A STABLE BANKING SECTOR Crisis situations show best that Serbia definitely needs its Association of Banks, an organisation that performs important work for banks and the entire financial system. This has been the case for the past 100 years of the Association's existence, and will remain so in the future
tating with optimism that events in Ukraine cannot lead to great risk for our banks, Vladimir Vasić, Secretary General of the Association of Serbian Banks, spoke to CorD Magazine about inflation, the indebtedness of individuals and industry, the consolidation of the banking sector and other topics. You recently stated that the quality of service provided by banks in Serbia and the overall stability of the banking system are at a very high level. How resilient are our banks to external, global influences? - If anyone thinks they can be resilient to global events today, they are definitely
Inflation is a consequence of rising fuel prices and broken global supply chains, which no central bank can currently influence mistaken. Globalisation is a process that has long taken hold of all segments of life and no one, including Serbia and, therefore, the banking system in Serbia, is completely beyond the influence of the global market. This is a general view, but if the real question is whether our banks are in danger or at a greater risk due to events in Ukraine and beyond, then the answer is negative. This is firstly because the banking system confirmed its satisfactory capitalisation and stability during the pandemic. Furthermore, banks are savings and loan organisations, the money they have at their disposal is the money of Serbian clients, and is not even directly tied to the international owner, let
Financial Sector Serbia 2022