7 minute read
RS Language Choices
Grades: 9 This class is an introduction to the language and culture. In this course, students are able to acquire and discover the language through reading, listening, writing and speaking activities while gaining proficiency. Students collaborate and regularly present in the Spanish language. Students begin to make comparisons and connections between the cultures. The focus of this course is developing a novice-mid proficiency. The majority of this course is held in the target language. Homework: Approximately 60 minutes per class and 180 minutes per week, depending upon the student’s ability Requirements/Prerequisites: No prerequisites are required. Additional book fee of $70 included in elective cost. Grading Scale and Credit: This Honors course is optional. A 1.04 grade multiplier is applied to all Honors courses at the end of the school year. Students must pass any AP or Honors course with a yearly average of 70 or better for a grade multiplier to be applied.
Spanish II Honors
Grades: 10 Spanish II continues to introduce the language and culture. In this course, students are able to expand on their acquisition and discovery of the language through reading, listening, writing and speaking activities while gaining proficiency. Students regularly collaborate and present in the Spanish language. Students make further comparisons and connections between the culture and practices of the language. The focus of this course is developing novice-high proficiency. The majority of this course is held in the target language. Homework: Approximately 60 minutes per class and 180 minutes per week, depending upon the student’s ability Requirements/Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish I is required or instructor’s permission to sign up. Additional book fee of $70 included in elective cost. Grading Scale and Credit: This Honors course is optional. A 1.04 grade multiplier is applied to all Honors courses at the end of the school year. Students must pass any AP or Honors course with a yearly average of 70 or better for a grade multiplier to be applied.
Spanish III/IV Honors
Grades: 11-12 This class will put into practice what the students have learned in the previous years of Spanish and expand their ability to express themselves. Spanish III and IV will be taught in the same classroom. The students will practice how to listen, speak and read in Spanish in a comfortable environment. While participating in conversations in Spanish, the students will read stories that they have heard before in English and compare and contrast them when spoken in Spanish. The students will be immersed in the Spanish language and culture while we work on projects. Spanish is an exciting language and these students have lots of fun in this participatory class. Spanish IV will be useful preparation for taking the CLEP Spanish language exam for college.
Homework: Approximately 90 minutes each week depending upon the student’s ability. Requirements/Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish I and II is reqired. Spanish IV students need instructor’s permission to sign up. Additional book fee of $70 included in elective cost. Grading Scale and Credit: This Honors course is optional. A 1.04 grade multiplier is applied to all Honors courses at the end of the school year. Students must pass any AP or Honors course with a yearly average of 70 or better for a grade multiplier to be applied. Special Note: This class will meet on M/W or T/TH this year.
Honors Latin II
Grades: 9-12 As a student comes to understand and appreciate the God-given gift of communication through the written and spoken word, he is able to use this understanding to glean wisdom from ancient texts. In Latin II, we actively use vocabulary and grammar (both previously learned and new) to read and translate sentences with conditional and other subjunctive clauses in short selections. As we begin reading short bits of authentic Latin and looking at things from an ancient perspective, we come to realize that humankind is consistent. The same problems, thoughts and evils that were with Adam in the garden, show up throughout history, and are still present today. Homework: The average student spends three to four hours a week on Latin homework. Requirements/Prerequisites: Successful completion of Latin I is required or instructor’s permission to sign up. Grading Scale and Credit: A 1.04 grade multiplier is applied to all Honors courses at the end of the school year. Students must pass any AP or Honors course with a yearly average of 70 or better for a grade multiplier to be applied.

Honors Latin III
Grades: 10-12 In Latin III, we transfer from synthetic Latin to true authentic Latin and now thousands of years of the human experience lie open to the willing student. As we read authentic Latin texts, we are able to discern how greatly the thoughts and attitudes of the ancient Romans have influenced Western Civilization. Also available to us are the writings of great theologians, historical figures and even scientists for whom Latin was the universal language. Homework: The average student spends three to four hours a week on Latin homework. Requirements/Prerequisites: Successful completion of Honors Latin II is required or instructor’s permission to sign up. Grading Scale and Credit: A 1.04 grade multiplier is applied to all Honors courses at the end of the school year. Students must pass any AP or Honors course with a yearly average of 70 or better for a grade multiplier to be applied.
AP Latin
Grades 11-12 In AP Latin, students will read familiar stories like The Trojan Horse in Vergil’s original poetry while they find the earmarks that make The Aeneid an epic. In preparation for the AP test, students will also read Caesar’s Gallic Wars and compare the two works and the two authors discussing (in English) such
questions as: What makes a great leader? What were the Roman views of foreigners? How did the Romans relate to their gods and to the gods of others? What did the Romans value and how is it shown in the original literature? How do the Roman values and views differ from those of today’s society as a whole and from our personal values and views as Christians? In Class Work: Group translation, discussion, short essays (in English), and occasional presentations. Homework: Vocabulary memory work, short essays (in English), translation preparation and consolidation. Minimum of two hours estimated per week but will vary based on an individual’s mastery of vocabulary. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Latin III is required. Grading Scale and Credit: This AP course is optional. Affects GPA. A 1.08 multiplier is applied to all AP courses at the end of the school year. Students must pass any AP or honors course with a yearly average of 70 or better for a grade multiplier to be applied. Special Note: Open to all students who have successfully completed Honors Latin III. This class will meet on M/W or T/TH this year.
Some RS classes are automatic enrollment and parents do not need to do anything beyond enrolling in CDA for their students to be placed in these courses. Students will be automatically placed within the correct course for their grade level. Grading scale and credit unless designated will be a number grade that affects the GPA. Course title will appear on students’ transcript.
Algebra 1:8
8th grade students take Algebra 1:8, the second half of Algebra 1, which is a twoyear course at Coram Deo. A fundamental philosophical underpinning of Algebra is the development of formulas and abstract thinking. As students develop the ability to use variables to represent changing quantities, they are reminded that the absolute truths they have learned before are still true in their algebraic form. During seventh grade, students focus on linear equations and elementary algebra concepts. In eighth grade, students continue with parabolic, exponential and rational functions, among other topics. Grading Scale and Credit: Number grade. Affects GPA. Course will appear on the student’s transcript.
Latin 1:8
Current CDA students take Latin I in 7th and 8th grade for which they receive high school credit. New students in grades 8-12 take the Friday class for Latin 1 that can be completed in one year. See New Student section for correct course. Students in Latin 1 will memorize Latin vocabulary and grammatical forms, analyze Latin syntax, translate sentences and read short stories in Latin. They will learn to think more wisely by deepening their understanding of language in both English and Latin and reflecting on the reciprocal influence of language and thought. Grading Scale and Credit: Number grade. Affects GPA. Course will appear on the student’s transcript.
Students successfully completing Algebra 1:8 and Latin 1:8 will receive RS credit.