the official newsletter of the city of port phillip | issn 1328-0309 | issue 64 aug/sept 2012
Emerald Hill community Open Day Music, dance, tapestry and ANAM
Celebrating the art of winter
Volunteers observe East Timor vote
from the Mayor The Hill will be alive with the sound of music on 19 August – Emerald Hill that is. Eight arts organisations located in and around the South Melbourne Town Hall will be throwing their doors open in a day of music, art and performance (see page seven for details). This Divercity also features dozens of other arty ideas to help you colour this very chilly winter. There are art groups, poetry prizes, writing competitions and theatre with audience participation. There’s even a local origami group. We’ve also put together a Divercity tour that takes in seven of St Kilda’s best art spots in a gentle four kilometre walk – it’s got a bit of French, a touch of Yiddish, a great wall and our very own Gallery (at St Kilda Town Hall).
Eight Port Phillip residents took part in the East Timor Parliamentary Election Observer Mission for the July vote.
With the centenary of Luna Park coming up in December, this year’s seniors writing awards are looking for entries with Luna Park themes and memories. Don’t forget that Seniors Week is coming in October.
The delegation was accompanied by Pat Jessen (Coordinator of Friends of Suai) and Cr Janet Bolitho.
After a cold winter we will all enjoy spring and that’s a time to look to the garden for inspiration. We introduce the new Port Phillip website for community gardeners, tell you how to get planting and sow a few ideas for small gardens. We also look at the history of Montague, the location for a new inner suburb announced by Council in June. Of course, as any history buff would know, Montague is not new at all – it was once one of Melbourne’s most vibrant communities with a very colourful past. Council has also launched a comprehensive Reconciliation Action Plan with 27 initiatives to promote greater participation of the local Aboriginal and Islander people in our community. This is an important aspect of Council’s commitment to social justice and we are pleased to say it has been received with pride by both our local indigenous and non-indigenous community. Happy reading. Mayor Cr Rachel Powning, City of Port Phillip The City of Port Phillip respectfully acknowledges the Yalukit Wilam Clan of the Boon Wurrung. We pay our respect to their Elders, both past and present. We acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land. There will be no October/November Divercity due to the Council elections. The next edition will be delivered in December.
East Timor election observers meet before leaving for Dili. Rear: Pat Jessen, Glenn Staunton, Desleigh Kent, Melissa Gonzalez, Sieneke Martin, Danny Henenberg; Front: Katie Elles, Cr Janet Bolitho, Nancy Price; not in this photo: Sandra Whitbourn and Francesco Faraci.
The self-funded volunteers observed the voting process in the small coastal town and district of Suai, Covalima on the border of West Timor, where the City of Port Phillip has a Friendship Agreement.
Cr Bolitho has been a long term supporter of the Friends of Suai/Covalima Friendship and says she is proud of how the friendship between the two communities has grown. The delegation from Port Phillip was the first group of international observers in Covalima since the 2007 elections.
Design of the times
Port Phillip announced the winners of the 11th Design and Development Awards at a ceremony in May. The winners (pictured above) shared awards for excellence in local design across many categories. See all the finalists and winners with glorious pictures at
Councillor candidate eligibility correction
In the previous edition of Divercity we incorrectly printed that candidates for election to council must be Australian citizens. After an enquiry from a reader, we stand corrected and there is an exception to this rule whereby British subjects who were on the voters roll before 1984 may be eligible to nominate. Nominations for candidates in the 2012 poll close on Tuesday 25 September 2012 at 12 noon. Cover: The Emerald Hill community open day will be a colourful occasion. Pictured are Anna Pokorny (cello), Vinod Prasanna, (bansuri flute) and Courtenay Cleary (violin) at the Australian Tapestry Workshop. Photo: Chris Cassar
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
save the date Workshops on flooding Come to a community workshop with Council, Melbourne Water, and State Emergency Service (SES) staff about local flooding. Learn how Port Phillip experiences flooding; what you can to do to prepare for future floods, and what you can expect from government agencies. St Columba’s School, Elwood Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 August Session one 5.30 pm – 7 pm Session two 7.30 pm – 9 pm RSVP Monday 13 August 2012. Please indicate your date and time preference. ASSIST on 9209 6777
United for reconciliation
Be a cyber savvy parent
Port Phillip Councillors with Carolyn Briggs, Boon Wurrung Senior Elder. Mayor Cr Rachel Powning said ‘I speak on behalf of all the Councillors when I say we are extremely proud of our Reconciliation Action Plan, which we believe is an important step under the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Port Phillip’s Social Justice Charter.’
Part of an ongoing series of free evening forums for all parents of school-aged children from Year 5 to Year 12. Presented by psychologist Tena Davies.
Port Phillip now has a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) with 27 local initiatives that promote understanding and participation.
Wednesday 15 August, 6.30 pm for 7 pm Elwood College, 101 Glenhuntly Road, Elwood
The plan includes actions for boosting Indigenous employment in the local area, identifying a local gathering place and promoting more Indigenous arts activities.
The plan was unanimously supported by the councillors and commits the Council to many improvements for the local community during 2012 – 2015.
Elwood College 9531 9566 Coming up: Party Safe, Wednesday 14 November
Market Week is 1 – 9 September South Melbourne Market will celebrate market week with loads of fun events including a cook-off between market traders, live music and a world-record attempt – stay tuned for more details! Saturday 8 September is family day. Bring the kids down to play with some super cute animals at the animal farm, join in a market treasure hunt and get inspired about fresh and healthy food at cooking classes for parents and kids.
Mayor Cr Rachel Powning says the RAP shows Council’s commitment to contribute to the national reconciliation movement, and the national campaign to ‘Close the Gap’ in relation to the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. ‘The Reconciliation Action Plan helps us achieve reconciliation by focusing on good relationships and working together to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have the same life opportunities as other Australians,’ said the Mayor. DOWNLOAD THE PLAN
Free bike safety sticker More than 100 cyclists a year are injured in crashes involving car doors in the inner city, according to research by the Road Safety Action Group Inner Melbourne (which includes the City of Port Phillip). St Kilda Road was the scene of the most ‘dooring’ incidents between 2006 – 2010, with 66 accidents reported. VicRoads has produced stickers for car windows to remind drivers to look before they open. Free VicRoads sticker packs are available from all Port Phillip town halls and libraries.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Information, requests, questions or feedback
What’s new Montague? Gladstone Street, Montague in the 1920’s. PORT PHILLIP CITY COLLECTION: Image not to be reproduced without permission.
Telephone 03 9209 6777 Fax 03 9536 2722 SMS 0432 005 405 Email Internet If you are deaf, hearing or speech impaired please use the National Relay Service ( TTY users can call 133 677, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Speak and Listen users can call 1300 555 727, then ask for ASSIST – Port Phillip – 03 9209 6777 Or visit ASSIST in person Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 5 pm St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda South Melbourne Town Hall 208 – 220 Bank Street, South Melbourne Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne
Translations For a translation please call the Council’s Language assistance interpreter service:
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9679 9810 9679 9858 9679 9812 9679 9811 9679 9813 9679 9814
divercity 64 Audio recordings of Divercity are available on the Council’s website and on CD from a Port Phillip library. CDs are delivered to 200 vision-impaired residents every issue. Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.
August/September 2012 Editor: Greg Day Next deadline: Friday 19 October for Dec/Jan Writers: Reece Marks, Kathryn McGrath and Greg Day. Design and Production: Mediation Communications Feedback: Divercity is printed on recycled paper
Port Phillip has unveiled plans to create Melbourne’s newest inner city suburb on the 50 Ha industrial area between South Melbourne and South Wharf. The plans envisage a vibrant mix of residential and commercial uses that could be home to 25,000 residents and 14,000 jobs by 2030. Divercity looks at the history of Montague to reveal a fascinating ‘back to the future’ story. After being first subdivided in 1869, Montague quickly grew as one of Melbourne’s most identifiable and proud communities. In 1883 the railway station was built and named Montague. By 1889, Montague State School was opened (it’s still in operation as Montague Continuing Education Centre). Soon it had a church, police station, kindergarten, football team, shops and numerous hotels. Home to artisans and labourers working at the nearby wharves, the suburb quickly traded on a tough attitude. Many of the first Montague cottages were built on low lying, flood prone subdivisions. Small sites, ill-drained yards and accumulated rubbish created a culture which provided the ill-famed larrikin push known as the ‘Montagues’. Most of the houses in the smaller streets and lanes were made of wood, and had two or three rooms, occasionally four. Most had no bathroom or wash-house. By the 1920s these houses were damp and decaying, due in most part to the frequent flooding of the area. As early as 1875 the local newspaper was condemning the area as a place where typhoid fever was found in abundance. By 1920 the slum tag had stuck and the Victorian government’s Slum Abolition Board targeted the entire suburb for demolition. By the 1960, almost all of Montague had vanished and the land turned over to industrial uses – warehousing, distribution and small factories. Today, the area is cut off from the city by an ugly freeway but superbly located in so many other ways. It’s definitely a case of watch this space. SEE THE FULL STORY Visit and search for Montague to see full details of the Montague Precinct Structure Plan.
Balaclava Walk plans on track A better train station, a new tram stop, more community housing and improvements to the walkways are the key projects outlined in Council’s draft plans for the Balaclava station area. With the $13m station upgrade set commence later this year, it is timely for the Council to outline again it’s vision for the station precinct. Plans include improved public space and walkway connections, community and private housing, a high quality interchange between the station and Carlisle Street tram services. The draft plan was released for public comment in July and a number of information sessions have been held near the site. The community is invited to comment on the draft before 2 August via
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Grow your own community Community gardens are taking root all over Port Phillip and now there is a website that links the gardens and gardeners. It also has a handy how-to guide for people who want to start a community garden. helps you find a community garden near you and enables gardeners to share ideas about everything from recipes and permaculture philosophy to invitations and working bees. There are a growing number of community gardens in Port Phillip, each with a unique approach to cultivating community. Some gardens have plots that are individually planted, maintained and harvested. Other community gardens have different approaches. The EcoCentre community garden is a shared community garden. It is one big plot shared among many garden lovers. It is also an educational garden with a wide range of plants and informative signs. It is an ideal place for a beginner to learn how to grow food. Interested people are invited to the weekly garden gossip sessions, Sundays 10 am – 1.30 pm. The South Melbourne Commons garden is a key feature of the Commons alongside the food co-op, children’s playspace, cafe and other community spaces. There are several different organic gardens on the site that all rely on volunteers. To get involved, contact Seila Hierk The Simply Living Garden in the grounds of Port Melbourne Uniting Church is a productive garden open to the whole community. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the garden – whether by getting actively involved in growing food, or by just sitting and enjoying the space. Monthly community working bees happen on the third Sunday of the month, April to November (followed by shared lunch).
Photo: Chris Cassar
An oasis in a concrete jungle. Jake Hapeta (with cake) and some of the blokes who created the beaut new communal garden in the courtyard of the Port Melbourne housing block that 24 men call home. Their garden grew out of a Port Phillip Community Group project to help the tenants feel more at home and part of the community. Starting with weekly BBQs, a residents’ group began to advocate for improvements. High on their list was a communal garden. Over the last six months, the men have renovated furniture and shifted bluestone, concrete and soil to create a garden in a communal area for all to enjoy.
Working bees and waiting lists Plots in community gardens are highly sought after and there are lengthy waiting lists at most gardens (up to two years in one case). But don’t let that stop you from getting involved. Most gardens hold regular working bees where you can get to know the other gardeners and help get things done.
Big ideas for small gardens Turn your private balcony or small courtyard into an organic oasis with a sprinkling of creativity. Divercity asked Geoff Parr-Smith, a local botanist and small garden specialist for some tips for tiny spaces. Is your balcony only three metres wide and a metre deep? Not much space for pots. Why not climb up the walls: • Build a wall garden with troughs one above another on a sunny wall. • Put a mirror on the shady side, and make the balcony look twice its size. • Use a climbing frame and espalier your shrubs up the wall. • Go for herbs and flowering seedlings (pansies in winter) – they are easy to grow and need little care. • Try vegetables when you get a little experience, they’re not difficult, but need more continuous care. • Remember the body corporate may place restrictions on use of your balcony. Always check first. SHARE YOUR IDEAS
Dig In Community Garden (J.L. Murphy Reserve, Port Melbourne) welcomes visitors to their regular working bee on the first Sunday of each month, 11 am – 2 pm. A BBQ is put on for all who attend, so let them know you are coming. Contact Ann at or call the Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House 9645 1476. GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY STOP PRESS: There are plots available at the Fisherman’s Bend Community Centre garden, corner of Dunstan Parade and Centre Avenue, Garden City. This is a small garden with only eight plots that needs a little extra TLC. (Port Melbourne Neighbourhood House, 9645 1476)
in the crowd… Celebrating diversity Last week my family celebrated the 100th anniversary of the arrival of my father, grandmother and uncle at Station Pier as migrants on the good ship Belgic. They were three of the many hundreds of thousands who have arrived at this entry point to a new life since the pier opened in 1854, a fact celebrated with emotion and joy at the Piers Festival held in Port Melbourne last Australia Day. The Festival was presented by Multicultural Arts Victoria (MAV), which recently moved to its new home at the South Melbourne Town Hall. Last year MAV published Giving Voice, the history of its first four decades. I had the great privilege of writing the history, which took me on a stimulating journey through the amazing growth of multicultural Melbourne as indicated in recent census data. Beginning as the Festival of All Nations, a small weekend long celebration of the art, food and craft of ethnic communities in Fitzroy, MAV has grown to become a multi-faceted network showcasing the work of more than 1,600 individual artists, 1,000 groups and more than 400 communities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
From birthday celebrations to haunting artworks, St Kilda galleries have some great exhibitions and events to warm up the mind during the chilly months. Divercity has created a walking tour so you can see some of the best in just a few hours.
Brightspace Kick start your journey at Brightspace gallery as they celebrate their tenth birthday celebrations with the Illumination exhibition, featuring paintings, sculptures, music, and special projections from the outside of the building by digital choreographer Hellen Sky. 8 Martin Street, St Kilda Wednesday – Sunday, 12 pm – 5 pm
Jackman Gallery Visit the nearby Jackman Gallery to see contemporary works by artists Geoff Coleman and John Knap. 60 Inkerman Street, St Kilda Wednesday – Sunday, 11 am – 6 pm
Française Melbourne Take a short walk across to Alliance Française to see Representations, an exhibition of drawings by French artist Miriam Schwamm representing the cultural heritage of New Caledonia.
Essentially, its task has remained the same: to provide access and equity for artists, arts organisations and audiences of non-English speaking backgrounds, and to ensure the cultural diversity inherent in the many communities that now call Australia home, is rightly promoted and celebrated.
51 Grey Street, St Kilda Monday – Thursday, 9 am – 8.30 pm Friday – Saturday, 9 am – 6 pm Sunday, 1 pm – 6 pm
As new migrants continue to arrive, MAV will need to provide opportunities and innovative ways for developing and showcasing their cultural and artistic talents.
Move on to the Linden Gallery to see the Haunts and Follies exhibition which explores contemporary art and human behaviour, using historical references to create a sensation of unease.
Paul Clarkson AO Paul was made an Officer (AO) of the Order of Australia in the 2012 Queen’s Birthday honours for distinguished service to the creative arts.
k r o w g e l e v i t a e Do some cr
Linden Centre for Contemporary Arts
26 Acland Street, St Kilda Tuesday – Friday, 1 pm – 5pm Saturday – Sunday, 11 am – 5 pm
Detour off Carlisle Street at Barkly to visi t the Great Wall o f St K community m ilda ur It’s at the rear al. of the National The atre in Talbot Reser ve.
Marina Mason’s Roundabout St Kilda exhibition at the St Kilda Town Hall features paintings and collages of Luna Park and the St Kilda Bay area.
Jewish Museum of Australia Visit the Jewish Museum on the next leg of your journey to see the new permanent exhibition Calling Australia Home. The new exhibit will tell some of the stories of generations of Australian Jews – the reasons they came, the lives they built for themselves and what it means to be Jewish in Australia today. 26 Alma Road, St Kilda Tuesday – Thursday, 10 am – 4 pm Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm $10 adults, $5 children/concession, $20 family
The Gallery, St Kilda Town Hall Finish your journey at The Gallery to see the Josephine Rowbury: Atmospheric Mapping exhibition of easel paintings, drawings and ceramics during from 1 – 29 August. Also on display is Marina Mason: Roundabout St Kilda and Terri Anderson: Experiments in Sepia, both of which are being showcased from 5 September – 3 October. 99A Carlisle Street, St Kilda Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 5.00 pm
SEE A MAP ONLINE The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
c i s u m f o d n u o s he t h t i w e v i l a the hill is The Emerald Hill Cultural Precinct in South Melbourne will come alive on Sunday 19 August from 11 am – 4 pm, with a program of artistic events for young and old. The Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) will join with its Emerald Hill arts neighbours including Arts Access Victoria, Auspicious Arts, the Australian Tapestry Workshop, The Butterfly Club and Multicultural Arts Victoria, in a day of concerts, activities, tours, masterclasses, exhibitions and more. Events are based in and around the South Melbourne Town Hall, and entry is free to all. Join in the activities with highlights from the precinct’s proud tenants.
ANAM 210 Bank Street Get the kids immersed in musical activity workshops including The Show for children aged four to eight and a Peter and the Wolf performance for children eight to 12 years. Places are limited and bookings are essential. Musicians of all ages and abilities are invited to join in The Big Play and play alongside the ANAM Orchestra. Again registration is essential. Discover the rich history of the South Melbourne Town Hall with local historian Adair Bunnett. There will also be performances featuring a number of chamber music repertoires.
Share your love of music with Anna Pokorny and Courtenay Cleary at the Australian National Academy of Music as part of the Emerald Hill Community Open Day.
The Butterfly Club 204 Bank Street See nine 15 minute performances over three hours from a range of artists from The Butterfly Club and other Emerald Hill groups, or singalong with the Glee Club choir – tra la la.
Multicultural Arts Victoria 208-220 Bank Street
To register interest in The Big Play and to book for the children’s workshops, call ANAM on 9645 7911 or visit
Enjoy a series of intimate acoustic performances throughout the precinct plus an outdoor one-off surprise cultural performance.
Arts Access Victoria
Auspicious Arts Incubator
222 Bank Street
228 Bank Street
Visit the Nebula art space, see an exhibition and participate in workshops in the visual arts and animation. There will also be dance, visual arts, poetry and music performances to enjoy.
Get the kids up and dancing with an inspiring Cha Cha Sam performance, and drop by the pop-up museum with artifacts, photos and other ephemera to learn more about the history of the Emerald Hill precinct.
Emerald Hill Library 195 Bank Street See film maker, photographer and author Paul Cox talk about his most recent work Tales From the Cancer Ward at 11 am.
APO Arts Academy 295 Bank Street See performances from the music and dance academy throughout the day at various locations.
Boon Wurrung Foundation The Australian Tapestry Workshop (ATW) 262-266 Park Street Join a guided tour and explore the workshop, including the galleries, studio floor and balcony with a view to the ATW colour laboratory. You can get the children involved in a weaving activity (for ages three and up). There will also be performances by artists from partner organisations. The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Get crafty with an Indigenous weaving workshop using natural materials like grasses and reeds. Children can also join in with Boon Wurrung Elder Aunty Carolyn Briggs in a traditional dance and storytelling workshop, and share their stories with the whole family. SEE THE FULL EVENT PROGRAM
art of winter These cold evenings indoors are perfect for devoting time to that unfinished poem, half thought-of painting or just reading the last chapter of a new novel. Colour your winter with these artistic activities in Port Phillip.
Painting Hindmarsh by Mary Peacock Midwinter last year I was asked to join a small group of artists from Emerald Hill on a painting weekend in Nhill. Port Philip Council provided free transport and we were greeted in Nhill by the local artists with jelly cakes and hot cups of tea. These wonderful country women drove us to their favourite spots in the bush where we spent hours painting together in the winter sun. The generosity I experienced in Nhill stemmed from collaboration between the City of Port Phillip and Hindmarsh Shire Council Friendship Agreement 2005, which was established in order to make connections between rural and inner city communities. On our last night Rosie from Nhill and I painted till dark in the freezing Little Desert. We watched the sun set in front of us and turned to the full moon rising behind us. Connections were made both to the people and the place.
Emerald Art Emerald Hill Art Group is an independent, self-funded group that meets to paint on Wednesday mornings in the Sol Green Centre, South Melbourne. Under the guidance of a tutor, members work in their individual styles on subjects that are of interest to them. Fees are $120 per term and there are occasional vacancies for painters with some experience. During the next few months, members will concentrate on producing works for an October exhibition, Emerald Eyes, to be shown in The Gallery, St Kilda Town Hall. The group will hold an Open Morning on Wednesday 22 August between 10 am and noon. You are cordially invited to come to Sol Green Centre to meet the artists, see the group in action and enjoy a cuppa.
ACCA lecture series – Another 50 works that matter A lecture series of art history in free-fall, with ACCA’s Artistic Director, Juliana Engberg. Hear about the biggest artists in 20th and 21st century art history. Each session comprises a 50 minute lecture and a 30 minute discussion group, $46 per session. Wednesdays 15 and 22 August, 6 pm Foyer, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA) 111 Sturt Street, Southbank
Little Desert, 2011 by Mary Peacock
Third Age of Art U3A Port Phillip has a number of Creative Arts classes including Chinese Ink Painting, Watercolour Painting, Face and Figure Drawing, Sumi-E Traditional Brush Ink Painting and Hand Embroidery. In addition, on Friday mornings, there is Artworks when members who paint or draw in any medium are invited to come and work on their own projects in a friendly and welcoming environment. Annual Art Exhibition Friday 9 November – Friday 16 November.
TO BOOK 9697 9999
Annual photographic competition Members are invited to submit three of their favourite photographs in A4 size. These will be on show in the Hall at Mary Kehoe for two weeks during which time there will be voting for the most popular photo. Monday 8 – Friday 19 October. Results announced Saturday 20 October. University of the Third Age, Port Phillip Mary Kehoe Centre 224 Danks Street, Albert Park 9696 3495
College Art Show The Albert Park College Art Show is an annual curated art exhibition. Submissions are open to artists for two and three dimensional works. There are cash prizes to be won, entries close 20 September 2012. Preview Night 19 October Exhibition 20 – 21 October ENTER YOUR ARTWORK Geometric Fog by Lisa Mariani, winner Curator, Trudy Rice of the Best Oil Painting 2011. 0410 596 415
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
dramatic arts FORECAST: FOG Forecast: FOG is a performing arts workshop experience for the public. The doors are open to the local community and broader arts community. People with or without disabilities, including arts workers, practitioners and professionals are encouraged to attend. Cost $30 full, $15 concession, companion card holders free. SOUTH MELBOURNE Thursday 27 September, 9.30 am – 3.30 pm South Melbourne Commons, 217 – 239 Montague Street, South Melbourne ST KILDA Thursday 4 October, 9.30 am – 3.30 pm Theatre Works, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda Nilgun Guven, FOG Theatre Project Manager 9209 6530, 0401 141 294
FOG Theatre is an ensemble of performers with intellectual disability – dancers, theatre and music makers from the City of Port Phillip. Photo: Chris Cassar
What’s your name again?
Honing down a script, with your help For writers, directors and producers, ‘A Fistful of Scripts’ is an incubator and laboratory for successful script development into working, professional productions. In August Fistful presents a double-bill of Lounge Theatre’s Michael and Paul and a reading of Sean McIntyre’s The Pick Up. Following each script the public will be encouraged to join an open Q & A led by MC Jeremy Kewley. ‘The interactive Q & A panel allows the cast, writer and director to sit together as a panel to receive instant character critique and direct audience feedback,’ says director Marco Romero Rodriguez. The Pickup Two mates hitchhike to Belfast. A car approaches. This journey will change their friendship forever. Michael and Paul It’s late at night as two old friends renew their acquaintance after a reunion. Open to the general public, admission by gold coin donation. Monday 6 August, 7 pm – 9 pm Theatre Works, Acland Street, St Kilda
Spring Brings all kinds of true stories out from the corners. Photo: Pia Johnson
Spring Brings Funny stories, odd stories, incredible stories – stories of pain, wonder, discovery and mischief. Melbourne Playback Theatre Company is an ensemble of actors and musicians who specialise in creating theatre on the spot, from experiences and observations shared by audience members. Melbourne Playback has a reputation for creating intelligent physical theatre that is highly skillful yet playful. This performance is underscored by a live acoustic soundtrack. Tickets $25 full, $15 concession + booking fee. Weekend Intensive Workshop 8 – 9 September 10 am – 4 pm.
Hello my name is is a theatrical production about getting to know you through conversation and community building. Knitters, crocheters and a marching band are wanted for this new theatrical work. Expressions of interest from individuals, local community groups and sporting clubs are also very welcome. ‘The show is set in a community centre, so we want to involve the community as a large, rotating cast. We are also looking for donations of board games, craft supplies, office supplies, sporting equipment, household items, an urn, mugs and anything else that we can use to fill our community centre,’ says organiser Nicola Gunn. Donations will be labelled and used as part of the performance. Everything will be returned after the season is finished. Monday 17 – Sunday 29 September Theatre Works, Acland Street, St Kilda DONATE, KNIT, CROCHET Nicola Gunn, 0424 706 821
September 8 and 9 at 7.30 pm Theatre Works, Acland Street, St Kilda WORKSHOP IT 9690 9253 Hello my name is invites the community to play.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
music & design
books & writing
Wild@heART Community Arts
New art books from the library Find them at Florence Broadhurst: her secret and extraordinary lives By Helen O’Neill Biography of the enigmatic Australian designer. Features loads of prints of her groundbreaking wallpapers. Faile: prints and originals 1999 – 2009 By Faile
Music Network for Mental Health. Supported by the City of Port Phillip and Learn for Yourself adult community education. Songwriting and Music Workshops Workshops are offered for people living with mental health challenges, but all welcome, including beginners. Cost $5.
Made in Russia: unsung icons of Soviet design By Michael Idov
Wednesdays 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm (except 26 Sept) Sol Green Community Centre Coventry and Montague Street, South Melbourne
50 masterpieces of graphic and industrial design from the Soviet era – including the Sputnik and the LOMO camera.
Strumarama A night of fabulous original songs by Music Network artists and guests. Gold coin entry. Wednesday 12 September, 7 pm – 10 pm Espy Hotel Bottom Bar Music Workshop Arvo A music workshop featuring special guest workshop presenters. Cost $5. Wednesday 19 September, 1 pm – 4 pm St Kilda Bowls Club, Fitzroy Street, St Kilda
Australian Academy of Design Open Day
Joseph Jang
Highly regarded courses in art and design are available on your doorstep. Discover what the Australian Academy of Design has to offer at its open day in August. Sunday 12 August, 10 am – 5 pm 220 Ingles Street, Port Melbourne 9676 9000
Fold up, fold up, fold up Turn a piece of paper into a work of art. Learn all about origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, with the Melbourne Origami Group. From September 29 – 30 the Folding Australia 2012 convention is being held in Melbourne, featuring classes and origami from Australia and abroad. All ages and levels of experience are welcome. You can find out more about the Melbourne Origami Group and Folding Australia at First Saturday of the month, 2 pm – 4 pm Elwood and St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre 87 Tennyson Street, Elwood
Works by the American urban arts duo Faile. Stencil art, prints and collages.
Alastair Morton and Edinburgh Weavers: visionary textiles and modern art By Lesley Jackson One of the most imaginative companies of the twentieth century – a visionary collection of artists’ textiles. Celia Birtwell By Celia Birtwell Muse to artist David Hockney and wife – and collaborator – of fashion designer Ossie Clark. Packed full of photos and fashion drawings.
Seniors write about Luna Park Sharpen your pencils, fill up your ink pots or turn on your computer and enter the Seniors Writing Awards with your favourite Luna Park story. Enter one, two or all three of the categories: Fiction, Poetry or Fact. Entries must be limited to 1000 words, can be submitted in languages other than English and will be published. Entries close 14 September. Awards Ceremony, Sunday 21 October, 2 pm St Kilda Library
Seniors Festival Art Expo The Seniors Festival invites all Senior Visual Artists who work in the art forms of painting, drawing, ceramics and sculpture to enter a favourite piece of work for the Art Expo. Entries close 28 September. Art Groups can register to be part of the Art Expo. Launch – Thursday 18 October, 4 pm Open Days – Friday 19 and Saturday 20 October, 10 am – 4 pm Port Melbourne Town Hall, 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne ENTRY FORMS ASSIST 9209 6777 Check out the full Seniors program at The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
For all general enquires, contact ASSIST 9209 6777 Cr Rachel Powning, Mayor Carlisle BH: 9209 6431 M: 0418 389 346 F: 9536 2711 E: Cr Frank O’Connor, Deputy Mayor Emerald Hill BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 289 012 F: 9536 2708 E:
Cr Janet Bolitho Sandridge BH: 9209 6705 M: 0411 096 400 F: 9536 2766 E: Cr Judith Klepner Albert Park BH: 9209 6705 M: 0409 968 850 F: 9536 2768 E:
Cr John Middleton Junction BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 324 133 F: 9536 2719 E:
Cr Serge Thomann Catani BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 299 372 F: 9536 2767 E: Cr Jane Touzeau Point Ormond BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 287 634 F: 9536 2769 E: Direct all enquiries for councillors during office hours to the Mayor and Councillors’ Office Mayor: Tel: 9209 6431 (Barbara Wilson, Mayoral Exec. Assistant) Fax: 9536 2711 Councillors: Tel: 9209 6705 (Mary Baensch, Councillors’ Support Officer) Fax: 9536 2708 All Councillors, email: Postal address: City of Port Phillip, Private Bag No. 3, PO St Kilda Vic 3182
Walk through the eras CITY WIDE: September and October Neighbourhood Walks will explore developments, and even the temperance movement in our city. Bookings are essential. Email or call 9209 6522. PORT MELBOURNE: Port Melbourne’s reputation as a hard drinking wharf town was affected by the temperance movement which forced many pubs to close. Explore the history of the hotels and the influences and tensions that fuelled the moral campaigns by churches and women’s groups. Sunday 16 September, 10 am – 12 noon. SOUTH MELBOURNE: In 1985 the then Victorian Government proposed to revitalise the South Melbourne south bank area of the river. The City of South Melbourne was involved in these proposals until the end of 1993 when the area was arbitrarily rezoned to the City of Melbourne. Explore the extraordinary changes that have occurred in the Southbank and nearby precincts. Sunday 14 October, 10 am – 12 noon.
Thrills and spills for Turville PORT MELBOURNE: Turville Reserve and the adjacent area under the Graham Street Overpass have recently undergone significant improvements, including new mini basketball and netball courts under the Graham Street Overpass, new pathways linking Bay Street shops with the light rail, park lighting, planting and seating. The park also links to the Port Melbourne Light Rail. The works also include an upgrade to the existing BMX track.
Tour to explore artistic greats ST KILDA: Join the Friends of St Kilda Cemetery for an Artists’ Walk on Sunday 26 August at 2 pm. Included are the graves of Sybil Craig (war artist), Hugh Ramsay, Elizabeth Parsons and Rupert Bunny’s family. Cost is $10 for non-members and $5 for members, and includes a glass of champagne. Meet at the main gates on Dandenong Road at 2 pm. Bookings are essential. Call 9531 6832 or visit
Vintage market gets a new home ST KILDA: The Southside Handmade and Vintage Market has made the move to the St Kilda RSL in Acland Street. The market has a range of vintage clothing and handmade accessory stalls, as well as pre-loved bargains, homewares, tasty treats and beverages. The next markets will be held on Saturdays 25 August and 22 September from 11 am – 4 pm. Visit southsidehandmade for more information.
Last chance for local poets CITY WIDE: The closing date for the Elwood Poetry Prize is drawing near. Participants have until Friday 10 August to submit entries based on the theme of water. Entries are open to residents and students in the City of Port Phillip, with readings and awards to be presented at the EcoCentre on Saturday 15 September at 2 pm. Entry forms available from ASSIST on 9209 6777 or by visiting
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
from ASSIST I would like to hold my child’s birthday party in our local park. Do I need to get a permit from Council? Generally any function or event that is to be held in a park (or on the foreshore) where 20 or more people will be attending requires a permit. I am having a party at our place on the weekend, but it is all permit parking or time restricted parking in the area. Are there permits that we can get to allow my friends to park in the vicinity? Residents can apply for up to ten Party Parking Permits at any one time that are valid for two days (one night) duration. Party Parking Permits are $4 each and households can apply up to five times per year.
Blessed are the pets EAST ST KILDA: Celebrate the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals on Sunday 7 October with an individual blessing for your pet at the Anglican Church of St James the Great, 435 Inkerman Street, East St Kilda. John-Michael Howson OAM, Patron of this community festival, will speak at a brief service, commencing at 2 pm. There’s a street procession to the churchyard gardens where every pet receives a St Francis medal at the blessing ceremony. All the usual attractions including sausage sizzle, refreshments and market stalls. Free entry but donations appreciated. Enquiries contact Lorraine Hawkes on 9527 8083 or
We are moving house in a couple of weeks and have some old furniture and other household junk to get rid of. Can I leave it out for a hard waste collection?
Keeping our canal beautiful
Every household is eligible for four free hard and green waste collections per year. You need to make a booking before you put your rubbish out on the street by phoning ASSIST to arrange a date and a time. Apartment dwellers will generally need to arrange the booking through their owner’s corporation or agree to advise the others in the block that you have made a booking, as the four free collections is for the whole block.
More chances to spill the beans
I would like to plant some shrubs in the nature-strip outside my property. Am I allowed to do this? Yes. You will need to discuss your proposal with your neighbours, owner’s corporation or land lord. There are requirements in terms of keeping the lines of sight open for pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles as well as allowing space for bins and people to access their cars. Guidelines are available at nature_strips.htm
For more information contact: ASSIST 9209 6777 Mon – Fri, 8.00 am – 5.30 pm
ELWOOD: Help keep Elwood Canal tidy over the winter and spring months. The next clean ups will be on Sundays 26 August and 16 September at 10 am. Bring gloves and a couple of bags, and meet by the grassy banks near the Glenhuntly Road bridge. CITY WIDE: Linking Neighbours now has four social coffee groups that meet every week throughout the municipality. There is a new group that meets at 11 am every Wednesday at the Dairy Café in Cowderoy Street, St Kilda West. The other three groups meet at 10 am, at DeCuba Café in Elwood on Tuesdays, PM’s Café in Port Melbourne on Wednesdays, and at the Albert Park Deli on Thursdays. If you want to join the Linking Neighbours Seniors Register contact Michael Wood via ASSIST on 9209 6777.
Studies inform Port Melbourne Framework PORT MELBOURNE: Two new studies are being prepared for Council that will inform the revised Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework. The studies will examine the ways that people and cars move around the Waterfront Place Precinct, and will look at important views and vistas for the area. The Framework will be circulated for another round of community consultation in early 2013. To learn more visit or contact the Place Manager via ASSIST on 9209 6777.
Life begins at 40 in more places CITY WIDE: Council has completed a number of road user safety improvement projects funded through capital works. This includes the construction of kerb extensions at the Chapel Street school crossing at St Kilda Primary School, which will reduce the walking distance that children have to cross, as well as the construction of four raised pedestrian crossings at the Armstrong/Richardson Street roundabout in Middle Park. Council has also installed 40kph speed limits in three more local areas in the Glen Eira Road, Clarendon Street and Bay Street areas, after receiving the go-ahead from VicRoads.
Protective passports remember Raoul ST KILDA: A new memorial honouring Raoul Wallenberg has been unveiled at the St Kilda Town Hall (adjoining the existing memorial garden). Swedish diplomat Wallenberg rescued nearly 100,000 Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary during World War II by issuing Schutz-passes – protective passports. These passes are recreated in sculptural form with the Jewish proverb whosoever saves a single life saves the entire world and landscaping in Swedish colours. The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Community Christmas tree festival
Sumeet Tappoo, Bollywood star
Music on Film Festival Starting its life as a picture palace, St Kilda’s Palais Theatre has created a festival to bring film back to its art deco home. Featuring the best concert and music films from around the world. Big screen, big sound, the biggest stars. September 13 – 16 Palais Theatre, St Kilda
Women’s big day in The annual New Hope Foundation’s Multicultural Women’s Day Celebration is a women-only event with free entertainment, activities and lunch. Bookings essential to Russell or Carole on 9510 5877 by Friday 7 September. Free transport available from Grattan Gardens to St Kilda Town Hall. Please indicate if transport is required at the time of booking. Wednesday 19 September 10 am – 1.30 pm St Kilda Town Hall, corner Carlisle Street and Brighton Road, St Kilda
Cemetery tour to conquer cancer
After seeing fabulous Christmas tree festivals in England, the crew at Holy Trinity are seeking your participation as an individual, family, community group, organisation or business by providing a decorated Christmas tree for display. Contact Jenny by email or 0447 808 541. Holy Trinity Anglican Church corner Brighton Road and Chapel Street Balaclava 7 – 9 December
Driving Safe For newly arrived migrants who are learner drivers. Free driving lesson vouchers provided to those who attend. Topics include how to get your Ps, safety for children, accidents and insurance driving offences. Free for those on low incomes, interpreters available on request, placed limited. For more information and to book an interpreter contact Cristina del Frate at City of Port Phillip on 9209 6385 or email Mondays 6 August, 3 September, 1 October, 3 December 10 am – 11.30 am St Kilda Library Community Room 150 Carlisle Street, St Kilda
Bollywood’s rising star Sumeet Tappoo and his team of high-profile musicians and glamorous Bollywood dancers come to Melbourne in a three-hour extravaganza. 15 September, curtains open at 7.30 pm The National Theatre, Carlisle Street, St Kilda
Birthday for Citizens for Reconciliation The Port Phillip Citizens for Reconciliation group is celebrating its 15th birthday this year, a great achievement for a small group of volunteers committed to promoting reconciliation between Indigenous and nonIndigenous Australians. We will celebrate at our AGM with a special guest speaker and other surprises. All are welcome to attend. We are keen to do more work in schools and would like to hear from interested parents or teachers. Please contact 9699 8804, email or visit AGM 18 September with guest speaker Kyle Vander Kuyp. Regular meetings third Tuesday of the month Community Hub, St Kilda Town Hall, 6.30 pm.
Calling Australia Home
Opportunity to cycle and shop Friends of St Kilda Cemetery have joined forces with former committee member Tina Phillips and her partner Tony to support the Ride to Conquer Cancer benefiting the Peter Mac Cancer Centre. To help Tony in his fundraising, FOSKC will be sponsoring a special cemetery tour where Tony will be riding laps of the cemetery circuit. Let’s see how many kilometres he can clock up in this one-hour tour. For more details see or Tour to Conquer Cancer Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 September, 2 pm St Kilda Cemetery, corner Hotham Street and Dandenong Road, East St Kilda Entry from Dandenong Road For bookings call Tina on 9534 6352 or visit the Friends website
The next Council Leisure and Lifestyles Program includes some great new bike activities and classes. Op shop tour by bike A social ride visiting op shops with exercise and group riding skills. Saturday 15 September, 9.30 am – 1 pm BYO drink bottle, working bicycle and approved helmet.
Bookings essential, 9209 6776
As the Jewish Museum celebrates its thirtieth birthday it launches the new permanent exhibition Calling Australia Home housed in the Zelman Cowen Gallery of Australian Jewish History, named in honour of the Museum’s Patron, the late Sir Zelman Cowen. With nearly 150 objects on display the exhibition will engage audiences with the story of Jewish life in Australia from 1788 to the present.
More info at, search for ‘Winter Leisure’
Jewish Museum of Australia 26 Alma Road, St Kilda
Arts, culture & heritage tour by bike A delightful ride around Port Phillip gaining local knowledge, exercise and group riding skills in traffic. Saturday 22 September, 1 pm – 4 pm BYO drink bottle, working bicycle and approved helmet.
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Green up your building
Get your rate notices by email
Margaret Fulton: Queen of the Dessert
Port Phillip is hosting a number of events during World Green Building Week (17-21 September 2012). Whether you are in the design, development and construction industry, are renovating or building something new, or just have an interest in sustainable design initiatives, there will be a relevant sustainable design event for you.
For further information about rates, payments and valuations, contact ASSIST on 9209 6777 or email
Haunts and Follies
Getting bikes back on the road Back2Bikes is a notfor-profit organisation that recycles and services bikes, trains volunteers and runs bike maintenance classes. It also has a few bikes for sale. The organisation needs donations of usable bikes and parts, and volunteers to help fix bikes. Visit Back2Bikes at the South Melbourne Commons on Mondays, 10 am – 4 pm. FIND OUT MORE
Plastic made fantastic
Margaret Fulton is more than just our national cooking matriarch, she is a living legend. Her life story is full of the ingredients needed to make a musical – romance, drama, money, pavlovas. Doug MacLeod and Yuri Woronstchak bring her unique and surprising story to the stage. Tickets or 9534 3388. 16 November – 1 December
The artists in this exhibition make use of the historical references to create a sensation of unease, as if haunted by a familiar but uncanny presence. Penny Byrne, Kate Rohde, Simon Mee and Sam Leach.
Simon Mee Boating on the Styx, 2010 chalk and charcoal on primed paper.
Curated by Simon Mee.
Time out for carers Carers Day Out recognises and provides the opportunity to say thank you to our local carers who contribute a great deal within our community. A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, mental illness, dementia or who is frail or aged. Carers are invited to join in for a luscious lunch, door prizes and an array of relaxing activities including meditation, hand massage, music, art and nail painting. Part of celebrations for Carers Week 2012. Places are limited and bookings are essential. Please contact Lesley at the Commonwealth Respite Carelink Centre on 9076 6752 to book a place or to find out more. Thursday 18 October, 10 am – 3 pm Caulfield Park Pavilion, Balaclava Road, Caulfield.
Patricia Acuna is a local artist who uses recycled plastic to produce bags, jewellery and other accessories as well at artworks. Patricia also offers workshops on reusing plastic materials like plastic bags, bottle caps, straws, PET bottles, coffee cup lids and balloons, and turning them into something worth treasuring.
Fast, secure and sent anywhere in the world in an instant – getting your rate notice by email could be the best option for you. Port Phillip ratepayers can now opt to get email rate notices by contacting the Rates Department via You’ll need to provide proof of ownership and identity (such as driver’s license or passport). Don’t worry if email is not for you, paper rates notices will still be mailed to ratepayers unless they opt for electronic delivery.
Do the right thing with your bins The Council receives many complaints about bins being left in streets or lanes after waste collection. These may pose a hazard to drivers or pedestrians. It is a requirement under the City of Port Phillip Community Amenity Local Law No 3 for occupiers of a property to return their bins to their property within 24 hours of collection. Failure to do so may result in an infringement being issued. Please return your bins to avoid a fine and help keep our streets and lanes tidy.
4 August – 16 September Linden Gallery 26 Acland Street, St Kilda
Meals and Market on a Monday night Fitzroy Street’s 29th Apartment will be serving up hearty meals such as their signature NY Steakhouse burger and with a great selection of stallholders attending; there’ll be a feast for your eyes too. Wonderfully Pretty Market @ 29th Apartment Mondays 13 August, 10 September, 8 October, 6 pm – 10 pm 29 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda
Seniors Tea Dance Everyone is invited to the Tea Dance to celebrate the launch of the City of Port Phillip‘s Seniors Festival. A wonderful band will play all your favourite tunes, so dress to impress and we will see you on the dance floor. Free with entry ticket (includes afternoon tea), call ASSIST 9209 6777 or email to receive your ticket, limited places. Monday 15 October, 2 pm – 4 pm St Kilda Town Hall, corner Brighton Road and Carlisle Street, St Kilda
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
Volunteers for the ball
Plant, camp and be happy
The 2012 Port Phillip Community Ball is a social celebration for frail older people and older people with disabilities who, without support, would not have the opportunity to attend such an event. Volunteers are needed to assist with serving food, welcoming and receiving guests, dancing, bartending and transportation. For more information or to obtain a volunteer form, please leave a message with ASSIST for Sherridan Green on 9209 6777 or email Thursday 11 October, 5 pm – 8.30 pm South Melbourne Town Hall, Bank Street, South Melbourne.
Bread and meditation There’s always something interesting at the Carmelite Centre – here are some of the forthcoming offerings. Make your own dough to take home and bake in the morning. Bring your own bowl, wooden spoon and jar to take home your starter. Facilitator Gayle McIntyre, cost $50. Saturday 4 August, 1 pm – 4 pm O’Connor Pilkington Rooms The Carmelite Way – Pilgrimage Information Session In the tradition of the great Christian pilgrimages of Europe. Wednesday 19 September, 7 pm
This year will be the 15th Project Hindmarsh Community Planting Weekend, making it the longest running tree planting weekend in Australia. Each year, over 150 volunteers across Victoria, including ongoing supporters from Port Phillip community, participate in the weekend. This is an annual event held in August so if you are interested in getting involved, register your expression of interest for next year by emailing to
Weekly meditation group
18 – 19 August, Hindmarsh Shire, Nhill
A community of very ordinary people meet to experience the benefits of meditation as a way of bringing peace, harmony and joy to life.
Alliance Française exhibitions and music
Thursdays, 7 pm The Malone Room The Carmelite Centre 214 Richardson St, Middle Park 9690 5430 (leave brief message if phone unattended)
Art Auction for Kids Artists for Kids’ Culture is a volunteer-run charitable organisation based in St Kilda that has been raising funds to provide arts and cultural opportunities for children living in disadvantaged circumstances for 19 years. The Annual Art Auction includes work donated by over 70 leading Australian contemporary artists. More information including the 2012 auction catalogue available online Exhibit open daily from 10 – 14 October, 1 pm – 5 pm. Auction Sunday 14 October, gallery opens at 12.30 pm, auction commences at 2 pm. Brightspace Gallery, 8 Martin Street, St Kilda
Representations is an exhibition of drawings by French artist Miriam Schwamm representing the cultural heritage of New Caledonia. Entry is free and open to all. Opening Wednesday 1 August, 6.30 pm – 8 pm 1 – 16 August Recipients of the 2011 Alliance Française Prize for Victorian College of the Arts, Troy Christmass, Jemila MacEwan, Janine McGuinness Web, Anna Ng, Bianca Stolar, Sam Tkatchenko and Alice Wormald. Entry is free. Opening Wednesday 5 September, 6.30 pm 5 – 28 September Alliance music The Noria Letts Quartet The “jeudi jazzy” (Jazzy Thursday) concerts are back. Noria Letts and her Taste of Paris innovative jazz with a touch of the Mahgreb. Tickets $25, bookings essential as places are limited. Alliance Française’s Basement Thursday 9 August, 8 pm
The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip
A Celebration of Nadia Boulanger Join pianist, Roy Howat along with ANAM Artistic Director, Paul Dean and ANAM musicians as they celebrate one of the great compositional voices of the 20th century, Nadia Boulanger. Entry is free, bookings essential as places are limited. Thursday 30 August, 7 pm Alliance Française 51 Grey Street, St Kilda