1977 jul st kilda today

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Vol. 4. No. 1

Official Journal of the Council of the City of St Kilda

and $22 double. Wines will an opportunity for a be provided for each social outing and, at the table, but all other drinks same time, raise funds will be BYO. towards their particular The success of this project. A block of tickets can be function depends on the support of local groups. obtained from Mrs Walsh, Organisations are invited Town Clerk's DepartThe Council, again this to sell tickets for the ment, and the monies year, will be holding a function and, in return, with any unsold tickets Civic Charity dinner participate in the distri- must be received on or dance on Friday, August bution of excess funds in before August 2 to enable 12, from 7.30 pm to 12 the proportion of tickets adequate arrangements for catering to be made. midnight. Dinner will be sold. served at 8 pm. The dinner dance gives Dress will be lounge Tickets cost $11 single local community groups suit.

Charity ball is open to everyone

July 1977

SATURDAY POLL FOR FIRST TIME Voting in municipal elections for the St Kilda City Council will take place this year on Saturday August 27. It is the first year that voting has taken place on a Saturday Also for the first time, postal voting will be available for those unable, for a variety of reasons, to attend the polling booths, which will be open between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. on polling day.

•CAbove) Joanna Patrick, aged 2Vi, looks through one of the special children's displays at St Kilda Public Library.

Although postal voting is to be available in particular c i r c u m s t a n c e s persons entitled to vote are required to make all possible efforts to attend a polling booth. Persons able to vote are all those enrolled on the municipal roll and who are still qualified as a voter. • These include the occupiers of rental properties whose names are included on the roll. There has always been some confusion among tenant residents as to their qualification to vote but in general terms most bona fide tennant occupiers have the right to be enrolled as a voter. Difficulties arise in keeping the rolls up to date because of the frequent changes in tenancies despite constant efforts by the council to maintain up to date roles. Those in doubt as tcr entitlement to be enrolled or

Once upon a time at the library... Once upon a time . . . remember how fairy tales and folk tales always began with that familiar phrase? You can use the St Kilda Public Library to introduce your children to these old favourites. During the winter months, the children's section of the St Kilda Public Library is conducting a special program of folk tales from all over the world. There are story hour

Citizens' advice Bureau

The St Kilda Citizens Advice Bureau — which is incorporated with St Kilda Community Group — is open to all St Kidla residents. The bureau, on the corner of Carlisle St and Chapel St, is open from Monday to Friday from 10.30 am to 3 pm. The bureau also operates a free legal service, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 pm to 9 pm, and on Friday mornings from 10.30 am to 12 noon.

While you're there, take time to look around and see how the service tries to meet community needs for information, education and recreation.

There's also a parents' bookshelf, to answer your questions about preparing for parenthood, baby and child health, child psychology and books to help you explain about sex to your children. The Library keeps a file of information on community services. If there is a local organisation specialising in the service that you need, you will be referred to them.

There's a book stock of nearly 70,000, as well as newspapers, periodicals and pamphlets. The ready reference section provides a collection of dictionaries, atlases and encyclopedias, as well as a comfortable study section. If you like to read for entertainment, there are more than 15,000 novels to meet all tastes. The non-fiction collection includes all sorts of practical do-it-yourself books as well as information on current affairs, biographies and travel.

There are four community notice boards to tell you about 'services, programs and community activities in St Kidla. If you live, work, attend school or own rateable property in St Kilda, you may apply for membership. You must be a member if you want to borrow books; it is not necessary to belong if you just want to study or to read the latest copies of newspapers and periodicals in the library. The service is financed by St Kilda rates and from State funds through the

sessions on Tuesday afternoons, competitions, a gallery of characters from some of the stories, and, of course, displays of dozens of books of folk tales. Bring your children down to the Library, and let them join in the fun.

Library Council of Victoria. There is no charge to join the library or to borrow books. You can get an application form at the Library. It is also necessary to supply proof of your St Kilda address, in some official or semi-official form — a rates notice, electoral office papers, SEC or gas account, or something similar. Library staff will help you if you are not sure of what to supply as proof. If you do not live in St Kilda, your application must be accompanied by a guarantee of address from your St Kilda employer or school principal. Children's applications must be signed by a parent or guardian. The Library is opposite the Town Hall at 150 Carlisle St, St. Kilda. Telephone 94 8028). The hours are: Monday and Tuesday, 11 am-9 pm, Wednesday, closed, Thursday and Friday, 11 am-9 pm, Saturday, 10 am-5 pm, Sunday, 2 pm-5 pm.

those finding they are not enrolled should contact the Town Hall by letter or by telephone to ensure their name is included for future elections. Voters who are unable to attend the polling booth on Saturday August 27 should make application for a postal vote. This can be done in writing to the town hall, by telephone or by calling personally at the town hall during business hours on or after August 8 up to Friday August 26. On the last day the town hall" will remain open to 6 pm for the convenience of voters. Those calling personally will be able to fill out the application form and then record their vote immediately. Those making application by post or by telephone will be required to post back the postal vote application form and when that is received at the town hall postal voting papers will be sent out by return post. The ballot papers must then be returned to the town hall. All candidates for election will also have supplies of postal vote application forms. A person may make application to vote by post at municipal elections on any one of the following grounds: • thatheresidesatleastfive miles from the nearest polling place at which he is entitled to vote; or that he will not throughout the hours of polling on the polling day be within the State of Victoria, or that he will not throughout the hours of polling on the polling day be within 5 miles of the nearest polling place at which he is entitled to vote; or that he will throughout the hours of polling on the polling day be travelling under conditions which will preclude him from voting at any polling place at which he is entitled to vote; or that he is seriously ill or infirm and by reason thereof will be prevented from voting personally at any such polling place; or that by reason of approaching maternity the elector will be prevented from voting personally at any such polling place; or that he has conscientious scruples against voting on the day appointed for the election.

Just like home A Family Day Care Scheme enabling children to be minded in a home environment situation by Council-approved minders is being run by the Council with a Federal Government subsidy. The co-ordinator, Mrs D. Jehu, is assisted by a parttime kindergartener, Miss B. Brown The scheme was evolved from a pilot project held some years ago by former Council social worker, Mrs M. McCubbin. This scheme, together with the day nurseries, forms a vital service in providing child care for residents in St Kilda. Further information can be obtained from Mrs Dot Jehu by 'phoning 94 0251, Extension 52. '(Above) Picture shows Mrs Millie Brown, one of the child minders, with some children at her home in Cardigan St.

Council has a kinder

The Council has a kindergarten at 8 York St, West St Kilda which provides pre-school education for 40 children. The kindergarten director is Mrs Rosemary Grant. A full program of kindergarten activities is provided with one group of 20 children attending, four mornings a week, and another group attending during four afternoons. Mrs Grant can be contacted on 94 4835. In addition to the council services there are a number of private pre-school centres available which are listed in the Yellow Pages of the telephone book.


The Home Help Service is one of the Council's longest running community services.

The supervisor, Mrs E. Cuthbertson, has been in charge of the service since 1962. There are 35 part-time home-helpers who render assistance to the elderly

and invalid residents and also to mothers returning from hospital with newborn children. Any person wishing home help should fill out an application form which can be obtained by 'phoning Mrs Cuthbertson on 94 0251, Extension 23; and should also furnish a medical certificate.


Derelict cars end up at local pound A total of 388 derelict cars which had been dumped in streets throughout the municipality were impounded by the St Kilda City Council over the past 12 months. Under the Local Government Act the council may remove any unregistered vehicle immediately and registered vehicles, which in the opinion of the council are abandoned, can be removed after seven days. The dumping of cars in local streets and lanes is causing considerable concern to the council

because of the time and cost involved in its by-laws department carrying out the necessary legal procedures. Impounded cars are taken to the council pound at the corner of Greeves St and Blanche St. After being held at the pound for the statutory period the cars are sold at public auction.

It's little spaces bit by bit

Following an investigation by the City Engineer, St Kilda Council has adopted a program of purchasing small pieces of land in the middle of residential areas, to meet community needs for public open space. The first area pur- scaping is m o r e than not be required to cross

chased under the new program is at the corner of Crimea St and Charnwood Rd. It is now being developed as a playground for young children plus provision for a rest area for the use of the older generation. Total cost of the land, site works and land-


The playground equipment is based on overseas designs which have not previously been used in Australia. Eventually it is expected that similar areas will be provided in e v e r y neighbourhood block throughout the municipality so children will

TOILET BLOCK SOON FOR AC LAND ST. A new toilet block is now under construction to service the Village Belle Shopping Centre in Acland St. It will also provide facilities for Tramways Board personnel. It is located at the corner of Shakespeare Grove and Acland St with a frontage to Acland St. The estimated cost of $32,000 will be shared by the council and the Tramways Board. The new facility has been designed to also provide use by disabled persons. Exterior walls will be constructed from bluestone blocks and a verandah will surround the building to enhance its appearance. The building is expected to be c o m p l e t e d during March next year. The council agreed to construct the facility after many complaints by

shoppers at the Village Belle centre. The area is busy at all times of the week and at most times of the day. Weekend activities in the centre draw large crowds and the Sunday art bank on the Upper Esplanade also attracts many people, particularly visitors. In addition to these activities the Palais complex and Luna Park plus many restaurants in the vicinity add to the pedestrian traffic. Although there were some initial objections to the building by s o m e traders in the area these a p p e a r to h a v e been largely overcome.

busy roads in order to reach a playground. In some cases, land will be leased or use made of surplus road space, with p a r t of t h e f i n a n c e required obtained from contributions made by flats developers. Sites have already been earmarked in Pakington St, Alma Road and Eildon Road. Council is still investigating land availability in other areas and will make decisions on purchase depending on suitability a n d a v a i l a b i l i t y of finance. The need for small blocks of open space and r e c r e a t i o n a l a r e a s is more evident in St Kilda than in most other areas. St Kilda continues to be the most densely populated m u n i c i p a l i t y in Australia.

Officer for recreation St Kilda City Council hopes to appoint a municipal recreation officer early next year. The appointment is subject to a subsidy by the D e p a r t m e n t of Youth Sport and Recreation to off-set a part of the cost. When appointed the r e c r e a t i o n o f f i c e r is e x p e c t e d to i n s t i t u t e v a r i o u s p r o g r a m s of recreation for all age groups throughout the local community.

Eligible pensioner ratepayers are entitled to a 50 per cent rebate of council rates following the latest State Government budget. The Government has increased the rebate from the previous 25 per cent. St Kilda City Council has taken steps to verify the applications r-eceived last year with the appropriate Commonwealth Department and those pensioners who are still eligible will have the 50 per cent rebate deducted from their rate notice. In these cases no further application will be necessary. Those who have not previously applied for the rebate are required to fill out the appropriate form which is available from the St Kilda Town Hail. The form covers both council and Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works rates.

A life saver

T h e St K i l d a L i f e Saving Club premises which were gutted by fire about two years ago will be fully operational again for the summer season. Works have been carried out to completely renovate the building under a c o s t sharing arrangement between the St Kilda City Council and the Department of Youth Sport and Recreation.


Planning will be under way early in the new year for St Kilda's second elderly citizens centre. Land and design costs have been provided for in the current council estimates. The new centre will be located in the Bath St area and will form part of a complex which includes the nearly c o m p l e t e d North St Kilda Day Nursery and a number of proposed residential units for elderly citizens. The c e n t r e will be specifically designed for use by the elderly with provision for full facilities and recreational services. Cost of the new centre will be met from council funds over the current financial year (land acquisition and design) and next financial year (construction costs). Council is hopeful that the centre will be ready for use early in 1979. The centre is not intended to replace the existing centre in Blessington St which has been an outstanding success over a number of years. The new facilities are expected to serve people who find the present Blessington St c e n t r e difficult to reach on present transport routes and those living primarily in the North St Kilda area. It is also expected to provide an opportunity to introduce new r e c reational programs for

Lights for Beach Road

the aged and possibly for to a trust which is yet to other sections of the be formed and is expeccommunity. ted to be made up of repAnother part of the resentatives of the St large site will be used for Kilda City Council, the the construction of a welfare organisation and small complex of resi- o t h e r s e l e c t e d c o m dential accommodation munity groups. for elderly persons. Work on the project is The project is being expected to start as soon planned by the St Kilda as subsidy funds from the Welfare Organisation and Federal Government are will be handed over soon available.


Over the past four months the council has carried out a complete review of its older by-laws and has also enacted several new ones. A total of 51 older by- times and days upon laws, some dating back which hawkers can sell as far as 1901, have been articles within the streets repealed. of the municipality. ByThese include by-laws law 200 provides for the which demanded neck-to- suppression of nuisances knee bathing costumes on and the prevention of the beaches and restric- objectionable noise at untions on persons climbing reasonable times. By-law 201 controls the keeping verandah posts. New by-laws, recently of bee hives within the enacted and now in force municipality. throughout the muniThe council will concipality, include: tinue its assessment of By-law 197 which limits by-laws through the early the number of dogs which part of next year with the c a n be kept on any intention of meeting a premises. need to protect residents Under the by-law resifrom difficulties caused dents may not keep more by the thoughtlessness of than three dogs without a others. permit from the council. Applications for a permit While the council does should be matje to the not wish to place undue town hall. restrictions on the activiBy-law 198 requires the ties of residents it is owners of flats, boarding aware that the transient houses, apartment houses nature of a significant and motels, to provide a section of the community p r o p e r l y c o n s t r u c t e d leads, in some cases, to a corral for rubbish bins, l a c k of c o m m u n i t y and places the responsi- awareness. Copies of all council bility on the property owner to ensure that the by-laws can be inspected corral is kept in a clean or purchased at the town hall during normal office and tidy condition. By-law 199 controls the hours.

Residents of the West St Kilda area will soon find access to parks and beaches on the beach side of Beaconsfield Pde easier and safer. This follows a decision importance of the project by the St Kilda Council to and following surveys install pedestrian oper- taken by the c o u n c i l ated traffic signals in which indicated a strong Beaconsfield P d e just need to protect pedessouth of Cowderoy St. trians wishing to use An application from the Catani Gardens, the playcouncil to the Road Safety ground recently installed and Traffic Authority for by the council and the a subsidy for the signals beaches, was refused on the basis have L o c a , r e s i d e n t s that they did not rate a c o m p i a i n e d for some high enough priority in time that it was dangerthe metropolitan area. e metropolitan area. o u s c r 0 s s i n g the road parThe council then d e a - t i c u l a r l y f o r t h e v H e r y Facilities for refuse disposal will continue to be ded it would meet the a n d t h e e l d e r l available at the St Kilda Council depot in Inkerman St whole cost, estimated at Work on the project has each Saturday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. $20,000, from its own started and is expected to resources. A nominal charge is Prosecutions are launIt took the unusual step be completed by mid- made to offset the cost of ched against p e r s o n s b e c a u s e of the l o c a l January. overtime paid to council found to be responsible employees to staff the for rubbish dumping and depot. \ h e council policy will Charges are: For rub- c o n t i n u e as l o n g as bish carried in a normal dumping occurs, car —20 cents; for rub-," bish carried in a trailer or utility — 60 cents. The Country Roads Board has agreed to the conPersons carrying rubstruction of a pedestrian overpass outside the St bish without a vehicle are St Kilda City Council's Kilda Primary School over Brighton Rd, St Kilda. not charged. free immunization proThe move follows many The project will include The Saturday rubbish gram will re-commence years of representations the channelisation of the facility has proved very on Wednesday February by the St Kilda City Coun- intersection. popular over the past few 2 1 8 7 7 a n d w j „ J c o t l t i n u e 0 J, cil, the School CommitThe present temporary years. It enables resi- the first Wednesday of tee, parents groups and channelisation on the east dents of flats and small each month until local residents. side of the intersection dwellings to keep rubbish December. will be made permanent moving and is a service Cost of the project will Locations for immube met jointly by the and the median strip at in addition to the normal n i £ £ o n s are: St Kilda twice weekly collection. T o w n H a „ f r o m 9 J 5 a . m . Country Roads Board and the top of Hennessey Ave will be closed. Cost of the service has t Q 1 0 3 0 W e s t s t the St Kilda Council. , f The intersection has been minimised to en- R n d a t' W e I f a r e It will serve the 900 been one of the most courage its use by local C e n t 8 Y o r k s t W e s t pupils at the school and dangerous in the metro- residents and to dis- s t K i l d f r o m 2 t 0 local residents who need politan area and at one cuui courage practice of 22 30 Elwood Infant dgc the me pi duuuc ui 3 0 pp m m \ to cross the busy road to time was ranked second dumping rubbish in lanes Welfare w « i f a r ( 1 Centre, Broadgain access to the town in a State wide ,list of and on vacant , .. blocks. ... way, Elwood, from 2.45 hall, the library, shopping accident prone danger The density of the popu- D M to 3 15 D m centres and other com- spots. lation of St Kilda makes it p f o i i o w i n g immumunity facilities. Completion of the over- particularly vulnerable to n i z a t i o n s a r e available: Another, more recent . . pass and signalisation of rubbish dumping and t . to improve safety f h e i n t e r s e c t i o n is expec-c o u n c i l o f f i c e r s a r e Triple Antigen and C.D.T. move to (all c h i l d r e n ) , Sabin to t h o s e c r o s s i n g t e d t o g r e a U i m p r o v e instructed to take severe Brighton Rd is the recent pedestrian and traffic a c t i o n a g a i n s t t h o s e (Children and adults), Country Roads Board £ a f e t Measles (children aged l o n g B r i g h t o n R d .... caught doing so. p p b e t w e e n o n e a n d 10 agreement to subsidize • the signalisation of the Published by the St Kilda City Council in the interests y e a r s ) , Rubella (girls intersection of Brighton of better Local Government in St Kilda and printed aged between 12 and 14 years). Rd and Chapel St. by Brownhall Printing, Mulgrave.

Rubbish Service on Saturday


Vaccine program

A circle makes it safer Residents driving through some of St Kilda's streets will have noticed that the Council has built a number of small roundabouts. They were designed by the City Engineer's Department and placed at intersections with high accident statistics, but where traffic is too low to warrant signals. Normally a trial roundabout is constructed first to evaluate its effect before being made permanent.

It is proposed to plant the centre of each roundabout with flowers, to make them more attractive as well as providing a safety feature, Roundabouts have been built in St Kilda St, Tennyson St, Mitford St and Milton St. The City Engineer, Mr M.A. Verhoeven, says that

work has commenced on a large roundabout at the intersection of Glenhuntly Rd and Ormond Rd, estimated to cost $9000. Drivers are reminded that when approaching a roundabout, they must give way to vehicles who have already entered the roundabout area.

Schools help in litter fight


Local schools have been participating in a council drive to keep Australia — and St Kilda — beautiful.

Residents who are unable to prepare their own meals are currently being helped by the Meals on Wheels service...which delivers 180 meals a day throughout St Kilda. The service is supervised by Mrs Betty O'Dea who can be contacted on 94 0251, extension 51. Those wishing to apply for the service — or residents willing to participate as drivers or helpers, should contact Mrs O'Dea.

Following a suggestion by Cr Elaine Miller, the Council agreed to participate in the Keep Australia Beautiful Week, emphasizing the problem of litter. The week started on April 18, and activities promoted by the Council included a visual display at the City Library, a poster competition in all primary schools, and the distribution of posters and pamphlets. Cr. Miller said that she considered it important to inform school children of the need to prevent litter being deposited unnecessarily, and hoped that all schools would participate with the Council. The display at the City Library was held from Monday, April 18, to Sunday, May 1, and illustrated the processing of rubbish from collection to disposal.

•(Right) A Meals on Wheels volunteer serves up a welcome hot meal to an elderly St Kilda couple. Nearly 200 people benefit from this non-profit service. •(Below) A happy group of Meals on Wheels volunteers prepare to start the day's deliveries. Hot meals are carried in the sealed containers, and fresh fruit and vegetables in baskets.

The Council is considering a further display featuring the winning posters in the school competition. All primary schools were approached by the Council to participate in the Keep St Kilda Clean Campaign. The Mayor, Cr R.D. Thomas, and the Council's Chief Health Inspector, Mr Alan Whittle, presented




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talks at schools to highlight the importance of reducing litter. Primary school students were also able to enter a poster competition, and


Some points about property There are some points • Trees and shrubs are not regarding the maintenance permitted to overhang of residential properties the street from your which residents should be property at a height aware of. lower than three metres. Under the Local • You are required to Government Act, which provide a properly conapplies to all municipalities structed vehicular in Victoria, properties must crossing, and are not conform with the following: permitted to drive over • A legible street number the kerb, channel and and flat number, must be footpath if a crossing is displayed. not provided.

qualified under the and Refrigeration studies Plumbing Regulations and at the Swinburne College. has attended a course on Mr Crocker served for Pollution, and Heat Control over 20 years in the CMF and retired with the rank of Captain in the Army Medical Corps. Together with Mr Crocker in the Health Department are three other Inspectors with one clerical officer. Did you know that before starting any The department is kind of building works, alterations, or even required to enforce the major repairs, you may require a building provisions of the Health Act together with a number of permit? Council By-Laws. Residents should always flexible standards where In the past 12 months, the check with the building possible...particularly for Department carried out surveyor's office to see houses on small allotments. just on 7400 inspections of whether or not. the work During 1976, 464 permits various premises in the they plan is covered by were issued by the building City. building regulations. surveyor valued at $3M> The Health Act also requires Council to take The building surveyor's million dollars. food samples, and during office is open Monday to the past year, 190 samples Friday between 9 am and were taken and analysed, 11.30 am and between 3.30 pm and 5 pm. The St Kilda Welfare 14 of which did not comply with the required Organisation operates an The Deputy Building standards. Surveyor, Mr Ron Jeffs,is opportunity shop in Carlisle The department is also available to discuss build- St (next to St Kilda Lib- responsible for the immunirary). Goods are always ing problems with residents zation campaign conducted needed to stock the shop throughout the Municipalat those times. from which a flow of funds Most building regulations ity. Last year 5900 immuniare uniform throughout is maintained to meet the zation doses were adminisVictoria but St Kilda cost of the organisations tered by St Kilda's Medical Council has adopted more. direct relief program. Officer for Health.

Check before you start building

An op shop

Elwood High School held a clean up along the beach.

Keeping the city clean In order to keep St Kilda clean, .the Council carries out the following services. Collection of garbage twice a week. Daily pick up of litter bins in shopping centres. Cleaning litter containers in parks, on beaches and at public facilities. Manual sweeping each day of shopping centres in Balaclava, Acland St and Fitzroy St. Annual collection of solid waste from all residential properties, free of charge, i Daily cleaning of all beaches during the summer period. Mechanical sweeping of all streets twice each week. Mobile litter vehicles to clean sections of streets which mechanical sweepers cannot reach. Daily cleansing of all toilet blocks.

residents at the Council Depot each Saturday. • C o m m e r c i a l disposal facilities at the Council's incinerator. • Special collectionservipe for domestic rubbish at a cost of $20 per hour. The City Engineer, Mr Martin Verhoeven, said that these services involved the use of 48 employees, and jn 1976 cost the Council $592,517 including disposal costs. Recent experimental changes to the roster system has resulted in some changes to collection times. If the experiment proves to be a success the council will save an estimated $70,000 in collection costs in one year. Despite the extensive nature of the services provided, the Council was continually reviewing them and welcomed any sugges-

• Disposal facilities for all tions by ratepayers.


St Kilda Council recently appointed a new Chief " Health Inspector. He's Mr John Crocker, who was appointed upon the retirement of Mr Alan Whittle. Mr Crocker has been employed by the Council since 1971 as Senior Health Inspector. He is also

book prizes have been awarded to two pupils at each school.

narrlpn y « •


for St. Kilda

Council proposes to hold a "garden week" during October/November to promote the City's parks and reserves. Activities will include:

• Involvement of schoolchildren in tree planting. • Public inspection of the City's gardens and hothouse. • A garden festival at the Blessington Street Gardens on Sunday, October 30, which will include bands, barbeques, gifts of trees, horticultural advice, recreation games and a naturalisation ceremony. • A garden competition which residents can enter by completing the form below. Private gardens will be judged in the categories shown in the form, and prizes will be awarded by the Council. Entry forms should be returned not later than August 31, 1977.


please tick

1. Best garden — house 2. Best garden — flat/unit 3. Best floral display 4. Best balcony display

RETURN FORM TO TOWN HALL ST. KILDA3182. Entries close August 31,1977.

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Now it's the Peanut Farm Reserve... t

The Council has decided to change the name of the Blessington St Reserve to The Peanut Farm Reserve...in keeping with more than 50 yeras of local tradition. The reason for the spot being known as the Peanut Farm by locals for so many years is a little obscure.


But many older residents Meredith St, between say the area was once a Barkly St and Marine Pde. notorious gambling spot... Shelley St, between where "two-up" schools Barkly St and Marine Pde, flourished in the earlier Argyle St, between Chapel part of this century. St and Queen St, and Marne They suggest, perhaps Street, east and west, all tongue-in-cheek, that the create the same confusion. gamblers crossing the spot Recommendations from to lose their money in a the Street Names game, became known as Sub-Committee are: "peanuts". • That Council officers be The name change is authorised to take the probably the most colorful necessary steps to one decided on by the implement the Council's council...but many other resolution to re-name practical changes have Waterloo St-Argyle St as been put forward. "Waterloo Crescent." It is emphasised that • That the road which most of the changes have leads from Marine Pde to not been fully decided on... Point Ormond (formerly and • the council welcomes part of Marine Pde) be comments and suggestions named "Point Ormond from ratepayers on existRd." ing proposals, and also on • That the portion of Gibbs any new changes which St running parallel to should be considered. Bothwell St, between The Place Names Gibbs St and Railway Committee has Place, be re-named recommended that the old "Bothwell St." name should be included on • That the portion of Gibbs any new street sign for six St between Grosvenor St months, to avoid confusion. and Brunning St be reIn line with a proposed named " G a t e h o u s e change in street names, it Street" after the original has been suggested to the land owner in the area. Council by the Street • That the portion of Lytton Names sub-Committee that St between Elwood Canal the St Kilda Public Gardens and Shelley St be rein Tennyson St, Elwood, be named "Arnold Place," renamed " B l e s s i n g t o n and that the portion of Street Gardens". Meredith St between Other reserves affected Barkly St and Marine include the reserve at the Pde bere-named"Blake rear of North St Kilda Day Street" to maintain the Nursery, on the corner of use of poets names in the Argyle St and Bath St, area. which has been named the • That the portion of "Jim Duggan Reserve" Shelley St between after former Councillor Marine Pde and Barkly J.C.Duggan who was twice St be re-named "RobinMayor, and a Councillor for son St." because the twenty years. street is next to Robinson The reserve alongside St Reserve. Kilda Marina has been • That the portion of named the "M.O. Moran Argyle St between Reserve" after the former Chapel St and Queen St City Engineer who served be re-named "Mitty St", with the Council for more after a former Mayor of than 40 years. St. Kilda. The council has also been • That the portion of Milton asked to re-name the St between Barkly St and portion of Alma Park, west Broadway be re-named of the railway line, to "Milton St West", and "Alma Park West", and the the portion of Milton St portion of the park east of between Broadway and the railway line to "Alma Brighton Rd be re-named Park East." "Milton St East", and, further, that appropriate Council has agreed to the street name signs be renaming of several erected at the intersecstreets following the tion of Milton and Mitford reconstruction of St Kilda Sts and Broadway. Road (High St). Council • That the portion of decided to change the Tennyson St between names of Argyle St (west of Blessington St and Byron St Kilda Rd) and Waterloo St be re-named "TennySt to "Waterloo Cres". son Street North", and The portion of Tennyson Considerable thought has St between Byron St and been given by the Council to Glenhuntly Rd be rea number of street names named "Tennyson Street throughout the MunicipalSouth", and, further, that ity. that appropriate street Some ratepayers have name signs be erected at drawn Council's attention the intersection of to the confusion which Tennyson, Southey, and arises between the similarByron Sts. ity of names, such as • That the residents in Charnwood Rd, Charnwood Marne St West and Cres and Charnwood Gve, Marne St East be also Lyndon, Linton and consulted regarding the Lytton Sts. desirability of re-naming such streets as As yet, no decision has "Lansdowne R d " and been made on any changes in these street names, and "Nottage St" respectively. residents are also invited to • That the portion of Landsowne Rd between submit any comments they Dandenong Rd and Alma mav have on this matter. Rd be re-named "LansA number of other streets downe Rd North," and are being considered for the portion of Lansdowne possible renaming, due to Kd between Alma Rd and the confusion which is Marne St West be reoccurring with postal named "Lansdowne Rd deliveries, in the portion of South."

• That "Ormond Esplanade" along Beach Rd be renamed "Elwood Esplanade". • That the City Engineer be requested to investigate and report on the adequacy of street names sign-posted on the major arterial roads within the municipality. • That Council get in touch with the City of South Melbourne regarding the confusion of names in respect to Park Street and Park Road.

•(Above) Finely detailed statuettes and pottery made by hand are among the long line of crafts on display at the St Kilda Art Bank.

Art bank is a big success Since its formation more than six years ago, the St Kilda Art Bank has proved to be one of the biggest Sunday tourist attractions in Melbourne. Crowds of morelhan ffe^OOO people have attended the Art Bank when the weather has been fine. There are 250 spaces allotted on the Art Bank to the permit holders who pay either a quarterly or annual fee to the Council for the right to display their work Articles must be original and entirely handmade by the applicant. Any permit-

holder displaying imported or mass produced goods is liable to have his permit revoked without warning. The Art Bank has proved to be so popular that applications for permits have exceeded the number of spaces available.

Get to know your By-laws •(Above) Hand made jewellery in bronze and silver at the St Kilda Art Bank. Crowds of up to 15,000 people attend during Sundays.

Your Council can help Residents who are in urgent need of help — or who face a personal emergency — should be aware that the Council is often able to assist: The Council employs two social workers, Mrs Lynda Arney and Miss Miranda Morris, who deal with social work problems arising within the municipality. The Senior Social Worker St Kilda Community Group, Mrs Lynda Arney, has been and can be contacted by with the Council since phoning 94 0251, extension August 25, 1975. 52. As the social workers are The department provides required to do a large short-term casework and amount of their work out of information on community the office, it is suggested services. that people wishing to see Both social workers are them ring for an appointactively involved with the ment.


Don't dump those cars The dumping of cars in the City is causing great concern to the Council and its officers. It appears that St Kilda is a receiving ground not only for cars left in the streets by residents, but also people from other nearby areas. In the past 12 months, 356 vehicles were impounded by the Council after being left in the streets either unregistered or in a fixed position for a period in excess of seven days. A further 52 vehicles were removed to the Council pound at the owner's request. Vehicles impounded may be claimed by owners at any time before they are sold at a public auction, the release fees are $20 plus $2 a day for each day the vehicle is in the Council pound. Vehicles not claimed are sold at public auction, which is held approximately every two months at the pound at the corner of Greeves and Blanche St.


Many ratepayers are not aware of the by-laws which have been framed by the Council to try to make St Kilda a better and safer place to live. The By-laws and Traffic Department is responsible for most of the Council's bylaws made under the Local Government Act, Litter Act, Dog Act, and Road Traffic Act. The Senior By-Laws Officer, Don Kennon, has been with the Council since By-Law No. 197 — Dogs: No person shall keep more January 6, 1969. than three dogs except with the consent of the Council. Under his control are seven other By-Laws Officers, four who princiBy-Law No. 198 — Rubpally deal with traffic enforcement, and three bish Corrals: This by-law provides that the owner of responsible for by-laws. any building of Class II or Some of the by-laws Class III occupany (Flats, which residents should be etc.) shall, when required by the Council, provide on aware of are: the site a rubbish corral By-Law No. 193 — St which will screen rubbish Kilda Art Bank: All receptacles from view. persons displaying articles on the St Kilda Art Bank require a permit under By- By-Law No. 200 — Objectionable Noises at UnreaLaw No. 193. sonable Times. Council By-Law No. 194 — Incin- requires four independent erators: This by-law and separate complaints in provides that no person writing before it can conshall light any fire or burn template any action under any matter except in a the By-Law against any p r o p e r l y c o n s t r u c t e d person who permits any incinerator and such animal to habitually make incinerator shall only be lit an objectionable noise at an between 8 am and 6 pm. unreasonable time.



Solving those traffic snags The Council has been concerned with traffic problems in the West St Kilda area for some t i m e . . . and has set up a committee to seek solutions. Following a comprehensive traffic survey, it was decided to establish a committee formed by both residents and councillors.

The rules on wayward dogs Dogs wandering in the residential streets and shopping areas create many problems for the Council's ranger. Hardly a day goes by without at least one complaint from a resident that he is being annoyed by a dog wandering the street. It appears that many dog owners are unaware of their obligation under the Dog Act. All dogs over six months are required to be registered with the Council, the registration fee being $3.00. The Council issues a registration disc which must be attached to the collar around the dog's neck at all times. Dogs must be kept under effective control — a person taking a dog into a shopping centre must have the dog on a chain or leash. Bathers at St Kilda Beach and Elwood Beach regularly complain about dogs wandering during the summer. The council recently erected a number of new signs advising dog owners that dogs are prohibited on beaches from November to March. Dogs left to wander the streets can cause the owner to incur considerable expense if they attack someone.

Elderly citizen's centre

It's a lot of rubbish... If you've ever been guilty of taking council's rubbish collection services for granted, the following figures should provide a cure. St Kilda's 60,000 residents generated 137,450 cubic metres of rubbish in 1976. This is equivalent to covering St Kilda Junction to a height of 15 metres. The waste collected by the Council included 101,565 cubic metres of household garbage, 19,573 cubic metres of other rubbish, 4,574 cubic metres of litter and receptacle waste, 3,780 cubic metres of street sweepings and excavated material, and 799 car bodies. The Council employs four Health Inspectors and two By-Laws officers to enforce regulations c o n t r o l l i n g unlawful disposal of refuse and litter. Council uses seven garbage trucks, three mechanical sweepers, five litter pick up trucks, and one street flusher each day to keep St Kidla's streets clean. In 1976, the Council spent $44,239 to clean St Kilda's beaches and received a subsidy of $25,000 from the Government. In addition to these costs council spends a total of $117,000 on the disposal of rubbish.

The residents who represent particular areas are: Mr Peter Florenini— 94-3418, Mr Simon Peek — 94 3088 (after hours), Mrs Margo T e s c h e n d o r f — 94 3794, Mrs Sue Schutz — 94-5426, Mr Edward Purchase — 94 4302 and Mr Bill Edwards — 94 3828. The committee has been very active and has reached the stage of formulating firm proposals to place before residents. Any person wishing to contribute to the study may contact the area representative or Mr I. Robins of the City Engineer's office on 94-0251. The committee's meetings are open to. the public, and those interested in attending should contact one of the above residents. Meetings are usually held on Tuesdays.

Children at play on council equipment in Elwood Park. •(Above) Adrian Dilger and Imelda Flynn test their climbing abilities. •(Left) Vivian Podessei tries out a safety swing. Equipment in the park has been designed with both safety and imagination in mind. •(Below) Another couple of swingers enjoy themselves at Elwood Park.

New bins to fight litter One of the problems encountered by the Council is the misuse of litter bins in shopping centres. These are often filled with bags or boxes of refuse, and therefore cannot be used by shoppers. To overcome the problem the Council has ordered a trial shipment of containers designed in West Germany. The new bins are available in various colours and will be erected next month at a number of locations. The top of the bins are partly sealed to prevent large objects being deposited in them.

3 welfare centres There are three infant welfare centres operating within the City of St Kilda. They are situated in Chapel St, near Carlisle St; at 8 York St, West St. Kilda: and in the Broadway, near the corner of Glenhuntly Rd, Elwood. The Chapel St Centre is staffed by Sisters Pontt and Lancaster. Sister Banson is the Sister permanently at the Elwood Centre, and Sister Cogan conducts sessions at both the Chapel St and Elwood Centres. Sister Young is in charge • of the West St Kilda Centre. Over the past twelve months, more than 15,000 visits were made to the three centres, of which 11,000 involved children under 12. Five Sisters also made just on 4,000 home visits. The centres are a free service, subsidised by the State Government. If you wish further information, the Centres may be contacted by 'phone, on the following numbers: Chapel St, 94 0251 (Ext. 56), Broadway, Elwood, 91 6118, 8 York Street, 94-6971.

Planning for a better city St Kilda was one of the first cities in Victoria to prepare a strategy plan for the future development of the area.

A warm room and plenty of companions for a chat or a game of cards (pictured above) are some of the advantages of an Elderly Citizens' Centre. Residents who are more meal together with social than 60 years of age are activities. eligible to join St Kilda's Elderly Citizen's Centre... The hard-working staff at The centre is situated at the centre is guided by the 38 Blessington St, and is hard working voluntary open five days a week president, Mrs Betty Day. between 9 am and 4 pm. It Further information can be provides a hot mid-day. obtained by ringing 94 4702.

The strategy plan was adopted in principle in 1971 — and several detailed planning proposals have been developed for several areas since then. One of these is for St Kilda Rd. (High St.) At present the Council has adopted the following planning policies: Policy number 1. Low Rise Residential Buildings — adopted 2.12.74, 2. Substandard Housing— adopted 2.6.75, 3. Industrial Buildings — adopted 16.3.76, 4. St Kilda Rd — 16.2.76, 5. Massage Parlours — adopted 6.10.75, 6. Upper Esplanade-Acland St — adopted 5.4.76.

At present, policies are being prepared to deal with the control of restaurants, the Village Belle centre, and Fitzroy St. The Council's planning staff comprises the City Planner, Mr M.A. Verhoeven, Architect Planner, Mr P. Hirst and Planning Assistant Mr P. O'Leary.

During 1976, the Council dealt with 173 town planning applications of which 12 were appealed against to the Town Planning Appeals Tribunal. It is interesting to note the decline in the number of planning applications for flats. Applications received Permits granted 104 85 74 54 44 17 24 13 14 7

Road closure is completed

Council has two nurseries

St Kilda Council has two day nurseries catering for children up to five years of age...and each provides full Year day care from 7.30 am to 1972 5.30 pm. 1973 One nursery is situated in 1974 the Town Hall grounds and 1975 the other at the corner of 1976 Bath and Argyle Sts. Sister S. Dawson is in charge of the nursery situated in the Town Hall grounds, and Sister B. Weis Published by the St Kilda City Council in the interests is in charge of the recently of better Local Government in St Kilda and printed opened nursery at North St by Brownhali Printing, Mulgrave. Kilda.

Each nursery is staffed with trained mothercraft nurses together with a number of assistants. Children of St Kilda residents are given preference at the day nurseries. Any persons desiring further information may phone 94-0251 (Ext. 57) for the Day Nursery,' Town Hall grounds, or 94-7898 for the North St Kilda Day Nursery.

The Longmore St closure — the first scheme of its type to be approved in St Kilda by the Local Government Minister — is now completed. The intersection of Longmore St and Cowderoy St has been closed, and the surplus road space has been converted to a playground and garden area. Special areas have been provided to accommodate cars belonging to nearby residents. The scheme has cost $12,500 to carry out, and has added 1200 square metres of open space.

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