For This Day Vol. 3, Issu. 3

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For This Day

November 2015, Vol.3 Issu.3

“Our rising hours should be bright with hope and

the blessings of the day. This is not to make light of

our evenings filled with thanksgiving. God’s faithful-

suffering in our lives. What do we do when one day

ness is the same in all seasons and under all circumstances. Thankful hearts dwell upon the gifts which

everything changes, not just your day but months, maybe years, and everything comes to a screeching halt? Things you thought were important no longer

the Lord has given”-

are, plans you have made have to be remade or com-

Charles Spurgeon

pletely changed. Things you were thankful for the day

Thankful in our Everyday Angela Padilla As I sit down to type and write about being thankful in our every day lives I have to ask the Lord to forgive me for not always being thankful and taking some things for granted. I woke up this morning not wanting this day. I have had this day many times before in the last couple of months, they are hard days, days you would not want to go back to, days you would rather forget, days you would like to trade. As I looked up my eyes fell on a withered plant in desperate need of water. I thought to myself, that is how I feel this morning. I am physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained, but yet I have so much to be thankful for. How am I to care for others when I need caring myself? But, I know that in about half an hour the leaves will have perked up and the plant will be refreshed. I have learned that as I spend time worshiping, praying for others, and in His word my soul will be lifted as my eyes will not be on my circumstances but on others, and I will be able to see with clear eyes

before are gone. How many of us open our eyes in the morning and thank the Lord for a good nights sleep, thank Him for the breath that fills up our lungs, for the food that we will be able to eat, and that it will be digested properly without us having to do anything. I can tell who might. Those who have had many sleepless nights and walk through days/weeks exhausted, those who have gasped for breath, those who have had little to eat, those who are unable to enjoy a meal without feeling pain and discomfort. Sometimes we do not realize how blessed we are until it is taken away, but we have to remember that God in His sovereignty knows all and everything He allows is for our good and His glory, and that is a hard pill to swallow when we are in the midst of a trial. In James 1:2-3 it says we are to count out trials as “joy” because it is this kind of trying of our faith that produces perseverance and patience. Focusing our eyes on Him and not on our circumstances, being thankful for what we do have, and how we can continue to bless others. Like Naomi, in the book of Ruth, when she returns to Bethlehem says, ” I went out full, and the Lord has brought me back empty…,” not con-

sidering that she was returning with

lives and pleads for us. That He

May we not only open our homes

Ruth who would be better to her

understands, that our hope rests

this Thanksgiving but also our

than seven sons. How many times

in Him, that we would see the rays

hearts. May we allow God to pull

do we focus on what we don’t have

of light coming through the grey

down the walls we have placed

instead of focusing on what we

clouds. Now that is something to

around ourselves. Yes, it takes

do? That as we fulfill our purpose

be thankful for every day under any

time and involves work on our part,

and calling, and become His hands

circumstance. He has taught me

but we come out knowing Him

and feet and serve others we are

that I can worship Him when on the

more. We are able to help others

able to see with His eyes and things

mountaintops and when in the val-

who might be struggling with the

become more clear.

ley. That no matter the season and

same things, and focus our eyes

come what may He is there, that

on all that He has done for us. He

We must face our “Goliath’s” with

when I truly put Him first I am able

is a giving and forgiving God, may

the same tenacity that David did.

to see the many blessings He has

we be able to set this example for

When His eyes were on the Lord it

placed before me.

others not just during this Holiday

did not matter that He was living in

season, but throughout the year.

a cave running for his life. He was

Let us rest in the One who is suf-

To be children who are truly grate-

thankful that the Lord was near. I

ficient, and give thanks where

ful and humbled before an all

remind myself of what Paul wrote

thanks is due, and if our hearts are

powerful, all knowing God. He is

in 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, “For our

not aligned with His may we pray

a good Father, who is perfect in all

light afflictions, which is but for a

to this end. May we be thankful

of His ways, and we are truly loved

moment, worketh for us a far more

for His Word that He has left to be

by Him, may we give thanks at all

exceeding and eternal weight of

a salve to our soul. May we show

times and in all seasons.

glory; While we look not at the

our thankfulness by giving of all

things which are seen, but at the

we have as He is the one that has

things which are not seen: for the

blessed us with it so we in return

things which are seen are temporal;

can bless others.

but the things which are not seen are eternal.” May we be thankful

“Sometimes we must climb to

that we are co-heirs with Christ Je-

praise by the ladder of prayer, and

sus as His sons and daughters, that

at other times bless God for the

we have an eternal future with Him,

past in order to be able in faith to

that while we are on this earth He

plead for the present and future…

has given us what we need, that He

we need not ever hesitate to use

is available to us day and night and

the same words in drawing near

anytime in between, that he does

to God, for the Lord who cannot

not grow tired of us, and loves us

endure vain repetitions is equally

unconditionally. When days are

weary of vain variations….some

hard and nights even harder, when

expressions are so admirable that

we feel all alone like no one under-

they ought to be used again.”

stands, when we feel hopelessness

(Charles Spurgeon). I am so Thank-

setting in, when all we see our grey

ful that the Lord knows my heart

clouds. May we remind ourselves

that there is not one thing that I

that we have a sympathetic High

can hide from Him. That he knows

Priest who’s name is Love, who ever

what I need before I utter a word.

Good Good Father by Housefires Oh, I’ve heard a thousand stories Of what they think You’re like. But I’ve heard the tender whisper Of love in the dead of night. And You tell me that You’re pleased And that I’m never alone. You’re a good, good Father. It’s who You are, it’s who You are, It’s who You are. And I’m loved by You. It’s who I am, it’s who I am, it’s who I am. Oh, and I’ve seen many searching For answers far and wide. But I know we’re all searching For answers only You can provide. Because You know just what we need Before we say a word. Because You are perfect in all of Your ways! You are perfect in all of Your ways! You are perfect in all of Your ways to us! Oh, it’s love so undeniable, I can hardly speak. Peace so unexplainable, I can hardly think. As You call me deeper still, As You call me deeper still, As You call me deeper still, into love, love, love….

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