2011 Summer ‘Leisure & Lifestyles’ Evaluation Summary

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2011 Summer ‘Leisure & Lifestyles’ Evaluation Summary

Activity participation: Surveys Sent to Registered Participants 0* 24 16 45 44 0 129

Activity Tai Chi Pilates Sailing Triathlon Yoga N/A TOTAL

Number of Responses 8 12 8 18 11 1 58

% of Returned Responses 50% 50% 40% 25% 45%

*No surveys were sent tai chi as participants did not need to register to attend those programs. Surveys were available to be completed on our website through survey monkey for the tai chi participants.

2010/ 2011 S umme r Le is ure & Life s ty le s P ro g ra m 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yoga


Beginner Triathlon Training


Tai Chi

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