Increasing Economy’s Competitiveness Key To Resilience REMON ZAKARIA, EBRD Head of Office for Montenegro The EBRD stands ready to support Montenegro in its transition to a more resilient, greener and more digitalised economy. In doing so, it focuses strongly on providing support to the SME sector, which was hit hard by the crisis and needs to strengthen its operations
ontenegro’s economy is heavily dependent on tourism. This renders the economy particularly vulnerable to external shocks, as we saw last year - when the pandemic led to a strong contraction in economic growth. Today, the EBRD is focused strongly on helping Montenegro diversify its economy and profit from its natural resources. By strengthening private sector competitiveness, the EBRD is helping to diversify the country’s economy and thus reduce its reliance on seasonal tourism while improving the business environment. “We stand ready to support companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with measures that promote strengthened capacity, commercialisation and improved governance,” says Remon Zakaria, EBRD Head of Office for Montenegro.