Wi Ugl Official Journal of the Council of the City of St Kilda
Council sets Rate At a special meeting on November 22, St. Kilda Council struck its rate for 1979/80 at 14.5 cents on the net annual value with a minimum rate of $105.
In order to maintain the level of rate increase below 10%, Council was required to borrow $662,000 in a new loan programme. The funds have been made available by the Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd., — Council's bankers for over 100 years. Every effort was made to contain the increase from the previous year to an acceptable level. As a result over $4 million of works and projects were eliminated from the original estimate proposals. The total $9.5 million expenditure a l l o w s for the maintenance of existing programmes and a limited number of new projects. PROPOSED WORKS Of the $247,500 allocated to Council's ongoing programme of drainage works, major projects will be in Robe/Neptune Sts. , (West Ward); Westbury/lnkerman Sts., (North Ward); Herbert/Mitford Sts., (Central Ward) and John/Byron Sts. v -, (South Ward). •* '
Estimated expenditure on foreshore improvements total $215,000 with major works including the Marina Car Park, Elwood Canal Footbridge/Bike Path, and the demolition of the seawater portion of the St. Kilda Baths. RECREATION AREAS The purchase of property at the rear of the Presentation Sisters' Prayer Centre in Grey St., St. Kilda, is part of Council's overall plan to provide recreation areas at neighbourhood levels throughout the municipality. Expenditure planned for this year on Parks, Gardens and Recreation totals $924,400 and includes provision for the construction of Elwood Park Pavilion, lighting and BBQ's at Blessington St. Gardens, fencing of the oval at Elwood Park and the Garden Festival. Almost half the allocation for Parks and Gardens is for maintenance of Council's existing gardens and reserves.
EXPENDITURE Roads, Streets $1,745,000 Council Properties 1,522,000 Administration .1,215,000 Parks-Gardens 924,900 Health & Welfare 864,900 Loan Repayments 792,000 Refuse Collection 761,000 Transfer of Funds 562,900 Other Works 468,000 Library 458,760 Grants 215,400 Miscellaneous 50,500 $9,580,910 TOTAL
COUNCIL OFFERS LAND When completed, several organisations will have contributed to the project. St. Kilda City Council has donated the land on the Cnr. of Bath and 1 nkerman Sts. The Victorian Hcusing Commission is responsible for bu iding the units. Furnishings required in the units will be provided by the St. Kilda Welfare Organisation, with assistance from the Lions Club of St. Kilda. A Committee of Management consisting of representatives from each of these organisations met for the first time on 30th October, 1979. The Committee will control the letting and general management of the units.
Council's gross-expenditure on health and welfare activities for 1979/80 will exceed $850,000. Of this amount, $229,000 has been budgeted for Council's two Day Nurseries, $167,000 for Home Help, $65,000 for Meals-onWheels, $87,000 for Family Day Care and $105,000 for the Infant Welfare service. Council will also contribute $20,000 towards the running costs of the Cora Graves Elderly Persons Recreation Centre in Blessington St. INCREASED REVENUE Due to increased operational costs and no overall increase in levels of government subsidy, Council has found it necessary to increase charges for its services by approximately 10%. This will apply
to Home Help, Meals-onWheels, Day Nurseries, Kindergarten, Family Day Care and Hall Charges.
Just on 2% of Council's total revenue for 1979/80 is from charges for health and welfare services. The major sources of revenue are rates: $5.2m; loan funds $1.7m; and government grants $1.1 million. / PENSIONER RATE ASSISTANCE Pensioner Rate assistance is available to holders of a travel concession card. Eligible persons will receive up to 50% rebate of the amount due for municipal rates. Application for assistance can be made to the Rate Office at the Town Hall. Persons who have previously lodged an application for rate assistance and who still fulfil the eligibility criteria, do not have to re-apply. If, however, there has been a change in eligibility, or in the number of persons liable to pay rates for the particular property. Council should be notified, in writing, within 2 months.
MEW DOG FEES Dog, RegisJcauoo; Fees.
. fm i l§8@amx: ' W:l — steriffsedi clogs Cmafe andi femaJi;)! $5
— unsterrLised dogs, $& Pensioners- Concessions ' — stem-Used dogs S3 — unsteriiised dogs$6; Appropriate proof is required For the concession! to be granted. . Fees are payable by April tQy E9801.. All dogs, over 6 months alii must be registered. Any enquiries, should be made., to* the By-Laws Office at nhe Town, Hall, phone •53.4-025:5..'
Rate fiarve distributed! and arc payabfe as f r o m Ifltfc December. Iff payment is not received by I the 10th April. 1930,, in- ; tarest of IQ%> will be \ charged a& from 18th December. W19. Payment care be- made either in person to the Cashier at the Town Hall o r by mail.
PINAR00 VILLAGE UNDERWAY Since the foundation stone was laid on 5th August, work at Pinaroo Village has progressed considerably. Completion date is expected around May, 1980. The Village originally planned by the St. Kilda Welfare Organisation, will consist of 26 single units to accommodate elderly persons and one double unit for the caretakers. Each unit consists of a bed-sitting room, bathroom and kitchenette. Heating and carpets are also included.
Provision has also been made in the Estimates for extensions to both the Elwood and St. Kilda Infant Welfare . Centres. An indoor play area is planned for Elwood while at St. Kilda, the extension will include both an indoor and outdoor play area to cater for playgroups and increased activities at the centre.
December 1979 — • • —•
. ;;
: Loan Funds;:
$5,245,700 . 1,771,000
Government Grants 1,117,000 Council Properties
Licence Fees
Health & Welfare
.,;.>* I,
St. Kilda Personality 'St. Kilda Personality' is to be an ongoing feature in "St. Kilda Today''. In each issue the column will present a person or group who has been prominent through their participation in community life in St. Kilda.
Service to St. Kilda
Abe Cohen and Athel Stone have been two outstanding members of a group of people who have assisted others through the work of the St. Kilda Welfare Organisation. Abe Cohen was one of the initial members of the Organisation and currently holds the position of Honorary Secretary. Athel Stone has been very active in his work as Welfare Officer for the Organisation for the past seven years. Athel is also Chairman of the Shop SubCommittee which is responsible for running the Organisation's Opportunity Shop in Carlisle Street. In 1978-79, the Shop SubCommittee contributed $15,000 to the St. Kilda Welfare Organisation for distribution as material aid. About thirty voluntary staff are rostered to assist in the shop, sort, and sometimes remake donated articles. People in need who are referred to the shop are supplied with necessities free of charge. Other fund-raising operations of the Organisation include the Activities. Committee and the Younger Set. Enthusiastic supporters of the Opportunity Shop and St. Kilda Welfare Organisation are the Lions and Rotary Clubs of St. Kilda. As Welfare Officer, Athel has been in-'. strumental in the introduction of a team of visitors to assess persons in their homes prior to granting material aid. This system has relied on the co-operation of the Citizens' Advice Bureau to take referrals and make appointments. In recognition of his service to the community, Athel Stone was recently awarded a B.E.M. and later a Civic Award by the St. Kilda Council. One of the long term objectives of the'
Organisation which has involved Abe Cohen, has been to raise funds for the construction of accommodation for the elderly and disabled in St. Kilda. This has materialised with the recent commencement of Pinaroo Village on the corner of Bath and Inkerman Sts. Abe is a member of the Committee of Management for the Village. In addition to his involvement with the St. Kilda Welfare Organisation, Abe Cohen is an Executive Member of the St. Kilda Community Group and Area Organiser for the Red Cross and Heart Foundation Appeals. Over their years of service to the community, both men have seen several changes take place in St. Kilda. The work of the St. Kilda Welfare Organisation has brought to light many needs in the community with the resultant expansion of the Organisation. It is the largest material aid service in St. Kilda. The variety of welfare assistance now available is contributing to the establishment of an effective support system in the area. The initiation of the St. Kilda Community Group in 1972, which involved about thirty representatives of local groups, was aimed at co-ordinating welfare services in St. Kilda. Over the years, more specialised services have developed whereas previously each organisation was dealing with similar problems in a piecemeal fashion. In their work in St. Kilda and their plans for the future both Athel Stone and- Abe
• Athel Stone ( i l left) and Abe Cohen.
Cohen have aimed to assist people in need. They would like to see greater community involvement and a more caring attitude-by people for each other. They have been supported in their community activities by a
dedicated group of people. It is highly commendable that all.of these people who have contributed time and effort to the Su Kilda Welfare Organisation have done so in a voluntary capacity.
Students help in St. Kilda Caulfield Grammar School Community Service Group of some 40 students from Forms'3, 4 and 5, have assisted several organisations in'St. Kilda over the past school yeu. ^ ^ Senior Master, John Nelson, -who co-ordinates the Group, organised activities during the year at the Grosvenor Street Child Co-operative. . St. Leonards Avenue Community Centre, the Salvation Army's Emergency A c r commodation Centre and the Cora Graves Elderly Persons' Recreation Centre in Blessington Street, St. Kilda. On several occasions, the students delivered meals
for St. Kilda's Meals-on-Wheels •service and helped several" individual aged persons with gardening, painting and other heavy tasks such as rubbish removal. Nick Hilton and Denis Bourke, both Form 5 students at Caulfield Grammar are pictured handing around some of the 200 meals served daily at the Cora Graves Centre in St. Kilda.
• Mr Bert Calleri, of the Deluxe Service Station at the Cnr of Blessington & Carlisle Sts, has kindly agreed to assist Council to implement the free petrol scheme.
St. Kilda Council recently introduced a scheme to make free petrol available to volunteer drivers assisting with the Meals-onWheels service. Council has been concerned for some time over the increasing costs of running a car and the burden this places on volunteers. By providing petrol it is hoped to assist the present volunteers and to encourage new volunteers to the service. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Meals-on-Wheels service has been operating in St. Kilda for over 10 years. Through the service a well balanced meal is delivered daily to elderly, invalid and disabled residents who are unable to cook for "themselves. For many, it is their only contact with another person all day and. the visit offers the chance for a quick chat while the meals are being served. The service relies almost totally on volunteers and without more people to assist, the service cannot expand nor continue to function effectively. Volunteers work in pairs consisting of a driver and jockey, and are required for only two hours each day they serve meals — from 11.15 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. It is not necessary to assist every day, but once-a week, fortnight or month would be a great help. Both drivers and jockeys are urgently required. Any person interested, please contact the Meals-on-Wheels Supervisor, Edith Stewart, at the Town Hall on 534-0251. . ••
St KMdv Today
Applications for accommodation are invited from elderly pensioner couples resident in St Kilda. The 'Darby and Joan' type flats are located in Inkerman St. St Kilda Council nominates eligible residents
to the Victorian Housing Commission when a •vacancy in the flats occurs. For further information and Council sponsorship forms, contact Barbara Scott at the Town Hall. Phone 534 0251.
S ;» S 5
Family Day Care is an alternative form of care for children of working parents. The scheme enables the child to be cared for in a home environment by a selected caregiver. Caregivers in the St; Kilda scheme range from young mothers w h o have decided to stay h o m e and would like company for their own pre-schooler, to 'grandmothers', and there are some women w h o have n o children o f their own. They all simply enjoy caring for children. Like many residents in St. Kilda, a lot o f caregivers are flat -dwellers. While it is necessary to have o u t d o o r space to care for children, this can easily be o v e r c o m e by visits to nearby parks and gardens, the shops and to playgroups in the area. These activities are o f benefit both to the health and education o f the child, and make pleasant outings. i ,There are caregivers o f various nationalities participating in the scheme. It is quite c o m m o n to find children o f different ethnic backgrounds with one particular caregiver. Joining together in this way develops an understanding in the children o f different cultures. •"'Under the Family D a y c a r e Scheme i minders are paid a fee based on the number o f hours o f care. It is a g o o d Way to supplement the family income." A caregiver may mind up to four children, including her o w n , at any one time. This may be on a full or part-time basis, or in the hours before and after school. The St. Kilda Council scheme is supervised from the T o w n Hall by two staff members. The Co-ordinator in-
terviews all caregivers and parents, is responsible for the placement of* children, and visits each caregiver monthly to discuss any problems which may have arisen. The Kindergartener visits the h o m e once a fortnight to in-H= troduce new toys and activities to the children. . „: > ( . , , •,.„!.• ^ Meetings for caregivers and parents are held every two months to discuss special items o f interest. W
If you are interested in becoming a caregiver in the scheme, please contact the Co-ordinator^ Helene Evans, on
534-0251. The Office is located at the St Kilda Town Hall, Brighton Road. St. Kilda.
'WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A MINDER' "Jenny needed other kids to talk to and play with. It's been good because she's learning to share and . she really looks forward to the other two girls coming each day. They look after each.other and are quite concerned if one is away for a day." "Family Day Care is a personal form of care with only a small number of children under one person's care." " I used to have Natalie minded in Family Day Care and then decided to become a minder myself. I come from Bali and I've met many other mothers in Family Day Care. It's not so boring at home any 'more with two little girls to look after." "Family Dare Care provides work for me yet I'm not fully tied down as I only work 3 days a week. I thought about putting my child into care, but instead. I reversed the situation, so •'that now TDIipa receives the benefit of my care." "My own little boy has come to realise not to depend on me all . the time. He has. become .more self-,, reliant." "One of the things that impressed me with Family-Day-Care when I first joined the scheme was how the children mixed so well with each other and had no troubles approaching adtilts/' •*.-"
PLAYGROUPS; ACTIVITIES & TOYS Support offered to minders in the St. Kilda Family Day - Care Scheme iswide and -varied. An extensive toy and book library is available to minders; activities are organised during school holidays, and playgroups are run. Presently in the Family Day Care S c h e m e there • are 3 playgroups — 2 for pre-schoolers and one for school aged children. Involvement in these playgroups is beneficial in many ways.
A PLAYGROUP OFFERS . . . For the child, the playgroup can be a place where he will have the opportunity to play with other children, make new friends and be involved in group activities such as singing, stories, painting and dressing up. A playgroup helps the child develop self confidence and self expression while he is learning from different experiences, new games and activities. For the adult, the playgroup offers involvement with a group of people w h o are interested in children — a place for sharing experiences and ideas related to child care. A playgroup is also an opportunity for mothers and caregivers to meet new local friends and to get away from the isolation that they may o c c a sionally feel at h o m e .
HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES School holidays are a time when caregivers welcome extra activities and excursions.
Kinder Enrolments 1980 Council's kindergarten at the rear o f 8 York St, West St. Kilda, has vacancies in 1980 for 4 year olds and some 3 year olds. Applicants must be residents o f St. Kilda. A full program o f kindergarten activities is provided. Children can attend for either 4 morning sessions — 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. — or 4 afternoon sessions — 1.00 p . m . to 3.30 p . m . — per week. Numbers are limited to 20 children in each group. Fees for the kindergarten are $30 per term. A n y person interested in enrolling their child should contact the Directress, Rosemary Grant, on 534-4835 or by visiting the centre.
During the holidays the Family Day Care Kindergartener, arranges a programme o f various local outings, bus excursions and activity groups. This programme assists the caregiver in giving the children a variety o f fun and learning experiences through the holidays.
TOY AND BOOK LIBRARY The Family Day Care toy library consists o f a variety o f educational puzzles, toys and games, suitable for an age range of children from babies to a d vanced primary level. The Kindergartener selects toys for children that will best suit their level of development. The toys are usually exchanged once every two weeks, when the Kindergartener calls at the h o m e for a play and learning session with the children. The activities and assistance offered to minders is aimed at removing the isolation and frustrations often felt by women minding young children. By joining together in these activities and having the constant support offered by the Co-ordinator and Kindergartener, Family Day Care minding becomes a worthwhile and fulfilling occupation.
Day Nurseries The Council has two modern day nurseries catering for children u p to 5 years o f age, each providing full day care from 7.30 a . m . to 5.30 p . m . The St. Kilda Day Nursery is in Chapel Street near Carlisle St and the North St. Kilda Day Nursery is located Cnr. Bath and Argyle Sts. Each nursery is supervised by a qualified infant welfare sister with assistance f r o m mothercraft nurses and other staff. Application for enrolment at either o f the day nurseries should be made to the Social W o r k Office at the St. Kilda T o w n Hall. A n essential criteria for admission to the day nurseries is that parents must be residents o f St. Kilda. Fees will be assessed according to nett family income and are reviewed regularly.
vi&oT nVsiVy Z - 5>
Xmas Holiday Activities FREE FOR ALL CHILDREN
Monday 7th-Friday 25th January. 9a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays. St. Kilda Primary School, Brighton Road. Elwood High School, Glenhuntly Road. St. Kilda Alternative School, Cnr. Fitzroy & Princes Streets.
EVERYDAY ACTIVITIES: Art and Craft, games, excursions, drama and music. GENERAL INFORMATION: LUNCH — Children are asked to bring a cut lunch if they intend staying over the lunch period. DRESS — Some activities may be a bit "messy". Children should not wear good clothes. LEADERSHIP — The programme is arranged and conducted by experienced and responsible staff. Volunteer helpers, however, are always welcome. It does not matter which centre you attend as all activities are available at each centre. For further information, contact Janet 7th Goodwin, 534 0251. ^ ^ Monday January — Tuesday 5th February. WHEN?
St. Kilda Public Library, Carlisle Street.
Films for all ages. Story-telling, Puppet-shows, Disco's and more! ACTIVITIES . For further information, contact Daryl Ray, 534 8028.
PARKS ACTIVITIES Sunday 6«li, Wednesday 9tft, Sunday 13th, Sunday 20th, and Wednesday 30th January. Parks, Gardens and Beaches of St. Kilda.
Hayrides, Kite-flying, Balloons, Life-Games, Fun Sports, Barbecues, Clowns, Puppet-theatre, Fancy-dress, Sand-castle competition. Treasure Hunt and more! For further information, contact Rosemary Black 51 5115.
JANUARY, 1980 PARKS Sunday 6th Monday 7th Tuesday 8th
Wednesday 9th Thursday 10th .
Friday 11th
Sunday 13th Monday 14th
Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th Friday 18th
" B E A C H FESTIVAL" Elwood Beach 1pm—5pm. Volleyball, Life-Games, Sand-castle competition, Scavenger-hunt, Treasure-hunt. PLAY CENTRES Afternoon excursion to St Kilda Marina. 2pm — Storytime and Puppets. LIBRARY Tour of local fire station. PLAY CENTRES A M — , PM — Cricket coaching by Victorian Cricket Association. 2pm — LIBRARY Film-strip Fun-sound film-strips of stories 6pm — DISCO for Library Disco Club Members (age 12-17). Excursion to Peanut Farm Reserve. PLAY CENTRES PARKS 1.30pm — "FUN SPQRTS D A Y " Egg & Spoon, Sack Races, Tug of War, Life-Games. BUQ. Peanut Farm Reserve. PLAY CENTRES 9.30am — Excursion to Polly Woodside, Maritime Museum & Melbourne Port. Picnic Lunch on the beach. 2pm —LIBRARY Action movie for youth (12-17 yrs) Hang-gliding thrills, daring rescue. Free tickets from January 7th. PLAY CENTRES AM — Tour of local fire station. Basketball coaching by Vic. Amateur Basketball Association, PM — Trip to the Library to see a film. LIBRARY 2pm — Movie — Horatio Knibbles, the 6ft high magic rabbit. Free tickets anytime from January 7th. lpm — " F A M I L Y FUN D A Y " Country and Folk music PARKS bands, Hayrides, Clowns, Puppets, Face-painting, Life-Games. BBQ facilities. Catani Gardens. Plam-polting at Alma Park — bring home a pot plant. PLAY CENTRES AM — PM — Outing to National Theatre to see a play "The Silly Space Spree". Trip to the Library for puppet-show. B'Spcll Puppets present "Pied Piper of Hamelin". LIBRARY 2pm — Free tickets anytime from January 7th. Plant-polling al Alma Park — bring home a pol plant. PLAY CENTRES AM — Free afternoon at Luna Park. PM — Film-strip show — popular slories on sound film-strips. LIBRARY 2pm — All-day excursion io "Kirribindi Farm", Woori PLAY CENTRES Yallock. Cost $1.00. Lunch provided. Tour of Mounted Police Branch. PLAY CENTRES AM — "Sausage-Sizzle" and Games Afternoon Caulficld PM — Park (BYO Sausage) PLAY CENTRES AM —
PM — 2pm —
Sunday 20th
lpm —
Monday 21st
Tuesday 22nd
PM — 2pm —
2pm —
Wednesday 23rd
Thursday 24th
2pm —
Friday 25th
Monday 28th Tuesday 29th Wednesday 30th
2pm — 2pm — 1.30pm-
FEBRUARY Friday 1st
2pm —
Tuesday 5th
6pm —
4 - St KUa Twhy
Kite-making — demonstrations by an "expert". Make ' a kite which will be sure to fly. Trip to the Library to see a film. Movie-time. See children escaping from kidnappers in " O n The Run". Free tickets from January 14th. "KITE AND BALLOON D A Y " Plus Clowns, LifeGames, etc. Pt. Ormond. Free day of ice-skating at St. Moritz. Trip to the Library to see "Red (he Clown". Fun and laughter with "Red the Clown" Free tickets any-time from Jan 14th. Tour of Mounted Police Branch. Trip to Treasury Gardens for the "Great Australian Pie Day" (free pies). Fun with film-strips — popular stories on Sound filmstrips. DISCO — for members of Disco Club (aged 12-17). Combined-centre Party! Folk-dancing and l o t s ' o f goodies to cat. Community Action Theatre Group — performing plays and helping us to make some. Film for youth (12-17 yrs) Car chases, C.B. Radio, Great action! Free tickets from January 21st. Trip to the Library to see a film. Movie-time. See how "Mischicf" the circus pony and Davy perform a dangerous rescue! Free tickets anytime from January 21st. •Storytime. Film-strip show — film-strips of wcllknown stories. "CHILDREN'S FUN D A Y " Blessington Street Gardens. Life-Games, Clowns, Face-painting, Puppet-theatre, Fancy-dress competition. > Movie-timc. See how Jimmy Riley, who has been in trouble with the police, makes friends with members ijj o t ai"Scrarnble^Club". Free tickets from January
* 28trtw «e
DISCO for members of Disco Club.
Felicity Browning who has worked with St. Kilda Coun- . cii for the past 12 months as Social Worker for the Aged has been appointed S e n i o r
to lend
an ear
S o c i a l
Worker following the resignation of Lynda Arney. After a 4 year stay, Lynda left St. Kilda in September to travel around Nepal, India and Sri Lanka. She intends to return to Melbourne in 1980 to undertake further study.
• Felicity Browning at left, and Ronda Johns.
provide co-ordinated aged and to determine welfare services in St. what services could be provided or extended to Kilda. t The position of Social meet these needs. Worker with the Aged At least one Social has been filled by Ronda Worker is rostered to be Johns. After completing on daily duty at the her training she worked Town Hall Office. If you with the Aboriginal Legal Service in Perth. As particularly wish to see Social Worker for the Felicity or Ronda, it is Aged, Ronda will be necessary to make an apMany working with individual p o i n t m e n t . aged persons and their general enquiries can be families to provide sup- dealt with by the Recepport "services to enable tionist in the Social them to remain in their Work Office, and inown homes. In the ' formation on services in course of her work Ron- St. Kilda is readily Telephone da 'also intends to available. research the needs of the 534-0251 Ext. 236.
In her new role as Senior Social Worker, Felicity V will provide counselling - to families with young children, assess needs in the area and plan the development of services that meet community needs. Felicity sees it as very important that the Social Work Office and other organisations work in co-operation so as to
Library Caters for Youth The St. Kilda Public Library provides a wide, range of activities and materials for all age groups in the community. Presently it is featuring items of interest for young people. . Coinciding with, the. - This material supThe Library is at 150 end of the school year, < plements the Library's Carlisle Street, opposite the Library has arranged stock on careers and fur- the Town Hall. It is open a comprehensive display ther education, for both to the" public: 11.00 of material on careers. young people and adults. a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday The display is located There are handbooks for and Friday; 10.00 a.m. all the major univerin the Youth Section. It contains leaflets and sities, colleges and in- to 5.00 p.m. Saturday; p a m p h l e t ' m a t e r i a l stitutes as well as most of and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. relating to job informa- the newsletters, circulars Sunday. It is closed on tion, interview pro- and handbooks publish- Wednesdays and Public cedures and practical ap- ed by the Victorian In- Holidays. Secondary proaches to employ- stitute of Membership is freely ment. There are also Education. available to everyone Information about the who lives, works, attends posters and a small colEducalection of books on t-. Council . , Aof Adult '„ ,. . ... school or owns rateable specific careers, v * * 1 i o n, ' C o l l e g e s and , p r o p e r t y in ,thp ; £ity of „r .U "• m „ t ^': ! oV<; , UniVei'sities can' be St. o» Kilda. Kilda. Most of the material used in the display has found at the Library. You don't have to be a Whether you're em-i been supplied by the C.E.S. Job Centre at 82 barking on a" career in " ratepayer to join, just fill Acland Street, St. Kilda. computers or a summer in an application form and provide current proMultiple copies of the school in pottery, you'll of of your St. Kilda adfind something in the 'Job Guide for dress. 90,000 Australia' and 'Careers collection of Guide for Victoria' ar£' books and periodicals to Telephone 534-8028 also available. for furtherinformation. help'you.
many and varied handmade articles on display. The Art Bank which operates between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. has been in operation for over 7 yearsvand its popularity continues to increase.
The Sunday Art Bank on the Upper Esplanade at St. Kilda continues to attract large crowds every Sunday. Not only local residents but many interstate and overseas visitors come to view and purchase the -