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The end of the state-owned SDK and the restructuring of the banking sector enabled the introduction of electronic banking in the former Yugoslav republics. Halcom made an effort to fill this empty space with a quality product (Hal E-bank), which is one of the first ’cloud’ solutions in this region and beyond.

This product alone would not be enough if behind the company there were not people who have been doing their best for decades, so that customers have a high quality and secure service. At the time, PKI technology (reader and card) was a real little IT marvel of the crypto world.


Whether we admit it or not, informatics dominates the world. Recent events with In May this year Halcom celebrated its 30th anniversary. It was created in a turbulent period full of challenges and opportunities. The challenges have made it stronger and opportunities have given it a chance for the future. Today, three decades later, Halcom continues to raise the bar in line with the latest security standards in electronic banking

the still current Covid-19 pandemic have convinced us that we need computers and computer services even more in times of crisis. They allow us to work remotely, more efficiently and faster. The number of interactions between businesspeople in the cyber world has increased dramatically, so the usefulness of electronic identity has become more important.

At the end of 2020, Halcom was among the first in Serbia to register a ‘cloud’ certificate, HalcomOne: a combination of a legally valid means of identification and a signature, legally the equivalent of a handwritten signature, and easy to use in the form of an application on a mobile phone. HalcomOne is designed to meet all legal and security standards, while providing both the electronic service provider and end user with full flexibility and ease of use.

The banking sector, which is the focus of Halcom's business, has traditionally been at the forefront of introducing digital services. The HalcomOne solution has already been implemented in several banks that provide their clients with almost complete banking operations in digital form, starting from the first account opening, to contracting all types of credit and related services, but also daily communication with the bank.

In addition to banks, a growing number of businesses have recently turned to ecommerce, even in sectors that until recently were conservative and based their business on traditional ways. The two years of the pandemic, which set the condition for the transition to digital ways of doing business in order to survive on the market and continue doing business in ‘new normal’ circumstances, also contributed to this.

HalcomOne cloud certification can be easily and quickly integrated with any service or solution, so in this sense the digitalisation of business is much easier for those companies whose focus is not information technology and who have no experience in implementing complex electronic services.

HalcomOne cloud certification can be easily and quickly integrated with any service or solution

By recognising complementary services and networking with other market innovators, we strive to create an ecosystem of digital services that operate through remote access to the service centre. In this way, the users of our services can quickly and easily start using the solution for their own needs, but also for the needs of their clients, without large investments in infrastructure. By using the infrastructure in the safe environment of Halcom, all our clients can relax when it comes to the stability and availability of the service, but also the most modern security and regulatory standards of the European Union.

We can proudly point out that, by providing innovative solutions for both banks and other companies, Halcom helps reduce operating costs, increase revenues and generate faster economic growth in Serbia and the region, which will remain Halcom's focus in the years to come.

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