For This Day Vol. 3, Issu. 4

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For This Day

January 2016, Vol.3 Issu.4

Hagia Sophia, interior, Constantinople (Istanbul) 6th century

A World Imaginable! The Benefits and Beauty of a Classical Education as Seen Through the Eyes of an Art Teacher by Rebecca Kendall

This is my sixth year teaching art classes at CDA and my second year teaching AP Art History. The second of these requires much time and preparation, but it is unbelievably rewarding to provide an opportunity for students to connect the dots between their various CDA classes, and see what their education has given them. So, first I want to make a case for why CDA students should take AP Art History and then I want to encourage you. Our students see things because of their rich

lege, no matter what your major.” Perhaps it requires some years of life experience to realize this class isn’t just for artists. Not surprisingly, many adults even ask if they can take my class. But I would argue the best time to take Art History is actually before college. In a time when we are constantly bombarded with visual material, I can think of no better place where students are given the tools truly to see and decipher images and their realities in culture. Aptly dubbed a cornerstone class, art history links to every course or discipline. CDA students are quick to pick up on these relationships. The sciences are no exception and offer many connections to art history. APAH students recently studied how the complex ideas of physics and geometry enable the Hagia Sophia’s dome (shown above) to float mysteriously and the

classical foundation that others simply miss.

height of Gothic cathedrals to soar. Additionally, we

Why take art history? How would someone really use

much more do we appreciate the work of the Bishop

that in life? Many conclude it is for art majors but not for others. USA Today recently included Art History in the list for the “top five classes you should take in col-

would not have paint if it weren’t for chemistry. How of Lindisfarne when we learn he mixed over 90 different pigments from just 6 local minerals and vegetable extracts to decorate and copy the medieval parchments of the incomparable Lindisfarne Gospels?

Michelangelo’s Pieta, 1498-1500

Michelangelo created his mas-

I personally think the artist

terpiece sculpture, the Pietà

captures this scene of forgive-

with more than artistic vision

ness more beautifully than any

and skill. Not only did he have

other. Though we were short on

an incredible understanding of

time, I had one of the students

anatomy, he employed specific

read the passage from Luke 15.

geological knowledge in select-

Little did I know, Mrs. Powell

ing the perfect portion of the

had them write a sonnet on that

rock from the quarry. The Par-

same passage earlier that week.

thenon required nothing less and involved mathematical

Their depth of insight blew me

precision that is still admired today. Then there’s the

away. There are multiple oppor-

science of dendrochronology, which makes it possible to date wooden sculptures and artwork painted on

tunities to talk about matters of The Return of the Prodigal Son, Rembrandt, 1665

wooden panels.

faith within art history. Luke 6:35 says it well, “Out of overflow of

the heart, the mouth speaks”, as does any form of exThere are countless examples of overlap with art and

pression. Art history reveals our humanity and demon-

the subjects of history, literature and music. Having such

strates what people worship, whether it is a “religious”

a thorough background in history uniquely prepares

work or not. It allows us to see the visual scope of

CDA students for my class. They are able to grasp the

history through art and architecture. As a global course,

context of a work and situate it culturally within the flow

we see the hand of God throughout the history of the

of chronology. Students recognize some of the narra-

world. Discovering the context and symbolism within art

tives they have studied in other classes as they come

requires a depth and familiarity that allows us to engage

to life in living color or marble- depending on the era.

with people of all backgrounds and beliefs.

For instance, in the study of the quintessential Neoclassical work Oath of Horatii by David, the students

It occurs to me often that CDA students may not fully

were already familiar with the story, as told by Ms. Loe.

appreciate how well they have been educated. It is

Not only did they know what happened in the scenes

simply normal to know Latin, speak in front of an audi-

before and after the one captured in the painting, they

ence and write essays routinely. Students, parents and

could see more deeply into the work than many college

teachers collaborate together in a striking way. As a

students would. Of course, writing about art is much

CDA parent, I know home days can be challenging. But

easier for our students because of the great instruction

from where I’m standing let me tell you…it is worth it. In

from our English teachers. The parallels in art and music

class, I am blessed to see the fruit of your years of hard

throughout history are fascinating as well. The height-

work and support. The pay off isn’t measured merely

ened drama of the Baroque period in music mirrors

in high AP test scores, although those do happen.

the art of the day. I really could go on, but you get the

But rather this holistic approach provides opportunity


for your students to see the world more completely, broadly, accurately, and beautifully.

Probably the connection to art I love the most is theology. I never take for granted what a gift it is teach at a


Christian school. Once, I showed my students a painting

For more information about registering for AP Art His-

by Rembrandt that they wouldn’t likely see on the AP

tory, please see the Elective Brochure.

exam, The Return of the Prodigal’s Son.

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