ST. K I L D A today
December 1980
Official Journal of the Council of the City of St Kilda
CHRISTMAS GREETINGS The Mayor, Cr. Clarrie King and the Councillors of the City of St Kilda wish all residents a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Children at St. Kilda Council's Kindergarten in York Street, West St. Kilda, were busy last week making Christmas unuaren ai si. mm* ^ O U I U ' d e c o r a t i o n s B r e a d y f o r t h e i r celebration at the end of the year.
WHArS INSIDE • Estimates 1980/81 • St. Kilda Councillors • Revaluations
STOP PRESS: • Council Voting • St. Kilda's Health Department • Recreation Roundabout
• • • • • • • • • H i
The Council will be running Summer Holiday Programmes again in January 1981. There's lots of fun and games for all ages, so collect a programme of activities from the Town Hall, Library or your local school. They will be available at these locations in mid-December.
f St. Kilda Personality)
"SISTER VAL" A MOTHER'S FRIEND a 1 Davis r> Q\7ia isia well-known \irol 1 .lrnnwnto tnmany mnnv Val mothers in St.Kilda. She leads an active life in the community and is very prominent in the successful running of the Programme Two Child Minding Centre. 'Sister Val' as she is known, has been involved in the Centre since the idea of 'Programme Two' was first presented to the All Saints Congregation by the Rev. John Pilmer, over ten years ago. It was suggested that the first programme of the Church was to administer to people's spiritual needs. In addition, that these ideals should be put into practice by reaching out into the community to help and care for others — thus the name 'Programme Two'. It is a handy coincidence that All Saints Church is located at 2 Chapel Street, St.Kilda. The main aspects of Programme Two are the childminding centre and the art group - • both of these operating for 10 years. The Art Group is run by another member of the Davis Family, Val's husband Jack. The group which meets every Wednesday night at All Saints is a great place to meet others while learning to draw and paint, and discuss art in general. The Programme Two child minding centre is staffed by Val Davis, a qualified nursing sister and six other regular helpers — all of whom are unpaid for their work at the centre. The service is designed for non-working mothers and caters for babies and children up to Kindergarten age. The centre is open Thursdays and Fridays, except school holidays, 9.15 a.m. to
SHORT CHANGED? The South Eastern Suburbs Weights and Measures Union covers the municipalities of St. Kilda, Brighton, Caulfield, Malvern, Oakleigh and Sandringham. Inspectors employed by the Union must check all weights, measures, weighing and measuring instruments used in trade throughout the community on a regular basis. Bread and pre-packaged goods must also be checkea not only for correct weight but for correct markings on packages, packing in non-standard sizes, incorrect size of print and other marking requirements. If you have any queries involving the sale of pre-packaged foods, or the use of petrol pumps or scales, please contact the South Eastern Suburbs Weights and Measures Union on 528 6340.
TRIBUTE TO RAY MANNING The Council has named the reserve on the corner of Hotham St. and Brighton Rd., the Ray Manning Reserve in tribute to the sixteen years he served on the Council and for his untiring work for the residents of the South Ward.
Ay« J - St. Ktkla May
11.30 a.m. It provides children with a great opportunity to mix with others before enrolling in Kindergarten, and gives parents a small amount of time to themselves for shopping, appointments or just a well-earned rest. Activities with songs and dancing are held for the children and occasional coffee mornings for the mothers. The service is free although mothers may make a donation if they wish. Some of the mothers help with the jumble stalls to raise money for the running of the group. The child minding centre is not a St. Kilda Council project although donations are made to the centre in recognition of its value in the community. Married with three children, Val has a full appreciation of all the joys and problems of family life. Through her compassionate understanding of
NEW COUNCILLOR An extraordinary election was held for the South Ward on Saturday, 9th November, to fill the vacancy created by the death of Cr. Ray Manning. Keith McGregor has been elected to Council for the South Ward following the death of Cr Ray Manning. Cr. McGregor defeated Len Baggott, by 981 votes to 534, after the distribution of preferences of the other candidates Colin George and Maurice Home.
DOGS ON BEACHES: Dog owners are reminded that dogs are prohibited from Elwood and St. Kilda beaches from 1st November to 31st March. Council By-Laws Officers regularly patrol the beachfront area and will issue a $25 on the spot fine to any owner with a dog on the beach during this period.
ST. KILDA FESTIVAL 1981 Plans are underway for St Kilda Festival 1981 to be held during the weekend of March 28-29.
mothers. Val has made an invaluable contribution to the Programme Two Child Minding Centre. Not only is Val a useful community resource being able to put parents into contact with a wide range of services in the area, but she offers a friendly face and a willing ear when often mothers find there is no one else to talk to. Val's belief in making the most out of life really shines through in her attitude to the child minding centre and her other activities in the community. In recognition of her work for the St. Kilda Branch of the Royal Childrens Hospital Auxiliary, she was awarded Honorary Life Governorship by the Hospital. For many years now, Val, together with about fourteen other ladies, has worked in the Hospital's gift shop and kiosk, and carried out other activities to raise money for the Hospital. Another important aspect of Val's life is her work as the Official Ballet Examination Pianist for the Cecchetti method of Ballet. In this role she travels all around Victoria and plays in ballet schools throughout Melbourne. She also has much pleasure in playing the organ at weddings and social functions. Val Davis is a very energetic person, a great believer in giving of yourself to get things done. Her love for children is revealed in many aspects of her life such as Programme Two, Ballet and her family. Val's caring attitude and dedication in all that she does has benefitted many in the community.''Thank you Sr. Val!"
As in this year's successful two-day festival, it is aimed to feature as many local artists, musicians, dancers, vocalists and other entertainers as possible. The organisers would like to hear from St Kilda residents interested in participating and further information is available from Rosemary Black at St Kilda Town Hall, phone 534 0251. • • • HELP FOR DISABLED: Council's Home Help Service has been extended in recent years to parents with mentally or physically handicapped children at home. Home Helps providing this service are specially trained in the care of handicapped children. Assistance is provided with necessary household duties such as cooking, washing and cleaning, with the care of other children in the family, and most importantly with the care of the handicapped child. The service aims to provide assistance to allow the parent to make some social contact. Enquiries regarding the service should be made to the Home Help Office at the Town Hall, Telephone 534 0251.
- There
to Help
ST. KILDA COUNCIL'S HEALTH DEPARTMENT Collecting samples of food manufactured in St. Kilda, registering boarding houses, carrying out immunization programmes and handling complaints are only some of the many varied tasks performed by St. Kilda's Health Department. The Department consists of the Chief Health Surveyor, Mr. Crocker, the Medical Officer of Health, three other Health Surveyors, and a receptionist. The work of the Department largely focuses on protecting the community through maintaining certain health and safety standards. The Municipality is divided into three areas for the Health Department's activities. The Surveyors rotate between these areas throughout the year. The Chief Health Surveyor's main duties are to supervise the work of the other Surveyors, to deal with administrative matters and to direct the investigation of complaints made to the Department. Registrations: Inspection and registration of premises is one of the major areas of work for the Health Department. All apartment and boarding houses, eating houses, food premises, hairdressers, chiropodists, tattooists and earpiercing premises are inspected at least three times a year. The Medical Officer of Health inspects offensive trades in the municipality such as bottle yards and poultry killing houses. All of these premises must register with the Department annually. Inspections focus on matters such as overcrowding, the size of rooms, cleanliness and disinfection, food contamination and insect infestations. Well-defined standards must be attained before registration is granted. The Health Surveyors also carry out night inspections of eating houses to check on methods of food preparation, storage and cleanliness. Food Sampling: Throughout the year the Health Department carries out a sampling programme of food manufactured in St Kilda. This activity involves goods produced by butchers, pastry cooks, smallgoods and drink manufacturers, and dairies. During food sampling, the surveyors must purchase defined quantities of the particular item being tested. Of the three samples taken, one is frozen and kept by the Department as a reference sample in case the matter is taken to Court; one is returned to the proprietor for his own record; and the third is sent for analysis to determine if the standards set down by the State Government in the Food, Drugs and Substances Regulations are being met. Following the analyst's report to Council, if the sample fails to conform to the Regulations, Council initiates prosecution proceedings. In the past twelve months, 163 items were sampled. Of these, 11 were found
to be adulterated and the proprietors were subsequently prosecuted. From time to time, quantities of contaminated food and dangerous articles must be seized and removed from sale to protect the community. The Health Department works in cooperation with the Victorian Health Commission in emergency situations involving widespread contamination of food supplies. The Department is also involved in tracing people in St Kilda, mainly travellers, wno have contracted or have come into contact with others with infectious diseases. As in the case of food contamination, quick action is important to limit as much as possible the number of people who may be affected.
Immunization: An immunization programme is run every year at which the Health Surveyors assist the Medical Officer of Health. Immunization sessions for infants are held on the first Wednesday of each month from February to December at the St. Kilda Town Hall, 9.00 a.m. to 10 a.m., West St. Kilda Infant Welfare centre, 8 York Street, at 2 p.m. — 2.30 p.m., and at Elwood Infant Welfare Centre, 51 Broadway at 2.45 p.m. — 3.15 p.m. All schools in St. Kilda are visited at least once a year. In addition, the Department assists the Health Commission with its immunization programme of school children against tuberculosis. Vermin Control: One other aspect of the Department's work of maintaining health standards is the control of vermin such as rats and mice. Although a pest control firm is contracted to service the beachfront area, the health surveyors must make regular inspections of the area. Similarly, prior to the demolition of any building the premises must be inspected for vermin and baited if necessary, before a clearance certificate may be issued. The surveyors are also available with advice on ilea or
other insect infestations which may be a problem to residents. Complaints: The Health Department investigate a large number of complaints received from residents through the year — mainly in relation to garbage and refuse, noise from neighbours, drainage and sewerage. All complaints whether made in person, by mail or telephone are given the earliest possible attention. If you have any queries relating to any of the above matters, contact the Health Department at the Town Hall on 534 0251 Ext. 247.
ST. KILDA FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC 100 Wellington Street, St. Kilda. Tuesdays — 4.30 to 7.00 p.m. The St. Kilda Family Planning Clinic at Wellington House is a free service provided by the Health Commission. It is staffed by a medical practitioner and a nursing sister trained in family planning. The services provided include: • family planning • contraception • pregnancy testing • cancer smear test • Rubella immunisation • advice on infertility problems • testing and treatment transmitted diseases.
of sexually
The Clinic also provides referrals for help in more complex sexual problems. The service is free and strictly confidential. Appointments can be made by telephoning Marlene on 51 1592 or 51 1593 Monday to Friday — 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
St. KMa
Revaluation Reflects Increased Property Values Valuations are the essential basis of the financial structure of every municipality in Victoria. The rating system is the most important source of revenue for any Victorian municipality. Rates are made and levied on the basis of property values, and the ascertaining of those property values is therefore an important part of local government work. The rate notices being issued by all Metropolitan Councils for the current year are based on a metropolitan wide revaluation which is in accordance with the Valuation of Land Act. The valuation reflects market trends over the prescribed four year valuation period from June 1974 to June 1978. The new valuations came into force on 1st October, 1980. Providing no physical changes are made to a property these valuations remain unchanged for that property until 30th September, 1984. These dates are set by the Valuer-General under State legislation. PROPERTY VALUES INCREASE: St. Kilda's City Valuer, Les Cooper, together with other valuation staff
have revalued 28,083 rateable properAn analysis of the various commerties in the municipality by on-site in- cial properties indicates that the spections and analysis of property sales average increase in shops has been information. St. Kilda's rates are 67%, offices 33%, and hotels 37%. based on the Net Annual Value which However, there were substantial inhas increased by 45% on the valuation creases in banks of 102%, nursing carried out four years ago. homes 106% and Special Accommodation Houses of 119%. The City Valuer in his report to Council analysed the movement in valuation for 29 various property OBJECTIONS TO VALUATIONS: categories. Of the 5115 assessments It should be borne in mind that the whicn relate to houses, the valuations extent of the Valuer's responsibility exrevealed an increase of 55% in property values. However, some areas in West tends only to the assessment of the St. Kilda showed increases up to 76%. respective values, and therefore only genuine grievances against THE VALUATION itself can be considered. The report also revealed that there The rate levied upon any valuation is are 6726 own-your-own flats which is completly beyond the province of the an increase in this category of Valuer concerned. 1,335 as compared with the 1976 valuation. The majority of this increase is St. Kilda's City Valuer is available attributable to strata-titling of existing to discuss the valuation of your rental blocks. The average increase in property if any further information is Net Annual Value has been approx- required. Appeals against the valuaimately 41%. tion in accordance with the Valuation of Land Act 1960 should be lodged on A similar increase has occurred in the prescribed form by Monday, 12th rental flats which are assessed January, 1981. separately from O-Y-O flats for rating Enquiries: Valuer's Office, Town purposes. There are 13,008 properties Hall. Phone 534 0251. in the rental flat category.
Rate Notices for 1980/81 were distributed in Mid-November. Unless you are paying rates by instalments, the full amount must be paid on or before 10th April, 1981, to avoid incurring interest at 12% which is calculated from the date the rate becomes due, being 10th December, 1980. RATE INSTALEMENTS: Rates may be paid in four instalments. Application to pay by this method must be received by 31st December, which is the due date for the first instalment. Other instalments fall due on 28th February, 31st May and 31st August. INTEREST AT 12% IS AUTOMATICALLY INCURRED FOR ALL RATE MONIES RECEIVED AFTER THE DUE DATE.
4 - St. KfUa
St. Kilda's Rata Collector, Bob Marlln (right) and Assistant Rata Collactor Brian Murphy.
PENSIONER RATE REBATES: Pensioner Rate assistance is available to holders of a travel concession card. Eligible persons will receive up to a maxium of $120 rebate of the amount due for municipal rates. Previously there was no maximum, however, recent State legislation has imposed the $120 limit. Applications for assistance should be made to the Rate Office at the Town Hall. Persons who have previously lodged an application for rate assistance and who still fulfil the eligibility criteria do not have to re-apply. If, however, there has been a change in eligibility, or in the number of persons liable to pay rates for the particular property, Council should be notified, in writing, within two months.
COUNCIL STRIKES RATE COUNCIL FINANCES 1980-81 Following a series of lengthy meetings to consider the Estimates for 1980/81, interest-free loan by the Department of St Kilda Council at a special meeting held on 10th November, struck a rate of Youth, Sport and Recreation and a 11.25 cents in the dollar on the net annual valuation of rateable properties. two-thirds contribution from Council funds. The minimum rate was fixed at $120. Council has recognised the demand The rate set by Council is equivalent Road and footpath maintenance, for a second elderly person's recreation to an increase of 12.5% of rate revenue Channel cleansing including lane centre in the municipality and has from 1979/80. The minimum rate was clearing will require the provision of in made provision for further funds of increased by $15. excess of $590,000 in the forthcoming $50,000 towards this goal. The increases compare favourably year. The Public Library expenditure over with those of other metropolitan PROPOSED WORKS the next year is estimated to be municipalities, some of which rose by Loan funds being made available by $496,000. To offset this expenditure a 17% with minimum rates of $195. The the Commercial Bank of Australia, St government grant of $164,000 is made increase followed heavy pruning of pro- Kilda Branch, Council's bankers for jects which eliminated several million over 100 years, will enable the Council to the Council. The Council's programme to updollars of works and projects from the to carry out a number of important grade the infant welfare centres will be original Estimate proposals. road and drainage projects throughout continued in the ensuing year with an The total expenditure for the municipality. extension to the Elwood Centre to estimated to be $11 million which It is anticipated that the Bank will provide for playgroup activities. The provides for maintaining the Council's make available to Council $670,000 work which is subject to the approval existing services and allows for a repayable over a 15 year period. This of the State Health Commission is eslimited number of new projects. continues the ready support given to timated to cost $37,000. Council by the C.B.A. in times when a SERVICES IN DEMAND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT number of councils are experiencing Expenditure on existing services difficulty in obtaining loan funds. As in previous years, a number of with a substantial labour component Works projects listed for completion both experimental and permanent has reflected anticipated increases in wages and associated costs such as in 1981 include road and footpath traffic management works are planworkers compensation and superan- works in Cintra Avenue, Lyell Street, ned. This year permanent works will nuation. This is particularly noticeable Ormond Road, Broadway and St Kilda be carried out in Robe, Cavell and Village Belle and Carlisle Tennyson Streets, and experimental in services such as home help, the day Roads, Streets, at an estimated total cost of projects undertaken in Acland Street, nurseries, refuse collection and parks $283,000. Drainage projects costing Mitford [itford Street and Inkerman/Westand gardens. $476,000 will be carried out in The demand for the home help ser- Acland/Robe Streets, John/Byron bury Streets. The estimated total cost vice has increased substantially over Streets, Moore Street, Crimea Street, of these traffic management works is the past two years to the extent that Westbury Street and Clyde/Fawkner $96,000. INCOME expenditure this year is expected to be Streets. To offset ever-increasing costs, in the vicinity of $262,000 to render apRECREATION Council has been forced to increase the proximately 40,000 hours of assistance. Council is continuing its established charges for a number of services, inIncome from Government subsidy and fees charged leaves a net cost to Coun- policy of purchasing land for cluding the rents of Council properties. The $696,000 received from the neighbourhood recreation areas and cil of $51,000. Expenditure on the two day this year has set aside $150,000 for the Commonwealth Government under nurseries will be in excess of $272,000. purchase of land in Elwood. Last year, the tax-sharing arrangement is a subThe need for meals on wheels in the land off Grey Street in West St Kilda stantial increase on last year's grant of $486,000, and is the largest single item community is reflected in an expen- was purchased for this purpose. Negotiations have commenced with of revenue apart from rates. diture increase over last year of $32,000 Other Government grants towards to an estimated figure of $103,000. the Judaean League in Alma Road, opDespite Government subsidy and posite Alma Park, with a view to a health, welfare and community serrevenue from recipients, Council sub- joint management arrangement for the vices total $780,000. A new charge introduced for 1980/81 sidises each meal by just over 57 cents. use of the swimming pool at the It is expected that over 50,000 meals League's centre. Subject to the agree- is a garbage charge of $50 in respect of will be delivered in the next 12 months. ment, Council anticipates spending properties that are exempt from rates Refuse collection and disposal will $50,000 in upgrading the pool to cater under the Local Government Act, but cost the Council $836,000 which repre- for local schools and the public. It is which avail themselves of Council's sents approximately 1.5 cents in the envisaged that special times will be refuse collection service. This is exreserved for the Ajax Swimming Club pected to raise $10,000 in the coming dollar. year. Maintenance of parks and gardens and private coaching sessions. A charge of $3 has also been inAs the result of an extensive survey throughout the municipality, including playgrounds, foreshore areas carried out on the Foreshore from West troduced for the issue of Residents' and beach cleaning, will absorb St Kilda to Elwood, in excess of Parking Permits. This charge has been $708,000 in 1980/81. To this must be $90,000 has been provided to upgrade necessary to offset the administrative added the street horticultural ac- the Foreshore area, extensive planting costs associated with issuing the permits and the cost of policing the pertivities covering tree pruning, watering and associated works. Following the completion of the mits. and maintenance together with the upThe new and increased charges were keep of street medians and traffic Elwood Park Pavilion last year, Council has made provision to commence not introduced without lengthy conislands to the value of $150,000. Council's payments to Statutory reconstruction of the Peanut Farm sideration. However, Council is conauthorities sucn as the Metropolitan complex in the latter part of the finan- scious of the fact that without the availability of sufficient funds, it Fire Brigade and S.E.C. are estimated cial year. The works are expected to cost in the would not be possible to maintain curat $370,000. Whilst the Council's repayment of loans will absorb a vicinity of $300,000 which will be rent programmes or to provide a • • financed by way of a grant and reasonable amount of new works. further $830,000.
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St. KMda
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ST. KILDA CITY COUNCIL — 1980/81 NORTH W A R D : THE MAYOR — Cr. Clarrie King, Telephone: 527 4816. First Elected : Dec, 1976 Term Expires : August, 1981 Cr. Elaine Miller, Telephone: 592 2 9 7 0 First Elected : August, 1976 Term Expires : August, 1982 Cr. Sam Taylor, Telephone: 534 8 0 8 1 First Elected : August, 1980 Term Expires : August, 1983
i - St. KHda
WEST W A R D : Cr. Helen Halliday, Telephone: 5 3 4 6 8 0 4 First Elected : February, 1975 Term Expires : August, 1981 Cr. Colin Bell, Telephone: 534 7063 First Elected : August, 1979 Term Expires : August, 1982
CENTRAL W A R D : Cr. Brian Slattery, Telephone. 534 7091 First Elected : August, Term Expires : August, Cr. Robert Browning, Telephone 5 3 4 1945 First Elected : August, Term Expires August,
Cr. George Irving, Telephone: 537 1 149 First Elected : August, 1977 Term Expires : August, 1983
Cr. Mary Lou Jelbart, Telephone. 534 5 8 3 0 First Elected : October. 1978 Term Expires : August, 1983
1978 1981
1977 1982
SOUTH W A R D : Cr. Keith McGregor, Telephone: 531 3339 First Elected : November, 19! Term Expires : August, 1981 Cr. Ken Barker, Currently on Leave of absence due to ill health. First Elected : August, 1976 Term Expires : August, 1982 Cr. Brian Zouch, Telephone: 531 2207 First Elected : April, 1968 Term Expires : August, 1983.
New regulations now in force in Victoria require all loads on trucks and trailers to be covered or secured. Amendments to the Motor Car Act operative from July 1st 1980 stipulate that all loads must be secured by ropes, tarpaulins or nets to prevent littering. Penalties under the Amendment include:• A maximum fine of $72.00 for a first offence, and • A maximum fine of $180 and/or 3 months imprisonment for a second or subsequent offence. Under the Act, police, municipal officers and inspectors from the Transport Regulation Board are empowered to enforce the regulations. In addition, police and muncipal officers under the Road Traffic and Litter Acts can impose a $50 On the Spot fine on any person who discards litter from a vehicle.
By-Laws are essentially local laws made to meet the particular needs of each municipality. Councils may make by-laws on a wide range of subjects specified in the Local Government Act and other Acts. The power to make bylaws is conferred on Council by Parliament. St. Hilda's By-Law No. 194 governing the use of incinerators within the area aims at ensuring both the safety and comfort of residents while allowing for materials to be disposed of through incineration. Important points for residents to remember are:• Incinerators should be made of brick, stone, concrete cement or metal and fitted with a lid and spark arrestor. • They should be at least 1.5 metres (5 feet) from the nearest point of any fence, boundary of any adjoining property or street, and at least 3 metres from any building. There should be a cleared space of 1.5 metres on all sides of the incinerator. • Incinerators should only be lit after 11 a.m. and must be extinguished before 6 p.m. Residents should take care not to incinerate any material that would be a nuisance to other persons by way of smoke, fumes, grit, soot or ash. Many garden materials such as leaves and grass cuttings can be composted to make valuable mulch for use in garden beds. There are regular waste paper collections held throughout St. Kilda during the year and these provide a better and cleaner way for disposing of newspapers than through incineration. Council officers authorised under the By-Law may direct any person causing a nuisance or endangering others by using an incinerator to immediately extinguish the fire. Any person guilty of an offence under the By-Law is liable to a penalty up to $100. If you have any queries regarding the use of incinerators in St. Kilda, please contact the By-Laws Office, at the Town Hall — telephone 534 0251, Ext. 250.
All dogs over the age of 6 months must be registered w i t h St. Kilda Council by 10th April, 1981. Fees due are:-
Sterilized dogs -$5.00 Unsterilized dogs $8.00 Pensioners' Concession (available on production of appropriate proof):-
Sterilized dogs Unsterilized dogs
$3.00 -$6.00
The By-Laws Office will send a new registration form to all owners w i t h dogs currently registered. Owners of dogs not previously registered must make application to the By-Laws Office at Town Hall. The Owner's name and address must be endorsed on the dog's registration collar which must be worn at all times when the dog is outside the premises of its owner. On The Spot fines up to $ 5 0 . 0 0 apply under the Dog Act.
St. KHda
Recreatioii^toiindabout DISCOVER YOUR PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS In this issue of St. Kilda Today we are continuing our series of articles featuring recreational opportunities in St. Kilda. The next few issues will concentrate on St. Kilda's parks and playgrounds and other more passive recreational opportunities^ BLESSINGTON STREET GARDENS. Situated in the centre of St. Kilda, the garden is an area of historical, horticultural and recreational interest. The Gardens represent a fine example of a Victorian public garden, with an intricate system of paths and many garden beds of different shapes and sizes. Of special interest is the Alister Clark Memorial Rose Garden, established in the 1930's and represents a special collection of rose varieties. The best time to see the roses is now, between October and March. The Hothouses contain an interesting collection of floral displays and indoor plants, and are rated amongst the best in Victoria. The Gardens also feature a great variety of trees, both exotic and native. A leaflet produced by the Council, describing some of these historical and horticultural aspects of the Gardens is available from the gardens or the Town Hall. Call in and pick one up, and spend a pleasant afternoon wandering around the gardens, or take the kids down and have a picnic. PAKINGTON STREET RESERVE One of Council's aims is to acquire land throughout the municipality to develop new playgrounds and parks. One example is Pakington Street Reserve, a place where you can just sit and relax, play chess or draughts on the chess table, kick a ball around or play on the brightly coloured play equipment.
LIBRARY AND TOWN HALL GARDENS Just down the road from this Reserve is a small area behind the Library with lay equipment, and in front of the ibrary there is an attractive forecourt and grassed area — for relaxing, talking, eating your lunch, reading or just watching the hustle and bustle of Carlisle Street. Across the road from the Library are the Town Hall Gardens which feature colourful floral displays and well-kept lawns and graceful trees, making it a pleasant place to wander through or just sit in.
Council is keen to encourage all eligible persons to take part in Council elections by casting their vote.
cards to occupiers of premises, it is dependent on the full cooperation of residents to update its records.
Under the Local Government Act, which governs all municipalities in Victoria, persons eligible to vote in Council elections must be at least 18 years of age and—
The Municipal Voters' Rolls are prepared annually and close in May. Residents are urged to ensure that they appear on the roll and that the detail included is correct. The rolls may be inspected at the Rate Office at the Town Hall at any time during office hours. Copies of the rolls are also available in the St. Kilda Public Library.
• the owner or occupier of rateable property in the munincipality, or • the spouse of a person enrolled in respect of the matrimonial home of the couple, if the spouse is not otherwise elegible to be enrolled; • the nominee of a corporation which owns or occupies rateable property in the municipality. Due to the notification received by Council when a property is purchased, property owners are automatically placed on the Voters' Roll. However, this does not mean that Council elections only concern property owners. Council has limited records of tenants in the area and is totally reliant on tenants to notify Council where they live in order to include their name on the Voters' Roll. Although Council initiates a number of steps including sending enquiry
ST. KILDA ROSTRUM This is an ideal way to improve your abilities and self-confidence at public speaking and to meet new people. St. Kilda Rostrum is an active, established club whose aims are to promote better public speaking and chairmanship. They meet every Tuesday evening at 6.15 p.m. in the Musicians Club, 65 Wellington Street, Windsor. The Club is open to males and females of all ages, and new members and visitors are extremely welcome. Contact Adrienne Cohen on 531 2737.
In order to vote your name must be on the Voters' Roll.
• The Municipal Roll is not the roll used for State and Federal Elections. • You do not have to be an Australian Citizen in order to be enrolled. It is in your interest to ensure that you are correctly recorded in the Council's records. All enquiries regarding eligibility to vote at Council elections and Voters' Rolls should be directed to the Rate Office at the Town Hall, phone 5 3 4 0 2 5 1 Ex. 219.
Printed Web Offset by Standard Newspapers Ltd., 10 Park Rd., Cheltenham.