lJURGRSS ROLL FOHTHE BOROD.GH Voter's Surname and Christian Name.
, 33(1
337 338
Chapman, George Coachbuilder Chapman, John }.faster marillel' Ohapman, Marcus H. I Clm'k Ohn.pmun, 'William Mariner 'i'Ohallt, John Henry Steward
House Honse I-louse House ... House House ... Vacant land ... House' House IIouse Honse Hoase House Honse House House House House House House House House House HOtlse House House House House H,)llSe House House House House, House -House '
Ohant, William Mariner Chatfield .. Henry Wm. , Mariner 342 Ohatterton, Thpmas Engineer 343 Cheese, George Steward' 344 Ohesney, Grace Gen tlewoman 345 Chess ell, Ohal'les Gentleman 346 Chivel's,John Cuff Civil 'Service 347 Christmas, John, Stonemason 348 Chl'istopher, Joshua. Pork butcher 349 Christ.y, Robel't Storeman 350 ~'Chl'ist.Y, WilIialu Conf3ctioner 351 Clp.rk, Ann Fancy dealer 352 Clark, John Mariner 353 Olark, John Shipwright 354 Olnrke, Andrew Mariner 855 Clul'l'(l, Alexandel' Paintei' ,,356 Clarke, David. Cm'pen t91' 357 Clarke, Henry Soldier 358, Clarke, James Engineer 359 Clarke, TIwmlls \Vnl'ehouseman 360 *Olul'ke, Joseph V\T areha useman 361 Olul'ke, 'Walter Bootmaker 362 Chtrke, W. J. '1'. 363 '::ClanG~, James Labouror " 341
364 365 366
., ;
Clancy, J'ohn Clapham, Samuel U1al'e,J ohn
Can trnctol' Oivil SerVi~e Dealer "
373 374 375 3i6 377 378
Coates, Thomas Cobon, James Coburn, Henry Ju.mes Cochrane, Hugh Cody, John Coffey, D.uliel
Oolclough, Bichard
Prodnce mercl~nnt
383 *Oole, John ::JS4,
385 3'l6 387 388
3SD 390 3!H
392 303 iHH a!l5
390 39i 308
399 400
401 402 403
Labouror Pain tel' Produce merCDllllt
Cole, St~~phen Colemall,Oharles Coleman, Henry ':'Colemun, Syh'cstel' Colgan, lllltl'iek Colgan, Michael OolIal'd, Edward Barry Oolley, Matthew Collins, William ':'Oollins, .John Oollinson, Ohl'istopher Collinson, George COlquhoun, Hobert Comber, George Oomyns, Hobel't COllel], John Hemy Coninghum, 'William Connell, l\:Illl'tin Canale, Thomas Connor, Michael ,
Locksmith Labonrer Stol"eman 'l'imber salesman Merchant 'l'aiIOJ: Tailor Clerk Plum bel' ' Madner Bone CI'UShel' "Vaiter Stoker Shipwright Buginecl' Hawker
Brass founder IIo.tte;: Dairyman Oar proprietor
House Honse Houl';e H0use House ,"'~' :House, House HOllse , .• House c._' House House House Honse Vacant land ... House House House House' Stahles, &c; Vacant land ... Vucant land,., Vacant land ... House House House HOllse
P,s,l'k street East Clarendon place Nelson road, Off .Mal'lwt street Dl'/l.per street St. Vincent pI. N. , St, Vincent pl. N. 45 Nelson road 15 Emerald street 4 Raglan strel'l,t ,15 York stl~eet West 133 Cecil street 06 York street East I) Bridport sti'eet ' / Sandddge road '" 94 Olarendon street ," 81 Moraysti-eet' , " 48 Clarendon street 130 Clare, nd, on street 73 Dorcas street East Yilt'I'a bank " Q'Gol'man place 7 OfflVrontague st, "' 109 York str'cet East " 20 Off Bank st, East 17 Co\,entl'y place .," 42 York "treet East 46B:owe Crescent ' '" 216 Eastern road " ,." 67 Bank street East " , Draper street, . MOl),tague street 4 J",ittJe Bank stl'cet ,." 90 York street West " J'" . 16 Coventry sti'CGt " 25 Coventry stl;eet I " '11 29 Dorcas street East 20 'Yll,l'ra place Moray stniet,' " 22 Yal'l'll. place' "II, 4 Howe crescent ,1~H Eastern i'oad Albert l'oad " Bevan stl~eet 14' Olarendon pIneo 15 Ooventry st. East " ,J" 'I 4 Off l\fadcet street ,0 19 Hill street , 62 Bank street West , " " Bnckhul'st street Sandl'idge road " 178 Eastel'l1l'oad 165 Clai'endon street .J 167 Clarendon street Little Park street ,J •• DOl'cas st. Ba"t u Albert road " St. IGldn road " " •• , 39 Howe cresceut Brown street " "", Q3 l\Ial'keL street " 53 Ooventl.'Y st. West II 41 Howo cJ'escent " " 1 O'Gol'man place '" 26 Little Park street ,." " 52 Cobden street •• 65 YOI'!I,StJ.:i;li1t " 46 Cobdeu street; 11 Bonemills, Yal'l'll. bank " 115 Little Raglan st, Q<Gormnn place Albel't street " 'i 'l'ni<;tlethwll:ite st, 'I "'1 " 38 Oobden street /' 'l'histlethwaite st. ' "
.. ,
House House House House House House Honse House HOllse Honse Honse Hqu$e Vacant land, •• Houso House Honse Hou<;e House
71 ,4 33 1
Counm', Ohaj'les 41l[) OOIl1101'S" J'ohn 400 OOllrov, Mal tin MJ7 Conway,John 4f),~ COUWfI.}', Micbnel 400 Cook, Al'chibald 410 Cook, Chades 411 Cook. William
.. ..
.. 11 Off,'.8, an k ,st" Eas t I 10 York place 9 Yarra plMe 20 C!(}ote street',
,22, Ooute sti-eat
'I '/"
1 1 3
1 2 1 1
Rl~tell.bla Property.
I Steward
House House House,.. Vacant land... RouGe House House House House House House House House House House House HOll se Honse House House Honse House House House ••• House House ... 'HouGe House Honse House House House House I-louse Vacant hind... HOllse Vacant land,.. HOlise House House House House House House, House House
IEledoral Districtl and Diviaion.
V~~~st v:!~~lis
I entitlcll,
Off Dorcas st. W. Emerald Hill f.)5 Ooote stl'eot 1 Sqldier 11 PaIk street I " " 1 St.Vincent pIce. S, Labourer " 1 3 Market street' Fel'l'llessee " 1 Yal'l'H bank II'on' founder " 1 so Bank street 'Vest Fuel rnel'cliarit 1 93 Yorkstl'eet East 412 Oooi" James I, Ross street Shipwright " " 41;{ Cook,William 13 Park 'street 1Vest Carpen tel' " " '414 Cooleel', Thonlas I 88 Little Raglan st. Mariner " H 415 CQol\son,John 1 5 Enlel'nld street, Outfitter " H (l CO{)!}11Ies, George 1 :l:'er1'81'S street Gardener " " 417 CCJOlli bes, George 1 2 Nimmo street Grocer " " 4180oombes, Richlu'd 1 15 Coventry st, West Labourer " 419 I Coon, Mary , , 1 70 Off Bank st. East Dressmaker " " 421) Coone,'~' Putl'icIt 1 11 Yarra place ' Labollrer 4Q1 Coop, John I 8 York place Loc!csnlith " " H, 422 Coope, Susanna 1 27 Ooventryst, West " 423 Onopei., Edward WilSOll Solic~to~' 1 3 Queen street " " 424 Coo pel', George 1 40 Oobden street Lnboill'et' " 425 Cope, Ja.mes 1 7 VictQria cottages Stoker " " 4:16 Coppin, Thomas 1 10 Nimmo street Saddler " 427 Ooser, Philip 1 ," 14 York street East Labourer " 428 I Cosgriff, Thomas 1 27 Market street Labonrer " ,j 420 Cosgriff, Owen ,,1 Brooke stl'eet Cartel' 430 I Cosllam, Thomas 1 11 Draper stl'ect l\ferchan t " " 431 Cotterill, Geoi'ge 1 Montagne street Plumber " 432 Oottren, George 1 1 Off Mora v street Shoemaker " " 433Coucil, William 1 4 Coventl'Y v , East " IMcldayel' st 43,1 Coulter, James' 1 47 Nelson road Cleric " 435 '::Coullcil, .Richard 1 49 Dorcas street "Vest G,entlemari " 1 53 Nelson road " " 2 85 l\folltague street " " , St, Vincent pIce, S, " " Park street ,\-Vest " " 436 Couper, George Park street "Vest " Baker " 437 COU!'t, 'l'homlls 25 Market street Chemist " ,438 Courtney, John' 1 213 Olurendon street 'Oivil'Service " " 1 <13() Couslu.nd, Al'chibnlJ, Oft' I~ittle Plu'k st. " MarinCl' " 1 ·t40 Cowart, Daniel 142 Moray street " Fireman , " 1 441 ';:Cowan, 'l'homas Dorcas street West " Licensed victualler ,", 1 442 Cowie, Elizabeth Mal'lwt street Luundress 1 '448 Cowie, Thomas' 17 Cliu'endon place " 'Blr..cksmith " 1 4..J4 Cowper, Chades 4 Cecil plrwe North Dl'li,:mall " 1 tH5 CO\\ipCl;, vViiliam Q7 York stroet East Clei~k " " It 1 Hti >\'Cowpe1', ,Villiam HOllse Albert road Gentleman 1 HOll sa 174 Olarendon street " " ,141 Cox, George 1 Vncant laud,.. Eville place . Cm'uri vel' " " 4·18 Cox, HOlll'Y House 12 Green street " Shipping clel'k " 44() Cox, ;rohn I House 36 Coventry st, \Vest '" C11.I' proprietor " 450 Oox, J-Glm 1 House 29 I-littJe Park street " Dairyman " 1 House 164 Ferrel'S street 451 Cox, Mal'y 1 VIlcant land... Draper street, " " <152 >\'Oox', noss House .. , 43 Clarendon street " " 45il Coxon, William John 1 House 2~ Service crescent " StewIIl'd ' " r 45,1, Crumond, Willialll 1 House 33 Little Pllrk street " " Ellg!'4Vel' 1 House 7 Eville titreet " " 1 House Draper street " " ~lel'chii.nt Hi)u~e 20 Clarendon street " 2 456 ;;'Orighton, James House 18 Clurendon stref1t " " ,Engirieet' Honse 24 Raglan stl'eet " 1 4,')7 Cl'ilJy, Nicholns House 26 Bank street East " PUViUUl' 458 Cl',ocket, Jeun Honse 20 Hill street " " 1 45!) Crook, A!fred House 1 Liale HugInnstl'eet " MarIner ' 1. House ... 13 Myrtle street 41i'l Crotty, Bridget " " Li()ensed victunllel' 1 4fH , ;;'Crotty, Dan, iel Honse Dorcas street West " '" IJiccnsed victualler 1 462 Crotty, James ' House Clarendon street " " 'I'eachel' , 1 4 ag I Crollchel', ;r olin House Dorcas street ",Yest " Labourer 1 House 14 Cobden street 4/iJ Croucher, William " Muster mariner 1 '1iJ5 ;;:C!'{Jwl, Joseph House Nelson road " " 'Dl:o.IJ€l' .' 1 4UU Orol\,-ie,)'. l~dwal'd House Clill'endon street " " Mastel' maxiner 1 ,407 , Ci'OSS, Wimam House ... 12 Hill street " " Coorct" 1 House 61 Oobden street 41~~ OI'OSS, Williu!ll Edward l\ial'inor " ,,' 1 4hl) Cl'OfiS€n, ])cJ.\'ld House 26 Clm'endon street " Ste",ard 1 HOllse 47 (J Cl'osslf\uci"Te!'(Jllliah 131 Little lbglan street " Labouhlt· " , I, 1 'Ill OuHen, John House 144 MOl'ay street " 1 House ... 32 Charles stl'eet 472 Cullr:n, Du.niel GeO'I'ge " 1 I'House Sandridge 1'011(1 Cullifo~-d, Ryd.ley 1 1 House l\lol'ton Cl'eSCe!1 t " " 1 " 1':1 boure!'
0 ccupar D· lOn_._" escrlpt·lOll an d Situation of
Christian Name.
., .
ROU, se
Manager Labourer Cartel' Porter Oar proprietor' Labourer
Si9 Cogan, D, Hennessy380 Cogdon, William 381 *Oolclough, .John
367 CIa,vey , 'William ROberti Surgeo,,)J 368 Olayton, Dan. ' Platelayer 369 Clayton, George Fras. Painter 370 Clayton, John ,Sto]{el' 371 ' ~:Clendintlin, Jos ..JamcsJeweUeJ' 37Q, Clevel'don, William Solicitor
VotSl"(i SUl't1l1,me
.. .. ..
.. ..
Occ\lpation. No.
Voter's Surname nnd
elui,"'" N-=-~
475 476
477 478
Cunningham, j'ohn Currie, O. Currie, John Currie, ,\ViHiam CUl'ti~, David CUI'til), John 'l(.Daish, William
Dale, Mary Ann 'Dale, Robert DaJgleish, Alexandel' DaHachy, John ' DaltoIl"Johll
, '492
491 495 496
,Ii '/I'
DOliOi"[m, WiUi!Ull 546 ~:DoolaJl, Denis e
5n I),A8
I"J)OOllflll, J'ohn ;~D()l'an, George
Civil Sen'ice Oiv!! Service
49 ~O
SIl 19
House House ,Honse House Honse Honse
fl9 4
Vricilllt lund ..•
'" ... ...
4 28 (1
Ronse House
House Honse House Vacant Janel. ..
House , 'House House
45 43
76 71
Vilcilnt land ... Vacant lurId ... House House House House House House House House Hou.se' House House Honse House House
House House
House House
House ,House House House House House Cl)\vshed
,I' House HOllse
102 11
House ,
.. . .. . VaCIl~lt l,a:ld .. ~ I,ic~nsed ,'ictuIlUer ' House •.• ()ivH Serviee,
" " "
" "
" "n,
" 20 Cobden street " " 20 Rllg-lan street " 11 ChllI'ch street " " 205 Moray stl'eet " " " " 88 Little Park 8tt'eet " 45 Bunk street East " " &6 Little Park street " {-lonse " AH)€lt street " House " Dmper stl'eet " House " 191 & 193 Clarendon 8t " House " 21 SandJ'idge road " House " 5 Co\,eutry st. East House 2 Clarendon place " " House " 18 Li ttle York street " House " Dorcas str0et ,East House 6 Olarke street " " House 573 68 Cobden street " " 57e1, House " " O'Gorman ,place 575 Vacant bnd ..• Nelson road ' " Rouse 576 " 7 Cecil place South " Rouse 577 93 NapicI'street " " DiS House " " St, Vincent pI. N . HO!lsa 579 105 York street East " House 580 " 3 Off Bank st. East " House 581 " 31 Park street West " 582 House 89 York street " " House 583 " Market street " House " 81 Clarendon street " House, 5R4 Duncan, James: Stol'eman ." .2 7 DOl;ca8 stl'eet " House' 5tl5 Duncan, 'John Shipwright 61 Moray'place " " ]; Honse '585 Dupcai~, Petel' ' IHu.l'iner Albet,t street " ~1 House 35 Nelson road 587 Duncan, WiHiam (J~ach, painter " 1 Honse 588 Dundee, Jolm Carpenter 76 York street East " " ,I House liS!) Dlmgay, Charles Dmper 154 DOl cas street East " 1 Va.(;flnt la.nd ... 590 Dunn, John ' Oivil Service , Mon tague street " " 1 House " 591 Dunn, .William Josh. Clerk 38 NIontague stl'eet " 1 House 5!l2 Durham, Charles Jag. N ewsllgent 163 Momy street' " " 1 House '593 DUI'I'IlIit, .Tames Warehouseman 118 Clarendon street " .," 1 House 50,! Duthie, Finlay Mastel' mariner 6 Raglan place " 1 House 47 }\u·k place 5!Jo Dutlly, G'3ol'ge Gentleman " " 1 House 5(/5 Dwight, Isabella Gmccl' Q6 Bunk street West 1 House 507 Dylles, .Adam ' Shoemaker " 24 Covent.ry st. East " 1, House " Off Little Purk st, 5!l8 Dyson, William HenrJ AccountfLnt " 1 House " G99 Bagel', .James 'PaiuteI' Off York st, East " 1 Honse 600 ,1!ja1'nshaw~ ,James Stotenlan 67 YO!'k street East " " 1. House ... Eastern road " " 1 Vueallt Jand, •• " Yol'lc street East " ~(ll Edean, George ,1 Labourei' I HO'use U(J,'<l l~dgal', Agneii'! ' " 89 Little Park street " 1 Honse " 8 Fel'rers place I " 60a Edgar, AlHtW. LindsaYI Mlll'inei' , 1 Houge " " flO,l Edgar, Robert Gentleman 21 Little Park street / 1 House 14' Mnrtill' street " " 605/ Edgely;,E~ward ' Ptlinter 1 House " 606 Edie, ,Richllrd ' , Mariner 95 Little ,Rngluu st. " 1 I House 12 Ross street " " C07 Edington, John .l\I'Ctee Contl'flctOI' 1 HOllse " Fen'el's st.l'eet nos I ~;dliu, Wol, B. ACt01wtant " 1 Honse 59 Clilrendon street " " lion E'lwunlF, John A.Accountant 1. Hon,;e A Ibel't. m,HI " 010 E(lwHl'tl,.., ,To..:pph Colle'tol' " 1 Hon;;e " " In,) Li tile Hllglan Rt. u11 Edwards, RielliU'd Plllstt'l'f:?l' 1 Ii 011 se " 7fJ Little hil'},; street " IH2 Edwards, Rubert' PIIlSj!'l'!"1 House " \l C .. l.dell stl't'et illS I' ,~;jjl."vnjlle,GelH'g'e' Mtll'inel' l House " R G,Il'./ II er st.l'('et " 014 Eltqn. JohnlJ. Bon!,keepel' 1 , I HOllse " " 118 Hnglall stl'eet , 615 11ldel', John Builder 1 Honse " 2 II) l\Iol'a,r stl'eet II " ill(j Ellm'd, William 'fniIIll' 1 " I i (jl'l\llt ~tl'eet " !l17 #l~lI(-,l'k('l'. ,fohn. ~en. COllllllissioll ngent , lIoll"e 1 Jlolise " Bl'idpOl't st., ''{(1st! " 018 Eilei'lwl', Johu'B, Clerk 1 Honse A !l'(,lt I'd Ill! flln 1l1';1I8i'/,el"', Will. Henry Al'ehitect " 1
... ,.,
Emerald Hill
Sandl'idge roao OIUl'E:lldon ~treet Emcl'aid street Rflglltn street Grant r;tl'eet Litt.le Purk street Off Napier street
Rouse House
10~ 1 \) 128 23 43
House Houi?e Hoilse House House House House H:Ollse House
Voter is entitled.
Homlfl House House
House House HOllse
House Hobse House , House 'House
-----I Ho~se
No, of
l:mectorltl District)1 Votes to and Diviijion,
Dalton, Joseph Coach painter Dalton, William Henry Commiss.ion agent Dand, John Russell lliumber D,nniel, John Daniels, Cllfirles "\Yfll'ehollSeman . DOli /;:s, Belljamin Engineer ':'Dunks, John .l'iIeI'CluU1t Danks, Samuel Plumber ., Danks, Thomas DlUlll, Nathan DarliGg, Ellen Darlington, .Iohn Bt'icldnyer Davenpo~·t, Joseph Cartel' Davenport, Thomas • C!'l.l'tel' Davis, Aaron Labourel' Duvis, Edward Plasterer Davis, Hugh Bricklayer , Davis, Peter Gentleman
Dcscri,ption and Situation of Rateahle Property_
) House Master mariner Mastel' muriner HOllse House &- luud agent House Police constabl~ "House Labourer House ' Acconntttnt House •. , Vacant I!mds .. House Honse
Descliption and Situation of Ratea.ble Proptlrty.,
R ".-gg-e-l·~----·--"-I:---~---' .. onsa ."
Davidson, Andrew Engineer Dayidson, Henry Engineei' Dllvidson, John South Outfitter Daviuson, Joseph RiO'cyel' '=>0 Da\V6011, Cl1l'isty Master mariner Dl1wson, Richard Civil sel'vice Dny,Alice Straw milliner' Day, _ Dean, Martha' Deavila, Joseph ]\fariner Deehle7 John Edward Stol'€man Deable, Louis Labonrel" Deevy, ,Joseph" C'U'penter Delahey, James Soldier Dempsy, Robert Clerk Dempster, William Toll collector :Morton, Richard Denison, ,John Labour~r ~,'Del'hllm, John Licen sed viet unUet. De Pbillipe, Joel Civil Servie'" . Devereux, AI~xllnder Devereux, ..,r,dentine Lubourel' 526 Destel', Isaac Tailor 527 Dicldnson, John Storekeeper 528 Diemens, .\ndrew Mariner 1.)20 ~'Dillon, William Licensed victualler 530 Dillon, ;fohn Millt>r 531 Dillon, .lohn I~ubo!1rel' 5:32 Dixon, Al'thul' Olcrk 58:1 DixolJ, Edward Fmnci~ Butcher 534 Dixon. Frallcis Labolll'el' 535 Dollb~,;, nobert Sllip\\'J ight G30 Dobsoll, Thomas T. ' ;';;37 I Dodd, Hobert Stohl' 5a8 J)(}dd:;, Thomas Blaclrsmith 6(3\) ";.n,d:>, POlljamin Civil engiueel' 5-40 i D(,ig, AleXilllder Engineel' 5n J).il/Hldson, Johu Licellsed victualler 5.j~~ ]jollal ciSl)!) , Hobert Licensed victuuller ida I DOlll all , Thomas Genel'lll dealer . 5H 1)UllOl'Ull, l\1al'g!ll'ct Dail'YwODH\ll
f~~l/iot Jo~hU,t I Cal'pellier !lfH Elliot: Ml's, l~l'J . O!;lO
Elliott, Robert Ellis, John E!\,;oitnv" .John Engli,;h; \\7m, John
Euwl'igln. Pat,ric~
Ge~J tfl'll1llu
Cllrpellt.t'l' LllV04l"t'1' , , '
House ... Honse .. , ,Vacant lalld .. ,
, ..
If Oll,;e , Honse ·1 House
17 ,11
5 Q1 ti
Bl'idllOl't st., "'est , , Del'ol)sllil'e cotges, Alhol't !'Oad ].;,il!t, pIneo ,. , 0tl'H.:llk ~t, West! Ooote st.reet Clal'l,e st!'e,'t Thi",llet Ii WHite st. ,
I' I
" "
" "
" "
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1