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Voter's S\ll1:IMllC nnd Chr.illtian NllIlUe.

DOI!Cliption and Sitlmtioll. of Rat?able Piopon:\,.


No. 01 . Eloototal n.istrict Yotes to .nnd Division. whicn Voter is

_I ________·_____________ r~ntitl~ i

House House House House House 764 765 Bouse 766 House 767 House 768 House 769 House 770 \ Honse· 771 House 772 House 773 House Land House 774 Gourlay, Robert Carpontel' 775 Gowan, John D. Land Accountant 776 Grady, .Michael Land 777 Grady, James I Mariner House M!triner 778 Graham,James Rouse 779 Graham, John Shipwdght House 780 Graham,.T ohn Gentleman House 781 Graham, ·John Clerk Honse 782 Graham, 'Mary Laundress House 783 i Graham, Thomas Carpenter House 784. I Grainger, Samuel Shipwright House 78i'i Grandin, Andrew Carpenter House. 786 Grandin, Charles Ropemaker House 787 Grant, George Ironmoulder .1 HOllse 7881 Grant, James Shipwright . House 789 i Grave, Alfred Insurance agent. i House 790 I Grave, Henry Solicitor House Marine surveyor 711. ~ I' Grave, William George I House 792 Gray, George Bricklayer Land I House 793 1 Gray, George Paine Bl'icldayel.' House 794 Gray, James House 795 Gray, William Bootmaker House 796 Gray, William Engineer House 797 Green, Charles Samuel Ironmonger H'Ouse Land 798 Green, Henry Tobacconist House 799 Green, John House SOO Green, Thomas Gentleman House 801 GreeJand, Thomas Tailor House 802 Greenwood, Edward Clerk House 803 Greenwood, Samuel Engineer House 804 i Greenwood, Thomas Houses 805 Gregory, George i Engineer House 806 Gregory, George F. I Artist House 807 Gregory, Mary I Sempstl'ess House 808 Greig, James Engineer House 809 Orey, .James Boilermaker House 810 Griffin, Harriett ' Gentlewoman House. 811 Griffin, James i Slater House 812 Griffithfl,.J ohn Edmund : Mariner House 813 : Griffy, Patrick i Dairyman Honse '. I Land 814 " Grigg, Martha Teacher House 815 • Ol'oat, Adam Johnson Mariner Honse 81 () . GrotH, Chmles , Mmmfacturing chemist House 8\7 ; Groves, George . Clerk House 8181 Grubb, Henry House iE . 819 Gunby, William i :!.ugmeer House 820 GnnniIlg, Denis ! Ironffioulder House 821 Gunnillg, Patrick 'D' lill'yman House 822 Guthrie, AJldrew Ship carpenter House 823 Guthrie, Archibald Stoker , House 82,1 Guthrie, lIfoBe.s Stoker House P2fi I Guthrie, Rohert I Gentleman House P:!(j Gwynne, George Land 8~7 GWYllll, George Coachmaker House 828 GW)'IIIl, William Wheelwright House

760 761 762 763

Storemll.u Goodall, 'fhomas Civil Sorvloo Gordon, 'George D. Civil Service Gordon. Michnel Frdk. Gordo.)]: Robert ,Carpenter Gooswillckle, William I Cook Labourer Gothorp, Thomas Carpenter Gott, George Plasterer Gott, John Plasterer Gott, James Plast.erer Gott, William Lioensed vict1llll1er Gould, James Bootmaker Gould, John Photographer Gouiter, Ezra Gourlay, John Aocountant







Hackett, .James I Gentleman 830 Hackwell, William John Labourer 831 Haffner, Leonanl Builder 832 Haggarty, John Labourer

I IHouse

House j House House


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131 91 46 4


Napiar atreet

I Emerald Rill do

Howe C r o s o e n t l i . o Patterson plMe do 18 Pal'k stroot >do 8 Alfred place do 4 Rainsford p i n . e e d o 24 Union street do Off Prospect place do 213 Union street do Coventry street do 20 LittlePa-rk 'street ,do 44 Park street East do 198 Cecil·f,"treet db Cecil street do 122 Naoier strflet do ,i3a~dridge road dQ Sandriqgeroad do 8 Hotham street do 8 Nimmo street do 16 Charles street ·do 110 Napier street do 153 Moray s t r e e i . d o 98 Coventr'ystreet 'do 37 Napier street do 2 Off Market street 'do 5 Market street do 14 Ross street do 3 Off Northumberland st. do Off Ol~rendon street do 51 Howe {)rOScellt t~~.". ~ do 145 Cecil street do Albert road ,do Draper street do 58 Park street West do 123 Park street West do 3 Union street do 112 Olarendon st.reet do 20 Dorcas street West do 14 Raglan street do St. Vincent place do 96 Clarendon street do 14 St. Vincent street do \} Cecil place do 27 Chnrch street do 11 U nioH street do GO UOl'ay street do do 5 & 7 Cobden street 57 Nanier street do 135 Ce~il street do 23 :Molltague street do 60 Raglan street do do 87 Montague street 17 Market street do 5 Dorcas place do do 1 Off York street West 133 Littlo Raglan street do Eastel'll road do 49 Coventry street do York street do 85 Napier street do 203 Oecil street do Oft· Park street West do 43 Nelson road do 1 i 8 Park street West do· 9 Little Bank street do 16 Sandridge road do 10 Coote street do do ] 11 Napier street 7G Park "treet do Sitndilands street 'do do 21 Yana street 31 Moray place do

1. (l Chlll'ch street Yal'r!l hank 18 York place 93 Cecil street

do do do


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1 1

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! I

No. of

Voter's Sl1rnllnIO and Christillil Name.




Description (l,nd Situlltion of R(l,tenblo Prop~rty •



I Master mariner I Plumber

I House

' t . t Votes EI < ec t ora.ID IS rIc whO10hto · . , . nn d DIV1SIOn, VotOl' is entitled.

-------1-- - --- -----------------------------------1--

- 833 1 Haglcy, James 834 Hague, Petel'

52 Dorcas street West EmeL"ld Hill House 65 York street East do 1 Land York street do I I House anel baths 67 & 69 York street East do 8215 i lip,ig, William Medical practitioner Land York place do I I Land Sandridge road do Honse 24 Bank street East do 8SG Hall, Alexander Insurance broker House 4 Palmer street . do Actor 837 Hall, Charles House 113 Ragl!lll street do Dressmaker 838 ' Hall, Elizabeth P. Honse 22 Church street do 'I House Licensed victualler 839 I Hall, George William Sandridge road do 840 ! Hall, Henry Olerk House Raglan place do Olothier 841 Hall, Joseph House Draper street do Tailor M2 Hall, Joseph House 23 York street West do' 843 Hall, Mrs. House 120 Napier street do 844 Hallam, Henry Licensed victualler Hpuse 58 Clarendon street do 845 Hallett, Charles Gentleman House 32 &; 36 :Market street do House 106 York street East do SiG Halfpenny, William Cooper House 135 Raghm street cio 847 Halliburton, John Merchant Land Park street West do Journalist 848 Hammersley, William Honse 19 Park street West do 849 Hamilton, J ohu Lithographic printer I House 155 Cecil street do do 850 Hamilton, Marian House III :Moray street 851 Hamilton, Patrick House Dairyman do 3 Market street Abattoirs Lessee do 8.52 Hann, F. B. S. Land Clarendon street House 128 Ferrel'S street do 853 Hanna, Patrick Ferry lessee Yarra Bank do House do House 201 Clarendon street 854: Hannan; Alexander Carpenter Hom;~, 855 : HannaH, Cornelius Blacksmith Montague street do House 18 Union street do S56 ! Hannan, Michael Labourer 40 York street East do House 857 ! Hance, William Henry Lettercltrri.er do SuS' Hallcocrr, William Licensed victualler Clarendon street I House do Clarendon street House S5D I Handley, John I Bricklayer I House do 2 Clarendoll place 8GO I Hanc1sforcl, .Tohn I Labourer do Sandridge road House 861 ! Hansond, 'l'homas Dalton! Cabinetmaker do House 121 Raglan street. 802 ! Haren, James do Sandl'idge road House 8Ga : HHl'Clen l Frederick George Fireman do 89 Bridport stroet House 86,1 ~ Harding, Elizabeth do 93 Eastern road House SiL) : Hardiug, Josepb, senior Gardener do Moray street House SCW i Harding, Joseph, junior Engineer do 2 Bridport street House 8G7 : Hardman, Daniel Musician do 7 Gardner stroet 81i8 : Hardman, John Wheelwright I House. , do 4 Napier place I House SGD Hal·d wick, Frederick Cord wainer do 42 Ferrer~ place House 870 : Harper, Joseph Gentleman . Clarelldon street do Land 871 : Harris, Isaac Confectioner do 66 Clarendon street House do 64 Park street "IVest I House Gentleman 872 : Ranis, J ohll do 11 Park street IV est Tailor i House 873 : Hanisoll, John do 71 Cohc1eu strect 87,t : Harl'lson, Richard StoJ'eman I House do 6 Off Balik street East I House 875 : Hart, James William Mariner do 59 Dorcas Rtreet vVest 'l'raveller 87 G Hart, John I House do Bridport street 123 House I Illporter 877 Hart, Samuel dr.i stL'cct Thi,;tlcth waite House Dairyman 878 Hartigan,.J olm do 1 Wynyarcl street Hoot and shoe maker House SiD Hartness, Hector du Little Park street I House Labourer 880 • Harvey, Christopher do 168 Easterll ro:td I House. Gentleman S8I Harvey, John do 5 ClarelJdoll plnce i House 88~ . Harvey, Robert Mastel' mariner do Moray street Garden 8Sa Hassall, J osias Nash Geut1eman do 100 Napier f'tI'C(;t House do 72 Cobden I'treet Honse 884 Hay, Gilbert do 236 i\[Ol'ilj' ;;tl'eet Draper I Rouse 88ii Hay thorpe, George H. do 19 Covell Uy ;;treet Toy manufacturer : HOlUle SSG Hayward, Henry do 25 :FerJ'f'I'~ place Civil Service ! House 887 . Haywood, Robert do· 96 Cecil ~tl'cet Laboul.'er I House 888 I Hazen, Robert do Yarra bailIe Manuf<leturing chemistl House 889 1 H;!zell, Hobert do 91 Clarendon street l:l,twubroker House 8DO I Healey, James do j DevolIHIJ ire place 801 : Heal'll, John Fireman House do 6 Off Park street West Lllundress Honse 8D;? : Hearth. lWzaheth do 120 Dorcas ~trcet East I Blacksmith Honse &Dil ! Heath, Joseph do 130 Little Haglau street Cabin"tmaker House RD'l i Heather, Edward do 2 H & 212 Eastel'l1 l'oad Houses do Bastei'll roatl Land. do 24 Palk street House Po1ice constable 8a:] : Hedges, Thomas do 96 York ~treet East House Clerk 8D6 Heintz, Charles do !tose street House LalJOurer 8\l7 Helm, Philip do Little Haglall street 125 , Honse Mason 8\lB Helmore, John do Little l1aglan street 127 House Mason Fin!) Helmore, William do Moray street 237 House Patternmaker 900 Hemmingway, John

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"e." .s. .'

Voter's Surn!llJ)o and ChristilUl N alllo.


Description and Situatioll (If Uatcrtblo Property.


---iI. ·--..·. ---..---··------..·I-----~~-.,-,-I=-I . -..--~~----.---.-----I

I" ct~s to · I\·_. --.. . .------1·-·-.. '. ,

E!llctoral Di.strict 1 V d D' . . wblCh an IVlSlOn. ' .'. \ 0 t or 1; cntitled .

'Emel'Md Hill House 127 Olarendon street do House Bank street West do : House 3 Nelson place 903 I Henderson, Jas. Sim::lail·l Ironmollger, House 18 ChUl'ch street do 904 . :tlendy, Samuel : Fireman House 19 Moray pl&ee I do do Carter Ya.rd, stables &. house Yarra. street 905 1 Hendrickel1, William do 90G i Henry, Michael Gardener House 26 Market street I do 907 Heunessy, Micllael Paul Mflster miner House 2 Bank street East do 908 Hepburn, Sarah Eliza Selllpstr~ss House Off Dorcas street do ~09 Hepburn, William, sen. Mariner \ House. 10 Eville street do ~10 Hepburn, ,\Yilliam, jun. Engineer House lOA EviJle street. do, Q11 Herbert, Elizabeth Laundress: I House 45 York street East do 912 Herrin, William Francis Miner· I House Off Moray street do 913 Hewett, Alfred i Butchllr House 216 Moray street do !H4 Hewett, Charles I Photogr~ph~r House 44 Park street West do 915 Hewett, George Butcher House 122 Moray street do 916 Hewlett, Udo Stoker House 7 Balmor;!.l place do 917 Hewton, John Baker House 36 Coventry street do 918 Hickey, James Co::whmall I House Off Coventry street W. do 91 9 ! Hiokey, Peter Labourer House 82 Montagutl street do ~20 ' Hickinbothalll, William Dl'aper House 67 Nelson road do ~2I Higgings, James El~gineel' House 47 M<1rIlY plAce do 922 Higgins, Jemima House 1 Napier street do ~23 Higgins, Margaret I Milliner House 89 Cobden street do 9241 Hill, Elizabeth House, 150 Ferrers street do 925 Hill, Francis Walter House· ... 2 Palmer street do 9216 I Hill, Helen Dressmaker, House 7 Raglan phwe do· 927 . Hill, James Sloper Licensed victul;1jl!:lr Houses 209 & 211 Clarendon street do 928 i Hill, John . Labourer House 66 Market street do ~28 ! Hill, .Tohn Mudie House 106 York street do 930 Hill, Joseph Underta,ker Bouse 75 Clarendon street do L a n d C l a r e u d o n street do 931 Hill, Waltel' Comedian House 27 Park street West do 932 HilIas, Richard F, I Architect House 129 Moray stre~t do 933 Hilliard, Robert Jones Ferry lessee House Yarra bank do 934 Hilton, Joseph Cooper House III Littie Ihglan street do 935 Hilton, William Owen Gasfitter House Drnper street do 936 Hillyard, Edward I Tailor Honse· 12 John street do \)37 Hine, Charles Labourer House 99 Bil-nk street East do 938 Hinze, Johns Gardener House 12 Martin street 939 Hippesley, Frederick i Boot and shoe maker ,Honse 61 COV€lltI'Y street do 940 Hitchings, Alfred I Labomer . Honse 4 John street do do ~41 Ho A Mie I Merchant House 38 Park street East 9.42 Hoclmell, Isaac I Merchant House,.. 52 Bank street East do 943 1 Hodder, Wil~ia.m Charles! ~ri.l1ter, House 93 York stl'eet I~.ast do 944 . Hodgson, WIlham I clhlpWflght I House 27 Grant street do 945 Hoffman, William B. I Timber merchant House. 11 Service crescent do House Martin street do 946 Hogg, Peter Ropemaker do House 74 Park street 947 Hogan, Catherine do House. Bank street West Labourer 948 Hogan, John do House 45 Park stl'eet West 949 Hogan, J el'Cmia.ll Bricklayer House Coventry street do 950 Holland, Henry Sawyer do House 8 Market street Labol rer 951 Holland, Peter Honse 5 Moray place do 952 Holland, Richard R\Lilway labourer House 4 Agnes place do 953 Holder, John , Fishmoll . . er ().1. Clarend.on street House do 954 Holdoway, ,Tames I Baker . House 36. York 8treet .East do 956 Hole, Ann i Gentlewoman H011se, I Cecil place do 90G i H olesgrove, '{'hom as ! Bookseller . House 10 Cobden street do 967 : Holliday, WillbW Henry[ Butcher House no Moray street do 958 Holmes, John I Clerk House. 20 Emerald street do 9~9 I Holmes, SlLmh I House 51 Dorca.9 Htl'eet West do 960 . Holt, George . Gardener House Off Church stl'eet do 961 i Hope, David Shoemakel1 House 53 Mal'ketstrect all 962 Hopkins, Isaiah HOUSil 68 Li.ttle Pa);k,.street do 96:3 Hopkins, William Storemlj.U House 5 Cla.rendon plallc do 96-1, Hornidge, J oh II Price Law clerk House 34 Park .street East do 965 Hose, 'l'holllus William Painter House 43 Par:k street West do 960 . Hoskiug, Riehard I. DrilL instructoll, Bouse, 37 Cobdell stretlt do 9137 I Hough tall, Martha Ll\uudress H01!.se Oft' Cobden sbeet do 9138 : HovclJ(len, Frederick W «.rehuuSem;ll); House 65 Napier street UO 96!l ! Howat, David Hou~e Off Park street do , Laud Moray strp.et do i 970 i Howat, J"llnes ! Carpenter, dp, Honse 109 Moray st~'eat 971 i Howartb, :r~dward Licensed victualler House, 26 Sandridge road do 972 ! Howie, Johlt . G\j.~rd I House. 2 NOl'thmubEldand street dQ 9;73 : HOlI'iewlI, Al'chibald 1 Co<'Wer I.Ious!;!, 9 Church street· do· . 9:1 4 1 Howse, William B. I r.raUQ~~ House 36 Do~clljs street West do

901 HendersolJ, Gideon 902 I Henderson, Robert

: Storenul.ll

! Car proprietor



1 1






D(lBOl'iptioll nml Sittwtion of RlI.tuH blo PI'OPl'l'ty,

_." . _I ....~ .. _ ......._

.- I --------


Emerald HiH House Clarendon road I do House. 7 Cecil place I House do 11 Queen street do House 85 Bailk street East !l78 Huey, Alethea do' Hom;es 144 &; 174 Chrelldon street Dr3.per Uitl Hughes, Edward do 59 Bank street East House 9t\O Hughes, lbrgaret, do House 9 Howe crescent I Ironmongel' 981 Hunter, Daniel do' I Clerk House 22 Sau(lridge road I 982 Hunter, James do House Park place 983 Hunter, Ml1.rgaret do House and woolsheds Yal'l'lt bank Wooiscourer 98.1 Humphreys, Evan do House H Montague street Printer 985 Hurren, Richard do House 20 Bank stl'eet West Labourer 98G Hurley, Edward do House 153 Cecil street 987 Hutchinson, Maria do House Off Chwendoh street 988 Hutchinson, Thomas M. Flock lllerc1mnt do Honse :Martin st.reet Plasterer !JS!J Hutton, Neil do House 49 Bank street East I Reporter 900 HYll.m, James do ROl1se' Sandridge road :Merchant 991 Hyde, Thomas do House 11 Clarendun place Mariner 902 Hylton, 'Nilli".ffi do House 16 Bank stn'let West 90S lilla, Solomon I Surgeon do House 49 Oobden st!'eet 994 : Illidge, Thomas do House 20 Off Bmik street East i Founder !l95 , Ingham, James do House ] 2 Cobden street I Frillter' 996 Ingham, .fohn do House 55 Market street Butcher 997 i Ingle, J'ohn Ezra do House III Bridport street Landowner! ODS: Inglis, John do House 72 Little Park street I Soldiel' 999 ; Ingram, Cha.des do House 16 Palmer strlJct East Storeman 1000 i Inman, Joseph do House 53 Little Park stl'cet Cardriver IDOl: Inman, Law do House 8 Palmel' street Buildet· 1002 ! Ireland, William do Rouse' 7 Covcntry court Mariner 100~ , Irvine, Andrew do ... 56&.58' Bank street East Houses Licensed victualler 1004 : Irvine, Erasmus do House 62 Raglan street 1005 i Irvine, Frallces do lIouse 95 Raglan street Sbipwright IOOG Irvine, Jalhes do House 56 Montague street Ironmonger 1007 i Irvine, Joseph do House 72 Montague street Master mariner 1008 I Irvine, Joseph George do House 2 Kerry J..!lnce 1'ailor 100D Irving, John do House 7 Pu.lk street Labourer 1010: hwin, George do House 104 Park street East Cabman 1011 . Jacobs, Lawrence do House :75 Nelson road Messenger 1012 Jackso~, James do House 224 Moray stl'eet Accountant 1013 Jackson, John do 116 Dorcas street East House Boilermaker lD14 iJames, Oharles do Houlle 5'{ Raglan I-Jtreet Storeman 1015 JameS', John do House 103 Napier stl'eet Master mariner: 101 G ! Jamieson, Sholto G, do House 189 Clarendon street Grocer 1017 ! Jeffery, Henry John do House 17 Francis street French polisher 1018 : Jeffreys, J osepn do House Off Dorcas street Farmer 101(,1 ! Jenkins, Dayid do House 1 Devonshire cottages :Mariner 1020 ! Jenkins, Henry do House 53 Coventry street Nightman 1021 : Jenkins, John do House 14 Bank street West I :L!l,bourer 1022 ! Jenkins, Richard do J~and St. Villcentplace Southl Builder 1(\:33 ! J enkyn, Thomas do House 73 York st.reet West , Horsedealer 1024 I JelIet, Eli do I Land Grant ~tl'cet SolicitOl' 1025 : Jennings, Henry do i House 56 :Moray street Shoemaker 1026 Jennings) Thomas do House 15 Dorcas street Mariner 1027 Jenman, William do Hou8e 36 Ohurch street Mariner 1021) Jew, William do i House~ 55 &: 57 Dank street Greengrocer 102U ,foues, .John do House Yarra bank Boatbuilder' 1030 Jones, Joseph Reece do I House 53 Pat·k street Cal' proprietor lO:n Jones, 'l'homr,s do House 20 Oft· York street, West Mariner 1032 Jones, Thomas do Land. Eastel'll road , Agent lOi}3 , .Tones, William do Laud .. . Dorcas street do i Kerosene store Yarra bank 'Val.'ehOllflOIn.ltn. 10341 Jones, W, B. do I Honse .. . 100 Dorcas street 1035 i Jones, M. do ! House 185 Cecil street 1036\ Johnson, Clu-.rles Importer do I Houss· 18 Emerald stl'ect 1037 J uhnAon, Dixon Garpi3ut-er do Hotlse 18 Off B~wk street East Billpol:lter 1038 Johu!loll,Edward do I House 24 Sandridge road 10:39 Johnson, lJ'.I'lwk r. Cummercia-Itt'avellel' do HOllse . 26 'Yarra street 1040 Jo.anson, George Ropemaker' do House 80 Ferrel'S stl'ect 10,11 Johnson, John Overseer do House Oft' Dorcas stl'ect 10,12 Johnson, John i nigger do Ruuee Albel't stree~ ! 1043 .Tohnson, .Tohn Andl'ow i do Hoouusstle St. Vincent placeN0fthi 10J·! Johnson,.T o3eph ; Clel'k do . Moray .,treet i 62 H 1{)45 J ohnsoll,. J 111il~ : L;,;.undress do I House' 38 York street East I 104li Johnson, Louis ] Cook do ! House 159 Moray street I 10·17 J'obnson, Martin I Mastel'lllurinel' . do H01l8e 179 Clal'end(i;,streei I 1048 Johllson, Matilda i Fanoy dealer do House· Sllndridge road I 10,19 Johnsoll, .Peter ! Gentleman do House 61 York street East 1050 Johnson, Reuben Shoemaket· do i House . ,,, 11 Little Bank street . l051 Johnson, ThoIn.&l.]l:a.nols Shiprigger

975'1 Howorth, Alice 976 Howson, Hellry !)77 Hubbard, John

Laundress Teacher of music }tEarinel!






Cbl'istian Name,


I I I'

Voter's Surnam9 IUld


No. of Elect{)l'a:lDistl'ict I Voth;~slto ' ·c.· w 'c 1 I alU1 D. lYI~lOn. • Voto!' i~


1 1


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Voter's SU1'I1amo nnd Christi!tll Name.







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1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057/ 1058

JOhllstOll. James A,

I Bootmaker

!Iouse Clarendoll street Ronse Off York street H Ollse Coventry street Ronse 13 Coventry place Land Coventl'Y street Rouse 6 Palk street / House 1059 18 Dorcas street West House 1060 7 Victoria cottages House' 1061 9 Yarra bank House 1062 28 York street East House 1063 2 Coventry street West Rouse 1064 35 Oobden street ; Rouse 1065 31 Dorcas strcet Civil r.ngineer House 1066 81 Napier strcet Greengrocer / Rouse 1067 12 Clarendon street' Labourer House 1068 115 ,Little :Haglau street Builder' , House 132 Eastern road Honse Kendnll, James Eastern road / Mastel' mariner House Kendall, Thomas 4 Queen street Engineer House Kendrick, William 26 Dorcas street West Contractor House '*'1 8 Coventry place Land 1072/ Kennedy, Donald Covent"y place Olerk Rouse 1073 , Kennedy, William 5 Raglan place Digger House 1074 Kennelly, Daniel 20 York place Labourer House 1075 Kennett, John II Green street I Labourer Rouse 1076 Kent, .Tolm 2 Laurie plnce Labourer House· 1077 Keon, Michnel Tobin / Draper Off York street House 1078 Kepple, William 3 Dorcas place House 1079 Kerr, Alexander Thistlethwaite street Licensed victualler House 1080 Kerr, James Sandridge road Ropemaker House 1081 Kerr, John street 16 Ross ; SaiImaker I Hquse 4 Coventl'Y street i I House 1082 Ken, Pntrick : Stonecutter Ferrel'S street , House / N I esrnan 1083 Kersey, Hemy Thomas !;:sa 8 Coventry street West Land and house Thistleth waite street HOllse 1084 Kee1'll11t1l, Maria 8 Fowler's buildings Govel'lles.'l. House 1085 Kel'wan, Michael 16 Coventry place I Shoemaker Rouse 108(1 Keeshan,.J o11n 9 Hill street I Storeman ' House 1087 Kettle, Edwin Off OoventI'.Y street ! Carpenter House 1088 Kidd, William 11 Oobden street i Blacksmith Honse 1089 Killingsworth, Matilda 24 Ohurch street Honse 1000 King, Caroline 10 Coven ti'y i}lace I Laundress House 1091 King, Henry 62 Cobden Eltreet I Teacher of music House 1092 King, Mary 25 Dorcas fltl'eet : Sempstress Honse 1098 Killilea!', George ,~ Off Bank street J~ast :rvr erClw,l] t Houlle 1094 Kidf, John 103 York street East Soldier Rouse 10% Kirkwood, Alexnnder 70 Lit.tle l)al'k street Engineer House 100G Kirkbride, Wm, Henry Labourer 43 Ooventry street Wcat Honse 109 i : Kil'kplttl'bk, James 20 Chndes streot : Carpenter House 1098 ; Kide, Elizabeth 71 York Iltreet ; M:iciwife House 1099 Kirk. George 22 Pm'le f'treet East , Printer House 1100' l(issllck, Oscar 24 I'v,rk ,-;treet East !MarillCll' Honse nOl , Klemmer, Augnstus a Covelltl'y place Tailor House 1102 I KWlI'HtOll, Robert 107 Napier street Master lI!arillel~ Houses 110:11 Knight, George Henry 124 &; J ~1G Fe-ners street II'ruitll1erchant HOllse 1104 I Knight, Jolm 88 Bltuk Rtl'eet West Blacksmith 1105 1 Knight, Samuel I House 17 Moray place Olerk 1106 i Knox, Jolin House 87 Bridport street Engineel' House 11 07 : Labat, EdnlUnd Momy placc Mariner House 1108 I Laillg, Marian 209 Moray street House I 109 I Liting, WilliRIn l\flniner 30 Union street House III 0 I' ~Lalllb, Prederick Oharlesi/ Chemist 50 Market street House 1111 i l.Jitlnb, ~,~)llll i Lurnper 102 Clarendor; street 1112 I JJalll b, oSlIJg House 7 Olarendon road 1113 ! Iamb, William F(ouse 66 Napier street None House 1] 14 i Lam bert, Thomas Cobden sh'eet Artist House Illf>, Imnbert, William 7 Dorcas place Storemall 11llj i LmnolJd, J amos B. Honse 59 Napier street ' Licensed vi.ctualler Honse 1117 Lalldy, Gc()rge Cook Sandridge road / 1118 , Lalle, Henry House 28 Cobden street / Shoemaker III D Laue, Juhu Honse 78 Bank street West I Commflrcial traveller i House 1120 Llllf!ham, (Jharles 13ank street East 60 Saddler 112l Lall~.dtnlll, U~orge House 30 IAttle Park street GroGer 1122 I Lallg/LT, GeDrge I Honse s:{ Covent17 street Tobacconist House II 23 I Lallg( (JII, Elizabeth 158 Clal'elld~1J sheet Dressmaker House 112J ; L:LjJtllUl'IJe, Henry S. 9 Cobden st"eet Magter mariner House 55 CovelJtl'y street West • J olmstone, John Johnstone, John Jo.hnstone, J'oim Johnstone, Peter Johnstone, mchard J obstone, TllOmas Jordan, John Joyner, William Judd, William Kane, ,Tames Kegan, William Kell, Emma Kelly, Henry Lucius Kelly, John Kelly, Patrick Kelson, William


Marinet' ' Labourer Porter Oarter Mariner Builder Digger Shipwright Wooddealer I Wooddealer Engineer !











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Emerald Hill do / do do r do I do I do ' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

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c,~ tlIe Proporty.

GMlema.. Mariner Engineer


1142 ; Lawson, John 114,) Lay, Georgp. IIH .Leadhead, John IL!.'5 Leahy, William ll41) Leake, Thoma.s Henry 1147' Lean, Robert 11 48 Lear, :F'rancis IWJ I,earhy, John 1150 Lee, David 1151 Lee, William 1152 i Leech, John 1153 : Leithhind, AbxRllder 1154 Legg, Joseph S. 1I55/' Leitch, Allan ,H5G , Leitch, Peter 115i i Lennox, Duncan II 58 I Lennox, John 115D I Lennox, M, 11 GO I Lenny, Edward II GI Leonard, Cornelius II GJ J.leonal·d, WiHinm 1163 Leslie, Robert lICJ LevEirett, George Thos, I I Gi) J.lewis,.J ames II GG ; LeWis, Robert IICi /' Lewig, William



II 68 I Liddle, Catherine 1169 I LidstolJe, William 1170 I Lightfoot, J oaeph II iIi Lilley, Andrew 1172 / William 1I7:3 ' Limerock, Jolm I


House House / HOllse

122 Little Raglan street


Honse House /1 House House Honse


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21 7 2 68 48 3

Park street West Little Yol'lt street Off BnnIe stt'eet West Clarendon street Park street Coventry iltreet











1 1




! Oar proprietor

1 1 1 1



Civil Service Wharf clerk Steward Ironmoulder Engraver Store man Dyer Tailor


1 1

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Voter is entitled.

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Honse Moray place , House 105 Bank street West House 8 Wynyard street House 26 Yarra place House . Market street House 15 Coventrv.street Rouse... 2 Raglan place' I House 9 York place ' House 88 Napier stt'eet House 28 Union stl'eet House ;>,9 Albert road ; House 57 Little Park street I House 40 Dorcas street West Honse :37 Market stl'eet House 26 Palk !'itreet House 29 Coventry street West House Coventi'Y place House and land Moray street House 22 Little Park street House 93 Little Raglan street I House 115 RagJan street House Off Palmer street i House 6 Myrtle street I House Napier street Houses 92 &; '78 Napicl'stl'eet ' House 89 MOI'ay place House 132 Clarendon street Honse 50 Olarendon street

'1/' House



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117 Moray street 149 ::\forn.y street 1 Coventry street 10 Off prospect place 8 Oecil place North 82 Little Regl." ,',.., 24 Charles street Moray street


Carpenter Tailor Labollrer Steward Car proprietor· . Bookseller Carddver, Gasfitter Shipwright Professor of music /' Cardrivel' Bricklayer Cooper Iron monger Merchant Labourer Oivil Service Civil SeI vice


5 Oecil place H2 Dorcas streot I ar."ndon road

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EI V . cctornl . II 1. D' District , , W I110


Bricklayer Haoirdresser Tailor Toy manufacturer Blacksmith Yarra il7 ,t Lindop, John Sailmaker Honse 21 Moray place Il7;""i6 I,indsay, Alexander Draper House 134 elal'endol) street 117 Lindsay, Alexander Draper I Land DmjJel' stl'cet 1177 ! Lindsay, Thomas Coaltrimmer : HOWle OIf Yllrl'fL place Il7S Liunett, William Bricklayer I Houses 21 &; 23 Cobden stl'cet 11'79 Liptrop, J aIm Platelayel' I House 21 Yarl'a place 1I80 Lisson, Edward Drayman I' House 13 Palk str.;et 1181 Little, Lambert Hatter House 64 Cobuoll street 1182 LiveE;ay, John Sawyer /. House Moray place 1183 Liversedfts EldrJd Storeman Bouse 116 RI1.!!"lan stl'eet b ) WH Livie, David , Carpenter House Off' Cobdelt street lJ 3D i Livie, Margaret Dressmaker House '" OJ!, ChUl'dl J 18(j LiVingstone, David i Shipwright Rouse." Francis street / Livingstone, Geo, Chas. Snilmaker House .. , 12 Dorcilil street West I Lloyd, 'rhomas Mariner House zmd land noss street J18D I Uoyd, William Stoker House 11 Pa1met' street lIDO, Uoyd, William BuiIdel' House 1;'el'l'eI'8 st"eet IIDl • Look, John Mariner House 36 Clarention street , Lockhart, David Land Market stl'ect lID:1 . Locket, David Labourer House 15 Palle stl'eet 119,!! Locket, Robei't Shipwrigbt , House 91 YOJ'k street West ax 1195 : LOlll , Samuel Butcher House 207 Olarendon street (;) J HDB j• LOnftcroft James Civil Service' / House 147 Bridport streot

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I 1141 i Lawson, James

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80 Montagne


We-s-t-- Em"ard Hill

172 Ferrel'S street





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I Print"


1 1







II;{:J Lawrence, Alfred Hart Draper 1134 1 Francis George Civil Service 1136 I Lawrence, George Butcher 113G Lawrencc,James Storeman 113i I J.Jawrence, Thomas I Labot1rer llJS! La,.,;., i Dre"mak.. 1139 I Lawrie, Catherine / Laundress 11-10 ; Lawson, Edward I Builder

1 I 1 1 1

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112r. !L.,on,y, .robn 1127 i r,""",11,,, Edwin 1128 j f,.'ekfoN, ,fobn 1120 i IJatchfol'd, Richard lISO I Lrttha.m, Sarah 1131 ' IJam'ie, Hobert 11321 Lavery, John

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No. of

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Description and Sitnntion of Uate!tblc l'rollol'ty,

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