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' Qhristian Name, Nb'_l_v_o_tc_r'_s_


Stead, Thomas

Description and Situation of R[~teltble Property.


Timber merchant

'16Q5 Stooke, Elizabeth 1623 Sproule, Andrew Hi27 1628

1029 1630 1631

1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641

,1642 1643 .i644

1645 1646 16,17

Spry, Richard Stafford, James Stanhope, William Stanton, Mary Stapleton, James Steele, Robert C. Stedman, CharleS" :Stenhouse, James Stephens, Frederick Stephenson, William Stevens, George Stevens, William Stevenson,' Alexander Stevenson, Frederick Stevenson, Th1)mas Stevenson, William Stratton, Alexander Street, James Studman, Samuel Sutherland, John Sutherland, Josh.

House House Storeyard Land House

Land House House House Storeyard La,nd House Land Land House Butcher' House' Shop House Gentlewoman House Carpenter Honse Mason House Civil sel'vice House' CabineLmaker House None House Storeman House Meat s!l.lesman House Nightman House Tailor House House Civil sel'vice House Labourer House Bricklayer House Carvel' and gilder. House Labourer House Hawker House .Tallow broker House Shoemaker Honse Smith House Boot and shoe dealer House None House Mariner House Gentleman Land Land

Land 1648 Sutherland, Alexander Land Engineer 1049 Sullivan, Denis House Oontractor 1650 Sullivan, Michael House 1651 Sutton, ,Tohn William Labourer House Accountant 1652 Swallow, James House Butcher House 1653 Swan, Hobert Honse Inspector of works I House 11:154 Swan, William Butcher House House 1655 Swan, \ViIJiam House Conk 1656 Swift, Richard House Police constable 1057 Swindley, 'I'homas House Fuel merchant House 1658 Square, Archibald Woodyard Labollrer House 1659 Syme, Geol'ge Alex. Joul'l1alist House IueO Symonds, J'ohn Car driver House. 1601 'I'ait, .John l{j(jQ InspectOl'of works House Tuit, Willinm Brass Tailol' 'House Iun3 'ranner, Richat'd Master mariner House 1(j64 'I'arrant, Richard Cooper House 1665 Tawton, EdWUt'd Painter HOllse 1 (Hili Taylor, George Printer House 1UU7 Taylor, Henry Draper . House 1008 Tavjor, .John Ropemaker House . 1000 . 'raJ'lor, .Jolm Mariner House 1070 Taylor, .John Stationer House l(jll Taylor, Joseph Engineer House l(i72 Taylor, Thomas 1/j73 Tay lor, William Mariner House Coach painter House lli7,! 'i'eal, John Workshop 1075 'I'empest, Squire Engineer House ]ti7n rre1'I'Y, Charles Boot and shoe dealer House i Joiner House




District and Division.


BUllGESS ROLL FOR THE HOBOUGH OJ!' ,El\fERALD IfILL. _ _~--~--_-"_ _~:-W_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _&I_______ '__ '_ _'_'______-·"~·~'-:--Nr--0-,-0-£-

Votes t(l • which Vote!' is entitled,

Votor's SUl'U!1,me and Chl'istian Name.

I ~------------------------------------~-----------~------


' ..1624 Storey, ;Iohn


92 Napier stl'eet Emerald Hill. 4 Park street East " II Eastel'll road " U Vine.ent place " l)I11'k stl'etit East ". u Stead street " It St.ead 3t1'eet " II 110 Napier street " U ~J2 Napier street 2 4, Park street East " " " I! Eastern road ,~ " Vincent place Park street. }":;ast " " Stead street . " " Stead strf)e~ " " 110 Napier street " 64 Napier street " " f 1 Clarendon street " . '!I Napim' street " " 241 Moray street " " 1 19 Dorcas street 1Vest " 1 116 Little Raglan st. " " 1 131 MOl'IlY stroet " 1 1 ofl:' l\-iarket st. East " " 1 " 13 Gardner street " 1 9 Emerald stl'eet " " 1 111 Bridport sf,reet " " 1 78' Covt'ntry street E. " " 1 83 Bank street East " " 1 85 Bank street gast " Howe crescent " " 1 Oft' C,)Ventry st. W, " " 1 144 Ferrel'S ,<;treet " " 1 15 Napier atreet " " 1 7 v"ynyard street " 1 112 Co,'entry street E. " " 1 75 Cecil street " " 1 21' 'Yarra place " 1 17 Dorcas street " 1 98 Clarendon street " " 1 2&-Yilrm street " " 1 2 Union place " " 1 Clarendon place " " 1 Clarendon place " Clarendon place " " " u York street East 18 Park street East " " 1 6 Green street " 1 97 Cecil strAet " " 1 42 Bank street East " " 1 100 Clarendon street " " 1 51 Coventry street " " 17 Church street " " 1 ", 13 York street " 1 15 Uuion street " 17 U niGn street " " 7 off Coventry street " 1 141 Cecil stl'eAt " " 1 210 Moray street " " 1 Moray stl'eet " " 10 Hill street 1 33 Park street \Vest " " 1 11 Park stl'eot \Vest " " 1 21 Napier street " " 1 46 Market stl'eet 1 3 Northumberland st " " 1 20 Coote street " " 1 47 Coventry stroet ' " 1 115 Napier stt'est " 1 Clarendon street " " 1 10 Hoss street " " 1 5 BuJ'!eigh street " " 1 74 York street East " " 1 30 Grmlt street " " 1 48 Napier street " 1 Oft' Cecil ~tl'eet " " 1 York street Wel:lt " " 09 Cobden street 1 104 Clarendon street " ·u 1 Montague street " " 1



Shipwright Carpenter Labourer Sailmaker Blacksmith Draper

Thomas, Joseph 1684 'I'llistlethwaite, Edwd,

Steward Grocer



1680 rrhistlethwaite, Hannah Teacher Hl86 ,I Thistlethwaite, WIll. HOllse & lanel agent .







Di,;trict a.nd ]) i visiou.

Honse House HOllse Honse House House & shop Land House HOllse Shop House House Omce

Land Land Land Land



Description. and Sitnrr,tiOl1 oj' R[ltCltble

VotClS to

which VotCt' b elltitl'~d.

1677 'rerrv, .Juhn Vincent 1678 Teni William 11170 'rhomas, Francis 10RO Thomas, ,John' 1681 'l'homas, John 1082 rl'homas, .J ohn





Land Land Land Land

Land Land

1087 'rhomas,Richard

Cur proprietor

1688 Thomas, William 1689 Thompson, Clludes

Draper Shipwright

1000 Thompson, George 1001 Thompson, James

. Carpenter Dnwman Mal~iller Shoemaker Mariner Gentl,ewoman Storernan



Thompson, James 10G3 'I1hompson, John 1004 Thompson, .Tohn 160iJ Thompson, Jenny 1090 Thornton, Andrew 1607 Thornton, Francis 1008 'l'hol'llton, Robert 11100 'I' horney, Francis 1700 'Tierney, John . 1701 Tierney, John 1702 Tierney, Michael li03 'l'ienwy, Owen 170,1 ' Tobin, Benoni 1705 'I'odd, James 1700 'romlinson, Charles 1707 'I'omlinson, Henry 1708 Toohey, Mathew 170() Tope, Ann 1710 'rope, William





1711 1712


Toward, Nicholas 'rowns, Charles 'rOzel', William 'rmey, James 'l'l'ea~laway, uornelius r1'1'een, George 'l'ribe, ,James 'l'l'Ot1l1011, 'rhos. Heury , 'I'rnemnn, 'rho mas Tucker, Matthew Tufi~ James '1'u11och, James rl'ulloch, James 'l'ulloeh, William '1'u1'ller, Chl1l'les 'l'tlrner, Charles '1'hos. 'l'urncl', Charles '1'U1'11er, GeOl'ge


I 'l'urner, Henry

17aO 17ill

'I'umer, James Turn~l', Sallluel Turner,-_ Tweedie, Rubert , 'l'wen tymalJ, Thomas . 'I'yack, John 'llYl'clJ, Christophel'


1714 171~


1717 1718 171!l 1720 1721

1722 17~~3 1724

17~5 172U 17:27

1,'32 1738 17;3<1 1/35 1706



Carter Dt'a}, propriet.or Shoemaker Labol!l'Cr Cartel' emoter Labourer Bakel' l\ial'i nel' P l'ill tel' Engineer Gentleman G,entlewoman Valuer

j\Tillwright Storemall Mat'iuer LabourCl' TIdcldayer Chemist Overseer Engineer Dealer 'railor Gentleman ~~In.stel' mariner EngmV81' Shipwright Butcher Chemist Lithog. draftsman 'l'insmith

Butcher Drapei' Builder I Unlmown Labourer Met'chant Mastel' marinbl' Mariner


Llllld Honse Land Stables House House ,Land House House Honse Iiouse HOLlse Housc House House House Honse Honse House House House House House House Honse House House Honse I-lanse

Lund House House HOllse Honse House House House House

Lanrl Hou;;e House House House Honse Hfjuse Hout>e I House B,ouse Laud Honse & shop Honse House HOllse House Honse House House

Gl'fLnt street 14 Nelson place Howe crescent 11 Dor'Jas street 2·1 Clml'les street Clarendon street ]'e1'1'e1'S place 5 Coote stl'eet 'W Park stl'eet East 10'L Clarendon street (/2 Park street East til Park ~treet East Dorcas stl'Oot East 'I'hree-chain road Snllllridge road Saudricige road Saucil'idge road Anderson street lVhl'ket steeet 'I'hree-chain road Three-chain road 'I'hree-chain road St. Vincent place Thistlethwaite st. Off Bank street E. Eastern road Off Bank street E. 40 Little Raglunstreet 9t) Cecil stroet Park stt'eet East 1 fI Coote stroet 96 Little naglun st. u York street 12 Victoria pItteA 170 Eustem road 38 Dorcas stl'eet W. In Little Park street 12 Little Park steeet 02 Little Park street 204 Ensterll road 33 Napiee street 4, oiT Dorcas street ,"V, 2"b Hill street 18 Green street fj Nimmo street 88 Dorcas street 3 EviUo street 5 0 York street 20 YOl'k place Draper street 117 Litt.Je Raglan st, St, Viucent strflet Howe Cl'escent 1 Yill'l'lL place H Queen stl'net 84 Park stmot East 5 ])o\,or;slJil'c cottag~ OfT GoLden street 170' Clarendoll stroet ~t7 Cobden streot 81 ]bglllu street Clal'endon 3treet 200 Mom)' stroet l.'J Dank stt'eot East 40 Park stl'oet East 78 Nil piel' s tl'cl't OJl' Cocil stl'eet Off Ballk stl'Oot E. 85 Hag-lan street QUI Cecil stl'cot 88 Park stl'eet East Momy place PI11'k stroot V{est 71 Park street Bltst Fencl'S place () B u doiglI s tl'oet 18 Kimlllo stroot 25 D01'cas street 4 Cecil place (j Clarendon place

IEmeruld Hill.

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Vote]" s Surname and Clui" tim.l N ltlllC.


Description and Situatioll of na,ter~~le ' Pl'Opel'ty.


--~--)'--------------------'------~--~=='~~~-~---------------~'--------------~-----,---~----~--T----~_,_ 1737 Vurriy, Will. Stough Solicitor

173d USO 17路10 17,11 1742 174:3 1744 174;') 1 i ,J(j li"1-7 17,J8 174fJ

Honse Hoa;;e House Hou:;e

Ve I'll 011 , CaLlllJrine G ell t!()\\,OllllUl VerlJOll, W111. Mansfield Labourer V.~1l tTi s, qlarles 'I'idmvaiter VigurE', GciJl'ge John 1\:[n 1'i 11 01' Villey, St;cWUl"t VVul'l'elJ Repol'tGl' Virtuc, Alln Tai 10l'ess VOliS, Thomas Blacksmith ,Yadelell, David Btllall" \\'ukcJidll, Frauk ,Tockey Walden, Jose})h Oarpel) t.el' \Val kOl' ' , Charles Butcher WalkeI', Jnmes ]!]ngineer \Valkel', Mrs. None

House HOllSe ,Hou:>e .lIoucie



171il 'iValI,oJ', Henry 1752/ Wallflco, Hugh 1 i 5:3 WaILICt', Hellry Perrin 175i1 Wallace, William 1 i 55 Walm"lev, Ohal'les 1750 Vilalsh, Lawrellce ] 757 Wab,}l, .i.\lal'till 1 H/S \"alters, William 175(1 Wah SUG lUjU \Ya.l'd, James ] 7iH Wanl, JolHl 1762 'Ward, Matthew 17H3 \,yal'd Pati'ick



,House I-:louse ,House House

,House Honse

MIU'hle mason Olerk Huuso &; land agent; Mariner' Builder Ge,ll tleman Labourer Dt'nper Chinese interpreter Sec, lHechulJics Ins.

.E IJ gi II eel' LicGJl;-Jed victualler

VYatson, James 177-t Watson, ,Tohn 1775 'Vat;;oll, James 1770 \Vat~on, John 1777 WatsClIJ, Edward Thos. Iii.'l Watt, William 1779 Watt~, William 1780 Way, George




1781 17A2

1783 li8.1, 171"15 17tlG l;-S;



Webb, Al'chibald WebtieJ', Cllades We he tel',;] II. TatteI'sflelcl \\' eb:;tel', ThOlll i ts Don WHlls,. l\Ial'gn.l'ct \Yebh, Ed ward G l'eengl'ocer elsll, J llhu Dairy1JJuu


1788 'Veld), MargaJ'et Ann Dl'OSSInakel' 178(1 ,-relsh, ~:allluel Moulllel' 1700 I ,Vebh, Thomas Cm'ter liPl West, H("lll'y Turner 17112 -Westlake, James Oarpenter li'DB '''hartoll, Geol'ge 1\1', Tn ilo!' 1704 WheatJr, William Pl'ic Clel'k 17H5 I Wheatland, AlfI'ed Oaopel' 1iDU \VI1Colt,l', Fl'Ill1cis Dmpol' 1707 Whipp, S:11'nh 170M "'hit.c, Alldl'ewWilIinlll GCl1tlewoman Ma l'i lJ 0 l' 1,'00 'White, Bt'itlget Laundress l."(JI) I White, Edward Painter 1801 'Vjlite, Loui" Labourer }r-i112 Whitt" Thomas Greengrocer lS():-] , WI! i te, Thomas ACCOUll taut 18tH I White, ltidllll'd Outtel' Oi viI service lAOG I Whill'ly, Tholll as Tailor 1B(l(j \\"]Jir.U)liLll, .John Veterinaq surgeon 1807 Wllitillore, __ Mastermat'iuer ] 808 , \Vbitwol'th, Helll'} lb St.ol'onutn




IROn 1810 'I




\Vliite, Robert 'William Mastermal'iller Whyte, WilJiun,l Valuator

Houo::e House House Honse House House ]..,1111d

House House House & shop House House Honse House House House House House House Hons~ HOU8fl

House House House House

Houso House House House House House House House

House Luud

House Honse




" "


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1 1






. .. u

Electoral Di~l;l'ict and Divi::;ion,

Oonfectioner Goltlsmelter .Laundress Mason Gentlewoman Ci viI sel'vice Marin or Civil service

House House Ht)Use House House House House House House House House Honse House House Land House House House i House ' House House

Shipwright Cordwainer Stoker J.Jllbourel' Agent Gentleman

Will i Il, 111 S, William Master mariner Willianls, William Stol'eman 1B2i Wilms, Charles Shipping agent 1828 vViHs 1 James Fenton Storeman , 1829 Wilson, David Mason , 1830 Wilson, Henry Frands Master mariner 1831 Wilson, Iiohert Francis Paperhanger 3832 Wilson, Alfl'ed Storeml1n 1833 Windley, Alfred J Ghn Compositor 188,1 Withers, Alfred Draper 1835 Wi thy; Al't.h Ul' Ci vil service 1836 V\'olfe, Edward B. Master mariner 1837 Wood, William Joinel' 1888 Woodcock, Alfred l\'Ir.rinel' 18~O Woodhead, Benjan~in Builder' 18,[(1 Woods, John Gentleman 18+1 Woodfin, Chal'les P. Oollector 184~ \Voods, Philip Sculptor 路1848 Wooley, Alfred Oordwainer 1844 Wooley, Michael Policy writer vVoolnough, Henry Storemall Wingrove, Henry R. Oommission agent Wright, - MaRtel' mariner Wrigley, John Merchant Wylie1 David Mariner Wylie, Alexander Mason Wynd, Alexander Dl'ayman Yee Sep Merchant Youl. James Brown Draper 1854 Youl: .Tohn Overseer, 1855 Young, J ames Cooller 1856 Young Quang Dealer 181)7 Young, "William Iliaster mariner 1858 Zenopl'oven, Brass Labourer 1859 Zevenboom, WYl'ien Storekeeper 1800 Zeidenscheual', E1izab.! LauI1l.lress




House House House House House House House

House House House House House House




Land House House House House Honse House House House i House



House House House House House

18 lHom,y place ].-t Hoss street 2 off Bl1uk stl'ect E. 130 Hug-Ian st.roet 100 Cecil street 114 Ragln:n street 1 j Clnrendon place 112 ltaglal1 street IJ Devonshire place 3 Gardner street 2 Little York Rtreet 90 Napier street St. Vincent place 7 Three路chain road Moray street ] 76 Moray street 12 Haglan stl'eet !:I3 Bridport street .26 Bank street East 54 Dorcas street Off Napier- street 37 Little Park street 4 Dorcas place 5 fJ Napier street 174 Mortiy street 71 Cecil street 92 York street East 57 Nelson road 8 Little Bank street Off Pal'l~ street E. 100 York street West 5-1 Bank street East Clarendon street Off Market street 142 Moray street 11 Orown street Oft' Bank street E. 6 Itaghn place 13 Palmer street 'I Oecil place 51} Bank street East 8 Coventry street W. I) Palk street Olarendon street 140 Olarendon street 4"1 Cobden street 4 Gardner street 34 Ohades street 52 Cobden street 1(i Moray place 24 Bank street West 5 Clarendon l'oad

No, of Votes to which

Voter is

Emerald Hi It.


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July, 17, 1867.

1 ~

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Hill do herby that we have Boro~ys~1 ~ff Emerald the said Bor~ugh fol' thecertify year 186?'.


1 1 1 1 1



in Open Court, We, the Mayorand andcorrected AssessorstIllS ?fB the l'evised urgess

1 1 1



" " " " "




House House

Dcscl'iption and Sittmtioll of Rll.tefLble Proporty,



Willdnson, Alfred ,\Vilkinson, fly. Al't.b Williams, Ann Williams, David Williams, Eliza Williams, George Wi !Iiams, J amos Williams, James Williams, J'ames Williams, James Williams, ,John Williams, Joseph Williams, !'[athan'iel J. Williams, Iiicbard



1764 Warden, 'William Cllrrenter 1705 'VanICl', Cllai"le" .Fredk.! Book.keepm' liOO ,Yal'uel', ,ViJliam Pluil1iJer 1707 WUl'lJock, RolJel't ElIgiueer lid8 ,Vatermnn, Ollllrles Olerk 1700 ,\Yuters, William Hem'.)' J'lul'nalist 1770 I Watkins, Pl'(,!del'ick ' Dntcher 1771 I 'iVatsoll, David 1!~ngilJeer 1772 Wuts911, David Ii. 1\;I,~rcbtlnt


247 MOI'itv street 83 Oove{itl'Y street 32 Oharles l>tl'eet " 37 Ooventry street W " 7 ,Church stroet " ," 15 N olson roa.d OlfCecil stl'eet 1011\Iomy street " H 11,1 1\:Iomy street 41 Li ttle Pll.1'k street 1 Nelson v1nce 17 York place ,19 Covel/try st~'eet W St, Vincc.llt pince Draper :;treet ' 76 Oovelltrv street E. " 8 Olnl'l3lHloll place " 48 & ,.1,5 Coventry st. " 5S MOI'flY street " o ffCllll'elldOIl " fi5 Park street " " 11 Hotham st,reet 80 OOl'ontry street " 53 Oobtlen street " 81) N upier street " ,. Clarendon place " l\Iontague street N . " 118 Moray street " HW Moray street " 171 l\Ioruy street " " 137 Raglan stroet " " 28 l\'hl'ket stl'eet " 125 Momy street " St, Kilda road " " u. 118 Bank street West " 52 CIllrcllaon place " D 1'''/JOr ::;tl'eet " " ", 55 (;6V'011i:l'y stre9t 07 Coventi'y street " " 37 Market. street Eas " 0, 21 Ctwen try place " HIS Oecil stl'oet " " " 15 Laurie place " 8 Prospect III ace " " 24 Bmerald stl'eet " " \11 Ooventry street " " 138 Eastel'l1l'oad Li tele Park street " " 54 l\fol'Uy street " " 83 Cobden street " " 8U Clil.l'ell don " street " 1()7 Oeeil stree~ " 4 0 tf Dorcas street " " 10-1 Pad, stroet East " " (5 N Ol'thUlll bel'land st. " " 7 N lll'thumbel'land st. " 1 Agile's place' " " 106 Moray street " " 74 l\Iolltl:gne street " " 227 Mom), street " " 79 Cobden street " " II Service crescent 07 Park street East " " (} Cecil place " 151 Cecil street 167 Nelson road " " 178 Eastern road 3 di' l\fadwt street E. " " ~8 Ooventry street 'V. " " 17 Yarra place " 22 Coventry street E. " 43 Napier ;;;treet " 50 Cobden street " " 51 Oobdell street " 63 Park street " " 43 N dson road Eastern road " Moray place 97 Moray stl'cet 15 Palmer street

Voter's Surnamo and Christian Na.m.e.


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1. 2,

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this day,

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