Corban Connection September - October 2021

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NOTE FROM THE PRESIDENT “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” — (John 1:3)

Corban student athletes Juliana Brown and Sarah Whitbey at the site of the new Outdoor Athletic Complex.

ATHLETIC DIRECTOR SUE ROTH SHARES EXCITEMENT OVER OUTDOOR ATHLETIC COMPLEX As major drainage infrastructure is installed at the site of the new Outdoor Athletic Complex, Athletic Director, Sue Roth, looks forward to the many areas of University improvement on the horizon.

more inclined to come out and enjoy these sports that they have not had as much opportunity to support and watch when they were held off campus, giving our whole student body more ways to connect.”

The vital enhancements and additions brought by the OAC represent obvious gains in athletics experience and cost–saving measures, allowing Corban to drop expensive external facilities rentals while gaining income through the University’s own facility rentals. But it is in the area of community connection that Roth sees the most cause for excitement.

The facility will be open for use by students, staff, and the greater community. Roth envisions local schools and clubs utilizing the facility for practices, games, and local events, extending Corban’s reach and potential impact in the local community. “We will be a blessing to the greater Salem community when members of our city come to visit our fine facilities and our campus,” she says. “It’s our hope that more and more of the Salem community and beyond will be introduced to Corban through this facility.”

“It is our hope that this complex will be a blessing to each person on this campus and bring more unity among us,” she says. In a time when unity and shared experience have often felt out of reach, the OAC offers Corban’s community more chances to join together in celebration of something positive.

Learn more about the OAC at:

This is why it brings me peace and rest to refocus on the simple truth—often marginalized by clichés, but never stripped of its power—that God is in control, that His plans are good plans, and that His burden is light. As a community seeking after Christ, we continually strive to live in light of this truth, committed to the compassion, healing, and growth that we so desperately need. Throughout this school year, I encourage each of us to rest in the knowledge that Christ alone is the author and perfecter of our faith, that He holds all things in His hands, and that His plans for us this year have the potential to be lifegiving, life-shaping, and life-changing. To Christ be all Glory,

Sheldon C. Nord, Ph.D. President


“Just to have home games and meets will bring our Corban community together,” Roth continues. “By having on-campus events, our student body will be

With the OAC on track to be finished in this academic year, Roth looks forward to a time when athletics can once again play a critical role in fostering unity and engagement, making a difference on campus and in the community for Jesus Christ.

Christ alone is the source of all things—both a solemn reminder, and our greatest source of hope. In our world, the idea of authority, or sole possession of anything, often comes packaged with connotations of overreach, oppression, or even tyranny. How comforting by contrast to know that the One who made all things holds them in His hands, sees through their beginning, middle, and end, and is not fickle like we are. He is unimaginably good. He proved it on the cross, and He continues to prove it to us each day if we listen and pay attention to His presence.


Scholarships provided by the Corban Fund help close the gap between talent and financial need, attracting a student body dedicated to making a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. Gifts to the Corban Fund provide academic resources and support student programming. Unrestricted, current-use funds serve as a bridge between long-term goals and the immediate pressing needs of today. Each gift to the Corban Fund assists faculty and staff in living out the university’s vision to equip men and women who will bring CHARACTER to their communities and COMPETENCE to their careers, all to the glory of CHRIST. Find out more at:


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We look to our alumni and friends for their support of the Corban Fund every year in order to have an immediate and meaningful impact on Corban University students. We are proud to share that donors raised more than $921k for the Corban Fund this past fiscal year (July 1, 2020–June 30, 2021)!


Campus Visit Corban's Lead in MBA & MBIA Flexibility Alumni Connections Ulf Spears: Distinguished Alumni Award Sergio Aguirre: Distinguished Young Alum


The Giving Crowd Helps Alleviate Donor Tax Burden Corban Welcomes New Act Six Scholars Corban Hires Inaugural Director of Agriculture Science Corban Coffee Club


Convocation 2021: Christ Alone Papuan Alum Korwa Wanimbo Secures Coveted D.C. Internship Introducing Pioneer College Caterers Events

ULF SPEARS: DISTINGUISHED ALUM AWARD “It’s not always comfortable, what I do,” says Dr. Ulf Spears ('89), a Corban alum and winner of this year’s Distinguished Alum Award. “I think I’m a nice guy, but I don’t stray away from hard topics.” As a black man in a predominantly white male sphere, whether it be in ministry or business, Spears has found that his experience and insight in diversity training, and the equipping of black and brown voices in both spaces, has become increasingly sought after. “It’s a vulnerable process,” he admits. “We have to be honest about how our culture affects our view of Christianity. Whether it’s black culture, or white culture, or another.”

CAMPUS VISIT So you want to come for a visit? We love hosting visits for our alumni. Come and reminisce with us, share stories of memories, and see how the campus and University have both changed and stayed the same. If you let us know in advance, we’ll even brew some coffee or tea, schedule a faculty visit (depending on their availability), have a campus tour, and prepare a special gift for you. Can't wait to show you around your old academic home soon! Visit this link to register for a visit and peruse a menu of activities available to you:

CORBAN'S MBA & MBIA LEAD IN FLEXIBILITY The Corban MBA was a difference–maker for Brenda Pearson, Business Partnerships Program Manager for the Oregon Department of Human Services and Oregon Health Authority. "The convenience of being able to study online while working a high-profile career with tight deadlines made Corban’s graduate business program a game changer,” she says. “The excellent guidance and education I received breathed new life into the way I am able to serve the State of Oregon.” For students like Pearson, Corban’s graduate business degrees provide the opportunity not only to take the logical next step in career progression, but to do it in a way that considers their needs first. Corban has had decades to consider the diverse and expanding needs of the modern business professional and meets those needs with affordable, flexible, and personal programs. Did you know that Corban alumni are eligible for a 20% tuition scholarship for Corban graduate programs? Discover more at:

ALUMNI CONNECTIONS FACEBOOK: Alumni Page: Corban University/Western Baptist Visit our page for University updates and event information. Alumni Group: Corban University/Western Baptist Join our alumni group for more relational involvement within our alumni community. INSTAGRAM: @corbanuniversity LINKEDIN: Corban University



Email to share updates such as name changes, marriages, obituaries, or special acknowledgments for yourself, or fellow alumni (that are deemed public information). Do you have questions about transcript or diploma requests, course descriptions, or faculty information? Contact: To explore all of our social media platforms and pages, visit:


For Spears, these questions of culture, ethnicity, and their potential influence on not only an understanding of each other, but of the gospel, first began years ago as a transfer student at Corban University. “For the first time, I was able to form relationships with people of other ethnicities,” he says. “The respect I had for them and the respect they had for me, and having that common thread of Christ in the middle of it—that whole environment helped to facilitate what I’m doing today.” In recent years, Corban University has welcomed Dr. Spears back to campus as a chapel speaker and diversity coach, and relied heavily on his expertise in striving to realize a vision that he and his fellow students had so many years ago. “This wasn’t just a partnership for me,” he says. “It was personal because I love and care for Corban so much.” With the help of Spears and the commitment of the University’s leadership, dialogue centered on diversity, representation, and inclusion has led to new initiatives and opportunities on campus. “Some of the exciting results have been that leaders of student government are people of color,” Spears says. “You see more professors of color teaching at the University, and programs like Act Six came as a result of some of these behind the scenes discussions and the initiative and commitment of Corban’s leadership.”

Dr. Ulf Spears, Class of 1989.

For Spears, the opportunity to return to Corban, the place that helped shape his path to multicultural ministry, feels like coming home. “It feels satisfying,” he says. “It feels like I’m able to come back and contribute. It feels like mentoring a younger generation, helping to give them a voice, and working alongside of my brothers and sisters in leadership at Corban by helping where I can and bringing another perspective. But it’s not about me. It’s about discovering what part Corban is supposed to play in respect to diversity and equipping and preparing young people.” While Spears embraces the honor of engaging in the “tough and uncomfortable” conversations of today, the honor of being recognized as Corban's Distinguished Alumni hits a personal note. “It’s everything,” he says. “It’s a surprise, an honor, but it says to me that somebody saw that I really cared about Corban. It’s all about Corban becoming what God has called them to fully become.” Read the full profile at:

SERGIO AGUIRRE: DISTINGUISHED YOUNG ALUM This year’s Distinguished Young Alum, Sergio Aguirre (’11), could navigate the short path from the Davidson dormitory to Corban’s prayer chapel in the dark. It was where he spent almost every night as a student. “Corban was a place of healing for me,” he remembers. “It provided so many spaces to be with the Lord, or be with other like-minded people that are in a similar spot.” As a Corban student, Aguirre was no stranger to busyness. On top of a full class load, he served as a youth pastor, worship leader, and was in the military full time, pursuing chaplaincy. Each night he would write out his prayers in Spanish in the prayer chapel’s small leather journal, offering up the burdens of his busy day. In his professional career, the busyness has not let up, but Aguirre’s commitment to prayer and to community remains the same. Aguirre currently serves as the Director of Intercultural Ministries with Church Venture Northwest (CVN), helping to train, equip, mentor, and empower the next generation of leaders by providing resources, discipleship and leadership training, and peacemaking ministries to ethnic churches throughout the Northwest. As a native Spanish speaker, Aguirre is helping CVN to bridge a critical gap in their ministry. In addition to his role at CVN, Aguirre has also recently stepped into the role of Lead Pastor at West Salem Baptist Church, and serves on the leadership team for Mosaics PDX, an organization that seeks to “promote unity within and among churches of Jesus Christ across boundaries of race, class, culture, age, and gender.” Across all of his many ventures, multiculturalism has been key to his ministry. The end goal? Fostering a close community of all believers, regardless of background. Whether it be at as Director of Intercultural Ministries at CVN, as a pastor at West Salem Baptist, or through Mosaics PDX, Aguirre has come

Sergio Aguirre, Class of 2011.

to recognize the need for equipping individuals to engage what he deems, “conversations that are difficult and uncomfortable, but necessary," with increasing compassion and competence. “My experience has been that, when you have a healthy leader leading those conversations, then you are usually going to produce healthy results,” he says. “Healthy disciples produce healthy leaders, and healthy leaders produce healthy churches, and those people impact businesses, home life, and all spheres of influence that we get to be a part of.” While Sergio Aguirre’s recognition as Corban’s Distinguished Young Alum comes as little surprise to his community, Aguirre himself continues to point to his source. “In all of this, I give God the glory,” he says. “Because He is the one who is orchestrating my life and putting me in places where I can connect with people and love people. I’m not a person who enjoys recognition at all, but it’s a privilege to feel seen and loved. I’m just a small church pastor who is trying to be faithful.” Read the full profile at:

THE GIVING CROWD HELPS ALLEVIATE DONOR TAX BURDEN “As the White House introduces President Biden’s American Families Plan, many businesses and real estate owners are concerned. The president is proposing to increase the tax on capital gains to as much as 43.4%, up from the current level of 23.8%” (*from White House Introduces American Families Plan – Bloomberg – April 22, 2021). Corban University is taking proactive action to provide our donors with a source of expertise that will positively impact their finances, their children and the charities they support. The Giving Crowd (TGC) has an incredible track record of providing an approach to share assets to exceed the dreams and desires of the donor.

CORBAN WELCOMES NEW ACT SIX SCHOLARS “When applying for this scholarship, I had very little hope that I would be chosen,” says Sophiya Chuprova. “I would overanalyze every question in hopes that it would be perfect for whoever was interviewing me. Then I realized, being authentic is where my own leadership had to start.” Corban’s collaboration with the Act Six program represents hope for so many students looking to find their distinct leadership voice, many of whom are the first in their families to attend colleges. Selected through a rigorous three-month competition among more than 1,100 applicants, these diverse student leaders were chosen for their

There are still creative and time-tested options that can help you reduce, defer, or eliminate taxes on the sale of your business or real estate. Recently TGC has worked with several donors contemplating real estate transactions. Here is one example. “Marjorie is a widow in her 70s. She has been a successful small business owner for several decades and now wants to begin simplifying and phasing into retirement mode. One of the steps in her transition is selling a commercial building she owns. But Marjorie has several desires that leave her feeling conflicted. She would like to provide for her one adult child while also continuing to give to her favorite charities despite an anticipated reduction in her retirement

income. She also has concerns about capital gains taxes on the sale of the building.” TGC’s work with Marjorie enabled her to eliminate all of the taxes, provide for her daughter generously, and make some of the largest charitable gifts of her lifetime. To watch the full story visit Corban University will continue to share more information in the future on how to save taxes, care for your family, and make a significant difference in the world for Jesus Christ. You can test drive the charitable giving impact for yourself at:

commitment to serving on campus and at home, passion for learning, eagerness to foster intercultural relationships, and willingness to step out of their comfort zones. The program provides full-tuition, fullneed scholarships for the next four years of the academic journeys for Corban's new cadre of 10 Act Six students. Not only does the Act Six scholarship represent hope and opportunity for so many students to grow in their professional leadership skills, but at Corban, it also represents the chance to join a vibrant, nurturing faith community. “It wasn’t just the financial relief that excited me, but more so the group of people I got to meet who have the

Corban Act Six Class of 2025.

same goal of being a leader as I do,” Chuprova says. “I feel so blessed to have such an amazing opportunity placed in front of me as well as the chance to take action to be a part of the change.” Learn more about Act Six at:

CORBAN HIRES INAUGURAL DIRECTOR OF AGRICULTURE SCIENCE Since her earliest memories growing up on a small family farm in Idaho, Corban’s inaugural Director of Agriculture Science, Dr. Susie Nelson, has been cultivating a passion for agriculture. “I grew up raising registered Black Angus,” she says. “Had my own little herd starting in the fifth grade.” It was a herd that was gifted to her by her grandfather, along with his love of agriculture—extending a tradition of passing down generational knowledge of agricultural practices that Dr. Nelson carries on to this day. When she was a senior in high school, she sold that same herd to help pay for tuition at Oregon State, where she would continue her journey with agriculture education. For Nelson, the need for agriculture education has never been more apparent. It is where her heritage aligns with her passion, training up the next generation to be responsible, equitable, and competent ag professionals, just as she was trained. “We used to be an ag-based country,” she says. “But in a lot of ways, we’ve pushed ag aside. Many of our kids don’t know where their milk comes from, or where their food comes from, how it’s processed, the basics. Educating generally about our food supply and what it takes to grow as much food as we do in America is so important.”

This concern extends globally. According to a recent report by the United Nations, projections indicate that global food production will need to increase by over 60% by 2050. While the industry is poised for major growth in order to meet these demands, the need for competent and ethical agriculture professionals is paramount—with longterm sustainability at the forefront of current and future concerns. For Dr. Nelson, education is the front line and where she hopes to play a role in changing the narrative, one student cohort at a time. “Getting a more comprehensive group of new generation students that understand ag and can educate others is vital,” she says. Set to launch officially in Fall of 2022, Corban’s agriculture science undergraduate degree will give students the opportunity to prepare for careers as ag professionals, growing their knowledge in a uniquely faith-based setting, nestled within the richly biodiverse region of the Mid-Willamette Valley. The University plans to launch the agriculture science program with an initial cohort of 20 full-time students, with additional plans to expand the program in coming years to meet industry demands. To support this growth, Corban

also intends to build new science laboratories. Fundraising for these new facilities and the program launch is already off to a strong start. “We are excited to announce that we have received our first major commitment of $1.0 million from Plant Sciences, one of our Ag Advisory Team members and strong supporters,” says Senior Development Officer, Scott Sherman. Read the full story at:

New Director of Agriculture Science, Dr. Susie Nelson

CORBAN COFFEE CLUB PERKS ARE HERE: JOIN TODAY TO GET YOURS As we begin a new year of education and spiritual growth on Corban's campus, would you consider investing in the next generation, becoming part of a growing circle of monthly Corban Fund donors? The first pool of Corban Coffee Club members received their membership benefits at the end of August, and it’s not too late to enjoy your own custom handmade mug and a taste of our unique Ugandan and Indonesian coffee blend, specifically handcrafted and roasted with care by Conversatio Coffee Roasters. Join in on the goodness while supplies last. The Corban Coffee Club allows us to build stability through regular monthly contributions to the Corban Fund, the engine that drives the student experience at Corban University through scholarships, academic resources, and programs. Your commitment to the Coffee Club allows even more individuals to realize their dream of a quality, biblicallyfocused education. Become a key member of our team today. For more details, visit:



Students gather in the Psalm Center Plaza after Convocation on August 25.

CONVOCATION 2021: CHRIST ALONE With Corban’s campus finally buzzing with the energy of arriving students, the last summer air filled with the familiar skirl of convocation bagpipes, it was a simple chorus of voices, offered up in spontaneity, that would come to punctuate the week.

testimonies, and pledges, was the simple, unplanned act of the student body that culminated the event. As the music died and the pageantry began disassembling, the chapel full of students turned to face one another in an act of solidarity with the senior class leading the call to lift up their voices to sing Thomas Ken’s popular 17th-century doxology. In the soft unison of a simple melody, the student body carried on a tradition that has endured cataclysms, outlived nations, and lasted through the generations, and their song reminded us of the life-giving truth that the Church of Christ will endure through any trial because of the unifying, transformative power of Christ alone.

United again, Corban students gathered in the Psalm Center for Convocation. From the opening of the ceremony, this year’s theme became clear—“Christ Alone.” It was made manifest in President Nord’s address, as he reminded students and staff of the unifying reassurance of John 1:3. It echoed through student body president Tobi Adeoye’s heartfelt message of how the desperation of the pandemic months brought the unexpected blessing of a rich reliance on God and her community. It took center stage in Professor McGinnis’ keynote speech, where she emphasized the power of Christ to transform a community.

“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.”

But louder than the shofar, bagpipes, and worship, and perhaps more profound than the messages,

Read the full story here:


Korwa now has access to some of the most influential figures in Indonesian politics. “Every day, I am meeting the ministers and leaders between Indonesia and America and learning by asking questions,” he says. "I’m building a network for the future, to one day help Papua, and I think that is the most important thing for me here.”

Korwa Wanimbo inside the U.S. Capitol building.

For Korwa, the drive behind his desire to lead ultimately comes from a love for his people. “I want to see leadership skills grow in my generation in Papua,” he says. “Corban’s mission is to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ,” he says. “So, when I came out to do my internship, I knew I had to bring something to Washington to make a difference to people around me through my work, and then to bring something back home to Papua, all for God’s glory.” To read the full story, visit:

INTRODUCING PIONEER COLLEGE CATERERS Beginning in July, Pioneer College Caterers (PCC) took over as the new food service provider for Corban University. PCC’s offerings include a variety of high quality food options, new featured food stations such as burrito bowls and an outdoor grill, and a registered dietician on hand to discuss dietary restrictions and concerns with students and staff.

On Oct. 22 at 7:30pm, the Corban Music Department will hold a free concert showcasing the broad spectrum of musical talents across its performing groups—band, orchestra, and choir. This event offers something for any lover of music. Doors will open for seating 30 minutes prior to the start of the showcase. For more information, visit:

FALL PLAY: REMEMBER MY NAME Corban Theatre’s fall play will officially open with a matinee on Nov. 11, with in-person and virtual tickets available for purchase beginning Oct. 1. The acclaimed drama, Remember My Name, directed by Tamara McGinnis, follows the story of a young girl's survival in war–torn France and the bravery of those who risk their lives to protect her. For additional information and to purchase your tickets, visit:


When Korwa Wanimbo landed in Washington, D.C., it was instant culture shock. “The first time I arrived in the airport, I was like, ‘Really?’” he remembers. “I come from a very small town and all of the sudden I was in a big city.” As a select student, chosen by the Papuan government to study in the United States with the hopes of returning to make a difference in Papua, he used his time at Corban to develop his political acumen while cultivating a multicultural framework for future service through politics. After graduating with a degree in Political Science in May of 2021, Korwa continued to excel, securing a highly competitive and prestigious internship with the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, D.C.


“I have really enjoyed the new dining hall experience,” says student Aimee Sygney. “The expanded options, longer hours, and great quality have all impressed me. My favorite addition by far is the baked pasta at the pizza station.”

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From Sept. 27 to Oct. 1, Corban University will be hosting its annual World Outreach Week. Full of incredible speakers sharing firsthand experience of their work and ministry across the globe, this year's theme, "The Changing Face of World Missions," aims to both inform and inspire. For more information, visit:

REGISTER FOR THE GOLDEN GRAD REUNION Plans continue to move forward for the Golden Grad reunion in October, honoring members of the classes of ‘70 and ‘71. Former Golden Grads are also invited to the Saturday brunch on October 9. We will continue to keep our registrants informed of any changes occurring due to COVID. Please don’t hesitate to reach Shirley Turner by email if you have questions or need registration support: For full event details and to register today, visit:

REACH OUT TO US Do you have something you would like to see featured in an upcoming issue? Let us know at, by email at, or by mail. | 5000 Deer Park Dr. SE, Salem, OR 97317


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