Divercity 76 Oct / Nov 2014

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D IVERCITY the official newsletter of the city of port phillip | issn 1328 -0309 | issue 76 oct/ nov 2014

Business awards finalists Children’s Week fun Music, marathons and more

seniors week 13 – 19 october

Parking restrictions to be reviewed – neighbourhood by neighbourhood Over the next four years, parking regulations will be reviewed as part of the Parking Neighbourhood Scheme.

The Gatwick reimagined by Timna Kenny in Roomers.

Making history locally Get involved with local history through these free events at the Emerald Hill Library & Heritage Centre. Painted (ghost) signs project Learn about historic painted signs (also known as ghost signs) in the Port Phillip area and how you can help conserve them. Saturday 4 October, 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Show and tell – items from the Port Phillip City Collection Join staff members for a fascinating exploration of the Port Phillip City Art and Heritage Collection, which contains items that range from art works of national importance to unusual and quirky corporate gifts. Tuesday 21 October, 2 pm – 4 pm Roomers write back Come and see an exhibition of work by Roomers Writers Group, their response to historic postcards from the Port Phillip City Collection. Until 31October Emerald Hill Library & Heritage Centre, 195 Bank Street, South Melbourne For more information, heritage.portphillip.vic.gov.au or phone 9209 6416. The City of Port Phillip respectfully acknowledges the Yalukit Wilam Clan of the Boon Wurrung. We pay our respect to their Elders, both past and present. We acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land. OUR COVER: South Port Retired Persons group meets fortnightly on a Thursday for a dance. Call Patsy on 9645 1460 to join the fun. 2

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

During the neighbourhood parking reviews, Council will consider parking restrictions on a whole of neighbourhood basis (instead of a street by street basis). This neighbourhood perspective enables parking issues to be considered in the context of surrounding areas, ensuring parking pressures do not migrate to adjacent streets. Council started a review of parking in South Melbourne (including in St Vincent Place, Albert Park) late last year; the results were released in September. A review of Port Melbourne will start later this year. That will be followed by reviews of St Kilda West, Albert Park-Middle Park, East St Kilda, and Balaclava-Elwood-Ripponlea. Each review starts with an opportunity for community input. For more information on the reviews and how you can be involved, visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/parking-neighbourhood.htm

Fishermans Bend Strategic Framework Plan The State Government’s recently released Strategic Framework Plan (SFP) for Fishermans Bend is intended to provide direction for public and private investment in Australia’s largest urban renewal project. Council strongly advocated to the State Government for the plan to include the priorities identified in the last edition of Divercity. This resulted in the plan containing a number of items Council is pleased about, as well as items requiring more work to ensure Fishermans Bend will be a fantastic part of Port Phillip and Melbourne. To read the SFP, visit www.mpa.vic.gov.au/fishermansbendsfp More information can also be found on the Council’s website.

From the Mayor Celebrate, commemorate and participate This edition of Divercity celebrates the Seniors Festival and there’s more going on than ever before; from the Mayor’s Tea Dance to a host of music, food and fun for people 55+ – see the highlights on page 5. It’s truly a time to celebrate your age, stage and contribution while enjoying the fellowship of other seniors in the community. It’s 100 years since our volunteers first left Princes Pier for the battlefields of World War 1 aboard HMAT Orvieto and other ships. There will be an evocative theatre performance remembering the sights and sounds of this historic moment on the pier on Sunday 19 October 2014 from 6 – 8 pm. In the lead up to the state election on 29 November, and as part of our responsibility to advocate for the needs of our community, Council has identified four local issues. These include transport infrastructure, ensuring the long-term viability of the Palais, new public schools and the reinvigoration of Fitzroy and Acland Streets. Please see the Our City,Your Voice insert for more details on this and other community priorities. Please get out and enjoy spring time in our beautiful city. Mayor CR Amanda Stevens

MURAL CHARTS INDIGENOUS PLAYERS : Adnate, a renowned street artist has created a mural at St Kilda’s Peanut Farm Rese rve pavillion. Pictured with the mural are Jake Firebrace, Deputy Mayor Serge Thomann, artis t Adnate and Jesse Firebrace. The Fireb race brothers are Indigenous players with St Kilda City Football Club and modelled for the mural.

Step forward for St Kilda Triangle Council has appointed 48 community members to five working groups and a steering committee for the St Kilda Triangle project. Building on the St Kilda Triangle 2012, the community input will refine the parameters for the project before embarking on a collaborative design process in 2015. For more information, visit www.stkildatriangle.com JOIN THE CONVERSATION  haveyoursayatportphillip.net.au/st-kilda-triangle

Breakfast crawl for cyclists Come along to a community breakfast on National Ride2Work Day, Wednesday 15 October from 7 am – 9.30 am. Breakfasts will be held at Port Melbourne outside the 109 Terminus (Bay Trail @ Sandridge 109 light rail path), St Kilda Town Hall forecourt (Carlisle Street) and South Melbourne Market (Cecil Street). The Port Phillip Bicycle User Group will be there to help celebrate and give tips, while Back2Bikes bike doctors will check your bike and perform basic repairs. For more details visit www.ride2work.com.au or email workplacetravel@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Calling St Kilda Road workplaces Port Phillip is looking to support 20 local workplaces, organisations and community groups along St Kilda Road to host their own events in celebration of Ride2Work Day on Wednesday 15 October. Council will provide advice, promotional material, prizes and free boxes of fruit to participating workplaces and groups, as well as connections to local bike shops in the lead up to the day. Contact workplacetravel@ portphillip.vic.gov.au to find out more.



council c o n ta c t s Information, requests, questions or feedback Telephone 03 9209 6777 Fax 03 9536 2722 SMS 0432 005 405 Email assist@portphillip.vic.gov.au Internet eservices.portphillip.vic.gov.au

Great venues for gatherings large and small Have you got a program, activity or idea that will engage the Port Phillip community? Do you need a space for business or community meetings?

As part of the new capital works improvement prog ram, Council recently up graded the St Kilda Library C ommunity Room. Catering fo r up to 35 people, it’s a gr eat space for meetings, traini ng and lifelong learning activities.

For more information visit: www.relayservice.gov.au Visit ASSIST in person Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 5 pm St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda South Melbourne Town Hall 208 – 220 Bank Street, South Melbourne Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne


For a translation please call Council’s Language assistance interpreter service:

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divercity 76 Audio recordings of Divercity are available on Council’s website and on CD from a Port Phillip library. CDs are delivered to 80 vision impaired residents every issue. Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.

October/November 2014 Editor: Greg Day gday@edunity.com.au Next deadline: 17 October for Dec/Jan Writers: Reece Marks, Clementine Bendle-Thompson and Greg Day. Thanks to Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo. Design and Production: Mediation Communications Feedback: divercity@portphillip.vic.gov.au Divercity is printed on recycled paper 4

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Council has venues dotted across the municipality for every type of gathering. From grand town halls in South Melbourne (pictured), Port Melbourne and St Kilda, to community centres with small and large rooms (South Melbourne Community Centre pictured).

Port Phillip community centres provide a diverse range of small and large spaces for regular or casual hire for group activities, meetings, private functions and community celebrations. Most venues are fully equipped with AV systems, kitchen facilities, furniture and friendly staff. Submit an expression of interest to comfacil@portphillip.vic.gov.au and visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/local_community_centres.htm for photos and terms and conditions.

Hire a town hall Port Phillip’s Meetings and Events team have three town halls available for hire, each with a grand auditorium and numerous meeting rooms. Function and event facilities at St Kilda, Port Melbourne and South Melbourne town halls can host groups from 10 to 800 people. TOWN HALL HIRE  www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/town_hall_hire.htm ( Functions and events 9209 6777

Business excellence gala event Twenty-nine local businesses have been shortlisted from over 100 applications in the 2014 CitiPower Port Phillip Business Excellence Awards. The awards celebrate best business practice across 11 award categories. There are awards for Business of the Year, Hall of Fame and the Business Excellence Leaders award. There’s also a People’s Choice award based on nominations entered by members of the public who have received excellent customer service. At a gala dinner on 22 October at the Bayview Eden, the biennial awards will showcase Port Phillip’s business and community leaders and celebrate business excellence. Tickets are now available for purchase at www.portphillipbusiness.com.au/awards-gala.htm

The 2012 gala event. Winners for 2014 will be announced on 22 October at a gala dinner at the Bayview Eden.

New art and park at Emerald Hill The new Emerald Hill Library & Heritage Centre forecourt and beautifully landscaped park are now complete and ready for your enjoyment. The forecourt features Record Requiem, a public art installation by William Eicholtz, which celebrates the connection to the local recording industry. OPENING CELEBRATIONS Friday 3 October from 12 noon with live music and more.

Record Requiem takes the form of three milk crates containing classic LP records cast in bronze.

2014 CitiPower Port Phillip Business Excellence Awards Finalists Micro Business Australian Proper ty Buyers, Open Door Coach ing Group and Hot Black Small Business Diggidy Doggy Day care, Football Star Acade my and

Exopest Medium and La rge Businesses Luv-a-Duck Pty Lt d, Port Phillip Housing Associatio n and Palais Theatre Franchise Busin ess Fernwood Women ’s Health Club and Football Star Acade my Partnership and Corporate Social Responsib ility – Corporate Luv-a-Duck Pty Lt d and Solve Consulting Partnership and Corporate Social Responsib ility – Not for Profit Child Wise, First St ep, Heat Catering and Port Phillip H ousing Association Environmental Le adership Habitat HQ and W iggly Recyclers Tourism Habitat HQ, Jewish Museum of Australia and Melbo urne Walks Hospitality St Ali and Las Chica s Creative and Cul tural Industries Palais Theatre and Kinc Agency Innovation and Entrepreneursh ip Wealth Enhancers, Fireup Coaching and Konnective www.portphillip.vic.gov.au


Help at baby’s every stage Council’s Maternal and Child Health team provides a free service for parents and carers of children aged from birth to six years of age. The team offers guidance, support and practical information on all aspects of parenting, maternal health and family wellbeing.

Elwood Canal Plants and Animals Family Walk Bring binoculars and sketchpads. Departs Glenhuntly Road, finishes at Elsternwick Lake. Saturday 25 October, 1 pm – 2 pm $10 / $5 children. Phone 9534 0670.

The team supplies ten Key Age and Stage assessments that monitor the growth and development of your child. It also provides information on nutrition, safety, feeding and immunisation. The centres are open Monday to Friday 8.30 am – 5 pm, as well as monthly Saturday sessions. Call 9209 6766 or email mchadmin@portphillip.vic.gov.au to make an appointment. Council says thank you to everyone who gave feedback about the Family,Youth and Children Strategy. For activities and services on offer, visit kids.portphillip.vic.gov.au

Elwood students Art Safari Elwood Primary School, Elwood College and Poets Grove Children’s Centre are joining forces to celebrate Children’s Week 2014 with their inaugural Elwood Hub Art Show on Thursday 23 October. During the Art Safari, visitors can venture between the three campuses to enjoy artwork from budding young artists. STAY TUNED  www.elwood.vic.edu.au

Animation Celebration French animations (subtitled) for children five and up will be screened throughout October at the Alliance Française. Admission is free. Visit www.afmelbourne.com.au for more information.

Children’s Week 18 - 26 October

Hear a new story every week Story time for 0 – 2 year olds at Albert Park Library on Mondays at 10 am and 11 am, and at St Kilda Library on Wednesdays at 11 am and Fridays at 10 am and 11 am. Story time for 3 – 5 year olds is at Albert Park Library and St Kilda Library on Tuesdays, Port Melbourne Library on Wednesdays and Emerald Hill Library on Fridays at 11 am. 6

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Congratulations to Alison Gibbons from Bubup Womindjeka Family and Children’s Centre. Alison is an Outstanding Young Graduate finalist in the National HESTA Early Childhood Education and Care Awards. She is pictured with Port Melbourne triplets Asher, Jenson and Trace Rainbird.

seniors festival

Monday 13 October to Sunday 19 October

Get the full program from your library, town hall or community centre, or by calling ASSIST on 9209 6777.

Program highlights Mayor’s Tea Dance Celebrate the launch of the festival at the Mayor’s Tea Dance. Kick up your heels and dress to dance.

Monday 13 October, 2 pm – 4 pm; doors open at 1.30 pm St Kilda Town Hall Free; includes refreshments. Entry ticket required, bookings essential. RSVP by Monday 6 October essential: rsvp@portphillip.vic.gov.au or 9209 6777

Port Phillip Seniors Festival 2014 Wonderful events for the 55+

Yummy Weeds: talk and cooking demonstration Tuesday 14 October, 11 am – 12 noon Port Phillip EcoCentre, 55A Blessington Street Free. Learn how to identify and prepare some of Melbourne’s common edible weeds with Doris Pozzi, author of Edible Weeds and Garden Plants of Melbourne. Bookings essential: www.ecocentre.com or 9525 3102.

Share and Care Variety Concert Tuesday 14 October, 2 pm – 3 pm Claremont House, 288 Albert Road, South Melbourne Free.

St Kilda Botanical Gardens Tour Tuesday 14 October, 1 pm – 2.30 pm Port Phillip EcoCentre, 55A Blessington Street Free.

Afternoon Tea Party: 1950s for over 55s Tuesday 14 October, 2.15 pm – 4.30 pm Dining Hall, Sacred Heart Mission, 87 Grey Street, St Kilda Free; afternoon tea provided. Sacred Heart Mission’s Home Care and Hostel Teams are hosting a 1950s rock’n’roll afternoon tea party. All welcome. No bookings required.

Australian National Academy of Music Recital Wednesday 15 October, 10.30 am – 12 noon Council Chamber, South Melbourne Town Hall, 222 Bank Street

Variety Entertainers will tap out your favourite tunes and sing their way into your hearts with their fabulous song and dance routines.

$10; includes morning tea.

Bookings essential: 9645 2369.

Bookings essential: 9645 7911.

A morning tea followed by a wonderful classical music recital performed by ANAM musicians.

Jewish Succoth (Harvest) Celebration Tuesday 14 October, 4 pm – 8 pm

Community Room, 150 Inkerman Street, St Kilda

Free; traditional meal provided. Learn about fungi, indigenous flora and wildlife, and the history of the Succoth, the Jewish celebration of harvest, includes erecting a portable gardens with botanist Peter Kelly. sukkah (a small temporary hut). Speakers include the Balaclava Russian Divercity76_Seniors Festival_Advert.indd 1 Refreshments to follow. Synagogue rabbi. There will also be traditional music and dance. Bookings essential: All welcome. Bookings essential: 9523 0535. www.ecocentre.com or 9525 3102. www.portphillip.vic.gov.au


seniors festival Monday 13 October to Sunday 19 October

Gasworks Historical Art Tour Wednesday 15 October, 10.30 am – 12 noon Gasworks Foyer, 21 Graham Street, Albert Park $15. Meet artists and learn about the creative process.Visit artists’ studios, view public art and hear an introduction to current exhibitions. Bookings essential: 8606 4206.

Blue Tango Music Performance Wednesday 15 October, 11 am – 12 noon Port Phillip EcoCentre, 55A Blessington Street, St Kilda

Gardening for Life

Thursday 16 October, 10 am to 12 noon Port Melbourne Uniting Church, 144 Bridge Street, Free; healthy morning tea provided. Vegetable gardening with kindergarten children and local seniors. Under cover if raining. Bookings essential: 9690 1188.

Yachting & Angling Club Lunch and Tour Thursday 16 October, 12 noon – 2 pm 129B Beaconsfield Parade, Albert Park $15; includes meal. After lunch, the club historian will take you on a tour of the club and boathouse, and talk about club history. All welcome. Bookings essential: 9690 5530.


Elwood Musical Tea Party

A performance of golden classics. Audience is encouraged to sing along.

Elwood–St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre, 87 Tennyson Street

Bookings essential: www.ecocentre.com or 9525 3102.

Musical Afternoon Tea Wednesday 15 October, 2 pm – 3.30 pm Christ Church Community Centre, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda Free; afternoon tea provided. A lavish afternoon tea accompanied by musical entertainment by local multigenerational group, City of Voices. Bookings essential: 9534 9250.

Thursday 16 October, 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

Free; afternoon tea provided. Enjoy music from around the world, including Spanish flamenco and Russian Roma, as well as food of several cuisines. Bookings essential: 9531 1954.

Port Melbourne Town Hall Historical Tour Friday 17 October, 10 am – 10.30 am or 11 am – 11.30am Port Melbourne Town Hall, 333 Bay Street Free; refreshment provided. A quick history lesson, a cuppa and the opportunity to view the Seniors Art Expo. Bookings essential: 9646 9360.

Art Tour Friday 17 October, 10 am – 12.15 pm Port Melbourne Town Hall, 333 Bay Street Free; refreshment provided. A tour of Port Melbourne Town Hall, morning tea and a visit to the Seniors Art Expo, followed by a bus trip to visit Shirley Armstrong’s Art Group and Ted Powell’s Studio. RSVP by Thursday 16 October. Places limited, bookings essential: rsvp@portphillip.vic.gov.au or 9209 6777.

Health and Wellbeing Master Class Friday 17 October, 11 am – 1 pm St Kilda Police and Citizen Youth Club (PCYC), 179 Inkerman Street Free; BBQ provided. This master class for over 55s enables participants to engage in physical activity and to socialise. No bookings required, enquiries: 9534 7584.

Seniors Festival Art Expo

Launch: Thursday 16 October, 4 pm – 6 pm, Open days: Friday 17 and Saturday 18 October, 10 am – 2 pm Demonstration and talk by artists: Saturday 18 October, 10.30 am Port Melbourne Town Hall, 333 Bay Street Free. Paintings, drawings, ceramics and sculpture by seniors. RSVP to launch rsvp@portphillip.vic.gov.au or 9209 6777.


The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

U3A Trivia Challenge Friday 17 October, 7 pm – 10 pm


Mary Kehoe Centre, 224 Danks Street, Albert Park

Free; light refreshments provided. Grab your friends and book a table (six people per table). Bookings essential: www.u3app.org.au or 9696 3495.

Seniors Festival Art Expo Talk Saturday 18 October, 10.30 am Port Melbourne Town Hall, 333 Bay Street

Saturday 18 October, 9 am – 1 pm

Free. Shirley Armstrong will demonstrate the materials and techniques to use for watercolour and acrylic painting. No bookings required.

U3A Saturday Seminar Saturday 18 October, 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm

Port Phillip Men’s Shed, rear St Luke’s Church, 210 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne Free; BBQ lunch provided. Members’ projects on display. A St John Ambulance First Aid course will be followed by a BBQ lunch. All welcome. Bookings required by 11 October: 9699 4203.

Scarecrow Festival Sunday 19 October, 10.30 am – 3.30 pm

Mary Kehoe Centre, 224 Danks Street, Albert Park

Dig in Community Garden, Murphys Reserve, Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne

Cost: Free; afternoon tea provided. Retired Victorian detective Colin McLaren will present a talk based on his book, JFK – The Smoking Gun. Bookings essential: www.u3app.org.au or 9696 3495.

Beethoven Performance Sunday 19 October, 3 pm – 5 pm All Saints Church, 2 Chapel Street, East St Kilda $10; includes afternoon tea. Aequales Ensemble will perform Beethoven’s Piano Trio Opus 70, No.1, ‘Ghost’, and Clarinet Trio Opus 11. No bookings required.

Men’s Shed Open Day and Health Awareness Forum

Free; refreshments provided. Come and inspect the garden plots and enjoy the scarecrows. No bookings required. Enquiries: 9645 1476.

Port Phillip Writes, Seniors Writing Awards Sunday 19 October, 2 pm – 4 pm St Kilda Library, 150 Carlisle Street Free; refreshments provided. An afternoon of literature where the judges’ awards will be announced. Special guests will read writers’ entries. Bookings essential: rsvp@portphillip.vic.gov.au or 9209 6777.

Divercity76_Seniors Festival_Advert.indd 1

And also …

Get a copy of the complete Seniors Festival Pr ogram for other events and ac tivities, including: • Linking Neighbo urs coffee mornings • Learn modern te chnology with Ready Tech G o • St Kilda Legal Se rvice seniors informatio n sessions • Club Vigor Nosta lgia performance • Lotus Ensemble concert • Singing Heart Ru ssian Choir • Polish lunch • E lwood Croquet Club – Try croquet • M elbourne Sport and Aquatic Centre – Try racquetball • Y Rowing Centr e – Try rowing www.portphillip.vic.gov.au



neighbourhood news

For all general enquires, contact ASSIST 9209 6777

Keep fit with handy flyer

Cr Amanda Stevens, Mayor Albert Park BH: 9209 6431 M: 0481 034 029 E: mayor@portphillip.vic.gov.au Cr Serge Thomann, Deputy Mayor Catani BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 299 372 E: sthomann@portphillip.vic.gov.au Cr Vanessa Huxley Carlisle BH: 9209 6705 M: 0406 890 739 E: vhuxley@portphillip.vic.gov.au

PORT MELBOURNE: Inner South Community Health Service has published a new physical activity booklet that showcases sports clubs, activity groups, walking paths, local parks, playgrounds and other ways and places where residents can keep active in our city. Pick up your free copy from Port Melbourne Library or the Liardet Community Centre, or download it from www.ischs.org.au/your-wellbeing/ship

Bowls club open for all ALBERT PARK: Albert Park Bowls Club is holding an open day on Sunday 5 October, 11 am – 5 pm. The day will be a chance for people to learn more about joining while they enjoy free coaching, free sausage sizzle and bar facilities. The club is located in St Vincent Gardens.

Help keep our canal tidy Cr Anita Horvath emerald hill BH: 9209 6705 M: 0438 906 161 E: ahorvath@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Andrew Bond Junction BH: 9209 6705 M: 0481 034 028 E: abond@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Jane Touzeau Point Ormond BH: 9209 6705 M: 0432 287 634 E: jtouzeau@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Cr Bernadene Voss Sandridge BH: 9209 6705 M: 0413 246 704 E: bvoss@portphillip.vic.gov.au Direct all enquiries for councillors during office hours to the Mayor and Councillors’ Office Mayor: Tel: 9209 6431 Barbara Wilson, Mayoral Exec. Assistant Fax: 9536 2711 Councillors: Tel: 9209 6705 Mary Baensch, Councillors’ Support Officer Fax: 9536 2708 All Councillors, email: councillors@portphillip.vic.gov.au Postal address: City of Port Phillip, Private Bag No. 3, PO St Kilda Vic 3182


The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

ELWOOD: Join in the Elwood Canal clean up at 10 am on Sundays 19 October and 16 November. Meet at the grassy banks of the canal beside the Glenhuntly Road bridge. Bring gloves and a couple of bags (one for recyclables).

Festival comes to town ELWOOD: The Elwood Village Festival is to be held along Ormond Road on Wednesday 26 November, 4 pm – 8 pm. Join in the fun: rides, music, live entertainment, food, kids’ activities and performers.

New pitches put to the test PORT MELBOURNE: Due to the record growth in participants, R. F. Julier and T. T. Buckingham Reserves are to host local junior cricket matches. The trial will occur from October 2014 until March 2015. Matches will be played on Saturday mornings, 8 am – 12 noon.

Picnic with pony rides ST KILDA: Friends of St Kilda Botanical Gardens is hosting an afternoon picnic on Sunday 16 November, as part of the 153rd anniversary celebrations of the opening of the Gardens. There will be live music and pony rides for children.Visitors are invited to bring along a picnic. The event runs from 2 pm – 6 pm and entry is free.

New creative hubs are spaces to be BALACLAVA: Art and design social enterprise Space2b has Vibrant space: Mariam Issa with Maroleen been launched in Balaclava. Kaburu, Janine Lawrie and Clare Larman. A retail outlet located at 231 Carlisle Street, Space2b also functions as a workshop, design studio and training centre for newly arrived immigrants and refugees. Space2b will be featured at a Christmas design market to be held at the Astor Theatre on Saturday 29 November, 10 am – 4 pm. Drop in or visit www.space2b.com.au to learn more. While you’re there, also pay a visit to 4dverse at 188 Carlisle Street, a new 4D creative arts and lifestyle space.

Get philosophical over coffee

Celebrating family history

ST KILDA: Philosophy Cafe is hosting six fortnightly discussions at Sorsi e Morsi in Blessington Street. From 6.30 pm on Wednesday 1 October, the free sessions will use a dancer, a philosopher and a visual artist to explore the human condition, followed by discussion. Google Philosophy Café Melbourne for bookings.

PORT MELBOURNE: Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society (PMHPS) is launching Celebrating the Landing, an exhibition commemorating the 175th anniversary of the Liardet family’s arrival in Melbourne. The exhibition, which will run at the Gasworks Theatre foyer for two weeks from Tuesday 11 November, will also look at anniversary celebrations from 1939, 1999 and 2009. PMHPS has also produced Postcards from Port Melbourne, a DVD of Port Melbourne’s history, which will be available at the Emerald Hill Heritage Centre, Port Melbourne Town Hall and their website at www.pmhps.org.au after 23 October.

School art show to showcase talent ALBERT PARK: The Albert Park College Art Show is to be held on 17 – 19 October at its campus on 83 Danks Street. Kick starting with a gala event on Friday 17 October, the school library will be transformed into an art gallery. Works are for sale. There will also be an auction, food, beverages and live music. The following day will be a full open day, with activities including MasterChef cook-off and art demonstrations. More details at www.albertparkcollege.vic.edu.au

Walking tour a specialty for seniors ST KILDA: Friends of St Kilda Cemetery (FoSKC) is holding a special walking tour as part of the Seniors Festival. This leisurely paced tour, which will be held on Tuesday 7 October at 10 am, will look at notable graves located along the main paths. FoSKC will also be holding a tour on Sunday 30 November at 2 pm to celebrate the 160th anniversary of the Eureka uprising at Ballarat. Free for members, $10 for non-members. Bookings can be made by calling 9531 6832. For more information visit www.foskc.org www.portphillip.vic.gov.au


neighbourhood news Talk to shed light on church’s windows

Local school forges a foreign friendship ELWOOD: Twenty middle school students from Obu in Japan have visited Elwood College as part of an annual study tour to Australia. The guests joined Elwood College students who study Japanese in classroom activities. They also spoke of Obu’s ongoing fundraising effort towards St Kilda’s penguin conservation.

Neighbourhood walk a family occasion

ST KILDA: Stained glass expert Dr Bronwyn Hughes is to speak at the next St Kilda Historical Society meeting on Sunday 12 October, starting at 3 pm. Bronwyn’s speech will explore the significance of the stained glass windows that can be found at Holy Trinity Church on Dickens Street. The public are welcome to attend.

Join in the waterfront greetings PORT MELBOURNE: The Social Health and Inclusion Port (SHIP) program is looking for volunteers to join its team of Waterfront Welcomers, who help welcome arriving cruise ship passengers to our shores.Volunteers will undergo customer service and tourism training that will enable them to provide visitor information about the history and heritage of the area, transport options and local attractions. To book, email Dani at dmccaffrey@ischs.org.au or call 9525 1300. The program is supported by funding from Council.

Kickstart your karate classes MIDDLE PARK: The Middle Park Karate School is holding martial arts classes for all ages and abilities on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. The school is located at 1 Armstrong Street. For more information visit www.battistello.com.au or call 0419 509 775.

Beachside upgrade on display ST KILDA: The concept design for the St Kilda Life Saving Club redevelopment is available for public viewing in October. For more information visit www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/st-kilda-life-saving-club.htm 12

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

PORT MELBOURNE: Explore the legacy of the Liardet family, who arrived 175 years ago and were the European founders of Port Melbourne (formerly Sandridge). Sunday 9 November, 10 am – 12 noon ST KILDA: The St Kilda rail line, which opened in 1857, remained in use for 130 years until it was converted, first to a bus line, and then to light rail in 1987. Follow the historic line from South Melbourne to Middle Park exploring heritage railway stations as you go. Sunday 7 December, 10 am – 12 noon Bookings essential. Call 9209 6522 or email walking@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Shop windows to colour festivities PORT MELBOURNE: The Port Melbourne Business Association (PMBA) is to launch its Bay Street Christmas Windows on the PMBA won Mainstreet Australia’s Best Marketing award for last year’s evening of Thursday Christmas in Port Melbourne 27 November. The event.L-R:Vice President George decorated windows will Tsingos, Creative Director Roz feature lyrics from The Zweifel and President Paul Littmann. Twelve Days of Christmas, Pic: John Freeman. as rewritten by local primary school children. There will be activities for children, a competition with prizes, performances by buskers and an appearance from Santa. For more information visit www.3207portmelbourne.com.au

inbrief Bike rides Bupa Around the Bay Participants can choose to ride distances between 20 km and 250 km. They will travel through Port Phillip and finish in the Alexandra Gardens. Sunday 19 October, 5.30 am www.bicyclenetwork.com.au Ride to Conquer Cancer A two day 200 km ride to raise money for the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. The ride begins at Albert Park Lake and will travel along a bayside route to the Mornington Peninsula. Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 October, 5.30 am www.conquercancer.org.au

Enjoy something from nothing

Big show for small art This unique competition will see hundreds of small format contemporary artworks on display at Linden Centre. All works will be for sale. Exhibit: 25 October – 6 December. Official opening: Friday 24 October, 4 pm – 8 pm Linden Centre for Contemporary Arts, 26 Acland Street, St Kilda

It’s the end of the world as we know it… Let ARTHUR Productions and Red Stitch Actors Theatre take you on a wild and ridiculous quest to a bar at the end of the world with the world premiere of The Mesh. Wednesday 15 October – Saturday 8 November Q&A with the cast, Thursday 23 October. Red Stitch Actors Theatre, 2 Chapel Street, St Kilda Cost: $20 – $39 Bookings: redstitch.net

Learn something new in an afternoon SkillsFest 2014 offers free hands on activities for the whole family. Get involved in your community and try something new. Learn how to grow veggies, maintain your bike, use new technology and a whole lot more. Enjoy the local entertainment and free food and drink.

A children’s play based on a Jewish folktale, Something From Nothing, combines puppetry, music and pantomime to tell the story of a boy and his grandfather. For ages 5 – 12. Theatreworks, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda Tuesday 30 September – Sunday 5 October, 11 am and 1 pm daily Cost: $20 / $15 Bookings: www.theatreworks.org.au

Saturday 22 November, 2 pm – 6 pm Port Melbourne Uniting Church, 136 Bridge Street, Port Melbourne Call 9690 1188 for details.

Tell your story through song Wild@heART is running a year-long program of songwriting workshops for people experiencing mental illness, disability and disadvantage. Participants will complete pre-accredited training to learn music and technology skills. New participants and beginners welcome. Wednesdays, 1 pm – 4 pm Sol Green Community Centre, South Melbourne Bookings at info@wildatheart.org.au or phone 9326 9970.



s u s ta i n a b i l i t y


EcoCentre sees stars at awards

Emerald Hill Festival

Delicious and Local

Port Phillip EcoCentre was recognised at the Keep Australia Beautiful Sustainable Cities Victoria Awards with the Clean Beach Waterway Award for its work removing seastar infestations. High school student Jess Jeyasingham was awarded the Young Leader Award for her efforts in identifying minute plastic particles in the bay.

Come and celebrate the vibrant culture and diversity of the Emerald Hill Precinct. Family friendly and free. Enjoy children’s activities, music, tours, exhibitions, craft, concerts, pop-up food trucks and more.

The Age Good Food Month is on again this November, with a host of restaurants and cafes in Port Phillip taking part, including the South Melbourne Market, St Ali South in South Melbourne, D.O.C. Albert Park, Milk the Cow St Kilda and Mr Wolf St Kilda.

Sunday 9 November, 11 am – 4 pm South Melbourne Town Hall, Fishley Street, South Melbourne More information at www.anam.com.au or 9645 7911.

Saturday 1 November – Sunday 30 November www.goodfoodmonth.com

Fix a Flat Back2Bikes is running a hands-on workshop at which you’ll learn how to identify and fix a punctured tyre, and how to maintain your chains and gears. This local not-for-profit organisation provides bicycle training, repair and recycling services for the community including refugees.

Michael Jackson world record attempt

525 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne Sunday 12 October, 10 am – 1 pm

Solar power makes a difference The Community Carbon Cops volunteers have installed a 10kW solar panel system at the Mary Kehoe Community Centre where they expect to reduce electricity use by 85 per cent. The group is now looking for another building to transform, either a community centre or private building. Call Brett on 9209 6780 to get involved.

One hundred homes sustainable Carbon Cut has helped 100 Port Phillip low-income households reduce their energy bills. The free program saw the installation of energy efficient light globes, weather seals on doors and windows, and dual flush toilet cisterns. 14

The Official Newsletter of the City of Port Phillip

Hold a street party Would you like to get together with your neighbours and organise a street party? As the weather gets warmer, now is the time to start organising one. The Port Phillip Community Group and Council have been working together with local residents for many years putting on street parties. Contact Anthea Teakle of the Port Phillip Community Group on 9525 8746 or anthea@ppcg.org.au More information is available at www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/street_ parties.htm

Thrill the World will attempt to set the world record for a world-wide simultaneous performance to Michael Jackson’s Thriller, as well as raising money for The Royal Children’s Hospital. Dress up as a zombie and join in. Sunday 26 October, 7.30 am – 12.30 pm Luna Park, Lower Esplanade, St Kilda Cost: $12. Bookings: call 0402 527 611 or search Thrill the World Melbourne on Facebook.

Relax, Rejuvenate, Respect To celebrate Mental Health Week, Port Phillip Community Group will be running several events, including relaxation sessions, theatre performances, and support and recovery sessions. Monday 6 October – Friday 10 October Port Phillip Community Group, 161 Chapel Street, St Kilda 8598 6603

FYI f ro m a s s i s t Council provides activities for seniors all year around, not just during the Seniors Festival.

Runs for Fun and Charity

The Seniors Register and Linking Neighbours Program

City2Sea Runners can choose either a 5 km or 14 km course, both of which begin in the city and finish in St Kilda. Elite runners, wheelchair athletes, joggers and walkers are joined by many dressed in novelty themed costumes. Live music along the route. Sunday 16 November, 8 am. Road closures will be in effect. www.thecity2sea.com.au Seven Parks Walk This inaugural walk will raise money for Cancer Council Victoria. Participants will walk through a 27 km loop of seven of Melbourne’s beautiful parks, including Albert Park. There will be an event village with food and entertainment at each park.

Melbourne Marathon Starting at Batman Avenue and finishing inside the Melbourne Cricket Ground, with courses running through Port Phillip, participants can choose to compete in a full marathon, half marathon, 10 km run, 5 km run, 3 km run or walking events.

Sunday 5 October, 7.30 am – 4.30 pm www.7parkswalk.com.au

Sunday 12 October, 7 am. Road closures will be in effect. www.melbournemarathon.com.au

Suai gets PC exchange Eugenio da Sousa and Alita da Conceiao from the East Timor village of Suai visited in August for a two-week cultural exchange. At the visit’s end, the Council donated more than 200 repurposed computers for training, development and job growth in Suai.

Linking Neighbours is a community safety and social inclusion project, a partnership between Council,Victoria Police St Kilda and a working group of local residents. It combines a Seniors Register and a friendly neighbourhoods program that helps people who are isolated, have support needs or are vulnerable in some way. Residents can nominate to be on the Seniors Register or to be a Linking Neighbour. Social support activities

Social support provides recreational activities to Port Phillip residents. To help with the cost of meals, transport and program activities, a small contribution applies. Get in-touch with Council to be assessed for eligibility. Social support groups consist of: • social groups for older people • arts, exercise and outdoor activities • social programs for people living in supported residential services • carer support groups and activities. Senior citizens clubs, groups and activities

Some of these operating within the City of Port Phillip are: • Port Phillip Life Activities Club • South Port Day Links • Betty Day Centre • U3A Port Phillip • Mary Kehoe Senior Citizens Club • South Melbourne Gardening Club • Trugo Clubs in South Melbourne and Port Melbourne.

East Timor visitors Eugenio da Sousa and Alita da Conceiao take part in a traditional Aboriginal smoking ceremony led by Dean Stewart (centre).

For more information, visit our website at www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/activitiesfor-seniors.htm, drop in to one of our three town halls or contact ASSIST on 9209 6777. www.portphillip.vic.gov.au


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