D I V ERCITY the official newsletter of the city of port phillip
issn 1328 -0309
| issue 72 feb / mar 2014
k l a w Ri d e Love
new zones for living
Suai scholarships make a difference In 2014 there are 36 young people eligible for Friends of Suai/Covalima (FoS/C) scholarships for further education in Timor Leste. Donations are now needed to fund the scholarships. It costs approximately $1000 to fully fund one scholarship. Any amount is welcome.
In 2013, the first year of the scholarship program, 16 young people graduated with Certificates I and II in trades and hospitality; another completed the first year of a teaching degree. This is an important achievement for students in rural areas such as Covalima, the poorest district in the poorest country in South-East Asia. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible. For further enquires contact Pat Jessen, Coordinator, Friends of Suai/ Covalima, on 9209 6777 or at pjessen@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Cycle of love
Thibault Tournier from Paris was one of the first visitors to use the new blue bikes in St Kilda to explore our city. I must confess, I am in love with your city. The last novelty of your city is located in front of Luna Park: a bike-share station. An attractive idea that I wanted to share with my fellow countryman, Anthony. Our decision is taken. We take the bikes and head towards St Kilda beach. The weather is perfect and we just have to watch the beach to feel relaxed. Parents have big smiles as their children play; girls try to get their honey-colored skins perfectly tanned while men admire them with experts’ eyes. The hardest thing is not to be a public danger; I am so easily distracted it makes riding very tricky. The most enjoyable difference between Paris and St Kilda is the lack of stress and the diversity of the citizens. Along the beach the faces are relaxed, calm, smiling and cheerful. We meet an old woman with pink hair and the behaviour of a cartoon character; a few minutes later a man dressed as Batman overtakes me with his bike. There is no doubt that we are in St Kilda, the only place we can dream in while being wide awake. We ride towards Port Melbourne. The bicycle path is now surrounded by beautiful palm trees, perfectly lined up. Across the street, a succession of houses, all more beautiful than the other, passes before our eyes. Reaching Port Melbourne, we admire a splendid view of St Kilda on one side and Melbourne on the other side. A gigantic red and white liner brings me back once again to a getaway feeling. Full of happiness, we leave our bikes at the bike station in Port Melbourne. Here finishes our perfect ride.
Honorio Gusmao (pictured with FoS/C coordinator Pat Jessen) has been accepted into primary teaching. Honorio is a tenacious young man whose story is one of courage and determination. In 2003, he was bitten by a green snake and lost a leg. With assistance from FoS/C, he has received a prosthesis and modest support. He completed secondary school in 2013, has been volunteering at the Red Cross and in 2014 will commence a three year degree at the Baucau Teachers College on a scholarship. The City of Port Phillip respectfully acknowledges the Yalukit Wilam Clan of the Boon Wurrung. We pay our respect to their Elders, both past and present. We acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land.
great transport ideas As the population of Port Phillip grows, walking, riding and public transport will need to grow too. Here are some projects that the Council is calling for to make it easier to get around in our city.
Bay Street to city bike route: Will create a segregated bike lane network for Fishermans Bend to make bike riding easier, safer and preferred by more. Park Street tram link: With just a few hundred metres of track, this link would provide an inner city orbital tram route linking South Yarra, the Domain, South Melbourne and the western side of the CBD. St Kilda Road bike path: Improved cycling facilities for this popular route. City Road tram stop upgrade: This stop on Route 96 will be important for the forthcoming Ferrars Street School and Community Hub. Extension of Collins Street to Fishermans Bend: This link for trams, bikes and pedestrians would mean that new developments in Fishermans Bend would be only minutes from the CBD. Metro Rail Capacity Project: This bold extension to Melbourne’s train network would increase capacity dramatically and ultimately include subway stations at the Domain and Fishermans Bend. The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Councillors are ready to ride
Walk and ride – transport yourself Happy New Year! In this edition of Divercity we celebrate sustainable transport. There are so many good reasons to walk, ride and catch public transport: the incidental contact with friends and neighbours, the decrease in traffic congestion and carbon emissions and the health benefits. So, this summer, enjoy all that our city has to offer and consider walking and riding, not just as an exercise activity but also as a mode of transport. Council staff and Councillors are working on ways to be more sustainable in how we get around. We acknowledge that it’s not always possible to walk or ride, but we are aiming to be more conscious of our transport choices so that, over time, we become more sustainable. I am very excited to try the biking apps, which I hope can help me ride to Williamstown using the punt. I am also keen to try the EcoCentre’s Little Critters Twilight Walk and perhaps even enjoy a movie at the outdoor cinema at Gasworks.
Blue bikes are waiting for you
There are now 13 blue bike stations in Port Phillip, making the Melbourne Bike Share scheme easier to use than ever before.
I hope to see you out and about enjoying our beautiful city this summer.
Brand new stations were added in December at high profile locations in St Kilda, including outside the Palais Theatre, adjacent to Luna Park, and at Cleve Gardens at the beach end of Fitzroy Street. Another station in Fitzroy Street near the bowling club is on the way. The bike station near Kerferd Road has moved to the foreshore opposite Victoria Avenue next to Plum Garland playground.
Most of the bikes now have courtesy helmets, making it easier to just jump on and go.
Frequent rider
The scheme offers individuals daily, weekly and yearly passes; at least the first 30 minutes of each ride is included free of charge. The daily pass is $2.80, the annual subscription $56. Organisations can subscribe for $100 per key. THERE IS A BIKE STATION NEAR YOU www.melbournebikeshare.com.au
St Kilda Road resident Gary Buck reckons he might be the blue bikes’ most frequent rider. Since joining the scheme about two years ago, he has used the bikes about 450 times (with minimal additional charges). “I love them. I love the flexibility. There a station just near my apartment, [so using the bikes is] very convenient,” he said. Gary’s favourite destinations are South Melbourne beach for a swim and South Melbourne Market to pickup a few bargains. “Often, I walk to the market and cycle back with the shopping. Or I ride to the beach, dock the bike and grab another bike for the ride home.” Because riders with annual passes get the first 45 minutes free, Gary has rarely had to pay for extra time. “With more local stations, it’s only going to be better.” The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Active at any age: Local football legend Tom Hafey joined others to celebrate the completion of an exercise program for people over 80 years of age. The 12 week program, organised by Inner South Community Health and the Council, attracted 50 people. The program helped people to include exercises in their everyday routines. Some described the experience as “life changing”, and said that it improved their confidence and renewed their enthusiasm to be more active and get out and about.
Information, requests, questions or feedback Telephone 03 9209 6777 Fax 03 9536 2722 SMS 0432 005 405 Email assist@portphillip.vic.gov.au Internet eservices.portphillip.vic.gov.au If you are deaf, hearing or speech impaired please use the National Relay Service (www.relayservice.com.au). TTY users can call 133 677, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Speak and Listen users can call 1300 555 727, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Or visit ASSIST in person Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 5 pm St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda South Melbourne Town Hall 208 – 220 Bank Street, South Melbourne Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne
Translations For a translation please call the Council’s Language assistance interpreter service:
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Walk Ride Love #transportyourself
Walk talk connect Get together with others from the neighbourhood for a walk, chat and a coffee. It is good exercise for both body and soul. Stroll through Elwood: A friendly group of social walkers departs Elwood– St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre (ESNLC) every Friday at 9.30 am. The group goes past the Elwood Canal and along the foreshore, before returning via the Botanical Gardens. The group also drops by Beachcombers mid trip for a coffee. Call 9531 1954 for more information or simply turn up on the day.
Step out with a group on Elwood on Fridays from 9 am
Alma Road all abilities walk: This group, which walks most Fridays from 10 am, is accessible to people of all abilities. Call Anthea on 9525 8746 beforehand so they know you are coming and to let her know if you have any mobility issues. Get out of town: Venture out of town with the Port Phillip Community Group, which hosts eight Saturday walks a year at various locations around Victoria, including locations such as Mt Macedon, Cape Schanck, Werribee Gorge and Yarra Bend. Cost is $5 for transport and BBQ lunch. Places are limited, so bookings are essential. Call Shayne Barns on 8598 6600. Bryan and Saskia are Walkmates
divercity 72 Audio recordings of Divercity are available on the Council’s website and on CD from a Port Phillip library. CDs are delivered to 80 vision-impaired residents every issue. Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.
February/March 2014 Editor: Greg Day gday@edunity.com.au Next deadline: 21 February for April/May Writers: Reece Marks, Kathryn McGrath and Greg Day. Thanks to Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo. Design and Production: Mediation Communications Feedback: divercity@portphillip.vic.gov.au Divercity is printed on recycled paper
WalkMates step out together Run by South Port Day Links, WalkMates links volunteer walking companions with frail older people or people with a disability who may need support to go for a walk. Volunteers assist the resident to go at their own pace. To get involved call 9646 6362.
Make walking a Life Activity: Join the happy group of Port Phillip Life Activities Club bushwalkers once a month. Small, relaxed groups and the freedom to go at your own pace. For something more local, try the fortnightly social walks around Port Melbourne and St Kilda. Visit www.life.org.au/ pplac or call 9645 4061 for more information. Gasworks Tuesdays and Thursdays: Enjoy relaxed fitness and fresh air with the Gasworks Walkers. The walk takes in the beach path and other local sights for one hour, ending at Gasworks Cafe for morning tea. Meet outside Gasworks Café, every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 am. For more information call Jacqueline Clift on 0457 051 605.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Walk Explore Appreciate Here are two guided walks that will take you into two completely different worlds. Explore the history of South Melbourne circa 1888 through the lens of David Wood or take a peek at the latest street art curated by a St Kilda kid.
Walking into history
The Windsor Hotel, Victoria Avenue, 1888.
David Wood’s South Melbourne circa 1888 In 1888 South Melbourne Council commissioned David Wood to photograph the city. His images were displayed at the International Centennial Exhibition held in Melbourne at the Exhibition Buildings in that year. The photographs illustrated the different facets of South Melbourne in the boom time of the 1880s. A selection of these photographs form part of a self-guided walking trail of South Melbourne. Download a copy of the David Wood’s South Melbourne self-guided walking tour from heritage.portphillip.vic.gov.au or pick one up from the Emerald Hill Library & Heritage Centre, 195 Bank Street, South Melbourne.
Is your behaviour deterring senior walkers? Walking is a vital activity for seniors. Victoria Walks has now published the results of discussions with over 1,000 seniors. Their report identifies some of the obstacles that prevent many seniors from walking as often as they would like. Reasons include examples of thoughtless behaviour, such as uncontrolled dogs, inconsiderate drivers and cyclists speeding along footpaths. Other difficulties include poor lighting, uneven footpath surfaces and too few public toilets.
Balaclava Street Art Walk An introduction to graffiti and street art from a local kid. Thanks to Victoria Walks and user WuTron. Walk runs between 60 William Street, Balaclava and Inkerman Street. Time: 20 minutes. Distance: 1.4 km. Difficulty: very easy. Darren’s Owls Darren Henderson is a local artist who has a thing for owls. I love these. See if you can spot another of his owls when you get to Wall Two 80 on the walk. Big men laughing These guys, painted on a vacant site, are huge. It is the biggest graffiti canvas in Balaclava. Walk this way often for an ever-changing exhibition. Wall Two 80 Wall Two 80 is a favourite local cafe, whose big outside wall is always covered with art.
Much can be done to remove such obstacles. Drivers and cyclists can take more care and slow down in residential and shopping areas. Councils can opt for better lighting, safer footpaths and more benches for a refreshing pause. What will you do to make walking safer for seniors? Brigid McCoppin, Secretary, Port Phillip Older Persons’ Consultative Committee
At walkingmaps.com.au you can read about the rest of WuTron’s points of interest and lots of other local walking tours with a difference.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Walk Ride Love #transportyourself New BUG on the block The Port Phillip Bicycle User Group (BUG) needs as many interested cyclists as possible to help create the ideal cycling environment. BUG represents the views and needs of all bike riders in Port Phillip. Share what you think BUG should focus on (for example, advocacy or social events, or both). Visit our Facebook page to join the discussion. Volunteers are also needed to form a BUG committee. twitter.com/PortPhillipBUG Contact the BUG at www.facebook.com/PortPhillipBUG to find out more.
Cyber riders Download a mobile app that will count the kilometres when you ride. RiderLog A free iPhone app made by Bicycle Network Victoria. This app enables you to track where, how far and how fast you ride. The default setting is anonymous, although you can choose to share some information about yourself on riderlog.org if you want to. If you do, it will help to plan the best possible bike networks. Strava This is a popular free app you can use to track your progress and compete against others, or just find some fellow bike commuters. There are lots of routes recorded in Port Phillip. Download the app from www.strava.com
she spoke:
Southside Women on Wheels
Catherine Deveny wants women to be pushy
From March to May, Council, in conjunction with The Squeaky Wheel, is hosting a series of events to encourage women to ride. Pushy Women Speaking Launching the Women on Bikes series on Sunday 2 March, eight high profile women will each speak for eight minutes about their experiences with bike riding. Some are regular riders, some have never ridden before, but all have a story to tell. Presented in partnership with author and social commentator Catherine Deveny. Pushy Women Excursions – each ride will feature a notable woman who lives in the area, who will curate a series of stops along the way that highlight her everyday rides. Wheelie Workshop (children 2–8 years old, accompanied by parent/guardian). This workshop will feature three stages: bicycle doctors’ performance, bike decorating workshop and a runway event. Good2Go Course (children 9–12 years old, accompanied by parent/guardian). Two day course full of fun bike activities aimed at teaching the skills necessary to be confident travellers. Fix a Flat, Chain and Gears Workshop for Women – conducted by Back2Bikes, this is a practical course that teaches how to fix a flat tyre and how to maintain your chains and gears. Rediscover Riding for Older Women – dust off those cobwebs, oil up those joints and come along on a social ride to rediscover bike riding.
Bike Bella, Bike Skills for Women – a shortened, beginner-friendly introduction to our Assertive Riding Course. You will increase rider knowledge, practise indicating skills, learn rules, how to recognise hazards and how to choose your most appropriate route. Assertive Riding Course for Women – take your bike skills to the next level and build your confidence riding in traffic. Know your bike, increase bike skills and emergency braking, negotiate in traffic and learn road rules. Heels on Wheels – riding to work – a modified version of our Assertive Riding Course. If you are thinking about riding to work but need some reassurance, our course focuses on route planning, preparation, road rules and riding in traffic. Cargo Bike Picnic – Whether you’re a regular rider or you’d like to test one out. If you do grocery shopping, carry your kids, have a baby seat or pull trailer – you’ve got a cargo bike. Visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/bike-ridingactivities.htm for full details and information about how to book.
Wheels on the punt The Westgate Punt is a ferry service that runs between Spotswood Jetty and Westgate Landing in Port Melbourne. The ferry service runs every 20 minutes on weekdays between 6.30 am and 9.20 am, and between 4 pm and 6.50 pm. On weekends ferries run from 9 am – 5 pm, with crossings on a regular on-demand basis. Fares are $2 each way on weekdays, $5 one way, $7 return on weekends. Visit www.westgatepunt.com for timetables and information.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Walk or ride to twilight events Here’s a little extra motivation for a twilight walk or ride – not that you really need it. Beach Volleyball at St Kilda: Join one of the teams or start your own. The competition runs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during daylight saving hours. Check in at 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start. Cost is $20 per person, and includes a drink and pizza afterwards. Visit www.vicbeach.com.au/centres/republicast-kilda-beach.php for more information. Beach volley ball on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays on St Kilda Beach. Grab a bargain at the St Kilda Twilight Market: Catch the summer night market before it ends for summer 2014. The last markets will be held Thursdays 13 and 20 February, 5 – 10 pm at O’Donnell Gardens (alongside Luna Park). Catch a ride at Luna Park: Just for fun, Luna Park will be open until 11 pm Thursdays – Saturdays, and 8 pm on Sundays during February.
Go green for trivia: Get your green thinking caps on for a fun evening of environmental trivia in the pub. There will be curly quiz questions, team challenges, games and super prizes. Tuesday 11 February 7 – 9.30 pm; upstairs at the Village Belle Hotel, 202 Barkly Street. Cost is $15 per person. Visit www.ecocentre.com/node/1161 for more information. Ride to Gasworks Cinema for a discount: Catch a film under the stars on Thursday and Friday evenings until Friday 21 February. Tickets only $15 for cyclists. Visit www.gasworks.org.au for films and details. Linden open late: Spy an exhibition at the Linden Centre, located at 26 Acland Street, St Kilda. Linden is open from 11 am – 8 pm on Wednesdays, and Tuesday – Sunday 11 am – 4 pm. Visit www.lindenarts.org for more information. Royal visit: Stroll or ride down to Princes Pier and see what’s come in. Queen Mary 2 will be in town on 12 March and there’s a full schedule at www.portofmelbourne.com
Diving into beach fun: volleyball is a great way to keep fit and meet new people. Pic: Grant Meyer.
Biking to bargains: the great Op Shop challenge Is it possible to visit every Op Shop in Port Phillip in a single morning? Meyer Eidelson from the Port Phillip Guided Walks Program took up the challenge. A dozen intrepid riders discovered that all nine Op Shops in the city are open on a Saturday morning, so, despite the rain, we completed this challenge. With a coffee break thrown in, we harvested bargains in St Kilda, Albert Park and South Melbourne. We also encountered the fabulous residents who volunteer in Op Shops owned by the Salvation Army, the Brotherhood, Sacred Heart, UnitingCare, South Melbourne Community Chest and Vinnies. Go to Google Maps at http://goo.gl/maps/3tmBs, where we have listed the shops and their locations on our Enviro eHub: bit.ly/JdboUJ
Walk and talk about music Local musicians have banded together to start St Kilda Music Walking Tours – a ‘walk on the wild side’ with locals who were part of the music scene. It’s part pub crawl, part tall stories, part music history. Tours start at the George Hotel on Fitzroy Street and conclude at Pure Pop on Barkly Street, one of the new group of small venues keeping the local music scene alive. WALK ABOUT ROCK www.skmwt.com.au
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Walk Ride Love #transportyourself www.portphillip.vic.gov.au
Zones for living
New residential zones are coming to your street The state government has released new residential zones. These new zones may change the type of development that is allowed in your street and neighbourhood. The new zones are one of the most significant changes to the planning rules in the last 10 years. The changes for Port Phillip involve replacing the current Residential 1 Zone, which covers the majority of residential areas with one of the three new zones. The application of the new zones will be based on Council’s existing Housing Policy, which was developed with extensive community input. This policy balances the opportunity for new housing development closest to shops, transport and other services – while protecting the highly valued character and heritage of established residential areas. Councils have until 1 July this year to introduce the new zones. If the new zones are not in place by this date, the state government will apply the General Residential Zone across the municipality.
Residential zones make up 47 per cent of land in Port Phillip
Council is keen to ensure that the new zones are in place before the deadline as the new zones will more effectively direct housing growth to preferred areas and limit growth in others, in line with the existing policy. As the different zones will affect building heights, the density of development and, therefore, neighbourhood character, Council also wants to provide the community with an opportunity to comment on the proposed changes.
The three New Residential Zones The new residential zones are: Residential Growth Zone – allows for increased housing growth and densities General Residential Zone – allows for some multi-unit development in areas with good access to shops, services and transport Neighbourhood Residential Zone – provides for limited growth in established residential areas where heritage and neighbourhood character are highly valued.
How is Council intending to apply the new zones? Residential Growth Zone The Residential Growth Zone (RGZ) will be applied to very limited areas in Port Phillip which have been identified for substantial residential growth in the Housing Policy (for example, Queens Road). Application of this zone is limited because the majority of Port Phillip’s preferred housing growth areas are already within a Mixed Use, Commercial 1 or Capital City Zone. This includes Port Phillip’s activity centres (shopping strips), the St Kilda Road precinct and former industrial areas identified for urban renewal, such as Fishermans Bend and various mixed use precincts in Port Melbourne, South Melbourne and St Kilda.
General Residential Zone The General Residential Zone (GRZ) will be largely applied to properties fronting main roads along tram routes and areas close to Port Phillip’s larger activity centres (Fitzroy and Acland Streets, Clarendon Street, Carlisle Street, Bay Street, Ormond Road). These areas offer the best opportunity for well-located, medium density housing development that respects the neighbourhood’s character. The GRZ is similar to the existing Residential 1 Zone. There is no limit on the number of dwellings on a site and a 9 metre (2–3 storey) discretionary height limit applies.
Neighbourhood Residential Zone The Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ) will apply to Heritage Overlay areas and established residential areas that are not close to a large activity centre or along a main road with a tram route. These are areas identified in the Housing Policy for limited or minimal residential growth.
Detailed information on the proposed application of the new residential zones will be available for comment from 14 February until 14 March 2013. This information will show how your property and street will be affected.
Dwelling density: The NRZ can limit development to two dwellings per site. For larger sites within Port Phillip (over 600 square metres) it is proposed to allow an increased number of dwellings relative to the size of the site. (Less than 16 per cent of sites in the proposed NRZ are over 600 sqm). This sliding scale provides the opportunity for some new multi-unit development, but at a lower density than many recent development proposals. This will help protect the neighbourhood’s character.
After considering community feedback and finalising the new zones, Council intends to request the Minister for Planning include them in the Port Phillip Planning Scheme by the July 2014 deadline.
Building height: The NRZ includes a default 8 metre (2 storey) height limit for new dwellings. In Port Phillip this would be varied in certain areas to reflect height limits in Design and Development Overlay controls already in the planning scheme and where prevailing building height are over 8 metres (for example, heritage precincts with 2 storey Victorian terraces and high concentrations of 3 storey apartments).
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
BUILD FOR LIVING: Port Phillip continues to experience strong residential demand. Between 2004 and 2011, over 5,000 new dwellings were constructed within only one third built in the Residential 1 Zone. The majority were located in a Mixed Use or Commercial 1 Zone. The proposed residential zones seek to protect neighbourhood character while directing new growth to selected locations with good access to shops and transport.
IMAGE: Courtesy of Rationale Design
After 14 February, go to Council’s website and look at the map. (If you don’t have access to the internet, go to a Council library or one of Council’s Service centres where hard copy maps will be available for you to look at.)
How will your zone change?
The map will show which of the three new residential zones is proposed for your property and street. Note the specific number of the area that you are in (for example, Neighbourhood Residential Zone 1 – NRZ1) as different rules (schedules) apply to different areas. Read the New Residential Zones Guide and the relevant Zone Fact Sheet to find our more about the zone you are in, the schedule that will apply and what this means.
Let us know what you think We want to know your thoughts about Council’s intended approach to applying the new residential zones.You can comment on Port Phillip’s proposals from 14 February to 14 March 2014.
How to make comments Go to Council’s website or Have Your Say page for a comments form. Email your form to newresidentialzones@portphillip.vic.gov.au Post your form to the Strategic Planning Coordinator, City of Port Phillip, Private Bag 3, St Kilda VIC 3182.
Where to find out more Visit Council’s website at www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/new-residential-zones.htm to find all the information. Visit Council Service Centres and libraries to see the plans and get a copy of the Guide and Fact Sheets. Phone the Strategic Planning Unit on 9209 6237 or come to the St Kilda Town Hall to talk with a strategic planner.
Attend a drop-in session Drop-in sessions will be held so you can talk to a Council planner one on one about the new zones and what is proposed for your property. Sessions will be held in different locations throughout Port Phillip. Visit Council’s website for details of times and locations.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
For all general enquires, contact ASSIST 9209 6777 Cr Amanda Stevens, Mayor Albert Park BH: 9209 6431 M: 0481 034 029 E: mayor@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Cr Serge Thomann, Deputy Mayor Catani BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 299 372 E: sthomann@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Cr Vanessa Huxley Carlisle BH: 9209 6705 M: 0406 890 739 E: vhuxley@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Station upgrade on track for 2014 completion BALACLAVA: Works to upgrade Balaclava Station have recommenced, with the project now expected to be complete by October 2014. There will be a comprehensive upgrade to the station’s access and amenities. For more information visit www.ptv.vic.gov.au/ balaclavaupgrade, email ptvprojects@ptv.vic.gov.au or call 1800 800 007.
Local intersection made more accessible ALBERT PARK: The Bridport and Madden Streets intersection has been improved to make it better for pedestrians. The improvements include kerb extension and continuous at-grade pedestrian access across Madden Street. This work is part of Council’s Sustainable Transport Strategy and Walk Plan 2011–20.
Pedestrian safety levels raised Cr Anita Horvath emerald hill BH: 9209 6705 M: 0438 906 161 E: ahorvath@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Cr Andrew Bond Junction BH: 9209 6705 M: 0481 034 028 E: abond@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Cr Jane Touzeau Point Ormond BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 287 634 E: jtouzeau@portphillip.vic.gov.au
SOUTH MELBOURNE: Pedestrian safety is set to be improved with the installation of raised pedestrian walkways at the Cecil and Dorcas and Cecil and Bank Streets intersections. Work is expected to begin mid February and last approximately 25 days. Visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/cecil-st-upgrade.htm for more information.
Men’s Shed – a place to chat and work SOUTH MELBOURNE: Each Saturday morning members of the Port Phillip Men’s Shed Association gather to chat, work on community projects or fix up their own furniture in a well-appointed workshop. Blokes can also get involved in health seminars, basic first aid courses and a power tool training workshop. The shed is located behind St Luke’s Anglican Church in Dorcas Street. Visitors are welcome to drop in for a cuppa and a chat. Visit www.ppmensshed.org for more information.
Volunteer in Stephanie’s local kitchen Cr Bernadene Voss Sandridge BH: 9209 6705 M: 0413 246 704 E: bvoss@portphillip.vic.gov.au Direct all enquiries for councillors during office hours to the Mayor and Councillors’ Office Mayor: Tel: 9209 6431 Barbara Wilson, Mayoral Exec. Assistant Fax: 9536 2711 Councillors: Tel: 9209 6705 Mary Baensch, Councillors’ Support Officer Fax: 9536 2708 All Councillors, email: councillors@portphillip.vic.gov.au Postal address: City of Port Phillip, Private Bag No. 3, PO St Kilda Vic 3182
ELWOOD: The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program at Elwood Primary School is looking for volunteers to help in the school’s garden program. There will be a Volunteers Information Evening at the school on Thursday 6 February at 6 pm; classes will commence the following week. Call the school office on 9531 2762 for more information.
Local church in World Prayer Day PORT MELBOURNE: World Day of Prayer 2014 is on Friday 7 March at Holy Trinity Church, 162 Bay Street. The service will commence at 1 pm, and will be followed by afternoon tea. Everyone is welcome to attend. The host country for this year’s World Day of Prayer is Egypt and the theme is Streams in the Desert.
Pop down to get some creative skills CITY WIDE: Elwood-St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre and Port Phillip Community Group are delivering a pop-up workshop program for writing, illustrating, publishing and singing in a community setting. Visit www.facebook.com/thepopupworkshop for dates and other details. The Pop-up Workshop project is funded by Council. The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Community celebration goes multicultural The annual Port Melbourne Community Carnival will take place on Saturday 22 February from 12 noon – 4 pm on Liardet Street between Lalor and Nott Streets. The theme of this year’s parade is multicultural Port Melbourne. A highlight of this year’s carnival will be a parade of flags that were decorated at a free creative workshop. Other free activities include art and craft workshops, live music, clown, face painting, jumping castle and an animal nursery.
Tourist bus adds Port Phillip to its sightseeing tours CITY-WIDE: Over summer, the red, open-top double decker tourist buses operated by Melbourne City Sightseeing will be coming to Port Phillip to trial a hop-on hop-off route around the municipality. Tickets can be purchased on the bus or by calling 8366 1765. A 24 hour pass costs $35 adult, $15 child, $30 concession. There are also 48 hour passes available. Valid passes can be used across multiple routes. Visit www.melbournecitysightseeing.com.au for more information.
Grand Prix information for locals ALBERT PARK: The 2014 Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix will be held at Albert Park Reserve from 13 – 16 March. Community Information Guides, as well as temporary access and parking permits, will be distributed to the community in the weeks leading up to the event. Visit www.grandprix.com.au or contact the Australian Grand Prix Corporation on 9258 7100 for more information. Walking, cycling or public transport are definitely the best ways to get to this event.
Summer spruce up for canal ELWOOD: Help improve the diet of fish in the bay by picking up plastic litter and polystyrene wherever you see it in the streets. This helps prevent it getting into the storm water system. Also come along and help pick up litter that has washed down Elster Creek. Meet at 10 am on Sundays 16 February and 16 March on the grassy banks of Elwood Canal near Glenhuntly Road. Bring gloves and a couple of bags – one for recyclables.
Show your love for the mic ELWOOD: Celebrate Valentine’s Day a day early with Elwood’s Got Talent Open Mic at the Elwood Sailing Club, from 8 pm – midnight on Thursday 13 February. Book your performance spot on the night.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
First mussel festival at Market SOUTH MELBOURNE: The Port Phillip Mussel Festival 2014, a part of the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, is a free entry, two day party with live music and buckets of mussels from our local waters. Inspired by Claypots Evening Star and other market restaurants, including Paco & Lola, Köy, and Simply Spanish, the inaugural Port Phillip Mussel Festival will be a seafood street party not to be missed. Expect a great mussel cookup to the sounds of Dixieland and New Orleans jazz at 1 pm, 3 pm, 5 pm and 8 pm – $5 for a bucket of mussels and lots of free entertainment. Saturday and Sunday, 8 – 9 March, 12 noon – 11 pm, Cecil Street, South Melbourne Market.
Theatre history on show in local walk ST KILDA: St Kilda Historical Society is conducting a walk that takes in the history of live theatre in St Kilda from the early days to now. Patricia Convery will take participants on a walk along the Esplanade to explore the many sites of former and current theatres. The walk is on Sunday 23 February at 3 pm. Bookings are essential. Email secretary@stkildahistory.org.au or call Dorothy on 0405 510 799. The meeting place for the walk will be advised when you book.
Streets go ahead for safety PORT MELBOURNE and ST KILDA: VicRoads has given the go ahead for a 40 kph variable strip shopping speed limit for parts of Bay Street. The 40 kph speed limit will apply between 8 am and midnight, seven days a week, and revert to 60 kph outside these times. The speed zone will apply to approximately the first kilometre of Bay Street, at the Beach end. Meanwhile, the TAC and VicRoads will spend $460,000 to improve road user safety at the intersection of Carlisle Street and Brighton Road, St Kilda. The works, set for completion by about mid year, will make it safer and easier for pedestrians. These improvements are part of the Safer Streets 2013–20, Road User Safety Strategy. www.portphillip.vic.gov.au
The Pass Outs and Delsinki Records
Espy rocks for Live’n’Local ST KILDA: The Esplanade Hotel in St Kilda will pack the Front Bar, Basement and Gershwin Room to host a lineup of bands such as Fulton Street, Seven Year Itch and The Velvets as part of the Live’n’Local segment of the St Kilda Festival. Visit www.stkildafestival. com.au to check out the full program.
Festival spreads across town
SOUTH MELBOURNE: The St Kilda Festival is rocking its way into South Melbourne with popular bands, including Funk Buddies, 4 Letter Lies, Delsinki Records, The Pass Outs and Captives. All of these bands will be playing at local venues such as Bells Hotel, The George and South Melbourne Market. Visit www.stkildafestival.com to check out the full program.
The Velvets
Microbusiness Meet-Up ELWOOD: Take a walk along the beach with some business-minded folk. Walk organiser David Lennon says, ‘It’s pretty casual, a great start to the day. I find the day seems twice as productive.’ If you are running a small business from home, the meet-up is a way to get out and socialise. Every Tuesday, 7.00 am, for a 7.05 am sharp start. Meet at bulletin board, cnr Vautier Street and Ormond Road, Elwood. Call David on 0400 520 471 or email david@davidlennon.com.au
Bubup Womindjeka – it means ‘Welcome Children’ PORT MELBOURNE: Bubup Womindjeka Family and Children’s Centre has opened in Liardet Street, Port Melbourne. Families can now register for sessional kindergarten and long day care services. The new community-run integrated centre will provide a range of early childhood and y il family services, such as long day care, m Fun Fa sessional kindergarten, and maternal y a Open D and child health care, as well as a djeka Family consulting space for allied health Bubup Womin tre will be Cen s n’ re ld hi professionals, and space for new C and h family day wit parent groups, playgroups and other hosting a fun tertainment en community groups. activities and l families in ca lo l al r fo There has been significant investment early 2014. from three levels of government in this centre, which will provide much needed services for our community.
Locals unite around Frogmouth family ELWOOD: Friends of Elster Creek were abuzz with curiosity late last year as they watched a family of Tawny Frogmouths (Podargus strigoides) successfully breed along the creek. While humans watched and shared observations with an enthusiasm normally reserved for the latest reality TV blockbuster, the frogmouths hatched a couple of chicks, in a scenario better than any blockbuster. This was real, unscripted and more wonderful, even than any nature documentary. Visit YouTube at www.youtube.comwatch?v=3rBnAMMdaoY to see Gio Fitzpatrick’s record of the chicks; it really captures the moment.
To register on the waiting list for long day care, ring the City of Port Phillip Children’s Services Waiting List on 9209 6360. Call 9676 8400 or email anitaj@bwfcc.org.au to register on the waiting list for sessional kindergarten.
Little Critters Twilight Walk EcoCentre Youth Wildlife Ambassador Gio Fitzpatrick has been designing and installing nest boxes for locally displaced wildlife. Come on a guided twilight walk to discover the wildlife that calls our local trees home.
Bubup Womindjeka means ‘Welcome children’. It helps to say that the centre is as a place for children and families while honouring the history of its location, our nation’s first peoples and their connection to the significant site of the lagoon in Port Melbourne.
Saturday 8 February 6.30 – 8.30 pm Meet at Elsternwick Park Lake and walk along Elster Creek. Cost is $10 student/concession, $15 adult, $35 family; kids under 5 free. Bookings at trybooking.com/ECEO, or call Yas or Paula on 9534 0670.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
inbrief What’s your water footprint?
Ride2School Day
Opera meets Kabuki and more
On National Ride2School Day over 250,000 Australian students will ride, walk, scoot or skate to school, many for the first time. The day is about celebrating active travel on a school day and encouraging those who haven’t yet started to give it a go. Schools can visit www.ride2school.com.au to can register. Families can plan their routes to school and practise riding together. Try building it into your routine at least once a week. Council is offering support to participating schools. Contact Jess Cerejo on 9209 6274 or jcerejo@portphillip.vic.gov.au
Stephen Sondheim’s Pacific Overtures is a contemporary musical that covers 160 years of cultural history in an extraordinary 100 minutes of music theatre.
Wednesday 19 March 2014
St Kilda by Kids
If you had to carry home a bottle of water for every 1000 litres it takes to produce the items in your shopping trolley, would it cause you to rethink your purchases? In this fun and interactive tour of the South Melbourne Market, a guide will fill a trolley with water bottles instead of groceries to show you just how much water is used to produce your food. Along the way, you will learn how to reduce your water footprint and how to help offset what you use by making more informed choices when you buy food. Saturday 1 March 9.30 – 11.00 am Sunday 2 March 10.30 am – 12 noon LG Kitchen, Stall 90, Cecil Street, South Melbourne Market Free, but bookings are essential. Visit southmelbournemarket.com.au/events/ melbourne-food-wine-festival to book.
St Kilda by Kids is a free, child-centred travel guide, written, illustrated and photographed by local children. St Kilda by Kids includes parks, playgrounds, institutions, restaurants, cafes, shops, markets and festivals, and other attractions. Pick up a free copy at Little Veggie Patch Co. and other local businesses or visit stkilda. bykids.com.au to check it out online. New content from more kids is welcome. See the website for information about how to get involved.
19 February – 9 March 2014 Tuesday – Saturday 7.30 pm, Sunday 5 pm and some weekday matinees. Preview Wednesday 19 February 7.30 pm Tickets $39 full / $35 early bird and groups of 8+ / $29 concession and preview / $49 opening night gala Arts House, Theatre Works and Footscray Community Arts Centre have announced a collaboration between the three organisations on a new live art festival over three weeks in March 2014. Theatre Works will be presenting the 2013 Edinburgh Fringe First Award winner, Credible Likeable Superstar Role Model – a protest against flagrant attempts to sexualise and commodify childhood for profit. 25 March – 6 April Theatre Works, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda Bookings 9534 4879 or visit www.theatreworks.org.au
Green Curtain Harvest and Cook
Parent information sessions Angie Wilcock, a highly regarded expert and speaker on transitions in education, will present an engaging presentation on how parents can help their children to flourish by following the Learning Styles, Organisation and Time Management (the LOT) program. These free information sessions provide an opportunity for parents to come together to learn and to meet with other families. Open to parents with children and teenagers aged 0 – 19. Refreshments provided. Contact youth@ portphillip.vic.gov.au for more information. Wednesday 26 March 6.30 – 9 pm. Elwood College, VCE Centre 101 Glenhuntly Road, Elwood
Stay tuned for the retune SBS TV viewers will need to retune their televisions or set top boxes from 7 February. SBS TV is changing frequency as part of the change to digital TV. Most TVs can easily be retuned at the push of a couple of buttons. If you are having troubles, ask a teenager or friend for help. You can also call a government helpline on 1800 201 013 or visit retune.digitalready.gov.au
In November of last year, Port Phillip residents learnt how to make a Japanese-inspired green curtain so they could stay cool in summer while growing their own food. Participants were inspired by our sister city, Obu, where green curtains adorn many houses and office buildings. At our next event, learn how to harvest and use edible leaves for cooking simple, tasty dishes. Residents are proud of their first time, homemade Green Curtain, which will be ready for harvest in March. Saturday 29 March 11 am – 1 pm Free, but places are limited. Lunch provided. Call 9534 0670 for more information. Port Phillip EcoCentre, 55A Blessington Street, St Kilda
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
sustain ability Community Carbon Cops The University of the Third Age (U3A), in conjunction with Council, has established Community Carbon Cops. The group has learnt all about measuring power consumption and how to use this information to create a profile of electricity use in a building. They are currently preparing a plan to reduce electricity consumption at the Mary Kehoe Centre by 50 per cent. Interestingly, they have identified 168 separate appliances, of which only 10 account for 90 per cent of the power used. Imagine how much you could save in your house or business?
Extreme weather preparedness – lessons from Japan Meet Keigo Hamajima from our sister city Obu, and learn what makes a weather-ready city. Tuesday 18 February 7 – 9pm Port Phillip EcoCentre, 55A Blessington Street, St Kilda This is a free event, but bookings are required for catering purposes. Email rsvpenviro@portphillip.vic.gov.au or phone 9209 6548 for more information.
Sustainability Community Action Network (SCAN) SCAN is about bringing our community together to facilitate action on sustainability. If you are interested in being part of the network, you are welcome to come to the next meeting. Wednesday 26 February, 6.30 – 8.30 pm, Bubup Nairm Family and Children’s Centre (next door to St Kilda Town Hall). RSVP at http://scan.eventzilla.net
High electricity bills? Does your household currently use more than 20 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per day? Would you like to find out what can be done to reduce this usage and be part of an energy reduction trial? Call 9209 6584 or email enviro@portphillip.vic.gov.au for more information. For more information about any sustainability events, visit www.enviroehub.com.au or call the sustainability team at Council on 9209 6548.
Living with live music Live music inspires some and, in the wee hours, drives others to despair. So that we can all enjoy living and playing locally, Council has produced a guide, Living with Live Music. It provides guidance to music venues and residents about how to deal with live music issues and comply with planning and EPA requirements. Copies of the guide are available online at www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/live-music.htm, at ASSIST counters and library branches.
The Kitchen Sink
Linden wishes you were there
Red Stitch Actors Theatre presents the Australian premiere of Tom Wells’ The Kitchen Sink. For one family in the faded Yorkshire seaside resort of Withernsea, not all is going to plan. Holding the family together is mum Kath, a dinner lady with the patience of a saint – except something’s up with her sink.
Taking on notions of place and longing, in Wish You Were Here the artists of the Swarm Collective will explore the transience, dislocation and nostalgia of journeying from one place to another, here to there, then to now. A Meet the Artist public program will accompany this exhibition.
12 – 13 March 8 pm Lake Bold in its vision and deeply evocative, Lisa Wilson’s Lake literally floods the entire performance area where it has us grapple with our fascination with and fear of water. In this visually stunning work, Lake beautifully plays with the light and depth of water, and its innate movement and total stillness, to explore the primal undercurrents in human relationships. 21 – 22 March 8 pm Gasworks Arts Park 21 Graham Street, Albert Park Call 8606 4200 or visit www.gasworks.org.au for tickets and information.
Get sexy and get healthy Don’t neglect your sexual health over summer. Inner South Community Health nurse Genevieve Lilley runs a free and confidential sexual health clinic for local residents who are health care card holders. To make an appointment, call 9525 1300. Women and men are welcome.
Log on before you dig in
Wish You Were Here Hannah Raisin and Will Heathcote, Conjoin, 2013, digital photograph 20 December 2013 – 16 February 2014 Linden Art Prize City of Port Phillip Mayor Cr Amanda Stevens will officially open the inaugural Linden Art Prize and announce the winners at the opening night event. Thursday 20 February, 6 – 8 pm; exhibition runs 21 February – 30 March. The art of jazz A free afternoon jazz session and wine tasting. Sunday 9 March, 2 – 4 pm Linden Centre for Contemporary Arts 26 Acland Street, St Kilda
Emerald Hill Art Group: Out of Line
Council has joined the national Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) program to make it easier for you to avoid damaging underground assets, including pipes and cables. After you contact DBYD, Council will provide an automated response, including a map of Council’s underground assets. Lodge your free enquiry online 24/7 at www.1100.com.au, or call DBYD on 1100 during business hours.
Emerald Hill Art Group has turned to poetry for inspiration for its 2014 exhibition, Out of Line. Traditionally, the Chinese regarded painting as silent poetry and poetry as painting with sound. Similarly, whether the choice has been Shakespeare, Keats, haiku or prose, the written word has led each member of the group to express an individual theme in paint – our own silent poetry. Wednesday 19 March – Wednesday 16 April St Kilda Town Hall Gallery 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
The many faces of the Town Hall Gallery
from ASSIST When is the St Kilda Festival? St Kilda Festival runs from 1 – 9 February 2014. The flagship Festival Sunday will be on 9 February. Crowds of up to 400,000 flock to join the beachside party, to enjoy music across many stages, children’s activities, food and more.
Kerry Leonard: Eyes of the Beholder
Four sculptural devices explore the question of self, identity and beauty. Using a new discourse on modern portraiture, devices record the participant’s experience in photographic and video portraits. Wednesday 13 February – Wednesday 12 March
Fast track service for planning applications
Step up to the podium in 2014
• fences • i nstallation of airconditioners and other service units • l andscaping and installation of swimming pools • garden sheds and pergolas. Council aims to issue permits for Fast Track applications within 10 business days from lodgement, provided all required information has been provided. Detailed information about the planning process is available from our website at portphillip.vic. gov.au/planning_building.htm Application forms, checklists and planning fee information is available to download from portphillip.vic.gov.au/forms_checklists.htm
Opportunities to sponsor the 2014 CitiPower Port Phillip Business Excellence Awards are available. These awards showcase the best local businesses and are an opportunity to recognise their achievements. Awards in 2014 include a People’s Choice – Service Excellence category, in which the community votes for their favourite local business. Visit www.portbizawards.com.au for information about sponsorship opportunities, to find out how businesses can enter and how the community can become involved.
Wheels for change
Sunday 2 March from 9 am Meet at Catani Gardens, St Kilda
There are few things you need to know before you lodge your application with us. All residents are eligible for up to three foreshore parking permits; however, not all residential addresses are eligible for residential and/or visitors’ permits. Check our website for more information about eligibility. Businesses are not eligible for parking permits.
Read the application form carefully before applying for a permit and be aware that two pieces of proof of residency arerequired for an application to be approved.
March Against Melanoma
Visit marchagainstmelanoma.com.au to register online.
Residents can now apply online for parking permits. Residents can continue to apply for permits in person at the ASSIST reception desks at any of our three town halls.
Before applying, call ASSIST on 9209 6777 to check if you are eligible for these permits.
You can also call the statutory planning department on 9209 6424, email planhelp@portphillip.vic.gov.au or visit the Planning Counter at St Kilda Town Hall, 8.30 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday. No appointment necessary.
Come along to the annual March Against Melanoma 2014 (2 km or 4 km), which attracts walkers and supporters who raise awareness and funds to beat melanoma. Sam Stynes – widow of football great Jim Stynes, who died after losing his battle with melanoma – will lead this year’s charge against the disease. The march promotes the early detection and prevention of skin cancer and melanoma, and provides a supportive network for those affected.
Visit the website at www.stkildafestival. com.au/2014/ for more information.
How do I apply for a residential parking permit?
Fast Track is a service to speed up the process of minor planning applications, which could include: • painting a building in a heritage overlay
Remember: the St Kilda Festival precinct is a dry zone. On Festival Sunday alcohol consumption is permitted only within designated licensed areas.
When is the Grand Prix?
Volunteer run St Kilda based charity Bicycles For Humanity collects unused bicycles and send them to the developing world. There the bicycles change lives and broaden horizons. Bicycles For Humanity’s projects provide sustainable transport and also employment, skills training and economic opportunity across sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia. You can help by getting in touch and volunteering your time and skills to help keep the wheels turning. www.bicyclesforhumanity.com
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
The 2014 Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix will be held at Albert Park Reserve from 13 – 16 March 2014. Community Information Guide and temporary access and parking permits will be distributed to affected local communities in the weeks leading up to the event. For more information, visit www.grandprix.com.au or contact the Australian Grand Prix Corporation on 9258 7100. www.portphillip.vic.gov.au