Divercity #61 February/March 2012

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the official newsletter of the city of port phillip | issn 1328-0309 | issue 61 feb/mar 2012


‌ w e n g n i h t e m o s St Kilda Festival Live N Local program inside

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip



This edition of Divercity celebrates getting involved in community. It’s packed with ideas and opportunities for you to try something new in 2012. We start by applauding the contribution of volunteers with the recipients of the 2011 civic awards. Zoe Hogg, Peter Goad and Gio Fitzpatrick are leading examples of the commitment and enthusiasm that abounds in our community. Their message to all of us is clear — getting involved in your community can make a real difference in your life and the lives of others. Why not make 2012 the year that you do something new in the community? This Divercity contains many ways to get involved, from bee keeping to cleaning up the neighbourhood, even going out on a date or five. Scan through the liftout courses and classes guide; it lists hundreds of activities that happen locally in our community centres and other facilities. February is also an active time in Port Phillip. Aside from the high profile St Kilda Festival, there are also other carnivals on the calendar. The Scout About South Melbourne Street Fair on 19 February, Albert Park Carnival on 23 February and the Port Melbourne Community Carnival on 25 February will be great local family events. The New Year also sees progress in many important Council projects. Tenders are being finalised for the Liardet Street Family and Children’s Centre, the St Kilda Marina Reserve and the environmentally friendly roof for the South Melbourne Market. Councillors are starting the year with a series of conversation tents in local shopping strips (see adjoining story for details). We’d love to see you at the tents and hear what you have to say.

Mayor Cr Rachel Powning, City of Port Phillip

Open houses for open minds

In coming months leading faith figures will explore issues at free open house events to be held at Temple Beth Israel, the Carmelite Centre and the Hare Krishna Temple. There will also be an Indigenous guided walk with Aunty Carolyn Briggs, Boon Wurrung elder. The open house events Carmelite Centre Thursday 23 February, 7–9 pm 214 Richardson Street, Middle Park ‘Building Community Through Sport and Recreation’, with Peter Cullen, founder of RecLink Australia Temple Beth Israel Sunday 18 March 2012, 3–6 pm 76–82 Alma Road, St Kilda ‘A Jewish Life: Birth and Death, Marriage and Bar Mitzvah’, with Rabbi Fred Morgan and others. Jewish music and dancing.


The 606 bus, which departs from Elsternwick Station, will now travel through Elwood, St Kilda and Albert Park to Port Melbourne. This extended route will provide connections to Elwood Village and Elwood College, Acland Street, St Kilda Beach, Gasworks Park, Albert Park College and Fishermans Bend industrial precinct, and terminate at Port Melbourne. Services will run every 40 minutes from 6 am to 7 pm weekdays, from 8 am to 7 pm Saturdays, and 9 am to 7 pm via Port Melbourne Sundays. 1

Route 606

Albert Park College Gasworks Park

St Kilda Beach

This open house series has been organised by the Port Phillip Faith Network. For all enquiries and bookings, contact Cristina Del Frate on 9209 6385 or email cdelfrat@portphillip.vic.gov.au.

Conversation tents near you Meet your local Councillors in a conversation tent and share your thoughts about what the Council is doing. Elwood Farmers Market Saturday 4 February, 8.30–11.30 am

Fishermans Bend

Port Melbourne

Hare Krishna Temple Thursday 17 May, 7.30–9.00 pm 197 Danks Street, Albert Park Vegetarian masterclass led by Kurma. Learn how to create delicious vegetarian dishes.

Gasworks Farmers Market Saturday 18 February, 8.30–11.30 am

Council strongly welcomes the more frequent and extended 606 bus service that links Elsternwick to Fishermans Bend.

Indigenous Guided Walk with Aunty Carolyn Briggs, Boon Wurrung Elder Sunday 22 April, 10 am–12 pm Starts from St Kilda West Beach (cnr Beaconsfield Parade and Pier Road)

Bay Street (outside Coles) Saturday 11February, 9.00 am–12.00 pm

Council pays its respects to the people and elders, past and present, of Yalukit Willam and the Kulin Nation. We acknowledge and uphold their relationship to this land.

Better north–south bus link

Elwood College/Elwood Village Elsternwick Railway Station

Council meetings now on Tuesdays The public is welcome at all ordinary council and statutory planning committee meetings, which are now held on Tuesdays. The meetings start at 6 pm and rotate around the town halls — check the website or call ASSIST to check the venue and agenda. Here are the meeting dates and venues for February and March: Council

14 February South Melb

Statutory Planning 21 February St Kilda Council

28 February St Kilda

South Melbourne Market Saturday 25 February, 8.30–11.30 am


13 March

Veg Out Farmers Market Saturday 3 March, 8.30–11.30 am

Statutory Planning 20 March

St Kilda


St Kilda

Carlisle Street (outside The Wall) Sunday 4 March, 11.00 am–2.00 pm

27 March

Port Melb

The St Kilda ASSIST desk will now close at 5 pm on Mondays instead of 6 pm.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Best restaurants, biggest BBQ

As part of the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, St Kilda’s best restaurants will be cooking up a storm on the Upper Esplanade. Staged by the new St Kilda Tourism Association, the St Kilda on Fire barbeque will be held as the sun goes down on Thursday 8 March. St Kilda’s best restaurants, including Mirka at Tolarno Hotel, Donovans, The Stokehouse and Café Di Stasio will be doing the cooking. Pictured are Gail Donovan (Donovans, left) and Tracey Cooper (St Kilda Tourism Association), showing off their utensils on the Esplande. Visit stkildamelbourne.com to see what the tourism association is saying.

Read Divercity and


Gasworks and Divercity are giving away three double passes to Morning Music, Gasworks’ toetapping daytime musical theatre performances. To join the draw to win a double pass, email your name and contact details to divercity@ portphillip.vic.gov.au before 20 February, with the full name of any song from any musical featured in The Merry Bronhill. Winners will be notified after 20 February by email and will receive two tickets to the session of their choice. Only one entry per household please. The Gasworks Morning Music series includes the following.

The Merry Bronhill, a tribute to singer June Bronhill, featuring songs from The Sound of Music, The Merry Widow, Pirates of Penzance and others. Tuesday 13 March, 11 am. Puttin’ on the Ritz, with music by Gershwin, Berlin and Porter, and song and dance from shows such as Top Hat, Porgy and Bess, and more. Tuesday 8 May 11 am. Showstoppers of London’s West End, with hits and highlights from such musicals as Les Miserables, Cats, South Pacific, Jesus Christ Superstar and Phantom of the Opera. Tuesday 5 June 11 am. For more details or to buy tickets, visit gasworks.org.au or call 9699 3253.

Street trees need your help Let everyone on your block know that you are a tree champion. Adopt a tree this summer and we will send you a mailbox sticker to say thanks. Call 9209 6587 or email ospace@portphillip.vic.gov.au. Hints for helping trees • F or established trees, it’s best to water around the drip line (below the edge of the tree canopy). New trees can be watered near their trunk. • G rey water with biodegradable detergents is ideal and recommended. • M ulching at the base of a tree will help retain soil moisture and improve the soil profile.


The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

contact assist… Information, requests, questions and feedback

More neighbourhood heritage protection Following the approval of Amendment C72 by the Minister for Planning, Port Phillip’s largest heritage area now has greater protection.

You can visit your local ASSIST at: St Kilda Town Hall — Corner Brighton Road and Carlisle Street, St Kilda South Melbourne Town Hall — 208-220 Bank Street, South Melbourne Port Melbourne Town Hall — 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne Telephone 9209 6777 Fax 9536 2722 TTY users call National Relay Service on 133 677 Speech impairment users call National Relay Service on 1300 555 727 Or go to www.relayservice.com.au SMS for the hearing impaired 0432 005 405 Email assist@portphillip.vic.gov.au Internet portphillip.vic.gov.au

During the Review of Heritage Overlay 3 (HO3) Council worked with the community to ensure improved protection for heritage assets across South Melbourne, Albert Park, Middle Park and West St Kilda.


16 Coventry Place: originally two houses, built before 1854.

For a translation of the information contained in this edition of Divercity please call the Council’s interpreter service: Chinese 9679 9810 Greek 9679 9811 Russian 9679 9813 Polish 9679 9812 Other languages 9679 9814

Audio recordings Audio recordings of Divercity are available on the Council’s website and on CD from a Port Phillip library. CDs are delivered to 200 vision-impaired residents every issue. Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.

divercity February/March 2012


16 Coventry Place: originally two houses, built

The amendment contains seven new detailed before 1854. statements that include more information on why each of the areas is significant and what needs to be protected in them. The new statements have been incorporated into the planning scheme as part of the Heritage Review. They will guide planning permit applications and decisions in ways that protect the heritage character of these areas.

The amendment does not alter the status of the existing Heritage Overlay provisions in the scheme; nor has the number of properties covered by the heritage overlays changed.

Local knowledge Divercity asked local historian and planning pundit Adair Bunnett OAM to nominate her own quirky list of heritage points of interest in South Melbourne. 242 Bank Street (cnr Cecil and Bank Streets): removal of modern paintwork revealed an original patchwork of advertising of products and prices from the past. 32 and 34 Little Page Street: two tiny cottages. Little O’Grady Street (between Little Merton Street and Faussett Lane): an intact terrace of cottages abutting the street. Bluestone footpath flags (north side of Dow Street between Church and Clarendon Streets): beautiful and long-lasting bluestone.

Preparing for heatwaves, floods and storms Council has developed a comprehensive online tool to help residents and businesses be safer during storms, floods and heatwaves. The tool helps people to understand their risks, plan for weather events, act safely during adverse weather and recover safely. The tool can be used at portphillip.vic.gov.au/being-safe-storms-floodsheatwaves.htm

Be a weather event watcher Are you interested in being part of a local group of weather event watchers between February and April 2012? Port Phillip is looking for local residents and employees to volunteer to observe how they and the people around them behave during a heatwave, storm or flood. Your observations will help to design more relevant and accessible information and awareness of how to prepare for, and respond to, weather events. Email adansey@ portphillip.vic.gov.au or call Anne Dansey on 9209 6693 to register your interest.

Editor: Greg Day gday@edunity.com.au Next deadline: (April/May) 17 February 2012 Writers: Reece Marks, Kathryn McGrath and Greg Day. Thanks to Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo Design and Production: Mediation Communications Feedback: divercity@portphillip.vic.gov.au Divercity is printed on recycled paper


Parts of Port Phillip were flooded last February. A new brochure will help people cope with extreme weather events.


… w e n g n i h t e m o s Civic awards celebrate getting involved

Port Phillip has many active citizens — volunteers, team players, club members, political activists, environmental campaigners, helpful neighbours and more. Getting involved in the community is one of the attractions of living in Port Phillip. The 2011 Port Phillip Civic Awards celebrate this positive attitude towards participation by showcasing the contribution of three outstanding individuals and one outstanding group. In many ways, their achievement recognises the groups they work with. This edition of Divercity also celebrates getting involved in community. We have collated ways that you can get involved in local activities. We urge you to try something new, get involved — you might help encourage future civic award winners.

Citizen of the Year: Zoe Hogg Zoe, a long time member of Earthcare St Kilda, was instrumental in starting the St Kilda Penguin Study Group 25 years ago. She has promoted indigenous plantings and sea star removal, and runs many educational tours to the penguin colony for children, students and community groups. Zoe is a passionate rower and volunteers her time teaching young girls to row. She also established the Allsorts musical group, which performs at retirement homes and community events. PS: Zoe is looking for rowers in their 70s to join her in competitive rowing. Contact her at yrowingcentre@hotmail.com.

Senior of the Year: Peter Goad Peter is a founding member of the Save Albert Park group, which battles for the removal of the Grand Prix and the improvement of this important urban park. Behind the scenes, he’s instigated diverting storm water into the reflection pond at the corroboree tree and indigenous plantings, and organises weekly mulching sessions throughout the park.

Civic award winners: (left to right) Gio Fitzpatrick, Meyer Eidelson (representing the Middle Park History Group), Peter Goad and Zoe Hogg

Young Person of the Year: Gio Fitzpatrick

Civic Project of the Year: Middle Park History Group

Gio has already dedicated many years to further understanding natural ecosystems and working to protect local species. He has taken practical action, pioneering a program of wildlife protection through local wildlife surveys and the installation of nest boxes.

The Middle Park History Group was formed by residents to protect and preserve heritage in the area. The group has involved the wider community through public walks, working with businesses and staging photographic exhibitions.

Try something sporty Fun, fitness and friends — that’s the magic of local sport. Here are some sporty ideas to get you off the couch.

Have a go at the round ball South Melbourne Women’s Soccer Club is holding Come and Try and training sessions in February. Register your interest by emailing southmelbournewfc@gmail.com or visit southmelbournewfc.com.au

T’ai Chi with Master Liu Spread across various Port Phillip parks during February, Master Liu’s classes are a great way to start the day. Classes run from 6.45–7.45 am on Mondays at Elwood Carnival site, Tuesdays at St Kilda Botanical Gardens, Wednesdays at St Vincent Gardens and Thursdays at Edwards Park. Spaces are limited. Contact Council’s Sport and Recreation Officer on 9209 6776.

Touch footy in Elwood and Albert Park Looking for a social sport to have a go at? Try touch football at Albert Park and Elwood Park. Touch is a fun, fast but low impact sport for players of all ages and fitness levels that can be played all year. Mid week winter competitions start in early May for mixed, men’s and women’s teams. Get a team of eight to 12 players together or join as a single player and we will find you a team. Check out www.victouch.com.au


The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip


from assist Welcome to Divercity’s new column. It’s based on Council’s ASSIST call centre’s (9209 6777) answers to questions regarding hot topics about events in the coming months.

St Kilda Festival Q C an I bring alcohol to the St Kilda Festival? A I t is an offence to consume or have a container of alcohol within the festival precinct, 24 hours a day, each day of the event unless you are in a designated licensed area. Q H ow do I find out what is on at the St Kilda Festival? A P rinted programs are available from all City of Port Phillip Town Halls and libraries. There is also an informative website at www.stkildafestival.com.au that provides updated information. Q I s there a hotline for residents to call during the main festival days? A T here is a hotline operating on Saturday 11 February (8 am– midnight) and Sunday 12 February (6 am–midnight). It is 9209 6306

Grand Prix Q W hy are there road closures in the areas surrounding Albert Park Reserve during the Grand Prix? A S elected perimeter roads in the surrounding areas outside Albert Park Reserve will be closed and access restricted to specific entry points during the four day Grand Prix event. Only vehicles displaying the 2012 Local Access Only permit will be allowed to access the Local Access Only Zone. Q H ow do I obtain the 2012 Local Access Only permit? A C loser to the event the Australian Grand Prix Corporation will distribute the Local Access Only permits to residents and businesses within the Local Access Only Zone. Q How do I get to the Grand Prix? A T o reduce traffic in the local area, patrons attending the Grand Prix event are strongly encouraged to use public transport as there is no parking provided for the event. If you have a question for the April/May edition, email it to divercity@portphillip.vic.gov.au.


e m o s y tr All in a good cause Sometimes it takes a good cause to get us motivated. Changing the world one soup kitchen meal at a time can be good for the soul. But is not always as you’d expect.

St Kilda sisters say try Five in Five What are you doing on Saturday night? Single people are challenged to go on five dates in five weeks for charity. The campaign, which starts in February, supports Whitelion, St Kilda Gatehouse and Concern Australia, which provide social inclusion programs for those caught in urban poverty. Five in Five wants to bring back old fashioned dating and encourage people to get to know others in face-to-face situations. Register and get tips for successful dating at fiveinfive.org.au

St Kilda sisters Andrea and Sally Tonkin (pictured) want to bring back the lost art of dating. ‘We want to change perceptions around dating and give people an opportunity to contribute to a good cause [at the same time],’ says Andrea.

St Kilda and Southport UnitingCare Local UnitingCare branches run a variety of activities and programs for marginalised people in our community. Volunteers can join others to help in opportunity shops, community kitchens, classes, social activities and general recreation activities. For details, visit stkildaunitingcare.org.au or southportuniting.org.au

Sacred Heart Mission Interested volunteers for Sacred Heart Mission can help out with clinics, meal programs, opportunity shops, sports and recreation/arts programs, and community visitor programs with residents at one of their aged care hostels. Register and book in to an information session at sacredheartmission.org

Virtual volunteering Hey, it’s a world wide web out there, which means there’s an increasing range of ways you can get involved in local, national and global volunteering. As with anything on the web, it can be a bit hit and miss — but search and you might just find a link to what you need. Here’s some of them to get you started. sparked.com — a US-based microvolunteerring network onlinevolunteering.org — a UN initiative that promotes volunteering online volunteer.vic.gov.au — a Victorian state government site for volunteers portphillipgives.com.au — watch this space as Council re-invigorates a web service that links locals to volunteering opportunities

Planting the seed of friendship An interest in the environment — perhaps surveying sea grass, planting veggies or caring for urban bees — brings people together.

Caring for the Earth Join Earthcare St Kilda to get involved in the Rakali Watch, penguin guides, sea grass surveys, Port Philip Nature Watch, Northern Pacific sea star removal, and foreshore and reserve revegetation. Volunteers need to become members so they can be covered by insurance. For more information contact Kim Cowie (President) on 0413 433 111 or visit earthcarestkilda.org.au.

The Urban Bee Guild The Urban Bee Guild, a Melbourne-based group for city-bound honey bee lovers, encourages you to get involved, to have a chat about what you love about beekeeping and how you can promote this pastime in urban Melbourne. So, if you’re bee-curious, love gardening, keep bees or are concerned with sustainable food sources, come along and enjoy the company of other like-minded folk. Regular events are planned for 2012. For more information visit urbanbeeguild.org.au or facebook.com/urbanbeeguild, or email urbanbeeguild@gmail.com.

Commons calls for new volunteers Port Phillip’s newest community hub is calling for volunteers. A joint initiative of Friends of the Earth Australia and the Father Bob Maguire Foundation, the South Melbourne Commons, on the corner of Bank and Montague Streets, South Melbourne, is a shared space that is home to a mix of social enterprises: a sustainable cafe and community kitchen, a food and grocery cooperative, a playgroup space for kids, a hall for hire, shared office space and gardens planted out for food production. Enthusiastic and committed people are sought for volunteer activities at the food and grocery cooperative, in the gardens, the cafe, the children’s playgroups and for future events. Volunteers receive a Commons active membership, which entitles them to discounts on services across the Commons. Contact smc.coordinators@foe.org.au or 9682 5282 and ask for Paul, or visit the website at www.commons.org.au.

Get them started young

Scouting for new friends The 1st Victorian Sea Scouts hold activities for girls and boys aged seven to 17, including sailing, canoeing and kayaking at Albert Park Lake. In addition to weekly meetings the scouts also go hiking, camping, bicycling and bowling. To find out more, visit seascouts.org.au or call Group Leader Ewen Hill on 9866 4650. Cubs, girls and boys aged 7–10, Wednesdays, 6.30–8.00 pm. Scouts, girls and boys aged 11–14, Mondays, 7–9 pm. Venturers, girls and boys ages 15–17, Tuesdays, 7.30–9.30 pm.

Play, laugh, learn Playgroups are for babies and children up to preschool age. Playgroups provide parents and caregivers with the opportunity to meet new people, gain support and exchange parenting ideas. They enable babies, toddlers and preschoolers to socialise while they play and learn together. All playgroups are different, but they all emphasise fun and friendship.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

. . . w e thing n

Find a playgroup in your area by visiting the Playgroup Victoria website at playgroup.org.au or contact council’s Family, Youth and Children Services Department on 9209 6340 for assistance in finding a venue and tips for starting your own playgroup.

Drop in, chill out The drop-in space at St Luke’s Anglican Church is a place where youth can enjoy some recreational activities, chill and socialise. Play a game of pool, have a hit of table tennis or challenge a new friend to a game of football. Try out the Wii and Ps3 or log in to the internet on laptops. Tuesdays, 5.30–8.30 pm. For more information contact Peter, the St Luke’s Children and Families Worker, peter@stlukeschurch.net.au, or drop in at 210–218 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne.

Getting better with age It’s always the right stage of life to get active, volunteer and learn new skills while meeting others.

Y Connect Run by U3A Port Phillip, this program offers seniors the chance to learn about new social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Skype. If you’d like to join the team to learn about this new media, contact U3APP on 9696 3495 or visit the website at u3app.org.au.

Port Phillip Life Activities Club This club organises an impressive array of social activities for over 45s, including sport, reading, writing, arts, literature, photography, cinema, dining, dancing, camping and theatre. Visit life.org.au/pplac or call 9662 2930.

Linking Neighbours Linking Neighbours, a partnership between Council, St Kilda Police and groups of local residents, organise get togethers in local venues to help seniors connect with each other in their neighbourhoods. Bendigo Bank contributes funds each year. There are weekly coffee groups, a monthly neighbourhood night, water exercise groups at MSAC and Feldenkrais sessions. Recent activities include a tram and boat trip, a bus trip to Rupertswood and Living Legends, lunch at SKYS and a community tour of bushfire-affected Marysville. This group also has a Seniors Register, organised with Victoria Police, that helps emergency services to immediately access important information in a crisis. To find out more, call Michael Wood via ASSIST on 9209 6777.



… w e n g n i h t e m o s

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Friends of friends

Tidy as a team

Facebook isn’t the only place to accumulate friends. Try one (or more) of the many Port Phillip friends groups. Or start your own and let us know about it.

Many hands make light work. Use yours by joining a group clean-up of litter. It’s a great way to work together to help the environment.

Friends of St Kilda Botanical Gardens

Clean Up Australia Day

Friends get their hands dirty germinating seeds, potting seedlings, taking cuttings, weeding, in working bees and fundraising. You could do publicity, write grant proposals, investigate the history of the Friends of St Kilda Botanical Gardens got together last year to celebrate the gardens or conduct gardens’ 150th birthday. In 2012, they will be raising money for much needed tours. To find out new fencing. more, visit the gardens on a Saturday afternoon between 3pm and 5 pm, when volunteers are usually in the greenhouse, or email the.convenor@foskbg.org.au or visit foskbg.org.au

This year’s Clean Up Australia Day is on Sunday 4 March. There are also School and Business Clean Up Days. Participants can join in with others at a rubbish pick-up site or create their own for any day of the year. Visit cleanup.org.au for details.

Butt Safari Port Phillip Baykeeper Neil Blake and the team remove and record the locations of dumped cigarette butts in our city and advocate on behalf of our environment. To lend a hand, visit bay-keeper.com or call 0409 138 565.

3207 Beach Patrol

Friends of Port Melbourne Foreshore The Friends of Port Melbourne’s Foreshore is a local community group dedicated to preserving Port Melbourne’s indigenous foreshore vegetation. The focus of the Friends’ practical work is Perce White Reserve, a site of local coastal indigenous vegetation bounded by Webb Dock and Todd Road. The friends want to protect and enhance the reserve and to link it with neighbouring areas in indigenous vegetation at Westgate Park and Webb Dock East.

Friends of Westgate Park This friends group is made up of enthusiastic people, passionate about Westgate Park and the natural environment. The friends have skills in horticulture, natural resources management, plant, bird and animal identification and plant propagation, as well as the energy to get out and do what has to be done. Visit westgatepark.org for information on volunteering, or contact Tony Flude on 0400 770 254 or tonyflude@alphalink.com.au Pledge a minimum of one hour voluntary cleaning each month to join neighbours, families and friends as they work together to keep our beaches beautiful. Coffee and chat afterwards. Details at 3207beachpatrol.com.au

Keep the canal beautiful Help clean up the Elwood Canal at 10 am on Sundays 19 February and 18 March. Meet on the grassy banks of the canal by the Glenhuntly Road bridge, opposite Elwood Primary School. Bring gloves and two large plastic bags, one for recyclables.


Friends of St Kilda Cemetery These friends run regular tours of the cemetery that include special themed tours and visits to other cemeteries. They also publish regular newsletters, speak at schools, community groups and kindred organisations, and provide information to researchers and the general public about people buried in the cemetery. Membership is open to all. Just fill in an application form and pay the annual subscription of $15. Telephone 9531 6832 or visit foskc.org

Friends of Suai/Covalima Back in 2004, Port Phillip signed a friendship agreement with Suai in East Timor. Since then, the local Friends of Suai has coordinated many partnership programs, including help to establish a school library and a community centre. In 2012, the friends are gearing up to support more women’s livelihood projects, student scholarships and other important community facilities. To help the work of the friends grow, the group is looking for volunteers with IT, media and events skills to help make it all happen. For more information contact Pat Jessen on 9209 6598 or at pjessen@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Rachel Powning, Mayor Carlisle BH: 9209 6431 AH: 9527 1896 M: 0418 389 346 F: 9536 2711 E: mayor@portphillip.vic.gov.au Cr Frank O’Connor, Deputy Mayor Emerald Hill BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9690 1080 M: 0432 289 012 F: 9536 2708 E: foconnor@portphillip.vic.gov.au Cr Janet Bolitho Sandridge BH: 9209 6705 M: 0411 096 400 F: 9536 2766 E: jbolitho@portphillip.vic.gov.au Cr Judith Klepner Albert Park BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9682 7314 M: 0409 968 850 F: 9536 2768 E: jklepner@portphillip.vic.gov.au Cr John Middleton Junction BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9645 9346 M: 0432 324 133 F: 9536 2719 E: jmiddleton@portphillip.vic.gov.au

d o o h r u o b h g nei


Streetwise: Contraflow bike lanes enable riders to travel both ways in one-way streets.

New bike lane in the right direction ST KILDA: The new contraflow bike lane on Acland Street, between Eildon Road and St Leonards Avenue, is now being used. The lane is part of a six month trial to eliminate conflict between vehicles using a one-way street and cyclists who want to travel in the opposite direction. Use of the lane will be monitored over the trial period.

SO:ME — new space for the market SOUTH MELBOURNE: South Melbourne Market has a new precinct that showcases new designers. The SO:ME space has clothing, technologies (bikes, lights, helmets), books, artwork and jewellery stalls, with many of the products designed or made in Australia. There’s a mix of permanent and pop-up stalls, which are open during regular market hours as well as 5–9 pm Thursday evenings. Visit somespace.com.au for more information.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip


Market has it all covered

Cr Serge Thomann Catani BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9534 6297 M: 0432 299 372 F: 9536 2767 E: sthomann@portphillip.vic.gov.au Cr Jane Touzeau Point Ormond BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9531 8753 M: 0432 287 634 F: 9536 2769 E: jtouzeau@portphillip.vic.gov.au Direct all enquiries during office hours to the Mayor and Councillors’ Office Mayor: Tel: 9209 6431 (Barbara Wilson, Mayoral Exec. Assistant) Fax: 9536 2711 Email: mayor@portphillip.vic.gov.au Councillors: Tel: 9209 6705 (Mary Baensch, Councillors’ Support Officer) Fax: 9536 2708 Email: see individual email addresses All councillors, email: councillors@portphillip.vic.gov.au Postal address: City of Port Phillip, Private Bag No. 3, PO St Kilda Vic 3182

SOUTH MELBOURNE: The South Melbourne Market is set to get a new environmentally friendly roof. The roof will protect the market from water damage and will make the building cooler for stallholders and shoppers. Rainwater will be harvested from the roof and installation of solar panels will improve the sustainability of the building. Construction is set to commence after Easter. Council is working to minimise disruptions and stallholders will not have to shut up shop during works. Visit portphillip.vic.gov.au/ southmelbournemarket-roof.htm for more information.

See an outdoor flick before the credits roll ALBERT PARK: There’s still time catch a film at the famous Gasworks Backyard Cinema. Visitors can see Midnight in Paris on Friday 10 February at 8.25 pm and A Chorus Line on Friday 17 February at 8.17 pm. Get down early for the popular Gasworks BBQ. Tickets are $18 for adults, $16 concession and cyclists, and $15 per person for groups of four plus. Free for canine companions. Show your bike helmet at the box office for the cyclist discount. To book, visit gaswork.org.au or call 9699 3253.


The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip


in the crowd…

d o o h r u o b h g nei


See some tough competition

As part of my PhD project, ‘Port Melbourne: Should we call it a community?’, I have had the luxury of time — and the excuse — to get involved in this interesting suburb. Being busy seems to be a fact of life, regardless of one’s age. Along with being busy, I am often held back from meeting new people because it is hard to strike up conversations with strangers. I do not think I am alone; it took two men who always went to the same pub over a year to say hello. They eventually spoke and now spend hours joking. Sometimes encounters become friendships, such as dog owners who have come to know each other over the years at the off-leash park. [They] get together for dinner every now and then. There was also a group of people who came to recognise each other through visiting the same cafes, and so decided to meet regularly for coffee. Attempting to meet all sorts of people, not only those in groups, I carried out a door knock survey. I did not get to survey many apartment residents; intercoms and lifts are harder [to get past] than spending five minutes at the front door. But I have met many apartment residents at the community garden on working bees, who are on the neighbourhood association committee or are organising regular get togethers for neighbours. Ultimately, I am just a visitor and certainly cannot speak for a place where many of the people who have lived here 30 years do not even describe themselves as true locals. Tracey Pahor is a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne. She blogs at www.inportmelbourne.wordpress.com.



ST KILDA: On Sunday 25 March St Kilda Sea Baths will provide the finish line for the inaugural Ironman Asia Pacific Championship, the first-ever Ironman triathlon competition to be held in Melbourne. Around 2000 athletes are expected to toe the start line for the 3.8 km swim leg.

Word up PORT MELBOURNE: The Port Melbourne writers’ group meets at the Port Melbourne Library on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 6.00 pm–7.30 pm. It’s an informal group that is open to people of all writing abilities and stages who have an interest in writing creatively. There are some fun writing activities and an opportunity to workshop. Tea and coffee are provided. To book, contact Bronwyn on 0433 008 507 or email workout@iinet.net.au

Neighbourhood Block watch SOUTH MELBOURNE: Pssst…. Rumour has it The Block is currently filming their 2012 season in South Melbourne. We can’t tell you where the houses are being renovated but the show will air later this year so watch this space for more info!

Kicking goals for the girls PORT MELBOURNE: Congratulations to Peta Searle, the first ever female VFL coach. Peta is now Assistant Coach at Port Melbourne Football Club. She brings with her two decades of playing and coaching experience in women’s football.

Emerald Hill Centre plans underway

New Port assistant coach Peta Searle,

South Melbourne: After consideration of with her children Tessa and Jackson. community feedback, the Emerald Hill Library and Photo: Craig Borrow (Newspix) Heritage Centre Project will progress to the next phase. Planning applications will be lodged soon. The project proposes more spaces for library services, more books, DVDS and CDS, a new focus on local history and cultural heritage services, improved access for community groups and improved disability access. Depending on the statutory planning process, construction will begin later this year.

Fountain flows once more ST KILDA: Have you noticed anything different about the O’Donnell Gardens fountain recently? It’s running again! It was originally turned off due to the drought.

Get on the ball for season 2012

PORT MELBOURNE: The Port Melbourne Community Carnival (Nott and Liardet Streets corner) will come alive between 12 and 4 pm on Saturday 25 February. There will be live music and stalls with affordable products, as well as free activities for children, including a jumping castle, animal farm, face painting, and a wearable art parade and competition. ALBERT PARK: The Albert Park Carnival is to be held on Thursday 23 February. Following last year’s success, the carnival will have live music, rides, entertainment, a reptile farm, roaming entertainers, pet farm, kids’ activities, stalls and shops; open until late. Bridport Street and Victoria Avenue, 4–9 pm.

Beachside designs unveiled ST KILDA: The much anticipated final detailed design plans for Marina Reserve have been released by Council, along with an operations plan for the reserve. The plan has active recreation and skateable space, public toilets, beachside BBQ, picnic and play areas, vegetation, seating, accessible walking paths, a new bike lane, improved environmental features, quiet spaces to watch the water and skyline views. To view the detailed design plans, visit portphillip.vic.gov.au/marina_reserve_masterplan

UDF draft for feedback PORT MELBOURNE: After extensive community consultation, Council has drafted a Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (UDF). The framework aims to enhance liveability, improve public spaces and secure a sustainable future for the precinct. Consultation on the draft UDF will happen during February. View the draft and details of the community consultation by visiting haveyoursayatportphillip. net.au/port-melbourne-waterfront-urban-design-framework or call 9209 6241.

Learn about ships and shops on our neighbourhood walks February and March Neighbourhood Walks will showcase fascinating aspects of our city’s history. Bookings are essential. Call 9209 6522 or email walking@portphillip.vic.gov.au PORT MELBOURNE: Explore the dynamic interaction of past and present at the fascinating junction of land and sea in Port Melbourne: its flotsam and jetsam, ship disasters, lost buildings, ever-changing foreshore and unfulfilled visions. Sunday 19 February, 10 am–12 pm. ALBERT PARK: Delve into the Bridport Street shopping precinct and surrounds with its fascinating history of cinemas, architecture, shops, schools, personalities and open spaces. Sunday 18 March, 10 am–12 pm.

ST KILDA: St Kilda City Junior Football Club will take registrations for the next footy season during February. Any boys or girls interested in joining teams from Under 9s through to Under 15s are invited to register. Keep an eye on the club’s website at stkildacityjfc.com.au for further information and dates or register your interest by emailing jvp@stkildacityjfc.com.au. Older players are also welcome to play or volunteer for the St Kilda City Football Club Seniors, Reserves and Colts (Under 18s) teams, who have begun pre-season training for the Division 1 competition of the Southern Football League. Simply show up at Peanut Farm Reserve on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6 pm.

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Carnivals Nott to be missed

Cooking events to get you in the mood SOUTH MELBOURNE: The LG Cooking School at the South Melbourne Market has an eclectic February–March schedule with classes that include Italian, Vietnamese, classic–contemporary and even cooking for Valentine’s Day. To celebrate the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival 2012 the market will be holding three food tour events. Visit southmelbournemarket.com.au for more information and to book.

Green light for family and children’s centre PORT MELBOURNE: The new family and children’s centre in Liardet Street will go ahead as planned after the Heritage Council rejected a call to add the existing Lady Forster Kindergarten to the State Heritage Register. The centre will provide up to 135 licensed childcare places, maternal and child health services and spaces for playgroups, new parent groups and other community uses. During construction the kindergarten will be relocated to the Elwood Beach Community Centre.

A novel way to benefit the community CITYWIDE: The Rotary Club Book Fair is happening in May and you are invited to donate books to help raise money for local beneficiaries. Rotary Club charity book bins are located at Albert Park, St Kilda and Port Melbourne libraries.

All fair in streets and shops SOUTH MELBOURNE: The inaugural Scout About South Melbourne Street Fair will be held on Sunday 19 February from 11 am–6 pm in Coventry Street. It will feature a diverse array of music, cooking demonstrations and marquees of food, services and retail. Visit southmelbourne.com/summer_festival.html to see the list of businesses involved.

Emerald Hill cultural discussion SOUTH MELBOURNE: Conversations at Emerald Hill is a series of public talks and forums held in Emerald Hill that will explore art, heritage and ideas through history and contemporary culture. Open to everyone, the series is an opportunity for dialogue, networking and showcasing. The next conversation, ‘Sustainable Art and Design’, is at the South Melbourne Town Hall on Thursday 23 February 2011 from 6 pm.



The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

sustain- in brief a-city World prayer day

It’s all about the journey A 2010 Victorian study found that around 72 per cent of children were driven to school compared to 20 per cent in the 1970s. The majority of these children (61 per cent) said that, if given the choice, they would prefer to walk. Council has reinvigorated the school travel program to support parents, children and school communities to walk and cycle more. If you are interested in getting your school involved or want further information, contact Jessica Cerejo, Council’s Sustainable Transport Officer, on 9209 6274 or by email at jcerejo@portphillip.vic.gov.au.

Beyond Fukushima — the view from Obu The EcoCentre is hosting a presentation by Takeshi Kuno, an urban planner with Obu City, our sister in Japan, on the aftermath of the 2011 tsunami. Takeshi will share his insights about how communities in Japan are embracing sustainability as a response to the disaster. He’ll also discuss how the community coped with and adapted to the lack of power, water and other infrastructure, and the lack of food.

A theme of ‘Let Justice Prevail’ will run through proceedings at the World Day of Prayer. The program has been prepared by the Christian Women of Malaysia. Friday 2 March, 1 pm Congregation of Paul the Apostle South Melbourne Uniting Church 325 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne

Full amount council rates due 15 February If you pay your rates as the full amount option, payment is due 15 February 2012. Be aware that penalty interest charged at 10.5 per cent, backdated to 1 July 2011 applies for late payment. Refer to your 2011– 12 Rates, Valuation and Charges Notice for more information or contact the Rates Department on 9209 6777.

This event is supported by the Obu– Port Phillip Sister City Relationship and Port Phillip EcoCentre.

Sustainable tips for seniors Living more sustainably is a great way to save money, particularly as utility bills get more expensive. Port Phillip is hosting a free event to assist senior residents of to live more sustainably. It will showcase free Council and community programs, and offer practical advice and demonstrations from sustainability professionals. Tuesday 21 February, 10 am–12 pm South Melbourne Town Hall For more information on any of these topics, contact the sustainable programs team on 9209 6548 or email rsvpenviro@portphillip.vic.gov.au.



On the Friday evening, Jazz @ the Nhill Lake features live duck races on Nhill Lake, food stalls, music and children’s entertainment. The Art Show will run throughout the weekend, and there will be workshops on Friday and Saturday. The Lutheran School Market is on Saturday, and in the evening the Annual Gala Ball at the Community Centre. On Sunday morning, the community is invited to give thanks at a Worship Service at one of the area’s churches. The festival concludes on Sunday with a Long Lunch. 23–26 February For tickets to the Annual Gala ball, call Rob on 5391 1250; $75 per ticket. Hindmarsh is a sister city to Port Phillip

The Torch: Confined 4 This show focuses on contemporary artworks created by Indigenous artists in custody throughout Victoria. The fourth in the Confined series, it runs in partnership with the City of Port Phillip and the Yalukit Willam Ngargee Festival.

Dancing for health, healing and joy

8 February–7 March

Senye Shen: Passing

Monday 20 February, 7–9 pm Port Phillip EcoCentre, 55A Blessington St, St Kilda

Duck and Jazz Festival at Nhill

Nia is a fitness program that combines dance with martial arts, yoga and other healing practices. Anyone can do Nia, regardless of age, shape or size. For more information and to book in to the free class, phone Angela on 0411 033 037 or email niamelbourne@niaaustralia.com.au. Free discovery class, Tuesday 7 February, 10.30–11.30 am South Melbourne Commons Cnr Montague and Banks Streets, South Melbourne

Free disposal of your Christmas tree When the festive season is over and your tree is ready for disposal, here are two cool ways to tidy up after Yule. Port Phillip residents can dispose of their unwanted Christmas trees at the Resource Recovery Centre (Transfer Station), located on the corner of White and Boundary Streets, South Melbourne. Alternatively, book in for a free collection of your tree as part of Port Phillip’s Green waste booking service. Simply ring 9209 6777.

Senye Shen is the recipient of the Port Phillip City Council Award presented through the Toyota Community Spirit Gallery Graduate exhibition. Her work, which is related to the impermanence of life, includes linocuts and installation work. 14 March–11 April 2 The Gallery, St Kilda Town Hall Located just inside the main entrance St Kilda Town Hall Monday 8.30 am–5.00 pm Tuesday–Friday 8.30 am–5.30 pm

Laptops with legs Laptops with Legs takes computers into the community to help the elderly and those otherwise unable to access computer equipment to gain IT skills, knowledge and confidence in an environment familiar to them. Council will host a series of community workshops at your group’s meeting place or at a nearby community centre. Call 9209 6371 or email comfacil@portphillip.vic.gov.au to register your interest.

Applications open from 20 February to 30 March 2012 for community-based funding for projects that promote social inclusion, diversity, equity and creativity within the municipality. Funding opportunities include the Community Grants Program, Cultural Development Fund, Community Celebrations Fund, Small Poppy Neighbourhood Grants, Neighbourhood Grants and the Multicultural Celebrations Fund. Subsidy schemes include Town Hall Subsidy, Community Meals Subsidy, Community Facilities Subsidy and Community Transport Subsidy. Community Grants Program info sessions, including the online application process and grant writing information, are as follows: Wednesday 22 February 2.00–3.30 pm, St Kilda Town Hall Auditorium 7.00–8.30 pm, South Melbourne Town Hall Theatrette

Reconciliation Action Plan

New disability policy

Council is developing an Reconciliation Action Plan to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, and to build on the existing relationships between Council and its Indigenous residents. A community forum to record the views of residents of Port Phillip will be held in February. For details visit www.portphillip. vic.gov.au

The first ever Disability Policy has been released by Council. It will help ensure that people living with disability are supported to experience life without barriers. The policy provides a framework to guide Council decision making and service delivery based on four key areas: accessible communities, participation, community attitudes, and policies and practice. For more information visit portphillip.vic.gov.au/disability_action_ plan.htmw

March for Melanoma A 4 kilometre walk and 8 kilometre run to support skin cancer and melanoma patients, survivors and their families. Includes a free concert and guest speakers. For more information contact Louise White on 9761 8058 or email info@emilysfoundation.org.au. Sunday 4 March 2012, 3–6 pm Catani Gardens, St Kilda

Timely tribute to Zelman Cowen

Parents of Port Phillip info nights Elwood College hosts a series of free evening forums for parents of school-aged children that will be presented by psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. •2 2 February Creating Confident Teens: An introduction to positive psychology • 16 May Negotiating Relationships with Teens

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

2012–13 Funding and subsidy opportunities

•1 5 August Becoming Cyber Savvy: Promoting responsible internet use

Thursday 23 February

• 14 November Party Safe

10.00–11.30am, Mary Kehoe Community Centre

To book, call 9531 9566 or email elwood.co@edumail.vic.gov.au

Cultural Development Fund info session Monday 5 March 6.30–7.30 pm, The Gallery, Ground Floor, St Kilda Town Hall

Do you love your ’hood?

For more information, contact ASSIST on 9209 6777 and ask to speak to the specific program officer, or visit portphillip.vic.gov. au/council_funding_opps

L2P Learner Driver Mentor Program Make a difference to the life of a young person. Volunteers are required for a minimum of one hour per week to mentor young people in how to increase their practical onroad driving experience. Vehicle, training and ongoing support provided. Volunteers must undergo Police and Working with Children checks (costs covered by L2P Program). For more information contact Meg Yates on 9534 3685, 0421 976 629 or email meg@skys.org.au

Early Years Conference If you are an early childhood professional working with children aged 0–8 years in any area of the sector, come and be inspired by a group of high profile professional speakers addressing a range of topics from the National Quality Framework. Topics such as leadership, change management and relationships with children and families and Indigenous programs in our services will be explored. For more information, contact Wendy Veber on 9206 6340. 23–24 March St Kilda Town Hall

The late Sir Zelman Cowen with Jewish Museum director Rebecca Forgasz in November last year.

It is timely that major works have begun on the Jewish Museum of Australia to make way for a new gallery named the Zelman Cowen Gallery of Australian Jewish History its location at 26 Alma Road, St Kilda. Visit the website at www.jewishmuseum.com.au

Small Poppy Neighbourhood Grants help local people with new grassroots projects that make a positive difference to neighbourhoods by providing a matching grant. New guidelines and application forms are now available. To find out more visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/ smallpoppyneighbourhoodgrants, email smallpoppy@portphillip.vic.gov.au or contact the Community Partnerships Officer on 9209 6838.

Jacka book returns to St Kilda A rare book with a dedication by Albert Jacka VC was generously donated to the City of Port Phillip Collection. Tom Carter of Mildura purchased a first edition of The History of the 14th Battalion (1929) by Newton Wanliss. Inside was a dedication to the St Kilda Council from Captain Jacka, 14th Battalion, 18/11/29. Jacka was a councillor from 1929–31, and Mayor of St Kilda in 1930.

Newton Wanliss’ book with the inscription by Albert Jacka VC.



Sunday 5 – Saturday 11 February 2012 It’s that time of the year again, when St Kilda opens its doors to host some of our best local talent. Fill your week with comedy, poetry, visual art, theatre, outdoor cinema, beach sports, forums and loads and loads of music. All served with sprinkles and a cherry on top.

SUNDAY 5 FEBRUARY 7 am, FREE Boxing Fit’s Box on the Beach Every day of Live N Local (Sun 5 Feb – Sat 11 Feb): Free, fun, 30 minute workouts for all fitness levels. Learn boxing techniques, watch champion boxers spar, and win prizes every day. St Kilda foreshore near the pier

2 pm–5 pm Paradise Anthology Launch A celebration of issue five of the Paradise Anthology, with Brian Nankervis from Rockwiz, The Blackeyed Susans Trio and Rebecca Barnard. Entry: $10 Bookings: trybooking.com/ZCK St Kilda Town Hall, 99A Carlisle Street

From 3 pm, FREE The Universal, Young Maverick, Lost Weekends and I, a Man

10 am–5 pm St Kilda Esplanade Market This famous weekly makers’ market is the best place in Melbourne to find handmade art and crafts. Every Sunday (except St Kilda Festival Sunday)


The Universal

The Universal play an energetic style of indie rock that neighbours have described as a “bloody racket”. You’ll get jangly, bouncy, bash-and-crash holiday pop from Young Maverick. Lost Weekends are fast, blatant and crackling with physicality. You’ve heard I, a Man‘s single, ‘Sometimes’, on triple j. Now see them live. The Greyhound, 1 Brighton Road

10.15 am–12.30 pm Jewish Museum of Australia’s St Kilda Walk

5 pm, FREE Forum: Saints and Sinners — St Kilda’s musical history

To coincide with Mameloshn — How Yiddish Made a Home in Melbourne, the Jewish Museum of Australia St Kilda Walk traces the history of Yiddish St Kilda, the Melbourne suburb where Sunday trading began.

Presented by Music Victoria

Cost: $25/$20 Jewish Museum members Bookings essential: 8534 3600 Meet @ St Kilda Town Hall (under the portico), 99A Carlisle Street


Prince Bandroom, 29 Fitzroy Street

netary PlaHealing Artists

Galleon Cafe, 9 Carlisle Street


The Ramshackle Army mix banjo, mandolin and fiddle to create layers of Celtic melodies and fast, furious punk rock’n’roll. The Workinghorse Irons’ unique brand of psycho rock’n’roll and killer songs will leave you wanting more and The Go Set’s raw energy and undeniable passion combine traditional bagpipes and mandolin with contemporary rock guitars.

9 pm, FREE Sarah and the King Bees

7 am–5 pm, Artists Celebration 2 pm, FREE Planetary Healing Artists: Healing the Bay Exhibition Reflect on the health of Port Phillip Bay as you enjoy a coffee at the Galleon Cafe.

From 8.30 pm, FREE The Ramshackle Army, The Workinghorse Irons and The Go Set

Music identities discuss what today’s promoters and musicians can learn from the heyday of the St Kilda music scene. RSVP essential. Bookings: musicvictoria.com.au Mink Bar, 2B Acland Street

Sarah and the King Bees

With influences ranging from Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers to Norah Jones, this band cannot be missed. Iddy Biddy Bar, 35-37 Blessington Street

TUESDAY 7 FEBRUARY 6 pm, FREE Forum: Money Go Round — How music grants work Presented by Arts Victoria’s Contemporary and Live Music Development Program An interactive session for musicians and managers of all genres that explores funding options for contemporary music projects. RSVP by 5pm, Friday 3 February 2011–musicgrants@dpc.vic.gov.au Mink Bar, 2B Acland Street

9 pm, FREE T-Bird and the Lumberjacks Big catchy rock tunes with a blues undertone held together by some powerful drumming.

10 pm, FREE ProRata 8.30 pm, FREE Forum: Tomorrow’s Hits Today Presented by Music Managers Forum Submit your best commercial song and have a panel of industry experts provide feedback. Designed to give a positive, nurturing, educational assessment to assist in developing the commercial aspects of the artist’s abilities and the songs themselves. Visit mmfaustralia.com. au for submission details. Bookings: trybooking. com/17480 LIMITED SEATS Mink Bar, 2B Acland Street


WEDNESDAY 8 FEBRUARY 7 pm, FREE Dan Webb and Kylie Auldist

THURSDAY 9 FEBRUARY FROM 9 pm, FREE Pretty Dulcie, Pony Girl & the Outsiders, The Mercy Kills Pretty Dulcie’s dynamic and smooth vocals, thundering skins, grungy and textured guitars are followed by slap-driven funky bass grooves. Pony Girl & the Outsiders play fiery, Pony Girl & the balls out, passionate rock’n’roll the way you Outsiders remember, but totally new. The Mercy Kills mix two parts dirty rock with two parts sleaze punk to create this four-shot cocktail. The Espy, 11 The Esplanade

Their unique sound of fused funk rock styles produce a quality sound. Not to be missed. Felix Bar, 11 Fitzroy Street

11 pm, FREE Better than the Wizards Blending funk, rock, pop and jazz to create a vibrant, fun, energetic and powerful performance. Felix Bar, 11 Fitzroy Street

SATURDAY 11 FEBRUARY 4 pm, FREE Rosie Burgess Trio This folkroots sensation bring their unique brand of music to centre stage in a collection of catchy harmonies and humour. Pure Pop Records, 221 Barkly Street

5 pm, FREE David Cosma Melbourne troubadour David Cosma is the result of an upside down guitar and a unique story line. Pure Pop Records, 221 Barkly Street

10 pm, FREE The Wanderer, Let the Cat Out Dan Webb

Keyboard master joins forces with renowned vocalist from The Bamboos for a special intimate show. Republica, St Kilda Seabaths, 18 Jacka Blvd

Pretty Dulcie

FRIDAY 10 FEBRUARY FROM 6 pm, FREE Sarah Rzek, Elysium Fields

8 pm, FREE Forum: All Metal Forum

Sarah Rzek’s fresh blues–country–jazz style and unique soulful voice captivates audiences. Elysium Fields are the new sound. Get ready.

Presented by Music Managers Forum

Grocery Bar, 135 Fitzroy Street

Tips and tricks from the experts including how to get a better gig; where to tour; and trends and information on local and international markets.

8 pm FREE Fat Sparrow

Bookings: trybooking.com/17542 Limited seats

A recently formed four piece band centered around pop rock, with a funky sound that encourages an upbeat party atmosphere.

Alliance Française, 51 Grey Street

Let the Cat Out

The Wanderer are a fresh Melbourne band based on bridging musical boundaries and bringing their high energy to the audience. Former Tasmanians, Let the Cat Out deliver their own style of soul-soaked funk and roots directly to your central dancing nerve. St Kilda RSL Army and Navy Club Upstairs Bar, 88 Acland Street

stkildafestival.com.au portphillip.vic.gov.au









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The St Kilda Festival is a dry zone. Alcohol consumption is only permitted within designated licensed areas.

St Kilda Festival Image Design Competition Winner : Vanessa Stewart

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