BOROUGH OF EMERALD HILL, For th.e Year ending the 1st day of ,August, 1869. Voter's Surname and Chlistian Name,
Description and Situation of Rateable Property.
-----------1 Abralmms, J osept I Broker 2 A'Beckett. Melwin Solicitor 3 Absalom, 'George Storeman 4 Absoll, Matthew Mr.ster mariner 5 Adams, John Master mariner G I Adamson, 1'homas Leather merchant 7 Adams, William Platelayer Adams, William Carter Admonds, Edwtiord Mariner Addison, Mark Grocer Ainsworth, John Tailor Aitken, Hugh Storeman Alcantra, lrrederick 'railor Alcantra, Frederick Tailor Alder, James Cm'penter Aldred, Chades Labourer Alexander, Ann None Alexander, David Gt:llltleman Sheep inspector Allan, John M, Allan, Samuel Mariner Allan, 'l'homas i Master mariner 22 AlllllJson, Walter Woodmerchant 23 Allanson, William Labourer 241 Allen, Franklin LaboUl'c!.' 25 Allerdice, David 26 Allerdice, Da-,ricl Shipwright Allel'dice, John Engineel' Allel'dice, Richard Mariner 29 i Alliaume, Charles Tailor 30 I AlisGu, Alexandel' I Carpenter 31 Almond, James Coopet' 32 ' AIYes, J obn Iroumonger 33 I, A LiuO' I:> 34 i AMon :Fishmonger 3f)" I Auderson, James I Engineer 3(j I Anderson ) .James Lnbourer 37 i AlldCi'son , James 3S i AlidersolJ, John James I Parkmnger :39 : Anderson, .rohn Carpenter 40 Auderson) Hobert I Wntchman 41 Andersoll, Samuel Saillllaker 42 Al1ClerSOll, Thomas Mm-iuer Audcrsoll, Tbomas , MarineI' • Andrcws, George !I ll''li-astel' lIlarlller
House House House House I House House House House House ,House House Rov.se House House House House House Rouse House House Honse House House House Land House I House House House House House House I House 1 House
York street East Albel't road .Moray street O'Gorman place Balmoral place 43 Napier street 7 Off Park street West 10 Paterson place 10 Bank street East 30 Church stretlt 67 Cobden street 89 Napier street 25 Yarra place 1 Off Northumberland st. 93 Coventry street 14 Green stl'eet 5 Union street 9 Montague street 119 Oecil street 1 7 Yarra street 49 Nelson road 15 Coventl'Y street West 22 Moray place 2 Off Park street West Coventry street West 15 Coote street 78 Dorcas street 3 Ooventry place 126 Little Raglan street lUerton street 43 Bank stl-ect 102 Moray street 59 Raglan street 15 Cobden street I House 33 Bl1.nk street EIl.st House 93 Little Pm'k street House 72 Napier street I House 207 Moray street ,' House Napier street I House 11 York place House Off Clarendon street House ·~9 York street House ,1- Palk street Laud Sandridge road HOHde 8 Sandridge road 45 Alldrew.~, John House 18 Ho::!!:; street -tG i Alldrews, John Oivil Sel'vice /' House Park street West 47 : Andre,vs, Joseph' i Biseuitbakel' House 39 Market street ·18 Andl'6WS, Peter ; S:tilll1l1.ker Houi:lc 9·1 Dorcas street ·1-9 , Andrews, Hobert , Ul'eellgrocer ! HoufJe ... 82} Clareulioll street :ill Audrews, Walter John Fruiterer ! Homie and shop Clarendon street 51 I AlJlI<tlldalc, Amelia 1 House ' .. 17 Napier street 52 1AI)IJlebv Genrac T' • .. ." b 'I l<..ngll1eel' 1_IInUSe 22 Cobden street oS ' Armstead. J oIllt Petel' Mariner House Sandridge road 51 : Amold, ltmll'ew : Newsagent House 124 Clarendon street ;j~ Arnell, (~)harles i Tobacco l1llUlUftl;;turer House 20 Bank street East ,5G i Amell, James House 15 Little Park street 57 Assender, Ebenezer I St(ll'emllll I H OUSB; 6!) Clarendon street
46 43 77 5 9
No,of Electoral District Votes to which and Division. Yotor i~ entitled.
Emeralcl Hill
1 1 1
do do cIo
do do do do do
1 1 1 1
1 1
do do
1 1
do do do do do do do do do do do
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 I
do do do do do
1 1 1
do do do do
1 1 1
do do do do do do
do do do
do do do
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 I 1 1
do do do do do do do do do do do do
1 1 1
1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I
Cllristian Name.
Desoription Bud Situntion of Rateable Property.
Eleotoral District aud Division.
201 202 203 204 205
Briggs, George Bright,_ Brims, Alexander I Broat, Henry I Brock, Robert .206/ Brockie, l\f. 207 , Brodie, Bridget 208 Broderick, Edmund 209 Brooke, James 210 Brookes, James 211 Brooks, Ann 212 Brotherton, Henry 213 .Brown, Andrew 214 Brown, Andrew B. 2] 5 Brown, Alexander 216 Brown, Ann 217 Browll, Charles 218 Bl'OWll, Duncan
Land Clarendon street Cardriver Emerald Hill 1 House 2 Off Dorcas street Carpenter do 1 HOllse 160 Clarendon street Soldier do I House 71 Clarendon stl'eet Engineer do 1 House 65 Off Cecil street Gentlewoman do 1 Rouse Off St. Vincent place N. Charwoman do 1 Honse 6 Kerry place Licensed victualler do 1 House 16 }Iarket street Draper do 1 Ronse 25 Church streei Mason do 1 House 114 Little Raglan street Laundress do 1 Honse 9 Off Bank street West Civil Service do 1 House 70 Bank street West Blacksmith do 1 Honse 20 Union street Master mariner do I House 18 Coventry street West" Master mariner do I House Park place Laundress do 1 House J York street West Mariner do 1 House 11 Devonshire cottages Upholsterer do 1 Honse ]21 Little Raglan street do House 1 2~9 BI'OWll, Elizabeth Clarendon street Laundress do Honse 220 Brown, Elizabeth 51 Bank street Eltst do House 1 221 Brown, Emma 9 &; 11 Coote street Lodginghouse keeper Ronse do 1 222 Brown, George 48 York street East Shipwright do Rouse 1 223 Browll, James 30 Coventry street East Grocer do House 1 224 Brown, ':James 67 Park street East W oolstapler do House 1 Brown, Jane 63 York street West do Honse 1 226 Brown, J'ohn 38 & 42 Little Raglan Cabinetmaker do House 1 227 I Brown, John 57 York street East lfariner do House 1 228/ Brown, John 61 York street West' Squatter do House 1 229 Brown, John 19 Sandridge road Civil Service do , House 1 230 1 Brown, John 121 Cecil street Storeman do 1 House 231 ' Brown, Richard 57 Dorcas street Clerk do House I 232 Brown, Samuel 54 Park street West Master mariner do House 1 233 Brown, Walter 55 Raglan street . Tinsmith do Honse 1 234 Brown, William 10 Coventry street Labourer do House 1 .235 I Brownless, Alexander 14 Off Prospect place Mariner do House 1 236 Bl'Owning, William 9 Yarra street Labourer do House 1 237 Bruce, James 5 Cromwell place Stoker do House 1 238 Bruce, William 36 Moray place Mason do House 1 239 Brunting) Owen 8 Myrtle street Labourer do House 1 240 Buchanan, Ounningham Butcher 5 Off Bank street West do House 1 241 I Buch,tllan, John 105 Coventry street l'illsmith do HOllse 1 242 I Buchanan, Thomas 23 Yal'l'ap!ace Tailor do House ! 243 I Bucket, Stephen 24 Little Y (Irk street Bricklayer do House 1 Buckland, John Off Moray street Joiner do House 1 245 Bucldml'st, Wm. Panton 14 Crown street do Land I St, Vincent place South I I do Land 3 Buckhurst street do House and land Mertoll street do Land Ferrel'S sh'eet do House St. Vincent placeN do Land l'histlethwaite street do Shop 116 Clarendon street do Land Park street East do Land Market street do Land Eville place do House St, Villcent street W. do Land Glwdnel' place do House 2461 Buckley, William Draper 8 Charles stmet do House 24"~ r Bull, f,ydlley St/1.tioner 72 Park stl'()et do House 1 :HR Blluely, Jolin Cook GO Clar-elldon street do House 1 24 D ; BUllkilJ, Frcderick ClIas, Bank cashier 37 Cecil street do House 1 260 : UllIllliIJf,', Hobert Arthur ~ Mariner York street West do House 1 .:2!"i i i 13U1ll!,)', ,) {)~cl'h A. I Steward 90 Little HflglHu street do Houses 1 252 ' Hllr~[;. J dill i Ooachman Draper street '- , I do House 1 84 Paz'k street West I do Lltud .:!53 }~[lrJ~c, l>l,vard 1 Bridport ~treet . lioot and shoe maker House do 2ij4 Burke. 'l'lJOmll>l 25 York skeet West Labourer do House 255 llurkcj I, .l\ll'xallder I 4: Off Dorcas street Carpeuter do House jij(j ]~llrne((;,.J oseph 1 75 Cecil street I Mnriuel' do House 2[j7 UllrJl.~J JUHcplJ I 10 Nortlmmbel'land street/ labourer : Fuundry do I • House 2r;g llllrtL, ,}olm U()U1tiOIl 1 , Merchant I 2 Cecil place North do lIou~e 25D Burt, Hit:h:lrd 1 21 Oecil stroet ; .\Ial'iuet· flo House 2GO BlIs,·llllJall, Cl!a~, Louis 1 67 York street West I : Tobacconist do Honse 2(; 1 Buttllcl', C1Jarlcfl 1 18 Clarclldou street , COlillil issioll ageut do Huuse 2(;1 nllttllcr, llclJrj' 1 "79 Napier street : Locksmith do House 2G~~ , BritlatJd, .J o~Gph 1 129 Little Raglan street I Labunrcl' do Hom;e 2G4 : Dlltb', ;\1iclw.el 1 Saudridge road I Bootmaker do House 1 27 Bridport street do
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Voter's Surul1l:ne and
Ohrlstiall Name.
Desoription and Situation of Rateable Pl'OI)Crty.
, ,IIV~~so~o
Electorll;l I?l,strwt whloh and DIVISIOn, Voter is entitled.
-_._- ----.-------- ----·~-----I--- "-_______________ 265 Butler, Tobias
Gardener Labourer 267 Butterworth, Thomas Fireman 268 Butterworth, Nathaniel l\lllson 269 Butwain, James Master mariner 270 Buzolich, Antonio Carpenter 271 Byrne, Joseph Labourer 272 Cahill, Joseph Bank t.eller 273 Cairns, Alexander Merchant 274 Caines, J nhu Qarpenter 275 O:tlder, George Mariner 276 1 CaIawell, James Bandmaster 277 " Callender, Andrew Mariner 278 Callaghan, Denis Hammerman 279 Callaghan, Thomas Gardener 280 Callard, Philip Blacksmith
266 Butler, William
House House House House House House House House House House House Honse House HOllse House Shop HOll.se Rouse House House Rouse House House House Bank House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House Land House House House Laud
Calman~ 282/ C~lnan, 281
Benjamin Mariner Franci<; Goldsmeltel' 283 Cambell, George Engineer Cameron, John Warehouseman 286 Cameron, William Mariner 286 I Cn.mpbell, Archibald 287 Campbell, lames Butcher 288 Campbell, J as. Marshall Bank manager 289 Campbell, John . Bookbinder 290 Campbell, Patrick Labourer 291 Campbell, Patrick Labourer 292 Campbell, Thomas Carter 293 Camplin, Charles Canewol'ker 294 Canny, James Dairyman 291i Canterford, William Shoemaker 296 Canterfurd, George Printer 297 Cape) Rosa Dressmll.ker 298 Carbury, Margaret 299 Cardiff, Thomas Plumber 300 Carfrae, Peter Carpenter 301 Carlton, William Wharf clerk 302" Came, Philip Shipwright 303 Carney, Patrick General dealer 304 I Carnan, William I I ..abourer 305 Carter, George Augustus' Railway porter 306 Cltrter, Henry ROllP-crusher 307 , Carter, Septimus James Bricklayer
308 Carter, William
309 Carr, J'ohn 310 i Carr, Thomas 311 Carrol!, Honora
Master mariner Labourer
:H2/ Carcoll, Joseph W. Warehouseman 31:3 Carse, James Carpenter 314 Carty, John Engineer 315 Cassidy, ilIattLew Labourer :31 G I CII,to, John Carpenter 317 Chtdmet·s, George I Shipwright 318 Chambers, 'fhol1ms "Warehouseman 319 Chamberlain, Edward Plumber 320 Champion, George G.l'eengrocer 321 Champion, George FIreman 322 Chant, William I COli tractor 323 Chant, John Henry Steward 324 Chapma.n, Francis Carpenter 325 Chapman, J aIm Mllstet' mariner 32G Chapman, John Gold asmiyer 327 Chatfield, Henry William Mariner 328 ChattertolJ, 'r1lOmas Engineer :l29 Oheese, George I Steward .130 Chesney, Grace Gentlewom!!,n 33 I Ohessell, Charles Gentleman :l.12 Clling Chip Fishmonger :33;; Christy, Robert Stot'(Jlllan ;l:3 -h Chisholm, Clltherine I :335 Chivers, Jl)hn Cuff Civil Service ;3:lG Clancy, James Labourer a:l7 j Clancy, John COil tractor :-1:38 I Clal'k, Ann li'ancy dealer 33!) I Clark, James I Engineer
House i House
House House House I House House House Honse House House House House I House House HOllse House House House House I House House House House House H(:)use Hauae I House
2 Charles street Draper street 2 York street West 1 Palmer street 88 Moray street 108 Moray street 4 Clarendon road 124 Park street West 83 Cecil street 6 John street 21 Grant street 6 Gardner street 6 Alfred place 6 Off Prospect place 140 Moray street Moray street 79 Coventry street East 78~ Coventry otreet 76 Raglan street 5 WYllyard street Off Cecil street 14 John street 24 Cobden street 16 Paterson place Clarendon street 14 Service crescent 6 York place Brooke street 4 Little Haglan street 66 YOl'k street East 160 Ferrel'S street 14 Bank street East 14 Balik street East 81 Coventry street 6 Victoria cottages 13 Devonshire cottages 8 Clat'endon place 16 Little Park street Off Moray street 98 MOlltague street 15 Pattersou plar,e 11 Patterson place Yarra bank 106 Napier 8tl'eet 9 Queen street Dorcas street 88 Ferrel'S street 99 Moray street 1 and 3 Gal'cinel' street Sandridge l'Oad 93 Moray street Suudddge road 13 Myrtle street 6 Oif DOl'cas street 17 Chrdner street 12 Eville o;treet 137 Raglan ::;treet 130 Haglall street 54 Moray :;trcet Bl1l'Jeigh ::;tr'eet 45 N eJ:.;Pll road Draper .,tl'cet I Napier plac'c 4, ChHcudllll place Sf;, Vinct'nt place South I 15 ElI1cmld street 1 4, Haglan street 17 York o;tl'eet West 133 Cecil street 56 Yo de street East 17 Ct I bden ::;treet 81 110my street f
113 Park
5 Bridpurt street Dmpl,r street 4 Little Bank street 130 Clarelldoll street 17 Uoveutry place
Emerald Hill do do
1 1 I
1 1
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