Snapshot: ARTdentity Pt. 2

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ARTdentity Pt.2 A Rise For The Youth A C E L E B R AT I O N O F L I F E & T H E A R T S


February 19th should be a local holiday. Let’s petition it now! If you don’t know why that day is so important, well then you definitely missed out on one of the most inspiring, artistically thrilling, and locally cultivated events Milwaukee has seen thus far. ARTdentity Pt.2 “A Rise For The Youth” was that event. Held at Company Brewing (735 E Center St Milwaukee, Wisc.), ARTdentity was deemed “A night to celebrate life and the arts.” As a massive line up of some of Milwaukee’s best/noteworthy/ recognized/gifted/connected/moving and may we say DOPE, local talents blessed the stage with their diversity & passion. Hosted and organized by MKE’s very own Christopher Gilbert (Dancer, Performer, Musician, Creative and Fine threads Connoisseur), this year’s ARTdentity raised funds for Bronzeville Arts Ensemble, which “is dedicated to collaborating with the local and national community, [while] inspiring healing and positive social change through the arts”. Gilbert’s social media invite mentioned that the evenings intent was “to raise money for kids who can’t afford to take acting or theater classes”, He also “...wanted to not only celebrate another year of life

(The event was held on his birthday... best b-day party eveeeeerrrrrr) but pay tribute to the people I treasure and their artistic worth!” The tribute was paid, delivered, and executed without a doubt, and Chris was just the man to do it. With a line wrapped around the block and a diverse crowd packed on the inside; the energy chased through the air. Crowd participation wrapping the confines of the stage, visual artists drawing in inquisitive eyes to their own stage at the opposite side of the room...the drinks were in rotation and the conversation was heavy. The creativity of the city was potent, a thing we have been screaming for. The soul searching for any creative could have been liberated in Company Brewing that night. The concept of bringing so many creative forces together in one place, displaying their talents free of charge seems excruciatingly ambitious for this city. It is a constant discussion between the members of the “movement”: How do we go about bringing a communal aspect to our actions, creativity and personal growth, so that we all thrive and Milwaukee emerges from the shadow as a place of possibilities? Chris seems to have the equation. His ability to bring people together, and his active understanding of

social needs mixed with his own personal experience of artistic passion suggest that common ground feeds participation. Allowing for there to be dancers, singers, emcees, producers, dj’s, poets, and all other “doers” alike; baited a larger audience. If each participant has a fan base, by placing 28 people on the line up, you have then just increased the target. And we all know the bigger the target, the easier it is to hit. How genius! There were no bad acts. All of them true to their realities. Some coming home to pay their homage now living in bigger cities, some still playing local sets on the weekends and working 9-5’s just to support the dream. Even those performers who had a little too much to drink or nerves pulled them to stumble on a word, still fit into the package of ARTdentity: the reflections of the creative self. The best way to make change is to lead by example. Here is your don’t be foolish. Let the change begin! A Big #WeSeeYou to Christopher Gilbert. You sure do know how to celebrate life. Love & All things Urban, /CopyWrite



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