As summer winds down, we hope residents have enjoyed sunny days around town and created lasting memories with family and friends.
As we transition into fall, we have several important updates and opportunities to share with you.
With school back in session and the heat of summer behind us, it is a great time to ramp up your exercise plans! We invite residents to join us at our upcoming “Move with the Mayor” events. These activities are a great way to stay active, meet fellow residents, and engage with city leadership in a fun and healthy setting. Our next event is Zumba with Commissioner Nancy Metayer Bowen taking place on Saturday, September 28.
Effective October 1, Coastal Waste & Recycling will be the waste and recycling service provider for the City of Coral Springs. We want to ensure a smooth transition of this vital city service. Please stay updated through our city’s website and keep an eye out for additional mailed communications for cart distribution and delivery schedules.
We are so excited to welcome new businesses who are now open, or will soon be open, in Downtown Coral Springs! Tacocraft Taqueria & Tequila Bar hosted its Grand Opening, and several new establishments will open soon. Seeing this project take shape brings us great pride as we welcome these new businesses to our dynamic city.
We encourage residents over the age of 18 to exercise their right to vote in the General Election on Tuesday, November 5. Take the time to ensure your registration information is up to date, create a voting plan, and learn about the candidates and issues that will be on the ballot. Everyone can, and should, have a voice in shaping the future of our community. For all information related to Coral Springs elections and ballot items, visit
We look forward to seeing you at the many special events planned for Coral Springs now through December. For more information, and to plan out your activities, visit
As always, if you would like to schedule an appointment with any member of the Commission, please call 954-344-5911.
Residents and business owners who want to get more involved in government are invited to join our Boards, Committees or Groups. These active volunteers meet regularly and provide a vital community service. To learn more about vacancies, visit our website at
“Serving allows me to keep a pulse on our city’s economic growth while lending my voice to ensure the betterment of the city’s business community. ”
Michelle Brown Economic Development Advisory Committee
“As someone with a deep appreciation for our city’s rich history, I love to share my passion and knowledge with others.”
Logan Alia Historical Advisory Committee
“I am making an impact by sharing my enthusiasm and passion for local government.”
Joseph Martinez Community Involved Government Committee
t is my pleasure to share some recent updates and events within our community.
Chief John Whalen was sworn-in to serve as the new Fire Chief of the Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department (CSPFD) following the retirement of Chief Michael McNally in June.
Chief Whalen has proudly served with the CSPFD for 28 years holding nearly every position in fire service, including serving as Interim Chief. I look forward to working alongside him in his new role.
I am proud of the efforts of our public safety professionals who continually adapt to our ever-evolving environment and strategically work to keep our community safe. As you will read inside this publication, the efforts of our police department through enforcement, public education and social media, vehicle burglaries and roadway crashes have declined. And, once again the police-run summer program for youth in Coral Springs was an outstanding success!
From park facility enhancements to roadway and sidewalk improvements, city staff remain busy ensuring the aesthetics of our community are premier. Stay informed via our website at about city-related improvements.
Joined by members of our Police Department, Fire Department and City Commission, I had the great honor of participating in the Florida Panthers Stanley Cup Victory Parade in Fort Lauderdale. It was a memorable experience celebrating South Florida’s home team, showcasing our city’s ongoing support for the last 20 years, and celebrating alongside thousands of other fans. As the home of the Panthers Ice Den, Coral Springs has enjoyed a great partnership with the organization.
On behalf of the City of Coral Springs, I consider it a privilege to serve as City Manager for the premier community in which to live, work, and raise a family.
Frank Babinec, City Manager
Director of Communications and Marketing
Lynne Martzall
Assistant Director
Christine Parkinson
Writing/Media Relations
Paula Rubiano • Lindsey Steinberg
Graphic Design
Juliana Newman
Josh Berlant • Ryan Himmel
Kafi Marsh • Drew Walker You
The General Election will take place on Tuesday, November 5. View polling locations, candidates, and important deadlines so that you can make informed decisions and have your voice heard this election. Residents of Coral Springs are urged to view their Sample Ballot by visiting the Broward County Supervisor of Elections (SOE) website at The SOE also operates a branch office at the Northwest Regional Library (3151 N. University Drive).
• Important: Even voters who have requested a vote-by-mail ballot in the past must request a new one for the 2024 Election.
• The deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot is October 24 at 5 p.m.
• The deadline for a vote-by-mail ballot to be returned and received is no later than 7 p.m. (local time) on Election Day.
• Voters can return their Vote-by-Mail ballot either by mail using the pre-paid postage provided or by drop box. The Coral Springs drop box will be located under a staffed tent in front of the Northwest Regional Library (3151 N. University Drive).
• Early, in-person voting will be available from October 21 to November 3 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily.
• Early voting in Coral Springs is at Northwest Regional Library (3151 N. University Drive).
• Please note: Voters can vote at any early voting location during the early voting period.
• On Election Day, the polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
• If you are in line by 7 p.m., you will be allowed to vote.
• On Election Day, voters must vote at their assigned precinct.
Qualified candidates for City Commission Seats 1 and 3 ran unopposed. As a result we congratulate Mayor Scott Brook (Seat 1) on his two-year term and Commissioner Nancy Metayer Bowen (Seat 3) for her four-year term.
Coral Springs residents will vote for Commission Seat 5, as current Commissioner Joy Carter has reached her term limit with 10 years of dedicated service to our community.
Qualified candidates running for Coral Springs Commission Seat 5 are:
• Joe McHugh
• José “Joe” Morera
A formal swearing in ceremony for Commission Seats 1, 3 and 5 will take place in the City Hall Commission Chambers on November 19 at 4 p.m.
After a year-long Charter Review by an independent group of Coral Springs residents, the following referendum titles and questions will be on the general election ballot:
The current charter lacks the due process and rules for how elected officials may be removed from office or disciplined for misconduct. Should the charter be amended to provide for due process and rules on how to discipline or remove elected officials from office for misconduct?
The current charter provides a set compensation amount, as increased by the consumer price index, for the mayor and city commissioners. Shall the Charter of the City of Coral Springs be amended to provide that the mayor and city commissioners will be compensated annually based on the average salaries less two percent of the mayor and commissioners of the cities of Margate, Tamarac, Pompano Beach, and Coconut Creek?
The current charter provides that for a candidate to obtain a waiver from paying a qualifying fee to run for office, that candidate may obtain 5% of the registered voters signatures. Should the charter be amended to provide that instead of obtaining signatures from 5% of the voters that the candidate must have one signature for each dollar they would have paid if they paid the qualifying fee?
The current charter has certain provisions that are obsolete, superseded, gender biased, contains ineffective language, and/or has other technical errors that are non-substantive. Should the charter be amended to remove or replace obsolete provisions, superseded provisions, gender bias, ineffective language, and/or other technical errors that are non-substantive?
The current charter does not contain a lifetime service limit on the city commission. It also provides that the mayor is part of the city commission with an 8 consecutive year term limit and two-year terms of office. Should the charter be amended to set a 16-year lifetime service limit on the city commission, maintain an 8 consecutive year term limit and increase the mayor’s term of office to 4 years?
Beginning October 1, Coastal Waste & Recycling will be the new residential waste collection service provider in Coral Springs.
We do not anticipate a disruption of service due to the change in providers; however, some residents may experience a change in the day and time of trash, recycling, and bulk pickup. Residents are encouraged to visit our website to view the new maps and routes.
Coastal will deliver one new, green 95-gallon trash cart and one new, blue 65-gallon recycling cart to every home with cart service. The carts will be delivered in two phases, and each phase is expected to take up to four weeks. Please be patient if your neighbors receive their carts and you do not immediately receive yours.
• Blue recycle cart distribution will begin on October 15.
• Green garbage cart distribution will begin on November 12.
Continue to use your old carts until the new ones arrive. Please start using your new carts as soon as you receive them. Leave your old carts out at the curb (empty of material) until retrieved. Old cart pickup will begin immediately after new carts are received, but may take up to three days.
Carts need to be placed at the curb by 7 a.m. on appropriate collection days and be removed from the curb by 7 p.m. following pick up.
Solid waste services will not be provided on Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) or Christmas Day (December 25). Visit our website to view alternate disposal options.
Swap the Bag, Save the Planet! Local Girl Scout Troop 10804 recently partnered with the city to earn their Silver Award by raising awareness at city events about the dangers of plastic bag use.
Passionate about environmental projects, the girls — who are all Coral Springs residents, have been in the same Girl Scout Troop since kindergarten, and are now 9th graders — contributed nearly 50 hours each to complete the project by attending the city’s Holiday Market, Community Concert, and Earthfest events. While at the events, they interacted with and educated eventgoers about plastic bag dangers and provided tips about how to use plastic alternatives.
Coral Springs Sustainability Manager, Andrea Lemaitre,
applauded the girls’ efforts to preserve our environment.
“It takes the whole community to have a truly Sustainable Coral Springs,” Lemaitre said. “Our residents drive the success of sustainable initiatives, and I am proud to collaborate with young leaders that are making a change in our community. The Girl Scouts did a great job educating our residents about single-use plastic bag pollution and solutions.”
The members of Troop 10804 are Hailey Lockwitz, Lily Richardson, Sadie Suarez, led by mom and Troop Leader, Carli Saurez.
Sustainability meets style with the city’s newest merchandise: tote bags made from upcycled vinyl banners! Once featured prominently along city streets to showcase events and initiatives, these banners have been curated, cleaned, and repurposed into stylish and practical tote bags! The bags are available for purchase at city events and proceeds benefit historical programming.
The City of Coral Springs, represented by Commissioner Nancy Metayer Bowen, and Sustainability Manager, Dr. Andrea Lemaitre, attended both the Cities Forward Hemispheric Dialogue on Climate Resilience & Adaptation and the ICLEI World Congress 2024 held in São Paulo, Brazil.
The dialogue covered
four topics: nature-based solutions and green corridors, housing risks and ecosystembased adaptation, water infrastructure, and technology and innovation for climate adaptation. Coral Springs met with our partners, Freeport, Grand Bahama, to discuss the collaboration charter, share knowledge, and brainstorm future project ideas.
The Coral Springs Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and City Commission are excited to welcome Tacocraft Taqueria & Tequila Bar to Downtown Coral Springs. The planned development in the CRA district is taking shape, with Modera Coral Springs’ resort style living now at 85% residential capacity.
To celebrate the addition of this popular South Florida establishment, the Coral Springs Coconut Creek Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted a formal ribbon cutting.
This is the first of several culinary establishments planning to call Coral Springs home in the CRA district. The restaurant features weekend brunch, Taco Tuesday specials and an array of happy hour libations!
• Gary Rack’s Farmhouse Kitchen
• Mitch’s Downtown Bagel
• Rumble Boxing
Are you a Coral Springs business owner? We want to hear from you!
See your business name in lights while supporting the community! The City of Coral Springs offers a variety of opportunities for businesses to sponsor city events and programs attended by thousands of potential customers. Packages start at just $500 and can be customized to fit your unique needs.
As part of our ongoing commitment to improving our schools and ensuring adequate educational resources for our teens, The City invested nearly $20,000 to subsidize an SAT preparation program for our area high schoolers which was met with great success.
The first session filled almost instantly! For only $20, nearly 260 total students were able to take advantage of a six-hour workshop by one of our area experts and enjoy lunch.
Due to the popularity of this educational opportunity, the city will offer additional SAT and ACT prep courses for Coral Springs students throughout the 2024-2025 school year.
Looking to make a positive impact on our youth? Our SafeKeepers program is seeking new members. SafeKeepers are volunteers stationed at local schools who aim to create a positive environment for students as they arrive and leave school. every day.
We are proud to announce that 18 out of the city’s 19 traditional public schools have either maintained or improved their letter grades as assessed by the Department of Education for the 2023-2024 school year.
Quality education for our youth is a strategic priority for Coral Springs and these improvements are a credit to the work of our dedicated teachers and administrators. While the rating system is a widely-recognized metric for measuring a school’s performance, it is not the sole factor defining a school.
Coral Springs provides comprehensive information on extracurricular activities, academic listings, school resource officers, school leadership, mascots, school colors, school grades, and additional points of pride through our
Twenty-three local high school seniors were selected by the Coral Springs Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Committee to receive this year’s MLK Scholarship to use for the 2024-2025 academic year, the highest number of students ever to receive funding.
The scholarships provide funds to financially deserving, local students who, through their words and actions, embody the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s teachings on
peace, racial harmony, community service and bettering the lives of others.
This year, a record amount of $48,000 scholarship funds was awarded, thanks to fundraising efforts of city staff, committee members and the support of Fiserv and Baptist Health. Student recipients were recognized at the Coral Springs City Commission Meeting in May. Since 2002, $445,900 in funding has been provided to more than 360 deserving students.
City employees, commissioners, and volunteers joined Mayor Scott Brook for “Hands Across the State” in the City Hall Lobby on July 12.
The annual initiative led by the Florida League of Cities aims to raise awareness about the importance of mental health by encouraging everyone
to take a collective mid-day pause and join hands with city leaders in a moment of peace and community support.
Over the last year, Mayor Brook, who served as the President for the Florida League of Mayors, visited other cities to learn and share information related to mental health.
The City of Coral Springs has been named a Gold and Silver Telly Award Winner for three of the city’s 2023 videos. Selected from more than 13,000 entries from across the globe, and ranked alongside global, top-tier brands such as Comcast, Bloomberg, MLB, HBO, Fox, Time Warner, CBS, and Paramount, the winning Coral Springs videos were produced by the Coral Springs Communications & Marketing Department.
Winning videos:
• Coral Springs Holiday Market Vertical Video — Gold Winner in the Use of Vertical Format
• Taste the Heritage: Hispanic Heritage Month Video — Silver Winner - Social Video category and as Silver Winners in the Culture & Lifestyle category
• Community Concert TV Commercial — Silver Winner in the Events & Experiences – Local Television category
Established in 1979, The Telly Awards is the world’s largest honor for video and television content across all screens.
The National League of Cities (NLC) Centennial Roadshow – a historic initiative of the NLC to visit 100 cities in one year – made a stop at Coral Springs City Hall in May. The NLC 100 RV was welcomed to the city with “Everything Under the Sun” with a greeting from more than 100 city employees, volunteers, and members of the community on the City Hall Lawn, along with a
welcome message by Coral Springs Commissioner and NLC Board Member, Joshua Simmons, and a tour of City Hall.
Founded in 1924, The NLC has embarked on a journey to visit 100 cities in 2024 to commemorate its centennial milestone.
Coral Springs was chosen to spotlight the city’s unique story and to showcase the city’s achievements and contributions.
Congratulations to Aayushi Kamdar and Maya Morrison for their outstanding performance in the “If I Were Elected Mayor” Florida League of Mayors and Florida League of Cities essay contest.
The City of Coral Springs partners with ARC Broward in their mission to provide opportunities for people with unique learning needs. Each year, the city hosts ARC Broward students for a summer internship alongside their ARC Broward job coach.
The interns contribute to the community through different assignments such as landscape beautification projects, internal mail distribution, sustainability efforts, interacting with summer camper, and more. As the only city in Broward County that offers this opportunity, our goal is to provide an inclusive
Strike a Pose!
As one of their internship projects this summer, ARC Broward students spent a day with the city’s Communications & Marketing Department. They learned about the importance of branding, explored effective communication methods, and took part in their very own photo shoot on the City Hall Lawn.
workplace where the students who participate can have a memorable and fulfilling summer!
Access special populations and inclusion resources on our website, such as citywide programs, initiatives, and opportunities specifically for those with special needs.
In honor of National Give Something Away Day, recognized on July 15, Vice Mayor Shawn Cerra and Commissioner Joy Carter joined city staff and volunteers to deliver supplies to several local preschools. The supplies, donated by residents and city employees through our
Neighborhoods with Integrity program, will help nurture the creativity and education of our youngest community members. GET INVOLVED IN YOUR
Aspiring adventurers will join forces with their neighbors to participate in a search under the sun as part of the city’s firstever Sunny Seekers Scavenger Hunt taking place across Coral Springs from Friday, September 20 to Saturday, September 28.
To participate in Sunny Seekers, residents will form teams with their neighbors, friends and family members (four to eight participants per team). During the hunt, teams will be asked to visit various landmarks throughout the city to complete up to 12 challenges. The neighborhood with the most teams will be crowned champions of the Sunny Seekers Scavenger Hunt and receive a neighborhood pizza party.
The Sunny Seekers Scavenger Hunt is part of the Neighborhoods with Integrity (NWI) program, an initiative that strives to build relationships within Coral Springs neighborhoods and address community needs in a proactive and positive manner. NWI projects include street clean ups, community landscaping efforts, neighborhood celebrations, and more — all to empower residents.
Our officers help to protect nearly 350 miles of roadways within our city every day. Comparing the same months from 2022 to 2024, Coral Springs has experienced a 4% reduction in roadway vehicle crashes. Additionally, from October 2023 to May 2024, the number of roadway crashes was below the three-year rolling average. These improvements are largely due to our agency-wide focus on aggressive drivers and high-visibility traffic enforcement — efforts which were increased 28% in 2023.
Our officers have continued their efforts to keep our roadways and community safe in 2024. Residents, please continue to drive safely, wear your seatbelts, and follow posted speed limits.
Our popular Traffic Thursdays series has millions of views and thousands of fans! Follow the Police Department on social media to catch the next episode!
The Coral Springs Police Department completed its 9th annual police-run Youth Summer Camp for underserved children who reside in our community. This year’s camp was held at Sawgrass Springs Middle School where campers participated in sports activities, including a Miami Dolphins Junior Mini Camp. Students were also able to take part in a Mock Commission Meeting with city staff, make pizza with Papa John’s, and pick out free books through Scholastic. This camp aims to build relationships with our youth and create volunteer opportunities for local high school students.
Based on an extensive schedule of water safety offerings, events, and initiatives held year-round in Coral Springs, the city has been named a Water SMART Community as part of the Water SMART Broward program.
A Water SMART Community promotes safe water practices, eliminate hazards and factors attributed to drowning, and disseminates information and resources to residents in all age groups and demographics. Every year nearly 300 children under age five drown nationwide in swimming pools. In Florida, drowning is the leading cause of death for this age group.
A Water Watcher is a responsible adult who agrees to watch the kids in the water without distractions and wear a Water Watcher card. After a designated amount of time, the Water Watcher card is passed to another adult who is responsible for the active supervision. Stop by the public safety tent at community events to get your free “Water Watcher” card and lanyard. The lanyards should be used during at-home gatherings and parties where children are most likely to experience a drowning emergency.
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. • City Hall 9500 W Sample Road
The Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department will assist with proper car seat installation for residents.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. • Coral Square Mall 9469 W. Atlantic Boulevard
The Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department invites residents to learn more about public safety with fun interactions.
12 to 2 p.m. • Parkridge Church 5600 Coral Ridge Drive
Join the Coral Springs Police Department for an event meant to facilitate a safer, stronger community.
More information about water safety in Coral springs can be found at:
The mural “TRAILS of Expression” by Vito Di Bari is now complete at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts. In TRAILS of Expression, the artistic aim is to pay homage to the Center for the Arts by showcasing a vibrant celebration of various art forms housed within the venue. Each artistic figure represented in the mural is carefully chosen
to embody the core values of Coral Springs. The orchestra symbolizes Teamwork, the ballerina embodies Respect, the trapezists represent Accountability, the musician with the electric guitar signifies Innovation, the music director exemplifies Leadership, and, finally, the collective composition of the theater reflects the Superior Service.
The Coral Springs Center for the Arts is a cultural hub dedicated to showcasing performing arts, music, and visual artistry. With its stateof-the-art theater, it hosts an array of events, from concerts and Broadway-style productions to exhibitions and community gatherings. Its commitment to arts education and promotion makes it a focal point for cultural enrichment in the region.
The mural will also be enhanced through augmented reality. After scanning a QR code onsite with a smartphone camera, the artwork will come to life, with characters engaging in dynamic movements, all set to music.
This mural was selected by the Public Art Committee and funded by development fees, not tax dollars.
2855A Coral Springs Drive 954-340-5000
On view through October 5
Barrio Alto, Sementerxs, Dialogues Across Walls
Edison Peñafiel, Mitzi Falcón & Amanda Linares
Barrio Alto delves into the intricate web binding real estate, construction, and socio-economic dynamics. This photographic series presents a narrative through meticulously crafted dioramas, assembled from the medium of cardboard. Each diorama unveils a unique scene, portraying disparities in the construction and cost of housing. The title, Barrio Alto, plays with ambiguity, signifying both an affluent neighborhood and a poverty-stricken favela. The series’ approach employs cardboard as its primary medium, amplifying the fragility and impermanence of the structures portrayed. This choice underscores the influence of materials in crafting the final product of human habitation.
Kristin Beck
East Gallery
On view through October 5
Before I Forget is a series about dementia, memory, and identity. The body of work, created in response to her becoming a caregiver to her father who has dementia, visually represents the impaired and declining cognitive functions and memory lapses with portraits, 3D objects, and interactive elements. Some themes include repetition, reminders, response delays, reduced capacities, and realizations of losing a sense of self. In concert with these depictions are audience participation stations and a community building project.
SEPT. 14 • OCT. 12
2 to 3 p.m. • Limited Seats $6 Members • $8 Non-Members
Join the Coral Springs Museum of Art for ARTventures Family Fun Day every second Saturday of the month. Ages 2+ can enhance their education in arts and culture with creative activities such as storytelling, music, and art production. ARTventures starts with a tour of the current exhibit and culminates with a fun and engaging activity for the whole family.
3 to 6 p.m.
Join us for our annual Fall Classes Open House! This is the perfect chance to tour the museum and its spaces, chat with staff and sign up for classes. Activities include live demos, games, studio tours and live book readings throughout the event. Author Alexandra Alessandri will host a bilingual storytime and book signing at 5 p.m. for “Isabel and Her Colores Go to School.”
At the Senior Center at Sartory Hall, age is just a number! The facility offers residents who are 55 and older opportunities to take recreational classes, participate in group outings, join a variety of physical and non-physical activities, and enjoy special celebrations.
OCT. 2 & 16 • NOV. 6 & 20
DEC. 4
6 to 8 p.m.
Coral Springs Gymnasium
2501 Coral Springs Drive Now offered twice per month! Chess lovers are invited to an open play chess program for all ages. The first session of each month will include an instructional portion from a qualified National Scholastic of Chess Foundation coach! It is free to participate, and registration is not necessary.
The City of Coral Springs is proud to honor residents who celebrate their 100th birthday in the city with Everything Under the Sun with a personalized certificate, a visit from a city representative, a photo opportunity, and an invitation to have their name placed on the Centenarian Recognition Wall at our Senior Center at Sartory Hall.
We enjoyed celebrating with the following Centenarians recently!
• Rosemary Kohler
• Bart Inzalaco
• Bernice “Bunny” Goldstein
• Florence Schwartz
Cypress Hammock Park has been refreshed to enhance facility aesthetics and the guest experience. This project includes a new entrance to Cypress Water Park, renewed water playground, upgraded signage, and a freshly painted tropical color scheme. These improvements carry throughout facility, which services visitors of Cypress Hall and Cypress Tennis courts, as well as the nearby basketball courts. The renovation utilized $750,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, and is now completely re-opened for guests to enjoy.
The Paul Britton Park playground has been replaced with a new, modern structure, which features colorful slides and multi-level activity stations.
LEARN MORE! Find updates about current improvements around the city by visiting:
8:30 a.m. • Northwest Regional Library 3151 N. University Drive
The city will honor victims by laying a wreath in front of the 9/11 Monument. Residents are invited to pay their respects at the monument throughout the day on September 11.
6 to 8 p.m. • Coral Springs Gymnasium 2501 Coral Springs Drive
Open House! Meet the instructors and organizers of some the city’s top recreation programs. Get ready for an evening filled with excitement, activities, and opportunities to explore all that the Parks and Recreation Department has to offer.
9 to 11 a.m. • Mullins Hall 10170 NW 29th St
Dance to the rhythm with Commissioner Nancy Metayer Bowen as part of the Move with the Mayor series. Residents are invited to this event to enjoy physical activity while interacting with elected officials, sign up for free at
4 to 10 p.m. • City Hall Lawn 9500 W. Sample Road
Prost! Celebrate Oktoberfest in Coral Springs. The event features authentic German fare, entertainment, beer, wine and Bavarian treats. Parking is free at the City Hall garage.
9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. • Coral Springs Gymnasium 2501 Coral Springs Drive
Seniors are invited to a free Health Fair. The fair will feature a variety of health screenings and wellness advice. The event is open to all seniors, family members, residents or business owners who offer services to seniors.
5 to 9:30 p.m. (5 to 6 p.m. sensory-friendly hour) City Hall Lawn • 9500 W. Sample Road
It’s “Fall Y’all” – Our popular food truck event returns featuring delicious bites, craft cocktails, and live entertainment by the Shane Duncan Band. Bites-N-Sips is free and open to the public. Cost of food and drinks is additional.
12 to 2 p.m. • 3 to 5 p.m. (two sessions)
Coral Springs Gymnasium 2501 Coral Springs Drive
You are invited to a spooktacular Halloween event hosted by Parks and Recreation. Enjoy music, arts and crafts, bounce houses, games, and more! Get tickets in advance starting Sept. 23 for $5 per person (ages under 2 are free) by visiting
5 to 9 p.m. • Fire Station 80 2825 Coral Springs Drive
The Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department is excited to meet residents at the Annual Pasta Dinner in support of cancer awareness. This event is held in partnership with the Coral Springs Professional Firefighters Benevolent Association.
10:45 a.m. • Veterans Park 8601 Royal Palm Boulevard
On November 11, the Veterans Coalition of Coral Springs and the City of Coral Springs will honor those who have served in our armed forces with a Veterans Day Ceremony.
Our popular lighted displays return on December 1 with new photo opportunities and features. Visit all month to celebrate the holidays, including these special dates:
Join us as we kick off the holidays!
Share “Magical Memories” along Sample Road!
Find a special gift from local vendors!
For details, visit