Issue two

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Talent and creativity comes differently for everybody. But around these parts talent is subject to scrutiny by those who opinions collide. There is one group of individuals however who have no time for those sorts of judgments. RMG, titles their 3 people posse in way that reflects their outlook on their musical ambitions: RESPECT MY GENIUS Dre, Grimace & Kendre Deshawn are the members of the witty and musically inclined group. While Dre & Kendre Deshawn dabble in the works of a MC, Grimace keeps his focus on the boards producing those east coast vibes while flipping old school records. When asked how they all met up to become the tight collab they are, Grimace tells a fantastical tale about how he and Kendre were raised from babies in a Buddhist temple. While the idea sure paints an interesting picture, they actually all met in high school. They all found interest in getting elevated and music, so it was natural. They would discuss their likes and dislikes, the different genres of music and it grew from there. Instead of just talking about music they started making their own. They just clicked and have been riding for each other ever since. RMG tells CopyWrite that what they do is more then the music; it’s their lifestyle that consists of good food, good music, good vibes, good weed and of course “Nice” women. They say their carefree ways and weed-smoking agendas are not just apart of the cultural fad but more like costumes they picked up on while watching family members at an early age. A regular day for RMG consists of a WakeN-Bake, listening to beats, creating a song or finding a concept. However, Kendre Deshawn suggested that every moment spent is really time focusing in on organizing and setting themselves up for the next move, high or not.


Even though they are a team, these 3 young men have

personal traits that make them distinct, like characters straight out of a 90’s sitcom. Their personalities fly through the room. About Dre Grimace says: “Dre is the type that will look at you and watch you play yourself but he is quick on his feet. He is a ninja!” Everybody laughs. “He is getting to be more sharp in everything…rhymes, lyrics, bars. He’s good. Oh and he loves weed” Kendre Deshawn says: “Dre is mad chill. He is both cool and knowledgeable. You may look at him and can’t tell but it’s all there. His metaphors are killer. He is super sarcastic at times but it all works pretty smooth.” About Grimace Kendre Deshawn says: “Grimace is the super stoner everybody wants to know but don’t get to meet. He is really all about the music though.” Dre says: “He is mad witty. He put me on to a lot of old school. Yea its true he is a pure stoner and random as hell. He can be a bit rough around the edges but he still cool as hell.” Grimace smiles and says, “I’m just very blunt.” About Kendre Deshawn Dre says: “Kendre is like an energizer bunny. He cool though. It’s hard to read him sometimes but one thing you can tell is he is a real artist.” Grimace says: “Dude is narcoleptic. He will be running around then he will pass out…He is like a karate kid in the garage chopping boards. He be training. Which may be the reason why he falls out at the drop of a hat. He works hard. “He also tells a lot of stories in his music.” CopyWrite: If music weren’t their main squeeze what would you be doing? Kendre: I would probably be in somebody’s college

From left to right: Grimace, Dre, Kendre Deshawn & Imani Mason

in a different state. I thought about boxing.” (hahahah right- Editor Lexi laughs at the thought and now wants to challenge him to a match) Grimace says he would probably be still working at a factory or moves to Cali and be a trimmer. By nature though he admits to being a “Grease monkey.” Dre: “I don’t want to think about what I would be doing. Music really slowed me down from a lot.” He says not to sound cliché but truthful, “Music saved my life.”

The group all agreed that people who disconnect themselves from their music are trying to sale a gimmick. “We don’t be in the strip club throwing no money. We don’t be killing nobody. So we are not going to write about that. The music is our real life.”

CopyWrite: What do you want the people to know about you?

They all stop and take a listen.

Grimace boldly told us that he wants people to know nothing about him but his music. He laughs and says he is too ugly to be out here. “You gon’ see my body on TV; not my face. I’m a have a mask on.” We don’t know if he is serious or not but Grimace is known for his faces. He actually got the name from the expression he used to always have on his face in high school. Kendre said Grimace used to always walk around like he was appalled with everyone and everything. Something like a grime asshole. Grimace: “Later on I found out that it was the purple dude from McDonald’s name too. Maybe I should walk around with that mask on.” Kendre: “I think the music speaks for us. It’s our art. If your art is not showing you then your not being real in what you do.”

Before Dre gets to say his part he is side tracked by some music playing in the background, “This song dope as hell.” He says.

The song is different some kind a mix between dub step and 90’s hip-hop. So we asked what kind of music RMG shuffles through their iPods the list they comprised was interesting to say the least: Doom, Madvillain, Space Ghost Purp, Lil Troy, Juvenile, Casey Veggies, Dom Kennedy, Danny Brown, the whole TDE, J Dilla, Monk, Los Angeles Negros, L.A. types of vibes, Zoot Suit vibe, Midwest music and Soilja boy??? These guys are oddly entertaining in person and there music reflects exactly who they are. Check out the EP: Herb & Kings. RMG’s closing remarks: “Shout out to little black baby Jesus”. Twitter: DreamTeam_RMG







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