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The Kučevo Health Centre has received an ultrasound machine, an analogue mammogram screener and a device for digitalising X-ray images. This new medical equipment, with a total value of 81,900 euros, will enable more accurate diagnostics and thus the more successful treatment of patients

The Government of Japan will continue to provide assistance to cater for the basic needs of the popu lation to the benefit of all citizens of Serbia, said Kučevo municipal president Vladimir Stojanović, speaking at the official presenting of the donation, adding that he hopes that the already good relations between the two countries will be even better in the future. The project to improve healthcare in Serbia that’s being conducted by the Government of Japan also encompass es your small municipality. The donation was intended exclusively for the Kučevo Health Centre? - The donation from the Government of Japan was intended for the Kučevo Health Centre and had the aim of im proving the quality of work and diagnostics, but also the availability of diagnostic services to patients in our municipality. Thanks to this donation, patients from the territory of Kučevo municipality no longer have to travel to larger centres to complete individual examinations. To what extent have the ultrasound machine, analogue mammogram screener and X-ray image digitalisation de vice – worth a combined total of €81,690 – raised the quality of health services for citizens of Kučevo? - The introduction of the analogue mammogram screener will enable regular screening for malignant breast tumours among women of a certain age, as well as control of previ ously diagnosed diseases. Waiting times for imaging will be reduced to a minimum, which is very important for early diagnosis and continued treatment.


The ultrasound device is mainly included in diagnostic and control examinations of women and pregnant women, which was previously hindered due to the age of the existing device. Moreover, the ultrasound machine is also used to diagnose other conditions and diseases. The device for digi talising analogue images has advanced the X-ray and mammography system, as images are faster, more precise and easier to read. Apart from that, this donation has reduced the consumption of film and reagents used to develop analogue recordings. This isn’t the first donation to the Kučevo Health Centre? What did you previously receive from Japan? - This was the second donation to the Kučevo Health Centre, which confirms the success of the previous project to se cure an X-ray machine, a biochemical analyser and a water purification device. The Embassy of Japan donated an X-ray machine to the Kučevo Health Centre in 2012 that is still used in diagnostics today, as well as a biochemical device for the needs of the laboratory and diagnostic purposes in the laboratory. Thanks to donations from the Embassy of Japan, the quality of health services at the Health Centre has been raised to a much higher level

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