the official newsletter of the city of port phillip | issn 1328-0309 | issue 62 april/may 2012
Pets & Passions Rainman walks again Circus 2 challenge Linking Neighbours
from the Mayor It’s inspiring to live in a community with so many positive, passionate people. People power is alive and well in Port Phillip and we celebrate many examples in this edition. We look at the EcoCentre and a sample of the passionate people that help make things grow from there. Others are passionate about local history, with groups like the Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society ensuring that the rich social history of our neighbourhoods is preserved and enjoyed. With this in mind, it’s great to see the new, enriched library and heritage websites. Together, they open up a trove of information and resources for people interested in heritage and ideas. It will now be easier to research local history and uncover the wonders in Council’s own collections. Pets are also a passion for many. Creatures great and small are important to us in so many ways. They are companions, they help us enjoy our beautiful parks and beaches, they even introduce us to new friends! With animal registrations due on 10 April, this Divercity celebrates some of the animal diversity in our city. Many of us are passionate about bargain hunting, especially when we pick-up something special at a garage sale or market. If you are that way inclined, you are in for a big treat. On Saturday 5 May, Port Phillip will be part of the national Garage Sale Trail and you are invited to be part of the fun. We are also launching the final stage of the Linking Neighbours program. This is one of the success stories of Council because it brings people together, especially seniors, to feel more connected in their neighbourhood. Part of Linking Neighbours is a Seniors Register, organised with Victoria Police, which helps emergency personnel access important information immediately in a crisis. And finally another local passion is the future of the St Kilda Triangle. In mid-2012, Council will be releasing St Kilda Triangle 2012. In this document we explore what the site could look like, the design and development requirements and an implementation plan. We think we’ve made real progress on this complex project, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on this next phase of the Triangle story. Mayor Cr Rachel Powning, City of Port Phillip Council pays its respects to the people and elders, past and present, of Yalukit Willam and the Kulin Nation. We acknowledge and uphold their relationship to this land.
How to ask a question at a Council meeting Questions from the public are a regular part of Council meetings. Here’s a quick guide for people who want to raise a question or make a comment. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month. There are two ways for the public to ask questions or comment on an agenda item: • A sk a question during public question time (which occurs at the start of the meeting). The question does not have to relate to anything on the agenda, but should relate to matters within Council’s responsibilities. • Make comment about reports as they arise on the agenda. To be able to speak you should arrive at the meeting at 6 pm and complete the Do you wish to ask a question or make public comment form – a Council staff member will be on hand to assist you. Alternatively, you can complete this form online prior to 4 pm for that night’s meeting. For further information and the online form visit:
Researching your family tree just got easier Council has launched a new integrated website for library and heritage services. The new site provides a gateway to a treasure trove of resources including e-book collections, full text databases and newspapers, online language courses, reader’s advice and walking tours of the area. Access the website at or via
Seven ways to get the most out of the new Library and Heritage site • A ccess early local electoral rolls from Port Melbourne, South Melbourne and St Kilda. • D ip into a fascinating selection of stories and images about past people, places and events that have shaped Port Phillip. • V iew the Port Phillip City Collection Art and Heritage collections through the library catalogue. • D ownload one of over 4,500 e-resources (e-books and e-audio books) covering popular Australian and international content. • C heck out our regular and special programs, register your interest and plan your travel in the Library and Heritage Events calendar. • Tell us what you think and what you know via feedback webforms. • F ind recommendations, shortlists and reviews from staff and other enthusiastic library users.
Our cover: Paws for reflection There’s a good reason everyone at Pugwood is very excited. The popular social meet-up group for pug dogs and their owners celebrates its ten year reunion this year. If you have a pug dog that is yearning for a play, drop by and say hello! Elsternwick Park, Sundays at 10 am. Photo: Chris Cassar. The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Meet the neighbours, clear out the cupboards and make a few dollars to boot. The Garage Sale Trail (GST) is a national event coordinating garage sales from Byron to Broome, taking in Port Phillip on the way. The GST aims to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill while showing that sustainability can be fun and social. The first trail was laid in Bondi in 2010 and created a festival atmosphere with 126 garage sales within close walking distance of each other. Locals provided art shows, bike sales, backyard bands, sausage sizzles as well as the classic clothes and bric-a-brac sales. What will you sell on Saturday 5 May? Or indeed, what will you buy? Find out more and add your sale to the trail at Garage Sale Trail action list • P ut your sale on the trail website so buyers can find you on the map. • Give your garage sale a catchy name to help your sale get noticed. • Make a sign – something big and bold – photograph it and add it to your sale page on the website. • Tell your friends. Get on Facebook and create an event. Email everyone you know.
Mayor Cr Rachel Powning will be hunting for a bargain or two on the Garage Sale Trail. Her dream find would be a full set of bone handled cutlery. What would be your dream find? Share it on Twitter #gst Photo Chris Cassar
Match dog and owners in Port Phillip
Have a go at matching these local puppies with their owners and receive a handy Pooch Pouch Club Bag and map of dog of lease areas in Port Phillip. Watch for the answers in the next edition.
Name: Address:
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
How to win: Simply insert your answers, along with your name and address. Address your entry to DIVERCITY Match Dogs and Owners! Attention: Sally Richardson Private Bag No 3, St Kilda, VIC, 3182 Entries close 20 April 2012. Thanks to Rebecca Ramage for taking the pics.
Nominations open for business awards The CitiPower Port Phillip Business Excellence Awards return in 2012 to recognise, reward and celebrate the outstanding achievements of local businesses. Nominations are invited from all businesses located in Port Phillip. There are many award categories to enter including a new people’s choice award for service excellence. For more information, visit or contact Mandy Black on 9209 6836. Nominations close Thursday 17 May 2012.
Information, requests, questions or feedback
Circus Oz bent over backwards to save energy and saved a barrel load in the first week. Photo: Chris Cassar
Telephone 9209 6777 Fax 03 9536 2722 SMS 0432 005 405 Email Internet If you are deaf, hearing or speech impaired please use the National Relay Service (www. TTY users can call 133 677, then ask for ASSIST - Port Phillip - 03 9209 6777 Speak and Listen users can call 1300 555 727, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Or visit ASSIST in person Mon - Fri, 8:30 am – 5 pm St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda South Melbourne Town Hall 208 - 220 Bank Street, South Melbourne Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne
Translations For a translation please call the Council’s interpreter service: Chinese 9679 9810 Greek 9679 9811 Russian 9679 9813 Polish 9679 9812 Other languages 9679 9814
Audio recordings Audio recordings of Divercity are available on the Council’s website and on CD from a Port Phillip library. CDs are delivered to 200 vision-impaired residents every issue. Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.
April/May 2012 Editor: Greg Day Next deadline: Friday 20 April Writers: Reece Marks, Kathryn McGrath and Greg Day. Design and Production: Mediation Communications Feedback: Divercity is printed on recycled paper
Circus 2 change Circus Oz has discovered that saving energy is much easier than standing on your head. Council’s free community program, Challenge 2 Change, was just the kick-start they needed to juggle energy use and drop their carbon footprint. ‘It was a wonderful and supportive starting point to get over the ‘it’s a bit too hard’ hump,’ says Annie Stephens from Circus Oz. Not only did they achieve a flying change in their energy consumption, with a 16 per cent decrease in just one week, they also established an enthusiastic Green Team who will now lead the show and continue the energy blitz. ‘The biggest thing we identified was the importance of engaging staff as early as possible to ensure positive change’, says Annie. Challenge 2 Change is a free energy reduction program for all Port Phillip residents, businesses, schools, community groups and organisations. So no more clowning around! Hurry to register your interest by Friday 13 April. Phone 9209 6548 or email
Speak up for healthy communities There’s a growing awareness that where we live and how we live can shape our health and wellbeing. Knowing your neighbours, keeping in touch with friends and family, feeling safe walking on the street at night and enjoying open spaces can all make us healthier. To assist Council with policies and actions that promote healthy neighbourhoods, a team of community researchers will be at community events until June talking to people like you to get ideas and suggestions to help shape the next Health and Wellbeing Plan. To speak up for healthy communities, you can: • b e a volunteer community researcher, call ASSIST 9209 6777 or email • go to the Have Your Say page on the Council website • share your ideas with community researchers at local events. Healthy ideas put into action since 2007 include: • • • •
e xpanding the street party program to help neighbours connect introducing the Linking Neighbours Program and Seniors Register extending bike routes establishing more community gardens.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Triangle takes shape
Linking Neighbours connects people in their community. Photo: Chris Cassar
St Kilda Triangle 2012 will be available for community feedback in mid-2012. This builds upon the St Kilda Triangle: A Shared Vision – Objectives and Principles document released in November 2011 and will guide the site’s future. For more information or to register for the St Kilda Triangle mailing list, visit or email
Rainman returns and walks on water The Rainman sculpture by Corey Thomas has made a miraculous secondcoming at the St Kilda Botanical Gardens after restoration. Completely recast in durable material, the Rainman now stands on a new adjustable pedestal that can be raised or lowered to match the water level – so he will always appear to be walking on water. The conservation treatment and design of the pedestal have been completed by Andrew Patience, a respected stonemason and restorer of public artworks.
You’re invited
Linking Neighbours set to go city wide
High Tea and the launch of Linking Neighbours St Kilda program St Kilda Town Hall 2 pm, Wednesday 16 May Special guest will be Linking Neighbour Ron Carter, former sports journalist for The Argus and The Age.
When the Linking Neighbours Seniors Register is launched at the St Kilda Town Hall later in April, the program will be working across the whole municipality. Linking Neighbours helps seniors to connect with each other in their local neighbourhoods. It is a partnership between Council, St Kilda Police and groups of local residents who organise get togethers in local venues. Weekly coffee groups in Elwood, Port Melbourne and Albert Park have brought neighbours together and helped establish lasting friendships. Other recent popular Linking Neighbours activities have included warm water exercises for older people at MSAC, a morning tea and a presentation on sustainability at the South Melbourne Town Hall, trips on the Tramboat up the Maribyrnong River to Williamstown, pub meals and bus trips to Marysville. Part of Linking Neighbours is a Seniors Register, organised with Victoria Police, which helps emergency personnel access important information immediately in a crisis. If you require further information please contact Michael Wood on 9209 6777.
Watch for waste guide Council’s latest guide to waste and recycling services will be in your letterbox soon. It’s packed with information on recycling, hard rubbish pick-ups and garbage collection for householders. But above all, it’s full of hints on how to reduce your impact on the environment. Download a copy at
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
in the crowd… Sassy is my six year old long haired Jack Russell Terrier. Sassy is white with tan spots. Sassy is very smart but sometimes a bit naughty! I asked Sassy a few questions and here is what she told me…
Pets ahead
Q. Where were you born? A. Woof! I was born in Wagga Wagga in New South Wales. Photo: Chris Cassar
Q. What is your favourite off leash dog area? A. It’s definitely Alma Park, but I also like St Kilda dog beach because there are lots of dogs to play with, and the sand feels nice on my paws. Q. Are you a beach or park dog? A. I love the beach but I also love the park – I really couldn’t say. I go barking mad at both. Q. Do you have any special hound friends? A. My next door neighbour is a dog called Ginger and she is my ‘frienemy’ if you know what I mean
Walking Woof Club Not only are dogs man’s best friend, they can help you meet new friends and enjoy life more. Port Phillip Community Group’s Walking Woof Club helps people get out with pets to enjoy a walk in the park and a cup of coffee. Driver Dawn picks up participants in a mini bus before driving to an off leash park for walkies. ‘It can be hard to get out with a pet for many reasons. We use the bus to bring people and pets together for a weekly outing,’ she said. To get involved contact the Port Phillip Community Group on 9534 0777. The club has been made possible by the generous support of Pet Stock in South Melbourne. The club urgently needs more funds to keep going – watch out for fundraising bandanas and doggy biscuits at a community market near you.
Q. What’s the noise you hate most? A. The smoke alarm! They keep burning the toast and setting it off! Q. What should Council do to make life better for four-legged citizens? A. Put more water bowls in the streets and parks, have more parks and lots more grass on the footpaths for our paws (that bitumen is so hot!) And, what about a ‘take your dog to work day?’ Think about it, we might even be able to help a bit. We can be much smarter than we look. Thank you so much for you comments Sassy, and I hope you enjoyed this interview. As told to Bridget, the Mayor’s ten-yearold daughter.
Fostering compassion Elwood resident Vicki Simon is a volunteer with the Victorian Dog Rescue and Resource Group (VicDRG). She has been an emergency foster carer for over year, and also helps with administration work. VicDRG also provides a foster care and rehoming service for cats. It is a very rewarding experience, and as Vicki says, ‘you’re giving the dogs an opportunity to start their life again.’ To learn more about supporting VicDRG visit No place like home: Vicki with her canine companions Chloe, Zaccy (in foster care), and Oliver.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Dog-friendly Cafés It might be a welcoming courtyard out the back, a bowl of water for a thirsty pooch, or even just a safe place to tie your fourlegged friend while you have a coffee. Port Phillip has many dog-friendly cafés, bars and restaurants to go al fresco with your pet, check them out at the very pet-friendly website,
Please register your pet In Victoria by law all dogs and cats over three months of age are required to be registered by law. Otherwise you could be fined $244!
Karen and Tim with joeys in slings.
Sister city pet shelter shines The Nhill and District Wildlife Shelter is a self-funded volunteer shelter run by a local couple, Karen and Tim. It is a safe place where people can bring sick, injured and orphaned birds and animals to heal and grow until they are able to take care of themselves. The shelter aims to release wildlife back into their original location wherever possible when fully rehabilitated and safe to do so. The animals within the shelter come from all over the Hindmarsh Shire and beyond.
In Port Phillip all cat and dog registrations are due on 10 April each year. Renewals were sent out in early March. If your details have changed or the pet has passed away, then please contact the council to update the records. Call ASSIST 9209 6777
Give a dog a home The Lost Dogs Home cares for around 25,000 lost and unwanted dogs and cats every year (including animals found in Port Phillip). Working beside professional staff, there is also a growing team of volunteers who provide assistance with fundraising and mailing-out the home’s free National Pet Register tags, as well as exercising and teaching basic obedience to the dogs waiting for adoption. For further information about volunteering or to ask about adopting a dog or cat, visit or call 9329 2755.
Karen and Tim also breed endangered species for release into sanctuaries and parks, to preserve numbers for future generations. They breed Tasmanian pademelons (which are a stocky wallaby), also rufous and brushtail bettongs which some call rat-kangaroos, and Mitchell’s hopping mice. The shelter currently has joey kangaroos, ringtail possums, brushtail possums, sugar gliders, many species of birds such as falcons, parrots and one very cheeky magpie who visits all the neighbours daily for tidbits. The neighbours all love and spoil him. Hindmarsh is Port Phillip’s sister city in Western Victoria
from ASSIST Where can I walk my dog off leash? Dogs can only be walked off leash in specified areas. There are 25 parks and beach areas where dog owners can exercise their dogs off leash. Some of the beaches only allow dogs off leash at certain times of the year. Contact ASSIST to have a Dog Off Leash Areas Guide posted to you (or visit the website).
At what age do I need to register my pet? Under State law, all cats and dogs aged three months and over must be registered with registration due each year on 10 April. All dogs and cats must be micro-chipped and if the animal is also desexed you may be eligible to have the first registration for free, if the animal has never been registered previously and other applicable conditions are met.
How many dogs and cats can I have? A permit is required for keeping more than two dogs or more than two cats on a standard residential, commercial or industrial property at any one time, or more than one dog or more than one cat in a flat or unit at any one time.
My pet has lost its registration tag. What should I do? Your pet should have its registration tag on its collar at all times, to help with identification if it is lost. Contact ASSIST if you require a replacement tag to be sent to you.
I have lost my pet. What should I do? Contact ASSIST immediately. We will record the details so that you can easily be reunited with your pet when they are found. You should also contact the Lost Dogs Home (9329 2755) as all animals found wandering in the City of Port Phillip are initially taken there.
Is there any help for pensioners wanting to have their pet desexed?
Animal care: Clerical Officer Aoife Boyd gives some TLC to a dog awaiting adoption. Pic: Cas Beaty.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Yes. You can claim a State Government concession to help with the cost of desexing. Discount vouchers are available from ASSIST counters at all three town halls. You must produce a current pension card.
Passion play Epicentre of eco passion The EcoCentre house nestled beside St Kilda Botanical Gardens is a hub for people with a passion for the environment. Divercity spoke to six volunteers about their passions. Adam Cauley is fired up about cigarette butts and other rubbish in our city. He’s been working with Baykeeper and EcoCentre Director Neil Blake on litter surveys and pick-ups. On his last Butt Safari survey, Adam and others counted an amazing 23,721 butts in gutters and on a small section of beach. Inspired by the documentary The End of Suburbia David Rayson has a passion for sustainable growth and is part a group which explores the issues and alternatives to current urban expansion. Running cities in a way that doesn’t harm the environment is a ‘big ticket item’ for David. Year 10 student Gio Fitzpatrick has built 86 nest boxes for local wildlife to live in – 23 of them in the St Kilda Botanical Gardens alone. ‘It’s really rewarding, just finding an animal that would never have lived there if I had not made the habitat’, says Gio. Twenty one year old Jill Beale, a member of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, is passionate about renewable energy and
Eco advocates: David Rayson, Adam Cauley, Chloe Farmer, Jill Beale, Gio Fitzpatrick and Marlena EalesGrziwotz (front). Photo: Chris Cassar
empowering young people to speak up about climate change. Jill convenes a network of young volunteers who campaign on the issues surrounding climate change. Chloe Farmer’s work with Transition Town Port Phillip promotes grassroots sustainability. ‘I’m really passionate about sustainability, urban renewal and re-localisation’, says Chloe. Making positive change at a local level drives Chloe in her work.
Also sharing this love for the environment is six year old Marlena Eales-Grziwotz. Marlena is in the Baykeeper program, helps set up EcoCentre events, and loves taking photos of things like shells, seaweed and other parts of nature. For more information about the EcoCentre and the programs it supports visit or call 9534 0670.
Hello Earthcare, goodbye sea stars Earthcare St Kilda members remove the introduced Northern Pacific sea stars from beaches and jetties in Port Phillip in team sessions throughout the year. The sea stars have entered the local ecosystem through the bilge water of cargo ships. As highly successful breeders and voracious feeders with no predator in Australia, the sea stars eat native sea creatures out of house and home, and alter the ecology of St Kilda Harbour. Removing them by hand allows a bit of breathing space for our native sea life. Join the Earthcare team to remove the sea stars by visiting to find a date you can attend on one of the collection days. You’ll be amazed at what you can see and learn.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Lyn loves live music I love live music, it’s that simple. Is there anything more desirable than going to see a fabulous band where you get taken down a path, dreaming for the music to soar forevermore while soaking up the instruments’ vibrant sound and the singer’s haunting voice? My passion for live music started about 18 years ago when I fell in love with the Espy, and I ventured through its iconic foundations roughly three times a week to check out live acts and eventually I joined the Esplanade Alliance. Since January 2009, I’ve been working at the Palais Theatre as usher extraordinaire. My husband and I jumped at the chance to go behind the scenes of the theatre late in 2008 and after seeing areas in the theatre that no public member is normally allowed through, we thought ‘how do we work here?’ – two months later we were employed at the Palais. I’ve now come full circle and I became a tour guide during the 2012 St Kilda Festival and the sold out tours allowed the public to view the theatre as I once did. My first ever show worked was Cinematic Orchestra and my passion for the theatre was sparked. Move to the present and so far I have worked over one hundred shows including performances by Alice Cooper, Russian Ballet, Rockwiz, Suzi Quatro and Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu. I’ve also been reviewing live music for two Australian music websites as well as writing a blog. Often you will find me at a Tex Perkins or Nick Cave gig but I enjoy a multitudinous array of sounds. Lyn Geisel aka Espylyn
Passion for history: (Left to right) PMHPS members Pat Grainger, Maree Chalmers, Suzy Milburn, Lex Johnson and John Kirby.
Keeping our history alive The Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society has been uncovering the history of the local area for almost 19 years. Its dedicated members regularly convene to collect and preserve items of historical interest, and help to make the knowledge and resources available to members of the community. The group currently has around 7000 items of historical value in its possession, including many photos of Port Melbourne through the ages. For more information visit au/~pmhps/
One piece at a time Port Melbourne local, Ross Headifen, wants everyone to pick-up one bit of litter every day. He’s passionate about the tsunami of plastic waste that is engulfing our natural environment. Divercity asked Ross to explain his passion to you. ‘In November 2008, during a two-year volunteer experience to Tanzania installing wells in rural villages, we saw the mounting damage that plastic items create. With no way to deal with a non-biodegradable product the plastic just mounts up. ‘On our return, we worked in Florida and learnt about making plastics biodegradable. Daily we would clean a mile of the beach as the plastic trash would wash in with every tide. On return to Australia we were shocked to find the Port Melbourne beaches were worse. ‘The amount of plastic we use is unnecessary; it is used for almost everything to do with food nowadays. It is a huge problem that is getting worse because plastic does not biodegrade, it accumulates. ‘If we can show people how not to use so many disposable plastic items we can have a cleaner environment. A bottle refund scheme would help reduce the plastic bottle rubbish we see everywhere’. Ross has a website
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
councillors Cr Rachel Powning, Mayor Carlisle BH: 9209 6431 AH: 9527 1896 M: 0418 389 346 F: 9536 2711 E: Cr Frank O’Connor, Deputy Mayor Emerald Hill BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9690 1080 M: 0432 289 012 F: 9536 2708 E: Cr Janet Bolitho Sandridge BH: 9209 6705 M: 0411 096 400 F: 9536 2766 E:
Learning to garden all part of the course SOUTH MELBOURNE: The South Melbourne Commons offers an introduction to permaculture course, with four three-hour workshops starting Sunday 6 May. The course is a hands-on opportunity to learn the basics of permaculture. Cost is $200 for members, $220 for non-members. For more information visit or call Seila Hierk on 9682 5282.
Finally facing our Waterloo ST KILDA: The upgrade of Waterloo Crescent Park is due for completion in April. The park will get new lighting, a barbecue and play equipment. There will also be added greenery, a central path for easy access and a new front fence with native shrubs.
Open faith
Cr Judith Klepner Albert Park BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9682 7314 M: 0409 968 850 F: 9536 2768 E: Cr John Middleton Junction BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9645 9346 M: 0432 324 133 F: 9536 2719 E: Cr Serge Thomann Catani BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9534 6297 M: 0432 299 372 F: 9536 2767 E:
Get involved in the Open House series of faith activities. For enquiries and bookings call Christina Del Frate on 9209 6385 or email
Cr Jane Touzeau Point Ormond BH: 9209 6705 AH: 9531 8753 M: 0432 287 634 F: 9536 2769 E:
ALBERT PARK: Join the Hare Krishna Temple vegetarian masterclass and learn how to create delicious and affordable vegetarian dishes from the experts. Thursday 17 May, 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm, 197 Danks Street.
Direct all enquiries during office hours to the Mayor and Councillors’ Office Mayor: Tel: 9209 6431 (Barbara Wilson, Mayoral Exec. Assistant) Fax: 9536 2711 Email: Councillors: Tel: 9209 6705 (Mary Baensch, Councillors’ Support Officer) Fax: 9536 2708 Email: see individual email addresses All councillors, email: Postal address: City of Port Phillip, Private Bag No. 3, PO St Kilda Vic 3182
ST KILDA: Aunty Carolyn Briggs, a local Boon Wurrung Elder, will take participants on an Indigenous Guided Walk, ending with refreshments at the EcoCentre. Sunday 22 April, 10 am – 12 pm. Meet at the St Kilda West Beach Natural History Project (corner of Beaconsfield Parade and Pier Road) and wear comfortable shoes.
Taking a walk through our cultural history April and May’s neighbourhood walks explore our rich cultural heritage. Bookings are essential. Email or call 9209 6522. ST KILDA: Explore the heritage of East St Kilda with its parks, former mansions, housing estates, significant buildings and multicultural community. Sunday 22 April, 10 am – 12 pm. PORT MELBOURNE: Fishermans Bend has recently been designated an area for new residential development. Explore this lesser known area of Port Melbourne in both its present and layered history as a home for post-war industry and manufacturing. Sunday 13 May, 10 am – 12 pm.
Keep the canal beautiful ELWOOD: The next Elwood canal clean-ups are on Sundays 15 April and 13 May at 10 am. Meet on the banks of the canal near the Glenhuntly Road Bridge (opposite Elwood Primary School). Bring gloves and a couple of bags. The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Big thumbs up: Hannah, India, Molly and Zara enjoy the fete.
School fete set to buzz PORT MELBOURNE: The Port Melbourne Primary School Maytime Fete is on Saturday 5 May, 11 am – 7 pm. The popular fete features a super slide, bungee jump, jumping castles, camel rides and petting zoo as well as entertainment throughout the day. Sustenance is provided by a barbecue, African cuisine, cake and preserves. There will be plant, vintage clothing and trash ‘n’ treasure stalls. Corner Graham and Clark Street.
Diabetes educator joins the team
Plan for greater open space
SOUTH MELBOURNE AND ST KILDA: Inner South Community Health Service has employed a diabetes educator three days a week to work from their South Melbourne and St Kilda centres. The diabetes educator works with a team that includes dietitians, podiatrists, physiotherapists and counsellors. This includes information on blood glucose monitoring, benefits of physical activity, how medications work and preventing or managing complications. Individual and group education sessions are offered to support patients to make healthy lifestyle choices to manage their diabetes. If you want to get involved, contact the service to check your eligibility (priority is given to Health Care Card holders). St Kilda 9534 0981 or South Melbourne 9690 9144
SOUTH MELBOURNE: Council is looking to purchase land at the rear of 26-34 Emerald Hill Place, for conversion into a new park. Council’s Open Space Strategy identified this area as lacking open space. The new park will reinforce the symmetry of the historical Emerald Hill Estate.
Lifting the lid on the Palais ST KILDA: You might see some scaffolding go up as Council replaces the Palais Theatre roof. The works are funded by the state government and will assist Council in its efforts to ensure a long term, sustainable future for this iconic community asset. For more information see or call ASSIST on 9209 6777.
Reserve upgrade going to plan PORT MELBOURNE: The first stage of works on the J.L Murphy Reserve is underway and will be guided by the recently endorsed J.L Murphy Reserve Master Plan. The works will start with the relocation of the baseball field, tree removal and new tree planting to allow for the development of a new community soccer pitch. Both the J.L Murphy Reserve Master Plan and the J.L Murphy Reserve Tree Management Plan are available on Council’s website. For further information contact Julia Mardjuki on 9209 6152 or email The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Join the team for a beach clean MIDDLE PARK TO PORT MELBOURNE: Join volunteer groups 3206beachpatrol and 3207beachpatrol to collect rubbish along the Middle/Albert Park and Port Melbourne beaches. The groups meet once a month to clean the beach, then retire to a local café for a coffee and chat. The patrols complement the work Council is doing with tractor unit sweeping. The next pickup is Saturday 5 May. For more information visit (Middle/Albert Park) or (Port Melbourne).
Helping hand on the land ST KILDA: Christ Church Community Centre has a Garden Nomads crew who garden for frail older members of the community and people with disabilities on low incomes. Email Michele Sholl or call 9534 9250 for more information. The centre offers yoga classes on Tuesdays 6.15 pm – 7.15 pm and Wednesdays 10 am – 11 am and chair-based yoga on Wednesdays, 11.15 am – 12 pm. Cost is $2. Contact Liz on 9534 9250 for more.
Milestone for local obedience group
Faith at the Café ALBERT PARK: Reverend Sandy Jones will speak on the challenges of the ordained ministry. Tuesday 3 April, 7.30 pm at Café Continental on Bridport Street. Dinner available from 6.30 pm. All welcome. For bookings and enquiries call 9696 5116 or email
Speaking of gardening ALBERT PARK: The South Melbourne Garden Club has a social night out with guest speakers appearing at 8 pm (doors open at 7.30 pm) on the third Wednesday of every month. Cost is $3 for non-members and supper is provided. Mary Kehoe Centre, 224 Danks Street. Contact Patricia Finegan on 9690 3692 for more information.
Centre of learning and more ELWOOD: Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre has spaces available in its occasional childcare service, Monday – Friday, 9.30 am – 1.30 pm. For information and an application form visit, drop by to chat with staff and pick up a form, or call 9531 1954.
PORT MELBOURNE: Hobson’s Bay Obedience Dog Club is celebrating its 50th year of providing dog obedience training at J.L Murphy Reserve. At the end of this year the club will move to a new facility at Garden City Reserve. Training happens every Sunday morning from 10 am – 11 am, with a break over the Christmas period. To find out more visit or drop in to a session.
Emerald Hill discussions
The centre offers school holiday activities over the Easter break. Get involved in English practice, or Buzz Movie Makers – filmmaking for kids program from Tuesday 10 – Friday 13 April. Cost $240. Contact Claire on 0413 301 859 or email
SOUTH MELBOURNE: Council is hosting a Stories from the Hill forum during Heritage Week 2012. The public talks will explore the hidden stories of Emerald Hill and South Melbourne. Bring an object and its local story to share and the organisers will help you present and document it in a pop-up museum during the event. Thursday 19 April, 6 pm at the Emerald Hill Library annexe in Bank Street. To participate in the pop-up museum contact Susan Strano on 9209 6653. For more information visit
Green thumbs rejoice
Book covers history of local life saving ELWOOD: Elwood Surf Life Saving Club is launching their official centenary book, celebrating 100 years of service to the community. The book by historian Stella Barber is a detailed record of the formation of the club, its contribution to lifesaving and the broader community. The book will be launched at the club’s Centenary Dinner on Saturday 28 April. For more details visit
Library gets refreshed
The garden is open for a wander or to drop off scraps for compost.
PORT MELBOURNE: South Port UnitingCare has a community garden with preschool family garden activities on Wednesdays 12.00 pm – 1.15 pm. Or just drop in, have a chat, do some gardening at your own pace, and join in on some cooking or art work 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm. The garden activities are free and afternoon tea is included. Port Melbourne Uniting Church, corner Nott and Bridge Streets.
Let the local games begin ST KILDA: Local football kicks off on Saturday 14 April with St Kilda City playing Chelsea Heights at the Peanut Farm Reserve in Blessington Street. Get there around 12 pm to grab lunch and a drink and settle in for two games of top quality local football. For details on the season fixture and membership for 2012 visit the club website at
ST KILDA: Check out the refreshing new look to the library. Collections have been rearranged, a new public internet/wireless area has been set up, toilets are being upgraded and new customer service information pods have been introduced to improve your experience when you visit. Another change is the introduction of self service loans via RFID technology. This technology enables speedy and secure borrowing. It allows multiple items to be checked-out in one go. You will be able to avoid queues and do it yourself at our self-serve kiosks, with staff ready and able to help you on your way. Got a question? Ask a staff member at one of the new info pods . If you need research assistance, project help for your child or reading suggestions, our staff will be close by to help you.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Falls prevention There is a new falls prevention program for Port Phillip residents aged over 80. A physiotherapist and allied health assistant visit residents in their home for six months to practice strengthening exercises and help with independent mobility. It’s free of charge. Contact Alison Folley, Allied Health Coordinator on 9690 9144 for more information.
Planning for loss of capacity Caulfield Hospital is hosting a free information session about Advance Care Planning. It is about preparing for loss of capacity, for example if you were injured or develop an illness like dementia. There will be an interactive talk, question time and morning tea. Advance care planning kits will be available at the door. RSVP to 9076 6642.
Voyages community arts project
Tuesday 5 June, 2.30 pm – 4 pm Ashley Ricketson Centre, Caulfield Hospital Kooyong Road, Caulfield
Bite sized films The St Kilda Film Festival screens Australia’s top 100 short films alongside SoundKILDA – the Australian Music Video Competition, targeted youth programs, an international component, industry networking events and the forum series. Tuesday 22 – Sunday 27 May The Astor Theatre, Palais Theatre
Brazilian play, language and culture Cultura brasiliera is a language and culture program for children and includes a Brazilian playgroup, language classes and cultural activities and is open to all who have an interest in the culture. Contact for more information. The Criarte (Brazilian Playgroup) Tuesdays 10 am – 12 pm Sol Green Community Centre Coordinator: Priscilla Mutti Cultura Brasileira (Portuguese Language for Children) Saturdays from 10.30 am – 12 pm Middle Park Community Centre Coordinator: Roseli Diniz
Young Athletes Take part in Young Athletes Melbourne, a free sports-based program for kids with intellectual disabilities aged two to ten. The goal of the program is fun! But also to assist in the physical, cognitive and social development of the kids in a supportive, non-competitive environment. A great networking opportunity for parents of children with an intellectual disability. Registration is essential, contact Special Olympics Victoria on 9877 2769 or email Saturday mornings during school term Port Phillip Specialist School Gymnasium 229 Nott Street, Port Melbourne
A collision course is set to explode in Melbourne. Collaboration The Project presents a high impact show that will have your heart pumping from start to finish. Thursday 12 – Saturday 21 April
The Girls in Grey The Shift Theatre in association with Theatre Works presents the stories of three Australian Army nurses during World War I – from Egypt to the barren shores of Lemnos Island and the muddy sludge of the Western front. Wednesday 25 April – Sunday 13 May
Persona Based on the film by Ingmar Bergman. One night, during a performance an actress falls silent, and refuses to speak. The nurse assigned to her recovery takes her to a remote seaside cottage. The safe house transforms into a site of terror and isolation, as patient and nurse grow dangerously close.
Catch Matthew performing a solo guitar concert featuring Spanish, Celtic, and contemporary popular arrangements.
Directed by Matthew Fagan, the Voyages project brings together an exotic blend of world musicians and artists from diverse performing arts groups in unique and innovative collaborations. The final showcase performance is planned for the St Kilda Town Hall in mid June. Tickets $20, $15 concession, cash on door RSVP by email
Friday 18 – Sunday 27 May Book all shows at or call 9534 3388.
Sunday 29 April, 2 pm – 4 pm Uniting Church Corner of Chapel and Carlisle Streets, St Kilda
Giving back to the community
Citizens for Reconciliation
Lena Rosenberg is a St Kilda resident who has been volunteering with Linking Neighbours since October 2010, providing a year of free weekly Feldenkrais sessions for Linking Neighbours seniors at Middle Park Community Centre. The participants love it and love her – she is very gentle, inclusive and encouraging. Lena is offering classes again in 2012 that will attract a small fee. For more information contact or Karen Watson, Social Support and Recreation Access, on 9209 6384.
Port Phillip Citizens for Reconciliation are planning a lunch to commemorate Sorry Day on Friday 25 May, events during Reconciliation Week in May and NAIDOC Week in July, an ongoing schools program and input into major reconciliation issues like proposed changes to the Constitution and a Referendum. Newcomers to the group are welcome. Contact the office on 9699 8804 or Rosemary on 0418 675 734.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Meetings third Tuesday of the month, 6.30 pm South Melbourne Town Hall Community Hub 208-220 Bank Street, South Melbourne
Laptops with legs
Plan for the early years The Port Phillip Early Years Plan (EYP) was endorsed by Council in February. The plan will be used to guide the early years work of the Council and provide strategic direction for the development and coordination of educational, care, health and recreational programs, activities and facilities for young children across the municipality. The broad goals of the EYP are to work in partnership to support families and children, to increase children’s participation, to improve child development, health and wellbeing and to build on research evidence.
This program, delivered and funded by State Government, gives participants an opportunity to develop and enhance their computer skills. A qualified tutor conducts hands-on classes in small groups. During April the program will be delivered in the South Melbourne and Port Melbourne areas. Classes can be conducted at your organisation’s facilities or at a community centre close to you. If you are part of a community group and would like your members to participate in this program please contact the City of Port Phillip Community Facilities area on 9209 6351 or 9209 6349.
Collectable gets personal
The EYP is distributed to all early years services and providers in the municipality. Copies are available through ASSIST counters and libraries and on the Council website. For more information call Samantha Neville on 9209 6746.
Let’s get walking Friday 18 May is National Walk Safely to School Day. Walking to school has many benefits, and it’s also a lot of fun – just ask Lachlan Hope, who walks to primary school with his dad, Peter. ‘I like seeing different things every time and saying hello to different people,’ says Lachlan.
What can one person do? We all know that just one person reducing their carbon footprint and living more sustainably is not going to reverse climate change, right? What if we all knew many, many other people were doing their bit to help? The online Survey of One Person Actions aims to make everyone’s safeclimate actions visible. Check the survey at
Mapping our solar potential Council has commissioned a report to find out the solar potential of our entire city. Based on the use of aerial photography, geographic information systems along with seasonal variations and other factors, we found that our city has around 1.8 million m2 of suitable rooftop area. If this area were fully installed with photovoltaic panels it would provide around 250 MW of electrical generating capacity. For details on report see For more information on any of these topics, contact the sustainable programs team on 9209 6548 or email
Parenting information sessions Council will host eight parenting information sessions during 2012, covering • School readiness • Paediatric first aid • Parenting after separation • A session for Dads • Toddler behaviour • Cyber bullying • Toilet training • Raising confident teens All sessions are open to Port Phillip parents, guardians or caregivers and are free of charge. Session and booking information is available via Council’s website, Contact fy& or 9209 6250 for more details.
Grants popping up in your neigbourhood Do you love your ‘hood? A great way to get to know your neighbours is to share knowledge with like-minded people. You could establish a gardening club, share your DIY knowledge in a workshop or start a clothes swap group. Small Poppy Neighbourhood Grants Program might be just what you need to start your neighbourhood project. To find out more, visit smallpoppyneighbourhoodgrants
Get volunteering Do Care volunteers visit seniors and younger people with a disability living in the City of Port Phillip who are isolated at home. Find out more about volunteering with Do Care by calling Julie Durham on 9794 3000. Port Phillip Community Group wants volunteers for their sewing and community kitchen activity groups in public housing community rooms. Get involved by calling Maggie Mildenhall on 8598 6604.
Collectable is a unique arts event inspired by the personal stories of members of SPARC theatre. The project incorporates photographic works, installation, music recording and performance art. Collectable showcases the extraordinary skills of the ensemble members of SPARC Theatre, who live in supported accommodation in Port Phillip. 23 May 2012 – 20 June 2012
Michael Kluge captures faces of St Kilda Come As You Are – Collective St Kilda Portraits is a collection of close-up portraits of faces seen around St Kilda by local photographer Michael Kluge. In a departure from the typical approach to portraiture, sitters ‘came as they were’ and were photographed in a basic setting. 18 April 2012 – 16 May 2012 The Gallery, St Kilda Town Hall Monday-Friday 8.30 am – 5 pm
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Feature set plays movie tunes
Make a suggestion We are looking for local business that support worthwhile causes for a future feature in Divercity. Last week we spotted a café called Monkey that raises cash for orangutans, at Readings your books get wrapped for a donation to Sacred Heart, and in this issue we reported that Pet Stock in South Melbourne supports the Walking Woofs – we are sure there are many others. We want your suggestions about businesses and causes to include in a future edition. Send your ideas by email to divercity@ or call Greg Day 9534 2833. There’s a handy form on the internet at
Photography scholarship up for snaps
Enjoy movie music classics in a relaxed cabaret style. Live orchestra and singers perform authentic cinema classics from blockbusters to ballads. Supported by the City of Port Phillip Cultural Development Fund. Tickets $35, concession $30. To book call 9276 1907 (BH) or 0411 642 788 (AH) Saturday 28 April and Saturday 12 May, 8 pm. St Kilda Town Hall, Carlisle Street, St Kilda
Ninety year old Colin Kerby OAM is a distinguished Australian of many talents: commercial diver, fitter and turner, engineer, inventor, brewer, confectioner, aircraft manufacturer and boat builder. A local legend, he ran the St Kilda Pier kiosk with his wife for many years. His most important contributions to society include the saving of nearly 500 lives from drowning and the invention and building of machines for cancer research and organ transplantation. Read the story of Col’s life in a biography by Jan Mitchell.
Photo by Kate Enno
Kerby’s Kiosk is just part of the story
Playful mobile apps showcase our best If you’ve got an iPhone, the Play Melbourne app from Tourism Victoria is worth a look. It’s well put together and uses your current location to provide nearby options to investigate. It focuses on good food, bars and boutique shopping. Follow search icons including quirky, eclectic, liquid and authentic. This app is tourism for locals – all over Melbourne. Closer to home, the Council has launched a discover Port Phillip app. Download it free from the Apple store.
Aleph Bet exhibition Aleph Bet is an exhibition in two parts for adults and children exploring the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. With objects displayed at child friendly heights and a range of fun activities, this exhibition engages children with language and words. Sunday 15 April – Sunday 5 August Jewish Museum of Australia, 26 Alma Road, St Kilda Handmade gypsy doll, Leah Klein, Germany, 1945. Donated by Vera Jackson, Jewish Museum of Australia Collection 979. The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Enter the Australian Academy of Design Photographic Competition 2012 to win a scholarship to study the Bachelor of Design Arts (Photo Media) degree. There are two categories, one for university and TAFE students 25 years and under and the other for Years 10-12 students. Finalists in the competition will be exhibited in the Academy’s Clement Meadmore Gallery from 2 May – 8 June, 2012. Entries open 26 March and close 23 April, 2012 Download an entry form from
Growing up with alcoholism The Alcoholics Anonymous National Convention is being held at the Melbourne Convention Centre over Easter. Opening the convention is a free seminar for the public who would like to learn more about the illness of alcoholism, recovery, and AA. Hosted by Mike Munro, who will be sharing his story ‘Growing up with alcoholism’, this seminar brings together a number of experts including Professor Greg Whelan. Thursday 5 April, 5.30 – 7.15 pm Plenary 3, Melbourne Convention Centre