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How to take care of skin
In winter naturally Source: Hello everyone, hope all is well with you. Today’s topic is how to take care of skin in winter naturally. Winter is not over yet and neither are the harsh effects of it. Although some of us have oily skin that is useful in winter, most of us have dry or combination skin which becomes more dry and itchy in harsh winters such as this one. So let’s start the discussion
How to take care of skin in winter naturally You can use a number of creams and lotions to protect your skin but all of them provide temporary moisture to your skin.
I have combination skin too which results in my cheeks and chin becoming extremely dry during winters. Dryness does not come alone though, it comes with its friends, patchiness and pigmentation.
I dread those two more than dryness because it goes away way sooner than them. So I tried out a lot of products to get rid of them but i was disappointed by a lot of them.
I finally tried on a new skin regime and I finally got rid of them in a few days.
If you want to get a flawless skin this winter then you better keep on reading this blog to know more about my new skin regime.
There are 5 golden rules that you must follow in the winter to save your skin. So let’s start with it.
Rule no-1: Moisturize, moisturize, and moisturize Well, that’s the first rule to beat dryness. You have to moisturize your skin at least three times a day to keep it soft and oily. Even if you can’t moisturize often in a day, you should definitely moisturize your skin at night while sleeping. That will make a huge difference to your skin texture. Our skin repairs and replenishes itself when we sleep. Hence moisturizing your skin then will do more good.
Rule-2: Avoid washing your face often Some of us have the habit of splashing our face with water every chance we get. That is a big no-no in winter because washing your face will wash away all the oil secreted by the skin which helps in keeping the skin moisturized.
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The skin on our face is way thinner and delicate than any other part. So even if you apply a lot of moisture on your face after washing it, your face will look dry till the oil from your skin glands is secreted. So wash your face only when required.
Rule no-3: Use sunscreen more generously Do you think you do not require sunscreen in winter? as the Sun rays are not as strong as in summer. But that is a huge mistake. Sun rays in winter can do a lot more harm to your skin than you think. Even though the temperature is not as high as in summer, the harmful UV rays are still present in the sunlight and since your skin is dry, their effect is stronger and more harmful. So use your sunscreen, not once but as many times as you go out. If you are worried that it will make your skin greasy, then try a sunscreen that is matte and no-greasy in texture.
Rule no-4: Use less products in your makeup: I know that sweating in summer takes away the opportunity of using our beloved makeup products and we wait for the winter when we can finally use it. But we are wrong in doing so. Using more make up products in winter only increases the dryness and makes our skin look cakey. That is not a nice visual and I have been a victim to it many times. So I found out a way to use less and only essential makeup products during winter. Also if possible, go for a dewy makeup look than a matte one.
Rule no-5: Use a face mask 2-3 times a week You might think that a face mask on dry skin is a horrible idea but I assure you that is not the case. In winter face masks is a huge boon to your skin. You just have to be careful to use a moisturizing face mask instead of an oil control one. You can either use a readymade mask or an organic home-made one to give your skin some rest and some more care. The face mask does not only moisturize your face, it also pulls out the impurities that have entered your skin through your pores. This increases the effectiveness of moisturizing later.
Final Words So there you go. Follow these rules during winter and your skin will always be healthy and glowing. This is all about how to take care of skin in winter naturally. Do let me know in the comments section if you have any other skin problems in winter so that I can help you with it. Until then Adios. Keep reading our blog regularly and follow us in facebook and instagram for more daily updates.