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It’s Right To Be Back
Humankind finds itself at a kind of tipping point as a result of the tectonic shifts caused by the rapid development of artificial intelligence. Many industries will have to adapt to new trends
To find out how the PR industry envisages its “collaboration” with artificial intelligence and whether a good worker can be replaced by a computer system, we spoke with Miljan Perović, new Client Service Director at PR agency Right.

You’ve returned to PR agency Right, this time in the position of client service director. What does your return to the agency mean to you and do you see it as the start of a new era or the continuation of something launched previously?
This is definitely a new start for me, first and foremost because I’m no longer in an account position responsible for leading a certain number of clients in the agency, but rather an exceptionally responsible role that requires dedication, knowledge and skills, but also daily communication with all clients, in order to understand and fulfil their requirements in the best possible way. I’ve spent almost an entire decade working in the communications field, and during that time I’ve had an opportunity to find myself at the epicentre of the entire palette of situations brought by this dynamic job, and I consider this as being the ideal juncture to stride forward in my career and to do so precisely with this kind of leadership position, in the very place where I began my career in the PR industry eight years ago. I would also like to add that it is an honour and a pleasure for me that such fresh beginnings are happening in the year that sees agency Right celebrate an important jubilee in the form of its 20th anniversary.
Many industries fear the rapid development of artificial intelligence, which is predicted to consign many professions to oblivion.
How do you see AI in the scope of the PR industry; as a threat or an opportunity?
We are witnessing a major revolution when it comes to the future of numerous professions that could potentially be threatened by artificial intelligence. However, I con- sider that AI should be viewed as an ally, not an adversary. One can initially get the impression that artificial intelligence will “upset the apple cart” in the PR industry, primarily because of AI’s ability to articulate meaningful texts, which can be used for direct marketing to the public practically without major corrections. And when I say “major corrections” I’m primarily referring to the aspect that AI does not possess, at least not yet, and that relates to emotions. Humans are emotional beings, and as such create messages based on emotional experiences, and are much better able to assess what kind of emotion they should induce in a certain target group than artificial intelligence. My view is that people in the PR industry now have a new tool at their disposal and that they can exploit its potential in a very wise way, achieving impressive results and establishing new global market trends through adequate “cooperation” with artificial intelligence.
What do you consider as being a PR agency’s most important resource?
I believe that employees represent the backbone in all industries, not just PR. They form the core of every organisation and – with their skills, knowhow, energy and dedication – achieve results that ultimately lead to a company’s success. I am not an advocate of the notion that every worker is replaceable, and testifying to that is the current state of the market, where real battles are being fought over high-quality candidates. That’s why I consider it essential to constantly nurture and motivate high-quality workers in such a way that they feel a sense of belonging and appreciation for their contribution to the company’s success.