choice of action of the roadway users. Traffic regulations may be established only to the extent and in the manner prescribed by State Laws.
Where parked vehicles may contribute to hazardous road conditions and restrict traffic flow, parking restrictions should be established within construction and maintenance areas. Local authorities may establish parking restrictions by the exercise of police power or by the direct intervention of the City Engineer on applicable City owned and maintained roads. Parking restrictions may be established on the state highway system by the Florida Department of Transportation.
The establishment of STOP controls, ONE WAY traffic movements, restrictions on lane usage, prohibition of passing, turn restrictions, and any other prohibition or restriction of traffic movement and motorists' rights shall be done only by the public authority.
Design of Signs – Manual on Traffic Control and Safe Practices 1.
Street or roadway construction and maintenance signs fall into the same three major categories as do other traffic signs; namely, Regulatory Signs, Warning Signs, and Guide Signs. Many signs normally used elsewhere will also find application of signing construction, utility, and maintenance operations. The shape of special construction and maintenance signs follows the basic standard for all highway signs. Warning signs in construction areas shall have a black legend on an orange background. Existing permanent yellow warning signs already in place within these areas may remain in use. Color for other signs shall follow the standard for all highway signs.
The use of stripes (other than the standard border) or other geometric patterns or contrasting colors on or around any sign, in an attempt to make it more conspicuous, distracts attention from the message and defeats the purpose of maintaining uniformity and simplicity of design. Such practice is contrary to standards and is prohibited. However, the use of standard orange flag or yellow flashing warning lights in conjunction with signs is permitted, so long as they do not interfere with a clear view of the sign face and conform to the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Indexes, 600 Series, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Traffic Control Devices Handbook.
Warning and Channelizing Devices – Manual on Traffic Control and Safe Practices 1.
Function - Properly used warning and channelizing devices such as barricades, cones, drums, etc., are essential to the safety of workmen and of the traveling public in areas of road work operation. It is imperative, however, that these devices provide a smooth and gradual transition in reducing the width of the traveled way and they shall be fabricated so they will not inflict severe damage to a vehicle that in advertently strikes them.
Barricades and channelizing devices are elements in a total system of traffic control devices for use in construction, utility, and maintenance operations, and these elements shall be preceded by other warning devices that are adequate in size, number, and placement for the type of road on which the work is to take place.
It is imperative that nothing be placed on, or suspended from, the warning devices and their panels, legs, supports, and members, such as sand bags, rocks, concrete, water,