Corban Connection - January - February 2022

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NOTE FROM THE PRESIDENT C. S. Lewis wrote: “Now there are a good many things which would not be worth bothering about if I were going to live only seventy years, but which I had better bother about very seriously if I am going to live forever.” Eternal consequences shape how we provide education, how we live our lives, and how we do business around the globe. In Scripture we find in Jesus a man who lived in light of eternity, but not at the expense of the present. He did not dismiss physical human needs because they were somehow irrelevant in the grand scheme of living forever. No, He himself had physical needs and He gladly met those of the people around Him. He satisfied hunger pangs, and not just spiritual ones, but physical ones that actually gnaw at our gut. Jesus does not belittle us for being human; He challenges us to be fully present as we also pursue a life that will last into eternity. At Corban, we aim to teach our students to live like Christ did. We want to train future professionals who fulfill the dual role of attending to the physical and material needs of those around them while also fixing their eyes on the power and price of eternity. As we enter this new year, we ask you to pray for Corban that we may continue to pour into our students as Christ did, equipping them to flourish in both their everyday material lives and their spiritual walks with God. To Christ be all Glory,


Sheldon C. Nord, Ph.D. President

Left to right: Ruthie LaFreniere, Shirley Turner (Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations), and Mary Smith

ALUMNA DONOR PAVES THE WAY FOR $114,482 DONATED DURING CORBAN GIVING TUESDAY Ruthie LaFreniere walks slowly through the front lobby of Schimmel Hall, guided by her sister Mary. Progressing down the hallway, the two sisters point out the changes to the building and reminisce about the many people and past University presidents it has held throughout the years.

to help encourage others to give toward student scholarship support before the end of the year. Less than a week after that prayer meeting, Ruthie came to them, committed to giving $50,000, not knowing that she represented the living embodiment of answered prayer.

Ruthie and Mary have been part of Corban since before it was Corban. They were both students during the infancy of the University, at Western Baptist Bible College in El Cerrito, California, eventually moving with the school to its Salem location. And their Corban roots stretch back to their childhood.

“We were so excited about how God knit together all of these details,” says Director of Annual Giving, Shirley Turner, “the heart of a donor with the desires and prayers of our team here at Corban University.” The plan was fully realized on Ruthie’s 79th birthday.

Ruthie recalls “marrying” former University President, Dr. David Miller, in their garage in the fifth grade. Mary led the service. And the two remember playing with Tim and Jim Hills as children, “Timmy and Jimmy,” as Ruthie refers to them. “Growing up, when it came to money, we were poor,” she recalls. “But we were rich in so many other things.” Ruthie, who first arrived at Corban back in 1960, remembers stepping out of school twice because of finances, before eventually graduating in 1967. “Hearing that this money is going to be used as a match for scholarships was just awesome to me,” she says. “Because I never would’ve made it through here if I hadn’t had scholarship support.”

Her gift was the exact amount needed to spur donors on to the goal of raising $100,000 toward student scholarship support for Corban Giving Tuesday. By November 30, the day of the event, Ruthie’s sacrificial gift had encouraged the giving of so many others like her that the team surpassed their ambitious goal, raising $114,482 in support of student scholarships. Scan the code to read the full story.

But the plan for Ruthie’s gift began as a prayer. Prior to her decision to step out in generosity, Corban’s Advancement team had been praying for a committed donor who could initiate a matching gift opportunity


Our goal for this newsletter has always been to inform, inspire, and invite. Which is why we would love to hear from you. Do you have an exciting alumni update to share? A new cause to feature? Or do you want to provide feedback on what you would like to see more of in this next year of Corban Connection? Let us know by emailing to provide feedback and tell us about the impactful and exciting things Corban alumni are doing in your community.

To read the full versions of all articles, scan this QR code.


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It’s been over a year of exciting news, bold University updates, and heartfelt alumni stories from the Corban Connection newsletter. We’ve seen a new and vitally needed Outdoor Athletic Complex come to fruition, witnessed the birth of Corban’s Agriculture Science program, and been touched by so many stories of the incredible impact our alumni are having in our communities and around the world.


Reshape Your Future Alumni Scholarship Alumni Connections Counseling Firm of Corban Grads Makes an Impact Coloring Pages


Giving in Her Own Words OAC Takes Shape and Nears Completion Corban Coffee Club Corban Parent Corner


Live Performances Return to Campus Corban Athletics Offers Free Admission for Alumni Events

Left to right: Erik Denton, Amber Sirstad, Janda Grigsby, Tatiana Adams, Minette Bennett, and Lucas Pitman

RESHAPE YOUR FUTURE WITH A GRAD DEGREE If you are ready to take that next step in your career, or are looking to discover a new professional passion, Corban graduate programs have you covered. With flexible timelines designed to work around your existing, unique set of responsibilities, our programs are the perfect place to begin your new career future.

One-Year Online Graduate Programs Master of Business Administration Master of Business Intelligence & Analytics Master of Leadership in Kinesiology Master of Public Administration Master of Public Safety Administration

Additional Graduate Programs Graduate Teacher Licensure Master of Arts in Christian Leadership Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Master of Divinity Master of Science in Education

Post-Graduate Programs Doctor of Ministry in Strategic Leadership

ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP Graduate students who have previously completed any undergraduate, licensure, or other graduate program at Corban University, Western Baptist College, or Northwest Baptist Seminary are eligible for the Alumni Scholarship. This scholarship will cover 20% of tuition costs for your Corban University graduate program.


COUNSELING CLINIC OF CORBAN GRADS MAKES AN IMPACT WHILE PREPARING THE NEXT GENERATION “The secret for our success is just flat-out God,” says Erik Denton, a professional clinical counselor and co-founder of Empowering Choices Counseling and Consultation in Salem, Oregon. Erik and his team’s journey to success didn’t happen overnight. It was measured, requiring patience and bathed in prayer—much like the approach of the services they now offer to so many in the Willamette Valley. Erik’s idea to start Empowering Choices was born at Corban University, where he and several of his now colleagues and co-founders were completing their master’s degrees in clinical counseling. “We are a clinic that started out as just three Corban University graduate students back in 2014,” fellow co-founder and professional counselor associate, Janda Grigsby, remembers. Driven by a desire to meet the unmet emotional and mental health needs they had observed in their community, they decided to step out in faith and start their new practice. Since then, Empowering Choices has been serving the growing needs of the community. “There’s always been a need for God to fill the void within us,” Denton says. “Often times we don’t know how to work ourselves out of habitual problems.” For every counselor at the clinic, the focus continually comes back to the client and putting their needs first. “My time at Corban prepared me to work in the field as a Christian who is a professional counselor,” says Grigsby. For fellow co-founder and counselor, Amber Sirstad, it was through Corban that she first cultivated her passion for specializing in suicide prevention and crisis

work. “Because of Corban, I was able to work at the Washington County Jail for my internship,” she says. “That was the best 13 months of my life. It provided me a fantastic foundation for crisis work, which led me to doing suicide prevention.” And just as Corban helped to shape and mold so many of the counselors at Empowering Choices, they are returning the favor and continuing the training of competent, ethical counseling professionals who are Christians. “Corban trained us. We can help further that training,” Denton says. As a clinical training site, Empowering Choices frequently takes on and trains graduate counseling interns from Corban University, among other schools. “Nobody else is doing some of the key fundamental training pieces that Corban is doing,” Denton observes. “The Corban students come in much more confident and comfortable with what they’re about to do in the counseling room.” As a result of this partnership, the impact Corban students are able to have in their community, through their direct field of study, has continued to expand, in turn allowing more clients to seek and secure the healing and recovery they so desperately need. “It’s exhilarating to be able to watch people heal and grow.” Denton says. “When that happens, it’s all God. We get to experience that joy and happiness that is a part of seeing people come in and walk away changed.” Scan the QR code to read the full story.




Help Cadmar find his way to the clocktower!


Use the grid to help you copy Cadmar. Then color!

Alumni Page: Corban University/Western Baptist Visit our page for University updates and event information. Alumni Group: Corban University/Western Baptist Join our alumni group for more relational involvement within our alumni community. INSTAGRAM: @corbanuniversity LINKEDIN: Corban University



Email to share updates such as name changes, marriages, obituaries, or special acknowledgments for yourself, or fellow alumni (that are deemed public information). Do you have questions about transcript or diploma requests, course descriptions, or faculty information? Contact:


NEW CORBAN COLORING PAGES AVAILABLE They’re back by popular demand. Corban coloring pages combine the whimsy of childhood with some of your favorite Corban sights and scenes. Available for download on our alumni page using the QR code, these activities point to meaningful and fun

features of Corban campus life. We hope you’ll enjoy these and share them with the kids and college–bound students in your life. Suitable for ages 1 to 101.


Deanna Gardiner-Garcia

Deanna GardinerGarcia is a lifelong friend and supporter of Corban University. A graduate of the class of 1963, Deanna has been a faithful donor for many years and has served on the board since 2015. Here is her experience with The Giving Crowd (TGC), in her own words.

“I have been talking with TGC for several years. Their ministry has enabled me to donate in a much more tax efficient manner. My CPA, trust attorney, and

financial advisors never gave me advice on the best ways to give. I thought my estate plan was complete, but I found out there was a much better way to give. Rather than writing out a check where I had paid taxes already, I was able to give an appreciated asset to Corban. Had I sold the asset first, it would have been a much smaller donation because I would have first had to pay the capital gains tax. By giving an asset, I have the joy of seeing Kingdom work unfolding in my lifetime. Giving appreciated assets or stocks is much more beneficial to the donor and the recipient because the donor receives increased tax deductions and more funds. Tax contribution amounts in excess of the allowed tax limit can be carried forward for five years.

At Corban we often ask for cash to support our mission. For many families, the cash they have represents 9% of their financial worth, but their assets, life insurance, and IRA equals 91%. So, we’re often asking from the 9% wallet, when we could be encouraging gifts out of the 91% wallet. I encourage everyone to take the time to learn more about TGC and how it can impact not only Corban, but you as well. I have experienced the added personal benefit of being a wise steward of my funds and changing lives for Jesus Christ.” – Deanna GardinerGarcia ’63, Corban University Board Member Contact co-founder and CEO of The Giving Crowd, Richard Blackmon, at or 214-316-0383.

CORBAN'S OUTDOOR ATHLETIC COMPLEX TAKES SHAPE AND NEARS COMPLETION Corban’s new Outdoor Athletic Complex is beginning to take shape and nearing the completion of its initial phase. After months of excavation, drainage amendment, leveling, and foundational work, the site has seen some major installations in the fall and winter months, with even more expected this spring. The most notable addition is the installation of Corban’s new turf playing field and scoreboard, a major step in the project timeline. While the surface is fully installed and playable, access will still remain limited until the completion of the overall construction project, according to Corban University Project Manager, Troy Croff. Groundwork has also been laid for the University’s new track, but the installation of the track surface itself will wait until spring, when a patch of consistently dry weather is more likely, allowing the surface to cure properly after installation. While plans for the track are on hold, many other vital improvements and additions are moving forward. “We will be moving forward with curbs, driveways, sidewalks, fencing, irrigation and landscaping, and track features like the steeplechase pit, discus cage, long jump pits and other pieces,” says Croff. “January should be a big month for more progress as we anticipate many of these pieces going into place as well as our field lighting.” The construction crew was also able to install a gravel path connecting the complex to the main university campus and the townhouses that sit at the campus’ northern-most end. According to Croff, this improvement has been a long time coming and should increase safety for townhouse residents as they walk to the main campus. Winter and spring will also signal major phases of landscaping, spearheaded by Cameron McCarthy Landscape Architects. “We brought on Cameron McCarthy Landscape Architects early on, and they have been invaluable in providing input and design ideas that will make this complex function extremely well for us,” says Croff. “This project has been a lot of fun, collaborating with Athletics, our architect and civil engineer, K & E Excavation, and other contractors and vendors.” Scan this code to discover more and partner with us today.



Join our growing circle of monthly donors today by becoming a Corban Coffee Club member. With a minimum monthly commitment of $25 to the Corban Fund, each year you will receive one of our handcrafted mugs and a taste of our exclusive Corban coffee blend. Just as we know that coffee can often fuel our mornings, this fund is critical to our success, providing scholarships, academic resources, and support for staff, faculty, and student programming. Join today and you'll be drinking Corban coffee from your new mug within two weeks of your first gift.

At Corban, community matters. Which is why we are excited to offer new ways for our Corban parents to experience broader connection and deeper relationships with the University and a growing network of other parents. Scan the QR code to discover more and to sign up for new opportunities like our Praying Parents Zoom Group, Corban Parent Facebook Group, and the Parent/Family Care Package Team.


EVENTS SCHOLARSHIP LUNCHEON On Tuesday, February 22, 2022, Corban University will be hosting its annual Scholarship Luncheon, an event dedicated to making high-quality, gospel-driven education an affordable reality for tomorrow’s leaders. Members of the Corban University Concert Choir singing carols during “Christmas at Corban”

LIVE PERFORMANCES RETURN TO CAMPUS After a difficult year for Corban’s performing arts departments, the University was thrilled to once again offer live, on-campus entertainment to the community. Beginning in the fall, Corban saw the return of live audiences as the Corban Theatre Department presented its production of Remember My Name. The story of a young Jewish girl’s survival in wartime France, this heartfelt drama both entertained and inspired. “It was such an incredible blessing to be able to perform in front of a live audience again,” says Corban Theatre member, Amber Davis, who played the role of Marie-Thérèse Barbière. “It made the experience so much more meaningful and enjoyable.” The same could be said for members of Corban’s band, choir, and orchestra as they took the stage for “Christmas at Corban,” delighting a packed Psalm Center with a repertoire of sacred music that highlighted the significance and sanctity of the season. “The community aspect of live music is vitally important, especially at Christmas,” says Associate Professor of Music and Music Program Director, Dr. Mark Stanek. “The Christmas message put to music is always impactful.”

Guests will hear stories of impact and transformation from Corban students and be invited to make a gift to help make a Corban education possible for students. This event is by invite only. If you are interested in attending, please email

President Sheldon Nord and Dr. Mark Stanek

HYMN FEST 2022 Amber Davis and Jasmin Lee

Left to right: Deborah Makinster, Quinn Coomer, Amber Davis, and Jasmin Lee

On Friday, February 11, beginning at 7:30p.m., and on Saturday, February 12, beginning at 2:00p.m., the Corban University Music Department is bringing back Hymn Fest, a time for the community to join with Corban’s music ensembles to worship through prayer, the reading of psalms, and the singing of hymns. The event will be held on campus, in the Psalm Center, and is free and open to the public. To reserve your free seat, simply scan the QR code to let us know you’re coming. Doors will open for seating half an hour before the concert.

FUSION ART SHOW This year’s Fusion Art Show, an annual collaboration of student poets and visual artists, will take place on February 15 in the Psalm Center, with readings beginning at 7p.m. This year’s theme, “Scraps of Sky,” aims to delight and inspire while showcasing the incredible talents of our students. (Left) Corban's volleyball team celebrates another CCC Championship. (Right) Psalm Maduakor drives toward the hoop.

CORBAN ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT OFFERS FREE ADMISSION FOR UNIVERSITY ALUMNI The Office of Alumni Relations and Athletics are teaming up to offer Corban alumni free access to home games! After a season of limited attendance at Corban athletic events, the departments are excited to welcome alumni back to campus to cheer on our teams through this exciting new initiative. Even in less than ideal circumstances, this past year has brought incredible success to our Corban teams. Our women’s volleyball team just completed an historic season, going 30-3—the best record in program history. Additionally, the Warriors finished no.11 in the NAIA postseason poll after earning a trip to the NAIA National Quarterfinals. On the men’s side, Corban’s men’s basketball team is looking to build off of last year’s impressive spring season that saw them win the Cascade Collegiate

Conference outright under first year head coach, Taylor Kelly. Now is the perfect time to support both our men’s and women’s teams as they seek success on the hardcourt. To take advantage of this opportunity for free admission to all Corban home games for every sport, scan the QR code provided here and complete the required form. Your alumni card for free admittance to home games will be available for you to pickup at the C.E. Jeffers Sports Center within two weeks of your form submission. We are asking alumni to cover the one-time $5 fee that will ensure the creation of your alumni card. Cards will be required for entry beginning February 1, 2022.

To read the full versions of all articles, scan this QR code.

REACH OUT TO US Do you have something you would like to see featured in an upcoming issue? Let us know by email at, or by mail. | 5000 Deer Park Dr. SE, Salem, OR 97317


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