pickard, William Gatekeeper Laud 18 n Pinckney, Chal'les Cm'jHHl tel' House 1:142 j>'l Ice, J e,;se Dressmaker House 13la Pitman, Joseph StcWJlI'd House la-to! Pittel', William Rhod 01el']( Hou,;e 18+5 Plence, Abmham Uo :\Instel' marinel' Honse l;{.l(} Plence, SU>ian Licenseu victuailer HOllse 130 Plendel'liel.h, J ulill. IJ!lllUdress Houtie 13.18 Plumb, John li'l'ui tere!' House
, I
No, of Votes to which Voter is entitled,
00 Raglan street Emel'ald Hill 92 Ruglan street " " 113 Briel POI't strel"t " " York street \Y, 39 Market street E, " " " " 3 Cromwell place u " 1 NOI'thumberland st " " 2 Queen street " ". 78 I)ark stl'eot East 138 York street \Vest " " " " Off DOl'cas st, W. It U 43 D01'cas street West u u 62 Montague street " " 177 Clarendon street " " 117 Raglan street " " 6 Lit.tle Ballk street Fel路t'I~l'S stn~et
82 York st.l'eet East 34 Clarendon stl'eet 187 ClI1l'cndolJ stmet PlLl'k street West 77 N elSOH road :J3 Dorca.s street 65 Cecil street (ja Little Pal'l{ street 4 Union stl'eet Brown street 8 Yarl'lt street 04 York street East .214 & 216 Eastern I'd, 124 Little Hag-lan street Hi II stl'eet 21 Little Pal'k street
" "
1 1 1 1
1 1 1
" It
1 1 1 1 1 路1
" "
1 1
" "
48 Coventry stl'eet 'V, Coventl''y stJ'eet W,
" "
90 9 22 6
1 1 1
Howe crescent
COV~l1tl'y stree~
1 1
1 1
" " "
a Patterson place 13 Patterson place 40 Cov.entl'Y stl'eet -..V, 12 Patterson place
1 1 ~
" "
" "
1 1
1 1
" "
1 1
Grant street Queen street
& 02 Clarendon st,
Hng'lan place Cllll'endon place l\IOl'i1'y place Off YaLTa place 16 Hag-Ian street 157 Clurendon stl'eet Ohu'endon street CIIU'elHlcrt place Marti 11 street 20 Cobden street Off Mnl'ket st, E, 108 Cecil stl'eet 20 Halik stl'eet 22 Ullion street Off Y01'],: street W, 114 YOJ'k street East 18'1 lVlomy stl'cet lSn Clal'C'lldon street 95 Coruntl'Y street 61 Ball k st;'eet East 38 Covelltl'Y stl'eet 2-1 Ballk stl'ect 'Vest 03 Ot)r:il stl'eet 40 Moray place ii Haglan place !J::I Cecil st.reet 87 CedI street Rwfiridge l'ond Oft' St. Luke street 50 l\Ittl'ket street H Coventry street \y, 75 Nelson road au DOI'e,ls street 'TV, York stl'eet W, Off Cobden street ~ Dorcas street East.
1 1 1 1
" ,)
" " "
" '"
" "
1 1 1
" "
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1