Official Journal of the Council of the City of St Kilda
May 1979
Council campaign to cleanup St Kilda St Kilda Council has started a city-wide clean up campaign. Ten thousand reusable litter bags have already been handed out. And shopkeepers have been asked to help publicise the necessity to keep the city's streets clean.
• Traffic and by-laws officer Harold Slaughter hands out one of St. Kilda Council's litter bags in Carlisle St.
The Grants — St Ki Ida's personalities
Where city's $9 million is going
Children's holiday activities
The library has films and books
Under existing legislation anyone caught dropping litter is liable to a $50 fine. plastic bags byipril 8, were primarily designed for use in cars. Drivers are being encouraged to keep their litter until it can be disposed of properly. Council has asked shopkeepers to display signs warning of the $50 littering fine which can be made on-the-spot by by-laws officers. Posters have also been distributed to local schools, and service and sporting organisations. It costs St Kilda nearly $1 million every year to conduct street cleaning and refuse collection operations. The council is also encouraging the beautification of the city through its annual Garden Week which includes distribution of plants to residents and community groups. The latest drive by council to encourage a cleaner city was started on April 8 to coincide with Keep Australia Beautiful National Week. C o u n c i l has adopted the motto Keep Our City clean and has asked all residents to help its endeavors to make sure the whole municipality is kept litter free.
Fun year for the city kids This year promises to be full of fun and friendship for St Kilda's children. In keeping with the International Year of the Child, council has joined with s c h o o l s , kindergartens, child c a r e c e n t r e s , youth clubs and parents, to promote 1979 as Fun and Friendship year.
The Year of the Child was declared by the United Nations and the theme in Australia is Care.
The stated aims of the Year are: To raise the awareness of, and stimulate action to meet the needs of all children; To review and renew attitudes and approaches to the care of children;
To identify and initiate action and o v e r c o m e inadequacies, duplication and inconsistencies in the provision of services to children; To h i g h l i g h t and accommodate the particular needs of disadvantaged of children.
A local committee has been formed to publicise Fun and Friendship activities in St Kilda and examine child care issues. More activities will be held throughout the year in the c i t y ' s p a r k s , streets, schools, kindergartens and the library.
Parents have been urged to join in and watch out for activities publicised in a "children's newspaper" to be distributed soon.
A list of activities for schoolchildren during the May holidays is on page 4.
Housing help
City helped by Grants' 4-year stay
Housing is available for elderly couples and lone persons in 55 married couple units and 200 single units built by the Housing Commission on land donated by St Kilda Council. The units are on the corner of Inkerman and Henryville Sts. There is a waiting list for housing, but it is still w o r t h w h i l e to apply. Sponsorship application forms can be obtained from the Town Clerk's department at the Town Hall or by phoning Mrs Barbara Scott on 5340251, ext 203. Applicants for housing must receive a pension and have lived at least two years in St Kilda.
John and Rosemary Grant have contributed to community life in St Kilda since arriving here from Tasmania more than four years ago.
Child Care Two modern day nurseries catering for children up to five years provide full day care from 7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. The centres, run by St Kilda Council, are St Kilda Day Nursery, Chapel St, (near Carlisle St). Sr. Dawson and North St Kilda Day Nursery, Corner Bath and Argyle Sts, Sr. Weis. E a c h n u r s e r y is supervised by a qualified nursing sister who is helped by trained mothercraft nurses and other assistants. All applications for the d a y n u r s e r i e s should be d i r e c t e d through the social work office at the Town Hall, phone 5340251, ext. 236.
Expanding home help service
But John, a minister, will move to another parish next year and Rosemary's continued ties with the city will depend on which area he is assigned. John is minister of the Uniting Church and Rosemary is directress of St Kilda Council Kindergarten at the rear of 8 York St, West St Kilda. They have three children — Timothy 11„ Megan 9, and Shaun 7, all of whom attend St Kilda Park Primary School. Since the Grants have been in St Kilda, the two Methodist churches in the area have amalgamated and all services are now held at the Uniting Church on the corner of Chapel and Carlisle Sts. John has introduced three types of services to cater for all those attending, and aims at providing the opportunity for people to get together. The intergenerational service is run by parents with their children taking part in reading and other activities introduced to the service. This active participation by both parents and children is an alternative to the traditional Sunday School. A traditional service and a whole church celebration with special activites organised are also held at the church. John's approach is very "peopleorientated" and sensitive to the varying needs throughout the community. He has attempted to promote social contact as shown in the creation of a coffee area with partial rennovation of the church. Considerable work has been done on church properties in the area some of which are now leased so that the church is now financially selfsufficient. In terms of wider community involvement, John is a member of St
Kilda Community Group's executive and convenor of its accommodation committee. Until recently, John participated in preparing submissions to obtain the accommodation service at the community centre. He was also instrumental in establishing the budget advisory service. John is president of St Kilda Park Primary School council and, with a special interest in housing problems, a member of the Council for Homeless Persons. In her work at the kindergarten, Rosemary has taken a refreshing approach. She views the centre as a community resource which must be flexible to meet people's needs. Rosemary considers kindergarten as an extension of the family and encourages the participation of parents. A special fathers' night is held once a year which father and child spend time together in the kindergarten situation. Rosemary's involvement with St Kilda Park Primary has strengthened relationships between the kindergarten and the school and often reduces the anxiety felt by children in transferring to school. Since arriving in St Kilda, Rosemary has been involved in the Benevolent Society, a church based group distributing emergency relief in the area. In the time that they have been in St Kilda, John and Rosemary Grant have attempted to share their skills with people so that the programs they have introduced will become self generating. Their sensitive approach to other peoples' needs and their contribution to the community has been appreciated by many people in the area.
Since it began nearly 30 years ago St Kilda's Home Help service has grown into a department with a staff of 45.
Citizen's Advice Bureau Citizens' Advice Bureau helps the public contact particular services or organisations The bureau, at 158 C a r l i s l e St, p h o n e 5347226, is a free and confidential s e r v i c e providing information and referrals for all queries and problems. In the past year the CAB has handled 3374 telephone calls and personal i n q u i r i e s on everything from pensions to play-groups. The C.A.B. is staffed by volunteers trained in listening skills and knowledge of resources by the Institute of Social Welfare. Volunteers are needed for the training course. For further information contact the secretary, Lily Morissey, on 5346975.
In the past three months 632 people have been helped by the scheme. The service has a full-time supervisor, assistant supervisor and 43 home helps. The normal duties of the home help are household cleaning, cooking and washing and may include the care of young children. The service is available to residents in St Kilda regardless of their income, age or nationality. It is often provided to chronically ill and to elderly persons and to others who may need assistance around the home. Persons who wish to have assistance need a medical certificate from the doctor or the hospital they are attending. The certificate states the period for which assistance is needed and may be renewed after a given period. A sum is charged to contribute to the salary of the home help. The amount is worked out according to a person's ability to pay. A single pensioner will pay $1 an hour for home help. An extension of the home help service has been made in recent years to parents with mentally retarded or physically handicapped children. As the special needs of these young people are demanding of parents, the service aims to provide assistance to allow the parents to make some social contact. The charge made for home help to parents of mentally retarded and physically handicapped persons is 50 cents an hour. Enquiries about the service should be directed to the home help supervisor, Mrs Cuthbertson, at the Town Hall, phone 534 0251, Ext 243.
are Linda Arney, Heather Spierings, Felicity Browning and Helene Evans. St Kilda Council has hired three new staff members in its social work office in the past three months. The most recent of these was Helene Evans, who started work as family day care coordinator on March 28. Helene is a trained nursing aide who has worked at both the Royal Children's and Royal Women's hospitals. Last year she underwent primary teacher training at Toorak State College. Helene believes the family day care scheme is an essential child-care alternative, providing children with a stimulating
environment and p e r s o n a l attention. Helene feels that her skills and experience will help her in carrying out her demanding role. Heather Spierings is the kindergarten teacher who visits the homes of family day care minders and provides developmental activities' for children in care. Heather also helps to conduct playgroups in various parts of the municipality, and provides support to parents and childminders in their child rearing tasks. Heather started with the council on January 15 this year. Council's new social worker is Felicity Browning. Her back-
ground includes 2V2 years at Chelsea Council, and some time at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. She will be working mainly with the elderly — helping individuals with problems and developing new services. Felicity will also be involved with groups in the community and in-service training of C.A.B. volunteers. She joins Linda Arney, senior social worker who has been with the council for almost four years. Assistance with personal problems and counselling or referral are provided. Anyone wishing to see staff from the social work office should phone 534 0251, ext 236 for an appointment.
Volunteers bring meals Invalid or elderly residents of St Kilda who are unable to cook for themselves are provided with a meals on wheels service. The service, run by St Kilda Council, is designed to provide one substantial meal a day for those unable to cope through age or illness. Meals are prepared by the Southern Memorial Hospital and subsidised by council. Each person is charged 75 cents a meal. About 160 meals are distributed daily by volunteers.
• Meals on Wheels supervisor, Mrs Betty O'Dea, and two Elwood High School students with meals for the elderly.
Estimated income 1979 Rates $4,756,440 Council properties $543,200 Health and welfare $135,200 Government grants $1,000,300 Licence fees and miscellaneous receipts $315,000 Loan funds $2,392,500 $9,142,640
Estimated expenditure 1979 Road street construction and maintenance, street lighting .$1,716,400 Refuse collection $689,500 Health and welfare $738,500 Parks and gardens $573,500 Other council properties, Town Hall depot etc $900,000 Other works and services, by-laws, beach cleaning $546,900 Loan repayments $672,000 Contributions to fire brigade, other sundry grants $196,500 Administration $1,120,000 Transfer of funds $1,280,000 Land purchases and building projects $306,000 Library $434,700 $9,174,000 The budget advisory service is an educative service which teaches skills in handling money, understanding credit facilities, negotiating with creditors and undertaking and using banking facilities. The model of the service is adapted from a similar service which has operated in New Zealand since June, 1972. Trained volunteers work with a family or individual who are
City will spend $9m St Kilda Council is budgeting to spend more than $9 million in its 1978/79 financial year. Part of this projected expenditure will finance several new projects in the city. Road reconstructions already completed include Duke, Keats, Hertford and Jackson Sts, Avoca Crt, and Glenhuntly Rd. In the near future, Wimbledon Ave, Dalgety Lane and Charlotte Place projects will be commenced. As part of the Council's continuing program to update drainage systems, Ormond Rd, N.E. St Kilda and Acland St drains have been c o m p l e t e d . Other scheduled works include: Erindale Ave, Westbury, Stuart and Byron Sts.
Money advice requesting assistance in establishing a realistic budget. Referrals to the service are received by telephone and the coordinator allocates a volunteer to a family. The volunteer through successive visits, helps the family or individual establish an accurate record of all income and expenditure, establish a budget which covers essential expenditure and discharge debts. Support is given to the individual to nego-
tiate with creditors to obtain realistic repayment rates which can be coped with in the budget. Information on banking and credit practices is given. The service has low e s t a b l i s h m e n t and maintenance costs but its effectiveness rests on the recruitment and training of volunteers and co-ordination of those volunteers once trained. Any person interested in becoming a volunteer should phone 5345221 and leave a message.
There are 70 people on the volunteers' list but more are urgently needed. The service involves about two hours of work a day usually from 11.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Anyone who can help or anyone who cannot cope with cooking for themselves should contact the m e a l s on wheels supervisor, Mrs Betty O'Dea, between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. weekdays, phone 534 0251, ext 212. The regular volunteers are helped each day by two students each from Elwood High School and Christian Brothers' College. Students from Caulfield Grammar also help once a month.
Wheels driver is helped load hot food by volunteer Perc. Matthews.
Welfare groups co-ordinated St Kilda Community Group was formed to coordinate welfare and service organisations in the area. The Group hopes to involve residents in community activities and provide services where necessary.
Services coming under the group are:Citizens advice bureau — phone 534 7226 — at 158 Carlisle St, St Kilda, near the corner of Chapel St. Open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Information and referral service — personal and family difficulties, financial matters, illness and loneliness, pension enquiries, education and recreation. Free legal service — Appointments are made by phoning St Kilda Community Group 534 7227. The service is available 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, also 10.30 a.m. to noon on Fridays. Qualified solicitors in attendance. Accommodation service — phone 534 3044 — Irena Davis is employed as the accommodation officer. She aims to help people living in the St Kilda area (or who intend living there) to find permanent or reasonably long-term accommodation. A notice board at the centre provides up to date information on vacant flats and houses. She also administers a small bond fund to assist people in paying bonds and rent in advance. Youth services — phone 534 3044 — youth worker Dianne Otto, available at the community centre, cnr of Carlisle and Chapel Sts all day Monday and Wednesday and Friday afternoons. For the rest of the time, Dianne can be contacted at 1 St Leonards Av, phone 5341340. Community youth support scheme — phone 534 4432 — at 1 St Leonards Av, St Kilda, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, and Tuesday
evenings till 10. Provides groups, activities and support for young unemployed people. Project officers are Jane Hackett, Colin Robinson and Billi Mason. Occupational therapy — phone 5341340 — 1 St Leonards Av. Open 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. weekdays. Activities and groups are run for people who want to meet friends and learn new hobbies. Workers are Iris Neil, Karen Lundquist and Vicki Burton. Volunteer co-ordinator — phone 534 7227 — Ann Whyte is based at St Kilda Community Centre, cnr Carlisle and Chapel Sts, St Kilda, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer in the community or receiving a service from volunteers, contact Ann. St Leonards Av community activity centre — phone — 5341340 — 1 St Leonards Av, St Kilda. Every Friday is a drop-in day for St Kilda residents at the centre. Administrator — phone 534 7227 — Beata Peisker is the administrator of the St Kilda Community Group and can provide further information
Council grants St Kilda Council annually gives money to charitable and local community organisations. Any organisation seeking council funds should make a submission, including a financial statement, to the Town Clerk, City of St Kilda, Private Mail Bag No. 3, Post Office St Kilda 3182, before July 31, this year.
Free Immunisation The State Health Department and St Kilda Council provide free immunisation as a public health measure. Immunisation takes place on the first Wednesday in each month, February to December inclusive, at the following locations: St Kilda Town Hall 9.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. West St Kilda Infant Welfare Centre, 8 York st — 2 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. Elwood Infant Welfare Centre, 51 Broadway — 2.45 p.m. to 3.15 p.m. The revised schedule for the administration of the various types of immunisation is — At age two months triple antigen (diptheria/tetanus and whooping cough) and oral polio vaccine — first dose; four months — triple antigen and oral polio vaccine — second dose; six months — triple antigen and oral polio vaccine — third dose; 12 months — measles vaccine; 18 months — diptheria and tetanus; five years or year of school entry — diptheria, tetanus and oral polio vaccine; all girls 10-14 years (preferably in last year of primary school) — rubelle v a c c i n e ; 15-19 years or on leaving school — oral polio vaccine and tetanus toxoid. Sabin oral vaccine (poliomyelitis) is also available for adults. It is a course of four immunisations.
A library for leisure times More th*m 13,000 people belong! to St Kilda Public Library.
Membership is free to everyone who lives or works or attends school or owns rateable property in the City of St Kilda.
Membership is not limited to ratepayers, and there are no fees to join or borrow books ...just fill in an application form, and provide current proof of your eligibility. The library is in Carlisle St, opposite the Town Hall. It is open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; 10 a.m : to 5 p.m. Saturdays, and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays. The library is closed Wednesdays and public holidays. Phone 534 8028 for further information. The library has a collection of 90,000 books, records, cas-
settes, magazines, pamphlets and other materials. In 1977 St Kilda library received a special project grant of $5000 from the Library Council of Victoria to carry out an activities program for adults and children.
children's section and the community room. Materials bought have been mainly for children's and youth activities. They include film strips, cassettes and film s c r i p t s for d o - i t - y o u r s e l f theatre.
St Kilda Council has allocated supplementary funds which have been used to introduce an extra dimension to library service in St Kilda.
The essential part of every program is the people who make it happen. So part of each year's expenditure goes in fees to speakers, actors in children's theatre, puppeteers and clowns. Other expenditure is for the materials and staff time needed to prepare and present the programs. The library runs two adult programs during the year.
There is a community room which can seat 60. The room is available for use by local groups, as well as being the principal venue for library activities programs. The biggest initial expenses were equipment. The library has a 16mm film projector, a slide projector, a film strip projector and a screen. Audio equipment, already in use in the adult reading room was updated and extended to the
The most popular are held at 2.30 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month. These include films, talks, poetry readings and demonstrations of cookery, gardening and handicrafts.
Higher penalties for roaming dogs Dog owners can be given on-the-spot fines of up to $50 for allowing their dogs to roam St Kilda streets. Penalties and the powers' of courts have been increased by legislation recently adopted by the State Government.
Where, when in holidays
Children's activities are being held throughout the school holidays by St Kilda Council. Sunday — May 20: 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Catani Gardens, a family day, country and western music, hay rides, clowns, barbecue facilities. Monday — May 21: Brighton Rd Primary School: 9 a.m. quiet indoor and outdoor games, 11a.m. excursion (woodwork and cooking for those who Calendar of events: don't go). Venue: the zoo, afterMonday — May 14: noon excursion to library. OutBrighton Road Primary School — 9 a.m. outdoor games, door ball games, kites, indoor games. art craft activities, lunch, cookSt Kilda Library: 2.30 p.m. ing chocolate crackles, excursion to library, football, quiet in- storytime for young children, followed by art activities. door games. Tuesday — May 22: St Kilda Library: 2.30 p.m. Brighton Rd Primary School: storytime for children five to 9 a.m. make clown outfits and eight followed by art activities. fancy dress costumes. Archery, Tuesday — May 15: art craft activities, afternoon Brighton Road Primary snail race, potato printing. ExSchool: 9 a.m. craft activities, cursion to library. clay, painting, outdoor games, St Kilda Library: 2.30 p.m. lunch, craft activities (the cirfilm for children six to 11, "Zoo cus), excursion to library, Robbery". This film tells of how treasure hunt. a group of children recover a St Kilda Library: 2.30 p.m. yeti which has been kidnapped Film for children nine to 14 — "Avalanche". This film tells of a from London Zoo. Wednesday — May 23: mountain rescue after a group of Brighton Rd Primary School: children on holiday are trapped 9 a.m. art craft activities, by an avalanche. prepare for fancy dress afterWednesday — May 16: noon. 11.30 a.m. excursion to Brighton Road Primary Alma Park (take own lunch). School: 9 a.m. games, either Parks and Recreation: 1.30 outside or inside (snakes and p.m. to 5 p.m. at Alma Park: ladders, etc.), 11 a.m. leave for balloon day — handout of barbecue lunch at Pt Ormond. balloons, demonstration, life (Cooking and craft for those games, fancy dress competition, children who don't go.) clowns. Parks and Recreation: Point Thursday — May 24: Ormond from 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., Brighton Rd Primary School: kite making and flying, b.b.q. 9 a.m. cooking — scones and facilities, life games, clowns. pikelets with jam. Soap carving Thursday — May 17: and sewing, afternoon games, Prighton Rd Primary School: excursion to library, scavenger 9 a.m. kite flying, 10-12 a.m. ice hunt, outdoor and indoor games. skating, afternoon talk by a St Kilda Library: 2.30 p.m. league footballer, football and filmstrips using soundtracks netball. Drama and music (the made last week. If time permits circus). it, quiz game. St Kilda Library: 2.30 p.m. Friday — May 25: movie script reading. See the Brighton Rd Primary School: first part of a film, then take a 9 a.m. all day excursion. part reading the script. Hear St Kilda Library: 2.30 p.m. yourself as an actor. penny theatre — see stories perFriday —May 18: formed on a miniature stage. Brighton Rd Primary School: Sunday — May 27: 9 a.m. indoor and outdoor Parks and Recreation: 1.30 games, 10 to midday excursion p.m. to 5 p.m. at Peanut Farm to local fire brigade, afternoon Reserve: sports day — life football match, or team games. games, sports competitions, a St Kilda Library: 2.30 p.m. competition for decorated filmstrips for children six to bicycles. nine. "Monster Seeds" and For further information phone "Charlie and the Caterpillar". 534 0251. Art activities.
There will be something organised every day from May 14 to May 25.
Program for next month: Sunday, June 3 handicrafts demonstration.
The legislation made provision for council by-laws officers to issue onthe-spot fines and increased penalties handed down by courts. Some offences and penalties for which onthe-spot fines can be issued are:— an unregistered dog over the age of six months: twice the appropriate registration fee; — a dog wandering at large: day $25, night $50; — a dog found on the premises of a school or shop: $25; — a dog found in a shopping area except on a leash: $25; — a greyhound, outside the premises of owner, not muzzled or under control: $50; — a German shepherd, outside the premises of owner, either not muzzled or fitted with a choker chain and on a leash: $50; — a dog found on a beach area prohibited by council: $25. Dogs are prohibited from foreshore areas in St Kilda between November 1 to March 31. On-the-spot fines must be paid to council either at the Town Hall or by mail within 28 days from the date of the infringement notice. Failure to pay the fine within the specified date will result in the matter being brought before the court. Maximum penalties which can be imposed by the court are greater than those associated with on-the-spot fines. The legislation has increased the penalties which the court may hand down for all offences under the Act. In addition . . . — any person who wilfully omits or states incorrect information on a registration form is liable to a fine of $200; — a person who urges a dog to attack — maximum penalty of $250; — the owner of a dog which attacks a person is guilty of any offence with a maximum penalty of $200. The owner is also liable for damage; — any person who interferes with or removes a dog from the custody of the proper officer may be fined $250. All dogs over six months must be registered. St Kilda's fee for 1979 is $3 per dog and is due on April 10, or within six months from when the dog was born. St Kilda Council has prepared a circular about the new legislation and on-the-spot fines for distribution to all dog owners in the municipality at the time of payment of the registration fee. Copies of the notice are available from the cashier or the by-laws department. Further inquiries may be directed to the by-laws department, City of St Kilda, phone 534 0251, ext 248.
Kinder vacancies Vacancies exist for four year olds at the St Kilda Council Kindergarten at the rear of 8 York St, West St
Kilda. Mothers interested in enrolling children should contact the directress, Rosemary Grant, phone 5345280.
A film program is screened from 1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m. every second Thursday. Most films are shorts supplied by the State Film Centre and other agencies. All library programs are free, and all are welcome. A feature of the children's library is the display of cutout characters from books. These make the library a pleasant place to visit, and give an attractive introduction to some of the wide range of books. Staff in this section help children or parents to find books for recreational reading, or for school projects. There are children's books in French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Serbo-
Infant Welfare review St Kilda Council is reviewing its infant welfare service with special reference to the need for another centre in St Kilda to serve the North ward. Questionnaires will be distributed to mothers attending the Chapel St centre, and to mothers from St Kilda attending centres outside the area. The questionnaires are aimed at determining the factors which influence mothers' decisions to attend a particular centre, and the types of activities and facilities that should be provided. Council also wishes to take into account the views of mothers with children under six who are not attending welfare centre. As it is difficult to make contact with this group of mothers, comments about the service provided or any improvements which could be made would be gladly received. Comments about the need for a centre to serve the North ward area; or factors influencing mothers to attend or not attend an infant welfare centre; would be welcomed by Jan Rhodes at the Town Hall or phone: 534 0251, ext 208.
Croation, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian. Children can also play such games as battleships, isola, mastermind and chess, or put together jigsaws and similar puzzles. There is also a variety of toys which will keep young children occupied while parents get their books. Listening to cassettes of stories or music on cordless headphones is popular with children of all ages, and the range of available cassettes is growing. Filmstrips based on favorite children s books and fairy stories will be shown each afternoon. During the May school holidays, the library will run storytime sessions, art activities, films and movie script reading and the penny theatre. Ask at local schools for leaflets with full details during the last week of term.
Phone Contact Addresses and telephone numbers of St Kilda councillors, departments, associated organisations and Town Hall, cnr Carlisle St and Brighton Rd. • Main switchboard 5340251 to contact — accounts department, building office, by-laws and traffic department, city engineer's department, day nursery — Argyle St, North St Kilda, day nursery — Chapel St, family day care, health department, home help service, infant welfare centre — Chapel St, meals on wheels, rates department, social work office, town clerk's department and valuation department. • Depot (direct line) 5352367. • Cora Graves Elderly Persons' Recreation Centre, 5344702, 40 Blessington St, St Kilda 3182. • Infant Welfare Centre, 8 York Street, West St Kilda 3182, 5346971, 51 Broadway, Elwood 3184, 916118. • Kindergarten, rear 8 York St, West St Kilda 3182, 5344835. • Councillors: (North Ward) Cr. Elaine Miller, 19 Westbury Grove, Balaclava 3183, 5272863; Cr. Alexander Gillon, 34 Gurner St, St Kilda 3182, 5344094; Cr. Clarence King, 54 Wilgah St, Balaclava 3183, 5274816. • West ward — Cr. Alan Bawden, 120 Mitford St, Elwood 3184, 915857; Cr. George Irving, 3 Cowderoy PI, St Kilda 3182, 5342149; Cr. Helen Halliday, 2/94 Park St, St Kilda 3182, 5346804. • Central ward — Cr. Robert Browning, 90 Chaucer St, St Kilda 3182, 5341945; Cr. Mary Jelbart, 48 Burnett St, St Kilda 3182, 5345830; Cr. Brian Slattery, 39 Blessington St, St Kilda 3182, 5347091. • South ward — Cr. Kenneth Barker, 2 Somers St, St Kilda 3182, 3121611; Cr. Brian Zouch (Mayor), 142 Tennyson St, Elwood 3184, 912207; Cr. Ray Manning, 32 Austin Ave, Elwood 3184, 911020. • St Kilda Welfare Organisation, 158 Carlisle St, St Kilda 3182 (mailing address). • St Kilda Community Group, cnr Carlisle and Chapel Sts, St Kilda 3182, 5347227. • Citizens Advice Bureau, 158 Carlisle St, St Kilda 3182, 5347226. • Police: 88 Chapel St, St Kilda 3182, 5348121 or 5341617; 53 Broadway, Elwood, 916077. • Fire brigade: 911106. • Ambulance: 6622533.
Dalgety Street area Traffic Study A successful public meeting, chaired by the Mayor, Cr. Brian Zouch, was held on 11th April, 1979, to discuss traffic problems in the Dalgety Street area. The area includes Dalgety, Burnett and Gurner Sts, and Emilton Ave. At the meeting the City Engineer, Mr M. Verhoeven, outlined the results of a number of traffic surveys with particular emphasis on infiltration of side streets by through traffic. The meeting agreed to form a Study Committee, made up of 8
residents, 3 West Ward Councillors and the City Engineer. The Committee will liaise with other residents and will recommend to the Council any traffic improvements which may alleviate the present problems, meetings of the Committee are open to all residents from the area and will be held in the main Committee Room at St Kilda Town Hall on the following dates: Tuesday, 29th May, 1979; Tuesday 19th June, 1979; Tuesday 10th July, 1979; and Tuesday 31st July, 1979. Meetings commence at 8 p.m. Any resident wishing to obtain further information can contact the Traffic Investigations Engineer, Mr P. Seamer, telephone 5340251, Ext. 255.