Coral Springs Engineering Standards

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The Coral Springs Land Development Code specified the requirements for provision and location of off-street parking facilities. In addition, the requirements of off-street loading facilities are included in this section of the Land Development Code. These provisions and requirements shall be the basis for parking and loading facilities for developments in the City unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. D.

Vehicular Reservoir Areas Adequate reservoir capacity for vehicles to enter and/or leave a development safely and efficiently must be provided in accordance with Section 250819 of the Municipal Code. Note that the minimum reservoir length does not include the length of the vehicle being served. Also, each reservoir space is twenty-two feet long.


Typical Dimensions The standard parking space size for facilities constructed in The City will be nine feet wide by eighteen feet deep. A handicap space shall be twelve feet in width by eighteen feet in length.


Traffic Control Devices Traffic control devices consist of traffic signals, traffic signs and pavement marking. The national standard for uniformity of such devices is the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices – Millennium Edition (MUTCD). Local and state standards typically supplement this national standard. The authority of the installation and maintenance of these devices rests with either the local, county or state government. Chapter 20, Section 50, of the Minimum Standards Applicable to Public Rights-of-way Under Broward County Jurisdiction contains standards for pavement markings, signing, and signalization. These standards should be used for developments within the City. The standards are repeated here for convenience.


Pavement Markings The installation of pavement markings on streets and roadways under the jurisdiction of the City shall be in conformance with the following requirements: 1.

All pavement markings shall be installed utilizing thermoplastic materials meeting current standards adopted by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and/or the Broward County Traffic Engineering Division. Preformed markings may be used in lieu of thermoplastic if they are acceptable to FDOT as a substitute for thermoplastic.


For some lower volume collector roads, consideration may be given to allowing standard reflectorized traffic paint instead of thermoplastic for edge line markings. The composition of such paint must conform to FDOT requirements.


All pavement markings shall conform to the standards and requirements contained in the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and


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