Divercity Issue 82 December 2015 / February 2016

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city o f po rt philli p maga zi n e - i s s u e 8 2 d e ce mbe r / f e b rua ry 2 0 1 6

World sails to St Kilda triangle takes shape

market time

Photo Chris Cassar

Councillors Serge Thomann, Amanda Stevens, Jane Touzeau, Bernadene Voss and Andrew Bond are Beach Patrol participants. There’s a Beach Patrol for every part of Port Phillip and everyone is invited to get involved. beachpatrol.com.au

The Councillors wish you and your family a healthy and safe festive season and look forward to working with you throughout 2016.

Thanks for your participation

As we head into the final year of our Council term, the Councillors thank you for your participation and contribution. Together we have made significant progress on important projects.

cover story

World cup sailing coming to St Kilda The ISAF Sailing World Cup will be held of St Kilda in December. Over 300 junior and youth sailors will join 600 Olympic aspirants racing off-the-beach boats in this international event. Sailing World Cup 7 - 13 December sailingworldcupmelbourne.com 2

Highlights from 2015 include securing, in partnership with the Victorian Government, the long-term future of the Palais Theatre.

has been a win for players and spectators alike, while in South Melbourne, refurbishing the Clarendon Street Family Centre has improved facilities for families.

Council also focused on delivering our community’s vision for Fishermans Bend. We proposed to the Victorian Government a pace-setting $40 million plan for early development of community facilities, a kindergarten and public space in the Montague Precinct.

There’s much to look forward to in 2016, including the planning for redevelopment of South Melbourne Life Saving Club and upgrades to sports pavilions at Peanut Farm and the JL Murphy Reserve. Overall, in 2015-16 we will spend $38 million to renew and upgrade our existing assets, including upgrading roads, footpaths and laneways, redeveloping the St Kilda Life Saving Club, replacing the Alma Park Pavilion and improving the Fitzroy Street streetscape.

Collaborating with our community has also progressed the St Kilda Triangle project to masterplan stage, with a vision that blends cultural, public space, parking and commercial opportunities. In Port Melbourne, the spectacular redevelopment of North Port Oval

Read more in our Annual Report portphillip.vic.gov.au/ annualreport.htm

co n t e n t s

co nte n t s 4


www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/ contact_us.htm Phone: 03 9209 6777 Facsimile: 03 9536 2722 SMS: 0432 005 405 email: assist@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Oarsome local livesavers

For more information please visit: www.relayservice.gov.au



Triangle takes shape

Summer time, market time

Community input has shaped a masterplan full of good ideas.

Enjoy evening markets, crafty creations and a little French influence.



Please contact ASSIST on 03 9209 6777 if you require a large print version. Audio recordings of Divercity are available on the City of Port Phillip website and on CD at Port Phillip libraries.

Divercity 82 - Dec 2015 / Feb 2016 Editor: Greg Day - gday@edunity.com.au Story suggestions are welcome: next deadline 15 January 2016 for March / April. Divercity feedback: divercity@portphillip.vic.gov.au Information included in this magazine is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.

Mum2Mum support

Linus is an optimist

Playgroup reaches out to mums who welcome extra support.

Meet Linus, who’ll be sailing his Optimist dingy in the world sailing event.

The City of Port Phillip respectfully acknowledges the Yalukit Willam Clan of the Boon Wurrung. We pay our respect to their Elders, both past and present. We acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land. 3

Oarsome Port Phillip has five lifesaving clubs each with their own claim to fame. The St Kilda club is home to world champion surf boat crews, with their Masters Men and Women winning gold at the 2014 Lifesaving World Championships in Montpellier, France.

Meanwhile, South Melbourne lifesavers are experts in IRBs (the red inflatable rescue boats), and both Elwood and Port Melbourne have popular Nippers programs.

St Kilda Lifesaving Club’s Adam Younis, Edwina Banks-Anderson, Shea Grant and Megan McLeod, Matt Culka and Peter Walkington. Photo Chris Cassar


All clubs welcome new members and would love to see you down at the beach this summer. Join the crew stkildalifesavingclub.com.au southmelbournelsc.com.au portmelblsc.com.au elwoodlsc.com sandridge.org.au

Awesome news for clubs The St Kilda lifesavers are getting new clubrooms. The project is expected to be finished in late 2016. The South Melbourne Life Saving Club is also being redeveloped - concept designs will be available for community comment in early 2016.


MSAC Planet Sport participants.

Ripponlea village gets festive You are invited to join in as the Glen Eira Road Village shopping strip celebrates 100 years of Ripponlea culture. Glen Eira Road will be temporarily closed between Hotham Street and the railway line to make way for the fun that will include stalls, buskers and 1,000 spinning Hanukkah tops. The street party is one aspect of a Vibrant Villages initiative that Council and local traders are delivering in partnership. You might have noticed improved lighting near the station, heritage red light poles and other improvements. Council has provided traders with planter boxes to help enhance the streetscape. This follows the transformation of the façade of some vacant shopfronts - gone are the ugly street posters and graffiti; replaced by historical posters celebrating 100 years of Ripponlea village. 100 years of Ripponlea street party Sunday 6 December 11 am - 3 pm Glen Eira Road (between Hotham Street and the railway line)

Get set for 2016 activities

The 2016 ‘Live and Learn’ liftout will be published in the first 2016 edition of Divercity and on Council’s website in late January 2016. Contact community facilities comfacil@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Find out how Council is tackling environmental challenges. www.enviroehub.com.au

Summer fun for kids Get the kids into athletics and aquatics at the MSAC Planet Sport school holiday program. Activities, which are open to children aged 5 - 12 years, are fully supervised by MSAC staff. 9926 1618 planetsport@ssct.com.au Or try the St Kilda PCYC, who will take you to Torquay for a surfing lesson, a bounce at the trampoline centre or a parkour lesson. For 12 - 18 year olds. Bookings open 1 December. 9534 7584 youth@stkildapcyc.org Young skate enthusiasts can help develop and deliver their own events and programs at schools and skate parks across Port Phillip. Nick Stephenson YMCA 9769 6579 nick.stephenson@ymca.org.au More vacation care ideas portphillip.vic.gov.au/ vacation_care.htm

out now

Life’s a beach Before you take your dog to the beach, check signage along the foreshore because summer restrictions apply to dogs on beaches until 31 March. Dogs are not permitted on the beach at any time in designated restricted areas of Port Melbourne, Albert Park, St Kilda and Elwood. There are seven year-round dog beaches, but over summer the Middle Park and Elwood dog beaches are restricted to early mornings. Dog beach details portphillip.vic.gov.au/ dogs_on_beaches.htm

annual progress report 2014/15

toward zero

Photo Chris Cassar

Ready to Ride is Michael Wood, John Wells, Senior Constable Michele Stevens, Beth Wells, Noel Gilcrist and Senior Constable Tom Smith.

Victoria Police is teaming up with Linking Neighbours for monthly seniors bike rides. It’s a chance for seniors of all abilities to ride safely with a group. To join the first ride on Wednesday 9 December, contact Michael Wood on 9209 6777 for details of time and starting point.

Be a Linking Neighbour in 2016 Here’s a New Year’s resolution you’ll want to keep. Join the Linking Neighbours seniors register and get involved in local activities with other seniors. The register is a confidential and secure list of people’s contact information held by the Council and St Kilda Police for use in emergency situations. Once you’ve joined the seniors register you will have the opportunity to go

to weekly coffee groups, bus outings, hydrotherapy sessions at MSAC, health and wellbeing programs and local neighbourhood dinners and lunches. Register for 2016 Michael Wood mwood@portphillip.vic.gov.au Elena Kalnin ekalnin@portphillip.vic.gov.au 9209 6777

Council services during the holidays Waste and recycling collection Christmas Day collection, Friday 25 December 2015, will be collected on Saturday 26 December 2015. Normal collection will take place on the public holidays of Boxing Day, Monday 28 December 2015 and New Year’s Day, Friday 1 January 2016. Christmas tree disposal Get rid of your old Christmas tree 6

by booking a hard waste collection on 9209 6777 or drop it off to the Resource Recovery Centre. ASSIST and call centre Council service desks and the call centre will operate at reduced hours over the festive season. For more information portphillp.vic.gov.au/contact-us.htm ASSIST 9209 6777

Winners have the write stuff

The Port Phillip Writes winners were announced during the Seniors Festival and have been published in a book that is now available from your local library. The major award winners were: • Veselka Gencic for ‘Different Kulture’ • Deb Hall for ‘The Vigil’ • Bob Scheffer for ‘A Lonely Cry of Extinction.’ Other awards went to: • Grant Aldous for ‘Fragility’ • Kerrin O’Sullivan for ‘Rollercoaster’ • Irene Ritchie for ‘A Kooglhoupe Adventure in the Monarch Cake Shop’ • Rose Stone for ‘Memories.’ Read the Writes Borrow a copy from local libraries.


St Kilda Triangle draft masterplan -

an engaging journey

Following the decision to abandon the previous proposal, Council embarked on a new journey with the community for the St Kilda Triangle. In 2012, Council endorsed St Kilda Triangle 2012, the ‘Orange Document’, developed with the community through numerous consultation events, including ‘speak outs’, questionnaires, ideas forums and focus groups with hard-to-reach community members.


your voice on the Triangle St Kilda Triangle Draft Masterplan is out now for consultation Programmable public space, a cultural facility with a rooftop park... you have a chance to share your thoughts on the St Kilda Triangle Draft Masterplan.

The Draft Masterplan allows Council to write a business case and continue discussions with the Victorian Government about delivering a fundable future project on this important site.

The draft has been developed with community, industry and government through a series of co-design workshops, meetings and events to explore built form and public space on the site.

Key features include a cultural facility with a rooftop park and a car park underneath, a forecourt entry to the Palais, and public spaces that offer opportunities for a range of active and passive activities. Share your feedback The Draft Masterplan is out for comment now. Go online and share your feedback. stkildatriangle.com

In 2014 community working groups helped refine the parameters for a design brief. This year Council and community held three co-design workshops to develop a masterplan that explores built form and public spaces on the site. The Draft Masterplan is now out for comment. View the Draft Masterplan and share your feedback with us. stkildatriangle.com


what’s happening in your city Your guide to what’s on, in and around your city - www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/events Port Melbourne

South Melbourne

Albert Park

Middle Park


St Kilda





Cinderella en pointe

Wednesday 10 February Wednesday 9 March 2016 The Gallery, St Kilda Town Hall 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda

Friday 11 - Sunday 13 December National Theatre Cnr Carlisle and Barkly streets, St Kilda

Artworks by Indigenous artists currently in, or recently released from, prison. Now in its seventh year, CONFINED provides an opportunity for Indigenous artists to share their artworks and stories.

The National Theatre Ballet presents Cinderella, choreographed and directed by Artistic Director Beverly Jane Fry. A professional production at affordable prices.


$50 / $40 / $25 nationaltheatreballetschool.org.au

Five minutes of fame turns 11 Tuesday 1 December, 5.30 pm - 8.30 pm St Kilda Bowls Club, 66 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda

The open mic extravaganza Five Minutes of Fame is turning 11. Enjoy a free dinner, singing, dancing, jokes, prizes and more.

Object Future III

Opera at the Newmarket Unsigned Music Battle

Sunday 13 December, 4 pm - 8 pm Luna Park, The Esplanade, St Kilda

Hear the best of local young performers as they battle it out for their chance to play at the St Kilda Festival. Unlimited rides for the first 50 young people. Free

Songwriting workshops

Wednesdays 12.30 pm - 3.30 pm Sol Green Community Centre Coventry Street, South Melbourne

Rosanna Ceravolo, Enzo sidetable, 2015. Photograph by Alessandro Lococo.

For people living with mental health challenges.

Friday 4 December 2015 - Sunday 28 February 2016 Linden New Art, 26 Acland Street, St Kilda Follow the design process of six studios, each commissioned to produce an object for this exhibition.


$8 per week Phil at Wild at Heart 0402 812 428

Midsumma at Gasworks

Friday 18 March, 8 pm; Saturday 19 March, 3 pm and 8 pm; Sunday 20 March, 3 pm Cellar Bar, downstairs at the Newmarket Hotel 34 Inkerman Street, St Kilda

Midsumma is Melbourne’s annual celebration of queer culture.

St Kilda-based arts company Emotionworks Cut Opera devise cut down operas, which they perform in music venues. Their latest show is ‘Cole Porter does Fledermaus - together at last Porter and Strauss.’

19 January - 14 February 2016 Gasworks Arts Park 21 Graham Street, Albert Park


emotionworks.com.au $30 / $25


Mixed Plot Tour

Sunday 29 November, 2 pm Main gate, St Kilda Cemetery Dandenong Road, St Kilda East

Global Healing day for the Summer Solstice

Join Friends of St Kilda Cemetery for a mixed plot tour through the cemetery. Revisit some of the favourites from the 2015 tours.

pmhps.org.au 9646 9360 Free, bookings required

Crowdfunding your business

SkillsFest - Live Local, Share Local

Thursday 3 December, 6 pm - 8 pm St Ali, 12-18 Yarra Place, South Melbourne


Christmas trees festival

Thursday 3 December – Sunday 6 December Holy Trinity Anglican Church Cnr Chapel Street and Brighton Road, St Kilda East

A display of trees for all ages, culminating in carols amongst the Christmas trees on Sunday 6 December at 4 pm. Citi Opera will also perform a ticketed Christmas concert on Saturday 5 December, 7 pm, $20 Gold coin donation

Carols by Candlelight

Thursday 10 December, 7 pm - 8 pm Port Melbourne Uniting Church 144 Bridge Street, Port Melbourne Carols for everyone. Bring a rug or a folding chair. Safe candles provided.

Monday 25 January, 7.30 pm Upstairs, Port Melbourne Town Hall 333 Bay Street, Port Melbourne

Volunteers who work with the historical collection will pick a favourite item to display and explain. Public welcome.

9531 6832 info@foskc.org $10 non members / free for members

A business networking event where you will hear from Claire Merquita, CEO of the Pozible crowdfunding platform. Find out whether your business could benefit from crowdfunding and how you can raise enough cash to help make your passion project become a reality.

Gems from the Archives

Saturday 27 February, 1.30 pm - 5 pm Port Melbourne Uniting Church 144 Bridge Street, Port Melbourne Sunday 20 December, 1 pm - 5 pm The Rotunda, Catani Gardens Cnr Jacka Boulevard and Fitzroy Street, St Kilda West Start with a yoga session to relax, followed by an Indigenous smoking ceremony and presentations from spiritual leaders. Try a healing therapy or join an art project. Food and drinks available.

planetaryhealingartists@gmail.com 0415 552 488 Free

Pride March 2016

Sunday 31 January Fitzroy Street, St Kilda

Celebrating its 21st anniversary, the Midsumma Pride March recognises and celebrates Victoria’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex and transgender community. This year’s theme is Marriage Equality. March, dance, sing, strut or catwalk your way down Fitzroy Street, then pick up a picnic pack for lunch in the Catani Gardens. Registration open until 20 January 2016.

Live more sustainably and connect with your local community by learning how to make, grow, maintain and repair things in one-hour workshops. Book into a workshop or run your own session. facebook.com/SkillsFestPortMelb janet.hoare@southportuniting.org.au 9690 1188 Free

Summer Fair with Twilight Disco Saturday 27 February, 12 pm until late Middle Park Primary School Richardson Street, Middle Park Music on the oval, delicious food, great wine, stalls galore, petting zoo and fun-filled rides for all ages. middleparkps.vic.edu.au




what’s happening in your city Your guide to what’s on, in and around your city - www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/events Port Melbourne

South Melbourne


Albert Park

Middle Park


St Kilda




Snorkelling tours

See the best U16 skaters at the magnificent Marina Reserve venue Sunday 24 January.

Explore the diverse underwater marine world of Port Phillip Bay with the knowledgeable team from Port Phillip EcoCentre. Beginners and children welcome. Equipment provided. See the website for dates, times and prices. ecocentre.com

Jingle bells Christmas lights ride

St Kilda Ocean Mile Swim

Wednesday 16 December, 6 pm 55a Blessington Street, St Kilda Pack some food for a twilight picnic dinner and a myki for the train and head off on a guided tour of the twinkling lights along Kew Boulevard. Bikes and helmets provided. Children welcome. Distance 10 km, grade easy. Limited places available. Bookings through the website. ecocentre.com $20 / $15

Yalukit Wilum Ngargee

Thursday 4 February, 6.30 pm - 8 pm Ngargee Tree Cnr St Kilda Road and Fitzroy Street, St Kilda

Celebrate our Indigenous cultural heritage at the Ngargee Tree, a remnant red gum that marks a ceremonial gathering place. Join Boon Wurrung Elder Aunty Carolyn Briggs to explore our connection to the local environment.

enviro@portphillip.vic.gov.au enviroehub.com.au Free


Saturday 5 December, 7 am - 12 noon St Kilda Foreshore


Sussan Women’s Fun Run

Sunday 6 December, 7.30 am - 11.30 am St Kilda Foreshore sussanwomensfunrun.com.au

Splash Dash Bash

Saturday 12 December, 7 am - 2.30 pm Kerferd Road Pier - Albert Park Beach An open water swim that invites competitors from ages 8 - 80 to compete in three different course lengths around Kerferd Road Pier. splashdashbash.com.au

Slam Beach Volleyball

Saturday 19 December, 10 am - 8 pm St Kilda Foreshore and South Beach Reserve slamfestival.com

Gatorade Triathlon Race 2

Sunday 10 January, 6.30 am - 11.30 am Catani Gardens, St Kilda West gatoradetriathlonseries.com.au

Activetri Series

Sunday 17 January, 7 am - 11.30 am Carnival Site, Elwood solemotive.com

Summer KICK Festival

Saturday 23 January, 9 am - 9 pm St Kilda Beach and South Beach Reserve summerkick.com.au

Spectacular skate event

Sunday 24 January St Kilda Skate Park, Marina Reserve globebrand.com

Gatorade Triathlon Race 3

Sunday 21 February, 6.30 am - 11.30 am Carnival Site, Elwood Park gatoradetriathlonseries.com.au

MS Melbourne Cycle

Sunday 6 March, 6 am - 3 pm

Enter a 30 km or 50 km cycle around Melbourne to raise funds for multiple sclerosis research. msmelbournecycle.org.au

health and wellbeing

Yoga at Christ Church

Tuesdays, 6.15 pm - 7.15 pm Wednesdays, 10 am - 11 am and 11.45 am - 12.30 pm (chair-based) Christ Church Community Centre 14 Acland Street, St Kilda


Esplanade Craft Market

South Melbourne Night Market

These friendly yoga classes are designed to meet individual needs. No experience necessary. $5

Introduction to T’ai Chi

Sundays, 10 am - 5 pm The Esplanade, St Kilda Find a treasure, buy a gift or try the paella in the new food section of the market, set up in front of the Espy Hotel.

Fridays in January, 9.30 am - 11 am Middle Park Community Centre Cnr Richardson and Nimmo streets, Middle Park The Taoist T’ai Chi Society of Australia is offering four sessions as an Introduction to T’ai Chi. 9384 6120 melbourne@taoist.org taoist.org.au

Pedal to the Penguins

Thursday 17 December, 6.30 pm Port Phillip EcoCentre 55A Blessington Street, St Kilda Port Phillip BUG invites you to pedal with them from the EcoCentre to the St Kilda twilight market, where you can enjoy some grub and shop for last minute Christmas gifts, before pedalling on to visit the St Kilda little penguins. trybooking.com/JIPP


French Christmas Market Saturday 5 - Sunday 6 December, 10 am - 6 pm Alliance Française de Melbourne 51 Grey Street, St Kilda

Thursdays 7 January - 10 March, 5.30 pm - 9.30 pm Cnr Coventry and Cecil streets, South Melbourne Browse the stalls and tuck into some Melbourne street food from trucks, carts and stalls. There’s also al fresco dining along the restaurant strip. You will discover bands and roving performers dotted throughout the space as you wander and watch. southmelbournenightmarket.com.au

A showcase of French products sold or made by French designers living in Australia, plus theatre and cabaret performances, food and wine and activities for children.

St Kilda Twilight Market

Thursdays from 3 - 17 December, 7 January - 25 February, 5 pm - 10 pm O’Donnell Gardens The Esplanade, St Kilda Artworks, vintage wear, crafts, produce, emerging designers and foods of the world beneath the palm trees alongside Luna Park.

stkildatwilightmarket@gmail.com stkildatwilightmarket.com


Seeds of sustainability The kids at Clarendon Children’s Centre will be cool this summer, thanks to improvements in building insulation. The Centre has a strong commitment to sustainability and is part of Council’s Seedlings program.

Photo Chris Cassar


Seedlings integrates sustainability into the education, culture and operations of 14 Port Phillip early childhood centres. Along with the new insulation, solar panels are helping to power the centre, considered to be a priority by the centre’s community.

Seedlings encourages children, their families and educators to work together for a sustainable future. Learn more about Seedlings enviroehub.com.au/seedlings


Give good gift Looking for gifts whose purchase supports your community? Here are some ideas with a local flavour.

Give a bean Buy East Timor coffee from WithOneBean to support education and tree planting projects in Timor Leste (including the Suai community, which is linked to Port Phillip). Share the beans with friends, customers and staff. withonebean.org.au

commu n i t y

Playgroup offers extra support

Panorama of the fleet

History buffs will love the Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society’s panorama display of the US Fleet’s visit to Port Melbourne in 1925. Visit their stall outside the Bay Street Coles on 14 December. pmhps.org.au

Crafty sisters on the Esplanade

With the help of maternal and child health nurses, Rose Sansom-Gower has formed Mum2Mum, a drop-in playgroup for mums who are feeling overwhelmed. It may be from struggles with postnatal depression, financial or health issues, or a general feeling that things are not okay. Rose, who has three children, was spurred on to start the group after experiencing postnatal depression

enjoy, don’t destroy!

herself and feeling as if she needed more support. Drop in to the group for a chat and some afternoon tea - new mums always welcome. Mum2Mum Mondays Mondays 3 pm - 5 pm Elwood Playgroup front room, 51 Broadway, Elwood mumtomum@ elwoodplaygroup.org.au

Priorities for Fishermans Bend The Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Ministerial Advisory Committee (FBURA MAC) is up and running, with representation from the Port Phillip community, industry and Cr Amanda Stevens.

Visit the Sisterworks stall at the Esplanade Craft Market on Sundays for handmade crafts by asylum seeker, refugee and immigrant women.

Photo Chris Cassar

Vanessa and Rose (right) with children Ashleigh, Lily, Blair and June.

Council continues to advocate for Fishermans Bend to be a diverse, liveable and family-friendly place to visit, work and live.

Council’s priorities include: • transport planning • community diversity • sustainable development • catalytic investment in infrastructure • density and quality design controls • economic growth. Learn more about Council’s priorities portphillip.vic.gov.au/ fishermans-bend

Be responsible this summer. The effects of alcohol and littering can leave a nasty hangover for our City. www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/summer-in-city


Old mattresses now recycled

Old, bold and colourful

Council now has a mattress recycling service. Mattresses can be dropped off at the Port Phillip Resource Recovery Centre free of charge or residents can make a hard rubbish booking for the mattresses to be collected from the footpath. Dial a pick-up Hard rubbish collections must be booked 9209 6777

Dead heat for fave park Proudly bisexual, Richard said, ‘I’ve fathered four children and enjoyed the experience.’

Richard James, activist and founding member of Council’s Older Persons Consultative Committee, died in his sleep in September. Richard was 84 and just the night before he’d been to Gasworks for the annual exhibition of art by fellow Port Phillip Housing Association tenants.

Alma Park

Votes came in via Facebook and Instagram and after a tight competition the winner was … both Alma Park and St Kilda Botanical Gardens. Thank you to all who shared their favourite park with us. Special tours of the parks will be conducted early in 2016. Check our Facebook and Instagram pages for details.

Putting access on the map Council’s Foreshore Access Maps make planning and visiting the foreshore easier and much more fun. The online maps detail access features along the foreshore, including places to wheel from boardwalk to sand, and accessible car parking locations. Map your visit portphillip.vic.gov.au/accessmap.htm 9209 6777 MetroAccess 14

A tireless advocate for diversity, Richard was active in many groups, including Inner South Community Health Service and Trinity Church. He was particularly proud

Signs of summer As part of the Summer in the City program, Council is installing colourful destination decals on footpaths in 20 locations to help residents and visitors find their way to local hotspots. Also, you might meet some of our summer rangers out and about, talking to people about how they can help keep our beaches and marine life safe.

of helping to start Vintage Men, a local support group for older gay and bisexual men. A former social worker, he was a positive voice for seniors living large on limited incomes (as he was). He painted using canvases from $2 shops, made drag costumes for performances at the Greyhound and tickled the ivories for the entertainment of EROKE groups. Richard lived a colourful, creative and generous life.

Council funding and subsidy opportunities Council’s 2016-17 Annual Grants program opens in February. Funding will be available for activities that promote social justice, inclusion, creativity, innovation, equity, health and wellbeing, recreation and arts, and cultural heritage within the municipality. Grant information and grant writing training sessions will be available in February and March 2016. Applications open 15 February and close 24 March 2016. Get funded portphillip.vic.gov.au/ council_funding_opps.htm

Linus Talacko from Elwood is set for the big sailing event.

Linus Talacko is competing in the Optimist Dinghy event at the ISAF Sailing World Championships to be held in Port Phillip in December. Sailors from New Zealand, Japan and China will take part in the event. Linus says, ‘I started sailing when I was five years old and got my first boat when I was six. My favourite thing to do in sailing is to surf down big waves and go fast. Sailing is fantastic because it gives you a sense of freedom and independence. It’s nice, and cool, and you can have a swim almost any time but for those sharks.’

Photo Chris Cassar

Sailing with the world

Cr Amanda Stevens Mayor Albert Park

mayor@portphillip.vic.gov.au Mobile 0481 034 029

Cr Bernadene Voss Deputy Mayor Sandridge

bvoss@portphillip.vic.gov.au Mobile 0413 246 704

World class sailing off St Kilda 7 - 13 December, St Kilda sailingworldcupmelbourne.com

Cr Vanessa Huxley Carlisle

vhuxley@portphillip.vic.gov.au Mobile 0406 890 739

Local connections were made at a Welcome Dinner in St Kilda.

Cr Serge Thomann Catani

sthomann@portphillip.vic.gov.au Mobile 0432 299 372

Cr Anita Horvath Emerald Hill

ahorvath@portphillip.vic.gov.au Mobile 0438 906 161

Cr Andrew Bond Junction

abond@portphillip.vic.gov.au Mobile 0481 034 028

Cr Jane Touzeau

Connect over dinner The Welcome Dinner Project invites newly arrived people and established residents to meet over a casual dinner in a local home. Volunteers choose to host a dinner, then an equal mix of old and new residents bring a plate of their favourite food. The aim

Point Ormond

jtouzeau@portphillip.vic.gov.au Mobile 0432 287 634

of the Welcome Dinners is to provide a low-key way for people of diverse cultures to connect. The first Melbourne dinner was held in Port Phillip in October. RSVP to a dinner near you joiningthedots.org


Stay up to date with foreshore events and road closures this summer www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/events-calendar-2015-2016

6–14 FEBRUARY 2016


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