
Page 1

Votor's SUfllltmo nUll Christian N lime.

No. _ _ _I

! I

340 ' Clark, J01111 341 I Clark, J oltH 342 34:3 344 345

Olark, Thomas ! Clarke, Alexandcl' I Clarke, David 'I Clarke, Henry 346 , Clarkc, Joseph 3471 Clarke, Thomas 348 i Olare, John

I Shipwright Mnriuer I Warehouseman , Painter Carpenter Soldier Merchant Bootmaker , Dealer




350 " Clavin, James Soldier 351 , Olayton, Dan Labourer 3521 Clayton, George Francis P:>jnter 353 Clayton, John Stoker 354 \ Oleland,. Emma Dressmaker

355 Cleland, Walter I Gard~ner 356 I Olendil1nen, Joseph J ames J ewellcl' .357 I Cleverdon, William l Solicitor 3581 Cluney, Alfred Mariner 359 Cobon, James , Lab(Jurer 360 I Coburll, Henry James Fruiterer 361 I Oochran, Hugh Labourer 362 I Cocklan, Michael Bricklayer 363 i Ood~}, J ohu Cal'drivel' 364 ; Coffey, Daniel Lftbonrer 365 Coffin, Thomas Clerk 366 Oolclqugh, John Produce merchant



I Produce merchant I I

368 Oole, John


369 Cole, Stephen 370 Oolgan, MichnAl 371 Oolgan, Patrick 372 Oolley, Matthew 373 Collins, John 374 Collins, John 375 Collins, William 376 Colman, Charles 377 Comyns, Robert 378 Oolthel'd, George 379 Oolquhoun, Robert


380 Combin, Thomas



3tH Coningllam, William 382 Connor, Andrew 383 COllllor, Ann 3fl4· COllllOr, Charles 381) COlinell,.J niln 3SG i COllOJC', Bridget 387 COllole, Thomas 388 : C<lllway, :.\Iir.hael 389 Cook, ~\.l'chibald 390 Cook, CiJarleil 8DI i Co(.k, .Tallies 392 : Cool:, ,Yillinm 393 : CO()k;'I', Th"lll:t~ :-Hl4 ' Cooker, Thumas :~fJn CCUkSOII, J"hu ilf)(i CO(JlJ)hl:S, John :lH7 CO(!llllJe~, George 3D R . (~"{)lll hs, Mary :~f)n (joo[ltl', E(l ward Wilson 400 ('I lpG, ;railles 40 I U"pe, iSII:;lIllllah 402 COIJpill, Tholllas 403 I C{)pple,~t()lIe, 11.

Electoral District

Tailor Plumber Boneerusher Master marinel' ;\'fariner Stol'eman Brewer Blacksmith Shipwright Draper Gasfitter Ln,bourer Li()clIsecl victualler Steward Bootcloser Dairywoman Dait'ynmn Lltbourer Fel'l''y lessee IrolifoulJder Shipwright . Mariner : l\Iariner ! Lumper i Ontfitter PI:t~teI'er

G1I l'(leuer ~;Clli ]J,~tl'ess

, S, ,hci tor

Stoker i Saddler ; CI~lItlewoman

404 : Oormick, '['homas Nathan, Olerk

Honse House House House House House House House House Yard House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House , House HOUGe Land Land Store Stables Land Land Shop Land House House I House House



.. . ,

House House Bone mills " House House House House Smithy House Lltnd HOllse House House House House House i House : Honse I Honse 1 House ! Honse

i ~~~::

I House Honse House , House i House ~ House I, H' on;;e : House i II,mse : HOl(se . House House House Honsc

Yarra bank 82 Dorcas street 42 York street Ettst 7 Off Montague stroet 109 York street East 120 Moray street 20 Bridport street 81 Cobden street 25 Coventry street Francis street 29 Dorcas street 94 Cecil street Oft' Covenh'y street 20 Yarm place 219 Moray street 22 Yarm place 93 York street West 11 :Myrtle street 4 Howe cretlcent 149 Bridport street Victoria place 14 Clarendon place 45 Market street 87 Cecil street 2 Napier place 108 Cecil street 62 Bank stl'eet West 10 Cecil place Dorcas street Eastern road 165 Olarendon street Little Park street Albert road St. Kilda road 167 Olarendou street Clarendon iltreet 60 Pa:'k street East Hmve crescent Howe crescent 3 Brown street 26 Little Park street 1 O'Gorman place 65 York street East Yarra bank 80 York street East 46 Oobden street 23 Market street 38 Oobden street Yarra bank Yarra bank Albert street 131 Park street West 129 Park street West 157 Cecil street 7 Oft' Bank street East Dorcas street Off Dorcas :>treet 23 Dorcas street 7 Kerry place 9 Yal'i'It place Mal'ket street Yarra bank 80 Bank street West 13 Pule street West 93 York street. East 5 Emeral(l street G Clarelldol! road 37 Dorcas street 1 Off Market skeet 2 NimJllo street 11 Y [ma place 40 Cobden street 10 Nimmo street 3 Qu,"en street 14 York street 7 Bridpol,t street D Bridport stl'eet Dorcas street West


Christian NalII'.!.



~O~ -,. Coser, ~hilip 40(i I Cosgrave, Owen

House House House House House HOllse . Land Honse Land House House House House House House Honse House

Carter Merchant

408 i Costp.Uo, Oatherine ,109 I Cottrell, George 410, Coucil, William


, 411 ! Council, B.ichal'd


412 i Courtney, John Civil StJrvice : 413 i Causland, Archibald Mariner 41 J i Cowie, Thomas Striker 4lii : Oowieson, John Master marinel' 41G i Cowper, Charles Drayman 417 I C()wper, GeOTge Fireman 41S1 Cowper, W!ll~am Clerk 41!l i Cowper, WIlham Gentleman 420 i Cox, Gaorge . Oardriver 421 I Cox, Henry Olerk . 422 , Oox, JolIn Oar proprieto)' 4:!3: Cox, John Dait'yman 424: ' Cox, :Mary Fruiterer 425 : Cox-ed, Charles Cardriver 426 " Coxon, William J. Licensed victualler Outfitter 427 Craig, James 428 I Cramond, William I Gentleman 429 i Crawford, John Signwriter 4;:10 Crighton, James l?ireman 431 Cn.lSs, William Olerk 452 Cross, William Edward Mariner 433 Crossen, David Tailor 434 I Crossland, Jeremiah Labourer ,t35 I Crotty, Daniel Dairyman i13G I Crotty, James Teacher 437 Oruucher, John I Labourer 4~8 Crollcher, William I Master mal,iner 4il!l I Crowl, Joseph I Draper 440 I' Crowley, Edward William Mastel' mariner 441 Crowther, Benjamin Bellman 442 I Cuningham, J olln nigger 443 I Ourrie, Albert S. Miller Curl'ie, Alexaudel' Engineer H5 Currie, Finiay Storeman 440 ! Currie, William House and land agent 447 Ourrie, Willia!il Mariner 448 Curtiu, David Police constable 44·9 Ourtin, John Lltbollrel' 450 I Daish, William Accollntant , 451 I Dale, Robert L 45:! I Dale, Wiliiam Carpenter ,15;1 I Dalgleish, Alexftnder Engineel' 454 Dalton, John. Butcher











455 Dalton, William Henry 4;36 Dalrymple, William

4.i7 Dand, John Russell

4iid 'Daulr.'I, Benjamin 45!) Danks, John


4G I 402 4G;3 4(j i 4·ii5 4GG 4li7 408 4(jiJ

470 <l7 I 472 47:3

I 475

1/<1 1

Danks, Samuel Daniel, J !lhn Darling~on, .Tohn Davenport, Joseph Daveu(JOl't, Thomas Davies, John D aVIS, . A aron Davis, Edward Davis Hel1l'ietta 1 Davis: Hugh . Davis, John Davis, Hoberl; Davidsoll, Henry Davidson, John South Davidson James I Davidson; Joseph

H:ttenblo Prop~rty.



407 1 Cosham, Thomas



I No.of Elector!>,l :J?i;~trict : V\~~~~hto nnd DtV1SIOII. Vot~r i~ : entitled. 1_-

Sharebrokel' Gentleman Plumber Engineer :Merchallt

Cal'peuter Carter Labourer Plasterel' Builder Labourer Plasterer Engineer OutfitteJ.' Engineer


•. ,..

House House House House House House· House House House House House House House House Rouse House House. House House Shop House House Homie House House House House House House House House

84 100 1

i17 8[)


15 27 4

42 12 36 2D 164 74 1 20 48


24 61 26

131 144

21 14 53 148 12

16 86

81 25 29 26 20 43



House HOllse House Land House House House Honse House House Laud 1 Land ! Land House Land House Hou;;;e Land Honse I House i House I House House i House , House House House I House


. • ,>.•'J"




Emerald Hill do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

Voter's Surname and


and Division.

1---------------------1---------- --I--

3491 Olavey, William Robert

367 Colclough, Richard

Description nnd Sitnntiim of Rateable Property.





19 3 8D 51 23 73 6


.') 1 7 (j 7J I

100 138

10 8 4



__ . _

Market street Emerald Hill Draper street do Montnguc street do Moray street do Union place do Nelson road do St. Viucent place Southl do Montague street : do Cecil street . I do Napier place I du Off Little Park stl'eet do ~foray street ! do Off York skeet \ do YOl'k street West do York street Eltst do Northumberland street do Albert road do Pal'k street East do Green street do Ooventry street West do Little Park street do Ferrel'S street do CI:tl'endoll street do Wynyardstreet do Clarendon street do Clarendon street do Park street West do Bank street West do Raglan street do Cobden street do Clarendon street do Little Raglan street do Moray street do Coote street do Dorcas street do Cobden street do Coventry street West do Olarendon street do Hill street do F'rancis street do Market street do Little Raglan street do Raglan street do Union street do York street East do Oobden street do Hotham street do Cecil street do & 125 Cecil street do Grant & CGcil streets do Little Park street do Off York street East do York street West do Dorcns street West do Bank strpet West do Park street West do Little Park street do Ememld Rtreet do Market street do St. Vincent place N. do Albert road do Merton crescent do M.~rton crescent do Hotham street do 01I Bank street East do Clarke street do Napier street do Montagne street do Cobden strect do Little Park street do Raglan place do Sandridge road do Little Haglall strcet do Eastcl'll road do Cobden street do Little Raglan street do WyuYlll'l1 street do Olarendon street do

1_ _ _ _ _



I !


1 1 1 1 1


1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1



8 "









V 6tOl"R 8ufllilme amI Cbrlstill.ll Nalllo.

, No.

i No,ol: EJeoto\'l\! DiBtlict Votes!.) ' , . which nud D IVIS10ll. Vot!'r b ' entitled, '

Doacription nlld Situntlcm of RatiOablo Proporty.





476 Dawson, Albert

House House 477 DAwson,House Marinel' 478 Dawson, John Christy , Civil Service . House 479 Dawson, Hichard H. House 480 Day; Alice II Stay milliner Civil Service House 481 , De Phillipe, .ioel ,182 I Dean, Martha Loc1ginghouse keeper I Honse , HOllse I 4831 Dean, Moses Dale Mariner House 484 Deas, David I Labourer Hotlse 485 Deeble, LewiH House 486 Deiry, Thomas Labourer House 487 Delahey, James I Soldier House 488 Dell, George I Car proprietor House 489 Dellaehy, John I OarJ;enter House 490 Demiss, Andrew i Marmer Honse 491 Dempsey, Robert I Clerk House 492 I Dempster, William i Shipwright 493 1 Denison, J o11n Housp. I J~ahourer I Dressmaker House 494 Deslands, Mary Ann 195 Derha,m, John Licensed Vir.tuallel' House I Manager ,196 Derry, Charles HOllse 497 Devereux, Alexander GUllsmith House 498 Devereux, Valentine I Mariner House Houile 499 Dixon, Edward Francis Butcher House 500 D~on, Frank House Labourer 501 Dixon, Robert Olerk House 502 Dorld, Robert Shipwright House 503 Doherty, James Police constable House 504 Doig, Alexander Engineer House 505 Doolan, Denis Civil Service House 506 Dodds, Benjamin Civil engineer House 507 Donovan, )Iargaret House Dairywoman. Land Donovan, William 1 Civil Service I House Donlan, Thomas Fuelmerchant I House Domn, George Civil Service House House Doran, Jolin Stevedore House, , Donner, Geor!!e House· Soldier Dorrien, J am Matiner I Houses Douglas, :Michael Labourer House DouB, David Printer House Dow, Francis Blacksmith House Dow, Margaret House House Dow, Robert I, Mariner House Dow, William Master mariner House Dow, William Henry Pattern maker House Dowdall, Jameq Clerk House '522 Dougall, J oun Plumber House 523 Dowling, Leonard Salesman House 524 I Dowling, Samuel Miner House 525 I Dowlillg, William Plasterer House 526 : Downie; Alexander ).fason House 527 Downie, 1\L Laundress Honse 521) Downie, 'rho mas Baker House Storeroom 52g , Downer, William Merchant House 530 Doyle, A lin Grocer House 5:31 Do),lo, ,T"lm L[tbourer House 532 DraLe, ,Trohn Butcher Honee 533 I Drew, John HawkCl~ House 5~4- : Dl'i;;coli, Edward Paperruler House 535 :. Dl'llCf', William Gentleman HOllse r ;) Sri : Drll JIIlJJ011(1 HOllse 537 !, Dl'lll'Y, John , HOllse i Cook ! 5;)f~ ! ; Dr\'~rlaJ<, Adam Houses .. 5:10 i Dllft\, James Soldier House 5H) IJII!!C(Clll, James I Soldier House iHi , lJUill!', Ut'ol'ge 13. Gelltleman Laud and house 54~ ; Dnllll I Mariner I House :),1:3 ' nUlllI, J"llil j Civil Service I House 5·1,l ' DUllcall, ,\ll~xander , ConfectiOllet, House ,TUil hIllC:lIl, David I House i Fireman 5,ilj : I hmeall, Uavid I House Mariner ;,),1,7 . Dlllleall, Jolin Land 5·18 I DUllcan, Jdim Shipv:right House











4 Chmch street 2 Cecil place Yarra bank Montngue street 154 Moray street 70 Park street 17 Coventry street East 4 It'rancis street 1 Eville street Moray place 19 Coote street 55 Bank street East

4 Raglan 1)1aco 4 Clarendon street

17 York street 133 l\1:ol'ay street 8 Emerald street 24 Church street 22 Coventry street M(}ray street Draper street 3 O'Gorman place 25 Coote street Albert street 37 Nelson road 78 York street Ea.st 12 Bank street East Yal'l'a bank 101 Bank street West Off York stl'eet 107 Bank street West 50 Bank street East 4 Off Moray street Pank street East 123 Raglan street 23 York street East 18 Cecil street 10 BiLllk street West Sandridge road 186 Moray street 19 and 17 Emerald street 55 Little Raglan street 12 Coventry plaqe 102 Dorcas street 122 Raglan street 27 Dorcas street 30 Cobden street 20 Raglan street 11 Ch~;rch street 23 Gnwt street 43 Little Park stl'eet 4 Little Park street 45 Bank street 86 J~ittle Park street Albert stroet Draper street 191 Clarendon IStreet 193 Clarp,ndon street 60 Dorcas street 5 f.loventry street 7 Lnurie place Oil' U Ilion street 21 J:'ittle York street Clarke street 68 Cobden street 69 York street 91 Cecil street 86 L\o; 88 Park street West 20 Little York street :1G Little York street St,. Vincent place North 128 llagl!tn street 38 :Montague street 2fl IJark street West 8!J York :;tl'eet El~St Market street Albert street 29 Cecil street

EmeraJ.d Hill do


do do

do do

do do do do do do do do d.o

do do do do do do, do do do

do do do do do

do do

do do do

do do do do do do do

do do

do do do

do do

do do do

do do

do do do'


do do do

, do do do

do do do do

do do do do

do do do do do do


Voter's 8UI'll00'l6 and Christian Nnrue,

Des~rjptiol\ lind SituRtion of Ro.tollblo Prflperty.


C,--, Grocel."--'~~-l;~'-u-se------2-A-If-re-d-l>-h-We-------

'-;~;r~~nca~, ;a~e~ ,

550 I Duncan, Peter 551 i Duncan, William 552 . Dundee, .fohn M:l' Durrant, George 5M I Durrant, James ~55 Dllrra'lt, Joseph 556; Durham, Ch~~les"Jame8 i . 557 ' Duthie, FInlay 558 • Dwight, IsabeHa"~ 559 ' Dykes, George 560 Dykes, RiJbert 561 Dyson, William Henry 502 Earnshaw, J~es



Mariner Ooachbnilder

House House

Carpenter Cardrivel'


Ws,rehollseruan Whitesmith Newsagent

House Hous€ House

.Master mariner 01'ocel'

Ho~se House' House


House House

Accountant Storeman L8~bourel'

563 Eden, George.;, . 564 Edgar, Andref,Lindsay 561) I Edgley, Edward 566 • Edie, R.ichard 5fi7 . Edingtoll, ,John C. 568 , Edlin, William 13, MW : Edmunds, Samuel 570 Edwardsl Henry 1i71 . Edwards, John A. 572 : Edwards, Joseph 573 ! Edwards. Richard 574- : EdwardG; Robert 575 i Edyvane, George 576 ' Elder, John 577 i Ellard, William 578 i Ellerker, Je'hn

Land Shop and bouse

l\fal'in€l' Signwriter Mariner

Contl'actor i!


House House House House



House House House House House Land , House; House



579 Ellerk.er, John Bradshaw i Olerk 5tlO Ellerker, William Henry I A.rchitect


581 : Ellis, Jolin 582 • Ellis, Richard 58:3 Elliot, J onh ua 584 • Elliot, William 5R5 Ellison, Eliza 586 ' Elworthy, John 587 : Englisll, William John 588 I Enwright, Patrick 5!)9 ; Enwright, Thomas 500 i Brskinc, George William 501 ' Erskine, James 592 I Erskine, .Tohn, 593 ' Evans, Daniel fig,! I Evans, Edward !l95 Evans, John I

Office House House House Rouse House House House House House House House & land House House House

II Cooper . Saddler Joiner Storeman I Laundress : Labourer I Carpenter I Labourer , Lltbourel' I Mariner I Plumber [I Postman Mariner Butcher I Storeman



HOllse Land House , House House House House Rouse H(JUse Rouse & land House f,l;Qltse H0 4S e House House House Honse Honse Honse Land House House House

J96 .gvans, John Wilson i Clerk 5g7 ; Evans, Robert i Cardrivol' 50S i Everard, William. Alex. i Mariner 50n I Evellnett, John Chapman: Chemist 600 i Evers, Benjamin I 'l'aiIOl"s cutter 601 I }i~verett, Arthur I Drallghtsman 602 I Evett, William ' Golrlbeater 603 I Evillc, J allies Town clerk 604 I Ewart, William Engineer 605 Eyre, Daniel Storemrm 60G ! Fagan, Patrick Labourct· 607 i Fa!.fbridge, Robert Butcher 608 ! l;"\uburn, Mary NUl'se GO!) ; Fallan, R.'l,trick Oardriver . 610 , Fallu, Ehas :Master manner 611 , Fart'ell, Oatherine ! 6 J 2 ' Farley, 1'hos. Edwd. Oscar: 613 I Farnan, Patrick i Olll'ter G14 : F'arq uhar, William I Clerk 615 'I Farquhar, William, Cabdriver .; G16 Fareham. Arthur John 6171 Fatt, Edward Outfitter 618 Faulkner, Thomas





lIouse Land




,~"" F




' '

. "}':;'i-:


~ .. ~-.,

118 82 7

89 21

30 12 28


Accountant Bootmaker Licensed victualler Bank clllrk Oollector I Plasterer I Plasterer Marine dealer Builder . Tailor I Commission agent



House House House House Honse House House Land

88 135 76 2 7 6 13 11




Clarendon street Olarendon street M:orny st,reet York street East Off Dorea,s stl'eet York street West Rll,glan place Cecil str..:et Palk street Clarendon street Napier st,reet Ooventry street Little PM·It street Off Little Park street Off York slil'eet East Eastel'l1 road York street East Little Park street Little Park street Clal'l.md()ll street ., Ross street DFll'cas stree~ West Ferrers street Clarendon street Park street East Cecil street Albert road Little Raglan street Little Pal'k street Clarendon street

79 73 8 Ga,rdner cltreet 240 Moray street 17 Gmnt street Bridport street 49 Park street Albert road 44 Coventry street East Bridport street 5 Off Bank street West 4 Alfred place 17 Devonshire cottages Ross Rtreet 3 Clarendon road 24 Yarra place Clarke street 'I'histlethwaite street Draper street 45 (Jecil street St,. Kilda road 60 Bank stl'ect East 25 Y ol'k street East 62 Market straet Easterll road 174: Eastenr road 61 Bank street West 84 Raglan street 113 Bank street West ;S:) Bank street West 3'~ Dorc,ts street West 228 Moray street York stl'cet East 21 York 8treet West 20 Cuventry street West Eastern road 2 Hotluilll street 164 Moray street 24 Park place

18 Charle~ street 54 Pal'1r street 14 Moray pJace 11adall'ltl'eet 10 Gn;P,ll stred


FelTer,; street

Burleigh ~t.l'eet 13uckhmst ",trect 1,1 Church street Anderson street



. I which anrl DIvIslun. I Voter is


I OIltitled.

------1 ' .,' Emerald Hill do







1 1 1

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1 1 1

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1 1 1

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1 1 1 1 1 1



1 1 1 1



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1 1

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1 1

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: 1;


i ;\ .

: 1'1 i} '~ \i 1



: v/.'


i ' .'f ~

!!, I II!,





Christian Name,


Description and Situation of Rn.tou,blo Property,

619 Fausset, Charles Solicitor 620 Fenuesy, James Labourer 621 Fenwick, Janet Dressmaker 622 Ferriter, Margaret Laundl'ess 623 , Ferguson, Daniel Store man I 624 Ferguson, Duncan Labourer 625 Ferguson, James Labourer 626 ]'erguson, John Storeman 627 Ferguljon, John I Warehouseman 628 I Ferguson, Thompson Licensed victuallel' 629 FCl'.~uson, William Tailor 630 Ferrier, David Builder 631 Fielder, Thomas Civil Service 632 Finck, John Storeman 633 Findlay, Robert Shipwright 634: Findla,y, Robert Shipwright 635 Finlay, Jal!les 636 Finlay, Thomas Buildel' 637 Finlay, Francis Timber merchant 638 Finlay. John Squatter 639 Finlay, John Plumber 640 Finlayson, Donald Letter·;:;arrier 641 Fischer, S. Merchant 642 Fishe, Lydia Teacher 643 l!"ishe, Thomas Carpenter 644 Fisher, John I,abourer 645 FishJey, Edmund P. Law clerk 646 Fiske, James Ooachagent 647 Fitch, John Fireman 648 Fitts, Oharles Glue manufacturer 649 Fitzgerald, David Labourer 650 Fitzgerald,· Jared 6iH Fitzgibbon, William P. Dail'yman Licensed victualler 652 I Fitzpatrick, James Soldier 653 Fitzpatrick, John ']'aiJor 654 Fitzpatrick, IJatrick Greengl'Ocer 655 Fitzpatrick, Stephen Tailor 656 Fleming, David Master mariner 657 Fletcher, Jacob Grocer 658 Fletcher James , Warehouseman 653 Flint, J ~llll Sail maker 660 Floody, 1'honlas Labourer 661 Foilell, Patl'ick George Draper 662 Foley, James Soldier 663 Foot, John Letter carrier 664 Forbes, James Asphalte manufacturer 665 Ford Emma Licensed victualler 666 , Ford' Henry I Labourer 66'" . I I Ford,' John Engineer 668 Ford, Jacob Mason 669 }i'ord, John William Warehouseman 670 Fordyce, Andrew Gentleman 671 Fordvce Joseph Clerk 67< " ~ , Fonlyee, Thomas Grocer I !

673 • Foreman David 674 1 Foreman: Henry

Engineer Wheelwright

i i

I I I'

675 : Forman, Georgc 676 . Forster, George 677 Forster, Luke 'I,..,. /.J 18 Forsyth, David G7D . Ji'ol'hyth, William GdO ' FOl'ward, Richard 681 I 1"lIs(:ol', .J ahn 6S;; ; Fuuldtl, William Gd3 : FII IV leI', J olJII 08!' 1'\; \V Jel', John (jOt) F"lI'le", .James 03(; . i 'lIx, Clll'jstupher 687 F"x, .J"hu 0i31) , Ii'"x, William 6~u li'rallJe, .Tames (JU(J Frame, Thomas 6D! FlililCis, Hemy au:! : PI':tlleii;, Sfal'Y Ann 6!J:3 ; Hr;~ser, Alexallder

Cal'penter Paintcr Saddler Smith 1'imber merchant Sawyer Blacksmith Architect Bakel' 'I'l.i]or Trainer


I Labourer

Grocer Engilleer Master mariner Laundress Builder


House House House Ruuse House House House House House House House HOllse House House House House Land Houses House House House House House House House House House ' House House House House House House House House House> House I House House· House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House· House House House HQlISe House Land & house House House House House House Housc Honse House Houses House House House House House House House House House·


1<J!ectora1 District and Division,




Voter's Surname r.lld Christian Name.

Off Dorcas street 4. Emerald street 75 York street West 35 Montague street 16 Off Bank street 80 Parkstreet 86 York street 84: Bank street E~t Park street West 128 Clarendon street 84 Dorcas street 42 Coventry street West 15 Eville street 24 Coventry place Yarra bank St. Vincent place 12 & 10 Crown street 157 :Moray street Clarendon street Off York street 181 :Moray street 31 Park street West 180 Moray street 42 Cobden street 22 York place St. Vincent street 42 Napier street 10 Clarendon plnee 7 Patterson place 9 Cecil place 13 York place Moray street 22 Little York street 91 Bank street East 20 M:wket street 9 Moray place 147 Moray stl'eet St. Vincent place 105 Bridport street 6 Laurie place 14 Covelltl'y place 58 Market street 10 Palk street 9 Myrtle street Yarra bank 90 & 92 Moray street 61 Little Raglan street 68 Napier street 2 O'Gol'man place St. Villcent place N Olarendon street 1 Church street. Olarendon street 120 Olal'e nd a II street 6 Napicr place Y OI'k street West 3 & 5 Cecil place N 16 Olal'elld'lll street Bank street East 48 Feners place 7 Ohurch street 104 York street West 141 Momy street 77 York street West 73 Cobden street Orom well place 2 Fowler's buildings 8 & 6 Eville street 12 Oovelltry street West (j Off York street East Draper street 4 Nimmo street 94 York street W'cst 5 Oovelltry place 235 Moray skeet 2 Off Y urk street East 119 Moray street


Emerald Hill do do do do do do do do do do do do do de 10 do :,'. do do do do do do do do do do


1 1


1 I, I

1 I

1 I 1

1 1

1 1


1 1 I

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1 1 1

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1 1 1

I 1


1 I

1 1 I

1 1 1


No. of


694 Fraser, Donald

Description and Situation of Ratenble Property.

Civil Service Storekt,'l,per 01er1: '.

ROllsa 5 St, Luke streot House 28 Raglan I:Itr~et House 47 York street House '14 Dank street West Gatekeeper , House & land Eville place Labourer House I Union stl'eet Shipwl'ight Land Bevan street House 701 Frost, W. T. 8 Palk street Land . 702 Fry, J'oseph Eville place House 77 Cobden skeet •.. HOllse 703 Fry, Thomas Willis 133 Raglan street Accountlilit 1 House .... 704 Fulton, Thomas S. Dmper street 01erk •.'; ., '. Rouse 705 Fyfe, William Buist 74 Napier street Civil Senrice Land Ferrers place House 8 Anderson street Land 706 Galbraith) William Anderson street Ci vil Se;:vice_ House 707 Gallagher, William 243 Moray street I Dealer House 708 Oallanghel', Edward A, Port Gauger 17 Palk street House 709 Gallop, Oharles Howe crescent I Land '7I () Galvin, John Cecil street Hat manufacturer House 711 Gammie, John Yarra bank Accountant House 712 Gal'cin, Elizabeth 33 Park stl'eet West House 7I 3 Gardner, Henry South 94: Napier street House and laud agent House 714 Gardiner, ,Jane 1 Dorcas street East House 715 Garside, William Off Park street Tinsmith Land 71 6 GarSide, J oh11 Clarendon street Tinsmith Land. 717 Gates, William Clarendon street Carpenter House 718 Gaul, Alexander16 Green street Printer House 99 York street East 719 • Gay, William Master mariner House 720 Gell, Christopher 2 Park street East Oivil Service Honse 721 Gell, l<~rancis 120 Raglan street Clerk· House 94 Raglan street George, Charles Law clerk HOllse 129 Raglan street George, Joseph 'l'insmith House' Georgeson, John 15 Little York street S';oreman House 725 German, John Lloyd 12 St. Vincent street Brassfounder Rouse 726 : Gel'tew, Laurence 6 Balmoral place Mariner HOllse 2 Coote street 727 . Gibb, Adam Gordon Oardriver H0use 728 i Gibb, Ge(lrge 30 Park place I Land Montague street I House 729 I Gibson, Ada Thistlethwaite street House 730 I Gibson, Andrew 62 Little Park 'street Shipwright House Sandridge road 6 731 I Gibson, Daniel Mariller Land Park street West House 732 : Gibson, James 74 Park street West Tailor House 7;33 i Gibson, John 29 Church street Mastel' mariner House i 22 Bridpol,t s.reet Land 734 ' Gibson, Michael Sandridge rond 'l'ailor Housll 735 • Gilborn George 3 Off MOlltagnc street Moulder HOllse 7:lG ! Gilchd~t, Hobert 10 Little York street Storemall House 11 &; 13 Eville street Land St. Vincent place North Land .Drapel' street , 737 i Gilfillan, Wallace Master mariner House 738 i Gill, Joshua Henry St. Vincent place North! Master mariner House 739 i GiIleflpie, George 98 York street East II Grainmerchant House 198 Eatlterrl road 740 I' Gillespie, Hobert Dail'Yman House 67 Napier street I Land Albert park 74:] Gillies, Mftthew Olerk of works House 742 Gilligan, Patrick Off Park street East Police constable House 52 Dorcas street 743 Gilmour, William Labourer House 12 Patterson place 744 Gilmour, William Storernall House 745 Gird woou, William Off Ballk street East !Inl'iner House 5!J llaglnll street 746 Gladstone, George T~abourer House 50 Park stl'('et 74 7 Gladstone, Robert P.lasterer Honse 13G Ea~tel'll road 748 Glancy, Jolm i\fajor 14th Regiment House 108 Nltpior stl eet H9 Glanville, Reginald Licensed victualler House Clareudon stl'eJt 750 Glass, Alexander Mason House 7 Queen street 751 Gledhill, William . Estate agcut House 100 Nltpier street House 752 GleesolJ, John Bevan street Shoemaker Himse 753 Gleeson, Michael 14 Nelson place Labourer House 754 Glover, 'rhomas 91 York street East Upholsterer 21 Montague stl'eet Goddard, Fl'edel'iek La,w elt;l'k 79 Clarendon street House 75G Goldsbury, Robert 5 Napier street 757 Goldbody, Wm. Walter Labourer S O'Gormall place Stevedore 7513 Goldgltl'tll, Carl 97 York street East Porter House 759 Good, Peter Ooventry street West Blackslnith House Yarra bank 695 6!)6 607 6!)8 GD9 700

l!'raser, George Fraser, Walter French, Matilda Freer, Edward Frewan, John Frogley, Alfred








Electornl District Votes to which nnd Division. Vot~r is entitled. ·-----1·-------_._------------- ___.______ '_ ..____________ '____ ,.____ .. _. ___ _


3 Dorcas street East




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