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Bureau Veritas is a leading company specialised in international certification, verification and testing that was founded in 1828 in Paris and opened its office in Serbia in 2005. It operates today in more than 140 countries, employing 77,000 experts in more than 1,400 offices and 330 laboratories

Companies in Serbia have recognised the value and environmental protection and social responsibility? importance of harmonising with criteria related to - The industrial sector is largely harmonised with EU regula quality, safety, environmental protection, energy tions and standards, because Serbia is adopting EU standards efficiency and social responsibility, because that is in their original form, thus avoiding the creation of “technical an indicator of their strength. ambiguities” during the interpretation of standards. In agricul ture and the food industry, standards and guidelines are largely Are all your services designed on the basis of the specific aligned with EU regulations when it comes to the quality and needs of clients, and who are they? safety of food. Our cereals and food industry products are - Bureau Veritas provides the following services: certification exported and have their place on EU markets. In addition to of management systems, testing, inspection and certification them, engineering and software companies have a large pres of products, process quality assurance for industrial facilities ence, as do service activities, but we have long had clients in and equipment, inspections of construc tion facilities and equipment, as well as Our clients are both almost all areas of the economy. inspections and laboratory testing. Services are always tailored to a specific activity and tee specific needs multinational and local companies, as well as small How does the fact that a company has all the necessary certificates and all the envisaged quality standards impact on of clients, in terms of the added value that they expect. That’s why we also help clients with training, which is spe and medium-sized enterprises, and we also provide services its competitiveness? - Certification is a way for our clients to show that their management systems are cially created according to the specific to state institutions harmonised with internationally recog characteristics of their business. Our nised standards, i.e. with good business auditors, inspectors and lecturers have extensive knowledge practice. Certification always means a greater competitive and experience in the field of our clients’ businesses - choos advantage, because it demonstrates the willingness of a company ing the right people, professional and experienced, is very to invest in better business, showing the company’s strength and important for the successful provision of services. its clear commitment to continuous improvements.


Testifying to how much we care about the needs of our There are several important certificates that ensre easier clients is the new service - Restart your business. It was devel entry into some markets, as well as excellent competitive oped as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in order to provide ness. Here we are primarily referring to certificates from confirmation that a client has taken all preventative measures GFSI programmes (IFS, FSSC 22000, BRC, GLOBALG.A.P.), IP and thus ensured a safe and healthy business environment. Programmes and ISCC certificates, and more recently Danube Soybean certificates. Certification is not only a recognition Which industries are harmonised with EU regulations and given by an independent certification house, but also leads to standards to the greatest extent? In which industries do you better operational and financial results through the constant see the most respect for criteria related to quality, safety, improving of processes in an organisation.

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