Young And Successful Entrepreneurs Who Prove That Age Is
Nothing But A Number Self-employment has been blossoming over the past decade. In this age of internet and technology, people are now more confident to try and sell their ideas and hit the road to success. With even the basic skills like knowing how to create a website[1] or marketing products online, people can reach out to the world and showcase their talent.
study conducted in the year 2015 revealed that about 14% of the total working population in the U.S. was into running a business of their own and we all know that the numbers have been growing since then. Each day while we drive, when we shower or go through a boring lecture, our minds come up with some of the most intriguing ideas that can potentially become big business plans, but we tend to ignore them as we are never looking to make anything out of it. Our brains are idea machines, but only a few of us go ahead to make these ideas big. One of the most common complaints of the people who bloom late and succeed in the later ages of their lives is that they didn’t dare enough to sell their ideas sooner. Ironically, one of the most common excuses among the youth is that they are not old enough to start their own business. It is never too early or late to become successful in your life. You can begin the journey to becoming an achiever at any age, and the young entrepreneurs in the list below will just prove this to you.
Of course, Mark Zuckerberg must be at the top of this list. Facebook speaks for all the success the man has achieved by launching it when he was only 19 years old. Within a few years of its launch, Facebook became one of the most used social media platforms across the world. Today, Facebook continues to grow and employ thousands of people. An inspiration to a countless number of people, Zuckerberg is estimated to be worth 61.7 billion USD today and continues to progress as an entrepreneur.
In the year 2005, Matthew founded the company Automattic which later proved instrumental in the creation of WordPress before he was even twenty. WordPress is one of the leading Content Management Systems out there in the market making it the most used platform for blogging. Who would have thought that a college dropout will take the world by the storm with a simple idea of hosting a blogging platform? The net worth of Matthew Mullenweg today is 40 Million USD.