31 minute read
Schedule of Elective Classes and Class Descriptions
Rhetoric School Schedule
Period 0
7:00 - 7:55a
8:00 - 9:30a
9:35 - 11:05a 3
12:25 - 1:55p
2:00 - 3:30p
Biology Lab
Biology Lab Chemistry Lab Pre-Calculus
Chemistry Lab 11th
Pre-Calculus Art I
9 - 12th Art II Adoratio Dux
9 - 12th Electus Vox
(Select Choir) Theater Arts I Writer’s Workshop
9 - 12th Bellus Vox 9 - 12th
Theater 1.5
9 - 12th Intermediate Band Health & Wellness
9 - 12th Guitar Ensemble
9th 10th 11th 10 - 12th 7 - 12th
House Meetings - Homer, Lewis, Wallace, Wright
Lunch 11:55 - 12:25
Biology Lab Chemistry Lab Theology of Art & Culture Art I Music Exploration
9th Biology Lab
10th Chemistry Lab
9 - 12th Pre-Calculus
9 - 12th Advanced Art 9 - 12th 9 - 12th
Speech, Debate, Poetry & Prose
9 - 12th Theater Arts II 6 - 10th
Symphonic Band
9 - 12th Jazz Band
9th 10th 11th 10 - 12th 10 - 12th 9 - 12th 8 - 12th
Advanced Guitar
9 - 12th Family & Consumer Science
7 - 10th
Latin I
(New Students)
8 - 12th
9 - 12th 9 - 12th Drill Team Learning Center Drill Team Prep 8 - 12th 9 - 12th
Latin I
(New Students)
8 - 12th Spanish III & IV
11 - 12th
Grades: 9-12 This course will familiarize students with the Elements of Art, Principles of Design, artists, art history and various techniques and media. Students will gain confidence and develop skills in art-making while gaining an appreciation of art and learning to use and manipulate these skills. Homework: 60 minutes of outside class sketchbook assignments. Grading Scale and Credit: Number grade. Affects GPA. Counts towards graduation as an Art credit. Special Note: All RS art students participate in the Night of Art (and Jazz) in the spring.
Art II: Visual Arts
Grades: 10-12 This course builds on Art I, particularly in the application of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. Students will continue to gain confidence and progress in their skills in art-making using a variety of media. Homework: Minimum 60 minutes of outside class work (sketchbook or larger projects). Prerequisites: Art I (or LS Advanced Art with teacher recommendation/portfolio review) Grading Scale and Credit: Number grade. Affects GPA. Counts towards graduation as an Art credit. Special Note: Participation in the Night of Art (and Jazz) is expected. Art competitions are stongly encouraged. This class may take field trips if applicable to content being learned.
Greek I, II, III
8 - 12th
9 - 12th 9 - 12th Drill Team Learning Center Drill Team Prep 8 - 12th 9 - 12th DC Physics

Readings in C.S. Lewis
9 - 12th Yearbook: Photography & Design
9 - 12th Astronomy 9 - 12th
Logic 10 - 12th
Learning Center
9 - 12th Learning Center
9 - 12th Human Anatomy & Physiology
9-12th AP ART HISTORY & AP LATIN meet M-TH (2x a week) See CourseDescriptions

Important Information
• CDA primarily offers full year courses. Students must participate in the full year of the course for graduation credit to be met.
Credit, for the purpose of meeting graduation requirements, is not given for being in the course for one semester only.
Therefore changing courses at mid-year is discouraged. If a mid-year change must be made, ½ credit will be recorded on the transcript for the purpose of communicating to colleges that a half-year was taken. Most courses cannot be entered at the half year mark as success in the second semester relies upon information taught within the first semester.
• AP, Dual Credit and Honors courses have grade multipliers that are added to the average at the end of the school year.
The student must have a yearly average of 70 or better for the grade multiplier to be applied.
• Biology and Chemistry Friday Labs are required. Labs are
offered 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th periods (no additional cost for these labs.)
• CDA requires students who have class before and after lunch to stay on campus for lunch.
• Students must have a class to remain on campus.
• Graduating classes 2024 and later must take at least one art class and one music for graduation credit.
• To connect with the instructor of the class and request more information, email: flowermound@coramdeoacademy.org
Advanced Art:
Design, Color Theory & Drawing
Grades: 10-12 This course will expose students to advanced drawing, design and color theory using a variety of media. Students will gain confidence in art by progressing in their skills, creativity problem solving and concept development. Upper-level students tailor assigments to specific art goals and may build an art portfolio. Homework: Minimum 60 minutes of outside class work. Prerequisites: RS Visual Art courses: Art I and Art II Grading Scale and Credit: Number grade. Affects GPA. Counts towards graduation as an Art credit. Special Note: Participation in at least one art competition is expected. Senior artists are highlighted at the Night of Art. This class may take field trips if applicable to content being learned. Students may retake this class each year since projects change annually.

AP Art History:
Art and Architecture
Grades: 10-12 If it’s true that a picture is worth a thousand words, this course has a lot to say! Art history tells the colorful story of humanity across time and across the globe through the lens of a variety of cultures. Students closely examine major forms of artistic expression in architecture, sculpture, painting and other media. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking and the understanding of the form, the function, the content and the context of works of art. APAH overlaps in many places with World History and connects with a wide range of subjects at CDA, providing students the opportunity to synthesize important concepts. Homework: Readings, research, videos and writing Field Trips: Four to five field trips to excellent area museums. Grading Scale and Credit: This AP course is optional. Affects GPA. A 1.08 multiplier is applied to all AP courses at the end of the school year. Students must pass any AP or honors course with a yearly average of 70 or better for a grade multiplier to be applied.
Special Note:
• Though periodically art instruction is given and the Art credit will be satisfied, APAH is not a studio class and art experience is not required. Non-artists and artists both excel. • By May 2022, students are prepared well to take AP Art History exam, which may result in college credit of 3-6 hours, depending on the test score and university to be attended. • Typically, AP Art History is scheduled for
MW during the first two class periods (note: higher elective cost due to meeting two times a week). MW students should contact
Mrs. Dwyer for schedule options. Students taking AP Art History are eligible for future travel opportunities.
RS Theater Arts I
Grades: 9-12 Like to perform? Great at hamming it up? This theater class will take you there and beyond! Join us for 90 minutes each week as we explore the great plays of Western Civilization. We will learn the bones of acting, stage direction and technical theater as well as stage make-up techniques. We will put together a show designed just for our group of extraordinary players to be performed in the spring. These students may be combined for productions with the Theater Arts II class if necessary. Homework: 1 hour each week for homework Requirements: For first-year theater students with little or no experience. Incoming ninth graders with previous experience can take this class or audition for Theater Arts 1.5 or Theater Arts II with theater teacher recommendation.
Number of Performances/Weekend Obligations:
All students are cast in the spring show. There is NO fall show. Up to six outside rehearsals throughout the semester and four to six evening dress rehearsals/performances during the week of the show are required.
Grading Scale and Credit: Number grade. Affects GPA. This course counts towards graduation as an Art credit. Special Note: Students are required to supply personal props and pay for their own supply/ costume rental ($70 fee). Students can retake this class every year.
RS Theater Arts 1.5
Grades: 9-12 Theater 1.5 engages students in advanced work in theater arts and speech competition work. The design of this class will build confidence in speaking and acting skills and introduce students to the exciting world of competition in oral interpretation activities. A class performance of a non-competitive production will be done alongside performing in competitive events such as humorous or dramatic interpretation, prose and poetry reading, and solo and duo acting scenes at local and state tournaments. Homework: Homework is approximately an hour each week involving reading, memorization and performance preparation. Outside time on several weekends will be required. Requirements: Two speech tournament experiences will be required during the year, and those students who really enjoy these events can do more! The class requires an interview with the teacher before any student is placed in the class. Special Note: Students are required to supply personal props and pay for their own or supply their costume rental ($70 fee). Students can retake this class every year by audition.
RS Theater Arts II
Grades: 10-12
Audition required before Christmas Break of 2021
For experienced performers, Friday’s Theater II class is the place to be! Theater II is an audition-only course with a maximum number of 25 students. This class enters and performs in the TAPPS District One-Act Play contest in the fall. An additional spring show or musical is performed on alternating years. Before signing up, you must be approved by completing a teacher recommendation form

and performing an audition for the directors.
Recommendations and auditions are due before
Christmas Break for the fall class. Please see instructor for details. All who audition will be informed about your spot for the fall class before January 1, 2022, in time for elective registration. Homework: Reading, memorization, written play/character analysis, small amount of research and writing concerning play, author or characters. One hour each week for homework. Prerequisites: Previous CDA theater experience. Incoming ninth graders must have a theater teacher recommendation and audition for the directors before admittance. Requirements: Six to eight Friday rehearsals, after school, are held throughout the year, and four to six mandatory dress rehearsals are held after school throughout the year to prepare for performances.
Number of Performances/Weekend Obliga-
tions: Up to six performances on Thursday and Friday evenings are required. Up to four weekends depending on the advancement of the contest play and scheduling of the shows. Grading Scale and Credit: Number grade. Grading criteria is 50% for participation and 50% on performance. Affects GPA. This course counts toward graduation as an Art credit. Students must participate in the full-year course for graduation credit to be met. Special Note: Students are required to supply personal props and pay for their own or supply their costume rental ($70 fee). Students can retake this class every year by audition.

Speech, Debate, Poetry, & Prose Performance Art
Grades: 9-12
This class offers speaking, debating, prose and poetry performance art. Hone your skills further by competing at local, state and national competitions outside of the classroom. This Friday elective exposes you to performance art and produces confidence. Homework: Includes research for speeches and debates, outlining, writing and performing speeches and reading, analyzing and performing poetry and prose selections. One hour of homework is expected each week minimum; more is required if students are preparing for competition. Requirements/Prerequisites: Observation at one speech tournament and competition in one tournament are mandatory. Tournaments are usually 1-1½ days. Number of Performances/Obligations: Two weekends (August-January) will fulfill the mandatory tournament attendance requirement. Students may participate in as many regular season tournaments as are offered and may qualify for state and national tournaments if they choose to participate beyond the requirements. Grading Scale and Credit: Number grade. Affects GPA. This course counts toward graduation as an Art credit. Students must participate in the full-year course for graduation credit to be met. Credit is not given for

being in one semester of the course and is discouraged. Grading criteria is based upon performance 50%, projects 30% and professionalism 20%.
Photography and Design
Grades: 9-12
Interview required before Christmas Break
Students will learn about journalism, photography and time management. They will enjoy meeting people from all grade levels and learn the importance of professionalism while performing their duties and in the creation of the school’s yearbook. Homework: One to three hours per quarter outside of class for page design work or photography. Homework time varies for students based upon event being photographed or pages assigned. Students have free admission to games and events if they are working the event. Requirements/Prerequisites: Students will be expected to develop and use skills that will allow them to interview a variety of CDA students, teachers and coaches. Grading Scale and Credit: Number grade. Affects GPA. This course counts towards graduation as an Art credit.
Special Note: Students need to sign up for an
interview prior to Christmas Break. An email link is sent with times and dates for interviews. Students will be informed of the admission to the class and will automatically be enrolled after Jan. 1, 2021. Students can retake this class each year.
Grades: 6-12 Intermediate Band is for students who have been promoted from Beginning Band but have not yet reached the Symphonic Band level. Although the students will continue to learn music theory and history, Intermediate Band will highlight the joy of working together as a musical team to put together performances designed for ministry, competition and enjoyment! With more opportunities to perform, this organization provides an ideal environment to develop discipline and to learn time management while having fun. The “band family” is ready to welcome your student! Homework: Weekly playing assignments are submitted and reviewed online. (150 minutes of documented practice time each week) Requirements: Parents are responsible for the purchase or rental of the instrument. Students are required to take one private lesson per week throughout the school year. Prerequisites: At least one year of beginning band or audition Optional competition or performance: Auditions for Honor Band — includes a two-day workshop and concert Grading scale and Credit: ESN for students in 6th-8th grades. GPA is not affected by ESN grades. For rhetoric school students only: class counts for Music credit, appears on the transcript and affects GPA. Number grade for

students in the rhetoric school grades. Special Note: This is a performance elective. Required performances: Fall Concert, Spring Concert, Retirement Home performance and Pride of Texas competition. Attire requirements: Girls: CDA Band T-shirt for competition. Nice dresses or slacks with dress shirt for concert and honor band performances. Boys: CDA Band T-shirt for competition. Nice dress pants and nice shirt and tie for concert and honor band performances.
Symphonic Band
Grades: 9-12 Students are encouraged to enroll in this dynamic and award-winning ensemble. Symphonic Band is for students who have been promoted from Intermediate Band or they are a rhetoric student that has auditioned for the band director. This is a performance group that plays at all home football games and pep rallies, performs at concerts and participates in competitions such as solo ensemble contest, honor band auditions and concert and sight-reading contest. In addition, this group is ministry-minded as they serve the community by playing at a local senior living home. They will have approximately two extra rehearsals per month. With many opportunities to perform, this organization provides an ideal environment to foster discipline and to learn time management while having fun and doing it with a school organization. Homework: 150 minutes of documented practice time each week. Students are required to take one private lesson each week throughout the school year. Playing assignments are submitted and reviewed online. Requirements/Prerequisites: At least two years of Intermediate Band or audition. Required performances are fall concert, spring concert, home football games, pep rallies, solo and ensemble contest, senior living performance, band competitions and Commencement. Specific concert attire is required and will be purchased by parents through the school.
Optional competitions and performances:
Audition for Honor Band includes a two-day workshop and concert, and TPSMEA solo and ensemble contest. Grading Scale and Credit: ESN for students in the logic school grades. GPA is not affected by ESN grades. For rhetoric school students only: class counts for Music credit, appears on the transcript and affects GPA. Number grade for students in the rhetoric school grades. Special Note: Rhetoric school students interested in joining the band for the first time should meet with the Band Director. Students can retake this class each year.

Bellus Vox
Grades: 7-12 Bellus Vox is open to 7th-12th graders. This group will perform in our Christmas and Spring Concerts as well as Solo and Ensemble Competitions. They will learn how to read music and sing with good vocal technique. They will learn various types of repertoire from classical to pop and gain an understanding of music theory. This class is the perfect preparation for Electus Vox! Homework: Weekly practice to learn the repertoire. Limited extra rehearsals to prepare for concerts.
Performance Expectations:
Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, and Solo and Ensemble competition
Grading scale and Credit:
ESN for students in the logic school grades. GPA is not affected by ESN grades. For rhetoric school students only: class counts for Music credit, appears on the transcript and affects GPA. Number grade for students in the rhetoric school grades. Special Note: Students should bring to class a 1” 3-ring binder, pencil and water bottle. Concert attire is required (same as Symphonic Band and Electus Vox).
Electus Vox
Grades: 9-12, audition required Electus Vox is our top choir and students are
selected by audition. These students will learn various types of repertoire and will go to Solo and Ensemble Competition as well as Concert and Sight Reading. Students will learn how to read music and understand music theory. Students are also encouraged to participate in the All Region and All

State Competitions. They will perform in our Christmas and Spring Concerts and sing at Commencement. This talented group of musicians will be taking music to the next level! Homework: Weekly practice to learn the repertoire, limited extra rehearsals to prepare for concerts, attendance at Competitions. Performance Expectations: Christmas Concert, Region and State Solo and Ensemble participation, Concert and Sight-Reading Competition, Spring Concert and graduation performances required. Optional: All-Region Choir (audition), All-State Choir (audition). Grading Scale and Credit: Number grade. This class counts for a Music credit, appears on the transcript and affects GPA. Special Note: Concert attire is required (same as Symphonic Band). Supplies needed are a 1” 3-ring binder, pencil and water bottle.
Guitar Ensemble
Grades: 8-12 This class is for students who have basic note reading skills, chord playing and fingerstyle playing technique. Emphasis is placed on

Music Exploration
Grades: 9-12 This class will use classic Broadway Musicals to explore how music can bring a story to life! Students will view the musicals and discuss how music affects the viewer, enhances the plot and guides the story. Music theory is the basis of how music is composed, so we will be looking at the composer’s ideas in creating their story. This will be a fun class for students who need to earn a Music credit during Rhetoric School. Homework: Students who attend class and take good notes will not have homework. If a class is missed, the student will be responsible to make up what they missed. Requirements: A one subject notebook and a pen or pencil. Grading Scale and Credit: Quizzes will be given at the conclusion of each musical to check for understanding. Grades will be based on participation (50%) and tests (50%). This class counts for Music credit, appears on the transcript and affects GPA. Number grade for students in the rhetoric school grades.
playing music with others using worship and popular-style selections. Students will expand playing ability and note reading ability during the school year. Requirements: Strong work ethic, desire and discipline are necessary for participation in this class, as well as a minimum of 25 minutes of practice time three days a week. Private lessons are strongly recommended. Grading Scale and Credit: ESN for students in the logic school grades. GPA is not affected by ESN grades. For rhetoric school students only: class counts for Music credit, appears on the transcript and affects GPA. Number grade for students in the rhetoric school grades.
Advanced Guitar
Grades: 8-12 This class is for students who have a firm grasp on the basics of playing guitar. In ad-

vanced guitar, we focus on taking the foundation that has already been laid and we build upon it together. This includes learning more advanced scales, chords and intricacies within music that give students the tools to develop their own sound. This class focuses on both worship and contemporary music throughout the year. We break down many of these songs together and find out what makes them unique and inspiring. Advanced guitar aims to grow the students intellectual knowledge of music as well as provide the practical tools necessary for everyone to grow in their own unique sound. Prerequisite: Student must have completed Guitar Ensemble or have instructor approval to take this course. Requirements: Strong work ethic, desire and discipline are necessary for participation in this class, as well as a minimum of 30 minutes of practice time four days a week. Private lessons are strongly recommended. Grading Scale and Credit: ESN for students in the logic school grades. GPA is not affected by ESN grades. For rhetoric school students only: class counts for Music credit, appears on the transcript and affects GPA. Number grade for students in the rhetoric school grades.
Grades: 9-12 This performance-based class explores jazz music. The students need to be responsible, self-motivated and interested in jazz studies. They will learn jazz scales and will also be introduced to improvisation as well as learning to play the different styles offered in jazz music. Homework: Same as Symphonic Band Prerequisites: Must be enrolled in Symphonic Band. Must have permission from the Band Director to sign up. Usually one to two performances in addition to the required Symphonic Band performances and competitions.

Optional competitions and performances:
Audition for Honor Band includes a two-day workshop and concert. Specific concert attire is required and is the same as Symphonic Band. Grading Scale and Credit: ESN. This course does not count as a Music, Art or Language credit toward graduation, does not affect the GPA, but will be included on the transcript. Special Note: Students can retake this class every year.
Adoratio Dux
Grades: 9-12 The Adoratio Dux (Worship Band) is a group of rhetoric school students who desire to lead the student body in worship at their midweek and House chapels. Students should be skilled at singing and/or playing instruments appropriate for worship. They will learn how to read chord charts, sing with confidence and blend with one another for a unified sound. Bible study and prayer will be an integral part of this class. These students are viewed as spiritual leaders and will be expected to live accordingly. Homework: Weekly preparation for chapels. Requirements: Audition and interview required. Weekly rehearsals to prepare for chapels and to develop unity. Availability to lead chapels (every effort will be made to accommodate class schedules). Grading Scale and Credit: ESN. This course does not count as an Art, Music or language credit toward graduation, does not affect the GPA, but will be included on the transcript. Special Note: You will need a 3-ring binder to store your charts, a pencil, water and the instrument you are going to play.
Survey of Human Anatomy & PhysiologyPart II
Grades: 9-12 Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology-Part II is a continuation of the previous Anatomy and Physiology course. Topics and activities will be different than those offered in the previous course. Therefore, students who have taken the Part I course will learn additional and more in-depth concepts. While

it might be helpful, having Part I as a prerequisite is not a requirement for this course. Any student that enjoys studying science, learning about the human body, or plans to pursue a future in health or biological sciences will find this class interesting and beneficial. Course activities will include lab investigations, reading, video lessons, case studies and collaborative group work. Students who take this class will study the human body, system by system, and learn about the intricacies of God’s amazing creation. Homework: Approximately 60 minutes each week outside of class Requirements: Any 9th -12th grade student Grading Scale and Credit: ESN. This course does not count as an Art, Music or Language credit toward graduation, does not affect the GPA, but will be included on the transcript. There is no lab component for this class, prohibiting it from receiving science credit, but this class will enhance the transcript of STEM students and those seeking science degrees.
Ancient Greek II
Ancient Greek I
Grades: 9-12 Ancient Greek I will equip students to begin reading the Ancient Greek language known throughout the Greek and Roman empires in the centuries leading up to and following the birth of Jesus. Through studying the alphabet, sentence structure, culture and common nouns and verbs of Koine (common language) Greek, students will take a significant “first step” towards reading our New Testament in its original language. By the end of the year, students will be able to read select passages from the New Testament and will display mastery of 200 of the most frequently occurring words. Greek I, II and III are taught together in the same room. As students progress, they will display their mastery by occasionally teaching concepts to younger students. Homework: Approximately 30-60 minutes during the week Grading Scale and Credit: ESN. This course does not count as an Art, Music or Language credit toward graduation, does not affect the GPA, but will be included on the transcript.
Grades: 9-12 Students will continue learning the grammar of Ancient Greek on their way to developing the ability to read the New Testament in its original language. By the end of this course, students will be able to read sections of the New Testament with minimal use of a dictionary and other aids. Theological issues raised by the interpretation of various New Testament passages will be explored at the Greek level. Greek I, II and III are taught together in the same room. As students progress, they will display their mastery by occasionally teaching concepts to younger students.

Homework: Approximately 30-60 minutes during the week. Prerequisites: Ancient Greek I Grading Scale and Credit: ESN. This course does not count as an Art, Music or Language credit toward graduation, does not affect the GPA, but will be included on the transcript.
Ancient Greek III
Grades: 9-12 Students will continue to explore the finer points of Greek grammar as well as continue to build their Greek vocabulary. Much of the year is spent carefully reading through our Greek New Testament, translating passages and discussing the theological significance of the Greek text. Greek I, II and III are taught together in the same room. As students progress, they will display their mastery by occasionally teaching concepts to younger students. Homework: Approximately 30-60 minutes during the week. Prerequisites: Ancient Greek I and II Grading Scale and Credit: ESN. This course does not count as an Art, Music or Language credit toward graduation, does not affect the GPA, but will be included on the transcript.
Readings in C.S. Lewis
Grades: 9-12 C.S. Lewis had a knack for bringing deep, abstract concepts to life through imaginative prose. His fiction and nonfiction alike inspire wonder and reward curiosity. This course will sample Lewis’ works, paying special attention to his distinctive integration of truth and the imagination. Homework: 30-60 minutes of reading outside of class to prepare for class discussions. Grading Scale and Credit: ESN. This course does not count as an Art, Music or Language credit toward graduation, does not affect the GPA, but will be included on the transcript.

Theology of Art and Culture
Grades: 9-12 What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? When Tertullian posed this question, he meant to call into question the usefulness of Pagan philosophy for Christian theology. Is it that simple? Is the Christian stance on culture limited to avoidance or ambivalence? In this course, the students will develop a Christian view of culture. We will read Christian authors, listen to music and view films with a view to learning how to engage our culture in a way that is distinctly and uncompromisingly Christian. Homework: Reading and creative projects with no public performances Requirements: Field trip to Dallas art museums in December with Advanced Art Grading Scale and Credit: ESN. Course does not count as an Art, Music or Language credit toward graduation, does not affect the GPA, but will be included on the transcript.
Writer’s Workshop
Grades: 9-12 The purpose of the Writer’s Workshop is to assist rhetoric school students’ development as effective writers and wise thinkers. Students bring writing assignments from their Monday-Thursday courses to class for review and revision. The Lab provides an opportunity for students to work with the instructor one-on-one to discuss specific paper topics and guidelines. The course equips students with an understanding of writing mechanics including but not limited to: thesis statements, thorough argumentation, MLA formatting and proofreading. Grading Scale and Credit: ESN. This course does not count as an Art, Music or Language or language credit toward graduation, does not affect the GPA, but will be included on the transcript. Special Note: Students can retake this class.
Family and Consumer Science
Grades: 7-10 Family and Consumer Science is the new name for the traditional Home Economics class. Students in this class will learn the basic skills of running and maintaining a Christian household in our modern time. Topics covered will include home and family living, nutrition, food service, cooking concepts, basic sewing skills, household budgeting, and wise stewardship. Requirements: Students may need to complete class assignments at home. Grading Scale and Credit: ESN. Course does not count as an Art, Music or Language credit toward graduation, does not affect the GPA, but will be included on the transcript. Special Note: Students may retake this class as curriculum is on a two year rotation. Some items may need to be brought from home.

These trips are fast-paced, amazing events that take away the intimidation factor some young students experience when thinking about college. College reps also stress the importance of grades, rigorous class loads, test scores and student activities when applying to colleges. Students come back with a broader knowledge of what college life is like and an idea of what some of their priorities are in choosing a college.
College Tour 9 (Core Options)
Grades: 9 (SPRING ONLY) Date: TBD Size: 24 boys, 24 girls SPRING ONLY. This trip for freshmen is designed to give students a look at public, private and Christian universities varying in size while exploring different areas of college life at each campus. Students tour each college, eat in the cafeterias, attend a college class, meet with campus ministries, tour the sports facilities, attend chapel, visit libraries and honors college and meet with university students when available.
Our 2023 tour itinerary will be determined during summer 2022 and published in Fall 2022. We try to visit a combination of prominent, small, private, public, Christian and secular colleges. This trip fills up quickly, so sign up soon! Requirements/Prerequisites: Students must have excellent classroom behavior while at CDA before attending the trip. We serve as the ambassadors for the current seniors interested in the universities we visit. Grading Scale and Credit: No grade or credit is given for this tour. Projected Cost: TBD as the cost includes transportation, hotel and all meals. While we try to keep costs low, they could change if the transportation/ hotel costs increase. Special Note: Boys and girls will be on the bus together, but they will have different hotels. Colleges do not confirm visit details until January, so the tour details are subject to change.
College Tour 10
(Core Options)
Grades: 10 (SPRING ONLY) Date: TBD Size: 24 Boys, 24 Girls This trip for sophomores is designed to give students a look at public, private and Christian universities varying in size while exploring different areas of college life at each campus. Students tour each college, eat in the cafeterias, attend a college class, meet with campus ministries, tour the sports facilities and attend chapel. In addition, students visit libraries or honors colleges, and meet with university students when available. Our 2023 tour itinerary will be determined during summer 2022 and published Fall 2022. We try to visit a combination of prominent, small, private, public, Christian and secular colleges. This trip fills up quickly, so sign up soon! Requirements: Students must have excellent

classroom behavior while at CDA before being able to attend the trip. We serve as the ambassadors for the current seniors interested in the universities we visit. Grading Scale and Credit: No grade or credit is given for this event. This trip does not appear on the transcript. Projected Cost: TBD as the cost includes transportation, hotel and all meals. While we try to keep costs low, they could change if the transportation/ hotel costs increase. Special Note: Boys and girls will be on the bus together, but they will have different hotels. Tour details are subject to change.
SUMMER CLASSES Music Exploration
Date: May 23 - 27 (Monday-Friday), and May 31 - June 2 (Tuesday-Thursday) This class will use classic Broadway Musicals to explore how music can bring a story to life! Students will view the musicals and discuss how music affects the viewer, enhances the plot and guides the story. Music theory is the basis of how music is composed, so we will be looking at the composer’s ideas in creating their story. This will be a fun class for students who need to earn a Music credit during Rhetoric School. Requirements: Students who attend class and take good notes will not have homework. If a class is missed, the student will be responsible to make up what they missed. Students will need a one subject notebook and a pen or pencil. Grading Scale and Credit: Quizzes will be given at the conclusion of each musical to check for understanding. Grades will be based on participation (50%) and tests (50%). This class counts for Music Fine Arts credit, appears on the transcript and affects GPA. Number grade for students in the rhetoric school grades.

Dual Credit College Algebra: 12
Date: May 16-19 (Monday-Thursday), and May 23 - 26 (Monday-Thursday), This is not for remedial students. Rising juniors can take this course to improve their math skills prior to taking college entrance exams and to better prepare them for PreCalc. Rising 12th graders who took Pre-Calc and need more work before entering Calc are also a good fit. Teacher recommendation is required as this course moves very quickly. Students need to be ready for the pace and have a strong ability in math. In this dual credit College Algebra course, students study various aspects of polynomial, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions as well as solving systems of equations using matrices. Additional topics such as partial fraction decompositions, sequences, series and the Binomial Theorem. Requirements: This course includes a $50 online book fee.
Dual Credit College Statistics: 12
Date: May 16 - 19 (Monday-Thursday), and May 23 - May 26 (Monday-Thursday) This statistics course is an introduction to statistical analysis and probability. The class will be held at the CDA Collin County Campus.